Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Sep 9, 2018


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 15: The island of youth

The boys walked quietly through the night. They approached a small village of about a dozen small houses and a temple. There was a faint light emanating from the temple. They were quite thirsty and hungry and approached the temple. Anik was cautious. The people living in the interior of the island were often old-fashioned and barely touched by civilization. Many lived like thousands of years ago. Agistri was well known as a backwater by the other Greeks. It was probably the last Greek place where Anik's nudity did not cause much comment.

"Hello, is anybody here?" Anik asked softly, not wanting to wake the villagers.

A priest clad in a colourful tunic stepped out of the temple. He looked at the boys, clearly surprised.

"Who are you? What do you want?" he asked, not unfriendly but astonished to see two naked youths before him in the middle of the night.

The boys were relieved to meet a grown-up. It took a while for the priest to understand since both boys often talked at the same time and where too excited to be coherent. But finally he understood what had happened. He woke one of his acolytes and sent him at once to the garrison at Milos to alert the Roman legatus about the pirates. The acolyte ran off and the priest brought fruits and bread and water for the boys. He ordered them to lay down and it did not take long before the two were snoring softly and were sleeping deeply.

It was nearly midday before they woke up and sat up and stretched and yawned. The priest walked over to them, followed by the acolyte who was already back from Milos.

"The garrison is already on the way to the South coast. They will capture the pirates soon and free the captives" the priest told them.

"You were fortunate that you met me. I was just going to be on my way to Xera" he told the boys.

"Xera? But nothing is there" Anik asked astonished. Anik knew of the island. It was about an hour away with his boat from Agistri. It was small and covered by bushes and few trees and not inhabited.

"Every four years, youths that follow the teachings of the God Eros congregate there to celebrate. I am tasked to bring those of our village there for the week of festivities" he explained.

"Oh, you are a priest of the Cult of Eros" Anik looked at him with wide eyes.

Everyone living on Agistri had heard the story that there were still those who followed the ancient cult. It had died out in most places in Greece, especially since the Romans had taken over. There were many stories about the cult and its rituals, all of them exciting and salacious.

"Yes, there are not many of us anymore. But there are still followers here on Agistri and on some other islands. Every four years we send the youths to Xera for them to find themselves" he explained.

Anik and Tiberius nodded and glance at each other, both wondering what to find oneself entailed.

"I know that you are not disciples of Eros, and you are a bit young, but I feel that it might enlighten you if you were to join our journey" he added.

The lovers looked at each other and then nodded. It seemed exciting and mysterious and not something any boy wanted to miss.

The priest smiled and nodded.

"Good, so be it. We will depart soon so that we arrive before nightfall."

Soon a group of youths appeared, dressed in loincloths or in tunics, both males and females. They were excited and talked and joked while the priest and his acolyte went to get bags with food for the group. They started walking and Anik and Tiberius talked animatedly with the youths about their adventures. The youths listened but did not believe half of it, even though the two boys did not embellish their story too much. It did not take long before Anik and Tiberius had been accepted by the youths, despite being a few years younger.

They walked north towards Milos but then headed towards a small village where a boat was waiting. There were greeted by more youths that had arrived earlier, a few from Agistri but most from other islands. A few youths were even from such faraway places as Neapolis on Magna Graecia, Herakleia on Asia Minor and Empuries on Iberia. They all talked Greek but with quite distinct dialects and their clothing varied from small loincloths that barely covered anything to elaborate coats hiding most of the body. Some boys were practically naked while others were wearing poncho-like blankets and still others tunics like Romans. Most girls wore tunics or cloaks but a few had their breasts exposed and two girls from a faraway island were wearing only short skirts that just about covered their private parts. All looked curiously at Anik and Tiberius and were wondering from which remote part of the Greek world they were coming where people went completely unclothed.

They all entered the boat and were on their way. The youths took turns rowing and the sun was still above the horizon when they arrived at the rocky beach of Xera.

Before the youths could get up and jump out of the boat, the priest stood up and told them to remain seated.

The priests explained that the purpose of their week on Xera was for them to find out their deepest desires. Nothing was forbidden on the island and they were free to live out their most secret fantasies. But before stepping on the beach of the island, they had to shed anything that connected them to their past. The priest ordered the girl sitting closest to the bow to come to get up and stand before him.

She smiled nervously and got up. The priest tugged at her tunic until it dropped down from her. She was wearing a strip of cloth around her hips as underwear. He took it off too and then proceeded to take off her necklace and her bracelets. When she was completely naked, she was finally allowed to leave the boats.

Then it was the turn of a slim boy who seemed to be just about eighteen years old and who was naked except for a short skirt. He stepped forward and without having to be told dropped his skirt and stepped out of it. Some of the youths giggled when it was revealed that he had been wearing a thin leather band around his balls to make them more taut.

The priest glared at the laughing youths and then kneeled before the boy and gently took off the leather band. The boy was obviously nervous and excited and his penis quickly became semi erect. There was more giggling and more glaring and hissing by the priest before the boy quickly jumped from the boat and joined the girl.

The ceremony continued and the pile of discarded clothes grew. There were some moments of hilarity which even the stern priest could not supress. The priest took off the loincloth of a cute youth of about eighteen years and told him that he was allowed to join the others on the island. The youth whispered something into the ear of the priest. The priest just nodded and then told the boy to squat. The youth blushed even more but did as he was told. The priests went down on his knees behind him and wetted his fingers with his spit and then pressed it gently into the boy's anus. The youths watched with wide eyes as the priest probed and wiggled his finger while the boy moaned softly. Then a small glistening ovoid appeared which the priest pulled out. Just as the small anal plug plopped out, semen oozed out of the boy's quivering anus and splashed on the plank of the boat under him.

Tiberius was sitting next to a tall muscular youth who was wearing an expensive tunic. He noted that the youth was was watching intently and was grinning.

"That is my boy. I mounted him last night and morning and he did not squat out my seed yet" he whispered to Tiberius and smiled proudly and arrogantly.

"For some the stay on Xera will not be easy. But my boy is without any shame. Living out the commandments of Eros is nothing new to him since he follows my every wish" he said and returned to watch his friend as the priest continued to examine the boy.

The squatting boy was rock hard and the priest wrapped his hand gently around the thin member of the boy. He squeezed his glans lightly and then tugged carefully and pulled out a thin, short rod that was capped by a small jewel. The boy moaned and shuddered as the thin stick was being pulled out. Once it left the urethra, pre-cum gushed out of the slit. The boy moaned weakly, then the precum was followed by slow, steady gush of semen that oozed out of his slit and then down along his shaft.

Some of the youths stared and moaned softly too, while others giggled and tried to suppress their laughter.

The priest did not react but simply told the youth to leave the boat and called a girl forward to be undressed. The boy got up and was completely unfazed by the stares of youths. He grinned at them while still creamy seed was oozing down his slick shaft and then jumped down from the boat.

When it was turn of Anik and Tiberius they stepped forward together, to show everyone that they belonged together. They were already naked and were wearing only some body adornments. Anik tilted his head slightly back so that the priest could take off his leather necklace. Tiberius did not wear anything except for a leather anklet at each ankle which the priest also took off and put on a pile of jewelry. The two boys jumped down from the boat and waded through water and walked up to the beach.

Finally, all youths were naked, and the priest addressed them.

"The cult of Eros requires from all its follower that they and all others are aware of their deepest desires. For this, tradition demands that youths aged between eighteen and twenty-two have the opportunity to fulfill their inclinations. Every four years, the eligible youths are brought to the sacred island of Xera" he explained.

"The story goes that once Eros was shipwrecked with a group of fellow travelers on this very island. The god Satyr promised to rescue them but only if they are able to commit all possible sexual acts imaginable to Satyr. With the help of and with the participation of Eros, the stranded engaged in all erotic couplings and acts that they could conceive of and finally, after seven days and nights, Satyr came with his boat and recued them" he continued.

"It is now for you to show yourself worthy of Eros and his travelers. We will return after seven days and nights. There is sufficient food and water on the island, and the plants supply anything that you might need. You are sixteen girls and eleven youths, and we will return with twenty-seven men and women to Agistri in one week."

The priest stopped and fixed his eyes on Anik and Tiberius.

"There are two among you who are not yet of age to be allowed to participate. But it was decided to make an exception for Anik and Tiberius. They have shown great courage and their behavior towards each other has shown to us that the spirit of Eros is within them. Just consider when you are going wild and when you might forget yourself that they are still slimmer than even the girls among you and that you have to be careful when you couple with them."

With this, the priest nodded and sailed off.

The youths looked at each other, most feeling awkward to be naked before each other. There were already a few couples apart from Anik and Tiberius. Two girls were holding hands as did two older boys and girls. And the cute youth who had an anal plug was standing close to the tall and muscular young man who had boasted to Tiberius. After a while, his tall friend put his hand possessively around his shoulder and pulled him close.

"It is already quite late. We are going to find a place for us and then start with fulfilling Satyr's commands" the older youth announced and grinned. Then the two walked away towards the interior of the island.

One of the couples smiled at each other and the girl reached down to fondle the penis of the youth. It took only seconds before the boy sported a raging erection, the hand of the girl wrapped tightly around his shaft. She did not even wait to move away from the group before she went down to her knees and began sucking the youth enthusiastically. The boy was shocked and blushed, but the ministrations of the girl stimulated him so much that it did not take long before he shuddered. He tried to suppress his moans, but everybody could see that he had orgasmed when creamy semen began flowing out between the lips of the girl.

Everybody was excited by now and most of the young men were erect and the girls panting. Those not yet attached glanced nervously at each other. Anik and Tiberius were holding hands and then moved away from the group. They sensed that some of the youths needed time to relax and were still shy and felt awkward around each other. They walked away from the beach and heard the suppressed whimpering of a young woman and the heavy breathing of a youth. They smiled at each other and walked on. It became dark quickly and they found a pleasant place to spend the night. It was a field of grass surrounded by a few trees and bushes. The two boys sat down on the dry grass and sighed. It had been a long day and they realized how tired they were. They reclined and snuggled against each other and listened to the sounds of other youths walking around and finding a place to sleep. Some seemed to be alone but there were already some couples and soon they could hear the faint sounds of suppressed moaning and whispering and soft slapping sounds. Anik and Tiberius giggled and then began to suckle at each other's penis. Once they ejaculated and swallowed the semen, they clung to each other and were soon soundly asleep.

In the morning they woke up just as the sun began rising. They got up and walked to the beach to clean themselves. They greeted a girl that was just finishing her morning ablution. Her skin was fair, and she must have covered it most of the time or rarely went outside. She blushed and tried to cover her small breasts with her hands but then smiled sheepishly and let them drop again.

"I am Lydia" she said as she stepped out of the water.

"Hello Lydia, I am Tiberius and this is Anik" Tiberius replied, and the two boys smiled at the girl.

"I am sorry, it is not easy for me. I was mostly at home and rarely went outside. And nobody has seen me naked before" she explained and smiled embarrassedly.

"I was like you until a short time ago" Tiberius told her and tried to relax her.

"Then Anik found me and made me his lover and I managed to overcome my fears and shyness" he said and smiled lovingly at the Greek boy.

Anik leaned against him and as soon as Tiberius felt the smooth, hot skin of the boy against him, his penis began stiffening. The girl stared with wide eyes at the slowly rising and stiffening member of the Roman youth. She hasn't seen a penis until yesterday evening, not to speak of one that was growing and lengthening before her. Tiberius did not even think of hiding it before the girl and simply enjoyed the feeling of his lover close beside him.

Lydia was blushing but could not stop staring at the now erect phallus of Tiberius. It was standing proudly up. The smoothness of Tiberius and the lack of hair made his penis seem longer and Lydia was wondering how it could fit inside a girl and even more so inside Anik.

"Have you ever coupled with a girl" she asked and blushed even more.

"No, not really. We only like boys" Tiberius replied.

"Even though you are cute and beautiful" he added quickly, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"No, no, this is not what I meant. You are still boys for me. I am looking for a man" she quickly replied, completely embarrassed by now.

"I am sure many of the youths will want to couple with you" Anik said and smiled at her.

Then Lydia was saved by a group of sleepy adolescents that arrived to clean themselves. A few showed traces of love-making and some of the young men sported morning erection and looked embarrassedly down as they approached the shore and stepped into the water.

But soon everybody relaxed and started splashing around. Some of the more relaxed youths openly started touching each other as they cleaned each other. The boys did not hide their erections anymore but showed them without embarrassment. It was as if a spell had been broken and they sat at the beach and chatted and began to form pairs. Some started to make out openly and kissing and caressing each other. Then somebody looked up and gasped.

The tall and muscular youth was walking down a low hill towards the beach. His friend was clinging to him, his arm around the neck of his burly friend and his legs wrapped around his waist. But as they approached it became clear that the slim boy was held up mainly by the thick penis that was lodged deep inside his anus. The older youth looked proudly at the group and clearly wanted to show to everyone that he owned the boy.

Some of the youths were shocked and stared disbelieving at the stretched sphincter of the boy and wondered how he managed to take in the thick phallus of his lover.

"I am Helios and my boy is called Tiro" the older youth announced proudly.

Anik and Tiberius glanced at each other and smiled. Anik looked questioningly at Tiberius who grinned and nodded. Anik got up and walked over to Helios and Tiro. The group watched, most confused but captivated by the spectacle.

Anik sat down on his heels before Helios. Tiberius became stiff quickly and never ceased to be excited by the sight of the boy from behind and kneeling. Anik looked elegant and sleek, with his cute feet under his taut and gleaming buttocks. His soles were smooth and a lighter tan than the rest of his golden-brown body and his narrow hips and slim but muscular back made the blood of Tiberius shoot down and engorge his member.

Anik leaned in and began licking the base of the thick phallus of Helios. The burly youth grinned and spread his legs wider, clearly enjoying the administrations of the boy. Tiro whimpered when he felt the soft and wet tongue of Anik gliding over his stretched sphincter. Soon Anik took in the heavy balls of Helios and suckled at them. Helios stood there with widely splayed legs and stared at Tiberius. It was likely not done consciously, but it seemed as if he wanted to tell Tiberius that Anik was now his, as was Tiro. Helios growled and lifted one foot to press his sole against Anik's thigh and groin and erect penis. He was quite rough, and the boy whimpered but his penis remained rock hard. Helios pushed Anik on his back and squatted over his face so that the boy could continue to play with the large balls of the beefy youth. Helios must have been immensely strong since he did not even show the strain of having to support Tiro. Tiberius watches as Helios lowered himself and sat on Anik's face, who sucked at the big balls and barley managed to take them all into his mouth. He squirmed and started kicking with his legs. Obviously, he was struggling to breath with his mouth full and Helios sitting on his face. Helios grinned when he saw the boy twisting and kicking and only when the boy's kicks became frantic did he smile arrogantly at Tiberius and finally got up again. Anik gasped and gulped desperately for air.

Everyone was staring in shock but Helios just grinned and then ordered the boy to kneel again.

"Go on your knees and lick the anus of my boy, he is somewhat in pain from having my trunk inside his ass since sunrise" Helios grunted.

Anik nodded and did as he was told and resumed licking Tiro's stretched anal muscle. Helios put his large hands around the waist of Tiro and began twisting and bouncing him up and down on his stiff member. Tiro moaned and gasped as the thick and veiny phallus of his friend moved inside his rectum. Tiberius watched in awe. Helios' member was really like a trunk, fat and hard and long. Even when he lifted the boy quite far up and a great length of the glistening shaft of Helios was exposed, it was still lodged inside Tiro. Anik licked the mucus and anal juices off the exposed shaft and like Tiberius was in awe by its length and girth.

Helios began breathing quicker as he stimulated himself by bouncing the boy up and down like a puppet.

"You are a good boy and well trained" he grunted and looked down at Anik, clearly enjoying the tongue on his sticky shaft.

"I might keep you for myself. I might wear out Tiro before the end of the week otherwise" he said loudly to Anik but fixed Tiberius with his eyes.

Tiberius glared at the haughty youth. But then Anik lifted his hips. The Roman boy knew exactly what Anik wanted him to do. The boy continued licking and cleaning Helios' phallus, but he invited his lover to breed him before all the others to claim him and to make clear that he belonged to Tiberius alone.

Tiberius stepped forward, his penis much smaller than the one of Helios but at least as hard and rigid. He glared at the large youth and then kneeled behind Anik and leaned over him and began pressing into him without hesitation. Anik moaned when Tiberius breached his ring and then continued pushing in deeper and deeper. Tiberius looked up at Tiro who was still being bounced up and down, his head lolling.

Then he got wild and began pounding into Anik. He fucked the boy like a rabbit with frantic and urgent thrusts. It took not long before he groaned and lifted his hips and pulled back so that only his cockhead was poking into Anik's anal canal. His penis was pointing nearly straight down, with Anik's sphincter clamped around his shaft just below the ridge of his cockhead and holding him inside. The Roman boy moaned loudly and then his penis began throbbing.

Tiberius leaned forward with widely spread thighs so that everyone of the group of youths watching could see that he pumped his seed into his lover. There were gasps and a girl giggled when they saw the vein of the Roman's penis starting to pulse and his balls pulling up and twitching as they emptied their seed into Anik.

Before he had finished climaxing he pulled out and splashed his semen over Anik's buttocks before he pressed all in again to deposit the remainder of his semen deep inside his lover.

Just then Helios bellowed and threw his head back. Tiberius and Anik both had their faces close to the base of the trunk-like member of Helios and could see from close-up when it started to throb. His heavy balls began pulling up. Tiro moaned weakly when the thick penis inside him began twitching and spurting thick, creamy semen. Like Tiberius before him, Helios pulled Tori off him while he still pumped and put him on the ground. The slender boy collapsed next to Tiberius and Anik and shuddered, thick seed gushing from his gaping hole.

Then the gigantic youth wrapped one hand around his phallus and reached down with his other hand to grab Anik by his hair. He grunted and pulled Anik towards him, his penis still gushing. Thick drops of semen splashed all over Anik's face. Then Helios pressed his thick member down Anik's throat. The boy gagged and heaved and his slim throat expanded.

The youths around them watched in shock as Anik's throat bulged out. They could see the shaft of Helio's member outlined against the throat of the boy. The could even make out the engorged glans that widened the throat even more as it moved back and forth inside the boy's throat.

The tightness of Anik's throat stimulated Helios and he started jabbing and thrusting. The boy was being pulled off Tiberius' penis and the Roman watched helplessly as the beefy youth grabbed Anik's head with both hands and thrust violently again and again down his lover's throat.

The boy gagged and made desperate gargling sounds. Tiberius reached out and tried to pull him off Helios's penis but was unsuccessful. Anik twisted and tried frantically to move away from Helios but the tall youth held him securely. Anik's body and instincts took over and pee gushed from his semi-erect penis and splashed over the feet of Helios. His sphincter began quivering and the semen of Tiberius gushed out while the boy retched and gagged.

Tiberius look in despair, then he lunged forward in a blind rage and grabbed the dangling balls of Helios and squeezed hard. Helios groaned and finally let go. Anik gasped desperately for air and crawled away. Tiberius jumped on top of him to cover him protectively.

Helios cupped his balls and groaned and glared angrily at Tiberius. But then the youths who until now had been watching passively stepped forward and placed themselves protectively in front of Anik and Tiberius. One of the young women stepped towards Helios without fear.

"I am Lydia, daughter of Darius. You will not pleasure yourself with the two boys anymore without their permission. Else you fill face the wrath of all of us" she said with a stern voice.

Helios stared at her, then he grunted and straightened up.

"It was all just play. The boy actually enjoyed it, I could feel it" he said dismissively.

"Boy, get up, we go and play on our own" he said to Tiro.

He surprised everybody when he bent down and lifted the boy up and cradled him lovingly in his arms. Then he walked away towards the hills and was soon out of sight.

Tiberius lifted himself off Anik and helped him to sit up. The Greek boy kissed him passionately, full of gratitude for his savior.

"I am blessed by the Gods that I am with you" he sighed, his hands all over Tiberius, touching and caressing him and then clinging to him.

The group stayed together for a while and quite a few were not only outraged by the behavior of Helios but also excited by it. In in case of the young men, their excitement was quite visible to all. A slender youth and a taller girl were sitting together, the girl openly stroking and rubbing his erection while she chatted with a friend. The youth was tense and nervous, but the girl continued to massage his glans with her fingers, seemingly absentmindedly. Soon the boy tried to twist away but when she squeezed his cockhead it was too late and he ejaculated into her hand. The girl pretended that she barely noticed it and then fed the sperm to the youth. But then it was too much for her too and she gave up her pretense . She pushed her boyfriend on his back and sat on him and impaled herself on his erection.

Seeing this, many of the others started to copulate too. Young men and women started to make out and a pair of girls began kissing each other enthusiastically. Anik and Tiberius watched and caressed each other, then Anik got up and pulled his lover up to his feet.

"Let us go away. I want us to be alone with each other for a while" Anik said and dragged Tiberius towards the interior of the island.

Xera was tiny and could be crossed within a few minutes' brisk walk. It took them no time until they reached the middle of the island. They could still hear the youths moaning and the sound of the waves lapping against the beach. The ground was covered by a lush carpet of soft plants and moss. And here in the center of the island were even a few hardy pine trees, small and gnarly and about twice as high as a man.

Anik slid against Tiberius and rubbed himself seductively against the Roman boy. Anik felt hot and feverish with desire. The courage of Tiberius and his fight with Helios had made Anik so horny that he could barely hold back. His penis was so stiff that it hurt as he rubbed it against the hip of Tiberius. He was already oozing pre and he felt flashes of heat and blood pushing down into his penis to make it even more rigid.

Anik moved away from Tiberius and bent down to rip off a few vines that were growing around the narrow trunk of a pine. He gave the vine to Tiberius and then leaned against the trunk and raised his arms. He did not speak but his hungry look when he gazed into the eyes of Tiberius said more than words. Tiberius wrapped a vine around a branch of the pine and tied tied Anik's wrists with it. The boy moaned with lust and wrapped one leg around Tiberius and tried to hump against him. The Roman boy grinned and kissed Anik hard. But then he stepped away to look at his helpless lover. He turned him around to delight himself with the sight of the taut buttocks and silky back. He rubbed his own erection against the crack of the boy. Anik pushed his hips out, offering to be bred.

"No yet, you are so excited that I let you spurt so that you will last longer during the day" he whispered into Anik's ear.

He turned the boy around again and sat down on his heels before him. He wrapped his hand around the throbbing shaft before him and tugged at it and let it slap against Anik's pubic area. The touch was enough to push the boy over the edge and Anik moaned loudly and shuddered and began gushing semen. He ejaculated two ropes and then more seed flowed steadily from his slit and down his slick shaft.

Tiberius leaned in to lick it up and swallowed it hungrily. He continued licking, savouring the taste of the boy's cum and his salty sweat. He could not get enough and slowly went down along his legs till he reached his toes and then went up again, licking and kissing his way all over Anik's front. He was still not satisfied and turned the whimpering boy around and did the same with his back until no part of Anik's body had been left untouched by his mouth and tongue. The boy moaned and whimpered. His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy and fast. Tiberius stood in front of Anik and kissed him deeply.

Then TIberius bent his knees and grabbed his penis with one hand and reached around to grab a buttock of Anik and spread it with his other hand. He pushed up and then felt his penis pressing Anik's sphincter open. He groaned and straightened up and his stiff penis penetrated the anus of the boy. Tiberius moaned loudly and stood on his toes. His member was so rigid and stiff that it impaled the boy with ease and lifted him off his feet. Anik shrieked and Tiberius shuddered when he felt the weight of the boy pressing down on his rock hard phallus. The Roman youth felt the fleshy wall of Anik's rectum pressing around his penis. Tiberius began bouncing on the balls of his feet, his penis sliding and moving inside the boy. It took only moments before Tiberius groaned and then pumped his semen into his lover. He shuddered and twitched and felt his penis throbbing and pulsing as it shot off rope after rope of cum.

Once his climax abated, Tiberius sighed and remained standing, his penis still buried inside Anik. Eventually he slowly softened and his member was not able to take the weight of the boy anymore and he slowly slipped out of Anik. He reached up and untied the slim youth and let him gently slide on the soft ground. He talked soothingly and softly to him and caressed him lovingly. The boy was still hard and twitching. Tiberius squatted over his face and let the boy kiss and lick his penis. Anik smiled and carefully cleaned Tiberius. He lifted his head and licked the taut balls of Tiberius, playfully flicking his tongue against the hairless sack and making Tiberius giggle and moan.

Tiberius shifted slightly so that his anus was over Anik's face and sat down on his face. Anik moaned and at once pressed his tongue inside Tiberius' anal canal and cleaned it, his tongue wiggling and flicking in and out. Tiberius moaned lustfully, his eyes closed.

Suddenly he heard somebody nearby clearing the throat. He opened his eyes and saw a slim girl standing before him. Tiberius remembered her to be shy and often standing in the back and trying to be inconspicuous.

"I am sorry, i did not want to disturb you. I am Adoni." she said shyly and blushed.

"No, it is fine. How can we help you?" Tiberius asked while he remained sitting on Anik's face.

She blushed even more and looked down at her feet. Finally she took a deep breath and found the courage to state her wish.

"It is just that...that I have not been laying with men often. I...I was just wondering...if Anik could penetrate me a few time so that i am not so tight anymore" she asked nervously.

"I prefer men...not boys...but it would help me to get used to the thick member of the men. Anik's penis is the smallest of all, even smaller than Tiro's" she added and smiled sheepishly.

"That is true, his is not very big but stiffer than all I know" Tiberius replied with a smile.

"Baby, do you want to help Adoni?" Tiberius addressed Anik.

The boy could not speak with the crack of Tiberius pressing against his mouth and his tongue lodged inside his anus. But Tiberius felt him nodding under him.

"Anik agrees, you can sit on him" Tiberius told Adoni.

Adoni smiled nervously and then stepped over to Anik and lowered herself slowly. She gingerly grabbed his penis to make it point up.

"Oh, it is so hard" she whispered, amazed by the rigidity of the thin phallus of the boy.

"Yes, my baby can keep like this for hours" Tiberius told Adoni proudly.

"It feels very nice in my hand. It is so warm and a bit sticky" Adoni marvelled.

The she moaned softly when she felt the Anik's glans brushing against her vulva.

"I love it too. I am usually the one breeding, but he mounted me a few times. It felt so good and it was not painful to take him in since his penis is slender and hard and does not bend" Tiberius said.

Adoni nodded, then she took a deep breath and plunged down. She whimpered but the slender rod entered her easily. She smiled happily at Tiberius.

"You are right, he is already inside me. It feels so good" she moaned.

Then she began moving and slowly bouncing up and down, savouring the sensation. Her small, firm breasts jiggled slightly and her eyes were closed. After a while her breathing quickened and she began gasping. Then she arched her back and began squirting. She sighed and slowly relaxed.

"Ah, that was nice. Now I feel better. I am sure that I can take in the men too" Adoni sighed.

She remained sitting on Anik for a while and gently caressed his flat chest and sides and watched the boy licking the inside of Tiberius' anus.

Finally she lifted herself off and glanced down at the glistening penis of the boy.

"I made a mess. Do you want me to clean your boy?" she asked Tiberius.

"No, I will do that. He will get a lot more messy soon" Tiberius replied and grinned.

Adoni bent down and kissed Anik gently on the cheek.

"Thank you very much" she whispered and then straightened up and walked away.

The Roman boy kneeled beside Anik and then gently cleaned his genital area with his tongue. Once he had lapped up the juices of the girl he turned the boy gently on his side and caressed him, his palms gliding lightly over the smooth skin. Anik moaned softly and lustfully and did not move and enjoyed passively the caresses of his lover. The two youths talked softly to each other while Tiberius' hands were sliding over the skin of his lover, touching him everywhere. Tiberius wrapped his hand around Anik's ankle and bent the boy's knee and began to lick and the sole of his foot. The Greek boy sighed and soon Tiberius suckled at his toes. Anik shifted so that he was lying supine and offered his lover his other foot.

The sun was already high up when Tiberius finally turned Anik on his side and took a vine. He crossed the boy's ankles and wrapped a vine around them.

The Roman pressed his finger between the taut buttocks of the boy and let it slide along the cleft, lightly brushing over the clenched ring.

He shifted and sat cross-legged beside his lover, his gaze sliding along his body. It was very hot and humid on the islet and Tiberius saw that the smooth skin of Anik was dotted with small, pearly drops of sweat, like dew on a leaf. The Roman youth slid his finger lightly along the spine of Anik, starting at his neck and making the boy whimper. The finger slowly moved down to the small of the back until it arrived at the tailbone. His finger followed the curvature of the bone and slowly moved further down, arriving at the top of Anik's cleft. The finger moved slowly down, lightly brushing over the slightly raised anal muscle and then continuing sliding along the crack. The tip of the finger finally arrived at Anik's perineum. Tiberius pressed gently with the finger, and felt the muscles give slightly and the boy moaned loudly. He moved the tip of the finger slightly to the left and right and pressed, feeling the boy's urethra under the soft muscle. Anik gasped when Tiberius pressed his finger against the yielding flesh and constricted his urethra. Tiberius tapped against the tube inside the boy that carried his urine and semen, making the boy squirm and gasp and slowly overloading his senses. Finally Tiberius took pity with Anik and grabbed the boy's buttocks and spread them apart, exposing his crack and pucker.

He could never see enough of Anik's pucker. The cleft was hairless and sweaty and Tiberius sighed when he looked at the small drops of sweat along the smooth cleft and all over the round buttocks. He watched a small drop of sweat slowly flowing down along the silky smooth crack and then being stopped and quivering in the slight dimple of the clenched sphincter. Tiberius was panting while he watched the small, pearly drop of sweat shake and tremble as it was captured by the small pit caused by the boy's anal muscles clenching tightly. Suddenly the sphincter dilated slightly and the pearly drop was sucked into the anal canal and disappeared.

Tiberius moaned and imagined that his penis would soon follow the drop into the narrow canal and then push deeper into his lover. Tiberius continued stroking and caressing the boy's back and sides and the inside of his thighs.

At last he reached out to grab another vine. Anik's breathing quickened at once when he sensed the intention of his lover and without having to be asked crossed his wrists behind his back.

"Good boy" Tiberius said softly and smiled as he tied Anik's wrists securely with the vine.

He knew how excited his lover became when he was helpless and exposed and wanted now to proceed to stimulate him for hours and to keep him in a state close to orgasm just before ejaculating. Then suddenly he heard a loud guffaw.

"This looks so nice. The lion cub with his captured gazelle" Helios said, standing a few steps away with Tiro beside him.

Both boys looked up and saw the muscular youth grinning arrogantly at them.

Next: Chapter 16

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