Timber Creek Fitness Camp

By T. Luke McPhee

Published on Apr 30, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law, so click on the bellybutton below and it will take you out of here.


"Timber Creek Fitness Camp" 03 (M/M oral anal bdsm)

Created by T. Luke McPhee

Soon Glenn lay on the sofa, completely passed out from the drinks Evan fed him. He reached into Glenn's back pocket and retrieved his wallet. He searched through it til he came to Glenn's driver's license.

'Oh cool! A twenty-five year old!' Evan said out loud.

Taking Glenn under his arms, he dragged him along the slick wooden floor to his bedroom. After setting up a video cam on a tripod, he stripped Glenn down.

'Oooh what a hot bod you've got, Glenn... oh man, going to make plenty off of you!'

Evan ran his hand all over Glenn's lightly hairy chest and followed the trail down his stomach. He waited til he stripped Glenn of his pants and briefs before making an assessment of the rest of his 'wares'!

'Not a bad cock. Could be longer, perhaps when you're real hard!'

Being a master of his craft, Evan stripped down and after switching the cam on, got into bed with Evan. He made sure his face wasn't seen, but flaunted Glenn's. He made all kinds of grunting sounds, moving the bods around. After about an hour of this play, he put Glenn back in his clothes and dragged him back out to the sofa and lay his head on the pillow, feet up on the cushion.

"Ooooh Troy. You are something."

"You know what Hans?"


"I don't know if I should be telling your this, but I really like you."

"You do?"

"But I really, really like you."

"Please, Troy. Don't let yourself do this."

"Do what?"

"Don't get serious."

"I thought... I thought you liked me."

"I do, but..."

"Never mind, Hans."

Troy got up, grabbed his shorts and shirt and bailed out.

All Hans could say is, 'fuck' and threw the pillow over his head.

  • "Order whatever pleases you, Nick."

"How come they don't have prices on the menu?" Nick asks.

"Haa ha ha haaaa... Oh David, you better school your secretary here."

"Nick, they don't have prices because they want you to enjoy your meal and then give you indigestion when you get the bill!"

"Haa ha ha ha haaa.. oh we have got to go out to lunch more often, David."

Nick asks, not even worrying about the 'Mr.', "So, Alex, what did you mean by you're going to 'hear it from the others' about taking me to lunch with David?"

"I said that because I've never had anybody take their secretary to lunch with them and when the other secretaries see it happening, they are going to ask their bosses why 'they' don't get to go to lunch with me.. us, I mean."

David states bluntly, "Well, why not? They work just as hard as you or I, Alex!"

"You know you two are the most amazing two gentlemen I've ever dined with? I haven't had 'anyone' stand up for what they would like to tell me to my face. Usually they're worried about kissing my ass. I'm going to be keeping my eye on you two."

Another blunt remark from David, "You can't monitor us in bed, unless you're there, Alex!"

"David!" Nick remarks.

"Hey, Nick I've done my homework, too!"

Alex offers "So, David, I guess you know I'm gay, too?"

"Not until you just told me, Alex!"

"Oh shit... no!"

"Don't worry about it. It'll be our secret, right Nick?"

"Sure, how can we go fink on a man who's going to take us out to lunch like this once a week?"

"Oh you two are bad...soooo bad. Maybe that's why I like you so much. Sure we'll go out to lunch once a week and then the three of us will head over to David's house for some after dinner cocktails!"

Neither of the three protested against Alex's idea.

"By the way, Alex. I know either you or Lloyd will be thinking about my replacement."

"Lloyd handles that."

"May I make a suggestion that possibly you can pass along to him?"

"Hmm... suggestion or an order?"

"I'd prefer the latter."

"Go ahead. Humor me. Whom is it?"

"Glenn Travers, my secretary."

"Your secretary? How would he have the qualifications to handle your job?"

"Many reasons. One, he's been under my direction since he's been with the company, two, he knows all of the business that the Southwestern division manager curtails, three, he knows all the sales rep and clients and four, he's a hell of a top in bed!"

"Hmm.. he is, is he? I'd picture you a top yourself, David?"

"I am?"

"Then how did you find out that he's a good top, eh?"

"Because we've both topped Southeast division manager!"

Nick and Alex say at the same time, "Strom Norgard?"

"Yeah, a hot bottom. Behaves himself like a nice 'boy' should, plus is a glutton for punishment!"

"Oh yeah!" Alex says, excitedly. "Maybe we should go to lunch everyday!"

David replies, "Oh, are we all going to halfday shifts?"

"Oh, didn't think of that, David. Hee hee.. throw the company into a monetary fiasco!"

Nick suggests, "But if we had lunch every Friday, then we could let our play runover into the weekend."

"David, is your Glenn Travers as bright as this secretary?"

"Why do you think I'm recommending him for the job?"

They trade glances.

"Oooooh.. oooh my head..." Glenn groaned.

Evan just sat in the other chair, the remote in his hand, ready to put the video tape on display for Glenn.

"There's coffee on the table for you."

"Ooooh thanks."

After Evan thought Glenn was sober enough, he set his plan into action.

"Got a video I thought you might like to watch, Glenn."



Pointing the remote towards the open cabinet, he pushed a button. Evan watched Glenn as he watched the video.

"Hey, that guy looks familiar."

"He should be. It's you."


"Yeah. You're such a hot lover, Glenn."

"But... Hey wait a minute... you didn't!"

"Yeah. Was fun too. You have such a nice body too."

"But why?"

"Why? The money. I figured a thousand to start and then a thousand a month."

"You mean pay you?"

"Yeah. Nice way to do business, huh?"

Was Evan in for a surprise!

Glenn jumped up from the sofa, tore into Evan, watching him pass out from a punch to the jaw. He didn't see it coming and never knew what hit him. This is one guy Evan would have wished he passed up!

"Hey, you're looking good, Milo."

"You too. How come you don't call me anymore, Kenny?"

"Hey, I'm working two jobs, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"Did you get it?"


"Your mail from Timbercreek?"

"Oh yeah.. yeah... got it, you, Kenny?"


"Cool! They give you a scholarship?"

"Yep, you?"


"Cool. That means we can go together, Milo!"

"We can take my car."

"Good idea, Milo. Mine is like almost ready for the junk yard."

The two college freshman have wanted to attend Timbercreek for years. Milo's brother, now in his mid twenties, had boasted about his experiences at Timbercreek when he was nineteen. Upon returning to college, his average soared upwards after the first semester. He would be proud of Milo when he learned of his acceptance at Timbercreek.

Hans finally took the pillow from his head. Sitting on the side of the bed, he scratched his balls and thought what an jackass he was. After all, Troy hadn't asked to come in, nor had been invited to come into his bed. No, he just plucked him up and carried him into his life. Now guilt began tearing at his mind. He got up, grabbed a pair of shorts, slipped on some sneakers and headed out the door. Looking around the outside of the bunkhouse, he didn't see the seventeen year old, so he walked around it, then out front to the bungalow. There Troy sat on the steps of the stairs leading to the porch of the bungalow. His arms were folded across his knees and his forehead rested on them.


"Get away. You've used me now just leave me alone."

"Used you? That what you think?"

"Yeah and you're going to be doing that all summer and then I'll just be a piece of trash for you to throw away."

"Troy, listen."

As Hans sat down next to Troy, he got up and left Hans sitting by himself. He ran off down the road. Hans jumped up and ran after him. When he caught up to Troy, he gained speed. Hans caught up to him again, but this time he stood still in front of Troy, causing him to run right into his chest.

"Hey.. just the fuck get outta my way!"

"No, you listen to me. I maybe an idiot."

"That's for sure."

"You never do anything wrong in your life, Troy?"

"Of course. Nobody's perfect."

"Maybe I do something wrong when I tell you that I like you."

"Well if you don't like me, then why did you force yourself on me?"

"Me? I gave you time leave, didn't I?"


"Listen, Troy, I would like to get to know you more. I do like you."

"But I more than like you, Hans."

"Troy, like you say, at the end of the summer I have to go back to Germany."

"That's not going to work for me. You can treat me just like any of the other guys, but don't ask me to come into your bed anymore."

Hans hung his head down in defeat, as Troy stepped around him and jogged off. He had wanted to make some kind of peace between the two of them, but had failed miserably.

"That my cellphone?"

"No, it's mine, Alex."

"I should be answering your calls, David." Nick apologized.

"I've got this one. Hello? Glenn, how are you? What? Swift? Where? I'll be right there."

"Trouble David?"

"Nothing I can't handle. By the way, maybe you two would like to see your first taste of action?"

"Now, David?" Alex asks.

"Well, I have a funny feeling about leaving you two alone!"

Nick complains, "Oh, that was low, David!"

"I've got to go. If you want to come along, alright."


"Yes, Alex?"

"You don't have a choice. Remember we came in my car?"

"Then we better get a move on it!"

The three exit the restaurant, without ordering a single bite. Alex apologizes to the matre'd, who is overly concerned about their 'emergency' and wishes them well. Nick just admires the guy's suit!

"Where are we headed, David?"

"To one of 'your' employee's houses."

"You mean a company guy?"

"Evan Swift."

"Swift?" Alex asks nervously.

"Seems he's been a very naughty boy!"

"Oh? What's this about?"

"Depends on what Glenn tells me."

"Wait, you mentioned Travers. What does he have to do with all this?"

"When I find out, you'll find out!"

Within a half hour, the limo pulls up to the security gate. David gets out and informs the guard that they are from the company Evan Swift is employeed by and they want to surprise him with a promotion. The guard is more than happy to let them through.

"Nice looking man."

Nick bravely suggests, "Just your type, Alex."

"You know you have a wise mouth Nick, but I like it!"

Alex pats nick on the thigh.

"Um, just keep your hands to yourself, Alex?"

"Haa ha ha haaaa... oooh, Nick, you better watch it. I might just have to promote you!"

David, even though his mind is on what Glenn has gotten himself into, pays attention Alex's interactions with Nick.

The three get out of the limo.

"Mr. Chekov?"

"Yes Dimitri?"

"Let me go with you?"

"Could get rough."


"Go find a parking place."

Nick waits outside as David goes in.

"David said to wait out here."

"I can't wait to find out what is happening!" Alex says, rubbing his hands together.

Dimitri parks and then heads towards the small porch where Nick and Alex are standing.

"Don't tell me, your lover?"


"Kind of cute."

"Dimitri, meet Nick who thinks you're kind of cute."

Dimitri greets the twenty-seven year old.

"Good to meet you Nick. Would you care to go back to the limo?"

"Why? I think Swift might have an extra room we can borrow!"

Just then David opens the front door.

"Come in and don't say a word."

The three follow David into the house. There, in the middle of the room, Evan sits, naked, in a wooden chair. His arms lie on the wooden armrests with his wrists tied down, ankles tied to the front legs. There's a pillowcase over his head, tied loosely around his neck.

"Gentlemen, Glenn has had the unfornate experience of being victimized by Mr. Swift. He's been drugged, stripped, dragged into bed and filmed, then awakened to find he needs to protect his image with bribes to be paid to Mr. Swift."

Alex walks over to Swift, reaches for the pillow and tears it off of his head.

"Alex, no!" David warns.

"So, you finally get caught redhanded, Swift!"

Glenn questions, "You know what's going on, Mr. Chekov?"

"Yes. I fell victim to Evan's scheme months ago and have been paying dearly for him to keep our secret. Now, what do we do about it?"

"I'll give you your money back, Mr. Chekov and the movies. I... ugh!"

Alex slaps Evan across the face, turning his head.


"Yes, Alex?"

"I thought you and Dimitri were going to find a spare bedroom."

"Um, yes."

"Then go find it."

"Sure. C'mon Dimitri."

The twenty year old follows Nick up the stairs of the townhouse.

"Now, David, let me put this situation into your hands. Let's say this is a trial to how you would handle a grave problem at the company. I place any means at your disposal, including corporal punishment!"

"Nooooo..." Evan protests.

David yells up the stairs, "Nick, don't get comfortable. We're going to my place!"

The two descend the stairs, shirts half undone, carrying their jackets, two ends of their neckties hanging down the front.

"Can't get any privacy!" Nick exclaims, joking.

"Don't complain, when you're going to get a free room for the night!"

"You mean weekend."

The five, plus Evan in shorts and a tee shirt, flood the limo and head on their way out of the living complex.

"Ooooh man, Eric. You are some hot fucker."

"I was too rough?"

"No. That's what I expected, but just the opposite."

"But you were screaming like hell!"

"Yeah. What a big baby I am, huh?"

"Hey, what did you expect when I shoved it up that pea-sized hole? It to tickle?"

"Haa ha ha haaaa...yeah, you and I are going to do real well this summer!"

"I was under the impression that you were going to be days in the hospital, Brian."

"What? Put up with that garbage they serve up disguised as food? I'd much rather be home enjoying one of your homemade cooked meals, Josh."

"Heee heeee... I guess I should take that as a compliment!"

"I'm just glad to be home where we can spend our time together, Josh."

"Oh, I got a call from your principal at school, a Mr. Jarvis?"

"Don't tell me. They want me in Monday morning!"

"No. He says the board approved your 'paid' leave of absence for the rest of the school year!"

"Oh, big deal! Two weeks!"

"Brian, did you apply for leave?"


"Then don't complain. Besides, between classes, I'll get to wait on you!"

"Hmm.. guess there are benefits to being on leave!"

"Besides, I have to get you well for Timbercreek."

"That's right! Oh man... can you imagine if I can't go?"

"You mean if 'we' can't go?"

  • "Where's the bedroom, David?"

"The spare is 'that way', Nick. Glenn, why don't you take Evan down to the basement and make him 'uncomfortable'?"

"My pleasure."

"Shall I help him, David?"

"No Alex. You and I still need to draw up some job specifications in the bedroom!"

Alex smiled at the proposition David made. No doubt that he figured David is going to go 'far' in the company!


Copyright 2005 T. Luke McPhee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, discombobulated, rewritten, redistributed or regurgitated, without the author's consent.

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