Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Sep 3, 2017


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 12: The Emperor's Orgy

After breakfast, Anik and Tiberius went for a stroll through Rome. They walked to the Forum Romanum, which was the center of Rome since hundreds of years and was bustling with people already in the early morning. All around the central plaza were statues of famous Roman senators and generals. Large buildings surrounded the forum, containing shops and markets and much more.

A short walk brought them to the temple of the Vestal Virgins. It was a large, elegant palace that was inhabited by the four Vestal Virgins and their many attendants and guards. The boys stopped and looked up at the palace and wondered if they might catch a glance of one of the virgins. Tiberius was especially eager since laying an eye on a Vestal Virgin was supposed to bring luck.

They waited for a while, then they saw a shadow at a window on the third floor. Then a middle-aged women peered down on them. She smiled when she saw the naked figure of Anik looking back at her. But then a guard stepped towards them and glared furiously.

"Let's better go..." Tiberius whispered and quickly dragged his lover along the street.

"It is the first time I have seen a Vestal Virgin. Let us see what luck she will bring us during the coming days" Tiberius remarked and put his arm around Anik's shoulders.

They continued their exploration. For Anik everything was new and exciting and Tiberius was happy to show the Greek boy the wonders of Rome.

Anik caused quite a lot of excitement and a number of Romans and tourists went to the boys to ask about Anik's nakedness. Quite a lot of men and women thought that he was a pleasure boy and were interested in acquiring his services. It became quite tiresome for Anik and Tiberius to say no, since some of the suitors were very insistent.

At the end Tiberius went to a shop and bought a leather slave collar for Anik. Once Anik put it on, people still stared at him but assumed that he was the sex slave of a debauched Roman youth. The two youths had a lot of fun pretending to be master and slave, with Tiberius slapping and grabbing Anik's buttocks when he saw somebody glancing with interest at his lover.

It was early evening when they went quickly to a bath to get rid of the grime and dirt of the city. Feeling fresh and clean they walked back home and greeted Tiberius' parents.

The parents saw the slave collar that Anik was wearing and looked at them surprised.

"What is that? Anik does not belong to you" the mother told Tiberius with a stern voice.

Anik came to the help of his lover and explained the reason why they had bought the slave collar. And truth be told, Anik felt quite turned on wearing the collar but that he did not tell the mother.

The father harrumphed and smiled at the two youths.

"I have something for you. I got cards for Anik and you for the games tomorrow in the Coliseum."

Tiberius whooped with joy and fell around the neck of his father.

"Thank you so much, I so missed the games" Tiberius gushed.

Anik and the mother smiled and listened tolerantly to Tiberius droning on and on about the gladiators he admired. But finally to the relief of everybody he became tired and the two lovers retired to their room.

The next morning Tiberius put on his finest tunic and best sandals. Anik washed himself carefully, then rubbed scented oil on his skin until he gleamed. He placed his foot on a chair and bent to put his anklet on. Tiberius smiled when he caught a glimpse of Anik's tight pucker. Anik felt Tiberius stare and turned his head and grinned and wiggled his hips provocatively. Tiberius laughed and slapped Anik's buttock playfully.

Tiberius' mother entered their room to tell them that breakfast was ready.

Tiberius was too excited to eat much and chatted again incessantly about the gladiators he knew and admired.

"Please stop now, you will make Anik jealous with your talk about the gladiators. He will think that you prefer one of these huge hunks to him" his mother finally interjected with a tolerant smile.

"I am sorry, you are right" Tiberius replied and blushed.

He smiled sheepishly and then leaned towards Anik.

"I only love you. Now and forever" he said solemnly and looked deep into Anik's eyes.

Anik smiled happily and kissed his lover deeply. It took a while before they managed to break the kiss, then Tiberius continued chatting and gushing until it was time to leave. The two boys got up and hugged Tiberius' parents and went to the Coliseum.

The closer they came to the Coliseum, the more people there were and they had to squeeze and weave through the crowd. Tiberius took out their tickets and showed them to Anik.

"Look, we have to go to entrance 38, and we are seated on row 2 of the third tier" he explained.

"There are 76 entrances and four tiers, and we are in the one reserved for the richer citizens of Rome. Father really spent quite a lot of money for our seats."

Anik nodded and held the hand of his lover tightly so that they would not become separated in the crowd. But it was all well organized and the people moved disciplined through the many entrances, likely also because of the burly soldiers which checked the tickets. They walked up the stairs and soon were at their reserved seats. The sun was already shining hotly and large sails were covering the seating areas and offered protection against the heat.

More and more people arrived and the Coliseum was filling up quickly. In the arena jostlers and acrobats entertained the audience before the main event.

Suddenly the crowd cheered loudly and Tiberius pointed excitedly towards the podium at one end of the oval of the Coliseum.

"Look, the Emperor and his friends just entered" Tiberius shouted over the noise.

Anik was excited too to finally see the Emperor for the first time. They were quite close to the podium and could clearly see the Emperor and his entourage.

"Look, there is also Appolonius" Anik pointed out to Tiberius.

The two boys jumped up and shouted and waved towards Appolonius. It took a while but finally Appolonius became aware of the wildly jumping and gesticulating boys. He looked surprised, then smiled and waved back. He leaned over to the Emperor and pointed out the youths to him. The Emperor looked over and noticed the two boys and grinned when he realized that one of them was stark naked. Many in the audience stared curiously at the boys too and wondered why they had been singled out by the Emperor. The boys smiled nervously when they felt hundreds of eyes on them, but then there was an even louder roar when the gladiators made their entrance.

"Look, this is Tetraites, the most famous gladiator of them all" Tiberius shouted to Anik over the noise of the crowd.

The gladiator was huge and muscular and was wearing a loincloth made of heavy leather and was carrying a net and a trident. He was followed by more gladiators, each one gigantic and burly and carrying different weapons and shields. Tiberius explained the different types of gladiators and their manner of fighting. Anik listened with interest, then a hush went through the Coliseum and it became completely silent. Below in the arena, the first fight of the day commenced.

Tiberius put his arm around Anik and watched raptly. They heard the grunting and the noise of metal against metal and metal against leather. Then one of the gladiators drew first blood and managed to cut a gash into his opponent's thigh. Anik felt queasy by the sight of blood and soon he was burying his head into the shoulder of Tiberius. Tiberius gently stroked his back while continuing to watch the fight intently. Soon there was a scream and one of the gladiators fell, skewered by a sword. And so it continued, pairs of gladiators fighting to the death, and sometimes two against two. Anik clearly did not enjoy the spectacle and during most of the time kept his eyes shut and his face pressed against Tiberius. But finally the last fight finished and the surviving gladiators stepped into the middle of the arena and bowed before the Emperor. Marc Aurelius nodded and raised his thumb and the fighters departed. The crowd started to get up and Anik smiled with relief. He hadn't liked the spectacle but was happy that his lover enjoyed it.

The two boys got up when suddenly a Praetorian guard approached them. The boys looked nervously at him but he smiled and told them that the Emperor would like to meet them in the afternoon at the palace. The youths looked at him in disbelief but the guard told them to be at the palace and then left. Tiberius looked dazed since it was very rare that the Emperor would receive people of their low status.

It was already after noon and the two boys got something small and quick to eat at a stall and then went on their way to the palace on the Palantine hill. The palace was beautiful and dwarfed even the one of Marcellus. It consisted of many buildings, temples, stables, pools and much more, all placed in a large garden. They approached the main building and where stopped by the guards, who looked at them suspiciously.

The boys gave their names and after some discussions, two Praetorian guards escorted them through the endless floors of the palace. They walked and walked, from one building to the next, and each one more luxurious, it seemed to them.

Finally they arrived at a huge building consisting of just one cavernous room. It contained a large pool, and many couches to recline on, a slightly elevated area and a balcony all around the room. There were many people already present, but the room was so large that they seemed lost. There were slaves and servants, a group of musicians, a few guards and quite a number of senators and patricians and their wives, wearing purple and white togas or fine dresses. There were also some youths, male and female, all beautiful and dressed scantily or not at all. Some were in the large pool, swimming lazily and some were reclined on couches and relaxing.

Anik and Tiberius stood still and took in the scene, holding each other. Then they saw their old friend Appolonius approaching them. He smiled and hugged both of them.

"Tiberius, Anik, it was such a surprise to have seen you at the games. I am glad that our paths have crossed again" he greeted them and led them over to a group of couches where some older men were reclining. In the middle was the Emperor, clad in a purple toga as was the custom.

"Ah, the two youths. Appolonius has talked a lot about you" he greeted them and grinned.

Both boys were unable to speak and merely bowed their head.

"Do not worry, you are here among friends and our only intention here is to enjoy life" the Emperor added, trying to calm the two youths.

"Yes, Emperor" Tiberius managed to say and took a deep breath.

"Why don't you two take a dip in the pool? You must be hot after your walk through the city" the Emperor suggested.

The boys nodded and walked over to the pool. Tiberius took off his sandals, tunic and loincloth and they both dived into the clean and cool water. They swam around and greeted the youths which were floating or swimming in the pool with them. Tiberius and Anik lazily floated in the pool, then they noticed a girl and a boy sitting close to the edge of the pool and facing each other starting to kiss. They were perhaps sixteen or seventeen years old and both very obviously sexually excited. The boy's phallus was erect and the girl's nipples hard while they were caressing each other more and more urgently. The boy had wrapped his legs around the girl and both were beginning to moan softly.

Tiberius and Anik glanced around but nobody seemed to think that this was something extraordinary. Some of the older men and women looked over to the couple and continued chatting and eating grapes and fruits. The boy became more and more excited and soon the girl was on her back and the boy thrusting into her, grunting and moaning. It took not long before both moaned and shuddered and then slowly relaxed. The boy remained laying on the girl and they kissed gently, seemingly oblivious to everyone around them.

Appolonius walked over to the edge of the pool and smiled at the exhausted couple and then waved at Tiberius and Anik.

"Come boys, let us have a look at you."

The boys climbed out of the pool, wet and smooth and both sporting semi-erections. Apollonius took the boys by his hands and led them over to the Emperor.

The two youths were bathed in the light falling through a wide opening at the top of the cupola of the building. The Emperor was stuck by the beauty of the boys. He forced himself to let his eyes glide slowly over each of them, to savor every part of their bodies.

He started with Anik, the smaller and darker of the two. He noticed two feet and ankles adorned with braided leather bands. The feet were slim with the cutest toes he had ever seen. His eyes slowly wandered up along the shin to lean thighs to the boy's crotch. The boy was obviously nervous and his slender penis was flaccid and dangled over smooth balls. He stared at the penis and the exposed glans that was glistening and damp.

The Emperor did not even realize that he moaned softly. Then his glance continued its upward journey and rested on the boy's pubic area. It was nicely waxed and perfectly smooth.

His glance moved further up and he examined the youth's flat abs with clearly defined ridges. He arrived at the collarbone and the long neck and then at last at the boy's face. It was even and round, with a cute stub nose and eyes that were slightly almond shaped. The boy had his lips half parted, revealing white, even teeth. His hair were so black that it had a bluish tint.

He sighed again and then started with the Roman boy. He had a lighter complexion than Anik and was taller and more muscular, where the Greek boy was lean and lithe. He admired the smooth and strong thighs. The Roman's member was thicker and longer than Anik's. It was currently soft, but the Emperor guessed that it could grow to quite some length when aroused. The youth had narrow hips and a beautiful chest with pronounced pectoral muscles. His face was narrower than Anik's with a Roman nose.

"The two boys impressed me very much. They are not the most experienced ones, but I have never met two youths who were so enthusiastic in their love-making and as uninhibited as Anik and Tiberius" Appolonius commented to the Emperor.

"And they are both utterly without shame. Not like some old men and ladies, who revel in depraved acts of sex, but rather because they enjoy each other so much" he added with a twinkle in his eyes.

The Emperor smiled and nodded. Appolonius reached out and let his finger brush lightly along Anik's pubic area. The boy's penis jumped and became rigid and hard within seconds. Appolonius' finger- tip moved slowly up and down along Anik's shaft and soon the boy whimpered and squirmed. His Roman lover watched and was equally aroused, his thicker penis as stiff as Anik's.

Appolonius began to gently and slowly massage Anik's glans with his thumb and a finger. Soon Anik's breathing became heavier and clear liquid began oozing out of his slit, covering his cockhead and making it glisten. Appolonius spread the sticky fluid across the glans and Anik started to whimper and squirm. Tiberius stepped closer to his lover and pressed against his side, his own erection grinding against the boy's hip. He placed his palms on Anik's chest and back to steady him. Tiberius felt Anik's heart beating quickly and his chest rising and falling. Appolonius reached out and placed the palm of the Roman youth on Anik's cockhead.

Tiberius felt precum gushing from the slit and moistening his palm. Then he closed his hand around the engorged glans of Anik and squeezed lightly. Anik shuddered and Appolonius quickly stepped behind the boy and held him up under his armpits. He was just in time. Anik moaned and his legs buckled and Tiberius felt semen squirting forcefully against his palm. Anik ejaculated again and again, and soon his cum began flowing out between the fingers of Tiberius. Anik continued spasming even when he was spent, his body not realizing yet that his semen was exhausted for now.

Tiberius raised his hand and began lapping off the cum of his lover. Appolonius had done his magic, and Tiberius and Anik both had forgotten completely that they were standing before the Emperor. Any nervousness that they had felt at the beginning was gone.

Tiberius sucked at his finger and Anik was still trembling, with his erect penis twitching. Both boys looked at the Emperor, panting and flushed. The Emperor stared back at the boys, feeling excited and hot too. It was very rare that he met youths that were as uninhibited before him as these two. Usually there was always some nervousness holding back the youths at his orgies, even though he was always kind to them. He had accepted this as the burden he had to bear as an Emperor but it still irked him and he longed for the times of his youth, when people around him behaved naturally and he could relax with them.

But he felt that the two youths before him were different. They showed no sign of inhibition. He assumed it was not only the influence of his old mentor Appolonius but also their long captivity, during which Marcellus had kept them naked for months. Friends of his who had visited Marcellus while the two youths were held captive had told him that they had behaved like wild animals. Marc Aurelius had not quite believed their stories then, but now he felt that they had spoken the truth.

"Who of you is more slutty?" he asked them, grinning.

The two boys grinned too, and Anik took Tiberius' hand to lick off his cummy palm while Tiberius continued sucking at his finger.

Anik turned slightly to put his back against the front of Tiberius and stood on his toes. Then he pressed down and winced as he impaled himself on the stiff member of his lover. The Emperor moaned when he saw the thick shaft of Tiberius entering the anus of the Greek boy. Anik had his eyes closed, with an expression of bliss on his face. He remained standing on his toes, only the glans and perhaps a finger-width of his lover's shaft inside his hole. The Emperor was reclined on his couch and had a perfect view of Anik's muscle clenching around the Tiberius cock, just below his cockhead. He watched as Anik began contracting his strong muscle rhythmically. Tiberius had already been excited for a while, and it took not long before he started moaning as his penis was being stimulated and squeezed again and again.

Appolonius felt that Tiberius was close and quickly held him by his elbow. Then Marc Aurelius saw the vein of Tiberius' cock starting to pulsate and his heavy balls pulling up. He was sure that Anik had positioned himself on purpose in such a way that the Emperor could see when Tiberius started breeding him. Tiberius moaned and trembled while Marc Aurelius watched the vein expanding and contracting again and again as thick semen shot through it and then into the Greek boy.

Finally Tiberius sighed and Anik pulled off, revealing the glistening penis of Tiberius. Anik looked into the eyes of the Emperor and then turned and spread his thighs and squatted. He moaned and pressed, until a string of semen started to ooze from his hole. It dangled for a while, then the string lengthened and parted and a glob of semen splattered on the marble floor.

The Emperor drew in his breath, and watched fascinated as another string began flowing out of the hole and soon joined the cum already on the floor.

Anik straightened up and turned towards the Emperor, smiling mischievously.

"Yes, you are truly slutty" the Emperor remarked and grinned.

"Now let's see if you two are the sluttiest couple that has every performed at one of my orgies" the Emperor added.

Next: Chapter 13

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