Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Jan 9, 2017


Tiberius and Anik

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 9: The false paradise

Anik and Tiberius were surprised that they had been given the freedom to explore the garden and the palace and wondered if they were just being set up by Marcellus. But since they were at the mercy of him anyway, they decided to use the opportunity to walk around.

To call it a garden did the ground around the palace a disservice. It was huge and expansive and it took them half a day to walk from one end to the other. Everywhere where bushes and exotic flowers and several small forests. Everything was exquisitely beautiful and would have even put the Garden of Lucullus to shame. There were artfully hidden benches and statues, elegant pergolas and small temples and exotic animals roaming wild.

The arrived at an orchard with Orange trees. They had been exploring the garden all morning and were hungry and decided to take a rest. Anik collected oranges and Tiberius enjoyed the sight of his lover climbing up the trees. They leaned against the trunk of a tree and began eating the juicy fruits. Two soldiers had followed them but always remained at a discreet distance. They stopped about a hundred paces away from them, standing partially hidden behind a bush and never letting them out of sight.

After eating, the youths continued with their exploration. Wherever they looked they saw small groves, beautiful shrines, flower beds, pavilions, statues, ponds with colorful fishes and much more. Everything was arranged with exquisite taste and the entire garden was breathtakingly beautiful. The two boys felt strange that something so beautiful should belong to somebody so depraved as Marcellus.

They came by a small zoo with animals. They saw gazelles from Africa, parrots and colorful birds with iridescent plumages, foxes. A few well fed and lazy lions were lazing around a large cage and peacocks strutted around and displayed their feathers.

The two boys watched the animals for a while, then resumed their walk. Even after all the sights they had already seen, they were surprised to come upon a sizeable lake adjacent to a hill. The lake was clearly artificial, with a smooth, perfectly round border. Several pleasure boats were moored to a pier. On the opposite side of the lake, accessible only with the boats, was a grotto, also man-made and clad entirely in marble.

The water was clear and when they stepped into it, cool and clean. They splashed around and laughed and enjoyed the coolness of the water. After the refreshing swim, they stepped out of the water to continue their walk in the garden. But they were resolved to go back soon during the coming days and swim over to the grotto. Of all the beautiful places of the garden, the lake was their favorite one.

They walked around the lake and finally arrived at a high wall. It seemed that the entire garden was surrounded by the wall. It was undoubtedly erected to keep the commoners away, but it was equally efficient at keeping Anik and Tiberius in. And even if they were to try to climb it, there were always the soldiers who followed them at a discreet distance and who would be upon them within a few seconds.

They followed the wall but as they had suspected, it was without breaks except for a few large gateways which were heavily guarded by soldiers.

It was late afternoon when they had walked all along the circumference of the garden and they confirmed that there was no way out. Despite the beauty of their surroundings, they became subdued. They haven't found anything in the huge park that gave them any hope of escape. The wall was unsurmountable, and the beach could only be reached by walking down the stone stairs which were heavily guarded at all times. And wherever they went, soldiers followed them and watched vigilantly.

At the end of their exploration they had an idea of the general layout of the garden. At one end in the West was the palace, up a high cliff at the sea. At the Eastern end were low hills with the artificial sea and the grotto while the zoo was located in the middle. The garden was crisscrossed by trails and dotted with small temples, pavilions and statues. And the entire garden was surrounded by a high wall.

After their long hike they were tired and hungry and entered the palace in search for food. They were greeted by one of the slave boys who led them to their room and brought bowls with delicious food. They had a sumptuous meal of fruits and fish and bread and then went for a swim in the pool, followed by a relaxing massage.

The slave boy was friendly but there was a sadness surrounding him. Anik asked him concerned why he was being so depressed. At first the boy tried to evade the question, but then he lost the fight against his tears and he began sobbing and crying uncontrollably. Tiberius put his arms around him and tried to calm the shaking boy.

"Please, tell us, what is it...?" he asked soothingly.

"The boy who died...he was the lover of Kleio and...and of me..." he sobbed.

"He was betrothed to Kleio, but he also loved me...we three were always together..." he continued and wept.

"I am so sorry..." Tiberius only managed to say and gently caressed the boy's back.

"I am Drakon...I will try to make your stay here as pleasant as possible...I have to go now..." he said and tried to smile.

They went back into the cage. The boy wished them a good night while he locked the cage and then departed. Anik and Tiberius had to fight back tears too, so pitiful did Drakon look when he walked away, his shoulders hunched and his gait like that of an old man.

Anik and Tiberius talked until deep into the night. Despite the growing certainty that escape was hopeless, they did not want to give up yet and decided to explore the palace during the next day. While they were not optimistic, they wanted to gather as much information as they could to help them in their planning for an escape.

The slept in late and once they woke up were left out of the cage and offered breakfast. After eating bread and fruits they began exploring the palace. This time the soldiers were following them close by. They were barred entry to the private rooms of Marcellus which encompassed an entire wing of the palace. But otherwise they were allowed to roam freely. The palace was much bigger than it seemed from the outside, with countless rooms, reception areas, libraries, art galleries and much more. There were several baths, one of which was painted with colorful erotic murals and graphic depictions of many different and astonishing sex acts. The boys giggled and both became erect when they examined the depictions. They glanced at the soldiers, but they only stared back at them blankly and were unperturbed by the erotic pictures. The youths stepped into the water. Tiberius leaned against the edge of the pool and Anik began rubbing and grinding against him while the soldiers watched dispassionately. Soon the boys moaned softly and ejaculated and long strings of fluffy semen floated in the water. The boys climbed out of the pool, watched by the unperturbed solider.

They continued their exploration and went from room to room. But despite the elegance and beauty of the palace, it did not compare to the gloriousness of the garden.

It was around midday when they walked out into the garden. The sun burned down hotly and bathed everything in a radiant light. Despite the heat the two youths decided to go for a run. They both had an urge to exert their muscles. They began running along one of the many trails and soon found their rhythm. The ground was soft and warm and the trail immaculately kept up and no stones or gravel hurt their feet. The trail they were using meandered through the entire garden and allowed them to run by all the sights.

This time there were more soldiers that followed them. The boys were naked and fit and found running in the heat pleasurable while the soldiers were wearing leather tunics and suffered and sweated. But the boys realized that there were many more soldiers than they first thought, positioned all though the garden. The soldiers must have planned already for the boys to run and had organized themselves into a relay. The pairs of soldiers regularly changed running after them, and so Anik and Tiberius were never left out of sight, with at least two soldiers always close by.

The glanced again and again at each other as they ran. They both enjoyed feeling the wind against their bodies and the dry, soft grass under their feet. They ran fast and steady, and the exertion made them forget that they were captives and likely would be killed sooner rather than later. They hearts were hammering in their chests and they were breathing deeply and steadily. They both felt their blood pounding in their ears. Both enjoyed watching the other run, with their muscles flexing. They got excited from time to time, and then their members began stiffening and swaying.

Eventually they arrived at the lake and jumped directly into the water and swam over to the grotto. They watched as the soldiers following them climbed into one of the pleasure boats and rowed after them. Anik laughed happily since he had missed his daily swim in the sea. The pool in the palace was large, but it could not compare with the lake. After a few minutes of vigorous swimming they reached the other end of the lake and climbed out and entered the grotto.

It was entirely man-made and the floor and walls and ceiling clad in purple marble. There were marble benches and tables. They walked around the grotto, looking for anything that might help them in their escape but they found nothing. There were no doors nor any other openings and after a fruitless search they gave up and sat down on a bench and put their arms around each other.

They were sitting there for a long while, all the time watched by the soldiers in the pleasure boat. Both boys fought against their growing despair. It seemed hopeless and wherever they went and explored, nothing seemed to offer any prospect to flee from the palace. Both were in a melancholy mood and snuggled against each other.

Tiberius felt Anik's body beginning to shake and pressed the boy against him. Anik put his head on Tiberius' shoulder and his tears welled up. First he tried to suppress his sobs, but then he lost his fight and began weeping. He sobbed desperately while Tiberius gently patted his back. Tiberius did not say anything and sensed that Anik needed the relief that crying gave him. Tiberius' hand glided up and down along Anik's side and back and finally the boy began calming.

Finally Anik's tears dried up and he sniffed and pressed even tighter against Tiberius. Without words he slid down and kneeled between Tiberius's thighs and began kissing and licking him. Tiberius stroked Anik's hair while the boy spread his thighs wider and sucked at his balls. After a while Anik began licking and caressing his erect member with his tongue. Soon Tiberius came and Anik swallowed every drop of his seed. Anik let go of Tiberius' cock and looked up at his lover and smiled.

"Thank you so much...now I feel better..." he whispered and licked his lips.

Tiberius smiled and nodded. Anik stood up and offered his hard cock to Tiberius who took it into his mouth at once. He grabbed Anik's buttocks and pulled him closer and sucked him. Anik came quickly and after both had found relief they reclined on the bench and nestled against each other.

It was getting dark already when they got up and swam back and then ran along the wall until they reached the palace. As usual they went to pool to take a quick swim and to get a massage, had dinner and then were locked into their cage. They talked for a long time and agreed to fight against the encroaching gloom. They decided to run and swim every day to ensure that they were as fit as possible for whatever was coming. And they made a solemn pledge to each other that they would not cease to search for a way out.

The next morning they walked out of the palace towards the trail for their run. Both felt better and were eager to run through the garden. Tiberius had his hand clamped possessively around Anik's taut buttock and they felt frisky and giggled when they both became erect.

Just then Marcellus walked out of the palace, accompanied by two of his soldiers. When he spotted the boys he smirked and looked at them with utter contempt. Anik glared back at their tormentor, then without thinking he reached down and grabbed Tiberius's erection and began stroking him, all the time fixing Marcellus with his eyes. Tiberius was surprised but then started stroking Anik too while also staring defiantly at Marcellus.

Marcellus eyes widened and after glaring back for a few moments, he turned around and walked away, obviously in a huff. The two boys continued staring at his back while they stroked each other. Soon they both came and moaned loudly while their semen splattered on the grass below them.

Anik and Tiberius giggled and felt better for having been able to get under the skin of Marcellus. It gave them a sense of power over him, despite being completely at his mercy otherwise. Afterwards, they ran for hours and went for a long swim in the lake and relaxed in the grotto.

It went like this for more than a week. The regular running and swimming and making love for hours every day soon showed. Tiberius found it easier and easier to run and being naked all the time gave him a perfect tan even though his skin was always fairer than Anik.

One late afternoon they came back to the palace after running in the heat, their naked bodies glistening with sweat. They walked towards the palace and saw Marcellus deep in conversation with an older couple. The older man looked very distinguished and by the broad purple stripe on the border of his toga he was a Roman senator. His wife was dressed expensively and the jewelry that she was wearing must have cost a fortune. The woman turned her head and then saw the two youths walking on the grass towards the palace. Her eyes widened and she flinched back in shock.

"Who are these animals?" the two youths heard her hiss.

Anik and Tiberius stopped and put their arms around each other and looked curiously at the woman.

"Do not worry...I own these animals...I let them roam wild while I decide when and how to have my pleasure with them" Marcellus explained and smiled wickedly.

The old couple nodded.

"Indeed, one has to be tough with ones slaves. We make it a point to flog them regularly" the senator agreed with Marcellus.

"But...but to let them be unclothed, like wild animals...?" the women added and blushed when she glanced again at the naked youths, equally repelled and attracted by the sight of their nudity.

"Forget these beasts...let us retire to the terrace and take our meal" Marcellus suggested.

With a last glare from the old woman they turned their back towards the boys and walked up the stairs towards the terrace where a sumptuous meal had been laid out. The boys watched them recline on couches and slave girls stepped forward to cool them with large fans.

Anik glanced at Tiberius, then without any words he began pressing and rubbing languidly against his lover, fixing the old couple all the time with his stare. It took only seconds before the two boys were fully erect. The old lady gasped when she saw the hard cocks of the two boys grinding and sliding against each other.

"I want you to breed me like an animal...." Anik whispered and smiled naughtily.

Tiberius grinned and pressed Anik down on all fours. The boy lifted his hips and Tiberius kneeled behind him and began sucking and slurping loudly at his ring. Anik moaned lustfully and continued staring at the old hag on the terrace.

Tiberius sat up and licked his lips, then he pressed his hard cock into his lover. Anik moaned loudly while Tiberius began squeezing his phallus in and out. It didn't take long before Tiberius screamed in ecstasy and unloaded deep inside Anik.

Tiberius pulled back and let his cock plop out. Anik turned and lifted his buttocks high towards the terrace and pressed. He was rewarded with a shocked gasp by the old couple when they saw white semen bubbling from his hole.

Anik turned again and offered his sticky anus again to Tiberius. Tiberius grabbed his glistening cock at its base and looked up at the group on the terrace. He grinned when he saw the old couple staring at them with open mouths.

He took a few deep breaths, then he let go and a stream of piss splattered on Anik's buttocks and crack. The woman shrieked hysterically, and Tiberius stabbed his still pissing member into Anik. Anik moaned again while Tiberius repeated his jabbing a few more times until the stream of water stopped. He pulled Anik's head back by his hairs and started hammering into the boy. His cock pushed in again and again and made loud, squishy noises when it entered Anik's wet anus. This time Tiberius held back and made his pounding last as long as possible. Whenever he felt getting close, he slowed down and then resumed his hammering again. At long last he could not hold back anymore and climaxed with a triumphant scream. He clenched his buttocks and pressed in as deep as possible and ejaculated into Anik's rectum. He pulled out and Anik presented his buttocks again to the shocked audience. He clenched and unclenched his sphincter and expelled a milky, liquid stream. Tiberius caught his breath and saw how the senator had to hold his wife who gasped hysterically for breath.

Tiberius grinned at them, the he grabbed Anik's buttocks and spread them and started sucking at his ring. The woman began crying while the senator tried in vain to calm her. The two boys then sat up and kissed deeply and loudly.

This was too much. The woman got up and walked away, quickly followed by the senator. Marcellus glared at the boys, his eyes full of hate, but then had to run after his guests.

Anik and Tiberius began laughing hysterically and fell to the ground and rolled around in the grass. It took a long while before they calmed down and managed to get up and go back to their cage.

The next morning they got up early. Drakon unlocked their cage and let them out. They asked about the guests of Marcellus and he told them that it that the senator was a personal friend of the Emperor and here on holidays.

"Do you know when they will have breakfast?" Anik asked innocently.

"The breakfast is prepared on the terrace for just before midday. But you are not allowed to the terrace" Drakon informed them with an apologetic smile.

"That is fine, we anyway want to go for a run now" Tiberius replied and glanced at Anik and smiled playfully.

They left the palace and began running along the wall and were back after a few hours, just before midday. They found a stone table and moved it so that it was positioned below the terrace and only visible if one was standing at the balustrade.

Anik lay down on his back and Tiberius stood and caressed and kissed the boy so that he was soon moaning and squirming excitedly. After a short time they heard Marcellus and the old couple step out onto the terrace and then the sounds of people eating and talking.

Tiberius looked down on Anik. Anik wiggled and shifted so that he could let his head lean down over the edge of the table. He opened his mouth wide and Tiberius began feeding him his hard member. His cockhead began squeezing into Anik's throat and the boy gagged loudly. Tiberius moved his cock deeper in and watched as Anik's throat expanded. The boy began retching and drooling. The member sliding in was perfectly outlined and Tiberius could see his shaft pressing against Anik's flexing throat. Anik gagged and retched while Tiberius squeezed his cock slowly in and out. The flexing and contracting of Anik's throat stimulated the Roman boy and it took not long before his thrusting became more urgent. His balls slapped against Anik's head while he pounded his hard penis deep down the throat. He looked up and saw the old woman and her husband stare down at them, both flustered and their faces a deep red.

Tiberius looked into the woman's eyes, then he convulsed and began ejaculating, his spurting penis still squeezing in and out. Soon white seem began flowing out between Anik's lips. Once he was spent he pulled his cock out and Anik gasped for air, his mouth open. Tiberius climbed on the table and squatted over Anik and bent down, his buttocks at Anik's face. As soon as Anik had caught his breath he began licking Tiberius' crack while the Roman youth sucked him energetically. Anik soon arched his back and screamed and shot rope after rope of cum into his lover's mouth. Tiberius felt so good that he continued sucking and caressing Anik's glans with his tongue. Quite soon they heard a commotion and when they looked up they saw a procession of slaves carrying out luggage. Anik and Tiberius disentangled themselves and jumped down from the table.

A carriage drawn by six horses arrived and the senator and his wife walked out of the palace. The woman had her eyes fixed ahead and pointedly did not look at the two youths. They entered the carriage and ordered the driver to leave at once. Anik and Tiberius watched the carriage depart and then glanced up to the terrace where Marcellus was trying to keep his composure.

The two boys grinned and licked their lips. They have found out how to torment their tormentor. They realized that Marcellus truly believed to be a God. And of course it would not do for a God to lose his poise by the antics of mere mortals. Anik and Tiberius smiled sweetly at Marcellus, who was trying to kill them with his glance. But finally he turned abruptly and went back into the palace.

During the following days the two boys became increasingly shameless and made love all over the garden and in the palace and whenever they spotted Marcellus. But after a while even their most outlandish sexual practices failed to shock Marcellus.

Anik and Tiberius continued running and swimming daily for many hours. The artificial lake and the grotto became their favorite place in the garden and they made a long break there during midday, when the sun was shining down especially hot.

One evening they chatted with Drakon. He looked tired and they asked him what the matter was.

"Oh, it is nothing. Marcellus will give a big reception tomorrow afternoon and everyone had to work all days and through half of the nights to prepare" he answered and yawned.

"Should we...?" Anik asked Tiberius once they were locked in the cage.

"We should not...we nearly went too far with the senator and his wife..." Tiberius answered but was clearly tempted.

"What can we lose? At least we would have had some fun..." Anik insisted.

The Greek boy punched Tiberius playfully on the shoulder and giggled.

"You are terrible...but you are right, let's do it..." Tiberius laughed and then wrestled playfully with Anik.

Soon both were erect and Anik thrusted up playfully while Tiberius pinned him down.

"So you do not want to save your seed until tomorrow...?" Anik needled his lover.

"Nope, I do not...and I am sure you will tempt me tomorrow so that I will be able to breed you a dozen times..." Tiberius laughed.

With this Anik raised his legs and wrapped them around Tiberius. The Roman thrust into the boy and they began a long and tender love-making until it was completely dark. After they had exhausted themselves they fell quickly into sleep.

The next day they went for their usual run and swim in the lake, but came back earlier. They had a light meal of fruits and fish to give them strength during the coming hours. Already Anik's penis stiffened and softened regularly. Tiberius lightly pressed his palm against Anik's member and felt it stiffen at once, blood engorging it and the glans flaring.

"Oh, you are really hot...I think you will ejaculate if I just do this..." Tiberius grinned and rubbed with his finger over Anik's tight sphincter.

Anik was sitting on the ground and pulled his knees close to his chest, opening his anus for the caressing finger.

"Let's wait...it is anyway time now to go..." Tiberius calmed his lover and pulled him up.

Anik was already panting and his engorged phallus stood rigidly up. Tiberius glanced down and realized that he was equally hard.

"It is good that the reception starts soon, I think we both could not wait for much longer anymore..." Tiberius commented and grinned as they walked out of the palace.

"Where do you want to do it? Again below the terrace?" Anik asked.

"No, this time we should be more obvious..." Tiberius replied and glanced around.

Before the entrance of the palace was a wide road with gravel for the carriages to drive through and to stop so that the passengers could exit right before the main stairs. On the opposite side of the area was a freestanding colonnade, decorated with many potted plants, about ten paces away from the main entrance.

Tiberius led Anik over to the colonnade and selected a pillar. Anik pressed his front against the column and reached up and grabbed the two snail-like protrusions of the pillar's capital. Tiberius became even harder when he saw the lithe body of his lover, with every muscles tense and stretched and his thighs slightly spread. Anik had his back arched and his buttocks pushed out, with his powerful thighs and gluteal muscles taut and tense. Tiberius grabbed a buttock of Anik and squeezed it possessively, provoking a loud moan from the boy. Just then the first carriage drove along the road towards the main entrance of the palace.

Tiberius began rubbing his erection against Anik's bums and then pressed it into the cleft. Anik clenched his buttocks and squeezed the shaft of Tiberius. The Roman boy began slowly grinding and sliding his rigid phallus along Anik's crack.

Both boys moan softly and turned their heads to watch the passengers - a couple - exit their carriage. Tiberius moved his phallus slowly and languidly and seemingly completely unconcerned against his lover. Anik moved in the same rhythm, pushing out his hips.

They looked insolently into the eyes of the shocked couple who watched them disbelievingly. Then the couple hurried up the stairs into the palace.

But already the next carriage arrived. Anik and Tiberius continued with their slow and unhurried grinding and light thrusting. This time a couple with their two daughters climbed out of the carriage. The two girls were perhaps twenty years of age and giggled excitedly when they saw Tiberius masturbating himself against the firm buttocks of Anik. The parents hissed at the girls and dragged them up the stairs, but the girls obviously enjoyed the sight and glanced back again and again and grinned widely.

Three more carriages rumbled towards them and Tiberius bent his knees and slowly pushed up. Anik's anal muscle stretched around his cockhead and then sucked it in with a wet, satisfied sound. Tiberius shuddered from lust when he felt his glans entering the boy's tight chute, the fleshy wall pulsating and quivering as it adjusted to Tiberius' phallus and caressing and squeezing it. Both boys moaned loudly just as the guests exited their carriages.

Both boys turned their heads and fixed the guests. Tiberius slowly thrust in and out with long strokes, nearly pulling his glistening shaft out, then again burying it completely inside Anik. The visitors reacted in different ways; some blushed furiously, some cried out in shock while a few grinned and lingered around to watch.

After a while it became impossible for Tiberius to hold back and he thrust all in and stood on his tiptoes, nearly lifting Anik from his feet. The bend of Anik's rectum pressed down on his gland and he began squirting his semen deep into his lover. He reached around and grabbed Anik's throbbing cock and made him spurt at once too. Both youths moaned loudly and Tiberius resumed with his languorous, slow and deep strokes. Now the arriving guests were rewarded with the sight of the glistening shaft of Tiberius that was coated in cum and Anik's anal juices.

Tiberius and Anik continued like this, lasciviously and shameless, until the last guests had arrived. Tiberius emptied his balls two more times into Anik before he finally let his cock plop out and both boys collapsed, sweaty and exhausted. They looked up and saw Marcellus on the terrace, staring at them in white-hot rage. The boys glared insolently back.

Marcellus screamed at two soldiers who positioned themselves at the entrance of the palace to bar entry to the boys. Anik and Tiberius merely shrugged and slowly got up. Anik took Tiberius' hand and led him over to a large olive tree. The tree must have been thousands of years old, with sturdy branches and a wide, gnarly trunk. The boys climbed up until they reached a thick branch about as high up as the terrace.

Tiberius lay down on his back with his legs dangling down on either side of the branch. Anik held on to a branch over him and lowered himself on the Roman youth's cock. After having climaxed three times, Tiberius' cock was flaccid and Anik rubbed his cummy crack and buttocks against the soft member. It took a long while before Anik felt his lover hardening.

Tiberius reached down and held his stiff member up and Anik lowered himself on him. Anik heaved himself up and then plunged down, again and again. Soon he sweated profusely from his exertion but he was eventually rewarded with Tiberius screaming and cumming for the fourth time. Anik grinned triumphantly at the guests who were staring at them from the terrace. He raised his hips and expelled a flood of seed over Tiberius's crotch. Both boys were trembling when they climbed down and collapsed against the trunk of the olive tree.

It took them nearly an hour before they were ready again.

They looked up to the terrace and heard laughter and animated talking.

"Are you ready again? I really want to shame Marcellus...." Anik grinned at Tiberius.

"Ah, you are never sated...but yes, I am up for it again" Tiberius replied.

Anik cupped the balls of Tiberius and squeeze them gently.

"Hmmmm, they are heavy again" Anik smiled happily.

"I want you to take me hard. As if I were your slave boy, to do as you please...to show that I will never be the slave of Marcellus, but that I will always belong only to you ..." Anik whispered and smiled excitedly.

"I know you like that..." Tiberius said and leaned in and licked Anik's ear.

He reached down and grabbed Anik's balls and squeezed and twisted them. He was not rough but Anik winced and tensed. The penis of the boy hardened at once and showed very obviously his excitement. He spread his thighs wide and panted while Tiberius pressed and pulled. Tiberius rolled Anik's testicles with his fingers, making the boy wince and shiver again.

"Wait and don't move, I will be soon back..." Tiberius commanded, getting into the spirit of their play.

He got up and walked toward a small shed in the garden. His penis was stiff and swaying and he marveled how far he had come from the youth who was afraid to go to the baths because he might get an erection. And now, after just a few months in Greece, he strutted around naked and hard in front of hundreds.

He went into the shack and came out soon with some ropes and walked back to Anik.

Anik sat cross-legged on the grass and stroked himself, watched curiously by a few party-goers.

Tiberius stood before Anik and wrapped the rope around the boy's neck, careful to keep it loose so as not to choke him. He pulled at the end of the rope and yanked Anik's head back and rubbed his balls and cock against the boy's face. Anik whimpered lustfully and tilted his head and clenched his lips around Tiberius' shaft. The hard member was still coated with semen and soon Anik's face and lips were smeared and sticky with cum.

Tiberius bent over the boy and reached and pressed his finger into Anik's anus. Anik moaned louder and lifted his hips compliantly while Tiberius continued to grind his erection against his face.

Finally Tiberius straightened up and pulled at the rope and walked towards the colonnade. Anik was forced to follow him on all fours. Close to the colonnade Tiberius stopped and reached out and grabbed Anik's hair and pulled his head back.

"Suck me..." he ordered and pressed his cock into Anik's open mouth.

Anik had to gag loudly when Tiberius pulled Anik's face against his crotch. Tiberius yanked Anik's head back and forth, making the boy choke and retch. The wet mouth and the flexing throat made Tiberius hard and excited. He pushed Anik down on his stomach and kicked the boy's legs wide before he lowered himself on him and pressed his engorged member into his lover.

He felt his phallus entering the sticky and warm anus of Anik and nearly screamed in ecstasy. He had already ejaculated several times into the boy, and Anik's chute was filled with semen already. The more he pressed his member in, the more of his seed was squeezed out and oozed over his shaft. He kicked Anik's thighs even wider with his knees and began pounding into him. Both boys moaned and screamed while Tiberius rammed into Anik in a frenzy. Finally he arched his back and unloaded and howled. Once his climax was over, he pulled back and spread Anik's buttocks to watch his seed flow out. He glared up at the shocked guests who watched from the terrace. Tiberius smiled triumphantly and bent down to slurp at Anik's ring. When he straightened up, his lips and chin were smeared with cum and a string of semen dangled obscenely from his lips. He saw the two girls grinning and clapping before they were pulled back by their father.

Anik trembled and Tiberius had to help him up. He led him over to a bench where they sat for hours and made out tenderly while the party went on.

It was late when the two boys went back to their cage. They were messy, with traces of semen all over their bodies. Drakon was waiting for them and blushed at their sight but then had to grin. But he soon became serious.

"You went too far this time. Marcellus screamed and demolished the furniture in his bedroom. When he calmed down I heard how he announced to the guests that he will deal soon with you two. He even offered that those so inclined could come to watch when you will be made to make each other to climax until your minds will be gone. He told them that he will start soon..." Drakon said, his voice nearly breaking.

Anik and Tiberius blanched and glanced at each other. Even though they had lived in the palace with dead hovering around them, having certainty that it would soon start still hit them hard.

Anik felt dizzy and had to sit down. Tiberius huddled against his lover and they tried to give each other strength. After a while Drakon left them. They were laying in the cage and did not speak. Eventually morning arrived without the boys having slept for a single minute. They got up and as usual they were let out of the cage. But this time it felt different, now that they knew that it was perhaps the last time that they would be able to run in the garden and swim in the lake.

They wanted to enjoy their last day as long as possible and skipped breakfast and the swim in the pool and the massage. The sun was just rising and the grass under their bare feet was still damp with dew. They walked along the trail, then began running. They glanced at each other again and again their muscles flexing and their soft cocks swaying. It was still morning when they arrived at their beloved lake. They stepped into the cool water and swam over to the grotto. They sat on a ledge and let their feet dangle into the water.

Tiberius felt Anik shake and put his arm around him and gently caressed his thigh. They were sitting for a long while and watched the sun rising and talked softly to each other. Anik rubbed his toes against Tiberius's foot. Tiberius smiled and looked down into the water to watch the movements of the boy's toes.

Suddenly he tensed. Anik felt the sudden change in Tiberius and looked at him questioningly.

"What is it...?" he inquired.

"I was just wondering...the water is so clear..." Tiberius replied, not yet quite understanding himself why he had suddenly become so agitated.

"It is clear...but why...? How can it be...?" he wondered.

"It should not...it is just a small body of water...it should evaporate quickly in this heat..." Anik continued the trail of thought.

"Exactly, there must be fresh water flowing in..." Tiberius said, his eyes lighting up.

"There must be a pipe for fresh water, and one to drain the lake" Anik hopefully continued the trail of thought.

As usual the pleasure boat with the soldiers was in the middle of the lake, and the pair of soldiers never let them out of sight.

"Let's go for a swim. It is likely that the pipes are somewhere along the border of the lake" Anik suggested.

They slid into the water and began swimming around the lake, close to the shore. It took only a few minutes before they found a pipe. Anik dived down and felt the flow of water coming out the pipe.

"This one is for the fresh water...let's look for the second pipe" he told Tiberius.

They continued swimming and at the other end of the lake, opposite the first pipe, they found the drainage pipe. It was just about wide enough to crawl through but must have extended for hundreds of paces.

They swam back to the grotto and climbed out of the water, always watched suspiciously by the soldiers.

"We cannot crawl through the pipe. We could never hold our breath for so long" Anik said.

"Yes, we would have to drain the lake, but how...?

"We could close the pipe where the fresh water flows in. The lake is not large, it will be drained within a day or two" Anik suggested.

The boys swam back and looked down at the pipe. It was just wide enough for them to crawl through, about as wide as an arm.

Below on the bottom of the lake they saw stones of different sizes, from gravel to larger than the head of an ox. Tiberius dived down and grabbed one of the larger stone and pushed it into the pipe. He came up again and gasped for air.

"We have to fill the exit of the pipe with enough stones. Then the water will stop flowing into the lake" Tiberius explained.

"But we have to do it so that the soldiers do not suspect anything" he added.

Anik nodded, then he laughed loudly and dove down and grabbed Tiberius' ankle and pulled him down. Anik quickly swam to the bottom and pushed another stone into the pipe. The boys swam up and laughed and giggled and pretended to fool around.

The soldiers watched then intensely but fortunately they had no clue what the boys were up to under water. It was already afternoon but then the exit of the pipe was filled nearly completely with stones and water flowed out only in a weak trickle.

They climbed out of the water and were utterly exhausted from their exertion. They lay down on the grass and relaxed, their eyes closed. Anik had his head on Tiberius' chest and snored softly.

After being thoroughly warmed by the rays of the sun they got up and jogged back. Even though the palace filled them with dread, they were hungry and needed to eat. They went back to their room. Drakon arrived soon with plates piled with food. Anik and Tiberius savored the meal and wondered if it were to be their last.

They were so exhausted that they slept despite their fear. They woke up early in the morning and waited for Drakon to let them out.

"We have to run at once to the lake and try to crawl through the pipe" Tiberius whispered to Anik.

"Yes, I so hope that the water will be low enough. We have to flee now, before Marcellus begins with his revenge..." Anik replied and smiled hopefully at his lover.

They looked up when they heard somebody entering their room and expected Drakon to let them out of the cage. But instead of Drakon, it was a pair of soldiers. They stopped before the cage and looked impassively at the boys.

"Today it starts, get ready..." one of the soldiers said without showing any emotion, as if Anik and Tiberius were already dead to him.

Next: Chapter 10

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