Tight Foreskin

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 13, 2005



Tight Foreskin By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

During a business trip last year, I went to an all-male bath one evening to relax. Inside, I immediately headed for the hot tub, my favorite. Several guys were in it, including three who were sitting on the edge. All eyes turned to me, checking me out, and I did the same, allowing my eyes to sweep over them as I entered and chose my place. I'd noticed a blond guy about thirty, the only uncut prick in the room, who had a long nippled foreskin like mine. I figured he'd be the most interesting person to sit next to. Foreskins aren't that common in the United States, and long nippled ones are rare because doctors often snip them off on the excuse that they're "redundant." I saw the blond's eyes on my crotch as I approached, and when I sat next to him he took the lead in introducing himself.

"Hello. I'm Ted," he said. "First time here?"

I introduced myself and told him that I'd been there a couple of times many months ago, but that I'd be in town every few weeks for a while and expected to spend more time in the baths. I noticed that his fleshy tube bulged near the end, and guessed his cock-head must be as bulky as mine. We chatted inconsequentially for a few minutes, and one by one the others left.

"It's nice to see another uncut guy," Ted said. I knew the feeling, as intact males are in the minority today. I told him I was still whole mainly because when I was born, some 30 years before he was, cock-cutting wasn't as widespread as it had later become.

"I'm glad to meet another like myself," I said. "We've got something important in common."

"Maybe we've got something else in common, too," Ted replied. "I really enjoy jerking off. Do you?"

"Do I?" I was twice his age and still he wanted to jack off with me. "I really like it, especially with another uncut guy. Where do you want to do it?"

"I live near here. If you follow me home, we'll have a good time tonight." I was relieved. Until then I hadn't know if he wanted to jack off in the bathhouse. Every evening, a few guys had sex there because they enjoyed an audience, but I preferred some privacy.

Leaving the bathhouse, I followed his car and parked down the street from his, and we entered the detached single-story house. Inside, we quickly undressed in his bedroom and sat on his queen-size.

"That's a really long foreskin, as long as mine," he remarked. "Can you skin it back?" Silently, I smiled at him, grasped my cock, and slid the hood back behind my flaring ridge.

"I can't get mine back at all," he said.

"How do you wash, then?" I asked.

"I use a baby enema, and stick the nozzle into the nipple. That's how I pump hot water in to wash." He took a rubber bulb with a plastic tube from the bedside table and inserted the end into his foreskin. Holding the fleshy tube tightly on the nozzle, he squeezed the bulb, and I saw his hood inflate with air. When he released it, the air rushed out with a sigh and his foreskin shrank back to usual size.

"Have you had to use this all your life?" I asked. "Did you ever skin it back all the way?"

"When I was a kid I could, even though the skin was long, but when I was about 13 my cock started growing and the head became so big that the skin won't stretch to slide over it. The doctor wanted to circumcise me, but my father wouldn't let him. He said the skin would stretch eventually and I'd be glad to have it when I was older. Well it hasn't stretched, and when I saw my doctor for a physical last week he told me I absolutely must get circumcised so that I can keep it clean. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I don't know what else I can do."

"Well, don't panic," I said. "I knew a guy who had the same problem, and he solved it without getting clipped."

"How's that?" "He'd found out on the Internet that in China practically nobody is circumcised and they have other ways of taking care of foreskin problems. Doctors put a small balloon inside a tight foreskin, then blow it up gradually to stretch it. He tried it, and found that his foreskin stretched enough in a few weeks."

"Didn't he have to take the balloon out to pee?" Ted asked.

"Sure. He carried several balloons with him, and a small hand pump, so that he could replace the balloon whenever he had to. He kept one inside his foreskin 24 hours a day. It didn't take up much room, and it made it look like his cock-head was a little bigger, that's all."

"Where did he get the stuff?"

"I think he got the balloons and pump at a toy store. He used the small cylindrical balloons that fit right inside the nipple part of his foreskin. The first time, he pumped in enough air to stretch the nipple, but not enough to hurt. Over the weeks, he just pumped up the balloon further until he had his hood stretched out the diameter of his cock-head."

"Well, it's worth a try," said Ted, relief obvious in his voice. Talking about cocks had made us both hard, and now he reached over to skin my prick back.

"Mind if I do you?" he asked. I really like playing with a hood that skins back, especially a long one like yours." His fingers gently moved my tight hood back and forth over the swollen head, giving me pleasant sensations. I clasped his prick, concentrating on squeezing the bulge that was near the end. As I pinched the end, I felt his glans slide back under the sleeve of skin.

"I love the smell of your cock," he said. "Nice and clean, and really aromatic." Ted stopped for a minute, and got a couple of towels and some glycerin for lubrication. He spread a towel between us, and resumed stroking me.

"Want direct action on your tip, or are you too sensitive?" he asked.

"My tip used to be super-sensitive when I was your age, but now I can rub it directly," I replied, and watched him retract my long hood and lock it behind the flaring ridge before pouring some glycerin on its rounded dome. The slippery liquid felt warm, and when Ted's fingers began playing on the sensitive surface, I gasped. The ridges on his fingertips, only slightly masked by the viscous liquid, produced intense sensations that made me quiver in delight. I'd experienced this type of stimulation before, and it never failed to produce a quick and powerful orgasm.

Now Ted gazed into my eyes as his left hand steadied my cock while the fingertips of his right hand played over the swollen glans, always hitting a different spot so as not to tire the nerve endings. He was an expert, and I knew I'd be blowing my load within seconds. I was gasping with the sensations, expecting orgasm any second, but it still eluded me because my body wasn't quite ready.

I felt my cock becoming hotter and more engorged, until the head was ready to explode. Involuntarily, my eyes closed and I withdrew into my own little world of exquisite sensation. Then my cock-root began pumping what seemed like gallons of cream up my cock. The first gush burned as it poured out of my tip, spilling over to wet Ted's fingers. I fell back on the bed, helpless as waves of intense sensations overwhelmed me. My world shrank to my pulsing cock, now pouring gush after gush of hot fluid as I writhed in joy. I don't know how long it lasted, but after a while I realized that it was over, and that Ted's fingers were merely holding my cock and no longer stimulating the head.

"That was quite a load," I heard him say. "I noticed you're a dribbler, not a shooter." He was right. During recent years, I hadn't often shot a jet, as the cream merely poured from my tip in thick streams. Subjectively, though, my orgasms felt more intense.

"I don't know if I'm a shooter or dribbler," he continued. "I never saw myself come. When I come, the juice just oozes from my nipple." That was understandable. If he'd never been able to retract his foreskin, any load he shot would have been caught by the skin and would have oozed out.

"That was a terrific orgasm," I said as I rolled up the towel that had caught all my juice and wiped the end of my prick. "Now it's your turn and I'm going to do something to you that works only on a prick with a foreskin. Just lie back and enjoy the ride." I spread another towel over Ted's stomach and began rolling his prick between the palms of my hands. This rotated his foreskin clockwise, then counter-clockwise, creating pressure, friction, and stretching the nerve endings at the same time. From having done it to others, and having had it done to me, I knew this would bring on a hot and powerful orgasm within a minute at most.

As I rolled his prick between my palms, I saw his balls come up tight against his body. Through the fleshy sleeve, I felt the core of his cock swell and harden even more. Ted's breathing became labored under the rush of sensations. His eyes closed, just as mine had, as he withdrew into himself.

His stomach muscles began contracting spasmodically and his legs twitched as his arousal increased. Ted groaned "AH-AH-AH" in time with my strokes, then cried out in rapture as the blissful violence of orgasm overwhelmed him. I felt his cock pulse hard between my palms, and white juice began oozing from the end of his long nipple and onto the towel. He was writhing under my touch for at least half a minute as his body emptied itself. I watched with satisfaction as Ted drained his balls, then relaxed as I stopped stimulating him. His eyes opened.

"Thanks. That was really beautiful."

"I couldn't have done that to you if you didn't have a foreskin," I said. "That's one good reason you should keep your hood. Get it cut off and your enjoyment won't be the same." We went to sleep in each other's arms, and I left the next morning. I'd given Ted my phone number, and he kept in touch during the two weeks until my next trip. Ted bought balloons and a small pump, and kept an inflated balloon inside his nipple 24 hours a day, removing it only to pee and to wash.

When I showed up at his door two weeks later, he was wearing only shorts, which he quickly dropped to eagerly show me his cock. As I undressed, he explained:

"It's amazing how the skin loosened up. It's not totally loose yet, but I bet I can skin it back now." His cock was still limp, and I saw him stretch the long nipple back over the soft glans until it snapped into the deep groove behind his ridge. Now his cock-head began swelling, return blood flow restricted by the tourniquet-like action of the ring of foreskin, and soon his foreskin was locked behind the head and he was showing distress. "Gee, that's uncomfortable," he said. "I can't get the skin forward again. The doctor warned me this might happen and I'd have to go to the emergency room."

"Don't panic," I said. "I've seen that before, too, and I can show you how to take care of it." Grasping Ted's prick, I began squeezing the head with three fingers, forcing the blood out of it. When it was shrunken down enough, I wrapped the thumb and index finger of my other hand around his foreskin and pulled it forward. I saw him relax visibly, relief obvious on his face.

That evening, after dinner, we had a long and sensual mutual foreskin stroking session that lasted over an hour, ending with big, blasting orgasms that stunned us. Leaving for home the following day, I told Ted, I'd be back in about a month.

Five weeks later, Ted opened the door wearing nothing but a smile on his face. I saw the tied-off end of a balloon sticking out of his cock nipple, which was now as wide as his head. In the bedroom, he slid the balloon out of his hood, and I saw that the nipple was now loose enough to slide back over the ridge of his cock-tip and forward again without binding. Both our cocks were swelling, and I noted that his glans came to full erection without distress.

"Now that your tip's out, I can do the same for you that you did for me that first time," I suggested. I saw his cock-head was purple, like mine, and had swollen to the same helmet shape. Erect, with skins retracted, both our pricks were about six inches, although my shaft was a bit thicker than his. Ted arranged a large towel one the bed and lay back as I poured glycerin over his domed glans. His fingers clasped my penis as I began working my fingertips over his ultra-sensitive surface. Ted's hand gently worked my foreskin up and down in long slow strokes as I continued to caress his purple helmet.

"That's really sensitive," he said, and he seemed to be wincing with every light stroke I took on his tip.

"Just relax," I replied. "I know it's very sensitive, but concentrate on relaxing. Let the sensations come to you. You'll have the most intense orgasm of your life tonight."

"Okay. Go ahead. It feels so good. I never felt anything like it before." I continued to stroke his shining purple tip lightly as I said:

"Now you know how good I felt when you did that to me." I saw his body tense as I continued, and within a few seconds his stomach muscles were contracting spasmodically. His legs twitched and jerked, and a loud cry escaped from his lips. I felt his fist contract around my cock, and knew that this time, I wasn't going to last a second longer than he did. I was so aroused from watching Ted's excitement mount that I was ready to come, and now I saw his balls tight against his body as he prepared to expel his juices.

I wrapped my fist around his heavily lubricated glans and gave a hard twist that set him off. Ted cried out in joyful agony as he went over the edge, and as his cock throbbed in my hand I saw a long white jet curve up and onto his chest. More shot onto his stomach. His fist squeezed my cock as he came, and my cock-root responded with a powerful spasm that almost made me pass out with its intensity. I collapsed on top of him as my fist continued to twist around his throbbing glans. We were both in the free-fall of orgasm, blissfully groaning in pleasure, although an eavesdropper might have thought we were being tortured. When it was over, I pointed to the puddle on his chest, and said:

"See? You're definitely a shooter!"

The end

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