Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Jan 10, 2017


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 10: The Escape

Anik and Tiberius slowly got up and watched the soldiers unlocking their cage. Even though they had known since weeks what Marcellus intended to do with them, now that the moment had arrived it hit them hard nevertheless.

Anik felt dizzy and had to be supported by Tiberius. The two soldiers grabbed them roughly by their arms and led them through a long corridor. Anik was close to panicking and began breathing harder and harder. Tiberius wrapped his arm around the boy and tried to give him strength even though he himself was trembling too.

At the end of the corridor was an open door that lead into a large room that was illuminated by torches. They entered the room where Marcellus was already waiting. He was flanked by Drakon and two slave girls. In the middle of the room was a short table with ropes attached at the corners and a smaller table beside it on which instruments and tools were laid out.

"Now the moment has come...I let you have your fun during the last weeks...but I will be the one with the last laugh..." Marcellus said while he glared at the youths.

"I used the time to perfect my approach. I can promise you that you will suffer for weeks..." he continued and stared hatefully at the boys.

He glanced at the two soldiers. One stepped forward and pushed Anik on the table. Tiberius cried out and tried to help his lover but he was held back by the second soldier. Anik screamed and trashed around but the soldier held him down easily. The two slave girls tied Anik's hands with the ropes that were attached to the table. They went to the other side of the table and crossed his ankles and tied them with a rope together.

"We start with the Greek boy, then tomorrow it will be the Roman's turn ..." Marcellus commented as he glared down at the tied boy.

Anik writhed and lifted his head and looked desperately at Tiberius. But Tiberius was in the iron grip of the soldier and was unable to help him.

"Now first we have to make the boy hot. Drakon...." Marcellus commented and pointed to the slave boy.

Drakon blushed and looked embarrassedly at Tiberius. Then he took Tiberius' hand and led him over to Anik.

"Please forgive me..." he whispered to Tiberius and then reached down and started stroking the Roman boy until he was erect.

Anik's buttocks were placed just at the edge of the table and the two slave girls lifted his legs, exposing his tight ring. The table was so short that Anik's head dangled down over the edge.

"I am so sorry..." Drakon whispered.

Anik was too much in panic to hear it and to understand what was happening to him. His eyes were wide and his body already glistening with sweat and he seem to be close to going into shock.

"Hurry..." Marcellus ordered harshly.

Drakon wrapped his hand around Tiberius' erection and guided it to Anik's ring. He pushed Tiberius gently and the Roman boy penetrated his lover. Anik did not seem to be aware of it but clenched his ring and sucked his lover deeper in.

"Be careful to pull him out before he ejaculates..." Marcellus warned Drakon, who nodded nervously.

Tiberius pressed in and moaned, the tightness of Anik's anus stimulating him despite his fear. Anik continued to struggle and writhe but soon his penis began to stiffen too.

"Please, pleasure Anik now..." Drakon whispered to Tiberius who began slowly squeezing in and out.

Soon the sobbing of Anik transformed into moaning and Tiberius' breathing quickened too. But before the boys could climax, Drakon pulled Tiberius away. His stiff member bounced up, glistening and slick.

"He likes to have something inside him. We will satisfy his wish later" Marcellus commented drily as he glanced down at Anik's erection.

"Now find out what else excites him..." he continued and waved at the two girls.

They stepped forward and bent over Anik and began sucking at his nipples. Anik began wriggling and groaning and trying to thrust up with his hips. But after a few minutes Marcellus ordered the girls to stop and they straightened up.

"Now in his throat.." Marcellus commanded, without even looking at Tiberius.

Drakon led Tiberius to Anik's head. Anik was panting with his head leaning over the edge of the table. Tiberius pressed his member slowly down the throat of Anik. The flexing and squeezing of the boy's throat made him nearly cum and Drakon, sensing the approaching orgasm, quickly pulled him away.

"I forgot to tell you...whenever one of you shoots his seed, I will flog one of my slaves, starting with these two..." Marcellus said in a low voice and pointed to the trembling slave girls.

Anik's phallus twitched excitedly and began gushing precum and he was obviously close.

"He is already close. Tie his phallus so that he doesn't spurt, but wait until he has calmed down" Marcellus ordered Drakon.

Once Anik stopped heaving and gasping, Drakon gently wrapped a thin leather band around the base of his penis and his scrotum. Anik began moaning at once but did not ejaculate and slowly relaxed slightly.

"Suck his toes, that might excite him too" Marcellus order Tiberius without looking at him.

Tiberius lifted Anik's feet and began slowly sucking at his toes while Anik moaned and tensed his muscles. This went on for a long time, until Anik moaned louder and louder and sweat began running down his body. Tiberius had his lips wrapped around the big toe of Anik and glanced down at the throbbing phallus of his lover. Anik was far gone since a while and moaned and screamed from lust. Every muscle of his body was cramped and fluttered. The glans of his penis was purple and engorged and his scrotum was taut with semen and dangling down heavily over the edge of the table.

Every time the moaning became hoarse and labored, the slave girls poured water down the parched throat of Anik. And when they sensed that he was overheating, they splashed water over his sweaty body to cool him down. Tiberius could not imagine in what state of mind Anik would be in the morning.

Marcellus yawned and turned around and walked towards the door.

"Drakon, continue during the night...I will be back in the morning" he said and left.

The two soldiers stayed however and watched every move of Tiberius and Drakon. Tiberius had no choice but to continue sucking at Anik's toes even though he tried to stimulate him as little as possible.

Drakon watched for a while, then took an amphora and walked over to the two soldiers.

"Here, you must be thirsty" he said to them and poured them two cups with wine.

The soldiers took the cups wordlessly and gulped the wine down. Soon after, they started yawning and looked increasingly tired and confused. They let Drakon help them to sit down on the ground, both obviously unable to clearly think anymore. Drakon watched them impassively as they struggled to stay awake, but soon their eyes closed and they started snoring softly.

"We have to flee now. I mixed a potion into the wine that will make them sleep for a few hours. But there are often other soldiers dropping by during the night" Drakon said quickly and nervously.

Tiberius let go of Anik's feet and took the rope of his ankles.

"Thank you so much" he said gratefully while he quickly went to the other end of the table to untie Anik's wrists.

Anik was too far gone to realize that he was free. Tiberius splashed water over Anik's burning body and lifted his head.

"Anik...please...my love..." he said urgently.

Anik's eyes fluttered and Tiberius helped him to sit up. The Roman boy massaged the legs and thighs of his lover to loosen his muscles. Finally after a few minutes of rubbing, Anik was able to get up. He was still confused and barely able to stand. In the hurry, Tiberius forgot to free Anik's penis from the leather band and the Greek boy was too dazed to tell him and remained rock hard.

"Follow me..." Drakon said and glanced out of the door and waved at the two boys to follow them when he saw that the floor was empty.

Tiberius supported Anik and they quickly down the hallway towards an exit of the palace. Anik got stronger with each step and soon was able to walk alone. But just when they arrived at the door leading out into the garden, Anik suddenly stopped.

"There is something I need to get...wait for me" he whispered, then turned and ran towards the part of the palace that was reserved for Marcellus.

"What...? What are you doing...?" both Drakon and Tiberius whispered stunned but Anik was already gone.

The two boys could do nothing but hide behind a large statue. They waited anxiously, imagining what would happen if their escape were noticed. Tiberius swore to himself not to leave his lover and rather fight and be recaptured, than abandoning him.

After a few minutes they heard the tapping of bare feet against the marble floor and Anik ran towards them. He held two necklaces triumphantly up and put the black one on Tiberius. Tiberius smiled happily and put the white one around Anik's neck. "I could not leave without our necklaces" Anik said, slightly out of breath. Tiberius felt his love for Anik burn even hotter. He had not realized how much it mean to the boy to have been claimed by him. Tiberius decided right then and there that if they would survive and managed to get away from Marcellus, he would never ever leave Anik. And he promised to himself that as soon as possible he would go with the boy to Rome and present him to his parents as his one and only lover. He made a vow silently to all the Gods that he believed in and in particular to Ganymede, despite his anxiousness to tell his father that he had a male lover.

He was overcome with emotion and embraced Anik and kissed him hard. He felt the engorged phallus of Anik pressing against his crotch and realized that he had forgotten to take the rope around his lover's phallus and the boy was still rock-hard.

But just as he broke the kiss and wanted to crouch down to untie the rope, a hysterical scream reverberated through the palace. It was Marcellus who must have woken up and noted the necklaces missing.

"Guards...guards..." he shrieked, sounding as if he had completely lost his mind.

The three boys bolted at once out of the palace, and saw a group of soldiers storming towards them from the garden. They turned left and began running. It was deep in the night, but the moon was half full and bathed everything in a weak, ghostly light. It was sufficient for the boys to see where they were running, but unfortunately they were visible to the soldiers too.

"We have to run to the lake..." Tiberius gasped while he ran behind Anik, with Drakon following close behind him.

Anik followed a randomly seeming path that nevertheless brought them closer and closer towards the lake. Nevertheless, they heard the loud voices and the heavy steps of soldiers coming closer and closer. One solider seemed to have intuited where the boys wanted to run to.

"I think they want to go to the lake...follow me" he shouted. "Go to the lake...I will lead them away..." Anik said urgently.

"No..." Tiberius shouted, but it was too late already and Anik raced off towards an open field where he was clearly visible.

At once a group of soldiers ran after Anik, screaming loudly to their comrades to follow them. Anik slowed his speed and let the soldiers approach, before he accelerated and ran back towards the palace. Tiberius and Drakon saw him pull away from his pursuers, his feet seemingly barely touching the ground. Anik ran so fast that the soldiers pursuing him seemed to barely move.

"We have to go to the lake...if anybody can evade the soldiers, it is Anik..." Tiberius told Drakon, remembering the stamina and speed of the boy from having seen him race at Olympia.

Drakon nodded and the two youths continued running and soon arrived at the place where the lake used to be. But instead of a sizeable body of water, only a small puddle remained there. The plan of Tiberius and Anik had worked and the water had evaporated and drained away while no fresh water had flowed in. Tiberius ran towards the place where he remembered the drainage pipe was situated. He quickly found it and crouched down to push mud and stones away that obstructed the pipe.

He just finished with this task and looked up and was rewarded with the view of Anik running around the other side of the lake. Far behind him at least twenty soldiers were half running and half stumbling, obviously at the end of their tether. Anik waved at Tiberius and Drakon and ran even faster. Within a short time he was united with the two boys and barely breathing harder than normal.

"Let's go quickly..." he said and then without any hesitation crouched down and crawled into the drainage pipe.

Anik and Drakon were both slender and so had no problems entering, but Tiberius had to squeeze into the pipe. Fortunately the walls of the pipe were smooth and slippery so that he managed to crawl in the tight enclosure. Soon they heard the loud voices of the soldiers and furious swearing as they tried unsuccessfully to crawl into the pipe.

"We have to catch them at the other end of the pipe...hurry...hurry..." their commander shouted.

The boys redoubled their effort and crawled as fast as they could. Soon they saw the dim, bluish light of the night sky and within a short time all three tumbled out of the pipe.

"Follow me...we can catch our breath later..." Drakon gasped and groaned and straightened up.

His light tunic was soggy and torn and he looked exhausted and at the end of his strength. But he soon began half running and half stumbling down a steep hill. Below was the sea and a wide beach. Drakon did not continue running down to the beach but raced to the left halfway up the hill.

"Come...I know there is a cave...nobody knows about it..." he gasped.

When they arrived at a large, thorny bush, Drakon stopped and pulled a branch away. It was too dark to see anything, but Anik went down on his belly and began crawling and disappeared, followed by Tiberius. Then it was Drakon's turn and he lay down flat on his stomach and squeezed through too. He cried out when a thorn ripped his tunic and nicked his skin, but he continued crawling.

While the entrance was small and hidden by the brush, the cave was quite large. It was about twenty paces on each side and at least ten paces high. The boys collapsed on the ground and gasped for air, barely comprehending yet that they had managed to flee from Marcellus reign of terror.

"I often came here when I was a kid...it was always my secret hideaway and I did not tell anybody about it" Drakon explained while he caught his breath.

They huddled together while they heard the shouts and screams of the soldiers outside.

"There is nobody here...they must have run along the beach towards the port..." a soldier shouted.

There was some grumbling and swearing, then there was silence as the soldiers began running along the beach, hoping in vain to catch the boys on the way to the port. The three boys sighed with relief.

"How can we ever thank you, Drakon...?" Tiberius finally said.

"Do not even think about it...it was the least I could do...and I was as much a prisoner as you were..." Drakon replied.

"And I have lost all joy of living, once Marcellus killed my lover..." he added, sounding subdued.

Anik reached out and gently stroked Drakon's cheek. It did not take long before Drakon began sobbing, first silently, then all the pain and despair came out. Anik and Tiberius hugged the boy while he sobbed and cried. They gently caressed him and Anik pulled the soggy tunic off Drakon.

It took a long time, but finally Drakon's tears dried up and he calmed down.

"I...I am sorry...it is the first time I really cried...since he died..." he whispered.

"It is good...your sorrow has eaten at you...I am glad you could finally cry..." Tiberius said gently, his hand gliding over the boy's chest and abs while Anik caressed his sides and back.

Tiberius hand slide down further and soon brushed against Drakon's erection.

"I think there is something else that you have not done since long..." Tiberius whispered.

Drakon just nodded and spread his thighs. He sat on the ground with his legs splayed wide and offered his erect phallus to Tiberius. Drakon was silent and closed his eyes, hoping to be pleasured by the Roman youth. He had not made love since his lover died and had not even pleasured himself. And even though he found both Anik and Tiberius attractive and their antics at the palace exciting, he hand not masturbated. But now all the pent up lust was too much and he craved nothing more than to finally climax again.

Tiberius also did not say a word but bent down and kissed Drakon's cockhead. Drakon moaned when he felt the lips of the Roman boy wrapping tightly around his shaft. Tiberius sensed the need of Drakon. He felt hands pressing his head down and the throbbing member of the boy entering his throat. It did not take long before the Drakon's cockhead expanded and then a thick stream of semen began gushing forcefully. It was pulsing flow of semen that shot out, too much for Tiberius to swallow. He gulped down as much as he could, but cum began oozing out between his lips and running down his chin. Finally he heard the boy sigh and he lifted his head and gasped for air.

"Thank you so much...I need that...I haven't even pleasured myself since my lover died.,." Drakon said.

Then they heard a desperate whimpering and both looked over to Anik. The Greek boy was kneeling and glanced down at his phallus. It was still tied and he had been fully erect since last evening. There was a sheen of precum covering his penis and more of the clear liquid was expelled from his slit as they were staring at it.

"I am so sorry, my baby...." Tiberius said, shamed by having forgotten the plight of his lover.

He went over to him and fiddled with the leather band wrapped around the base of Anik's cock. As soon as he managed to loosen it, Anik cried out and convulsed and ejaculated violently. Both Tiberius and Drakon watched in awe as Anik's taut scrotum pulled up and more and more semen spurted from his cock. Whenever they thought that the boy was finally spent, he spasmed again and expelled another glob. But then he was spent, a thick puddle of semen before him on the ground.

The Greek boy was trembling and exhausted from his climax. His penis finally started softening in fits and starts until it was semi erect. Tiberius gently caressed and calmed the boy

"Thank you...I was so hard it hurt..." Anik whimpered.

Tiberius embraced the boy until he felt the trembling slowly abating. The Roman gently stroked his back and sides and soon the whimpering of the boy transformed into lustful, soft moans. Anik leaned closer to Tiberius and whispered into his ear. Tiberius smiled and nodded and Anik turned towards Drakon.

"You have saved our life, we will never be able to repay this debt. But I want your seed inside me to always remember and honor you" Anik said seriously and looked into Drakon's eyes.

"You gave me back much more. Thanks to you I have found hope again" Drakon answered and smiled.

Anik nodded, then he went on all fours and offered himself to Drakon. Drakon was already erect and excited and his cock was pointing rigidly towards Anik's ring. He kneeled behind the boy and put his hands around the slim waist of the boy and pressed. Tiberius watched as Drakon's glans slowly entered his lover. Anik winced since Drakon's phallus was quite a bit thicker than the one of Tiberius. The boy's sphincter wrapped around Drakon's cockhead, then with an audibly plop, his ring was breached and contracted around the shaft.

Drakon cried out, surprised by the tightness of the boy. Tiberius watched Drakon's thigh muscles and glutes bulging as the youth tried to push deeper into the boy. He grabbed Anik's shoulder to have more leverage and groaned. Finally his member began, slowly and inexorably, to squeeze deeper into the boy.

Anik moaned and winced, but then Drakon managed to bury the entire length of his phallus inside the boy. He rested and caught his bread while he felt the boy's wall squeezing his cock from all sides. The wall was pulsating and quivering and it was as if his member was being massaged by a thousand tiny fingers, caressing and rubbing it gently. Drakon moaned and grinded and twisted against the boy. He moved his hips and jabbed his cock into Anik in quick, short thrusts. His breathing became increasingly labored and then he convulsed and pressed his cock as deep in as possible. Tiberius watched Drakon's balls pull up and the vein at the root of his phallus pulsate slowly and steadily. His semen was being pushed deep into Anik and it took a long time before his balls were hanging flaccid and empty and Drakon slowly collapsed on top of the boy.

Both youths were moaning contently. After a while Drakon managed to sit up and to pull out of Anik. His member slid out of Anik's anus with a wet sound. He had ejaculated so deeply inside the boy's rectum that only a thin trickle of semen oozed from Anik's hole.

The youths were dog-tired after their ordeal and the excitement and lay down on the ground, arranged in a circle and began sucking each other. They closed their eyes and suckled languidly at the semi-erect cocks of their lovers. Soon their exhaustion overcame them and they began snoring softly and it was nearly midday when they woke up again.

Drakon crawled to the opening of the cave and stuck his head out but saw nobody. The beach was peaceful and deserted.

"Let's go now. If we leave now we will arrive at Chersonesus in the evening. I am sure you can find a boat that brings you away from here" he said.

The two lovers nodded and followed him out of the cave. They walked along the beach, looking nervously over their shoulders at first. But nobody was following them and they began relaxing. They chatted animatedly and laughed and played around. They took frequent breaks to look for edible berries and fruits. They were all giddy and dizzy with joy of being free again and the day went by in no time.

The sun was already low on the horizon when they saw the port of Chersonesus before them. It was a bustling town with gleaming white houses and red-tiled roofs. The harbor was large with many boats at anchor and many more in the bay, waiting to unload their cargo and take on goods. The town was surrounded by farms with farmers tilling their fields and looking up when they saw the three naked youths walking by. Soon they arrived at the outskirts of Chersonesus with small houses built close together and narrow streets and alleys. Drakon led them into a side alley to a small house where an older man was sitting outside, waving a wicker basket. He looked up and then let out a cry.

"Drakon....you...?" he yelled, not believing his eyes.

Drakon ran towards him and flew into the man's arms.

"Uncle...uncle...I am back..." he stammered, then he began sobbing from happiness and relief.

The man started crying too and wrapped his arms protectively around the boy.

"Drakon, my boy, you have to flee...I am sure Marcellus is looking everywhere for you..." his uncle finally managed to say.

"I know...I will go to my parents tonight and then run away with them...." Drakon said.

"But first I have to bring my friends to the harbor so they can get off the island..." he added.

His uncle nodded and went quickly into the house and came back with a big bowl of grapes and an amphora with water and tunics for the boys to wear. Drakon and Tiberius put the tunics on while Arik remained naked. The three gulped down the grapes and drank and told the story of their captivity. It was already getting dark when they finally got up and said farewell to the uncle.

They walked though narrow alleys towards the harbor. They soon arrived and stood close to the wall of a house and observed the harbor.

"Now it will be easy for you to get on a boat. They always look for boys helping them and offer them free passage for work" Drakon said.

"Do not be concerned about us...see to it that you can save yourself and your family..." Tiberius replied, then kissed him deeply.

Anik also kissed him passionately and was barely able to finally pull back. Both boy were panting, but then Drakon slapped his buttock and stepped back.

"Go...before it is too late for you to find a place on a boat" Drakon urged the two lovers.

The nodded and with a final quick kiss they parted. Drakon ran back into the town to go to his parents while Tiberius and Anik walked into the harbor.

Next: Chapter 11

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