Tim & Friends

By Spenny Moor

Published on Apr 9, 2006



Usual restrictions apply

The author maintains his right to be identified as the author of this work.

This work is copyright

It is published as a thank you to the authors and publishers who have given me so much joy in my reading of their stories.

Of course it is totally fiction though very lightly based on a true incident.

Characters: Age: Related to: Relationship:

Tim 14 Matthew - brother Andrew 13 Jenny - brother. Tim's best friend Caroline 12 - Tim's girlfriend Jenny 11 Andrew - sister Matthew 10 Tim - brother


To set the scene for all our overseas friends, this fictional story has some small truth at its roots. It is set in England, in the 1970's, before the current paedophilia witchhunt that has swept the UK, began. I use the term paedophilia in its truest sense, i.e. boy love. However, I trust the inclusion of girls will add, rather than detract, from the reader's enjoyment.

I have set this (fictional) story in the seventies, as that was the period when boys wore proper short shorts, and underpants - boxers were very much in their infancy!

It is the school holidays and Tim has invited Caroline, his girlfriend, and Andrew, his best friend, to his house on a Tuesday morning. However Andrew is supposed to be looking after his sister Jenny, so he has brought her along as well. Matthew, Tim's brother, is also at home in his bedroom, doing some programming on his computer. Tim's parents are both out at work, whilst Andrew does not expect his mum, who works part-time, to be home until lunchtime.

Holiday Fun

At long last the spring school holidays had begun. Today was the first Tuesday of those holidays, and Tim was hoping that some great times were ahead. Yesterday he had simply done nothing but relax in the bliss of not having games as first lesson as he would have done during term- time. Games was his least favourite lesson as playing football on a cold and muddy playing field was not his idea of physical recreation. Just as he was really enjoying these thoughts there was a ding-dong from the doorbell..one long stroke followed swiftly by a short one. Andrew! The tune was the one they used when visiting each other's homes. Tim jumped off his bed, turned left out of his bedroom, quickly peeping into his brother's room only to see Matthews back as he played on his computer.

Through the doubled glazed front door he was surprised to see not one obscured body but three. Picking up the post and hastily dumping it on the sideboard behind him, he then fumbled with the lock in his hastiness. Finally, he released the stiff catch to reveal Andrew accompanied by his 11-year-old sister, the third body was his girlfriend Caroline. He was not expecting either of the girls. Before he could say a word, Andrew spoke, almost defensibly, guessing what his best friends reaction might be.

"We met at the bottom of the road and thought we'd give you a surprise", he said.

"Ok, I trust you," replied Tim.

He backed away from the door, and in doing so he noticed that it was starting to rain, if only lightly so.

"Oh well", Tim thought out loud, "that puts paid to going anywhere".

"Means we'll have to hang out here then" said Caroline.

"Just as well both my folks are both at work today." Said Tim. His father was a long distance coach driver, now somewhere on the M1, and his mum worked part-time at the Asda in town. Today she was working the whole day, doing an extra shift for her mate who's 4 year old son had gone down with chicken pox.

"Sorry I had to bring sis along. Mums gone off to bingo; her regular morning cleaning job." explained Andrew.

"Party time!" said Caroline.

"Great" said Matthew, "Some party!" he grumbled.

The noise of the rain, which was now coming down hard, caused all four to stare out of the lounge window glumly.

"Matthews in too" Tim said.

Tim was now feeling quite frustrated. Being the oldest he was now going to spend one vital day of a couple weeks precious holiday being an unpaid babysitter. This instead of going out with Matthew to the skate park. That was his plan, to be followed by going into town picking up Caroline on the way. Caroline was 12, but only for another few days, and wanted to go into town to eye up some clothes for her 13th.

"Well, what are we going to do then?" piped up 11-year- old Jenny, ever the impatient one.

"Got any decent video's?" enquired Andrew hopefully.

"Nop, sorry. Sent `em back yesterday," replied Tim, "sadly".

The four of them were now draped over the various soft seats, gazing out of the window. The garden in front of the house was an extensive one, being shielded from the road by a tall neatly cut hedge. The rain was relentless, and it was obvious they were going to be housebound.

"I'm going to get soaked taking Jenny back home at lunchtime if this keeps up" moaned Matthew.

"I didn't ask to come", protested Jenny sharply.

"You know what mum's like" Matthews turn to protest, looking angrily at his sister.

There was two years between them, but generally they got on well with each other. Their parents had always encouraged that, and it was something that was often commented on by those who met them. In their earlier years they'd had to share a bedroom until their parents managed to buy their own house and settle down in Redmire.

"That's not like you two", commented Caroline.

"It's the adolescence thing", laughed Tim.

"So was the video any good?" asked Andrew, wanting to change the subject.

"I only saw the first quarter, but what I saw was okay"

"What was it about?" enquired Caroline, still sat staring absented-minded out of the window.

"Some couple that met at a naturist beach, and went on to get hitched. Then had problems explaining it to their friends," replied Tim giving the sketchiest of synopsis besides which he'd been too tired to watch it any more. School had been a real drain of late.

"What's a naturist beach?" chirped up Jenny.

Andrew rolled his eyes in disbelief at his sister's query. Their parents were, unusually, for English parents quite open about most things in life. He guessed however that naturism was one thing that just hadn't cropped up in conversation in their house.

Caroline took the lead to save the boys the embarrassment of having to explain.

"It's a place where people can go naked, if that's what they want to do."

Caroline's dad was not the sort of person, you would have imagined, to explain such things to his daughter, Tim thought. Indeed, ever since Caroline's parent's marriage broke up, and she had gone to stay with her father, she had to rely on her own initiative to learn about such things - mainly from the Web. It was Tim who had taught her.

"Cool" whooped Jenny.

Andrew caught off guard turned, and gave his sister a look of surprise.

"Why are you looking so surprised Andy?" Jenny laughed. "We've just had the sex education thing in our class".

"Wish I could go there and see naked people for real", she continued.

"I bet", said Andrew.

"Why not?" Jenny retorted.

"You two are open to anything; just like your mum and dad." Tim said breaking into the conversation.

"Lets see how open you really are," he continued.

"We've got nought else to do - how about we play strip poker?"

"No way!" replied Caroline, "I'm not letting you see my body just because you've got nothing else to do."

"That's strange. If you're not into naked bodies how come you know what a naturist beach is?" teased Tim.

Caroline blushed and turned her face away.

"You've been on the web haven't you" Tim accused her with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh okay, yes I've been on the net. I came across this site when I was doing some research for my school biology project on skin cancer. She replied matter of factly, still avoiding Tim's eyes.

"What site?" a voice said from a distance.

"I thought you were busy on your computer" Tim said turning around to face his 10-year-old brother Matthew.

"Hi ha, all!" Matthew greeted the unexpected crowd filling the lounge.

"I was coming down for some breakfast, when I heard what Caroline said"

"You're always all ears, you are," scowled Tim.

"So what site was it?" he persisted turning to Caroline. "Will you show me?"

"I don't know, I don't remember", replied Caroline.

Jenny gave the game away and despite her giggles she managed to come up with "naked bodies".

Everybody turned to look at her. A rather large smirk began to make its way across Matthew's face. "Oh I see!" he chortled.

"Well, are we going to play or are we not, then," Andrew said breaking the stunned silence in the room.

"Play what?" Matthew enquired, looking across at Andrew hoping, but doubtfully so, to get a straight reply.

"Strip Poker" Andrew replied. Matthew for once got a straight out answer.

"Lets vote on it" Tim pushed on.

Voting was something the group did a lot of. They were a quite a close group of youngsters having all grown up in the same area, and going to the same schools. Their respective parents were always doing things together, through church, so it should come as no surprise that they hung out with each other as well.

Out of the five, there was only one whose hands stayed down - Caroline's.

"You're out voted!" exclaimed the other four.

"Oh okay" she acknowledged, but it goes without saying our folks haven't get to know."

"Of course" replied Tim, "I'm the oldest; I take responsibility, and it was my suggestion."

For an adolescent Tim was not shy about matters that any other boy his age, he thought, would run a mile from. Within him something was awakening deep down but he couldn't quite track it down. Tim and Matthew's father, though outwardly loving his beautiful two ginger haired sons, had somehow held back from being really affectionate to them in a fatherly way. There was a hole in their relationship that refused to be satisfied. Some weeks ago Mathew had plucked up sufficient courage to talk to his brother about it, but of course Tim hadn't got an answer for him. The two brothers were actually quite close, perhaps as a way of making up for the lack of heartfelt love from their father. Tim, unlike some older brothers, didn't despise his younger sibling, but rather held on to him, maybe as a means of satisfying his own deep inner longing.

"I take it you've got some playing cards," Andrew said, awakening Tim from his thoughts.

"Yes, of course, they're in the cupboard behind you" he replied.

Matthew beat Andrew to the cupboard and dug them out from the far corner of the bottom shelf where they had lain for goodness how long.

"Ok, lets sit on the floor in a circle, so it makes it easier picking the cards up" Tim encouraged the others.

Caroline gingerly slipped from her seat on to the floor next to Tim. She was now regretting having put on her short denim jean skirt. It was not the ideal piece of clothing to have picked to be sitting on the floor. Carefully she crossed her legs, preventing Matthew, who was almost opposite her, from seeing up the by now tightly strained denim dress.

Jenny slid down on to the deep red pile carpeted floor between Matthew and Tim. She didn't want on this occasion to be next to her brother. She was in fact quite a stunner for her age, looking more like 13 than the 11 year old she was. Dressed in a pink sweater, white blouse and knee length grey dress, she was the envy of many of the boys in her class.

(Narrators note: Clockwise round the circle - starting with Tim - Tim, Caroline, Andrew, Matthew, and Jenny.)

"How long have we got?" questioned Caroline, with an ulterior motive. If she could get this game to finish at a deadline she could, perhaps, escape what she didn't really want to happen. However she was not going to let the group down, so if it happened, it happened. She resigned herself to the inevitable; after all she had always been the reluctant one, despite her outward forwardness, which was really a pretence to fend people off.

"As long as it takes," Matthew replied. This was going to be fun. At long last instead of having to tred carefully on the Web to find what he wanted, here it was happening for real in his own lounge. He was not going to be denied.

"No folks to worry about, and nobody to see us either, Tim answered.

"Lets get started then," said Matthew rather too hastily for his own good.

"Just as well we're not playing patience because you'd be a certain loser", retorted his brother.

"One thing before we start though" Tim continued. "We are going all the way, right - nobody chickening out?" he asked looking around the group. After all there was only Caroline who was a single child.

"Fine by us," quickly came back the answer from Andrew answering on behalf of his sister. It might have been a few years ago, but they had shared the same bedroom for six years or so for the first half of their lives, he reasoned.

Nobody disagreed, so Tim took the others silence as willing proof.

"We all take turns to shuffle the cards. Aces are low. Whoever gets the lowest score is the loser and has to take off an item of clothing," he continued explaining the rules. He noted there was no dissent.

Taking the pack in his hand he shuffled the cards deftly, and placed then in the middle of the circle. "We'll go around clockwise."

That of course meant Caroline had first cut of the cards and drew a Queen. That was a good start anyway, she thought to herself.

They each in turn took a card from the pile, but the loser of the first round was soon discovered when Matthew picked the 1st of spades, and his face turned rather red.

Unlacing his white Nike trainers whilst everybody watched was a strange experience indeed. Thankfully, he'd put on a clean pare of grey sports socks that morning so nobody was going to complain about any odour. He slid his trainers off and put them behind him. Jenny, who was sat next to him couldn't resist the temptation to tickle the soles of his feet.

"Grrrr off" he growled. "Just wait till it's your turn"

Which it was strangely enough, the very next time round. Having removed her patent black leather shoes, she immediately twisted her black tighted feet underneath her, before Matthew could get to tickle them in retaliation.

It wasn't long before all of them were shoeless, apart from Andrew, who had not only just lost his trainers but his white socks as well. His toes were the sort that had short toenails, but for a boy, were quite well manicured. It was something that Andrew took pride in, that he kept himself well groomed, which was fortunate for occasions just as this.

Tim wrapped his left arm around Catherine and gave her the slightest of squeezes in reassurance. She responded by snuggling up to him closer, detecting that he had used the de-odorant she had brought him at Christmas.

Now it was Jenny's turn to pick the lowest card. Raising her arms above her head, she stretched her chest, so that her sweater was strained against her body. Inclining deliberately toward Matthew, she grasped the bottom of the sweater and pulled it over her head. She was very much hoping that Matthew was taking an interest, and indeed he was, his eyes were fixing their gaze upon her at nipple level - pure curiosity!

Thankfully the house was warm, so really there was no reason for anybody to shiver. Yet Catherine did shiver at the thought of having to bare her all. Yet, once again, the thought of chickening out persuaded her she had to go on. To stifle the shiver she drew herself even closer to Tim.

"Why do you have to wear your school clothes in the holidays?" enquired Andrew of his sister in a disapproving manner.

"I had to dress in a rush, because you wanted to be here by half nine, and I overslept," she explained.

Sadly her school blouse was of just too thick a material for anything to show through it. If she had known what was going to happen that morning she would have put on her favourite semi translucent yellow tee shirt, she sighed to herself.

"Oh ok" replied Andrew; "you shouldn't have stayed up late last night then."

"Your turn to shuffle, Andrew", Tim directed, as the group passed their cards back to the centre of the ring.

Pack shuffled, each player in turn took a card from the upturned stack, turned it over, and tried to prevent the result from expressing itself on their face. As Matthew leant forward to pick up his card, Jenny, who was leaning back against a chair, was rewarded with the sight of his green tee shirt riding up his back. In the opposite direction his elasticated blue shorts slightly rode downwards under the strain, revealing the briefest sight of white material above the elasticated band. 1-0 to me, Jenny thought!

It was Tim's turn to lose out this time. By now he'd also lost his black socks, which left him with a choice, although one which was only too obvious. It was either top or bottom. The colour of his cheeks deepened as he started to unbutton the casual grey short-sleeved shirt he was wearing. Thankfully he'd decided to put on tee shirt on underneath it. The group watched with great interest, but once he'd gone beyond the third button down, their gaze fell away, as the teeshirt became obvious. Caroline leant over and helped Tim pull the shirt out of his trousers, and as she did so brushed a hand accidentally on purpose across the top of his left thigh. Tim grinned.

Once again the group collected a card from the freshly shuffled pile. Caroline's turn to lose.

Now she was stuck - was it to be blouse or dress?

It was almost as though the temperature in the room had suddenly decided to take on a desert heat, as far as she was concerned. Everybody looked eagerly in her direction.

"You can borrow my tee-shirt if you want," said Tim, guessing what the outcome of her difficulty would be.

"That's cheating," protested Matthew loudly, soon to be joined in by all but Tim.

"You're outvoted", added Jenny delightedly.

Reluctantly, Catherine, succumbing to the protest, began to unbutton her blouse - very slowly.

"My turn to help" Tim volunteered, his right hand heading for the button just above her skirt.

"No you won't," she cried rejecting the hand. She would do this herself.

Finally she pulled the blouse out from her skirt to undo the last button. On doing so the top parted to reveal she was wearing a white bra. Matthews and Andrews eyes both lit up wide, whilst Tim tried to be more polite and avoid upsetting his girlfriend by suppressing his glee. The blouse fell limp to the floor.

"Oogh" came a groan from the other side of the room. Matthew, its source, was rewarded with a look of disdain from his brother. Not that Catherine was yet particularly big but just the sight of a bra on a real girl, feet away from him, was sheer heaven for him. Jenny landed him a thump in his back.

"Just you wait," she turned on him, "I know what colour underpants you're wearing," she teased him.

"How do you know?" he replied ruefully.

"Because I can see up your shorts" was her reply.

And indeed she could because in turning to get a closer look at Catherine, Tim had unknotted his legs from a crossed legged position. His shorts being of the proper short variety, had exposed his underpants for all to see, as he spread his legs wide. He hastily brought his legs back into a crossed leg position, whilst carefully looking around the group to see if anybody had heard.

Apparently not because the group were now busy picking up their next cards for the new round.

"Come on, Tim, you're last to pick up," called his brother.

In turn they turned over their cards, 5 hearts, 7 spades, Queen, 3 clubs, Ace! Jenny - your next!

Serves me right she thought to herself for teasing Matthew.

"What's it to be then?" called her brother from across the other side of the group.

Without a comment, Jenny stood up and put her hands up the back of her skirt. Reaching the top of the tights she grasped hold of them and slowly pulled them down her thighs, past her knees, before sitting down to slip them off over her feet. Unbeknown to her, Matthew had heard her previous comment about the colour of Matthews's underpants, though he had not given the game away at the time.

"You and Matthew are wearing the same colour undies!" he shouted out. "White!"

Both Jenny and Matthew turned a deeper shade of red when they both realised that Andrew had seen what they wearing. After all he was, being as good as opposite them, in the best position.

The other's laughed, but together, Jenny and Matthew fought the urge to cry.

"Oh leave them alone Andrew," Caroline defended them, "just wait `till it's your turn!"

"Ok, ok, lets do the next cut," said Tim wanting to speed things up a bit.

"No, I think Andrew should suffer for teasing Jenny and Matthew," suggested Catherine.

"What do you suggest?" asked Tim.

"I think he should be the first to take his trousers off," came her reply.

This of course brought a loud cheer from all but the victim, and an especially large whoop of delight from Jenny and Matthew.

"Yeah, you're outvoted," shouted his sister delightedly.

Sensing he'd had no hope of winning any protest he might make, he stretched out his legs. Not that he was really that bothered; he was actually quite happy in a way to have the honour, as he turned an initial doubt into action by standing up.

He slipped the button of his red trousers waistband through its hole, and tugged at the fly zipper. As he pulled it down, he felt his trousers become lose around his slim middle. Slowly he pushed his trousers to the ground, and carefully stepped out of them. Slyly looking around the room as he bared his legs, he could not but help noticing his sister and Matthew trying to get the most out of their revenge. They were of like mind in attemting to discover just what he was wearing. Their answer came when he went to sit down, for his yellow tee- shirt, that had been previously tucked in his trousers, now rose upwards briefly, revealing a pair of light blue underpants. Catherine was not so much excited by their colour, but by the all too obvious bulge that filled the space between the top of his legs.

"Blue, blue!" the two youngest blurted out together.

"Glad you like `em!" was Andrews retort.

Tim shuffled the cards again for them to take the next cut. The group were now getting into the swing of the game as it became more exciting and revealing.

Catherine unfortunately lost out this time, and at this rate it looked as though this could make her the overall loser. She really had no choice but to remove her dress. Standing up she began to undo the buttons down the front of the dress. In fact she was now getting to enjoy the attention. The boys watched with rapt attention as the dress lost its grip on her waist, and sank to the floor, revealing her pink bikini briefs. Now she stood, the first to be left in only her underwear.

"Umm" came an approving sigh from the floor below, where Tim was sitting. Indeed he actually had quite a view from where he was sitting.

Sitting down again, she looked at Tim who was grinning from ear to ear. He looked at his girlfriend, noticing how the white bra closely guarded its secrets within. The deep pink briefs he noticed had a very light floral pattern, but the darkness of the colour prevented him from seeing whatever lay beneath.

Losing their clothes item by item it was Jenny who was to be totally naked first. The very next round she lost her skirt to the great glee of Matthew, revealing that indeed she was indeed wearing white knickers, and very nice she looked in them too. Matthew could hardly contain himself, or take his eyes off her. Jenny caught him staring at her, taking in the full picture. Seductively, she turned partly to face him, allowing him to run his gaze from top of her torso to rest on the space between her legs, which she created by sitting cross-legged. She and Matthew had lost their tops in previous rounds, so both were now bare chested. Small mounds were beginning to indicate the very start of her breasts, and her nipples were starting to darken in colour. Then the next round she lost again.

"You don't have to if you really don't want to," said Andrew coming to his sister's defence, not that he wanted to be disappointed of course.

"I'm not bothered - you've seen me before" she replied, which of course he had albeit two or three years ago.

Showing no fear or shame of herself she took hold of her white knickers and pulled them down, revealing the hairless slit of her vagina. She stood motionless for a moment, before sitting down again. Matthew almost passed out - his first sight of a real in the flesh naked girl!

"It's alright for you," she said to him, "you've still got your shorts on."

"Come on you two, behave yourselves," laughed Tim. "Or we will throw you both out naked!"

"You'll have to get my shorts off first." Retorted Matthew.

"I'd really enjoy doing that," replied Tim, lurching across the carpet to get hold of his brother who was taken by complete surprise.

Grabbing the hems of his brother's shorts, he swiftly pulled. The blue shorts, only being elasticated at the top, and not buttoned, gave way before Matthew could do anything about it. Slipping down his lower body and upper thighs, revealing his white underpants, and the small rounded bulge that nicely nestled within the upturned Y. Jenny giggled immensely, thoroughly enjoying Matthew's embarrassment.

"That's not fair", protested Matthew.

But it was too late. His brother in less than a second had whipped them off, and threw them to Jenny, who very quickly put them on.

"You look so cool in them," encouraged her brother, "Now that's fair isn't it? He continued. "You're both only got one item left."

"Thanks for your support, brother," Matthew grumbled.

Matthew crossed his legs again.

Looking across at Matthew, Andrew could not resist the thought that came into his head.

"He's got one hell of a beautiful body," thought Matthew, in particular noting his boy nipples," was his thought. "Pity Tim didn't get his underpants as well; just have to be patient."

Finally after the monkeying about, the next round came round, and as if it was as though he was being punished for his thought, it was Andrew who got to draw he lowest number card. Having previously lost his trousers as punishment perhaps this was to be a continuing theme.

Once again everybody was watching the victim.

Grasping the hem of his yellow tee-shirt, he pulled it up his chest and off over his head. Now the bulge in those light blue underpants wasn't just a bulge on it's own anymore, for as everybody watched it grew. Andrew's penis awakened, arose, and stretched, pushing the blue material outwards, making a tent like shape.

"Corghhh," exclaimed Matthew under his breath, impressed by what was happening in front of his eyes.

Now there was just Tim who was wearing his blue jeans; everybody else just had their underwear.

So this was the current situation:

Tim - Jeans Catherine - White bra, deep pink flower patterned knickers Matthew - White underpants - just a small bulge Jenny - Matthews's shorts Andrew - light blue underpants - with an all too obvious erection.

Another shuffle and cut of the cards. This time was somebody really going to lose out?

Sadly, it was Matthew.

"Off, off!" came the cry from the group. Looking very sheepish, Matthew decided this time it was going to be he who did the removing, before any body else did.

Standing up to make life easier for himself he put his fingers in the waistband of his underpants, and slowly pulled the white material downwards. Moving his fingers around the front of the band, he lifted it over his penis, revealing it publicly for the first time in it's life. Continuing to pull downwards, the band slipped down the loose shaft of his penis, and over an uncut end. In fact the true end of his penis could not be seen for his foreskin completely covered his glan ending in a small puckered tiny rough circle. His smooth hairless scrotum and two peanut sized testicles in turn also revealed themselves, as he finally let his underpants drop to the floor before stepping out of them. Andrew tried to not make it too obvious that he was staring at Matthew's middle. Now not only did he want to see his friends younger brother naked, he wanted to feel that beautiful unadulterated little penis, and cup those testicles in his hands. Matthew picked up his underpants and sat down again cross-legged. Tim was fascinated too to see his brother naked, and to see if he had grown since he last saw him naked a couple of months ago. The answer was of course no.

Jenny too could not resist a closer look, and she was in the best position to do so. After all it was the first real penis she had seen, and oh was it so cute. About 4cm long, she could not see the slit in its end that was the opening of the urethra, as it was surrounded by a layer of skin that appeared to bulge a bit further back from the end of the shaft. Going back further, the shaft merged with the body and underneath up tight against the penis was a smooth sack within which she could just make out two little testicles. Just as the photograph in her biology book had shown her.

"I wonder what it would be like to feel," she thought to herself, "but then again I'm not likely to find out."

So Matthew was the real loser, but in a way he didn't mind. This was the first time he had been naked in front of girls, and despite Jenny's best efforts, he had noticed her taking a keen interest. He decided to tease her by scratching himself, and out of the corner of his eye he saw an ever so slight look of curiosity.

"Who's going to be next then?" queried Andrew.

"You, if you're not careful!" retorted Matthew.

It wasn't to be. It was Catherine's turn as she had the misfortune to pick the 1 of Clubs. Reaching behind her back she unclipped her bra, and allowed it to slip down her arms. Tim's eyes were solidly glued on her upper chest as her breasts were revealed to the group. Her nipples released from their captivity, pushed outwards from their ring of darkened skin. The breasts themselves were not yet fully formed, but still their curves were prominent. That she had not protested about having to reveal herself was quite something.

Whilst each of the friends had been nervous about being naked themselves, there was the compensation that they could enjoy the others nakedness. Indeed, beneath his hands Matthew could begin to feel himself rising up. An experience he had had for only the first time a few weeks ago. However, there was always compensation for being nervous about his present state. Looking across at Andrew, he could see how his light blue underpants were being stretched outwards by what was now a very erect something.

"That was the thing about underpants," Matthew continued thinking to himself, "They showed everything."

"Matthew," called his brother, bringing him back to the focus of the group.

"Your turn to shuffle!"

"Thanks" he replied.

It meant of course that he would have to move from his cross-legged position to collect the cards from their position on the floor in the middle of the group. There was going to be no hiding his rising erection, as he uncrossed his legs, and leaned forward on to his all fours to pick up the cards. It was Catherine who got the best view of his penis which was now horizontal, its foreskin pulled back to reveal a red glan, and the small slit in it's end.

"Matthews got a hard on!" she cried unable to control herself.

Matthews face once again turned a deeper shade of red as he hastily beat a retreat back to his place having collected the cards. To make matters even worse, or more exciting, depending on which way you looked at it, Matthews penis stretched all the more and his foreskin pulled backwards revealing ever more of the glan underneath.

"Wow!" Catherine continued, "You're brothers a proper hottie."

"He's not the only one," replied Tim, pointing Catherine in the direction of Andrew.

It was Tim who now finally got to lose his trousers - he was the only one wearing any now.

"Oh ok - suppose it had to be my turn eventually." He commented smiling.

He stood up and reached for his trousers button, which he undid deftly, followed by pulling down the tag of his zip. As the zip reached the end of it's travel, the red cotton of his underpants revealed itself. Grasping hold of his trousers waistband, he slowly pulled them downwards, revealing leg hairs that were just on the verge of turning from ginger to brown. His underpants were tight, making the bulge that rested in the inverted "Y" so much more obvious and sensuous. Not only was the bulge prominent, so was his penis that curved upwards, almost touching the waistband and disclosing itself. Having discarded his trousers, Tim sat down and grinned broadly for he was really enjoying himself this Tuesday morning.

"Now who's a proper hottie," commented Catherine, "looks like you've got something to be proud of there."

Tim blushed, but not quite as red as his underwear.

Jenny, whose turn it now was to shuffle the cards couldn't do it fast enough, almost spilling the pack in the process. She hadn't been so excited in such a long time.

Of course, Matthew now having nothing more to lose, was sitting back enjoying the show. Enjoying himself so much so that he was totally distracted from hiding himself from the others, but was now on full display. Jenny, still wearing Matthews green shorts, was torn between watching the others lose their last items of clothing and gazing at the silky smooth 6cm long stretched sexual organ only feet away from her.

"Watch what you're doing!" called out Matthew as Jenny accidentally on purpose made a big job of scattering the cards, so that she hoped at least some would land in his lap. She struck gold as the 3 of hearts landed between Matthews outstretched legs, a couple of inches away from his testicles. Hastily she reached out to grab the offending card, and as she did so the back of her right hand stroked a still upright penis.

Poor Matthew just didn't know whether to thump Jenny in anger, or lose himself in the ecstatic feeling that shot up his boyhood. He took the latter course of action.

"I think you ought to suffer for that," commented Tim. "You didn't drop them cards accidentally, did you?" he questioned her.

Now it was Jenny's turn to blush.

"Yeah, I agree," shot back Andrew before his sister could say a word, not that she would have any words to defend her self.

"Can I have my shorts back then," suggested Matthew hoping for the group's approval, which he got.

Within a flash he was on top of Jenny, grasping the hem of his elasticated shorts and yanked them down her legs, once again revealing her vagina to all and sundry.

"Ha!" proclaimed Matthew, "Now I get to see what you look like."

Well, Jenny wasn't going to complain, for in the act of retrieving his shorts from her, she'd managed to get an even closer look at her attackers genitals. Brought back to the task in hand she collected up the spilt cards and placed face down again in the centre of the group, two of whom where now totally naked.

It was Catherine who drew the lowest number this time.

All eyes looked in her direction and she froze.

Showing off her breasts was one thing but...

"Do I get the pleasure of pulling your knickers down?" came a questioning voice to her right. "It seems to be the in-thing around here."

"Noooo!" she hastily replied.

"Well get `em off then." Said Andrew in support of his best friend who had just made the demand.

"Oh, alright then" she replied.

This time she wasn't going to stand up as she had lost some of her bravado. Instead she slightly lifted her bottom off the floor and slipped the pink panties down. Keeping her legs together she sat her bare bottom down on the deep Axminster carpet again, and continued to pull the knickers down her smooth hairless legs. She didn't yet have too much pubic hair, not sufficient to totally cover her vagina, the top of which the boys on either side of her could see, just above her thighs.

"Okay you two, it's your turn next, I want to see what you're hiding." She said having put her knickers with the rest of her clothes on the seat behind her.

Tim and Andrew looked at each other.

"I dare you two to take each others undies off, " she continued.

"I'm game," replied Tim.

Before Andrew could agree Tim was stood up and heading toward him. Andrew was on his feet in a flash and grabbed the top of Tim's underpants and gave them a sharp tug downwards. However because of his erection, they weren't going anywhere, at least around the front.

Tim had more success as his best friends penis had loosened sufficiently not to get in the way of the blue material as it slipped down Andrews shaft. Onwards they fell revealing a pair of balls that were beginning to descend in the slackening scrotum of puberty. Around the base of the shaft was a fine coating of black pubic hair. The shaft itself was just starting to thicken, and blue veins wriggled up its surface, towards the uncut foreskin. As the others watched the shaft began once again to raise itself up, curving ever so slightly, slowly pulling back the foreskin to reveal the red glans underneath. From the slit in its end clear fluid was beginning to seep out.

Andrew was still struggling to release Tim. Desperate action was called for. Sinking to his knees, having being freed of his own underpants, Andrew's face drew level with the offending obstacle. Putting his hands down the front of Tim's underpants, he lifted them clear, so that finally they dropped to the floor. In doing so Andrew got a very clear and close view of something he was not expecting. Tim was circumcised! The silky smooth glans had been permanently revealed to the world, and now for that matter to the group. As for the rest of Tim's gentiles, his testicles were fully rounded, completely filling his scrotum thus providing the very rounded bulge that had previously been hidden behind a red curtain. Red hair was beginning to grow at the base of the shaft.

Now they were all naked, and not one of them was ashamed.

Storyteller's P.S.

It would be nice to think that children of the future will not be handicapped by overprotective, paranoid, parents. That they will be allowed to enjoy each other's beauty while they are still yet young. One can but hope..

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