Thirteen Marks

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Apr 5, 2016



The glistening, smooth Hispanic brothers were outside the gym with nothing but the weighted ball stretchers, cock rings, flip flops and tiny panties. Of course there was also the collar, through which Mike spoke again.

<<I need you to go to a place a few streets from here. I suggest you move fast because I don't like to wait. Get going and I'll give you directions. Let me just call up the map.>>

People were staring. Of course they were. Caesar knew that someone would try to engage them and certainly lead to a delay. They couldn't let that happen.

"Ángel, bro, we've gotta fucking move it. There's no way you look old enough for what you're wearing. Can't let anybody stop us for questioning. Fucking run, dude."

The brothers raced down the street. Or at least they tried to, but the orbs between their legs kept them from getting too fast since the chain pulled with every swing.

The boys power walked down the busy road for a minute, avoiding all eye contact with the shocked strangers who stopped and stared without shame.

<<Alright, I got it. Turn around first of all, cause you're waking the wrong way. Back at the gym turn left.>>

Caesar groaned at the command. They had to go back? This was the most humiliating experience of his life. His heart was racing impossibly fast and he was sweating under his layer of oil. He chose to focus on the only good thing about it – his massive dick, which rubbed sensually against the pouch, almost balancing the pain from the ball sack stretching.

It felt like an eternity but really they only made it two blocks before they were at their goal. The fact that they hadn't been able to run fast and that the commercial district was full of people had made it seem much longer.

"You know," Ángel said, "a lot of those people were filming us. You think we'll be on the news?"

"No, of course not. They wouldn't do that to minors."

Despite that, Caesar knew that they would likely be seem by more people they knew. And who could say if news people thought of them as minors? Which seventeen and fourteen year old wore stuff like that in public?

Mike directed them around a corner into a back alley and they found themselves in front of a back door to a shop.

A blond man opened for them. "Get in boys. I'll personally help with the next bit."

The meanly grinning man was Mike. The voice was unmistakable even without the characteristic distortion.

Ángel was about to say something, probably shout but Mike put a finger over his lips – Ángel's lips.

"Sush, boys. If you're disobedient I'll make sure you won't have the spare breath to talk back anymore. Now come in."

The brothers walked into the dim place and were led to the front room.

"One of you two has to do a task while the other does a different one. I'll flip a coin. The winner stays with me."

Caesar was full of rage but he wanted to get it over with and saw no way to fight Mike right now. "Heads."

The coin came up tails.

Ángel had to sit down in a chair and Mike grabbed some scary equipment. "If you scream I'll have to cut your breath short a bit, understood?"

Ángel nodded furiously.

Then Mike shot rings into the fourteen year old's nipples without warning and the boy bit his lip to stay quiet.

Mike turned to Caesar. "You use the other station. The one right there."

The man pointed towards a stick in the ground that ended in a huge black dildo. It was right in front of a curtain, standing alone, menacingly. Mike handed Caesar some lube.

"Wait what?" the boy said.

"Ride it until I'm finished. Get it all the way down."

Caesar felt heat and rage rising inside him. "Well what if I don't? Huh, asshole? Go on choke me. Kill me. I don't give a fuck. Nothing invades my ass. Nothing! You can change my voice and fuck me over all you want but I will never – you hear, never! – turn into a fag."

Mike spoke very calmly. "I will keep adding piercings to your brother's body. Increasingly painful and humiliating ones. Until you sit fully on the dildo. Your choice."

Ángel looked at his brother with panic in his eyes. How could Caesar not feel protective of his little bro?

In the time it took to lube the dildo up, Ángel has received a belly button piercing. When Caesar positioned his ass above the tip of the plastic dick the younger one had gotten a helix ring.

Caesar took a few deep breaths and sat down. He didn't even get the tip to enter him fully before the tearing pain made him scream and fall off the dildo.

Mike stopped working on Ángel, opened the curtains behind Caesar and went back to work, giving the younger boy an eyebrow ring.

Caesar was perfectly aware that there were people behind him, looking through the store front window. All they saw was his back and ass so he should still be fine. He did his best not to worry about it.

Ángel got a piercing through his tongue and cried out in pain.

Finally Caesar felt prepared. He pushed a lubed finger up his hole and for the first time felt what it was like to have something up there. It was an intense feeling and highly unpleasant. He had never felt so naked and exposed. It was as if his insides lay bare.

While he did his best to stretch his hole, Ángel got another tongue piercing, this one sideways through the tip.

Caesar sank onto the dildo very, very slowly. He was only an inch down and pulled back up repeatedly, trying to ride his way there.

His brother has to endure a studding of both ear lobes.

"I'm halfway there!" Caesar yelled.

Mike looked up. "Turn around. I'll slow down if you face the window."

Ángel looked at his brother with pleading eyes like never before.

Still sitting on the dildo, Caesar turned around and faced the crowd of filming strangers staring in through the window. A dozen people who saw his face and recorded his ordeal.

The boy closed his eyes and kept riding, likely looking as if he was greatly enjoying it, despite his face grimacing at the anal stretching.

He felt so full, so stretched, so humiliated and so filthy that he shed tears. Meanwhile Ángel got another piercing. That one had to hurt more than the others going by the noise.

"I'm done!" Caesar yelled. "I'm sitting on it. All the way down. It hurts so fucking much. I'll fucking get you back for that."

Mike didn't even look his way. "I told you I'm only helping you. I split the load or you would have both needed to go through this instead of one here, one there. You should thank me but I guess that's too much to ask from boys like you."

With the ugliest slurping noise, Caesar slipped off the dick, experiencing intense discomfort on the way up. But right away the stimulation to his prostate showed effect and his horniness increased as his attention returned to his achingly hard dick.

Angle had received a Prince Albert ring through the head of his dick. It was visible through the pouch and had to increase the younger boy's genital sensitivity greatly.

He looked absolutely disgusting. Something so perverse and faggy was hard to recognize as his brother but Caesar was aware that he had just fucked his own ass.

Mercifully, Mike closed the curtains and waited for something.

"My ass is on fire," Caesar mumbled. Ángel said something about his dick. Neither of them dared to really speak up.

The teens jolted up as the tingling set in. This time it was concentrated in certain areas. Ángel, who stood in front of the mirror where the piercing chair was, turned around to see what had caused the sensation.

"Dude," Caesar yelled, "You have a fucking tramp stamp."

But it only took a second for him to realize that the younger had words embedded in the artful linework saying "TIGHT BOYPUSSY".

Caesar saw more words appear right across Ángel's shoulder blades. Huge black letters formed the words "ANAL WHORE".

Before either of them could say anything, Caesar stepped in front of the mirror as well and examined the damage to his skin. He screamed with horror. Across his uncovered forehead was a single undecorated word: "FAGGOT".

It was the most disgusting and defacing thing he could imagine. Through the tears forming in his eyes he saw the other mark. There was a detailed drawing of a hard dick on his chest. The cartoon penis ejaculated and the ink drops extended to his collarbones and neck.

"No, no, no, no..."

Mike stepped beside them. "Perfect. It worked just fine. I think the curse has fully transferred. Now onto the next step."

"No please," Ángel cried, "You have to stop. This is too cruel. You're turning us into abominations. Please stop."

The blond man shook his head. "No appreciation for careful research, ts ts. But fine, I'll cut it short. I had a lot more planned to make more tests but if it ensures your full cooperation we can skip to the ending. Since I'm confident I can choose the order of tasks we can simply go to the last one and end things there."

Caesar nodded. "Yes, let's just cut it short. We'll do anything as long as it means it's over."

Mike looked pensively. "Well, first you have to retrieve something before you can engage the final task. Shouldn't take long. I have to prepare something quickly, just reapply oil in the meantime."

The boys did as commanded but this time Caesar was extra careful when touching his dick because the thick, long tool felt more sensitive than it ever had. He hadn't known that a half hour long erection was possible and what a level of horniness he could reach. Even sliding his hands over his brother's back was a profoundly erotic experience.

Not that he was gay or anything, he was just so horny that everything he did seemed to get sucked into the attention vortex between his legs. The one thing counter balancing the pleasure was the enormous pain from the ball stretcher.

Mike returned with a huge cardboard sign that he hung around Caesar's neck so it covered his upper back. It had both boy's full names on it as well as an address that was thankfully not theirs. Then Mike connected the collars with a thin black string that made sure the brothers would stay within a step's distance from each other.

"I think," Mike said, "you should share the blindfold. But I'll start with Caesar because Ángel already got to enjoy my work."

Despite his protests, the older boy was fully blindfolded.

Then Ángel – and only Ángel – received instructions through the collar. The boys left the studio the way they had entered. Caesar had no idea where they were going or how long it would take to get there.

The younger boy was not walking, he was running. It would have been difficult enough to get up to speed due to the ball weight anyway, but with the blindfold on it was next to impossible.

"Bro, slow the fuck down."

"Sorry, dude, can't. Mike told me to run. If I slow down we'll suffer the consequences. I think he wants the whole thing to be over, too."

Caesar understood and stumbled along as fast as possible, their collar tie occasionally strangling them when he fell a bit behind. "Where are we going?"

"I dunno," Ángel said. "Mike won't fucking tell me anything. He just says left, right, ahead and so on. I think we're running in circles."

"Fucking bastard."

The stumbling jog continued. Caesar could sense and hear the presence of people all around. The sun burned on his oiled up skin and he grew increasingly thirsty. The ground below his flip flops changed to grass and then to asphalt again. Where they taking a shortcut?

"Wait," Ángel said after five horrible minutes. "I think I get it. Mike's sending us on a route where we don't have to stop for traffic lights. So we don't have to stop at all. But it makes the way literally ten times longer. I think we have to go to the main park. It's the only thing in that direction."

Caesar appreciated the update but it didn't change his situation. In order to take his mind of his misery he focused on the velvet rubbing his dick head. But he was a high-testosterone teen boy and horniness needed to be turned to action. With all the people certainly watching he couldn't jerk off while running which would have been difficult enough anyway.

So instead he counted seconds. That way he knew they were running for thirty whole minutes when they arrived at the park as Ángel had guessed. His mouth was so dry he would not have been able to speak.

Then Mike's voice came back into his head.

<<You can slow down now, time's up. Go to the public toilets at the other side of the park. There's a package under the sink for you. Use everything inside. Share it brotherly.>>

Caesar tore the blindfold and sign off his body and they undid the tie between their collars. They weren't sure they were allowed to do of any of that but if Mike didn't want them to he could always intervene.

There were groups of football players, picnickers, musicians and families all over the park. Caesar almost wished he had kept the blindfold on. The stares were worse here, with more anger in the faces. Probably because this wasn't a commercial street where weird people ran around from time to time but a family friendly recreation zone.

For the first time Caesar realized how much the ball stretcher and pouch made his hard dick jiggle with every step. The fact that his tool was enormous didn't help. Of course the forehead tattoo was probably even more offensive.

He realized that the two of them where truly fucked. At least it was almost over, right?

Next: Chapter 25

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