Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 27, 2021


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (1)

... Redd was a young lad that lived in Odentown. A small village along the southern proportion of the land near the Tanis mountains. It was a village of sheep herders and cows and other forms of animals that could be tended to for food and or clothing. He had grown up with his father alone after his mom passed away a few years back. So he had to live by the strong and stern hand of his father. A father he believed hated him since his mother passed. Redd felt that his dad would have preferred that he should have gone and not her. And sometimes Redd wished it as well. For he knows hus father does not like him very much. Be it because he was not prepared for being an only parent of the fact that Redd was not a masculine boy like he wanted. Redd was gay after all. A young homosexual teen now at his age if 16. A thin unmanly freak. This Redd believed. His father only tolerated him for so long. He would give him chores and then tell Redd to go away and leave him alone.

"My father hates me" he had told a school chum once "He wishes I was dead" "That's terrible!" Redds friend would say

But Redd did not hate his father. He pitied the mans loss. For he felt it as well. A great loss it was too. For his mother was the one person that let him be whomever he wished to be. He'll even his friends did not know about his sexual proclivities. It was his secret to keep from every one. So as not to be scorned and hated as many men and boys under 'such an evil spell' as his were treated in his town. To be gay was to be unaccepted and loathed by the religious zealots that seemed to rule his town. Many older men were driven out and the younger ones were put through reprogramming to get them back to the 'right'.

"Hateful zealots" he growled to himself one day

Well as a few years passed and his father trying to get himself back with another woman. He wanted Redd gone for a while so he could court some one else and not hear Redds complaints about forgetting his mother. And he did not wish to see the boy around. He wanted to just be with the woman of hus interest. So he ordered Redd to take some supplies and go stay with his grandmother for a few days. That she would take him and feed him

"I wish not to look at you this week" he growled "So go boy. Go!" "Yes father" he said with sadness "I will. I will go"

He went to his room that evening and cried some. Very sad as he felt his father did not love him any more. So in the morning he was to pack a bag and head over to his grandmothers house. It was a half a full days journey through the woods. But he knew the way. There were trails and a bridge that crossed over a river. But nothing he had not gone through before. In the morning he set off after breakfast. Stuffing some snacks and water into the front pouch of his bag. He did not even see his father that morning before leaving. His father was out early. So he left him a message that he was on his way.

"On my way to grandma's" he wrote "See you in a week papa"

Then he placed it in the table and grabbed a few more snacks. Then he opened the door and left. He headed to the east side of the village where the east gate was. His grandmother lived alone in the forest. In a house that his grandfather built many years ago. He passed away and she refused to leave. She only venture out for supplies once every few weeks. The nearest house to her was miles off. And she liked it that was. She was not very social after grandfather passed away. But she loved seeing him whenever he came. And he loved her too. The thing was he was in no mood to visit. So as he headed through the forest to see her. A few miles out from leaving his village, Redd somehow found himself veering off in a different direction entirely. And it was all do to a small fox.

"What is that?" He said as he saw the movement in the brush along the main trail that lead away from town.

He stooped and turned when he saw the movement in the bushed along side the trail. The reddish fur of rye small creatures the white on its tail as it moved around in the bushed. He moved towards it. Not knowing if it was okay or injured or something like that. So he passed into the brush. Calling out to the small animal.

"Hey there. Are you okay?" He huffed "I won't hurt you" "Come on out little guy"

But as he moved in closer the fox shot out from the Bush and darted away from him. And rather than to just turn back and head back on his way, Redd was somehow fascinated by the small animal. He pushed on through the bushed and into the forest. The trail now left behind him. He moved through the trees as he called out to the fox that just kept moving away from.him.

"Come here. Come on, come on" he called

But the more he called, the more he moved after it. The farther the fox drew him into the forest. And some 10 minutes in he lost the thing. It had jumped on a broken tree limp that lay on the ground. He looked at Redd made a chirping sound and then shot off fast into the forest.

"Well that's that" Redd said to himself. "I sould get back to the trail"

He turned and did start back. Knowing which way he needed to go. And was part way there when he heard a rush through the trees. There was a small fawn that moved fast through the forest. Darting between trees and jumping fast through them. He almost turned to go in that animals direction. But then realized that it was running from something. And that was when he heard the growl moments later. And Redd shot behind the tree when he saw the figure moving swiftly through the same area that the fawn had come through. There he saw it. The big black wolfen. A humanoid creature that was part man and part wolf. It also pushed through the trees in chase of the was a frightening looking thing and he held himself snug to the tree so as not to be seen by the beast. Then as it passed he heard another

Pulling back again e to see another wolfen just behind the first. But this one stopped. For a brief moment it stopped. Then it smelled around. Its gaze turning in the direction of where Redd hid.

"Oh my God!" Redd huffed in fear "Can it smell me."

He geared that the best may come after him. But that was when the first called out from the distance.

"Here!" It shouted "I have it cornered". "Here!"

Then the second one shot off after the first. Redd. Swallowed a hard dose of his saliva. Fear filled his head and chest. He took a deep breath and then just ran in the opposite direction of where he had seen the beasts. Running as fast as his legs could take him. But this was where he lost his sense of where he was. This was when Redd became lost....

More to come

Next: Chapter 18: Redd and the Three Bears 2

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