Things Dont Always Turn Out That Way

By Sweet Music

Published on Dec 31, 2001


Okey Dokey, here we go again. As it was the first time, the same things apply now. No I do not know Lance or Justin or any of the other guys or Britney or any one in this story's sexuality. Although I wish I knew them I don't. Oh well. And if you're under 18 or this stuff is illegal in your area go away, or don't get caught. ;) And Please don't steal my work. I work hard on this.

Now, the fun stuff.

And the Punch Line is... By Pandora

I wake up with a comfortable weight on my chest and the faint sound of a snore. Suddenly, last night comes rushing back to me. I remember the feel of him, his touch, his kisses, the way he made love to me. And how I swore to myself that I would tell him no more, and that I am for real this time, today. And I will stand my ground and not let myself be won over and seduced by him. Yeah right. The whole thing sounds great, but I know it'll never go through. He's like a drug; you just can't stay away.

I look down at him, the tiny ray of light that's crept in through the tiny crevasse in the curtains illuminates his every feature; his long face, his short buzzed hair, curls begging to spring to life, his golden eyelashes casting tiny shadows on his cheek. His mouth is slightly ajar and every so often a little snore will escape. He's so beautiful. Its nice to be able to wake up with him in my arms for once, but then he'll wake up, and leave and go back to her.

I sigh. I need a shower. Neither of us bothered to clean ourselves up last night so now dry semen covers both our stomachs. The boy sleeps like a rock so it should be no problem just wriggling out of his arms. But his arms are wrapped around me like a snake. Taking his left arm from around me I grip his shoulder gently and roll him onto his back. As quietly as I can I step out of bed and on to the plush carpet of my lavish hotel room. I stand and stretch, then I look back at him. He's still asleep. With a deep sigh I head to the bathroom. Once, I hear him sigh my name in his sleep shortly followed by a deep guttural moan. Oh, I really don't want to know what he's dreaming about. I probably dreamt the same thing.

Once in the bathroom, I don't even bother to look at my reflection. I don't want to see that look in my own eyes. That look, telling me just how stupid I am for letting him do that to me. So I just turn on the shower and let the sound of those tiny droplets hitting the porcelain tub drown out everything I'm thinking.

Every droplet of water is like a tiny finger, massaging the ache out of my muscles, the filth off my body, and attempting to wash away the remembrance of last night. But nothing can wash that away. Nothing can wash away the feel of his hands on me, his lips on mine, of him inside me, filling me completing me and somehow touching me deep enough to break what's left of my heart. But he stayed with me last night. He slept in my arms. Mine, not hers. That has to mean something. My heart swells at the thought that maybe he can love me "like that." Maybe there is hope. Maybe, even if things don't really ever turn out that way for me; maybe, just maybe. My heart is screaming at me again, telling me how stupid I'm being. How I'm setting myself up for more heartbreak. But I'm not listening. I'm still thinking that there is still hope, and now I'm pretending that the rushing water just droned out the sound of the door closing. And I'm pretending that those aren't tears running down my cheeks, just water from the shower head.

When I step out of the bathroom, once of those flimsy hotel towels wrapped around my waist, I'm really not disappointed not to see Justin sitting there, on the bed, where I left him. But I am shocked to see Joey sitting in the armchair by the window. He looks at me and shakes his head like he always does. I turn and busy myself with finding something to wear.

"You let him do it again, didn't you?" Joey is the only one who knows. I had to tell him, one night he found me crying like a baby in the back of the bus. That had been the night Justin had told me he couldn't love another guy "like that" and that it was "just sex" with us. I'd confessed everything to Joey. I'd told him how I felt about Justin, how we got started, how he kept telling me he loved her and I kept letting him come back. Joey had been supportive. He still is.

But to his question, I only nod. I hear him sigh. "Lance, you have got to quit letting him do this to you!"

"I know." I tell him meekly.

I really don't want to stand here and listen to Joey lecture me again about what Justin's doing to me. I already know what he's doing to me. So I grab my clothes and shut myself in the bath- room to get dressed.

When I come back out, Joey is still here, watching TV. I'm ready to go, I just need to brush my teeth.

"You know he's just playing with you." He says to me, his gaze never leaving the TV, as I pull on my shoes.

"I guess the joke's on me then." I mutter.

He stands and clicks off the TV. Grabbing my arm, almost too roughly, I haul me out of the chair and over to the door. I want to scream at him for just grabbing me like that, but he cuts off my words.

"Well, then, here's the punch line, Lance." He yanks open the door and pushes me into the hall.

There he is, standing there, with his arms around her. Her, not me. "I love you too, baby." We stepped out just in time to hear him say THAT. SEE! my brain and heart scream at me. And then he kisses her. Her, not me. Those same lips that last night covered my body and did wicked things to me. But his eyes never leave me. He's just staring at me while he kisses her. Her, not me. I can't take this. I storm down the hall, past them, to the stairs. I suddenly don't care that I didn't brush my teeth.

Viola! Part two. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Email me and let me know! Oh yeah, and to everyone who emailed me about the last part... THANK YOU!! Those emails put me in a good mood all day. I know this chapter is kinda short but I promise the story will pick up and you'll enjoy it. I hope. ;)

Email me:

Thanks for reading! Pandora

Next: Chapter 3

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