Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Apr 17, 2023


This is a story based of a story I had written sometime ago. 'three bear kings'. I pondered what if red riding hood met up with the hot hairs bears. So I am writing this new tale to mesh the two classic tales together. It is fantasy and GB sex all in one

Hope you enjoy it

Three Bear Kings (Redd & the 3 Bears (9)

... "Ughnn" I softly.moaned again

I had just been sexually molested by two very large bears in their home. Here in the woods and away from all people. Two massive bears with massive penises. Completely taken and filled by them in their need to pleasure themselves with me. I lay there in the bears bed. Spent from their sex, my body giving into the brutal assault of their huge members pounding away at my body, my bowels and my tender prostate. Myself spilling out two orgasms from it all.

"Yess. Oh yess" I silently cooed as I lay there

Yes I had been taken by the two bears. But there was still a third. The smallest bear that was to take his turn at me. He climbed up in me after the second bear left my body. Then he moved his own big hard penis to my hole. Then he too sliced into me. His own large or is going into the already overy used hole his two larger brothers had just sexed. The very wet sound of his hard dick entering me filling the room. Sticky and wet was the perfect reference to the sound. And the bear quickly began to give me his rod now. Driving himself deep into my body. Following his brothers in taking the human butt. I moaned and moaned as I felt yet the third penis go into me this day. Smaller yes, but still larger than most humans penises. So I was utterly filled with him and the copious amounts of bear seed that was flowing around inside my bowels. And with each thrust he pushed some of it deeper into me. Up into my colon and beyond as he pushed his mighty rod into me again and again.

"So good" he huffed "This body and womb feel ever so good"

I heard from the other room one of the other bears shouting back to him to really give it to me. So he fidm the youngest near grabbed at my body and thrust himself in harder now. Moving faster as he edged himself to the inevitable orgasm he would soon have. And the youngest bear moved up on my back more. Grinding himself into my body as he continued to assault my bowels and prostate. The sounds in the room a sloshing wet slapping that seemed to get louder as he moved on. The bear grunting there at my backside as he thrust and thrust.

"Yes, oh yes human" he bellowed "This is good. Soo good" "I will be breeding you soon. Yess!"

And then the bear body gave into his oncoming explosion. The bears fingers tightening around me and his hairy body tensing up back there. And then I felt the seed rush into me. More seed. I knew that my already filled bowels could not take much more seed as it rushed up into me. The white flow then starting to push out of my slaughtered anus. Oozing out along the sides of the bears rod.

"Yes, ohh yes, yes, yess!" The bear growled "Take it. Take it!"

The smallest bear finished. His humping slowed down and then stopped. Then he groaned behind me. His mouth very close to my ear now. Then he pulled his penis out of me. Finishing his orgasm. I heard my anus spit up some seed. A louder 'splot' sound as it escaped me. Then just falling out of my ruined hole. Then landing in the bed below.

"Ughnn" I just groaned.

I had just been taken by the three bears. From biggest to smallest and each one depositing his seed into my bowels. All their semen cells searching for an egg to fertilize. But finding nothing but empty wide opened space inside of me. Bumping into their genetic duplicates. I just lay there in the bed. Unable to move from the soreness at my butt. I knew my hole was swollen form so much penis. How could it not be. But I reached back again and felt it. It was indeed swollen. Feeling like a small soft fist there. The heat and throbbing of ache still pounding in my hole. My heartbeat pounding through the destroyed ring that held my waste in.

"Ughnn" I groaned yet again as I felt it.

I did not move. I just lay there in the huge mess left in and outside of me. The semen that was looking up in the bed behind me. I felt tried and dizzy from this all, and I found myself dosing off as a sleep found me. An unexpected sleep. Then I fell into a deep flowing dream. Me and home( or what had been home). Me and old friends, family and lovers. Faces I had not seen in weeks now. Handsome faces, angry faces, all sorts. And then as I lay there in this floating dream, I heard the gruff voices of the bears that had taken me and left me in this state. They invaded my dreams and assailants to my home. The three bears and even more. All wielding swards and weapons as they came at the village. Taking and running people through. Ending all that were in the village. Save for just one person. Myself.

"Why!" I asked the one bear I knew "Why am I still here?"

He looked down at me and smiled. It was a fierce and almost evil smile. Then he simply said that I was to be theirs. All of the bears there.

"We need a concubine flesh" he growled.

I then saw as the army of bears converging towards me. All with the same sinister gleam and smile. I was to be the white to an army of bears. The middle bear that I knew grabbed me and pulled me to his face. Saying he would be first to take me.

"Noo" I shouted out "Nooo!"

I bolted up and awoke from this nightmare. Realizing it was just that a nightmare. But then I looked about in the room I had been in. And there standing near the end of the bed was the same bear that haunted my dream. He was standing there holding his huge rod in hand. Stroking it again. He was fully erect. I knew I was about to be taken again...

More to come

Next: Chapter 26: Redd and the Three Bears 10

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