Things Dont Always Turn Out That Way

By Sweet Music

Published on Jan 3, 2002


The dreaded disclaimer: Do people really read these things anyway? Oh well. As always I don't know any of the celebrities in this story or their sexual preference. And if your too young to read this kind of stuff or this is illegal in your are go away or don't get caught. Well that was short and sweet. But that's how I like these things. Oh yeah, And don't steal my stories. I've worked hard on this. ;)

Now the fun starts...

A Little Fun of My Own By Pandora

Someone is shaking me. Very hard. Someone is gripping my shoulders and shaking me very hard. I recognize Joey's voice, "Get up, Lance!"

I blink owlishly up at him, then immediately close my eyes again. "I'm up, Joe, I'm up! Quit shaking me!"

"Then get up and get moving. We leave in fifteen minuets!" Usually this situation is completely different. Usually its me shaking Joey awake telling him to get a move on.

I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Joey keeps looking at me, then at the table, then at the bed, where I can still see where Britney slept. She must have gotten up and left earlier this morning.

"What are you doing on the couch?" He asks me, plopping down on the bed and flicking on the TV.

I start to move around the room, grabbing some clean clothes to wear. "Sleeping." I tell him.

I don't have to look at him to know that he just rolled his eyes at me. "I know you were sleeping. Why were you sleeping on the couch?"

" 'Cause, Brit slept in the bed." I tell him, gathering up my clothes and heading to the bathroom.

"Why the hell did Britney sleep here?" But I don't intend to answer his question right now. I walk into the bathroom, shut and lock the door, and turn on the shower to drown out any more questions he may have. He'll just have to wait.

We're on our way to the dance studio Wade has reserved for us. Joey keeps eyeing me. Justin is just openly staring at me, dark rings circle his eyes revealing that he got no sleep last night. JC is trying to talk to him, trying to get Justin to open up a little. But no, he just keeps staring at me with an almost sad look in his eyes. Much like the look Britney had given me last night. Is he upset about seeing me with Wade last night? I almost feel bad for doing what I did just to upset him. That look almost makes me want to pull him into my arms and tell him it didn't mean a thing. That he still has my heart, and I'll always be right here, waiting for him. But the car slows to a stop, and the door opens, and Wade is standing there smiling at us. that look of pure rage I saw in Justin's eyes comes back when he looks up at Wade. And with the way Justin nearly knocks him over as we step out of the car, I know this is going to be a very long tedious day.

Today, Justin's the one pissing everyone off, not me. I feel kind of bad for him and a little guilty thinking that I may have been the one to cause him all this trouble.

Wade is watching me in the mirrors as we dance, making me forget about Justin all over again. That naked lust is back in his eyes and there's an extra swing in his hips as he counts off the steps.

"Great guys!" He says brightly "Now y'all do it on your own." He's smiling at me again.

He starts up the stereo and the music to 'Pop' comes blaring out of the speakers. Really I'm sick of this song and this dance, but as Wade circles around us I can't help but move my own hips a little just to see his reaction. He's not watching US, he's watching me and even though he's making me a little nervous, the feel of his eyes burning into my body as I dance is turning me on. I feel like there are a thousand tiny men turning cartwheels in my stomach.

Just before the main dance sequence of the song, ya know right when Justin goes "Man, I'm tired of singing," I pull my T-shirt over my head and toss it behind me. In the mirrors I see Justin's eyes widen and he stumbles slightly. Wade's eyes are glued to my body. Jeez, I didn't think I was THAT good looking. Even Joey raises an eyebrow at me

As we stoop to the floor to do our little floor humping move, I shut my eyes and picture Wade under me. I see him wriggling as under me, moaning in pure pleasure as I thrust in and out of his sweet ass. This beautiful image almost makes me miss the next move. As I push myself up off the floor, Wade notices how aroused I'm getting, and now he raises an eyebrow at me and I boldly wink back at him. That rage is back in Justin's eyes. Joey looks like he wants to laugh.

When the song ends, Justin immediately straightens up and glares over at Wade. I'm a little afraid Justin might jump him. Instead he growls, "Are we done here, Wade?" The 'Wade' comes out more like an angry hiss. Everyone is now focused on Justin who looks like an angry snake ready to strike. Even Wade looks a little frightened.

"Yeah, you guys can go." He tells us.

As the guys gather up their stuff, I gather up my nerve and walk over to Wade, my shirt still on the floor. Justin watches me walk as he zips up his bags. "Come on, Lance." He hollers over to me.

"You guys go ahead." I tell him, "I've got to talk to Wade." Even though I remember that look Justin had in his eyes the whole way here, I can't help but remember the look I've seen in my own eyes for the past year and a half every time I've woken up naked, alone, and depressed, pining over what I couldn't have. So forgive me if I feel like being a bitch today.

Justin stands and throws his bag over his shoulder. Giving Wade one last glare he storms out the door. JC and Chris share a confused look, shrug and follow him out. Joey's laugh as he walks out the door after them. He winks at us both before closing the door. We're alone. I smile at Wade before I cross the floor and lock the large steel door to ensure that we stay alone. When I turn around Wade is smiling at me again. Until last night, I'd never noticed how sexy he really is.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me last night." Tell him, walking back across the room to where he stands.

"No problem," He shrugs. "But I kinda, I dunno, I kinda wish..." He trails off and looks at his shoes.

"You kinda wish what, Wade?" My voice sounds deeper the normal.

"I wish Justin wouldn't have shown up." He says quietly.


"Because." He looks back up at me, that sexy little smile is back on his lips.

There's only a small distance separating us which he closes by sliding his arms around my waist. His hands send bolts of erotic electricity through my body as they touch my bare skin. Now I'm harder for him then I was a moment ago and I know he can feel it.

"Because why?" I somehow manage to whisper.

"Because, with him there, I couldn't do this." He catches me off guard when he presses his lips to mine and slides his tongue into my mouth. I moan into his and wrap my are around his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hands slide down the waistband of my jogging pants to cup my ass. I didn't bother with any kind of underwear this morning, and now I'm glad I did. This seems to turn him on even more and the feel of his hands on my bare ass makes my erection even more unbearable in the confines of these pants. He pulls one hand off my ass and uses it to grab my dick through my pants.

"Let me take care of that for you." He mumbles into my lips. My only response is a deep moan.

With his strong arms still around me, he eases me onto the floor. He presses his lips to mine in another sweet crush. I tug at the hem of his T-shirt and he pulls away from me long enough to let me yank his shirt over his head and toss it aside. He kisses me again, his bare chest warm and comforting against my own. I can feel his rapid heartbeat against mine as well.

He straddles my hips and kisses his way down along my jawline. At the pulse point on my neck he stops and sucks lightly and vampiricaly at that point, I know he left a mark. I start to squirm wildly under him as he kisses his way down my collarbone, my pecs, stopping briefly to suck at each of my nipples. As he dips his tongue teasingly into my bellybutton I moan, wanting to feel that tongue elsewhere. He along the little trail of hair leading from my belly button down and hooks his thumbs in the waist of my pants and slowly, oh so painfully slowly, he slides them down off my hips. I lift my butt up off the floor so he call pull my pants down to my ankles. Impatiently I kick of my sneakers and he takes the pants completely off my body.

He wraps his hand around my now throbbing erection and works it slowly up and down. "You like that, Lance?" He asks me, his voice husky and full of lust.

"Oh God Yes!" I moan.

"You want more?" His hand quickens then slows its pace teasingly. I nod, at this moment, I simply cannot speak. "Tell me what you want, baby." He leans down and kisses me softly, "What do you want me to do?"

"God, Wade, Please," I manage, "Suck me, baby, please!"

He smiles and kisses me again before nestling himself between my legs. He licks the head of my cock and I moan, raising my hips begging for more. Taking his sweet time, he envelopes the head of my dick with his warm lips. I want to thrust deeper into his mouth but he holds my hips in place. Slowly he takes in more of me, sucking me and swirling his tongue around my dick. Slowly, again, he withdraws and then repeats the process. I fist my hands in his spiky hair as he starts to bob up and down on my cock, faster and faster each time. I moan louder and louder each time he goes back down to the base. In the mirrors lining the walls I see the reflection of us, of Wade bobbing up and down, of me wriggling under him, and a momentary flash of Justin with his sad eyes, watching us. I know the image isn't real, but for a moment I feel a little guilty about what I'm letting Wade do to me. I feel my orgasm start to build at my toes, running up my legs, spiraling up my spine, curling into my skull, washing over my torso, and settling in my groin.

I grasp Wade's hair tighter, "Oh God, Baby, I'm, I'm..." He withdraws slightly, his lips finding the head of my cock again, so as I erupt into his mouth, he takes it all in. I cry out, my voice echoing off the walls. My hands are still fisted into his hair as I look over at the mirrors. I see that sad image of Justin again, just watching me. In my head I hear his voice, "Is he as good as me Lance? Is he gonna make you give me up, for good this time?" I blink back the tears welling up in my eyes. Now is no time to be crying.

Wade crawls back up my body and kisses me, blocking that image of Justin I see in the mirrors. I can taste myself on his warm lips. He looks into my eyes and runs his hands through my hair. "You enjoy that?" He asks throatily.

I nod and raise my knee to the bulge in his jeans, "You need a little assistance here buddy?" I smile up at him. I my shock and amazement he shakes his head.

"This was all about you baby." He kisses me again, and leans his lips to my ear, "I just wanted to see how you tasted."

I don't believe him. But as he looks into my eyes I see the truth. God, no one has ever done something like that for me and not expected anything in return. Not even Justin. Now, why can I hear Justin crying in my head? His image is gone from the mirrors.

Wade helps me off the floor and we share another kiss. I can feel him watching me as I slide my pants back on and pull my sneakers back on my feet. I cross the room for my shirt and bend over to pick it up, I can feel Wade's eyes on my ass.

I turn back to him, he's smiling at me again, "Go on back to the hotel. I'll meet up with you later."

We share one last kiss before I walk out the door, hail a cab, and head back to the hotel. My mind reeling with a thousand different thoughts and emotions.

As I walk into the lobby of the hotel I see Joey, JC and Chris walking out. Joey gives me a look, like he knows what I just did, and winks at me.

"Hey Lance! We're heading out to meet Brit for dinner. Care to join us?" Chris asks.

"No, I'm beat you guys. I'm just gonna head up to my room and sleep." I look at the three of them. "Isn't Justin going with you."

JC rolls his eyes, "No, the J-man's being a pissy little diva for some reason." He jerks his thumb in the direction of the hotel bar "He's been in there since we got back. Check on him for me would ya?"

"Sure." I answer, feeling even more guilty at the thought I possibly drove Justin to drink, just like he's done to me so may times.

"Coo'! Then, we're out!" Chris says and they head to the door.

I'm set on the bar, set on righting any wrongs I've made with Justin, but Joey grabs my arm.

"Don't let him do it to you again Lance. You know he's gonna try and bat those big sad eyes at you to get you back into that bed. DON'T LET HIM." Joey tells me in a loud whisper.

"Don't worry Joe." I smile at him and pat him on the shoulder, "Go have fun and tell Brit I said Hi."

He sighs, shrugs and walks out the door after JC and Chris. I head back toward the bar.

When I walk through the doorway, I immediately see Justin sitting at the same spot behind the bar I'd been in only the night before. I take a deep breath and walk carefully over to him.

"Hey," I say to him as I slide into the seat Britney hand occupied last night.

"Hey," He whispers. He won't look at me, he just keeps staring into his glass. But from what I see from his profile, its obvious he's been crying. God, tell me I didn't do this to him.

"You ok?" I ask gently.

He looks at me sharply. He studies me closely. Now I can see his eyes, his gorgeous baby blues that I've always love are blood shot and puffy. I couldn't have done this to him, could I?

"You let him fuck you didn't you?" He growls low in his throat so only I can hear him.

"What?" What the hell kind of response to 'are you ok' is that?

"You did. I know that look in your eye Lance." He leans closer to me and I can smell the liquor on his breath, "I've PUT that look in your eye. You guys fucked didn't you?"

Right now, I don't care how upset he is, he's pissing me off. "If you must know, Justin, and not that its any of your damn business," I lean in closer to him, almost close enough to kiss "But in the literal sense, no we didn't 'fuck'"

Rage flashes in his bloodshot eyes, "You just let the little bastard suck you off, didn't you?" He laughs bitterly, "Well aren't we just the little whore?"

My blood is boiling, and I don't care that he maybe drunk, or he maybe upset, that was just down right uncalled for. I don't even give him a chance to react before I slam my fist into his face, knocking him back off his barstool and on to the floor.

"Fuck you Justin. Fuck you and your pride and your cockiness and your damned blue eyes. Fuck you!"

As I walk out the door, I hear him call after me, but I don't stop or even turn around. Damn my own pride.

Ok, I'm very very sorry that I didn't get this out last night. Even though no one said anything, I still feel bad.And I'm sorry my chapters are all so short. So, anyway, Wade doesn't ask for any Lance lovin' in return. Is he really a sweetie? Could he really take the place of Juju? Is the writer too damn lazy to write on another part to the sex scene? I'd hafta go with the last one but hey, ya never know. Sorry to all you Justin lovers out there. I was watchingthis Nsync special on TV and Justin just did something to piss me off so I thought he deserved to be hit. And dammit, Lance deserves to hit him! As always, I LOVE feedback from you beautiful wonderful lovely people who take the time to read my story.

Love alwayz Pandora

P.S. Is it just me, or did this chapter seem to move really fast and turn out really weird?

Next: Chapter 5

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