Three Bears Kings Bang

By ozzalone65

Published on Feb 1, 2018


This is a fictional story in the vane of 'Goldlocks and the three bears'.

Only this is with a young guy (Me) in a fairytale land with three hybrid humanoids. Half bear, half man.

This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Three Bears-Kings Bang (chapter 3. ....Seeing beasts...)

.... I had left home. Yes I had. Away from my mother and my life. I wanted to explore this world. Regardless of the fears instilled in me in my youth. Stories of strange beasts that lie in the forests beyond the great wall beyond our borders. I had packed a minimal of items to take with me. a few changes of clothes, some food, a water sachel, a blade and a book I loved to read. I headed out mid day from my home. Leaving my mother but a note saying goodbye. I had crossed the over the wall and was now moving downriver. I heard birds in the trees and small creatures scurrying about all around. With all this movement I surmised all was well. The creatures weren't afraid of me. they were more curious. I assumed if something more ominous were to approach, they would know.

"Its glorious out here" I said

"I feel so free"

I stopped some hours later to eat something. some meat and bread I had taken from my mothers kitchen. I made a sandwich with it. I sat down at the banks of the river I was following. I dipped the sachel into the water to collect some for the journey ahead. I ate and drank for a bit before deciding to head out some more.

It was maybe entering the beginnings of the evening when I stopped again. I looked Out to the sky. The sun had dipped down behind the trees. Dark shadows began to dip down to the ground level. I surmised that I would need to find a place to lay down for the evening. But I couldn't find one. Then as I moved on, trying to see if there was someplace to sleep safely I heard sounds in the trees.

"Something is out there" I said softly

I reached into my belt strap for the blade I brought with me. It was a good size for defending ones self. Although I have never had to do such a thing. So I moved on. The sounds continued, seeming to move closer to me. Fear began to well up inside me. Here I was on the first day of this new journey and I was all but regretting leaving home. There was something out there, And it was following me.

I started to move more quickly through the trees. Then I saw a place to cross the river. It was a large fallen tree. it was on a slight rise off the banks and was laid across to the other bank. I figured I need to get across that to get away from whatever was following me. So I picked up the pace, then began to run and daylight continued to fade.

That's when I saw it. a large wolfen beast. It sniffed at me and then lunged towards me. I got to the tree bridge in moments. Then without a hesitation tried to cross quickly. The beast then came after me on the bridge. I saw it and then tried to rush forward. In that motion I lost my footing and felt into the river. The best stopped where it was on the bridge. I looked down at me but did not follow. But then I was swept up in the current of the river. I tried to swim towards shore, but the current was strong.

"Help" I then started to shout

"Help me!"

But who would help me out here. I was miles from my home in the midst of the forbidden forest, rushing down river quickly now. I saw some tree limbs hanging over the river ahead. I pulled up my hands to reach for them. Then I was able to grasp them this stopped my forward motion on the river. The current continued to pull at me though. I had to use all my strength to drag myself along the limbs to the shore. I was beat, but I made it to the shore. I then crawled up onto it. I was drenched. I needed to dry off fast. The night was chilly as it fell. SO I walked up from the river.

That's when I saw a rocky area. I decided to build a fire there and dry off. I chopped some branches and piled them near the rocks where there was a patch of dirt. I grabbed some dried leaves and then was able to start a small blaze. I started to warm my hands and then removed my short and pants. I grabbed my pack and pulled out some supplies. Well all the breads I had were soaked and uneatable. I had some dried meats I grabbed. I began to chew on them. Then with one of the apples I had. Much of my supplies were wet. As well as my spare clothes and small blanket I brought for cover. So I stayed there crouched near the fire most of the night covered in my damp blanket. Not able to sleep for the chill and sounds in the forest.

"What is that" I said to a sound

"What was that" To another.

But eventually sleep did come. I dozed off at an unknown hour. Then when I woke it was daylight again. The sun was warm to my face. But then I heard rustling and scurrying about. I looked down and there were small creatures digging through my pack. they were eating my food. I got up in a flash.

"Nooo!" I yelled

"Get away. get away"

I managed to shoe them off, but it was too late. They had taken almost every morsel of food I had, even the dried meat sticks. I huffed and slumped down against the rocks. I now had no food. What was I to do. there was but two apples in my bag left untouched. and one with a bite in it on the ground. I picked them up. I grabbed my things and walked back down to the river. I washed off the apples I had and then used my knife to eat the one bitten through. I couldn't waste it. I just removed the bitten piece. And that one apple was my meal until I could try and find something else.

"Wait" I then said

"Which way had I come"

"Was it this way. Or that?"

Pointing at each way the river went, I could remember which was the path back. I feared I may need to return home, as mother would be worried. I pondered my direction for a moment. But then I heard sounds in the trees again. I looked around with a start. Behind me, at my camp was something big. I ran behind a large stump near the rivers edge. Crouching so as not to be seen.

It was a huge beast of some sort. But appeared to walk upright like a man. I did not want to be seen. But he started to raise his almost wolf like head and sniff. I could hear and he smelled the air. He turned towards where I was at the river. Where I had washed the apples. Then he came out of the woods.

"Ohh my God" I huffed in my hiding place

"What is that"

Everyone was right. Stories were true. For there before me was a huge 6 and a half foot man beast of some sort. He had hair covering his body top to bottom. his face was that of a wolf, or at least appeared to be. But the physical form was for the most part a man. Save for the lower legs beyond his knees. The feet were canine like.

And then he turned as he reached the waters edge. The beast had no clothes of any sort. He had a short stub of a tail and a large sack of balls that hung below his body. There was a bump in his crotch area that was where I presumed his penis came from. I found myself entranced by his balls though. There were certainly larger than a mans. It was something my eyes didn't want to leave. But then his sniffing returned and he turned in my direction. I moved quickly behind the stump to hide again. Fear welled up in me. Had he seen me, I'm sure he smelled me. I pondered making a dash and running, But he was so big I fear he would come after me if he saw, and most likely hear my running away. Then I would be doomed.

"I need to flee" I said to myself

"But I cannot"

"Oh God, help me"

Then there was more sounds from the forest. I looked back towards it and something else was coming. I was filled with utter fear. My heart was ponding in my chest. Beating as heavy drums.

"Its dangerous beyond the wall" I heard my mothers voice chant

"Never go beyond the wall..."

The last thought echoed in my head. I feared I would end up like my father. Killed and half eaten. I tried to crunch down in my spot all the more. Hoping to fold myself into a tiny ball that no one would see. Then as I feared the wolf beast would find me for his friends coming through the trees, He snarled. My ears perked as I realized that what ever was coking through the trees was not one of his kind. so I dared to look out and see.

There at the waters edge was the wolf beast. He was hunched down in an aggressive stance. I could see his heavy balls dangling down between his legs again. I felt a stir in my loins from seeing them. They were quite large indeed. Then I peered around to see what he was snarling at.

"Ohh my God!" I blurted out.

That's when the wolf turned and saw me. His face pulled back and bared teeth. But then he turned back at the threat to him. I was of no consequence at the moment. Then I watched and he rushed at the huge beast that was his foe. It was much larger than he was. Maybe over 7 feet and just all kinds of big. Again the bodies of them were human like. The wolfen creature jumped on the other and tried to bite down on him. But the larger beast grabbed him by the throat and flung him to the ground hard.

That's when I saw it was a bear like creature. He was massive. His body was almost wrestler like in size. Thick frame and huge barrel chest. again fur covered. Save for the animal type face, the creatures body was stunning. And he had a large penis that hung from his crotch. It was actually out from its covering, and thick. With a large sack below it.

Then the thing spoke. It actually spoke. Not many words. but spoke nonetheless. As it had shoved the Wolfen creature down to the ground with force. It growled and spoke

"Weak" It said

Then I saw another Bear like creature come out from the brush. Slightly smaller than the first. But still massive in size. The second one was holding his member in his hands. He was stroking himself as he stood near the first one. Then there was a third to show up. The first one grumbled to the others.

"I will hold" he said in a dry rough voice

"You take him"

Then the first and third bear pounced on the Wolfen. That's when the wolfen seemed to understand what was going to happen. It cried out in a howl.

"Nooo!" came the cry


The two bears held him down so he could not move. They grabbed the wolfens legs and spread them. Then pulled them up in strong arms. That's when the smallest of the bears. The one who had been holding himself. He came between the wolfens legs. The first bear then leaned in and took his friends dick in his mouth. he began to suck it. The smaller bears thrusting himself to the first. His members growing quickly to a massive size. He was a good 8 and a half inches. and his bear dick was thicker than my wrist.

"Take this brother" the first said

Then the younger bear climbed down onto the spread legs of the wolfen. Then I watched as he thrust himself into the wolfens backside. The wolfen screamed as he was taken sexually. The thick bear dick was pushed into him hard, and many inches of his penis were driven into his bowels. It was an astonishing sight to behold. these animal creatures. Half man, half beast like forcibly taking another in carnal pleasure. The wolfen continued to yelled out as the bear took him. I then heard as the bear started to grunt. Only moments into this sex, he began to grunt in utter pleasure.

"Yes brother" Shouted the other bear

"Take it. Take this first womb"

"Seed it deeply"

His was soon thrusting down harder and harder. Ne crawled up better onto the Wolfens body and began to really go at him. I watched with awe and an inkling of desire as the bears heavy sack began to bounced below his thick legs as he brutal took the wolfen.

"Nooo!" Continued the cries of the Wolfen

But the were of no use to him. The strength of the beasts holding him kept him down for the smaller bear to abuse his anus.

"Good" The your bear growled

"Soo good"

I was getting excited from this now. I reached down to my own growing dick. I grabbed myself as I watched the raping this Wolfen beasts was taking at the hands of these bears. He continued to cry out. There were sounds of sobs as he yelled from under his attackers. The bear was soon grunting harder and harder now. His breathing I could hear was getting more labored. The beast would do as Mr Shones had done to me many a time. Dig himself deep and seed.

The sights were so erotic to me now. The huge bears with large members. One of the ones holding the Wolfen. The first bear was stroking his own penis. It was even larger that the young bears. It was maybe 10 inches of huge animal dick. He stroked himself as his younger brother destroyed the wolfens anus. The younger bear grunting louder and louder as he neared his on coming explosion. His heavy sack bouncing against the wolfens back side as he rammed him over and over.

I had actually pulled my own penis out and began to stroke myself despite the possibility of being found there. But the scene was just too erotic not to enjoy it. I pulled on my dick as I stared at the awesome sight before me. The young bear just then roared. He drove himself balls deep into the Wolfen behind. The Wolfen cried out as the entire length of the bears dick was driven into him. Then I watched as the bears body quivered in his obvious orgasm.

"Take!!" He growled

"Take my seed. Hole"

"Take it all"

"Nooooo" Came the loud cry from the Wolfen

But he could do nothing. He was taken. His insides awash from the seed erupting into him. His cries then lessened as he could fight no more. He had been raped by the younger bear and his large dick. Then the younger bear withdrew from his backside. I saw as the large penis came out. It was still big even though it had started to deflate now. It was covered in seed and the dew from the wolfens anus. The other bear grasped at it and licked it clean.

The Wolfens rear was left swollen as I gazed at the pucker hole of his butt. He groaned under the bears as he lay there. Then as I surmised his ordeal was over, the first bear, the biggest bear moved around with his much larger weapon. Then he pulled on it once or twice before crawling up behind the Wolf. Then he too thrust down into his victim. Again the wolfen cried out. The much larger penis tearing into his body.

I was pulling madly on my own penis now. The sights and sounds of this violation were the most incredible scene I have ever looked upon. I was breathing heavier too. the feelings of my hand on my dick, the cries of horror and pain from the Wolfen and the violent raping he was taking at the hands of these huge bears was ever so much on me. For as I watched the largest bears destroy the Wolfens insides with his enormous penis I edged over the precipice. I had to bite at my lips to keep from crying out from my own orgasm. But I managed a tiny chirp or two in the explosion that shot forth from me.

"Ohhh God" I huffed into my biting lips.

"I am losing control"

And I shot forth several volleys of my sperm into the bushed and rocks near me. I actually fell over from the force of my explosion. I quivered there on the ground as my body erupted forth until I was done. I could hear beyond my current sight of trees and brush the continued attack on the Wolfen beast. The second Bears then howled as he apparently burst forth his own breeding into the one below him. I lay there for a bit, just listening to it. There was movement and then the call for the third bear to take his turn. I lay there for several minutes just listening to the sounds of sex and pain.

The third bear soon cried out in his own orgasm. Then there was conversation and then silence. Just silence. Even the animals in the forests seemed quiet to the happenings there in that clearing near the river. I just lay there in my own quietness. I figured they all had left. Maybe taking the wolfen, or even just killed him after his ordeal.

"I should go" I then said softly

"I don't need anyone coming back and finding me here"

So I pulled up my pants and grabbed my things. Then I cautiously stepped around from my hiding place to leave..........


To be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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