Timber Creek Fitness Camp

By T. Luke McPhee

Published on Apr 30, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law, so click on the bellybutton below and it will take you out of here.


"Timber Creek Fitness Camp" 02 (M/M oral anal bdsm)

Created by T. Luke McPhee

"Oooooh...ooooooh... oh man, Eric... I'm claiming you as my summer slut..."

"My tongue deep enough in your ass?"

"Oh yeah... just don't talk... fuck me deep..."

Troy just stood there. Hans had untied his wrist, but the rope still dangled from the loops in his jeans, loosened in between his legs. In the mean time, Hans had stripped down, hung a towel over one shoulder and had a bar of soap in hand.

"Well, you going to just stand there, boy or you going to come soap me up, huh? Now's the time to bail our if you want to."

Hans paid him no mind and made his way to the shower.

"Aaaah.." he sighed, feeling that nice hot water on his bod. "I guess I should be thanking you."

"So, you decided not to run?"

"I don't know, Sir."

"You can drop the formalities, when we're alone. Here, soap up my back, will you?"

Troy stands there. Finally he takes the soap from Hans', but drops it.

"Oops.. I'll get it, I'll get it Hans!"

But Hans had turned and Troy comes face to 'face' with Hans' flaccid cock. He puts his hand underneath the big balls.

"Oh yeah.... go for it!"

Hans places his hands on the seventeen year old's head and guides him into his pubes.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwch..oooooh shit! David? What tha fuck?"

Strom is giggling at the sight of Perry half up from the bed, feeling his red ass.

"I told you, it's Sir to you boy and if you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen!"

David held his firm ground. If he was going to take the job this summer, he would have to play, meaning business.

At this point it seemed like checkmate, as the two stare at each other. David with the look of 'how dare you defy me, boy' and Perry with a 'should I go or should I stay' look. David got tired of waiting and decided to use Strom as a pawn in the showdown.

"Have it your way Perry. Get dressed and get the fuck outta here. Strom, on the bed. I want a blow job and now!"

Perry, standing, put one leg in his briefs, then froze a moment, watching David untie Strom, then retie his wrists spread out at the top of the bed. A yearning grew inside of him. He wanted to be on the bed, tied down, if it 'had' to be that way and David sitting on 'his' chest making 'him' suck 'his' cock. He wondered what he could do to keep David from kicking him out.

Stepping from his briefs, he slowly walked around the side of the bed where David could see him.

"Um, David? I mean, Sir?"

The slurping sounds, plus the visual dug down into Perry's wanting desire.

"I'm really sorry.. um Sir."

David still leaned back, his eyes closed, enjoying the wondrous blow job Strom gave him.

"I'll do anything you say, Sir. Take whatever you want to do to me, Sir."

Without flinching a muscle or opening his eyes, David says calmly, "Get on Strom's dick and I'll punish you later."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

Perry hurried along to the bottom of the bed and crawled up between Strom's legs. He lay down, placing his arms under Strom's lightly hairy thighs and began licking the semi-hard shaft. This added a whole new meaning to Strom's own tonguing action he did for David.

Meanwhile, David, still calm and collective, smiled at overcoming his first obstacle as a master!

"The veal is real good, Josh."

"Thanks. Oh, let's drink a toast, shall we Brian?"

"Yeah, here's to our first summer at a fitness camp together."

The two hopeless romantics connected elbows and then drank down the burgundy spirit.

"Any ideas on what do we have to take to the camp, Josh?"

"That's the funny thing, Brian. Other than what we're wearing, I didn't see any mention."

"I know some places they don't allow cutoffs."

"Yeah, I know Brian. Tough getting those little threads out of the pool filter."

"Well, I guess we just pack a week's worth of briefs, shorts, tees, socks, etc."

"Probably, Brian. Can't wait for all that rigorous activity."

"Me neither, Josh. Imagine jogging together everyday."

"I wonder if the exercise equipment includes some Nautilus?"

"Maybe but I hope they have a sauna, so we can get steamy, Josh."

"Hey, we're paying big bucks. They have to have some sophisticated machines, plus all the other luxuries."

"I guess. I wonder if we have to take our own towels?"

"I'm sure we have to Brian. It says we'll be staying in a bunkhouse."

"Bunkhouse? You sure?"

"Yeah, why Bri?"

"That means we'll most likely be with other men."

"So, what's wrong with that?"

"I just don't want any of them stealing you away from me, Josh!"

"Ooooh, isn't that sweet!"

"Oh man, Eric, you have such a hot fucking tongue. Let me turn over. My cock needs some attention."

"Yes, Sir."

"You know, Eric, I could use a boy like you all the time. What are your plans?"


"Yeah.. hey, come up here and lay with me for a while."

Eric, just of out high school, cuddles into the warm armpit of the man more than fifteen years older than himself.

"Oooh, thanks um..."

"Chuck... call me Chuck when we're alone like this."

"And you can call me Eric."

"Like, I've been doing that?"

"Oops... oh yeah."

"So, tell me about yourself, Eric."

As Eric started to fill Chuck in on his life history, he pawed through the dark brown furry chest, winding a fingerful of hair around it. At times he would wet his finger and touch Chuck's nip, which made him groan.


"Hee heee.. you like that, huh Chuck?"

"Let's just say I never knew I was that sensitive there. Keep on with your story, Eric."

"So, I never had contact with a guy until just this past year and that was with Troy."

"So you fucked each other?"

"No, Troy didn't have an interest in fucking me, so I just fucked him."

"So you still need your cherry busted, huh?"

"Well yeah, I guess so."

"You sound a bit reluctant."

"I always thought I would want a man that I want to be with all the time to do it. You know, make it kind of a sacred thing?"

"Most men can't wait to have the experience of getting fucked or fucking."

"Yeah, but I..."

"Hey, you don't need to explain further, Eric. We'll just leave your cherry there on the vine!"

"Thanks for understanding, Chuck."

"Hey... isn't that what friends are for?"

"You mean that, Chuck? What about all the ordering around?"

"I'll see if I can get you a job in the kitchen."

"Really? You'll do that for me?"

"If you bunk with me every night?"

"You've got it. Thanks a lot, Chuck. I'll get back to sucking your cock."

"No, let's just lay together like this for awhile."

'Awhile' turned into hours, until they both fell asleep.

"This feels real good, Troy."

"What can I say? You're nips are real tasty, Hans."

"Aaaah, it feels great just lying here in bed, the good country air breezing through and you..."

He couldn't help himself. Like an aphrodesiac, Troy just grew on him and he had to have his lips. Neither fought the feeling, as the two closed up the gap between them.

"Ooooh.. how'd you learn to kiss like that, Troy?"

"Just started playing around early, I guess."

"You're just seventeen. What age did you start up with a guy?"

"Start up... Hah! You make it sound like a car engine, Hans."

Hans made the sounds of a car's engine as it revs up and with the arm not holding Troy, he shifts it into gear with a squealing sound that almost makes his throat hoarse.

"Haaa ha ha haaa.. That's cool..didn't know you were a comedian, too!"

"Yeah, so tell me about your first man to man contact."

"Actually I wasn't a man at all. I mean, I was fourteen and the other guy the same age. We just did some touching stuff at first, jerked each other off at the same time."

"Hey, do me a favor, Troy?"


"Play with my cock and balls while you're telling me."

"Sure. Will you play with mine, Hans?"


"So, we touched each other, like you and I are touching right now... oooh man it feels sooo good!"

"Yeah... hot.. real hot."

"Then after a while we blew our loads. We tasted each other's cum and that was that."

"Any other boys?"

"Yeah. Forget it. When I his fifteen it was common. I knew six or seven guys that were gay and we all wanted the same thing. Finally about a year ago a guy took my cherry."


"Yeah. Troy."

"You mean you and Eric are going together?"

"No. We're just friends. I mean we've kissed and stuff, but it's not like we're madly in love."

"That's good."

"Yeah. Too bad you can't work here during the summer camp while it's in session."

"Oh, but I am."

"But you have to be eighteen."

"I will be. My birthday is this Friday."

"No kidding, Eric?"


"So, you want to bunk for the summer?"

"Sure, but what about the other guys?"

"Hey, I need practice with the strap!"

"Yeah, but what if they say stuff about us?"

"Told you. I need practice with the strap!"



"I guess you can turn from being a kind and gentle guy into an animal."

"Ooooh now is that a nice thing to say?"

Their arms around each other and Troy's hot kissing made up for the wisecrack. He thought, 'sure is sweet punishment'!

  • "Let's have a taste of those lips, Strom."

David pulled his now throbbing shaft out of Strom's throat and replaced it with his lips.

"Hey, cumsucker, get your tongue up my ass and I better get a deep fuck!"

Two seconds passed.

"I didn't hear you, boy!"

"Yes, Sir."

David decided in a fluke to treat Strom with kindness and make Perry suffer tonight. He would have his first experience at totally humiliating a man. He found he really enjoyed his new role tremendously!

"Deeper, boy."

"Yes, Sir."

Perry's head perked up for a moment and then spread David's crevice wide to get his tongue down deep into his ass tunnel.

"I said deeper boy!"

"I'm as deep as I can get! What more do you want?"

"That does it, I sick of taking that attitude from you, boy!"

Strom lay there. Well, he couldn't go anywhere with his arms tied to the bedposts! He made Perry stand at the end of the bed. Taking the tiebacks from the drapes, David tied each of Perry's arms stretched out to the high bedposts. Never did David think that he would be utilizing the tall bedposts for such action.

"Spread your legs, boy!"

"Yes, Sir." Perry replied, with a shudder in his voice.

"First offense, your attitude adjustment, boy. Ten lashes."

David didn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, like a dictator. As he stood behind Perry though, the doubled belt in his hand and aligned with the waiting ass, he kept his erection and even provoked it into leaking precum.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Arrrrrrrrrgh! Arrrrrrrrrrgh!"

Perry cried out through every angry lash of the belt against his ass. Some were delivered lightly and about three of the ten were mighty fiercely drawn against the skin. After all ten, David felt the heated globes, then proceeded to draw his attention back on Strom. It couldn't have been a more perfect torture for Perry then to have to stand there, arms tied up and outward and look upon the two making sweet love. After a few minutes, David released Strom's wrists from their bondage so that he could feel the returned hugs as they kissed.

With the sun just beginning to rise in the east, Chuck woke. He forgot Eric had been in bed with him and when he stretched out his arms, felt him nestled in the pit of his arm. Like straw in a barn, Eric lay with his head on his dark haired pecs, sleeping like a baby. He thought just how lucky a man he is to be having a young guy take up his bed all summer long!


Troy thought he would try a different method than waking the sleeping giant. He slowly made his way to the foot of the narrow cot and straddling his leg, took one swipe of his flaccid cock with his tongue. It hardly phased Hans, so Troy got more aggressive. With his lips side saddling the soft stick, he could feel it twitching on his lips like a vibrator.

"Oooooooh.." moaned Hans.

He lay like sleeping, but he finally acknowledged the sweet treatment.

"Feels real good, Troy. Never got woken up like this."

Troy didn't break away from his pleasurable sucking. Soon Hans had a raging hardon and needed release.

"You want to fuck me, Hans?"

"No, Troy."

"Oh come on."

"No. You're not legal age."

Maybe Troy would 'make' it legal! Climbing up onto Hans, like he's going in for a kiss, he tricks him, sits up and impales his ass on the beast.

"Ooooh akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ooooooh! Shit!" He cries out as the hard shaft pierces his ass muscle.

"Nooooo what the fuck you doing, Troy?"

"Ooooh Hans, pleeeease.. oooh just let it happen!"

After the fact, Hans couldn't really control his lust of wanting Troy's hot ass surrounding his hard cock. He took hold of Troy's hands and let it happen. Troy moved his ass up and down, giving Hans such a feeling of lust.

"OOooooh Troy... feels sooo good, but let's trade places? I need to fuck you."

In a flash, Hans had Troy bedded down and his cock up to the hilt in his chute.

"Ooooooh yeah..." He cried out when Troy closed his muscle around his throbbing cock.

Even though the morning air had felt cool, their bods sweated up from the lust of the moment. Hans felt so hot pumping in and out slowly. Never in his wildest dreams he would have thought he'd be fucking an almost eighteen year old guy. At times he would reach up and grab hold of Troy's pink nips and give them a few tugs. Troy returned the action and even ventured to pull along Hans' dark blonde trail.


"No good, Hans?"

"Oooh it feels so hot! Never had that done to me before."

Troy decided to go further and take his armpit hair in both hands and tug on it. He got the same reaction or maybe even more groans of ecstasy. He alternated during the whole sweet fucking, playing with all of Hans' bod, sometimes pinching his nips or the rim of his bellyhole. All of it translated to hot pleasure.

No way that Perry could fall asleep standing. Everytime his bod wanted to, he would sag in his bondage and be awakened instantly from the tiebacks grinding into his wrists. As the room became lighter and lighter, it dawned on him that David and Strom slept in each other's arms all night. This made the tired man angry.

"Hey! Hey David! Wake up!"


"David! Get your fuckin' ass up and let me go!"

This stirred David and Strom awake, but more the master than the slave at the words spurting from Perry's lips.

"What the fuck you say, boy?"

"I'm 'not' your boy and I fuckin' don't want any part of this! Either you give me equal time or kick your slutboy-Strom out!"

"I really don't think you're in any way, shape or form to be dictating orders to me, boy!"

"I'm not playing this game anymore, David. I'm serious."

David then realized Perry was indeed serious.


He untied Perry. He went for his clothes, putting on his briefs, pants and just throwing his shirt on, but not buttoning up. He hurried out of the room and out of the house in his bare feet, carrying his socks and shoes.

"Hey, I'm sorry David."

"Not your fault, Strom. Listen, just make some coffee and then join me in the shower."

"Okay David. I mean Sir."

"Nah.. just make it David for now."


Strom gave David a quick peck on the cheek. David smiled and then they parted for their destinations.

The elevator doors opened and David walked into his office. There, someone sat in a chair in front of his desk.

"Good morning, David. Um, I let myself in."

"Next time you wait outside until I get here."

That's not the response Evan Swift thought he would hear. His perception of David McDougal had been a 'nice guy'.


"So, you sold two dollars and fifty cents of merchandise last month, eh Evan?"

"Yes. Only because I had a bad cold and it lasted for a while then I had to loan my car to my mom to..."

"Wait. I thought you said your car was in need of repairs."

"Oh! Oh yeah, David, well after she brought it back."

"I should fire you right now."

"Fire me? You can't do that."

"Show me the doctor bills."

"I... I forgot to ask for a receipt."

"Tell me the doctor's name. I'll call him now to verify it."

"Sure.. Um... Doctor Benz..."

"Hello imformation? Give me the number of a Doctor Benz. Thank you."

David begns to dial it. Evan starts shrinking in his chair.

"Um, forget that. I... I really wasn't sick... I..."

Hanging up the phone, David sits there with his hands folded on his desk.


"Hey, my friend came in from Canada. I couldn't tell him that I had to work. We had to do stuff together."

"And your car?"

"Okay... there's nothing wrong with my car."

"I see. Thank you for 'finally' being honest."

"So, you're not going to fire me, David?"

David sat there looking at the pathetic fool. Actually he thought the thirty-one year old to be incredibly handsome, even though he had a plump belly on him. Usually only fit guys turned him on.

"How long have you been with the company Evan?"

"About nine years."

"You like your job?"

"Sure I do."

"Then how come you aren't doing it?"

"I try David, really?"

"From now on you will refer to me as Sir."

"Yes... um.. Sir."

"So, you're interested in keeping your job?"

"I need to."


"You see, I've accumulated a lot of credit card debt."

"Hmm.. well, I've got one more debt to add to your credit card."

"I don't read you, Sir."

David opens his desk draw and brings out a set of papers.

"Here, fill these out."

"What is this? Timbercreek Fitness Camp?"

"Yes, I think you need something to straighten your life out before you get fired."

"You mean you 'are' serious about firing me?"

"Oh yes. That is unless you agree to go to camp with me this summer."

"With you?"

"Yes. You and I will work to build up your character. Develop some responsibility."

"Oh shit! Ten grand?"

"That's right. I'm making you a wager."

"A wager? Like a bet, David?"

"Exactly. You charge that to your credit card. If you make it through the eight weeks then I'll pay off the ten grand, plus whatever you have charged on that credit card. You give in, then you're stuck with the bill."

"But there's like thirty thousand on it."

"Fill out the papers, Evan."

"Do I have time to think about it?"

"Sure. By the time it takes me to go to the jon and take a piss and come back."


"Be right back."

David walked out of his office. Closing the door, he grinned. Another desperate man. He felt great. By then his secretary had arrived.

"Glenn, I'll be back in a few. Got a nature call."

"Yes, Sir and oh, Mr. Du Bois called and would like to see you."

"Call him back and tell him to go to hell!"

"Oooh, oh yes, Sir. Rightaway, Mr. McDougall."

Again David grinned and kept right on to the jon. He keyed the door and entered, locking it behind him. Approaching the urinal he unzipped and drew out his hardened eight inches. The stream of yellow hit the urinal wall. He grinned when he heard the door keyed.


"Oh, is that you, Perry?"

"Oh shit! What the fuck you doing David?"

"Sorry, Perry... I must've missed the urinal!"

There Perry stood with David's piss dripping down the front of his pants; beltline to his feet.

"You did that on purpose, David! Why?"

"Because you're a loser, Perry. You want something so bad, but you're too chicken to go after it."

David stood there, zipped up and washing his hands.

"Just what is your game, David."


"You're acting like your the big shit around here and..."

"Listen, fuck! You're one of the worst excuses for an area manager around here. I told you yesterday you're a fuckin' wimp and that if you don't get your act together..."

Suddenly the door knob jiggled.

"Good morning boys."

"Oh, hello Mr. Tipton."

Mr. Tipton, the CEO, totally ignored Perry, except for the piss staining the front of his suit pants.

"Couldn't hold it, DuBois?"

"Um.. little accident, Sir."

"McDougal, I want to see you in my office when you're through there," Tipton spoke, while tinkling.

"Yes, Mr. Tipton. As soon as I take care of one detail."

"I mean 'now', McDougal."

"And I need to take care of a small detail, so I'll report to your office when I get there."

Tipton looked at David in the mirror. He kept his cool composure. DuBois was sure this would 'bye-bye' for David.

"Very well, McDougal. You take care of your business and I'll see you when you arrive."

"Yes, Mr. Tipton."

Before Tipton leaves, he says, "DuBois, get yourself cleaned up. You're a disgrace to the company and David?"

"Yes, Mr. Tipton?"

"How do you take your coffee?"

"Cream, sir."

Perry begins wetting paper towels and cleaning himself off.

"So, Perry, what is it that you wanted to see me about?"

"Forget it, David... just forget it."

David leans against the sink, watching Perry dowse his pants with the wet paper towels.

"Clean the floor while you're at it, Perry."

"Leave it to the janitors. That's their job."

"I said for 'you' to do it."

"Listen, David..."

"No, you listen, Perry. I'm not putting up with anymore of your shit. You embarrassed me last night in front of Strom. You don't know how pissed that made me."

"Well, that's why I came here."

"You got my message from Glenn?"

"Yes, I busted his ass for saying such a thing to me."

"You what?"

"Well, he should have more manners than to..."

"Perry, I've had it will you!"

"No, David... come on. I..."

"Crying again, Perry?"

"David, I'm sorry. That's what I wanted to tell you. I just want to ask for another chance."

"Yeah, then you're going to wimp out again on me. How many chances am I supposed to give you?"

"David. Please. You're the only friend I've got. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"Hmm... then clean the floor."

Perry goes to the towel dispenser.

"Not with those."

"Then what?"

"Your tongue."

"My tongue? Fuck that, David!"

"Yeah, just what I thought Perry. You're a real welcher. Your word is as good as shit!"

"David, wait... give me another chance."

"One last chance, Perry. You be at my place tonight at seven and you better be serious."

David slams the door as he leaves. Then grins.

"Eric, go to Hans' bunk and tell him we're going for a jog." "Okay, Chuck."

Eric, clad only in a pair of gym shorts, socks and sneakers, exits the bungalow and reports to the bunkhouse.



"What is it boy?" Hans asks.

"Um.. Chuck says he's going for a jog and wants to know if you'll join him?"

"Tell him I'll think about it and if you ever report to my quarters without knocking, I'll tan your hide!"

"Yes.. um Sir."

Eric runs as fast as he can back to Chuck.

"What's the matter?"

"Hans... he... he said if I didn't knock on his door to his quarters he's going to tan my hide!"

"Haa ha ha haaa... eh, don't worry about it. Is he joining us?"

"That's another thing. I think him and Troy slept together last night!"

"So? You slept with me."

"But Troy's only seventeen!"


"Doesn't that bother you?"

"No. I'm sure Troy's old enough to make his own decisions. Why? Does it bother you?"

"A little."

"Why? You feel some kind of affection for him?"

"Like you would understand."

"Hey, c'mon Eric. I do understand. I told you about my experiences."

Chuck sits on the bed next to Eric.

"I know, Chuck. It's just that."

"So, you two had some quality time together. You're still friends, right?"


"You feel you want to be together as lovers?"

"No, nothing like that."

"That's good."


"Heee heee.. only because I like how we spent our evening."


"Hey, if you don't like me, I can."

"What? Get somebody else?"

"Nah. I really like you."

"You do?"

"Yeah. That's why I want to spend the summer with you."


"You ready for that jog?"

"What about Hans?"

"Hell with him. Let's just make it you and me."


Eric and Chuck head out of the bungalow, throwing their tee shirts on as they go.


"Yes, Troy?"

"Why were you mean to Eric?"

"You want everybody walking in on us?"


"Then I have to set it straight for whoever does."

"I guess."

"You and Eric are good buddies, still?"


"I tell you what."


"I'll tell Eric that I am sorry, later. That make you happy?"

"You don't have to do that."

"I will only if you want me to."

"No. Don't worry about it."

"You want to go for a jog now?"

"No, not really. I want to finish sucking your cock!"

"Jog can wait!"

"Mr. Tipton is on the phone. He'll be right with you Mr. McDougall."

"Thank you. I didn't see you the last time I came up to the office."

He stood, "I'm Nick Farrar and I'm happy to meet you Mr. McDougall."

"Well, the pleasure's mine and call me David. That is when we're one on one."

"Oh, I get your message there, David."

"Where were you before you came to work for us?"

"Clerical work for the government."

"Hmm, impressive."

"Thank you. I've always looked for a challenge and when I interviewed with Mr. Tipton, he liked what he saw."

"Can't say I blame him."

Nick blushed at the thought.

"Oh, Mr. Tipton is off the line. Wait here, please."

In five seconds, Nick returned.

"You may go in now, David."

"Thanks and it's been a pleasure talking with you, Nick."

"Likewise, David."

"Mr. Tipton."

"David, come in and please call me Lloyd. Have a seat. I'll be right back."

He sticks his head out the door.


"Yes, Mr. Tipton?"

"Will you see what's holding up our refreshments?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And when they get here, you will join us."

"Thank you Mr. Tipton."

Nick makes his call, which was unecessary, since the goods show up.

"Whew! The traffic. You wouldn't believe, Nick."

"I was just calling you. The boss got a little anxious. That's all, Joe."

"Well, everything is there."

"Okay. I just have to lay it out on the tray."

Joe helps Nick.

"Nick, you interested in hanging out with the guys and I tonight?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, not at all, Joe. It's just that I'm not the circuit guy you are. No offense."

"I understand, Nick. Just thought you might want to get loose tonight."

"Thanks just the same Joe and thanks for helping me here...Oh, here's the tip the boss left."

"A fifty? Wow!"

"I'll be talking with you."

"Later, Nick."

Nick knocks and then wheels the cart of coffee, pastries, real china plates and silverware.

"Ah, here we go. Thank you Nick."

"You're welcome, Mr. Tipton."

"Nick, do you have your laptop?"

"It's on my desk. I'll be right back."

While Nick is out, the two chat about him.

"Nick is a fine employee."

"Seems to be very efficient and a nice man."

"He is. Sometimes a little too energetic for me."

"I like his attitude and he's a real go getter."

"All set Mr. Tipton."

"Very well. Nick, help yourself to the coffee and pastries."

"Thank you, Sir, but I have to watch the waistline."

David had no problem watching Nick's waistline!

"So, shall we get down to business. David, you're division has prospered in the last ten months, showing incredible sales."

"Thank you, Lloyd."

"Well, I think it shows the hard work you put in and compared to the other divisions..."

While Lloyd is laying out all the accolades, David keeps glancing over at Nick. The speed at which he types into that laptop is incredible, but so are his looks! He figures Nick can't be too much older than himself.

"So, David, I've decided to make you my 'so to speak', right hand man."

"Lloyd, I'm indeed honored to be offered that position, however."

"Oh, but we haven't talked salary or benefits, have we?"


Suddenly Mr. Tipton got a bit clammy, rubbing his hands together as if to keep them warm.

"Your office will be just down the hall from me, shall we take a look?"

"Lead the way."

Nick very efficiently uprooted himself from the chair and carried his laptop along with him. David followed Lloyd and Nick brought up the rear. Even though Tipton talked as he went, David would turn on occasion and look for Nick, as if he wanted to make sure he kept up with them. A couple of times they locked eyes and David smiled. Nick returned it.

"Well, what do you think David?"

David walks in and looks around.

"A bit antiquated."

"We can have it remodeled with all new furnishings, if you would like?"

"Hmm... and where's my second choice?" "Second choice?"

"Yes, you know. My second choice for an office?"

"Oh, but the only other office is off of the executive suite and.."

"I'll take a look at it."

Mr. Tipton was kind of flabberghasted and David knew this. He also knew that if Tipton offered to spend big bucks to remodel that dingy office, there must be something to all this big move up the ladder.

Nick caught David's ear on the way out to the elevators.

"Sly move, David!"

"It's not the only one I've got up my sleeve, Nick!"

Exiting at three floors up, it seemed like day and night. Everything was of contemporary design. As they walked into the left hallway, they came face to face with the chair of the board.


"Mr. Chekov, I'd like you to meet David McDougall, our new senior member of divisional services."

"Yes, I've heard about this young man. Welcome aboard, David."

"Thank you Mr. Chevkov."

"Please, call me Alex."


"So, Tipton, I hope you're treating David well?"

"Yes, Sir. In fact I thought it might be possible to let David use the free office on this floor?"

"Well.. ahem! We were going to give to Lattimer, but... well sure, come David let's see what you think of it."

Every office had a glass wall in the front. The nosy ones looked to see whom the upper class of the firm were walking with. Nick had a sense of importance about him, never having been on this floor, nor escorted by the influential.

"How do you like it, David?"

"A definite improvement over the dump Lloyd offered me!"


"Alex, I offered him the only office I had."

"Shame on you. You should have brought David straight up here!"

David liked the fight Alex had in him. For an older gentleman, maybe pre-forties, he had some build. What really set him off was the dark beard, closely cropped and the very professional manner in which he conducted himself.

"By the way, Alex, nice suit. Mind divulging the men's shop you bought it from?"

"Why thank you David. Not at all. In fact, it's lunch time. Why don't you come for some lunch with me?"

"I'd be delighted, Alex."

"Lloyd, you'll make sure the phone is in good working order, as well as informing operations that David will be occupying this office?"

"That I will sir."

"Oh, there is one more thing."


"Out here, I think the hall space is just large enough for a desk and chair behind it... yes, possibly one of those dividers, like on the first floor. Maybe hijack one of Lloyd's palm trees and run a phone line. Yes, this will be perfect."

All ears were open for the punchline.

"I think you lost me, David."

"Well, Alex, you don't expect Nick to sit on the floor, do you?"


"Yes. Nick Farrar. My new secretary."

Silence prevailed, as Alex and Lloyd looked at each other. Nick and David swapped glances.

"Why not! Lloyd, see to it that all of David's specifications are met."

"Yes, Sir."

"We'll be gone for the rest of the afternoon, Lloyd."

"As will my secretary, Lloyd."

"Your secretary, huh?"

Alex looked Nick up and down.

Very well. I know what I'm going to hear from the others, but bring him along!"

Lloyd went back to his office. He kicked Nick's desk on the way there. Here he had spent soooo many hours interviewing for the cutest secretary and he's stolen right out from under his nose!

Josh had just returned from his class at noon. A light blinked on the telephone.

'Wonder who that could be.' He thought, then listened.

"Mr. Jacks, this is the principal of Coorsville High School. There's been a slight accident and your friend is at county general. Please come at once."

"What? Brian hurt?"

He grabbed his keys, then remembered to grab some shorts and a tee, picked up his sneakers and ran out to the car. Speeding down the road, a cop picks up the scent.

"Oh shit!"

The cop comes up to the car.

"License, registration?"

"Look, my friends hurt in the hospital. I got a call to get there right away.... please? I have to get there!"

"Here, follow me!"

What a lucky break Josh thought. The cruiser pulled ahead of his, lights blazing like a disco and the sirens blaring. Josh thought he was going fast, well, he never drove this fast in all his life!

Arriving at the emergency room, he ran in. The cop stuck something on the window of Josh's car and walked fast in thru the sliding doors.

"Where's Brian Chancellor?"

A snooty male nurse asks, "And who are you?"

"Graham, cut the fuckin' crap and tell him where his friend is!"

Josh turned to his right and the cop stood there.

Pissed, he answered, "Room 217".

Josh poked for the elevator no less than sixteen times. He and the cop entered and the door closed.

"Thanks for helping me."

"That's what I'm here for."

"You're the nicest policeman I've ever met."

"I hope it was under good terms."


"So, he your boyfriend?"

Looking at him, Josh admitted the fact.


"Too bad. I was going to ask you out for a beer. Oh well."

They got out and hightailed it down the hallway. The door opened and there lay Brian.

"Brian! Bri! What happened?"

"Ooooh, some stupid kids fighting. I tried to break it up and well."

"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah... just got busted up a little."

"What's wrong?"

"Not much.. Just got slugged around."

"You mean some kids beat on you?"


"You tell me their names and I'll make sure they get what's coming to them, Brian!" The cop says.

"Who's this?"

"Oh, Brian, this is... what is your name anyway?"

"I'm Officer Greg Chancellor."

"Chancellor? That's my name!"

"No kidding. I wonder if we're related?"

"Might be."

So, the next hour was taken up with the three in conversation.


"Not used to jogging, huh Eric?"


"You've got to use aerobics. Breathe deeply through your nose and let it out your mouth."

"Not so tough."

"Do that while your running. Ready to start up again?"

"Yeah, sure."

"We'll jog over to the kitchen and see if Ben and Gerry are there."

"They your friends."

"Yeah, the camp owners. See what they can offer you."

"I really appreciate this."

"Ah it's nothing. Just trying to keep you off the battlefield this summer!"

"And fresh for your evening entertainment?"

"Haa ha hah aaaa.. yeah!"

"Catch me, Chuck!"

Eric began running and Chuck momentarily got left in his tracks. He was no challenge for him and he caught up to Eric in a minute. As he did, Chuck grabbed Eric around the waist.


"Heee he heeee.. thought you could outrun me, huh?"

The thirty-five year old backed Eric up against a large tree. He closed in on his lips and began sweetly kissing him. Then he broke his embrace.

"C'mon, Eric. I know a place down the road."

This time, their jog amounted to something more than exercise. Eric strove to keep up to the man who has swept off his feet since yesterday morning.

"In here."

"What is this?"

"The infirmary, but the doc doesn't come in til next week."

They entered the dark office and then through another door to a group of beds. Chuck tilted the blinds til they were shut. Then he turned and found Eric standing there with his shirt stripped. He eyed up the thick brown pelt of hair in the middle of his chest and the dark trail running down to his navel and then disappearing into his shorts. He wanted Eric like no man in his life.

As he approached, he stripped off his own shirt and threw it on one of the beds. Lifting Eric's chin, he placed his lips and then brought him into his folding arms. Eric thought he would be going for Chuck's zipper first, but quite the opposite, Chuck reached down for Eric's beltline, while rubbing his face in his hairy midchest. Suddenly a strange, wanting desire came over him and he fell to his knees, quickly stripping down Eric's shorts and pulling his lowrise briefs down. All at once he swallowed Eric to his hairy pubes. At first his semi-soft cock reached down his gullet and it didn't take much to make it hard. He pulled out to the head and then swirled his tongue around it, massaging the hardened member.

Eric moved back, pulling his cock out of Chuck's mouth.

"What tha?"

He laughed, moving towards the bed, peeling the covers down and climbing in. While he watched Chuck undo his shorts and strip them down, followed by his boxers, he kicked his sneakers off and his socks as well. Chuck crawled up on the bed, spread the eighteen year old's legs and then continued where he left off, working the young guy's phallus. Eric had never feel such a hot tongue on his crotch. When Chuck began sucking his balls, he reached to the top of the bed and grabbed the bars, arching his back and groaning profusely. Forget it when Chuck found his way under Eric's balls!

Evan stuck his head out of David's door.

"Um, excuse me, but is Mr. McDougal coming back soon?"

"You still here?"

"Yeah. He said he was going to the jon and that was an hour ago."

"What's your name?"

"Evan Swift."

"Swift? I don't think you're in his book."

"No, I know I'm not. You see, I..."

"Excuse me a moment."

Evan waited while Glenn answered the phone.

"Oh shit!"

"What's the matter?"

"I just found out I'm not David's secretary anymore."


"Yeah. He just got promoted."

"I thought when a division manager is promoted, the secretary goes along with it."

"Apparently not!"

"Hey, I'm sorry about that."

"Thanks Evan."

"So, what do you do?"

"I just wait until the new guy shows up."

"You want to grab a coffee while you're waiting?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Bummer this should happen to you."

"Yeah and I've been here only about a half year."

"What's your name?"

"I didn't introduce myself?"


"Glenn Travers."

"Nice to meet you Glenn."

"You know, I think I need something stiffer than a coffee."

"Then how about we go get some lunch. I know a nice bar and grill."

"Yeah, good. Let's just get out of here."

They talked as Evan led Glenn to the parking garage and then sped out of there.

"Thanks Evan for doing this."

"No problem. In fact, we could go to my place. It's even closer."

"That'd be okay. No trouble, is it?"


The car pulled into a security guarded area.



"I didn't know a salesman made this kind of dough."

"I freelance on the side."


"Yeah. Photography."

"That was a hobby of mine once."

"Oh really?"


They find their way into Evan's abode.

"What will you have to drink, Glenn?"

"Something strong."

Something strong had been Evan's intentions. This wouldn't be the first guy from Quadtrillion Software that Evan had offered to a drink to, at his condo!

"Don't bend those bars, Eric."

"Oooh the way you're treating me they should be melting!"

"I love the taste of teen ass."

"Hey, I'm eighteen. Isn't that a man?"

"Yeah, pardon me!"

"I've never had anybody lick my ass before. Feels real awesome, Chuck."

"Tell you the truth Eric, never licked an ass before. In fact, never gave any guy a blowjob."


"Yeah, ain't it pathetic? Hee heee."

"Oh, but you are so good at it. You tongued my shaft like a professional."

"Hey, I've had it done enough times to be able to imitate it!"

"You are good, trust me."

"I do trust you, Eric. That's why I'm going to let you take my cherry!"

"You... you've never been fucked?"

"Nope. Been a total top."

"Then why are you saying that?"

"Why? I don't know why. Maybe it's because I feel your something special to me?"

Chuck lay there on his belly, moving Eric's shaft around in his fingers. Often he would blow his breath around it.


"Yeah, Eric?"

"Are you like falling for me?"

He looked down at the bed and then lifted his head.

"Yeah, I am."

"I feel the same way."

"You do?"

"Yes. Can you come up here and hold me?"

"You bet, Eric."

Chuck not only held Eric in his arms, but reached down between them and held both of their hard shafts in his hand, playing with them gently.

"You really want me to take your cherry Chuck?"

"Whever you're ready."


"How do you want me?"

"Oh your back, so I can play with your chest."

"Sounds hot, Eric."

Quickly falling to his back, Chuck moved into place. He knew he had a tight ass and Eric a fairly well developed specimen, but he wanted this to happen. Like Eric, Chuck grabbed the bars of the bed, above his head.

"Ready for this 'teen man' to take your cherry, Chuck?"


"Got eight thick inches to shove up your chute."

"Um.. gulp.. let it rip!"

"Feel the head of my shaft at your puckerhole, Chuck?"

"Yeah. Shove it all the way in Eric... I think!"

Using the leaking precum from Chuck's shaft, Eric slimed his own up. He applied some to Chuck's anal opening and warmed it up with his fingers.

"No... no fingers. Just take me."

"Going to bust your cherry wide open, Chuck."

"Okay... do it babe!"

Eric tried moving forward, but found Chuck's hole was a real tight one.

"C'mon Eric... bust it!"

"I'm trying.. you're real tight Chuck."

"If it don't fit, force it! Dammit, take me!" "If you insist!"

Moving his knees forward, but hanging back, Eric held his hand around his barrel. He counted to himself, '3.. 2.. 1!'

Chuck screamed in pain like he's never done in his whole life. He got some instant flashbacks to guys that he's experienced consensual torture with and could sense their pain.

After some moving in and out, Eric had impaled Chuck with his full eight inches, pulling on his nips for leverage.

"Ooooh... ooooooooh...oooh Eric.. oooh.. yeah fuck me, babe... fuck me...ooooooh."

Chuck never thought he would let another man dominate him, but here, a guy seventeen years younger than him, took his ass and he surrendered completely to his will. Whenever he moved his hand to stroke his cock, Eric brushed it away saying, "bad boy!"

His prostrate was being massaged and he wanted to blow his load so bad, but he knew when he gave his ass away, he'd be giving the right to touch his cock, too!

"Feels so good, Eric."

"Time to start speeding up the action."

"Nooooo please... just keep filling me up... oh man... want to feel you inside me all day."

"Oh yeah, baby!" Eric imitated Chuck.

Copyright 2005 T. Luke McPhee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, discombobulated, rewritten, redistributed or regurgitated, without the author's consent.

Next: Chapter 3

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