Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Sep 20, 2016


Tiberius and Anik

by Nifty Boy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 5: At the Olympic Games

The youths made their way down to the Olympic valley. Even before they arrived there, they saw more and more people squatting and sitting around fires, many of them singing and quite a few already drunk.

The lower they came the more oppressive the heat became. The valley was landlocked and trapped the heat and August was the hottest month. Together with the heat, there was a terrible miasma wafting towards them, emanating from the throngs of sweaty people. Once they arrived at the bottom of the valley, the heat and smells were nearly unbearable. After some time however the youths became used to it and looked around in wonderment.

There were groups of people wherever they looked. Among them market tenders plied their trade. Priests walked around, some quite deranged and screaming while people watched them. There were magicians, acrobats and jugglers showing their tricks and food sellers cooking and selling amphorae with wine.

A bit farther away the saw the new aqueduct that the Romans built and that finally supplied enough water and the opportunity to wash for the crowds. While no true Greek was happy to be part of the Roman Empire, most agreed that the aqueducts and the baths at Olympia made life during the Games much more bearable than in the past. Before, a substantial fraction of the time spent during the Games was to look for water to drink, but nowadays the visitors could even wash themselves properly.

Soon they found a group from Naxos sitting around a fire and talking animatedly. They invited the girls and the two boys to stay with them. They put down their bags gratefully and sat down, quite exhausted from their trek.

But soon Tiberius and Anik decided to have a look around. Despite their tiredness they were too excited to just sit around. They started to make their way towards the Olympic sanctuary. It was easy to find since the gigantic statue of Zeus was inside the sanctuary and was visible from everywhere. It was coated with gold and was shining in the light of the evening sun.

Tiberius and Anik walked hand in hand, chatting and laughing and pointing out the sights to each other. Many people were staring at them when they walked by. While male couples were quite common in Greece, they consisted mostly of older men and their younger lovers. Seeing two youths so obviously in love together was much rarer. And of course, Anik's nudity was also quite rare in the Olympic valley outside of the gymnasia and during the sports events. It was mostly rent boys and girls who went around naked or nearly naked. But from the behavior of Tiberius and Anik it was evident that they were in love, rather than a pimp with his rent boy.

They walked by a huge tent and stopped to listen to a slave shouting. He had an impressively loud voice and told everyone that Hippocrates of Elis was sponsoring a run to honor the battle of Marathon. It was not an official event, but nevertheless would bestow great honor to the one who ran the eight leagues fastest. The race was open to anyone Greek who was fit enough to endure the race.

Some men and youths stepped forward to tell the slave that they wanted to participate. They watched as most of them were rejected by the slave, either because they could not show that they were truly Greek or the slave judged them to not have sufficient stamina.

"Do you want to run too?" Tiberius asked Anik.

"You ran nearly daily at least two leagues up and down to the academy and you swim for hours in addition every day. I am sure that you would be able to finish the race", he added.

"Do you think...? It would be quite fun..." Anik replied, not quite sure.

Tiberius smiled and nodded and the two stepped forward.

"I would like to participate" Anik told the slave.

"What is your name? And are you Greek?" the slave asked and looked somewhat dubiously down at Anik's slim figure.

"I am Aniketos of Agistri and I am Greek" Anik replied.

"Yes, I believe that" the slave said and reached out to squeeze Anik's biceps and thigh.

"Ah...and you seem to be strong enough too. Be at the old gymnasium at sunrise tomorrow" the slave said and added Anik's name to a list of participants.

The two youths thanked and left. Anik took the hand of Tiberius and led him towards the Olympic sanctuary. The Greek boy steered them towards the temple of Zeus. Soon they stood before it. Inside the temple they could see the gigantic statue of Zeus, fashioned by Pheidias in gold and ivory and considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The two youths stood before it in awe, overwhelmed by its splendor. Even Tiberius who as a Roman was quite jaded stood there with his mouth open. There were many people in and around the temple but they look insignificant next to the colossal statue.

The two youths had to squeeze through the thickly packed groups of people that were standing outside and gawked at Zeus. But finally they managed to enter the temple. The closer they came to the statue, the more impressive it became. Zeus was sitting on his throne and staring down at them sternly. Priests watched carefully so that nobody behaved inappropriately. Anik let Tiberius' hand go and stepped closer to the statue.

At once a priest stepped forward and stopped the naked boy.

"Please, let me give an offering to Zeus" Anik asked the priests.

The priest looked down at him, then nodded and stepped aside and let him approach the statue.

Anik went down and kneeled before the statue. He contemplated for a while, then he took off a bracelet and placed it before the statue. Tiberius heard him talking to Zeus in Anik's archaic Greek dialect. He barely understood a word, but he thought that his lover was praying for success in the race. Anik continued talking softly to Zeus, praying for a long and happy life for Tiberius and himself.

A warm glow went through Tiberius and it took an effort not to race towards his lover and to kiss him right here in the temple of Zeus. Tiberius looked at Anik and was stuck again how lucky he was to have found his lover. Anik looked so cute and desirable as he was kneeling naked before Zeus. From his adorable toes and soles to his firm buttocks and narrow waist and lean back and shoulders and raven black hair, everything was perfect. Tiberius could not hold back anymore and stepped forward too.

"He is my lover" he told the priest who smiled and nodded and Tiberius kneeled down next to Anik.

Anik glanced at him and smiled sweetly. He continued his incantation while they held each other's hands. Tiberius did not really believe in the Gods, neither the Roman nor the Greek ones. But he was like under a spell. He squeezed Anik's hand and then also started to pray softly, asking Zeus for health for both of them and for many years together.

They realized that it was already quite dark. They got up and bowed before Zeus and the priest and made their way back to the group from Naxos.

Once they arrived they sat down next to the fire and told the group that Anik would participate in the race tomorrow. Everyone was excited and promised to come with them to the gymnasium in the morning and to be there at the start of the race.

Early morning the rays of the rising sun woke them and they got up and made their way to the old gymnasium. It was close the sanctuary and when they arrived there were already many people milling around. Tiberius and Anik left their friends behind and entered the gymnasium alone. The slave from yesterday saw them and waved them towards a room where the participants prepared for the race. Tiberius had to strip too since he was considered the trainer of Anik and was only allowed to enter the inner part of the gymnasium unclothed.

Tradition had it that once a mother wanted to watch the competition of her son and pretended to be his coach. When her son won she was so excited that she jumped over a wall to embrace him and lost part of her clothing and was thus revealed as female. In honor of the son who had just won the competition she was not killed, but since then also the trainers had to enter in the nude.

They entered a large room where the participants prepared for the race with their trainers. Tiberius took off Anik's jewelry so that his lover was completely naked. Then he wiped Anik down with a wet sponge till he was thoroughly clean. After this he started to cover Anik with oil until he was gleaming and glistening. Anik sat down and Tiberius started massaging his feet. Anik leaned back on his elbows, obviously enjoying and savoring the massage, his penis stiffening and lengthening slightly.

While Tiberius was caressing and rubbing his feet, Anik looked around to take the measure of his competitors. Most were older than him, in their twenties and thirties and muscular and very fit looking. There were a few younger ones, among them an arrogant looking youth who was a few years older and glared haughtily down at Anik. He was surrounded by a retinue of slaves who massaged and prepared him for the race. He did looked not very Greek and when he barked an order to a slave in Latin, it showed that he was a Roman.

He walked over to Anik and glared down at him.

"Who are you? And why has so skinny a boy been allowed to participate in the run?" he asked condescendingly.

"I could also ask why one so obviously not Greek has been allowed to run" Anik retorted and glared up at the Roman youth.

"Be careful how you talk to me, little boy. I am the son of the governor of Crete" the youth replied angrily.

"We will see then if you father can give your feet wings..." Anik responded and smirked.

The other participants who were listening to the exchange between the two youths laughed and the Roman youth's face reddened in rage.

"I am Marcellus...do not forget my name..." he said coldly and then walked back to his slaves.

"Do not be angry, you should concentrate on the run" Tiberius told Anik and squeezed his feet one last time and then helped him up.

Soon the participants were called to congregate at the starting line. Tiberius quickly put his tunic on and walked with Anik to the starting line. There were at least a hundred participants already waiting, running on the spot and huffing and puffing and warming up in preparation for the race.

Anik drew a lot of stares and quite a few appreciative whistles. Marcellus who was before them glared angrily at Anik, jealous at the attention the boy received from the crowd.

"Please be careful...do not finish the race if it is too strenuous" Tiberius warned Anik.

"And keep away from Marcellus, he is not to be trusted..." he added.

Anik smiled and nodded, then kissed Tiberius deeply before his lover had to leave.

There was more whistling and a few lewd suggestions from the crowd before the two lovers broke their kiss. Tiberius stepped out of the starting area to his friends from Naxos who were there too to watch.

Anik blew Tiberius a last kiss, then he walked to the participants and waited for the start the race. A priest said some incantations and asked for the blessing of Zeus, then he dropped a feather.

As soon as the feather touched the ground, the participants raced off. Anik stayed behind since the jostling and pushing between the participants was quite brutal and most of them seemed to be at least twice as heavy as him. Right from the beginning, elbows and fists were used by some runners to stay ahead of their competitors. This was frowned upon but also expected and nobody was disqualified for showing too much zeal for winning.

The race started with seven rounds around the Olympic sanctuary, which gave the spectators the opportunity to watch the runners. At the front were the older runners, most of them tall and burly and muscular. Further behind were the younger ones, among them Anik. Tiberius shouted and jumped up and down when he saw Anik appearing. The Greek boy was not even breathing hard yet and was easily able to keep up with his competitors. His soft penis flopped and he took long strides as he ran, the play of his lean muscles elegant and graceful. Tiberius was not the only one whistling and shouting when Anik ran by. He already had a large group of admirers who shouted cheerfully whenever he ran by them. Marcellus was running ahead of Anik. His face hardened when he heard the shouts of Anik's fans. Tiberius had to admit that Marcellus was beautiful too, but his beauty was a cold and forbidding one. His stern and cruel expression did not generate the joyous admiration that Anik's natural gorgeousness and erotic attraction invoked in many people.

Anik enjoyed the race around the sanctuary. His feet barely touched the grassy ground and he relished to exert his body after the long days being cooped up in the boat. He delighted in the feeling of the hot sun and of the wind against his skin. He had loved to run and swim since he was a child and his stamina showed. While some of the participants already started to sweat and gasp, Anik was not even breathing hard. He seemed to float over the ground and his movements were spare and elegant.

After they finished the seven rounds around the sanctuary, the runners began their run up the valley. There were angry shouts as competitors jostled for space once the track narrowed. Anik slowed down to run in the back since he did not want to be bruised or worse by some of the brawny runners. But soon he started to overtake a few stragglers who could not cope with the increasing steepness of the trail. Even Anik started to sweat but his breathing was still even and unlabored. Anik ran steadily and relentlessly, never too fast but also never slowing and leaving more and more participants behind.

A few tried to keep up with him. Those were rewarded with a view that made even those fight against an erection who usually only fancied women. Anik's body was glistening and his muscles moved and flexed as he ran steadily. The beauty of his golden brown tan was enhanced by his coal black hair and the lighter tan of his soles. He had narrow hips and a lithe body and his buttocks were round and firm and boyish. Now that the trail became steeper and steeper, he had to exert himself too and his muscles were tense and taut and working hard. His buttocks flexed and his calves and thigh muscles tensed and relaxed with every long stride he took while his arms swung back and forth vigorously.

The play of his muscles and limbs while he ran like in a trance had something profoundly erotic. Anik became one with his body and focused all his thoughts on the trail and his running and the sensations he felt. He experienced the grass and fine gravel under his soles and the touch of the wind and the burning rays of the sun on his naked body. He was in a dreamlike, sensual state and without even noticing it consciously his penis stiffened and he ran with a rigidly erect phallus. This to the immense enjoyment and glee of the spectators which were standing and sitting at the sides of the trail. Anik's penis was stiff and slapped against his sweaty abdomen while he ran up the hill. But after some time which Anik did not consciously experience the race started going downhill and he awoke from his trance and his penis softened. He could make out the sanctuary far below and ahead of him other runners. Anik increased his pace and started overtaking his competitors, one after another. A few had already fallen out of the race, unable to keep running. The descent went by quickly and soon he was on the bottom of the valley, fast approaching the sanctuary and the final seven laps around it.

To Anik's astonishment he realized that only one runner was ahead of him, Marcellus. He slowly and steadily reduced the distance to him and soon was running only a few paces behind the Roman youth. Marcellus breathing was labored and he swayed and stumbled and was clearly at the end of his strength. Marcellus sensed that someone was racing behind him and turned his head. With a shock Marcellus saw Anik following him closely, obviously still fit. Marcellus swore and spat and tried to accelerate, desperately trying to pull ahead. Anik stayed behind him without trouble, the distance between them remaining always the same few paces. Marcellus started to panic once they were on the last lap. The spectators screamed and shouted and the Roman heard the crowd shouting "Anik" again and again, their sympathies obviously with the Greek boy.

Finally Anik grinned and accelerated. Without difficulty he pulled even with Marcellus, then inexorably ahead. Marcellus tried to lunge and grab the boy, but instead he stumbled and nearly fell. He saw dimly the boy crossing the finishing line and heard the roaring shout of the crowd when their champion won the race. Marcellus stumbled over the finishing line and stopped, close to collapsing. His slaves ran towards him with water but he screamed hysterically and swatted the amphora with water away. He grabbed a large stone and stumbled towards Anik and screamed incoherently.

Anik turned and stared surprised at Marcellus who staggered toward him, the arm with the stone raised. But before he could smash the stone on Anik's head Tiberius lunged forward and wrestled the Roman to the ground. Marcellus trashed around weakly, but he had no reserves of strength left and Tiberius easily subdued him. Soon priests arrived and carried the Roman away to expel him from the Olympic village for having raised his hand against a competitor and for angering the Gods and the sanctity of the Games.

Anik soon forgot the scene as excited spectators lifted him up on their shoulders and carried him around, his naked body over the heads of the crowd. Then he spotted Tiberius and shouted at him. Tiberius was fighting his way through the crowd. Anik managed to slide down and fall into the arms of his lover.

"Anik...Anik..." Tiberius said again and again and wrapped his arms protectively around the boy.

Anik's body was hot and slippery with sweat and he pressed against Tiberius, slowly calming down after the long race. Tiberius was astonished about the stamina of the boy. He was already breathing normally and the exertion of the race had not left a trace.

Then the Olympic priests called and the two parted reluctantly and Anik was led away to the victory celebration.

It seemed interminable to Tiberius. Priests chanted, an ox was sacrificed, then there was more chanting and finally a laurel wreath was placed on top of Anik's head. Anik was beaming and smiling proudly and the crowd roared excitedly.

As soon as the celebration was over he raced towards Tiberius and wrapped his legs and arms around his Roman lover. Tiberius nearly fell but managed to steady himself and then they kissed while Anik clung to him. The crowd roared again while Tiberius cupped Anik's buttocks and they kissed and made out enthusiastically.

The rest of the day went by like in a dream. Neither of them did remember much but for a visit to the bath, a nearly endless sequence of celebration and parties and lots of drinking and eating, until they finally dropped dead tired and slept at once, both cuddling against each other.

They did not think about Marcellus again, but he did not forget about them. During the long journey home to Crete, he never ceased to think about revenge. And wherever he went, the news of his unseemly and sacrilegious behavior had already reached the people. He was treated with contempt all the way to the harbor where his private boat was waiting. Throughout the long days and nights when the boat sailed towards Crete he hatched ever more elaborate plans for vengeance.

But back at Olympia, the two lovers continued to enjoy the Games and did not lose a thought on Marcellus. They could not know that they would meet him again quite soon, but then not under the protection of the Olympic priests.

The morning after the race the two youths had an easy morning and stayed at their camp, lounging around and not doing much. But finally they managed to get up and take a small meal. They started exploring the Olympic field and marveled at the hustle and bustle. Closer to the Olympic sanctuary the rich had erected gaudy tents for them to stay and party. Right next to the compound, a truly rich person had erected a set of connected tents as big as a palace.

"Who lives in here?" they asked a market tender.

"It belongs to Appolonius. He is very rich and he entertains his friends during the Games" he answered.

"Appolonius? But we met him. He was the man in the big chariot. He told us to visit him. Let's go and have a look at the tent, I so want to see how it looks like inside" Anik said excitedly.

Next: Chapter 6

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