Timber Creek Fitness Camp

By T. Luke McPhee

Published on Mar 13, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law, so click on the bellybutton below and it will take you out of here.


"Timber Creek Fitness Camp" 01 (M/M oral anal bdsm)

Created by T. Luke McPhee

Chuck Mantle got out of bed that morning and began packing clothes and other gear. After zipping his gearbag, he opened the closet door. Hauling out to the center of the room, he brought the same green duffle bag he took to 'Timbercreek Fitness Camp' every year since he were twenty.

Why has Chuck put up with the measly pay to work like a dog for the past fifteen years? Lots of reasons: He gets to use all of his toys in his dufflebag, at his disgression. He gets to humiliate men. He gets to break them. He gets to take a lot of ass. And fifty other reasons!

If he were lucky, he'd find a man to take to bed for the summer. Reaching in the top of the closet, he pulled out some special toys he made himself; nipclamps with bells soldered on, plus hooks where weights could be added and a note not to forget the homeade ballbusters, which mainly comprised of a sledgehammer with a hole drilled through the end of the handle. He guessed if the enrollment topped other years, he would need ten sets of nip-bells. He made fifteen. Just in case. Sure it cost big bucks, but he found the sledgehammers wholesale and got the bells at a holiday sale at eighty-five percent off!

Standing in front of the mirror, he made up mean looks. All year round he practiced pathetic, disgusted and angry ones. A few weeks before, Chuck would yell into air some harsh vocals. He also encouraged Hans to do the same. For some new recruits this would scare the pants off of them. That is if they were wearing them!

Being one of the senior staff members, Chuck requested a new staff person from last summer, the thirty-two year old Hans Flugel. Picture Dolph Lundgren, but a foot taller and wider. Chuck had inquired early enough to find out if Hans would be returning. He actually gained access to the Timbercreek Fitness Camp data base and found his email. Being the longest staff member, the directors of the camp, a gay military couple, allowed Chuck special priviledges. Hans' made up his mind to accept the position when Chuck offered to pay for the airfare from Germany and meet him at the airport!

Counselors arrived two weeks prior to the campers. Mostly the time would be utilized to learn the layout of the grounds, attend meetings and one of the most enjoyable, the workshops. Camp counselors at the Timbercreek Fitness Camp always looked forward to the workshops; 'Beginning', 'Intermediate' and 'Advanced Bondage', 'Buttplugs 101', 'Introduction to Whipping and Flogging', 'Know Your Whips', 'Spanking', 'Keeping Your Squad Fit', 'Treating Your Man to a Stake', 'From Nips to Navels', 'Shaving' and other entertaining subjects. Of couse, the unofficial courses abounded; sucking, fucking, licking, to name a few. Camper to counselor ratio was ten in a squad to one counselor, but in Chuck's case, ten to two. The directors hired twenty couselors and a few floaters, in case they had some late registrants. Of course there would be special, weekly gatherings where all two hundred and something men met together for special 'programs'.

Chuck appeared in front of the terminal, gear all packed. When he saw Hans, he shook his hand, took his bags and secured them in the back.

"You forget anything, Chuck?"

"Haa ha haaa.. probably. With so much to bring, I always forget something. How was the flight?"

"Nice. Met a British college student in the jon. Fucked him hard!" "That's my man!" Chuck slapped Hans' knee.

"I heard last year you had a bag full of toys?"

"Got it in the back with some added goodies."

"What is the wood for, Chuck?"

"Got permission to build some outdoor restraining devices."

"I'm good with a hammer."

"Well, that will come in handy for the XL buttplugs!"

"Alright! You have?"


"Drive them both in at once?"

"Hadn't thought of that one Hans."

"I wonder if Chico Suarez is coming back?"

"Who's that?"

"Twenty-five.. well now twenty-six year old latino. Nice body and a hot ass to play with."

"Depends on if he liked the treatment."

"Got a five hundred dollar tip."

"I'd say he liked the treatment!"

"What's your specialty, Hans?"

"Drilling ass!"

"Haa ha ha haaa.. besides that?"

"I know what you mean. Bondage is a passion."

"Hot. An assman myself, but I love to humiliate a guy. Just waiting for a new guy to belt me."

"In fifteen years no guy has done that?"

"You kidding? Once or twice. It's so much fun punishing them."

"What is punishment for you?"

"Always a whipping. Mostly on the back. It leaves a better impression on the others. Nice stripes crisscrossing the flesh."

"I'm not a good whipper."

"Don't you worry. You'll get lots of practice, Hans."

The two talked the whole trip about this or that. Hans, at one point, gave Chuck the picture of two guys bound up together with rope. They had to pull over to let Chuck blow his load!

The truck pulled into Timbercreek Fitness Camp, after the two and a half hour trip from the airport.

"Oh man, will you look at that!"

"You see him before?"

"No. Never. Whew, what a hot babe!"

"Nice pecs."

"Fills out those leather pants mighty nice, too!"

"We should stop and introduce ourselves?"

"No. Let him come to us."

"That is better?"

"Oh yeah."

Campers all over the globe began receiving their acceptance letters. The returning campers knew what to expect, signed the sheets of clauses, went ahead and got their required physicals and then posted the materials back to the Timbercreek Fitness Camp.

"Oh boooyez... can't wait.. can't wait!" Chico Suarez yelled out to his lonely apartment.

Chico and his pal David McDougal had attended Timbercreek Fitness Camp in their freshman year of college during the summer break. They were fresh recruits and found the experience invigorating, building them up for their future lives. Now, out in the working world, they've found they had more force in their character to deal with stressful natures in big business. Chico, the SVP of a major computer firm even tried to talk several of the single men under his division into attending the camp. A couple of them sent for the materials and reported back to Chico that they would in fact be in attendence, if accepted.

It had been a rigorous year for the on the road sales circuit for David McDougal. After three years with the company, he received a promotion to a desk job, whereas the sales force reported in to him on a daily basis daily. He became better acquainted with his former boss, Perry Du Bois. David had caught him many a time on the phone or in person, dealing with his sales team. Such one incident happened in late April. David knocked and entered Perry's office, at his invitation.

"Come in, David. This is Evan Swift, one of my sales staff. Evan, David McDougal, in charge of the Southwestern division."


"Nice to meet you David."

"So, you haven't sold one piece of merchandise this week, Evan?"

"Sorry sir, but I was sick for a week and then my car broke down."

"I see, but what about the other two weeks?"

"I tried awfully hard, but I couldn't turn up one sale... wait, there was one. I sold some connectors."

"Connectors.. yes, let's see... two dollars and fifty cents. Well, all I can say Evan is try harder."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you. I will."

As Evan left, David thought about what a field day the counselors at Timbercreek would have with Evan!

"You let that fuck get away with that, Perry?"

"Get away with what? The poor guy was sick and then his car broke down."

"Can't you see he was lying through his teeth?"

"How do you know that?"

"Remember that some of us worked up from that same sales position. I know the score. He sold a lousy two dollar item.."

"Two fifty.."

"Alright, two fifty and he's making three hundred a week? He's fucking the company over real good!"

"Listen, as I see it.."

"Hey, Perry, take this from a friend's point of view. You're a nice guy and in some instances too nice. We're both about the same age."


"So, you have a year on me, but when the higher ups look for the right guy to promote, who do you think they are going to pick?"

"Listen, David. I'm trying my best."

"Ever think that your 'best' isn't good enough?"

"David, what's happened to you? After last summer you have changed. You never talked to me like this."

"Had a change of life experience, Perry. Tell you, it was the best decision I've ever made in my whole life. I'm going back for more this summer. Would do you good, if you would only wise up to yourself."

"Damn, you're so right, David. But somehow when guys like Evan come in here, I just can't tell them they're lying or anything."

"That's what separates the men from the boys. Perry, listen. You know I care about you."

David gets up from his chair and stands next to Perry, who gazes through the blinds, at the outside world. Placing his hand over Perry's shoulder, he lays it on him.

"Not only will you not get promoted and be in this meager job, but you have a chance of losing your position. You know that."

"Yeah, David. I know, but..."

"Perry. It will be your own fault."

"I don't know David. I try."

"As I said, Perry. You're best isn't cutting it."

"But what can I do?"

"Give me a blow job?"

"In a minute, you know that!"

"No, seriously Perry, you've got to go to this fitness camp. It pulled me out of the downward spiral my life was headed into. Look, in just eight months I've received a promotion, I've brought the Southwestern division up above par. Tell you Perry, you better get on the ball."

"Told you I'd give you a blow job, David!"

"Ha ha, but you wouldn't be joking when you're out on the unemployment line, Perry."

"How much does this Timbercreek cost?"

"Perry, let me just tell you first. Timbercreek Fitness Camp is not all about doing jumping jacks or lifting weights. It builds character. I'm living proof and I'm not going to let it go as one summer of changing. This summer I'm looking for even more growth. It's ten thousand for eight weeks, but I'd pay twice that much, knowing I'm going to come away from the experience with a change in my life."

"Ten grand... wow!"

"Come on, Perry. You're single. What else do you have to do with your money?"

"I was saving for a mercedes."

"So, buy a bug and get yourself some help. I can see the writing on the wall for you Perry, if you don't. Listen, I've got a client."

David begins to leave. Perry Du Bois had an interest in David's proposal of strengthening his character. All points of interests of Timbercreek Fitness Camp piqued his interest, plus he could use a bit of toning up on his body.

"Can you get me an application?"

"I can do that, in exchange for a favor."


"Have Evan Swift transferred to my division."

"But what do I tell him? He's in the eastern region."

"Tell him that the company is reorganizing and I'm taking on a small part of the region."

"But why?"

"Let's just say that I think Evan needs a life changing experience this summer."

"You sure are persuasive, David."

"One of my good traits that I've acquired."

"By the way David, I feel like I owe you more than Evan."

"Could use a blow job. Call you after my client."

David always kept extra applications handy, just in case he came across a prospective camper. He also knew there would be a five percent discount off his fee if a recommendation were accepted to attend Timbercreek. Smiling, he thought he still had time to get a few more applicants, so he would be charged next to nothing!

Chuck's truck rolls on, up and down the gravel roads, occasionally passing through a stream bed. Most of the contours of the roads and paths are specifically created for crude methods of endurance. After a rise in the road, the landscape levels off.

"He we are, my friend."

"Whoooa, you sure do have seniority around here."

"Yeah, well don't look too excited, Hans, you get to sleep with the scum in the bunkhouse."

"Don't tell me, Chuck. You get the bungalow?"

"Of course. You keep putting your dues in, Hans and you'll get the same treatment."

"I'm looking to learn much from you, Chuck."

"You can start now."

"I know. Help you haul all this wood out of the truck. Let's go."

"Don't you touch that, Hans."


Chuck gets on the cellphone. Punching in a few numbers, he gets connected with the main office of Timbercreek Fitness Camp.

"Hello!... Yeah, how you doing you old fucker! Oh course... listen, we wanted to get settled in by sundown. Send down a couple of pieces of meat to help unload? Seventeen? Eighteen? How about one of each? Out!"

"So, what's up Chuck?"

"They have a new 'in service' program for high school graduates."


"Yeah. Under the table for willing workers during the pre-session. Helps the boys with college tuition. A hundred a day for seven days. If the eighteen year olds want to enlist in the program, they get a discount for the eight weeks."

"I like the program. Ah, how do we treat these boys? Like?"

"No cutting corners. They know the score."

Over the hill, two former high school seniors appear, chatting with each other.

"Bout time you cumsuckers got here."

"Um, we hurried as quickly as we could," the blonde one says.

"Yeah, you looked like you ran all the way."


"First of all, boy, your attitude sucks and secondly, get that shirt off!"

"My shirt?"

"Yeah. If it's not off in thirty seconds I'm going to rip it off."

Hans says to the dark haired kid, imitating Chuck, "You two cumsucker!"

Both boys pull their tee shirts out of their jeans and lift them up over their heads. Chuck sees that they are wondering what to do with them.

"Hans, take their shirts and put them in my bungalow. Maybe if they are good boys they will get them back at the end of the two weeks."

"What is it you need us for, Chuck?"

"First of all, it's Sir to you."

They stood there silently. Hans returned.



"Hans, what punishment do you suggest for boys that don't treat their superiors with respect?"

"Hey, wait... we didn't..."

"Shut the fuck up boy! You don't speak unless spoken to!"

The two just stood there.


"You boys each pick up a two by four."

Each of them take one off of the side of the truck. They've been told the rules. Utmost respect for the counselors.

Hans continues, "Now, hold them in the middle and above your head."

"What tha?" The blonde questions.

Hans walks right up to the boy, getting 'in his face'.

"Listen you cumsucking pig. I don't care what your opinion is.. you just do what you're told and like it, boy."


The boy turns, but Hans takes him by the elbows, pulling his arms behind his back. He squeezes them together harshly and moves his head up alongside the boys.

"You listen and listen good, boy. You will address us as Sir. 'Yes Sir', you got that boy?"

"Um... yes, Sir."

"Now do what I tell you before I get the strap!"

The dark haired boy places his hands on the two by four, about two feet apart and lifts it up straight over his head. Chuck is standing there, letting his crotch fill up, letting Hans lead the discipline session.

"Higher and spread those hands apart, blondie!"

Chuck loved it. The seventeen and eighteen year olds holding up a 2x4 piece of wood, hands out stretched and being as obedient as possible. Actually the positions of the wood and eagle-spread stance of the boys gave Chuck some ideas about treating his squad this summer. For now he got a hardon watching Hans order the two boys around.

"Feet apart... stretch it.. further!"

Hans approached the dark-haired boy and began searching for personal information.

"What's your name, boy?"

"Eric, Sir."

"Nice chest, Eric."

"Ah.. thank you.. Sir."

"That position bothering you, Eric?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Hmm... where do you want this lumber, Chuck?"

"Up against the side of my bungalow."

"Well, boys, here's your first order. Now let's see if you can do it without fucking it up! You are to carry each piece of lumber from the truck, up around the bungalow and then return to this side and place it on the ground. Got that, boys?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Yes, Sir."

Hans walked back over to Chuck and when the boys had disappeared behind the bungalow, enroute, the two chatted.

"Heee heee.. you see the blonde kids face, Hans?"

"Yeah. Thought he was going to pee in his pants!"

"The blonde's a tough one."

"Yes. Might be fun trying to get him to swing at me. What do you think?"

"Oh yeah. I think you can humiliate him enough."

"Wait til they get sweated up. Then we'll have some fun with them!"

"My cock is ready and willing, Hans!"

David finished up with his client, phoned Perry and would redezvous with him in five minutes at the private jon. Arriving, David waited, timing Perry. It's not that he would bust Perry's chops for being late. No, time management had been one of the goals David worked on this year. Using every minute of precious clock time became an obsession for himself and the men that worked under his division.

"About time, Perry."

"Sorry. Jack Daniels caught my ear."

"Another company abuser!"

"He gets his sales."

"Yeah, but he could be building up the company more by doubling that. He's got the know how, but lacks the iniative. Here, just get down on my cock. I need your tongue expertise right now."

Right before the three day Thanksgiving weekend, David had walked into the private jon just as Perry was on his masturbation break. The door should have been locked, but Perry in his haste to get off, simply forgot. One thing let to another and both found out the other was gay. Since last summer another change had overcome David. He drifted away from the mainstream cocksuckers and became a top. He still had an occasional fit for sucking cock, but lately he's wanted to top. He lost count of how many times he has fucked Perry. Forget how many blow jobs he's been given!

"Ooooh yeah... swirl that tongue... oh yeah.. Perry."

Over that period of five months, David has seen such an improvement in Perry's cock sucking abilities. In fact, he would say he's never received such a better oral job in all his life like the one he was getting just now. After just fifteen minutes, he jambed his cock down Perry's throat.

"Ooooh..ooooh..ooooooh gonna cum...ooooh!"

David grabbed Perry's head and shot his load down into his belly. They tidied up, tucking shirts in and zipping up.

"Ooooh that was sooo hot, Perry."

"You liked it, huh?"

"You just keep getting better and better."

"Are you going to need some ass tonight?"

"Got one coming over."

David could see the let down for the twenty-eight year old.

"But why don't you come, too Perry.. around eight. Plan on spending the night."

"Really? Great. Thanks David."

"Would be nice getting serviced by two."

"You're so tasty, David."

"What about Evan Swift? You call him?"

"Left a message on his service."

"Damn. I hoped to hear his response when you told him."

"Let's just see who's office he reports to first tomorrow."

"Yeah, well if he shows up at your office bitching, give me a call and I'll come over and collect him."

"Swift can be feisty."

"Good. I'm counting on it!"

As David drove home, he thought about his personality change. Not only could others see the change in him, but he noticed it himself. At times he thought of himself more of the dominating type. He supposed he got that attitude from the camp counselor charged with his conduct this past summer. He smiled, remembering walking into Timbercreek Fitness Camp a raw recruit and marching out with a will to take on the corporate world. He wondered what this summer would bring.

  • After delivering eighteen of the twenty pieces of lumber around the head counselor's bungalow, Hans stopped the two before delivery of each of their final load.

"You, blondie. What's your name?"

"Troy Matthews."



"I don't like that attitude at all, Troy."

"I answered you."

Eric tried helping Troy out by correcting him, "You're supposed to say 'yes, Sir'."

Hans' attention immediately went to Eric, but Chuck stepped in.

"I'll handle this boy, Hans. I see you have your hands full with that boy. Come along Eric."

"Yes, Sir."

Eric, his hands spread out wide, holding the two by four, paraded along after Chuck.

"Go put the wood down and report back to me."

Hans noticed the coil of rope in the back of the truck and smiled.

"How old are you cumsucker?"

Troy remained silent.

"I asked you a question, boy?"

"I'm not a cumsucker and I told you my name is Troy!"

"Very bad attitude. March over to that tree over there."

The blonde, almost replica of Hans himself, walked over to the oak tree. Hans threw the rope up and over a sturdy limb.

"Come here, cumsucker and put your wrists together."

Troy stood with his pride on firm ground. Hans grabbed a tuft of his blonde hair and dragged him over towards where the rope hung down.

"Owwwwch....get the fuck off..owwwww.. you're hurting me!"

Hans pushed Troy down onto the soiled ground, then forced him to stay down, kneeling on his back. Taking the end of the rope, he tied it around one of Troy's wrists, leaving a trail of about two feet. He repositioned his knee onto Troy's shoulder blades and placed the tied wrist above his head. With great expertise, he bound both wrists above Troy's head. Before releasing Troy, he took hold of the loose rope. Letting Troy escape, he ran in front of him. Troy go up and ran aggressively towards Hans. All at once Han's pulled mightily on the rope. Troy's body flew back's like a trapeze artist and swung to and fro.

"Aghhhhhhhhh...oooh shit!" Troy yelled out, mainly in surprises.

"Haaa ha ha ha haaa haaaa!" Hans thought this tremendously funny.

Hans loosened the rope so that Troy could stand firmly on the ground.

"You release me at once or..."

"Or what? You going to run home to daddy and have him come over and suck my cock?"

"You think you're so tough.. I could whip you with one hand behind my back, 'Hans'!"

"Ooooh boy, you shouldn't have said that."

Hans thought about it. Would be fun watching Troy try to 'whip him' with one hand.

"You know what, Troy, I like that idea!"


Before Troy could understand what was happening to him, Hans had let go of the rope and had him down once again on his belly. Like putting everything in reverse, Hans guessed Troy to be righthanded and untied it. Taking a knife out from the back of his belt, he cut the rope, leaving about four feet. After placing his left arm behind his back, he fed the rope through Troy's right belt loop at the right side of his jeans. Next, he pulled it taut and threaded it in between Troy's legs, down his ass, under his left leg, then proceeded to feed it through his left belt loop. After making it snug, Hans ran it down Troy's ass and repeated the action with his right leg. Finally he tied it to the boy's already bound wrist. 'Just enough', he said to himself, letting the half foot lead go. He let up on his half-bound prisoner and stood waiting for him to make his move. Troy didn't dissapoint the master.

"What the fuck is this?"

"You told me you could whip me with one hand tied behind your back, so I'm giving you a chance."

"That's only a figure of speech!"

"Well, to show you how good a sport I am, I'm going to let you wear me down some."

Unbuttoning his shirt, Hans strips it, revealing his smooth, solid pecs and sixpack, his blonde trail leading to a deep bellyhole and swirling around it.

"Look! I'm putting my hands behind my back. You can come and punch me in the stomach. That will start our match."

"Yeah, sure. You're going to let me walk up to you and throw my fist in your stomach."

"I give my word."

Troy stands a thinks a second. What would the seventeen year old lose? As it looks now, Hans could pulverize him anyway.

"And that starts the match?"


"What do I get out of it if I win?"

"You win and you do not get a whipping."

"Whipping? That went out with the middle ages."

"Yes, but today I'm reviving it. I show you a whipping to give it new meaning."

"And what happens if I don't fight you?"

"Then I punch you til you are lying on the ground with your ugly face in the dirt!"

"Alright. I get one free punch, right?"

"Right. Straight to my abs."

Troy walked up to Hans. He looked into his eyes first. Hans grinned.

"Go ahead, punch me, cumsucker."

So, Troy made a fist, held it up to Hans' stomach, covering the blonde trail. He brought his arm back.

"Come on, cumsucker. Give it your best shot."

That Troy did, but he gave Hans more than he bargained for. The punch to the gut occured, but the unsuspecting happened.

"OOoooooooooooh.." Hans groaned.

Falling to his knees, Hans held his crotch. With a swift kick to his side, Troy sent Hans bowling over onto his side. He lifted his foot again and sent into the tight abs of the German.

"Uggggghhhhh!" Hans groaned, falling over onto his back.

"We'll see who the cumsucker is!"

Troy left a sneakerprint of dirt as he trampled harshly on Hans' smooth chest. He thought what a stupid weakling Hans was. Here a seventeen year old teen beat the hell out of a thirty-two year old and with one hand tied behind his back!

Next thing, Troy dug his heel into Hans' stomach, putting his whole weight into it.

Hans groaned, trying to get the foot loosened. Troy should have been watching Hans' right arm. It suddenly stretched upwards and made impact right between the teen's legs.

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" Troy yelled out, falling away.

Had Hans been acting or was he really suppressed by the seventeen year old? Right now it didn't matter. The German rose to his feet and walked over to where Troy huddled on the ground. He went for the lad's thick blonde head of hair, one again pulling on it, he righted the boy.

"What happened to your fight, boy?"


So Hans thought the fight had run out on Troy. With all his might, he buttheaded Hans in the gut.

"Agggggghhhhhhhooooooooh shit!"

Troy had Hans on the ground and this time didn't waste any energy. His knee lay directly on Hans' crotch and he pounded the thirty-two year olds gut.

"You give? Huh, big tough cumsucker?"

Just then Chuck comes down the hill.

"Hey.. heeeeey what the fuck?"

Chuck pulls Troy off of Hans and with a natural reaction gut punches the teen.

"Why don't you fuckin' mind your own business, Chuck?"

"But Hans, the kid was beating you to death!"

Hans gets up and walks on his knees over to where Troy now lays on his back, holding his stomach with his free hand.

"You think this little boy can hurt me, huh?"

"That's the way it fuckin' looked, Hans."

"Listen, you just take your boy and get the fuck outta here!"

"Ah, fuck it! C'mon Eric."

Chuck led the way as the eighteen year old followed him, minus the two by four, into his bungalow. Before the got to the door, Chuck unzipped his pants and fingered the belt buckle.

"Hey Troy.. you alright, boy?"

"Oooooh.. like.... like you care..."

"I do. How am I supposed to whip a boy when he is put down?"

"You.... you were.... faking it.... all... along....why?"

Troy breathed deeply in between words. Hans, not the articulate one, tried his best to explain himself out of the dilemma.

"To teach you."

"You.. taught me.... alright... you let... your buddy...work me over..."

"Hey, it was an honest mistake."

As Hans talked, he unknotted the rope on the side of the jeans.

"Chuck didn't know I play with you."

"Well then... serves you right for doing so."

"Maybe. Maybe you are smarter than I think. Turn over so that I can untie you."

"No! We have an unfinished fight!"

"You.. you want to still fight me?"

"Yes and this time don't pretend."


"What're you chicken?"

"Me? Never... alright you want to fight, we fight!"

The two got up off of the ground. Troy still had his one hand tied to the belt loops of his pants. For whatever reason, the rope over his balls felt tighter!

"Come on, make your move, Troy."

Not feigning this time, Hans dodged the sailing youth, sending his into thin air. Hans caught him with a punt on the ass.


"Haa ha haaa.. a little kick in the ass for you boy!"

"Say your prayers, Hans... I'm gonna stick my foot up yours!"

This time when Troy ran for Hans, he bent down and like a little kid running for his papa, caught Troy's stomach on his shoulder. He proceeded to pick Troy up and like running to a make a goal, ran as fast as he could around the bungalow.

"Heey! Put me down... Hans!"

"Haa ha ha ha ha haaa haaa.."

Hans didn't think he would be having this much fun a summer camp! It didn't phase him a bit that Troy used his one free hand to pound on his back. He just kept running around. Finally Troy ran out of pounding power and Hans headed for the bunkhouse.

David whistled all the way home from work. His first pent up orgasm released for the day, he would count numbers two and three before heading off to dreamland. Upon reaching home, he flipped through the mail reading outloud to himself.

"Credit card applications," he shook his head, "Good Fortune Bank, Bank Two, bank this.. bank that... shit, you'd think they spend a fortune of paper... oh, what's this? Timbercreek Fitness? Hmm..."

Tearing into the top fold of the envelope with the metal letter opener, he holds his tongue in cheek.

"Dear Mr. McDougal, Due to your efforts and abilities, it is our pleasure to offer you a position of camp counselor in training this summer. Wait... can't be..."

David rereads the letter twice, making sure he hasn't read it wrong.

"Yes, it does say camp counselor!"

Taking the opened letter with him, he reads it over and over as he heads for his bedroom. Slowly he works the necktie loose and hangs it in the closet, with only a glance from the letter. After falling back on the bed, he kicks his loafers off and unfastens two buttons of his shirt. Dropping the letter on his shirt, he puts both hands behind his head and relaxes.

"Camp counselor, huh? That means I get to control the campers. Hmm... not much different than what I do now, except... shit! Would I be able to whip a guy? No problem in getting ass. Hmm... Perry and Strom are coming over tonight... let's see if I can test myself!"

Hopping up from the bed, David strips down and puts on his favorite attire; a silk thong. He loves the way the single strap hugs his ass crevice and the front is stuffed with his eight inches, bulging at largeness of his balls. He takes leftovers out of the fridge, but for some reason is not too hungry. He picks the pepperoni off the pizza and returns the rest to the fridge. He sits down on the comtemporary chair and throws one leg over the side. After opening the latest issue of Men's Health, his left hand moves to his crotch to rearrange his balls into a more comfortable position. What seems like a half hour, but more like ten minutes, he closes the article and tosses it on the table. Rising, one hand goes to the back of his neck and the other begins on his stomach, over his bellyhole and rubs up that dark blonde trail to his hairy pecs. He tweaks one of his nips and lets his fingers linger there, feeling up the fur and nipmeat.

Silently searching for an answer on whether to accept the job offer or not, he's brought back to reality by the doorbell ringing.

"Hey, Strom.."

Suddenly David realizes his new approach this evening. Better late than later!


"Strom, over there and on your knees."

"You want a blow job right now?"

"You will address me as 'Sir' tonight."

"Yes, Sir."

He liked the sound of that. Had a nice ring to it!

"Be right back."

Returning, David clenching a long piece of clothesline in his hand.

"Cool! Bondage!" the twenty-eight year old cried out in excitement.

"Strip, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" Still the eager reply came.

"You a slob like this at home, boy?"

"No, Sir."

"Then pick up your fuckin' clothes and fold them. Put them on the table."

"Yes, Sir."

Bondage and discipline were no stranger to Strom. In fact, for the past few years there had been at least forty times he's met with an assortment of fellows interested in sharpening up on their bondage skills. Tonight Strom would be going beyond all that.

"Get up, boy."

"Yes, Sir."

Poking Strom in the stomach he tells him, with suggestion in his voice, "I should work over that fat gut of yours!"

"Cool..I mean yes, Sir."

"You would like feeling my fist in your gut, wouldn't you boy?"

David probes on further to catch a hint to whether he could actually try something like that.

"Yes, Sir!"

After tying Strom's hands behind his back, David throws the rope through his boy's legs.

"Pick that up with your teeth and hand it to me, boy."

"Yes, Sir."

He watched the pathetic man get down on his knees and reach over to pick up the rope with his mouth. Just as Strom stands up, David puts his foot on the rope and it pulls out of his mouth.

"Clumsy of you, boy."

"Oh.. yes.. yes, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."

Once again Strom gets moves down and bends over. David notices that from this perspective that Strom has a hot butt. From the fucking point of view, before it was just using what was between those cheeks. Now his mind was on other interesting ideas!

As Strom rises, David catches the rope under his foot.

"Heeeey! What the fuck?"

"The fuck is that I don't like your attitude boy!"

"Ugggh! Ooooh! Oooooooooh..."

Strom falls to his knees. The top of his head touches the rope, as he bends over. David gulps, wondering if he's gone too far, listening to Strom breathe rapidly. He lifts his head just a couple of inches and grabs the rope in his teeth. Grunting, Strom begins to stand.

"I hope you learned your lesson boy."


"Haa ha ha haaaa.." David laughs as Strom goes to answer him, dropping the rope.

"C'mon, let's go have some fun in bed, Strom!"

At this point Strom sees the hilarity of it and even though there a faint, dull pain in his belly, he chuckles along.

"Here, turn around."

"You're not going to untie me, are you? Sir?"

"You mean?"



David peels off the thong. He notices the wet spot against the green silk.

"Wow.. I actually."

"What was that, David?"

"David? Are you crazy boy? You looking for a whipping?"

"Oh, sorry.. didn't know we were... um, no Sir. Your slave asks forgiveness."

"Alright, just this once, but you better watch yourself... now get over here cumsucker and do your duty!"

David, spread out on the bed, beckons his suckslave to do some tonguing. After about thirty seconds, the doorbell rings.

"Get that for me, slave."

Strom smiles, yes, Sir, but how.."

"It's unlocked. Just yell come in."

Grinning, David here's the words yelled out, 'come in'! He knew it. He just knew what Perry's reaction would be, laughed and then sobered up when he heard footsteps in the hallway.

"David, what the fuck is this?"

Strom says, "Oooh, I'd watch my language with um Master David, if I were you. He's not in a good mood tonight."

"Master David?"

David puts on an academy award performance, jumping up from the bed.

"You dare talk to me like that you gutterslut!"

He takes a gamble, tearing open the front of Perry's shirt.

"Heeeey, that's a sixty dollar shirt."

"Looks like you got ripped off boy. Now strip it before I rip the ten dollar pants off of you!"

"Ten, why I paid...ooooowch!"

"I'm not interested in hearing about your bankroll, boy!"

Perry is shocked that David would even consider slapping him across the face!

"David, what's gotten into you?"

"Hey, boy, it's 'Sir' to you! Now get those rags off, bitch and ass over the bed!"

"Oh, I get it... yes, Sir."

Playing along now, Perry strips down, thinking he's going to get a hardy fucking. David notices something coincidental. Here are three blondes playing together, each with their own distinct hair patterns on their bods. He's seen Strom's smooth pecs and skinny blonde trail, but not Perry's blonde fur covering his, not the wide trail to his navel. Neither of them have the dark blonde that he has, being more true blondes in color, something he never really studied, even though he's had them both at his place, but at different times.

Snapping back into reality, David detours to the closet and selects a wide belt. The one he bought in Texas a few years back, but never had the wide loops to wear it. He doubles the almost new leather belt in half. There poor Perry is, folded over the end of the bed waiting for his fuck!

"Hello, Josh? Josh, are you home?"

"In the kitchen, Brian."

Brian walks over to Josh and gives his a kiss on the lips.

"What's cooking?"

"Veal scallopini."

"Mmmm, what's the occasion."

"Look on the table."

"Oooh, Timbercreek!"

"I got in, but if you didn't, I won't go."

Picking up his fork, Brian edges the envelope open.

"Read it to me."

"Dear Mr. Chancellor, It is our pleasure.."

"You got in!"

"But I didn't even finish reading it."

By the time Brian gets to the eighth word, John, dressed in only a long white chef's apron and lowrise briefs, has his arms around Brian.

"This is really cool!"

"Yeah. Instead of taking a couple of boring grad courses, you and I are going to be working out!"

"But look at all these papers to sign."

"I read through them. No big deal. Just formalities about insurance and we have to have a physical."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Isn't this great, Bri?"


By the time Brian's excitement from the summer camp wanes, Josh has been nibbling on his ear and reaching around him, has his shirt unbuttoned down to his navel. Brian stands there in heaven as Josh's hands wreak pleasurably havoc on his hairy chest and stomach, fingering his navel. After unbuckling his belt, a hand goes under the beltline and into his briefs.

"Ooooooooooh... you sure know how to spoil a man, Josh."

Pulling his hand out abruptly Josh says, "Let's eat!"

"Let me go get out of these clothes, now that you've undressed me!"

Copyright 2005 T. Luke McPhee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, discombobulated, rewritten, redistributed or regurgitated, without the author's consent.

Next: Chapter 2

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