Three Married Men

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jul 24, 2021



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Three Married Men


(Fred Richman)

Fred Richman and Donald Fontana were best friends all through pre-school, grade school, and middle school. They remained hard and fast friends through high school as well, but then their lives seemed to take different paths. In spite of that they remained good buddies.

Fred started to date girls in high school, and Don didn't. He kept urging Don to double date with him, and at the risk of damaging their friendship, Don decided to come out to Fred. He expected Fred to end their friendship, but Fred barely reacted. All he said was, "Well buddy, when you get a boyfriend, I'd love to double date with you."

Their friendship continued all through high school, and they even roomed together in college. Don usually had the room all to himself because Fred was out somewhere fucking some willing broad. He had no trouble in the sex department. He was tall, dark and handsome, and word got around that he had a cut, seven and a half inch (when hard) cock.

After college, Don earned a PhD in Clinical Psychology. He completed an internship at a teaching hospital, and began his own practice. It took a while, but his practice thrived, and he was quite successful.

Fred also started his own business. He began a corporate event planning business. Like Don's practice, his business started slowly, but it took off, and he was doing just fine. After he was in business for about eighteen months, he was working with the banquet manager at a fine hotel. They were planning a big seminar for a publicly listed company, and they worked closely together. They fell in love and got married. Don was Fred's best man.

Even after Fred's marriage, the two men remained close friends. Fred's wife, Marnie, didn't mind that he and Don enjoyed a weekly boys' night out on Thursday evenings. She put her foot down on Friday or Saturday evenings, which she considered to be date nights.

One Thursday evening the two men met after work to have a drink together. They met at their favorite (straight) bar. While they were drinking their cocktails, Fred said, "Don, can we go somewhere quiet where we can talk? I need your professional advice."

Don was concerned. If his friend believed that he needed the advice of a psychologist, he must be deeply disturbed about something.

"Sure," he said. "I know just the place. My office is only a couple of blocks from here. We can go there. It's after hours and nobody will disturb us."

"Let's go," Fred said.

The two friends got comfortable on the office couch.

"Talk," Don said.

"I can't explain it. I love Marnie. I really do, but when I make love to her, or when I jerk off, it's not Marnie I fantasize about. It's others."

"Fred, buddy," Don said, "that's perfectly normal."

"Let me finish," Fred said. "It isn't women I fantasize about. It's men."

Don had heard it all in his practice, but this admission from his best friend flabbergasted him. All he could ask was, "You haven't acted on it, have you?"

"Of course not."

"Is it men in general you fantasize about, or is it one particular man you yearn to make love to?"

Don was afraid to hear the answer.

Fred began to sob and he grabbed Don's hand. "After I married Marnie, I began to have overwhelming desires to make love to you. I would imagine that you joined me in bed with Marnie a couple of times, figuratively speaking, and I realized I loved you. I love you more than I love my wife, and I'm confused and ashamed, and I need your help."

"If it's me you love," I can't help you. I'll refer you to a colleague. You don't have to use names. Just describe the situation to him."

"I don't want to do that, Don," Fred said. "I want to make love to you, right here, right now."

"I can't, Fred. I love you like a brother, and I love Marnie like a sister. I can't do anything to damage that relationship."

"Please," Fred said, "if you don't make love to me, I'll seek sex elsewhere, and it'll be lust, not love. I want the first time to be with someone I love. If I hate it, we'll go back to the way things were, and we'll never speak of it again."

"But what if you love it and there's no going back?"

"Then I'd want to spend my life with you. I'd have to confess to Marnie that I'm gay and we need to divorce."

"You would do that for me?" Don asked. "Are you sure?'

"I'm positive," Fred answered, and as he did, he began to strip. Don began to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Fred asked.

"Because I have loved you ever since we met in preschool, and now you're asking me, no, you're begging me to make love with you. That's why I'm crying."

"Will you teach me everything I need to know?" Fred asked Don.

"I'm sexually active, so we have to use condoms. I don't have any of those or lube in the office, so we'll have to confine ourselves tonight to foreplay and oral sex. If there is a next time, I'll be better prepared."

"I have a feeling there will be a next time," Don said.

All the while they were talking, they were stripping down to their birthday suits. They didn't have to check each other out. They had seen each other naked dozens of times, but never with raging hard-ons.

Don put Fred on his back on the sofa. He put his body on top of Fred and began to kiss him. Fred responded immediately, and he was the first of the two to open his mouth. Then their tongues began to tickle each other sensuously. Don took his time. They rarely split before midnight on boys' night out, and so Fred didn't have to rush home.

Don began to kiss his way down Fred's body. He bathed his ears, his nipples, his pubic area, worked his way down the insides of Fred's legs, and sucked all his toes. Fred was squirming and moaning, and when Don stopped, he asked, "Aren't you going to suck my cock?"

"Sure, but that was foreplay. Now you do that to me, and if you pass, we'll suck cock."

They switched positions, and Fred began to emulate Don. He seemed to relish what he was doing. Certainly he wasn't reticent to do anything. When he was done, he asked, "Did I pass the test, teacher?"

"With flying colors."

"They sat up on the couch and Don began another tutorial. "Most beginners," he said, "use only their lips when performing oral sex. That's good, but even more important, you have to keep your tongue busy swabbing your partner's cock. Doing that has two benefits. It helps to keep you from scraping your partner's cock with your teeth, and it gives your partner the ultimate pleasure. I'll demonstrate," he said, and went down on Fred.

Fred squirmed and screamed and filled Don's mouth with his cum. Don swallowed most of the cum, but he pulled away and started to kiss Fred, who gladly helped swallow the rest of his essence.

They rested for a few minutes and Don gave Fred another test. Fred did so well that Don came much sooner than he intended. Fred swallowed everything and there was no mess.

They stayed on the couch kissing and fondling until they felt it was time for Fred to go home.

"I don't ever want to go home again," Fred said.

"Hush, I want you to go home, and here's doctor's orders. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning." They both laughed at the stale old joke.

"What should I call you about? I'm not sick."

"I know. I want you to think long and hard about our `situation', and when you've made a decision, call me."

"If I choose you," Fred asked, "would you want to be with me forever?"

Don answered by kissing Fred.

They locked up the office, and they each hailed a cab to go their separate ways.


(Willie Chan)

Chris Connelly was a dance instructor. He had his own studio. He never made lots of money, but he was able to support himself. He was single and lived in an efficiency apartment behind the dance studio. The apartment came with the studio, so his only rent expense was for the studio. He was a small eater, and his major expense was his gym membership. If dancing wasn't exercise enough, Chris worked out constantly. His legs bulged from dance, but his torso was magnificent.

One day, as Chris was saying goodnight to his last student of the day, a handsome young man entered the studio.

"Hi," he said. "Are you the dance instructor?"

"Yes sir. What can I do for you?"

"That's a funny question. Teach me how to dance, of course."

`It'll be my pleasure," Chris said. His trousers were beginning to bulge, so he said, "Here, sit down at my desk, and we'll discuss it. The man did just that, and Chris sat down on the other side of the desk, facing him.

"Before we start," Chris said, "allow me to introduce myself. I'm Chris Connelly." He stuck out his hand, and the good looking, prospective client, grabbed it.

"My name's Willie Chan." The two men held on to their handshake way too long, but neither noticed.

Chris was not surprised that Willie had a Chinese name. He was obviously Eurasian, but he was built like a Caucasian. His coloring was definitely inherited from his mother. His hair and eyes were light brown. He was also tall for an Asian. At least six feet. Chris found him to be strikingly handsome. His partly Asian eyes gave him a beautiful, exotic appearance. Chris was stricken.

Chris reached into his desk, and pulled out a sheet of paper with a schedule of his fees. He handed it to Willie and said, "Okay, Mr. Chan, tell me what's on your mind."

"Sure, but please call me Willie. It's hard to explain. My wife and I were married almost a year ago."

Chris was crestfallen. Willie was married.

"We eloped, because neither of us wanted a large church wedding," Willie continued. "About six months ago, Carol began to regret our decision. She said she was sorry that we didn't have a wedding reception, where we could celebrate with all our friends and family. She had already made up her mind. For our first anniversary, she wants to make a modest reception, wear a wedding gown, and renew our vows. I didn't object at all."

"That's really romantic," Chris said. "When's the big event?"

"Next month, and that's my problem. A few days ago Carol asked me if I had a preference as to what song I would like for our first dance. I panicked. You see, I don't know how to dance, and I had never thought about a first dance. So that's why I'm here, but I can only take lessons after work. Can you accommodate me?

"Sure," Chris said, a little too eagerly. "What evenings are good for you, and how many lessons do you want?"

"I can come in any evening from Monday to Thursday. I'll leave it to you to determine how many lessons I need. But remember, we only have a month."

They settled on lessons three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. "When I feel that you can do a passable job dancing your first dance, we'll end the sessions," Chris said.

"It's a deal," Willie said. They shook hands on it, and once again held on way too long.

"One thing bothers me," Willie said. "Don't you have any female instructors?"

"I did have, but she quit a few days ago. I haven't been able to get anyone to replace her yet, but don't worry. I'll dance the girl's part." That struck Chris funny and he broke out laughing."

"That works for me," Willie said, and they said goodnight.

On Tuesday evening, Willie showed up at 5:30 PM. They gave each other a manly hug. They barely knew each other, but neither gave the hug a second thought. Willie handed Chris a CD.

"My wife and I chose this for our first dance," Willie said. "The orchestra knows the tune, but I had to find a recording on Amazon, and I paid for priority delivery. It's a real oldie, "Be My Love" by Mario Lanza."

"That is an oldie, but it's a classic beauty. Your wife made a good choice. Shall we begin?"

Willie nodded, and removed his coat. The first thing Chris did was to instruct Willie how to hold him. He inserted the CD into his player, and the lessons began.

Chris demonstrated the basic steps of the fox trot. "Let's do that for a while," he said, "and when you're comfortable, we'll do the same thing, but you'll lead me across the dance floor. The turns and dips will come later on."

Halfway through the lesson, Willie mastered the basic steps, even gliding around the room, but Chris started to laugh.

"Am I that bad?" Willie asked.

"No you're very good, in fact, but you're holding me like I was a hot coal. I'm your wife, hold me like you love me."

Chris pulled Willie close to him. Willie imagined how he would hold his wife, and he pushed forward. He could feel Chris's erect cock, and he began to elevate as well. Without any conscious awareness, they were dry humping each other while they were dancing. Suddenly, they both stopped dancing, but continued to dry hump. They both came.

Nothing brings a man back to reality faster than the moment after an orgasm. Chris started to beg Willie to forgive him. "Nothing like this has ever happened to me before," he wailed.

"Shh," Willie said, "I could have stopped you, but it felt too good. Unfortunately, I'm a mess."

"Me too," Chris said. "My apartment's in the back. Follow me. I'll give you clean underwear, and you can wash up."

"Can I shower," Willie asked. "I really shot a load."

"Sure, let's shower together and we can do our backs."

"Great idea," Willie said without hesitation

They stripped naked, and of course, they checked each other out. They were both uncut, and at the moment they were both hard at about seven inches. Chris was surprised that Willie was hard, and Willie was shocked. It embarrassed him.

"Don't make anything out of it," Willie said. "I'm perpetually horny."

Chris adjusted the water temperature. They stepped into the stall shower, and began to bathe each other. The intimacy enflamed Willie's libido. "Forgive me, if I'm wrong," he said, "but are you gay?"

"Yes, I am," Chris said. "I hope that won't impact on your lessons, and what I perceive to be a growing friendship."

"Of course not," Willie assured Chris, but I'd like to ask you to do something for me. The one thing missing in my lovemaking with Carol is oral sex. She won't do it. Once, I started to go down on her. I figured if she enjoyed it, she would reciprocate, but she stopped me."

"Are you asking me to give you a blow job?" Chris asked. Willie nodded shyly.

Without a second's hesitation, fearing that Willie might change his mind, Chris fell to his knees, and took all of Willie's cock into him. Willie screamed out, "Oh Gawd." After just a few strokes, he started to cum, and Chris pulled off him.

"Why did you stop?" Willie moaned.

"Because I have better things in mind for you. Soap up your cock."

While Willie did that, Chris stood up. He placed his arms on the shower wall, and jutted out his butt. "Please," he said, "fuck me."

Chris could tell that Willie was becoming frenzied, so he warned him to go in slowly. Willie went in very slowly, and when he was all the way in, he yelled again, "Oh Gawd," over and over again. As he fucked Chris, Willie wrapped his arms around his teacher. He held him closer and tighter than he did on the dance floor. Their cheeks were touching. Chris turned his head, and instinctively started to kiss Willie with an open mouth. He had no idea that he was even doing that, until he realized that Willie was kissing him back, and very passionately at that.

Willie came rather quickly. He held onto Chris as long as possible, but eventually he fell out. Chris turned around, and they continued to kiss passionately.

"I want to suck your cock and I want you to fuck me also," Willie said. It almost sounded like a military command.

"No," Chris said, equally as firmly. "I want you to think very carefully about this, and about your future. Consider the consequences. Think long and hard, all during the night tonight, and all day tomorrow. When you come back tomorrow, we'll discuss how you feel, and make the decision together. Now let's dry up, get dressed, and you go home."

"You're right, of course," Willie said, "but I doubt very much that I'll change my mind."

"We'll see," Chris mumbled.

Willie shocked Chris by kissing him goodnight with an open mouth.


(Harlan Chandler)

Harlan Chandler taught economics at a small mid-western university. He had a lovely three bedroom, one story house, within walking distance of the university. His street boasted an overabundance of mostly maple trees. He never could explain why, but he decided to rent out a room. The closest thing to an explanation, that he could offer himself, was that he was a lonely man.

His wife had walked out on him about three years ago. She claimed that she hated the academic life, and living in this town was like living in a cemetery.

"This place is like a morgue," she said, "and all your college friends bore me to death."

Neither of them had begun divorce proceedings in all the time they were separated. Harlan felt that he could do that if he ever wanted to remarry, and his wife could do the same. He sincerely doubted that he would ever tie the knot again. Although he was legally still married, he loved his new life, which had suddenly become stress free, and which lacked a woman who constantly badgered him. In spite of that, he spent too many lonely nights alone in the house he had once shared with Virginia.

He waited until mid-August and then he posted an ad on Craig's List. By waiting until slightly before a new academic year was to begin, he hoped to snare a student, or better yet, a new professor.

In all, he received five responses via E Mail. Four of them were from students, and one was from a professor who was just beginning to teach the next semester at Harlan's university. The professor got priority consideration.

Harlan contacted the new professor by telephone. His name was Conrad Smith. What was supposed to be a two minute business call to set up a meeting, turned into a two hour gabfest. The two men had so much in common. They were overwhelmed, and couldn't stop talking.

Both men were the same age, and had graduated from different colleges the same year. Connie's fiancé had dumped him about the same time as Virginia dumped Harlan. They were both relieved and glad to be single, but both admitted to loneliness. Connie was teaching world history at CCNY when they split, and he was fine with staying in New York, until he kept running into his old friends. They all reminded him of his one-time fiancé. He decided to make a new start in a new environment. He learned about the opening for a history teacher in a magazine devoted to academic placements, and here he was.

Connie was currently staying in a nearby motel, but he was anxious to get settled in a new home as soon as possible. He and Harlan agreed to meet the very next morning.

"Come by before eight," Harlan said. "I'll make us breakfast."

The next morning, promptly at eight, Harlan's doorbell rang. He ran to open the door. All he was wearing was a pair of cargo shorts, a T shirt and floppies. It was uncanny, but Connie was similarly attired. The two men smiled at each other, and Harlan literally grabbed Connie's hand and dragged him in.

They looked enough alike to be twins who were separated at birth. They were the same height, and obviously weighed about the same. They both had sandy blond hair, and blue eyes. Connie couldn't help wondering how alike they were inside their cargo shorts, but he quickly erased the thought.

Harlan planned to make a breakfast of bacon and eggs, with whole wheat toast and coffee.

"How do you like your eggs?" Harlan asked.

"Soft scrambled."

Of course, Harlan liked them the same way.

Before breakfast, Connie examined his future room. He loved it, but best of all he noted that the guest bathroom was right outside his door, and Harlan had a bathroom in his bedroom, assuring complete privacy.

During breakfast, they agreed on rent, and an allowance for meals. Harlan didn't really have any rules, but he was certain that Connie would respect his property. His tenancy was to begin in a week, on the first of September.

"I don't have a lease," Harlan said. He held out his hand and said, "Gentlemen's agreement."

"Gentlemen's agreement," Connie answered.

"Would you consider moving in right away?" Harlan asked. "The rest of August is on the house."

"I'd love to," Connie said. "After breakfast, I'll go to the motel and get my stuff. I don't have that much. I'm going to have to do some shopping."

"I'd like to come along and help you move," Harlan said.

"That'll be great," Connie answered.

"After we get you settled, let's celebrate, "Harlan said. "I want to treat you to a first class dinner at a fine restaurant tonight."

"Please don't," Connie begged. "Cooking is my hobby. After I get my stuff here, let's go shopping, and I'll buy us the fixings for a gourmet dinner."

"That sounds wonderful," Harlan said.

"More than wonderful," Connie agreed, "neither of us will be lonely tonight."

By late afternoon, Connie was all settled in, but they couldn't relax. They went shopping. Connie intended on cooking a standing rib roast with roast potatoes. Harlan informed him that he had good wine to go with the meal. They also bought fresh dinner rolls. They did indeed have a gourmet meal that evening.

After the kitchen was all cleaned up, and the dishes loaded into the dishwasher, they went into the living room for what was to be their first evening together.

"The TV in the living room is state of the art," Harlan explained. "You can't load a DVD into it. I guess the manufacturer believed that everyone could stream anything they wanted to see, so I bought an externally attached DVD player if you want to watch anything. The TVs in our bedrooms are not so modern. I have a combination VCR and DVD player attached to each of them. I noticed when we moved you in that you had a bunch of DVDs, so you'll have no trouble watching them."

Connie didn't answer. He just smiled at Harlan. "Let's not watch anything tonight. Let's talk and get acquainted. I want to hear all about the university and what I can expect."

They began to talk about everything and nothing, just as they had talked on the telephone only yesterday. It seemed like weeks ago. Finally, Harlan asked, "Is there anything you'd like to do tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have to buy a few more outfits. Can you tell me where to go?"

"Sure, but I'd rather go with you, if you don't mind. Also I've decided to make a Labor Day barbecue, so we'll have to shop for food. I'll invite some of my friends, colleagues only. This will give me a chance to introduce you around."

"You're too good to be true. I should have gotten engaged to you instead of the bitch who left me."

Harlan laughed. He thought that Connie was making a joke, but he wasn't. Connie was gay, and he had major hots for Harlan. Connie wanted to tell him about his sexual orientation, but he decided to wait for just the right time. That time might never come, he lamented.

The next morning, as Harlan was going to the kitchen to start breakfast, Connie was just coming out of the guest bathroom. He was completely naked, and Harlan apologized.

"What for?" Connie asked. "We live together. We were apt to see each other naked sooner or later."

A few minutes later Harlan noted that they were as much alike in the groin area as in the rest of their bodies, uncut and four inches flaccid.

The Labor Day picnic was fun, and Connie enjoyed the company of Harlan's friends. There were three professors in total. Two of them came with wives, and the other was single. Connie could tell that he was not only very straight, he was a player.

By the time they were two months into the semester, Harlan and Connie had settled into a domestic rut. That is not to say they were bored. They loved each other's company, and neither one seemed to be pursuing any kind of a social life outside of their household.

Connie got hotter and hotter for Harlan, but he held his tongue. The time passed quickly, and before they knew it, the two professors had been living together for almost two years.

One day, Connie had set up a number of meetings with some of his students to discuss their progress or lack thereof. He told Harlan that he would be home a little late. Harlan decided to turn the tables on Connie and he prepared dinner. He thought that it would be nice if after dinner they watched a movie together in the living room.

Harlan got the idea of choosing one of the DVDs he had seen Connie move in with. That way, he assured himself that Connie would love the choice of movie. Without thinking, he went into Connie's room. He knew which dresser drawer the discs were in, and he started rummaging through them. They were all male porno films.

When Connie came home, he was greeted by the aroma of culinary heaven. Harlan was strangely quiet during dinner. "Very unlike him," Connie thought.

After they cleaned up from dinner, Harlan said, "Let's go into the living room. I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure," Connie said. He sounded apprehensive.

They sat down very close together on the sofa. Their thighs were touching, but neither of them moved. Finally, Harlan spoke. "What was your fiancé's name," he asked Connie.

Connie didn't know where this was headed, but he knew it was time to come out, no matter what the consequences.

"James," he said simply.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you were gay?" Harlan asked.

Connie was shocked, but he managed to croak out, "How did you know?"

"That's not important." Harlan was not about to admit that he had invaded Connie's privacy. "Why were you so afraid to tell me? We're friends. You can tell me anything."

Because it wasn't important. I'd never taint our friendship by coming on to you."

"Maybe," Harlan answered, "but in a way, it was dishonest of you."

"Would you like me to leave?" Connie asked.

Harlan laughed sardonically. "No, you big jerk," he said, "I want you to stay and stay forever."

"What are you saying?"

"Connie, I never had a homoerotic thought in my life, and I certainly didn't believe that two men could fall in love with each other. Then I met you. Little by little, as our bromance grew, I realized that I loved you. I loved you more than I ever loved my wife. I wanted desperately to make love with you. Make love to me tonight, please."

"No," Connie said with authority.

"Why not?" Harlan asked. He was very disappointed.

"Because I'm not into one night stands."

"I don't understand. What do you mean? This won't be a one night stand."

"You don't know that," Connie said. "You're heterosexual by nature. What if we make love and you get totally grossed out, and never want to do it again? I know that I couldn't make love with a woman."

"That's because you never loved a woman. What if you fell deeply in love with one? I bet you could make love with her."

"Perhaps. I'll never know."

"You're not being fair," Harlan said. "I've been yearning for this night for months."

"Just the same, the answer is no. I want you to go to bed, and think very deeply about what you're about to do. Consider all the ramifications, and we'll talk again in the morning."

Harlan could do nothing but go to his bedroom. He didn't shut the door, as he usually did. Instead he took out a notepad, and started to list all the pros and cons of leading a homosexual life.


(Fred Richman)

Early the next morning, Don's doorbell rang. He always slept naked, so he grabbed a robe and ran to answer it. He was pretty certain that he knew who was on the other side of the door.

Fred was standing there with a grin as wide as one of the Grand Canyon ridges. There was an oversized suitcase on each side of him. Don gaped at him.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" Fred asked.

Don grabbed one suitcase, and Don picked up the other. Once he was in the house, Fred grabbed Don and began to smother him with kisses.

"Let's cut the crap," Fred said. "You told me that you've loved me since we were kids, and I told you that from the day I got married, I realized that it was you I loved. You're stuck with me Buster, and I'm not letting you say anything but yes."

"Yes," Don said, and he dragged Fred into his (their) bedroom.

(Willie Chan)

Chris was just sitting down to have his breakfast, when his phone rang. He suspected who it was, and he began to shiver.

"Hi Chris, this is Willie."

"Did you do what I told you? Have you given your proposal lots of thought?"

"Yes, I have. As much as I enjoyed last night, I can't leave my wife, and shatter her dreams of the wedding we planned. I think I fell in love with you, and I love the new sex you introduced me too, but I've decided to stay with my wife."

"I think you've made a wise decision, Willie. All I can do is wish you the best of luck."

"Thanks," Willie said, "and thanks for teaching me enough of the fox trot to get through my first dance. I'm sorry I can't take more lessons." He hung up.

Chris didn't hang up. He stared at his phone for a moment, and emitted a single, quiet sob.

(Harlan Chandler)

Harlan stared at his note pad. He read the pros and cons of staying with Connie forever. About two in the morning he made a decision. He walked into Connie's room. He could tell from Connie's breathing that he wasn't sleeping.

He and Connie were naked. They both slept that way. Harlan slipped into Connie's bed and wrapped his arms around him. Connie began to cry.

"Don't cry," Harlan said. "I love you. Maybe I love you even more than you love me. Let's go to sleep now and rest, so we can make love all day tomorrow."

Authors Note:

I had intended on asking you readers to decide in your own minds how each of these tales ended. Did the straight men return to their wives and/or lead a heterosexual life, or did they end up with their homosexual lovers? However, I realized that most of my readers are gay, and they would opt for the two men to get together, and live a blissful life in conjugal joy.

So don't bother thinking too much about it. Let's just assume the three married men made the right decision. Let's wish them good luck and happiness, and let's hope for the best for all of them.

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