Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Jul 30, 2016


Tiberius and Anik

by Nifty Boy

Part I: Arriving in Greece

Tiberius felt tired as he walked along a dusty trail in Southern Greece. He legs ached and his woollen tunic clung to his skin. A week ago he had left Rome on a boat. He arrived in Greece a few hours ago and he already hated it.

He hated the heat and humidity and most of all he hated being away from Rome. He would have felt very differently if he could have known already what incredible adventures he would soon experience. That soon he would meet the love of his life, that they would be captured by pirates and then manage to flee, that they would visit the Olympic Games where his lover would win a laurel wreath, that they would be forced to perform unspeakable acts before the court of the Roman governor of Crete and much, much more. But all this was in the future and so Tiberius was sullen and resentful.

Tiberius sighed and thought back about the comforts of Rome. He just reached his seventeenth year and his performance at school had been less than stellar. Everybody agreed that he was a nice boy, but he worked only as much as to go by. His father tried everything, and finally decided that an academy for wayward youths in Greece might do the trick to steel his son. The hope was that hours of sports a day and close tutelage by Greek teachers would manage to put some backbone into his boy.

As soon as his father received a letter from the academy telling him that they received the money and were expecting his son, he bought a passage to Greece for Tiberius and sent him off. The passage on the boat was fun and Tiberius mainly hang around and chatted with the other passengers. But walking for hours under the scorching sun was decidedly less agreeable and he grumbled and swore.

He had been told that he to walk by foot to the village of Epidaurus to find a passage to the academy. They told him that it was quite close, but it seemed that a march of six hours might be nothing for the hardy Greeks but rather painful for a spoiled Roman youth.

The trail became steeper and steeper and finally he reached the top of a hill, out of breath and sweaty. He saw a small village with a harbour below. For a Roman it did not look like much, just a few houses and villas and temples. He had to admit though that it looked pretty with all the white marble but of course it could not compare to the glory that was Rome.

Tiberius walked down the hill. Now that he had his destination before him, the tiredness fell off him and he half ran towards the village. After less than half an hour he arrived at the village and slowed down, out of breath. He walked to the harbour and steered towards a table at an inn. A large olive tree afforded a pleasant shade. He sat down on a bench and ordered water and fruits.

He tugged at his sweat-soaked tunic and took a long sip once the cool water arrived. He nibbled at grapes and olives and let his gaze wander. For such a small village, there was lot going on at the harbour, with small boats arriving and departing and a few market stands offering fruits, fish and clothes. The sea was deep blue and there was no cloud in the sky. The sea was dotted with small fishing boats and far away he made out the shape of a large, black trireme, likely on the hunt for pirates.

He felt a pleasant drowsiness fall over him and he barely managed to keep his eyes open. He decided to rest for a while before going to search for a boat to bring him to the academy. He even might stay overnight in the village. He still had a few denarius left and could afford to take a room in a hostel.

Like in Rome, the people he saw came from all corners of the Roman Empire and some likely even from beyond. He saw a blond Gaul and a Nubian talking with each other, somebody with reddish hair likely from Brittany and quite a few whom he guessed were from Italy and Sicily. They were dressed in all different manners, even though light tunics were prevalent. A few barbarians were wearing trousers and most fishermen simple loincloths.

As he let his gaze wander along the harbour he made out a fisher kneeling and repairing a net. The picture was very idyllic, with the sun above the fisher bathing him in a bright light and the deep blue sea behind him. But something looked strange and Tiberius squinted his eyes to focus. Then he realized that the fisher was a completely naked adolescent. He was perhaps twenty arm's length away and had been hidden before by a group of traders who stood between Tiberius and the youth.

The youth seemed to be slightly younger than himself and perfectly tanned all over. His body was smooth and slender and hairless. He was sitting on his heels with his thighs spread wide and worked on the knots of the net. The boy was half turned towards him so that Tiberius had a full view of his crotch. Tiberius glanced around furtively to see if anybody was watching him. When he ascertained that nobody was taking any notice of him, he let his gaze move back to the youth.

The boy seemed lost in his work, his fingers working quickly and diligently on the knots of the net. But then Tiberius noticed that the youth was not concentrating fully on his work. Tiberius clearly saw the boy's phallus lengthening and then slowly rising. The boy was obviously daydreaming rather than concentrating on the net. His slender cock swelled until it was semi erect before it slowly softened again.

Tiberius became acutely aware that he was himself rock hard and excited and his penis pressed uncomfortably against the tight loincloth which he wore below his tunic. He took deep breaths and tried to calm down. But he was not able to avert his gaze from the naked boy.

Tiberius swallowed one grape after another without even realizing it, while he watched the boy's penis stiffening and softening again and again. The rhythmic rising and falling of the phallus exerted a hypnotic attraction on Tiberius and he nearly forgot to breath, so much was he staring.

After a while it seemed that the boy's daydreaming reached a new level because the boy became fully erect and his penis pointed straight up and did not soften anymore. Tiberius's eyesight was excellent and he clearly saw the youth's frenulum tightly pulled back and his cockhead engorged and exposed. Below his rigid member dangled a perfectly symmetric and smooth ball-sack.

The youth seemed to realize his state of arousal and put the net aside and glanced down at his raging erection. He reached out and took a small amphora and poured some oil on his palm. He began anointing himself in oil to protect against the sun. Obviously the boy realized that in this state he could not work anyway and used the time to slather himself in sun-oil. He spread the oil all over his body, his hands gliding slowly and sensuously over his skin. It was clear that the boy became even more excited, his rigid penis starting to twitch very obviously.

Tiberius was transfixed, so captivated was he from the erotic spectacle. He felt his own erection starting to throb and the front of his loincloth getting moist with precum. He was glad that his tunic was long enough to hide his bulge and reached down to adjust it.

The youth lifted his hips to apply the oil to his buttocks. Tiberius watched him using his fingers to spread the oil along his crack. The boy then reached below with his finger to apply the oil to his perineum. It was clear that the youth was very excited, his head tilted back and his eyes closed. Finally he poured more oil onto his palm and spread it over his balls and then along the length of his erect penis.

Tiberius was shocked and assumed that the boy intended to masturbate right there on the harbour before all the people. He watched as the boy wrapped his hands around his erection and Tiberius was sure that he would ejaculate after only a few strokes.

But then a group of traders was approaching and the youth quickly took his hand away. The youth took the net and continued working on the knots. Finally, after long minutes, his cock slowly softened.

Tiberius was glad. He himself was so close that he was quite sure that he would have spilled his seed just by watching the boy cumming.

Once the youth lost his erection, he got up and stretched. Tiberius was transfixed by the sensuousness of his movements and the graceful play of the youth's muscles. The burned turned and Tiberius was rewarded with a perfect view of his bare buttocks. They were round and taut and gleaming and reminded him of two peaches.

The youth started wandering around the harbour and Tiberius eyes followed him. He was not difficult to make out, his golden brown body contrasting with the mostly white and tan tunics that nearly all of the people were wearing.

Tiberius had to grin. The Greek boy was like most adolescents in Rome and liked to hang around on market places.

It was obvious that the youth's nudity was extraordinary even in Greece. Tiberius saw many women and quite a few men staring at the youth as he was ambling though the harbour. But nobody complained so that Tiberius assumed that - while unusual - it was not forbidden to be naked. Given the perfect tan, Tiberius found it likely that the boy was rarely wearing clothes at all.

He watched as a group of youths walked over the boy and started chatting and laughing with him, obviously friends of his. He noticed that one girl put her hand on one of his taut buttocks and seemed to flirt with him. Tiberius felt strangely disappointed when he saw the girl's hand clamped around the boy's buttock. He was quite sure that the cock of the youth had grown and was pointing slightly out, in response to the girl's hand that was squeezing his buttock possessively.

He had often wondered how Greek boys could do sports and wrestle in the nude without getting an erection. Now he guessed that they might get excited just as easily as himself. Tiberius dreaded every visit to the baths where he had to be in the nude. His biggest fear was to get hard when he saw a cute boy. He managed to avoid this embarrassment until now, by thinking about very boring things and by staying in the water until he had calmed down. But the fisher boy did not seem to be overly concerned with his semi-erect cock and continued talking and laughing.

After a few minutes the friends of the youth had to leave and after some hugging they walked towards a larger building, likely to attend classes. The boy's cock slowly became flaccid and the youth resumed his stroll around the harbor, talking with some people and looking at the wares and shops. There were quite a number of people at the harbor, so Tiberius only caught a glimpse of the youth from time to time when he saw his tanned skin peeking out between the throng of villagers.

It took a conscious effort for Tiberius to stop staring at the naked boy and he finally turned his head to look out to the sea. He tried to think about the school where he would soon stay for at least a year and possibly for even longer. He counted the boats on the sea and finally felt composed enough to let his gaze wander back to the harbor.

He was shocked when he saw the youth standing just a two paces away, his back towards him. He took in the sight, from his supple ankles and lean legs with well-developed and powerful thighs to his narrow waist and muscular shoulders and long neck. His hair was deep black and straight and cut short behind and at the sides and longer on top. His skin was smooth and whenever he moved ever so slightly, the light reflected off the bulges and curves of his muscles.

The youth turned slightly and Tiberius was rewarded with view from the side. His held his breath when he saw the lean pectoral muscles. His buttocks were beautifully rounded and his soft cock dangled over round balls. The youth turned slightly more towards Tiberius and he marveled at the youth's beautifully defined abdominal muscles. Seen from close, his lack of pubic hair and his exposed glans made him seem even more naked than he anyway was.

Tiberius felt hot and flushed and stared down at the grapes before him to regain his composure. He did not understand his feelings since he had not yet admitted to himself that he loved men rather than women. The reaction of his father would have been unfavorable, to say the least and Tiberius knew that he was expected to marry and produce children, the more the better. But his emotions were too strong and he looked up again and saw that the youth was staring directly at him.

Tiberius heart began beating like crazy and he felt his blood pounding in his ear. He nearly panicked and feared that the youth would laugh at him for his obvious staring and shame him publicly. But the youth simply stood there and looked at Tiberius and then at the grapes and back again at Tiberius.

Tiberius hand was shaking slightly when he pushed the bowl with grapes slightly towards the youth. The boy smiled shyly and walked over to his table and stood before him, so close that he could have touched him without even stretching his arm.

The youth's crotch was just before his face and he could not avoid staring. His balls and penis were so close that he saw every crease and every pore. His phallus fell gracefully over his balls and ended in a beautiful glans, the color a mix of a lighter brown and pink. At the tip of his cockhead dangled a drop of sweat. Whenever the youth moved slightly, the drop wiggled and pulsed and was close of dropping. It took nearly superhuman powers of will for Tiberius not to reach out and wipe the offending drop off. His entire body glistened and sparkled from sweat and the oil. It was obvious that the youth was hot, rivulets of sweat running down his chest and flat abs and then down along his thighs.

"Would...would you like some grapes? Tiberius managed to stammer finally, his voice nearly breaking.

"Thank you very much, yes" the youth replied and smiled gratefully and with one fluid motion kneeled on the bench, his feet under his bare buttocks, close to Tiberius.

Tiberius could not believe his luck. He knew that he himself was much too shy to have dared talking to the youth and would then have regretted for years if not all his life not to have had the courage to address him. But now the youth was sitting so close to him that he even felt the heat of his naked body.

The boy reached out and took a grape and swallowed it. Tiberius tried very hard to regain his composure and breathed deeply to calm down. The youth was just a palm width away from him and when Tiberius inhaled through his nose, he sensed the boy's scent, an erotic mix of the sea, perfumed oil and sweat.

"I am Aniketos...", the youth said in a bright voice, speaking in a melodic, beautiful Greek.

"Hello Aniketos, I am Tiberius", Tiberius managed to reply without stammering.

"Thank you very much for the grapes, Tiberius. You can call me Anik, everybody calls me that" the youth smiled at him.

"Would you like some olives, Anik?" Tiberius asked and pointed to the bowl with olives.

Anik nodded and lifted his hips and leaned over the table to take some olives. Tiberius suppressed a moan when he saw the youth's cock flopping. Anik sat down again, his thighs spread wider and his knee nearly touching Tiberius' thigh.

Tiberius was acutely away of his erection but he did not dare to reach down to adjust his robe and loincloth.

"What brings you to Epidaurus?" Anik asked while he sucked at an olive.

"Epidaurus...? Ah, you mean this village. I am here to go to the school on Angistri. My parents sent me there to study. I am from Rome..." Tiberius realized that he was talking incoherently and stopped.

"Oh, you are from Rome?"

Anik looked at him with wide eyes. Tiberius saw that his pupil were deep black with golden flecks. Tiberius had never seen this before and nearly drowned in Anik's eyes.

"Yes, I am Roman. My family has lived in Rome since hundreds of years." Tiberius blushed once he realized that was boasting.

"I have never been to Rome, it must be wonderful. I live on Angistri. You must be very clever, only the best students go to the school there", Anik looked admiringly at Tiberius.

"No, not really. My father sent me here because I was not good enough for him at school." Anik smiled and put his hand on Tiberius arm. Tiberius tensed and felt as a wave of heat flowing through his body.

"I am sure you will love it. I know the school well. It is a good one with nice teachers. They often buy fish from me." Anik left his hand resting on Tiberius' arm.

Tiberius just nodded while he felt his cock throbbing inside his undergarment.

"Perhaps...when you take the boat back to Angistri ...perhaps I could come with you? Of course I would pay..." Tiberius finally managed to ask.

"Of course I can take you with me. You don't have to pay, I will go back anyway today. But perhaps you can buy some fish for me from time to time once you are at the school." Anik smiled at him happily and finished eating the last grape.

Tiberius couldn't hold back anymore with the question that was on his tongue since long.

"Ah....Anik...are...are you often...like this...?" he finally asked.

"You mean naked?" Anik asked back.

Tiberius nodded.

"Yes, I usually don't wear anything. I go out to the sea every day to catch fish and to swim and clothes are not comfortable then. I have a loincloth at home but I cannot remember when I was wearing it for the last time."

"And...you are naked at home too, before your parents?" Tiberius continued to ask.

"I am an orphan. I live on my own in a hut close to the beach" Anik replied.

"Oh...I am so sorry..." Tiberius blushed furiously and desperately hoped that he had not offended Anik.

"No, it is fine. They died when I was small. I can barely remember them." Tiberius sighed with relief. Then he took all his courage together to compliment the youth.

"You look good like this..." Tiberius finally managed to say.

"Thank you. I am glad that you said that." Anik smiled coquettishly.

Tiberius smiled too, then he was disappointed when Anik took his hand off his arm to grab another olive. He slowly and casually lowered his arm and put his hand on the bench between them. He did not have to wait for long. Anik shifted again and spread his thighs even wider and Tiberius felt the youth's firm thigh brushing against his hand. His heartbeat increased again and it took all his effort to remain composed.

"We should leave soon so that we will arrive at Angistri before the sun sets" Anik remarked.

Tiberius nodded and regretfully pulled his hand up.

They got up and Tiberius tensed when Anik put his arm around his shoulders. It felt so strange but also so good. He plucked up all his courage and then put his hand around the waist of the youth. Anik moved closer as they started walking along the harbour, clearly encouraging him. Tiberius blushed and was terribly self-conscious but he assumed that this was normal here in Greece. And Tiberius had to admit that the smooth skin and sensuously moving muscles of Anik felt wonderful under his flat palm.

Anik was walking so close to him that his hand wandered to the youth's stomach. The boy's skin was hot and slippery with sweat and oil so that Tiberius's hand was slowly sliding down until his palm rested on his pubic area. Tiberius felt the boy's lean muscles moving and flexing while they strolled along the harbour. He noticed quite a few people staring at them, but it felt so good that he did not care despite his shyness.

The walked by a market stand selling jewelry and Anik slowed to look at the pieces laid out on the ground.

"Do you want something? Can I buy you something" Tiberius asked

"Oh...no...it is much too expensive..." Anik protested but stopped and squatted down to examine the bracelets and anklets and necklaces.

They were beautiful and expertly made but quite cheap. Anik looked at them for a while and then held up an anklet.

"Do you like this?" Anik asked.

"Yes, it is beautiful, why don't you try it on?"

Anik nodded and sat down on a low wall next to the water. He bent down and tried to fasten the anklet, but he struggled with the latch.

"I am sorry, could you help me with it?" he asked.

Tiberius nodded and kneeled down before the youth and placed Anik's foot on his thigh. It felt warm and soft and as he closed the latch of the anklet, his fingers traced along the ankle and calf of the youth.

Tiberius looked up and saw that Anik had spread his thighs wider and placed his other foot on top the wall. It afforded Tiberius a perfect view of Anik's hairless cleft and he imagined that he even caught a glimpse of his tight anus. Tiberius just stared, taking in the sight while he felt his heart hammering. Finally he became aware of Anik's toes wiggling on his thigh. He glanced down and realized that he had clamped both hands around the youth's slender ankles. He quickly let go and looked up and blushed.

Anik had very obviously reacted to the hold Tiberius had around his ankle. His penis had stiffened and lifted off his balls.

Anik smile sheepishly and took his foot away and placed it on the ground. He stood up, his phallus pointing straight out.

"Do you like it?" Anik asked and wiggled with his foot, the anklet clinking lightly.

"Y..yes, very much..." Tiberius replied and averted his eye from the youth's cock.

He quickly went to pay for the anklet and as he turned around, Anik pressed against him.

"Thank you so much..." Anik said happily and put his arms around Tiberius.

Tiberius felt Anik's half-hard member poking against him.

"But of course...it is nothing..." Tiberius stammered and awkwardly patted the youth on the back. People walking by grinned and smiled at them and enjoyed the bubbling excitement of the fisher boy.

Finally Anik stepped back, beaming with joy, his cock pointing jauntily at Tiberius.

"Let us go now, else it will be dark before you arrive at your school."

Anik leaned against Tiberius, obviously expecting him to put his arm around his waist again. Tiberius complied gladly and placed his palm on his flat abs, rather lower than before. They started to walk slowly and Tiberius let his hand very slowly move down. Finally he felt the heel of his hand brushing ever so lightly against the root of the boy's penis.

He glanced at the boy from the corner of his eyes, hoping that he did not go too far. But Anik did not react adversely. On the contrary, he snuggled even closer to Tiberius.

They walked slowly and Tiberius hoped that it would take a long while until they arrived at the boat.

Suddenly he sensed something touching the back of his hand. It did not feel like an insect so he did not move his hand. He felt the pressure increasing and glanced down to see what it was.

His heart skipped a beat when he realized that his flat hand was trapped between the boy's pubic area and his fully erect penis. Tiberius was shocked but at the same time elated. It seemed that his touch had excited the youth and that his own arousal was reciprocated by Anik. He turned his head towards Anik and saw him smiling strangely at him. The youth did not seem shamed at all by his erection. It seemed to Tiberius rather that the boy had not fought at all against his arousal but that he wanted his erection to tell Tiberius that he felt attracted to him.

Tiberius looked deep into the boy's eyes and then began rubbing his hand nearly imperceptibly against Anik's stomach and erect member.

They walked slowly along the pier, both youths wanting this moment to last as long as possible.

Fortunately they had arrived at a part of the harbor with few people and those that were around were in busy loading boats. As Tiberius gently caressed Anik, he felt the boy's throbbing member pressing rhythmically against the back of his hand. He glanced down again and noticed a clear fluid that had begun to ooze from the slit, making Anik's glans slick and sticky. Tiberus glanced around, then quickly moved his hand so that it covered Anik's penis. The boy moaned loudly and Tiberius felt his cock pulsing rhythmically and his palm getting wetter and wetter and precum started to flow freely. Anik's breathing became increasingly heavy and labored and it was clear that he was close to ejaculating.

Just then a group of sailors walked down the plank of a galley in front of them and Tiberius quickly too his hand away.

"We are here" Anik gasped, visibly trying to control himself and calm down.

Anik took Tiberius' hand and guided him towards his boat. Anik climbed down into the small boat and then held out his arm to help Tiberius in.

"Sit down here" Anik pointed to a plank on the boat.

Tiberius sat down and watched Anik hoisting the square sail. Then Anik sat down on a plank opposite Tiberius and took two paddles and started rowing out of the harbor. He placed his feet on either side of Tiberius, his muscles flexing as he rowed. Tiberius was again afforded a perfect view of the youth's cock and ball as he sat opposite him with his thighs spread.

Tiberius was starting to feel more confident and relaxed and put his hand on the ankle of the boy and played with his anklet while he watched him rowing. Anik became even more excited and horny and Tiberius watched his cock engorging and twitching as soon as he touched him.

Anik grinned at him, completely unfazed by his erection and continued rowing until they were outside the harbor. Finally he put the paddles away and sat up.

"The wind will guide us directly to the island. We should be there in less than an hour" Anik commented and sat down.

"I get hard all the time since last summer" Anik said as he glanced down at his erection.

"How old are you then?" Tiberius asked.

"I am fifteen years. And you...?"

"I am seventeen. I am often hard too..." Tiberius replied.

Anik nodded and reached down and tugged and played with his balls, which made his rigid member bounce against his flat abs. Then he wrapped his hand around his penis and started stroking himself slowly, all the time looking into Tiberius' eye.

Tiberius suppressed a moan and felt his own cock getting so hard it nearly hurt.

"Do you want to help me spill my seed?" Anik asked.

"What...? You mean...?" Tiberius' eyes widened and he was not sure if he understood correctly.

Anik just smiled and then draped his legs over either side of the boat and laid back. He was lying completely exposed before Tiberius, with his legs nearly in a split and it was very obvious what he wanted Tiberius to do.

Tiberius was unable to speak and just nodded and went down on his knees. He reached out and grabbed the boy's erection tenderly. He felt his hands trembling and he had to take a deep breath to get a hold on himself. He felt Anik's member throbbing in his hand and was astonished how stiff and rigid it was. Anik moaned softly and clenched his buttocks as he thrust up against Tiberius' hand.

Anik's buttocks rested on the plank and his upper body was leaning down with his head tilted back. Tiberius saw that even his nipples were hard and pointing up. The youth's chest was rising and falling quickly. Tiberius gently brushed a finger against the ridge of Anik's glans. He was rewarded with an excited moan and he continued caressing the ridge gently.

Though Tiberius masturbated often and enthusiastically, he was nevertheless unsure how to best stimulate the youth. He masturbated mostly in standing or kneeling by jerking frantically and he came always within a minute or less. But this time he wanted to draw out the experience and to make it last for Anik.

Soon he felt the youth's precum moisten his palm and Anik started breathing faster and faster. It was obvious that Tiberius had not been successful in postponing the boy's climax. Suddenly Anik groaned and squirmed as he felt an orgasm approaching. Tiberius placed his palm over the boy's cockhead and within seconds felt semen spurting out forcefully. Both youths moaned excitedly and Anik convulsed as he ejaculated rope after rope of semen. His cum flowed out between Tiberius' fingers and oozed down along Anik's cock.

Finally Anik sighed and slowly calmed down, his climax receding. The two youths looked into each other's eyes, then they suddenly started to giggle and laugh uncontrollably.

At long last, the boys managed to stop laughing. Tiberius was still cupping Anik's cockhead. Anik sat up and grabbed Tiberius' wrist and lifted his hand off his cock and to his mouth and began to lick off his cum.

Tiberius whimpered and realized that he himself was very close to cumming too. Anki must have felt it too, since he reached down under his tunic and gently squeezed Tiberius's bulge through the loincloth.

"Please....no....", the Roman just about managed to say, then he moaned as he felt an orgasm rushing towards him without any hope of holding back.

He tried to supress his moans and started to ejaculate into his undergarment while Anik squeezed and rubbed his bulge.

"Ooops, I think you soiled yourself..." Anik grinned mischievously.

Just then they heard voices and when they looked up they saw that they were already very close to the harbour of Angistri.

Anik scrambled up to lower the sail. He was just in time and the boat slowed and gently pumped against the pier. He tied the boat to it and both youths climbed out and stood on the pier of the small harbor. Anik's penis was flaccid but the traces of semen were quite obvious. Tiberius was soft too but his loincloth was moist with cum. Fortunately there was a small fountain close by and Anik splashed water over his crotch and cock and cleaned himself.

Then Anik reach under Tiberius' tunic and tugged at his loincloth.

"What are you doing?" Tiberius asked nervously.

"I want to wash it out. You cannot go like this to the academy. Everybody can smell what you did" Anik grinned.

Tiberius nodded and Anik pulled the loincloth off him and washed it out in the fountain. Tiberius pulled his tunic down and was glad that it went nearly down to his knees.

"Let us go now. If we hurry you will be in time there for dinner" Anik said.

Tiberius agreed and took his wet loincloth and they started walking towards the interior of the island.

Next: Chapter 2

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