Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Aug 27, 2018


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 14: Captured by pirates

After the orgy at the palace, the two youths took it quieter. They slept in late and then strolled through the city. There was so much to see that it never became boring. They went to the different temples and to the markets and to the many parks. Every day they walked for hours, aimless and relaxed. In the evening they tended to go to one of the baths to wash and swim and get the grime of their bodies. Anik always looked forward to the baths. He never told Tiberius, but he was amazed and disgusted by the dirt in the city and the questionable hygiene of many of its inhabitants. And if truth be told, the baths were not too clean either, but they were better than nothing and the pools reminded him of his life in Agistri where he swam everyday in the sea or in one of the many rivers.

After a few days, Tiberius noted that his lover was becoming less bubbly and ebullient. He wanted to stay longer in bed and go home earlier. And even their love-making was becoming slightly less enthusiastic and wild. One evening after they had made love and where snuggling against each other, Tiberius asked if there was the problem. Anik had his head on Tiberius's chest and was suckling at his nipple, content and sleepy after his orgasm.

"Anik, I feel that something makes you sad. Did I do or say anything?" he asked, his hand gliding over Anik's buttocks.

"Of course not. It is not because you...you make me happy every day. It is entirely my fault." the Greek boy replied.

"Please tell me" Tiberius insisted.

"You have to understand. I grew up in a small city. Probably more people live in one of Rome's insula than in Milos. I love Rome, but it just...it overwhelms me."

Anik smiled embarrassedly at his lover.

"Do you want to go back to Agistri?" Tiberius asked gently.

It took a long time, but finally Anik nodded, barely perceptible.

"My father has started to ask me about the academy. He would like me to go back and continue with my studies" Tiberius said.

"I think he felt earlier than me that you wanted to go back. He is often gruff, but deep down he is very kind. And he told me several times how happy he was with you."

Anik smiled and nodded.

"I know. I had many long talks with him alone in the morning, when you slept in and did not manage to get out of bed" Anik said.

"He seems rough, but he has a heart of gold" he added.

"I tell him tomorrow morning that we go back to Agistri. I love Rome, but I love you much more" Tiberius said softly.

Anik slid up and kissed Tiberius deeply and draped his body over his lover. Tiberius felt as if a dark cloud had lifted from Anik. His eyes sparkled and his penis was hard against his groin.

"We made love many times and it was always wonderful. But our lovemaking was special back at Agistri at the temple of Eros. Once we are back, we have to go there to celebrate" Anik whispered and slowly caressed Tiberius' calves with his soles.

"I will never forget the time when we became one for the first time" Tiberius sighed.

"I was so afraid then of not being able to take you in...but once we started all my fears went away..." Anik kissed Tiberius' neck.

"And now...are you still afraid to take me in...?" Tiberius teased.

"My only fear is that you are not stiff enough to enter m" Anik grinned, then he wiggled down and began kissing and licking the penis of his lover.

Anik kneeled between Tiberius' legs and bent down, his tongue gliding over the stiffening shaft. Soon the Roman boy was hard and writhing and moaning lustfully. Anik squatted over Tiberius and slowly lowered himself, the erect cock of Tiberius pressing into his cummy chute. Anik moaned loudly as the thick shaft pressed into him and widened his tight wall. Tiberius had already ejaculated several times into him and the wet, squishy noises coming from his anus made the boys even more excited. Anik slowly twisted and contracted his sphincter to stimulate his lover. Tiberius thrust up slowly and unhurriedly and both wanted to make their lovemaking to last.

"I look forward to be back in Agistri. I so want to take you loud and wild and messy" Tiberius moaned.

Anik grinned and nodded.

"I know. I love it here with your parents, but I want to scream and be dirty too sometimes."

They continued, slow and languidly until they both ejaculated. Anik lifted himself off his lover and clung to Tiberius and both were soon fast asleep.

The next morning, they told the parents of their decision to go back to Greece. The parents were glad that their son was going back to the academy, even more so now that they knew that he was in good hands with Anik. The parents managed to book a cheap passage for the youths on a merchant boat that was leaving already the next day.

The boys had to leave before sunrise to arrive in the afternoon at the harbour. It was still dark when they said goodbye to the parents and finally managed to extricate themselves from their hugs and embraces. Despite the early hours, the streets of Rome were bustling with activity. During the day, Rome belonged to its inhabitants and tourists, but the night belonged to the merchants and traders. The noise and clacking of the wooden wheels of the hundreds of carts was deafening. The yelling and screaming of the drivers added to the cacophony. It was really true that Rome was a city that never slept.

The boys walked close to the walls of the insulae, careful not to be run over by a cart. The walk was fortunately uneventful, and they arrived at the harbour on time. It took some time to find their boat, but they were eventually successful. It was a cargo boat that supplemented its income by taking paying passengers on board. They greeted the captain and went on board and claimed their place close to the bow of the boat.

The sailors left them on their own and were busy loading cargo and storing it in the ample hold of the boat. The boat was about thirty paces long and ten wide. It had two large square sails and lots of space. It was painted in gaudy black and yellow and red and the sails had somewhat crude depictions of Mercury, the God of merchants and traders and of Neptune, the God of the sea.

Carrying passengers was very obviously a side business and there were no cabins and only the most basic services. Passengers got a blanket to lay on and were then supposed to keep to themselves and not bother the sailors in their work. Fortunately, the trip to Agistri was estimated to take only about a week, thanks to favorable winds.

The boys spread their blankets close to the bow of the boat where they knew the sailors had rarely to do work and where it was consequently quiet and easier to relax and sleep. They sat down and leaned against the side of the boat and watched other passengers arriving and the sailors running around, stowing the cargo and getting the large boat ready. They chatted and laughed and giggled. Both were excited and looked forward to be soon back at Agistri. Some of the passengers and sailors glanced at them curiously and wondered who the Roman youth was who travelled with a naked companion. The thin leather necklace that Anik was wearing led most to assume that a young teenager was accompanied by his sex slave. Most thought that this was somewhat unusual, but Romans were generally tolerant of sexual peculiarities.

Anik snuggled against Tiberius. He shifted and draped one leg over the thighs over the Roman youth and pressed against his side. Tiberius sighed happily and gently caressed the back and buttocks of his lovers and enjoyed the feeling of Anik's stiffening penis against his hip.

"You are insatiable, but we cannot do it right now" Tiberius whispered and squeezed Anik's buttock.

"Ah, I can barely wait till it will be dark" Anik sighed and continued rubbing languidly against Tiberius.

Soon however there were more passengers and they were joined by a boisterous group of youths on the way to Athens. There was a lot of laughing and chatting as they spread their blankets and put down their bags and luggage. It did not take long before they were talking animatedly with the two boys. One particular forward girl asked Tiberius curiously about Anik and whether he was his sex slave or merely an attendant.

Tiberius smiled and shook his head. He glanced at Anik and gently stroked his thigh.

"No, he is not my slave. We are lovers and we travel to Agistri to live together" he replied.

Anik beamed and then tilted his head back and bared his slim neck and his lover. Tiberius smiled and let his finger slide lightly along Anik's collarbone and throat and Adam's apple and tugged lightly at his leather necklace.

"He is not a slave, but he quite enjoys playing one sometimes" Tiberius explained while he felt the boy's raging erection pressing against his hip.

The youths grinned, clearly aware of the sexual excitement of the Greek boy. They could see his smooth chest rising and falling quickly, his heart beating quickly as it pumped blood down to his engorged member. Without conscious volition, the boy began grinding against the side of Tiberius. Anik whimpered softly and barely audible but Tiberius was clearly aware that his lover was getting close to ejaculating.

"My love, do you want to go behind these crates" he whispered into his ear.

Anik nodded and the two boys got up and smiled sheepishly as the youths laughed and giggled when they watched them hiding behind a pile of luggage. Anik went on all fours and Tiberius lifted his tunic and ripped off his loincloth and pushed into the boy without even wetting his phallus with his spit. Anik yelped and Tiberius began to pound frantically into Anik's anus. The youths could not see much, just two pairs of feet sticking out from behind the crates. But the moaning and the loud, slapping sounds made it clear what the two boys were up to and how urgent their love-making was. It took less than a minute before both boys moaned lustfully as they climaxed together. The youths soon after reappeared, both flushed and glowing. The youths laughed and slapped them on their back and soon they resumed their chatting and bantering.

It was early evening when the boat finally departed and glided out into the still sea. The moon was full and bathed everything into a magical light. The small waves were all crowned by sparkling crests and the two square sales billowed in the wind. The boat seemed to fly over the waves and soon they were out in the sea without sight of land anymore. Sailors went around and offered the passengers diluted wine as a welcome drink. Anik and Tiberius accepted the cups of wine but then emptied them into the sea. The two boys were both not fond of wine and had just drunken water. But most other passengers emptied their cups gratefully. Anik and Tiberius stood at the bow of the boat and whispered to each other, not wanting to disturb their companions. It did not take long before most of the passengers were deeply asleep and snoring.

The boys did not suspect anything and assumed that the everyone was dead tired from the excitement and from the rocking motion of the boat. But then after a while they spotted a black blot ahead of them and they heard the sailors running around and lowering the sails. They looked at each other surprised and could not understand why the crew stopped the boat in the middle of the sea. It seemed very strange and they sat down in the shadow to watch what was happening. The sailors were nearly silent, and Tiberius cautiously lifted his head over the side of the boat and watched the dark shape getting bigger until he could identify it as a black painted large war-boat. It was sleek and long with a black hull and a black sail.

Tiberius, who had a keen interest in all things military recognized it as a hemiolia. It was a light and fast warship that was favored by pirates. It had a file of oarsmen on each side and - where the boat was widest - another half file above. It was narrow and light and could reach great speeds.

With a light bump, the two boats came side by side, the black vessel longer but the merchant boat much wider and squatter. The two crews tied the boats together and then sailors from the black ship jumped over to their boat.

It was clear to the two boys that their captain must have made a deal with pirates. The crew from the black vessel was a wild-looking group, wearing leather skirts or tunics. They watched as their captain talked to an imposing pirate, most likely their leader. He was towering at least a head over the other man and looked immensely strong and muscular, dressed in a leather tunic that barely contained his bulging muscles. The pirate gave their captain a large bag with coins. They embraced each other and more sailors from the black boat jumped over to the trading vessel.

Now the boy realized that the crew had not distributed the wine as merely a welcome drink but must have laced it with a potion to make the passengers sleep.

The pirates began to carry the sleeping passengers to their boat. Anik and Tiberius quickly lay down and pretended to sleep. They were both afraid and did not know what the pirates wanted to do with them. They snuggled against each other, their hearts beating quickly. They could not be sure, but many pirates plied the Mediterranean Sea, capturing boats to steal the cargo and to sell the passengers and sailors as slaves. Some unscrupulous captains made deals with the pirates to receive their cut from the pirates' profit.

Soon they heard steps approaching and then two pirated chuckled.

"Look at the two love-birds. I am sure we will have lots of fun watching them perform" one pirate said to the other and they laughed.

Then strong arms lifted them up and each pirate cradled a boy in his arms.

"This one smells like having had sex just before" the pirate holding the naked Greek boy commented when he sniffed and smelled traces of semen on Anik.

The other pirated tugged at Tiberius tunic and pulled it off and ripped off the loincloth. He examined Tiberius' flaccid penis and grinned.

"Yes, this one must have taken him like a bitch" he commented when he noticed traces of semen and anal juices on the Roman youth's soft member.

The chuckled again and then carried the two naked youths to the pirate ship.

"Let's keep them together" one of the pirates suggested.

They put the boys down on the deck and then tied their ankles and their wrists behind their backs. Then they pressed the boys together, front against front, and tied a thicker rope around their waists, securing them together. They did all this without talking and not roughly, obviously trying not the wake their captives.

During all this the boys did not move and kept their eyes closed and pretended to be unconscious. Only after they heard the pirates walking away to get more captives did they dare to open their eyes.

"This does not look good. They either sell us as slaves or they try to get a ransom which my parents cannot afford" Tiberius whispered nervously.

Anik nodded, agreeing with Tiberius' assessment of the situation.

"Yes, that is likely. But let us not worry about something we cannot change. Comes morning we will know more, and we might even be able to flee" Anik whispered softly.

Then he kissed Tiberius deeply and did not even break the kiss when other captives here dumped beside them and tied too. It took a while for the pirates to transport all passengers over to their boat but then they heard the sail being raised and the wind billowing it and the warship began gliding across the sea.

The boys kissed each other for a long time, finding solace in their intimacy. Eventually the fell into an uneasy sleep and woke only when the sun was already above the horizon. They opened their eyes and looked around and could see that their fellow captives were rising from their slumber too. There was a lot of groaning and mumbling and most passengers were confused at first and did not know what was happening to them. But soon they realized their predicament, and some began crying while other were swearing at the pirates.

The pirates did not react and went on with their business. They untied the passengers one after another so that they could relieve themselves and each received water and bread. Then they were tied again and put back on the deck.

Eventually it was the turn of Tiberius and Anik. A pirate squatted beside them and took off the ropes. They got up and stretched while some pirates looked over to them and grinned.

"Ah, we got ourselves two cute naked boys. It will be a pity to sell them as slaves, but then, we need to gold" the pirate captain said jokingly as he walked over to the boys.

He towered more than a head even over Tiberius and must have weighted at least twice as much as him, his body all muscles. He pushed Anik's head slightly back and looked curiously at the slave necklace.

"Is this boy your slave?" he asked Tiberius.

"No, I am not a slave, I am a freeborn Greek" Anik hissed.

"Hm, the boy has spunk" the pirate commented jokingly to the sailors.

"Let's have some morning entertainment" he added and provoked excited laughter from the other pirates.

He put his large hands around the buttocks of the boys and pressed them against each other. It did not take long before their members began stiffening. The pirates yelled and hollered as they watched the youths getting excited despite their obvious nervousness and fright.

"The skinnier one is the bitch" shouted one of the pirates who had carried them to warship.

The captain grinned and pushed Anik against the mast of the front sail. He expertly tied his wrists to the mast, Anik's arms stretched above him. One of the pirates stepped forward and pushed Tiberius roughly against Anik. Soon Tiberius was tied to the mast too, his front against his lover's back.

"It looks like you are stiff enough so that we don't have to help you to penetrate the boy" the captain commented to Tiberius and looked at his rock-hard penis, not without admiration.

Tiberius glanced around and saw the pirates watching interestedly and quite a number of passengers sitting up too, some interested and some undoubtedly glad that the attention of the pirates was not focused on them. He sighed but thought that there were worse fates than breeding his lover.

"Relax, baby" he whispered and then stretched his legs and stood on his toes.

His slender, stiff member breached Anik's sphincter in one short, quick thrust, making both boys whimpering lustfully. Tiberius felt the creamy mass of his semen from their love-making the day before inside Anik's anal canal and he pressed deeper into the boy. Tiberius thrust slowly in and out, his penis making squishy sucking noises as it moved inside Anik's cummy chute. The pirates enjoyed the show, and a few stepped forward to slap Tiberius' butt and tried to press him deeper into his lover. Tiberius was half a head taller than Anik so that he managed to push deep into the Greek boy. Anik moaned and whimpered and Tiberius felt his sensitive nipples slide along Anik's smooth back. His thrusts soon become more urgent and both boys began moaning loudly. Tiberius stood on his toes and then emptied his balls into Anik. The pirates laughed and even some passengers began yelling and cat-calling when they realized that Tiberius was climaxing. Then Anik shuddered and more laughter ensued when creamy semen began oozing down the mast of the boat.

The captain slapped Tiberius on the back.

"Well done, boys. You will entertain us during our voyage" he said and then walked away, chuckling.

The two boys were left tied to the mast. The tight ring of Anik continued to stimulate Tiberius' penis. Whenever his member became softer and threatened to slip out, he felt Anik's sphincter clamping around the ridge of his glans, making him stiff again. The continuous stimulation became too much for the Roman youth and from time to time he thrusted urgently into Anik and ejaculated. The pirates kept the two youths tied to the mast all day. In the evening, one sailor walked over to them and took off the ropes. The boys sighed and collapsed, semen bubbling from Anik's hole. The pirated laughed but then proceeded to give them food and helped them to the stern of the boat so that they could relieve themselves and wash. Then they were tied again, and they collapsed and slept deeply at once. This was repeated during the following days and the boys entertained the pirates during the day and where allowed to rest only during the night.

After five days and nights, it was a beautiful morning when the boys woke up and sat up. Anik noticed land at the horizon and squinted his eyes to see better.

"Tiberius, I recognize the hills, this is Agistri" he whispered excitedly.

"Are you sure? It's so far away, one can barely make out the land" Tiberius replied, not quite believing it.

"I am sure, I grew up there. It is the other side of the island" Anik said full of conviction.

The pirate boat held a steady course towards the island and Anik became more and more sure that they were heading towards Agistri.

"They must have a base on the South side of the island. Everybody on Agistri knows that pirates often come there to sell their loot.

"Then let's wait and try to escape once we are on the island. Then we only have to reach Milos and are safe" Tiberius said hopefully.

It did not take long before the anchor was dropped, and small boats approached the warship to start the unloading. Soon the passengers were sitting on the beach while the pirates prepared food and set up tents.

The pirate captain stepped over to the captives and addressed them.

"We will stay here for a few days and then continue to Tripolitania to sell you" he explained.

"Those of you with money can then arrange with your new owners to buy yourself free. For now, you can relax, it might be the last time for a long time" he added and walked away, laughing.

The passengers talked to each other and most were not overly concerned. Being captured by pirates and sold as slaves and then paying a random was not a rare occurrence. The pirates prepared food and started a large fire at the beach. The sun was slowly approaching the horizon when the pirates began singing and drinking wine. Then a pirate was walking over to the two boys and grinned at them.

"It is time for you to entertain us again" he told them.

"Yes, but I do not want to be taken anymore only standing" Anik replied.

"I want my lover to take me wild like an animal" he continued.

"Let us rut each other without ties, then we will show you things you cannot even imagine" Anik added and smiled sluttily, his penis stiffening before the pirate to show him his randyness.

The pirate grinned and nodded. He bent over them and took the ropes away.

"You be better good. It is difficult to exceed the depravities that we have seen, not to speak of those that we have ourselves committed" he said and licked his lips.

"And do not even think that about escaping. We would catch you easily and your fate would be terrible" he warned them.

The boys nodded and then got up and walked over to where the pirates were sitting and eating. They positioned themselves away from the beach so that a low hill was behind them, just a few hundred steps from the beach.

The pirates laughed and cheered when they saw the two youths approaching, both their members hard and their cockheads already glistening with precum. Tiberius pushed Anik down on his knees and began thrusting into his mouth and making him gag. Anik leaned his head back so that the pirates could see Tiberius' penis bulging out his slim throat. The pirates cheered again when they heard the gargling, retching sounds from Anik and the outline of his lover's phallus moving and outlined against his throat.

The boys knew that they had to be wild and even brutal to satisfy the pirates. Tiberius grabbed Anik by the hair and pressed his penis as far down the throat as he could. Anik stared up at him and heaved and struggled to breath. Tiberius pulled out and slapped his wet erection again Anik's face. He did not give him much time before he threw Anik to the ground and squatted over him. He looked down on his lover who was prostrate before him. He spread Anik's buttock and then jabbed into him and began pounding and hammering. Anik shrieked as Tiberius pushed his penis deep into him. Soon Tiberius felt an orgasm approaching and wrapped an arm around Anik's neck to lift his upper body up. Tiberius scream in ecstasy and emptied his balls into his lover.

Still ejaculating, Tiberius pulled out and spilled his semen over Anik and turned him on his back. He grabbed his feet and pushed his knees against his chest and pressed in again. The Roman boy was still rock hard and continued to ejaculate. His climax finally subsided but he went on to thrust into Anik. He pushed the legs of the boy behind his head, folding the boy. The pirates yelled again, excited by the spectacle. They had a clear view of Tiberius' cummy cock sliding in and out of Anik's anus while the Greek boy whimpered and gasped.

Tiberius thrust frantically and moaned louder until he pressed deep into the boy and shot off again. He sighed and pulled off and then squatted over Anik and wiped his semi-erect member over his face and let the boy lick it clean. The soft tongue of the Greek boy stimulated him as it licked of the juices and semen from his phallus and he was soon hard again. He pushed Anik on his back and lifted his hips and spread his legs until they were in a split. Tiberius began hammering into Anik again, both boys already glistening and wet with sweat. The pirates were watching and eating and drinking wine and enjoying the gymnastics of the two lovers.

The sun touched the horizon and it was soon dark except from the light from the camp fires. The two youths continued their wild love making. They were on top of each other, suckling at their members and glancing at the pirates.

"We should try to run away soon. They are drowsy and before long they will tie us up again" Anik whispered, his voice muffled by the half hard penis of Tiberius in his mouth.

Tiberius nodded and Anik felt the muscles of his lover getting tense as he got ready to jump. Suddenly Tiberius got up and pulled Anik up and the two boys started running towards the hills.

It took the pirates valuable seconds before they reacted. Some started screaming and trying to get up. Quite a number of them were too drunk and remained laying or sitting on the sand. Others were in better shape and began running and stumbling after the boys. Despite the hours of love making, Anik took off like lightning and seemed to fly over the rocky ground. He set a pace that was difficult for Tiberius to follow but it was important that they gained as much of a distance from their pursuers as possible. Soon they began running up the hill followed by a group of yelling and angry pirates. They arrived at the top of the hill and saw an undulating landscape before them, illuminated by the half moon. There were no villages here and no Roman garrisons where they could find safety. They had to cross the entire island before they arrived at the North coast with its villages and the Roman garrison at the harbor of Milos.

The stopped to catch their breath and listened. They heard the pirated yelling, but it was from quite far away. The pirates were strong, but they lacked the endurance of the two youths who were still fit enough to jog through the night, despite the strenuous love-making they had engaged in for hours just before.

Anik took the hand of Tiberius and they began walking briskly. They walked on grass and hard stone and their bare feet made no noise. Anik chose a direction that kept them away from the shore since he assumed that pirates tended to stay close to the sea. They were soon in a landscape of small, low hills. The floor was dry and grassy. Pines and huge, wide olive trees were everywhere, and the boys often had to make detours since thorny bushes made it impossible for them to pass.

But slowly but surely they reached the middle of the island and already small villages were appearing, all dark and the people sleeping. They smiled at each other, happy to have evaded the pirates and just hours away from the safety of the Roman garrison.


Next: Chapter 15

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