Time for Discovery

By Herman Hurley

Published on Jan 22, 2002


The usual disclaimers - underage, if offended by honest and true emotions and sex between 2 consenting males then don't read. This 1st installment as with all future installments is true and based upon my personal experience. Person's names are all that have been changed to protect the LUCKY participants - BIG GRINS THERE.

College - m/m, acts of mutual consent and desire.

A TIME OF DISCOVERY - (chapter 3)

It is 10:40 am and we are in front of Colefield House. Josh drives around to the back and finds a parking spot. Since it is a weekend there is no problem finding a parking spot. We were to find out that since we were to be members of the swimming team that we would have permanently assigned spots. Now that was going to be a nice perk and sure would avoid a lot of hassle. The assigned spots would be right on the same level as the pool and right next to it.

"Hey, we are going to be as hungry as horses by the time we are done here." comments Josh as he slides out of the drivers seat. At the same time, I am getting out of the passenger's side.

"Hadn't thought about that, but you are right. But for right now it is best that we are not in the water with really fully stomachs, don't you think?" I told him.

"Yeah, you're right Hermie" and he winks at me. I know that I blushed a little but I also know that I liked that wink. Could not help but wonder (the damned analytical side of me again) just how open Josh would be - how open he would be towards me around other people. Somehow I did not think that he would grab me and give me a deep throat kiss or anything. although if he did I knew in my heart that I would not do anything that would ever refuse or hurt his feelings. But with Josh, I got the feeling that intimacy with someone was a very private thing. Time would tell.

Just as we got to the door, Sam and Vinny both opened the double doors and yelled out "Hey Guys, about time you 2 got here. Did you have fun last night?" they asked with smug grins on their faces.

Josh and I looked at each other and then looked back at them. "Yeah, guess you could say that we did have a good time" Josh told them and grinned.

"Yup, sure did" was all that I said and grinned.

"Well, Vinny they are like 2 cats who have just swallowed some goldfish. Just purring and not saying anything - not details no nothing" and then Sam just chuckled. And with that, He just patted me on the back and we walked on to the locker rooms to get dressed for the pool. Or I should say to get undressed for the pool.

When we got into the locker room, we noticed that the guys were wearing their speedos. I turned to Sam and said "Suits today?". So Sam asked one of the guys what was up with the speedos. He said that the coach wanted to take some group pictures before we actually started practice.

Since neither Josh or I had brought any speedos, we turned to Sam and Vinny and asked them if they had any spares we could borrow.

Vinny said "Well Josh, I think we can take care of you pretty well but I have seen Hermie in the showers - now that is another matter." and lets out with a loud whistle and a big grin. I blushed beet red at that point. Both Sam and Vinny checked their speedos and brought us a couple. By the time they had brought us the speedos, I was down to my briefs. Sam handed me a blue speedo and said "See if this will do."

Even though I had been watching Josh take off his clothes, something which I never got tired of watching, I had not sprung a woody - THANK GOODNESS ! I slid the speedo up my legs and when it got to my butt and hips, I gave it an extra tug and it tightly moved over my butt. But in front I had to do some tucking, After a couple of attempts, I finally got myself situated in front and at least barely covered. My pubes were definitely showing though. I knew from seeing the bodies of the other swimmers that at some point that I would be shaving my pubic area. But for now my speedo had a crown of pubic hair above it. I wondered if that would be a problem for the picture, didn't know but guess I would find out later.

"Damn man...you are built like a stallion." and that comment brought some color to my face. There stood Sam openly staring at my body and especially at my crotch which was rather snugly stuffed into that speedo. Then Vinny lets out a low whistle and grins.

"Ok guys showtime is over and we gotta get out to the pool" Josh said and started walking out of the locker room. No matter now many times I have seen his backside in motion, I have never tired of watching his muscles ripple beneath his skin. He is one fine looking guy and then thoughts of last night flashed through my mind. I had been given Josh's virginity - now I stress given. I did not ask him to, but he had wanted to give me something that he had never given anybody else. I felt my chest move in and out with a couple of real deep breaths. Then I realized I had better break out of this daydream before I got a total raging hardon. Now that would not do, in my estimation for this picture taking session. Of course we were doing one of those beefcake calendars. At that thought I had to smile to myself.

The coach leaned his head into the locker room and yelled out "All right you guys - it's time to get out here and get this picture taking done before we start practice. - GET A MOVE ON !"

At that everybody started moving on out to the pool. There were a couple of people at the pool with tripods and cameras on them. Plus there was another man with a large camera that he just carried in his hands. The coach just asked the photographers where they wanted us to be for the first few shots. The first shots were to take place with us side by side lined up all the way around the pool. The guys who had the large camera that was not on the tripod started taking off his clothes. At that there were a few whistles and cat calls from the guys on the team. After he got his shirt off, he just turned and smiled at all of us with a big grin on his face. He wasn't overly muscular but he was definitely defined. He had light blonde hair. Next, almost as if he was putting on a show, and I noticed the coach kind of chuckling - the photographer slowly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. After slipping his pants off, he stood there in his boxers and did a slight bow. That caused the guys on the team to clap and laugh. Then the guy got into the pool being very careful with his camera. We were then to line up side by side around the pool.

"Now I am going to take some sectional group shots and then individual shots of each of you - OK." And with that he went to the center of the pool and took 2 or 3 shots of each of the four sides. Next he went to each corner of the pool and did perspective shots showing 2 sides of the pool with the team standing. His last segment was to go to each member of the team and do a close up shot looking up at the swimmer. Quite a forceful and dominating pose to say the least. Think about it - seeing shots of these guys with the muscles of their legs emphasized and then right at the top of the legs sits their manhoods all nicely packaged in a tight fitting speedo. Then square on top the grin of a good looking jock. Now if that is not the making of somebody's fantasy. (Big Grin)

When he got around to me, he looked up and his eyes kinda went wide open. He was staring hard at the front of my speedo. Then before he starts snapping my pictures he looks up a gives me a wink with his left eyes. I just give him my best grin back, I mean after all this was going to be a picture - Right.

After he was done with my pictures, he took about 3 more guys and then he was done. He then put his camera on the side of the pool and shoved it more away from the pool. Then he moved to the end of the pool and climbed up the ladder. Seeing as how he had nothing on but some boxers and they were soaking wet, they were plastered to his body. It was not hard to notice that he had a raging hardon. He could have been straight, Bi, or Gay but he sure had a raging hardon. He looked down at himself and then turned around and looked at us all still standing around the pool.

"It's HARD WORK but somebody has to do it." and grins real big.

"No Problem buddy - no problem." Sam yells across the pool to him.

We were to a team shot with everybody standing closer together this time. We were at the end of the pool by the diving boards. As it turned out we were in 3 rows. Josh, Sam, and Vinny were in the 2nd row just in front of me. Plus we just happened to be in front of the olympic diving board. I was in back of Josh and just slightly to his right. Sam was on the right of Josh and Vinny was on the left of Josh. After a couple of minutes with the photographer giving us directions, he took a couple of shots from his tripod camera.

Without my having seen him, Josh had nodded to Sam and Vinny to move a little closer to him. The photographer was telling us to "pump-up" our bodies and grin big time. While he was talking to us, Josh slowly moved his right hand back towards my crotch, and grabbed ahold of me. I let out a soft gasp. As I started with my hands to grab his arm, Sam grabbed my right arm and held it while Vinny grabbed my left arm and held it. So I tried to move backwards and then realized I was right up against the column for the diving platform. Essentially I was trapped.

"What the hell are you doing Josh?" I said through clenched teeth. I was still trying to smile for the pictures. All the while, Josh was squeezing and rubbing my cock through the speedo I was wearing. To say that he was getting me aroused would be putting it mildly. I looked out of the corners of my eyes to see that Sam and Vinny were wearing the biggest SHIT-EATING GRINS you could imagine. I guess they were really enjoying how red my face was getting.

"Why Hermie.....do you ...aahhh...likes the attention?" Josh asks as he slightly turns his head and whispers back to me. He keeps on rubbing and squeezing and whispers "Yeah." Well I now had a raging hardon and thought I was going to pop out of the speedo.

"Stop it....damn it....you're embarassing me Josh." Truth be known, he was turning me on BIG TIME ! But this was a group picture of the swim team afterall. How would it look for me to be popped out of my speedo with my cock totally rigid and hard? Besides, if he kept it up, I was going to cum in a very short time. Involuntarily, well maybe voluntary to tell some of the truth, my hips were moving forward into what he was doing to me. But this had to stop !!!!!!

"Well guys, they are done taking the pictures. You can now slip off the speedos and get ready for practice." With that Josh let go of my crotch and Sam and Vinny let go of my arms. Everybody started to disperse and I glanced down at myself. I was still hard as a rock and just about popping out of my speedo.

"WOW GUYS ! Look at Hurley over there - something sure must have gotten to him." I don't know who it was that said that but my face got as hot as the surface of the sun. Then I noticed that several of the team members were looking in my direction and giving out with whistles. Then there came several more catcalls. By this time, I could have just sunk to the bottom of the pool.

"Coach - can I talk to you a minute?" I yelled out to the coach. I noticed Josh, Sam, and Vinny looking in my direction with questioning looks on their faces. I walked over the coach with my hands trying to hide what all the catcalls and whistles were about.

"What do you need Hurley?" the coach said as I approached him. I noticed that he was kinda puzzled looking as to why I was holding my hands down in front of me. Was he thinking that I was all of a sudden bashful or something? I just don't know what he was thinking.

"Coach - ..Can I ....aahhhh...leave now?" and I couldn't quite look him in the face.

"Why? Aren't you feeling well?" and looks straight at my face. "You do look quite flushed to tell you the truth. If you feel that you need to, go ahead and go. I want you to take care of yourself. You are one of my best prospects for a winning season and I want you in top form. So go back to your room and rest - OK." And with that he gives me a pat on the shoulder. I start walking out of the pool area; not bothering to look back towards any of the team. I just wanted out of there at that moment. I knew that I would be walking back to my room since Josh had driven us here.

"Hey .....Hermie...Where are you going?" I heard Josh call out as I was leaving. I stopped for just a second and then continued on. No way was I in the mood to talk to him right now. Was I mad, DAMN RIGHT I was !!!!! I liked Josh - I liked Josh a lot, but I did not walk to talk to him right now. I might say something stupid and regret it. So it was best for now, just to get out of there and get out of there as quick as possible. It did not take me more than 2 or 3 minutes to get dressed and I was on my walking. I realized that a few of my clothes were in Josh's Jeep but I would get those later. I needed this walk so that I could cool down and myself under control. Now some might say, what was the big deal. Well Josh had almost made me cum right there as they were taking pictures. Maybe he did not intend to make me have an orgasm but I know that I was dripping out the end of my cock. I kinda shuddered at the thought of how embarassing that would have been.

The walk back was good for me. It helped me to gain control of my anger at what I perceived at Josh's attempt to embarrass me. Maybe I had this wrong but I do darned well how close I was to an orgasm. Colefield House and the pool is about a mile from where the dorm room is, so it is a good little walk. When I got to the room, I sat down at my desk and just slumped. Josh and I had shared an amazing weekend and now this. But as the expression goes - SHIT HAPPENS !

Opening a book of my recent sketches, I looked at some of the work that was done from memory of Josh. This was not going to help so I just closed the book. Now What? I took off my shoes and socks deciding to just take a nap. I turned to my bunk and glanced down at the bottom bunk and could almost see Josh laying there. Damned ! All I could think about was him. Still I crawled up into my bunk, punched at my pillow and tried to go to sleep. Going to sleep was not going to be that easy as all I could see were images of Josh smiling that incredible grin of his. Eventually though I was able to nod off. Emotional stress and I guess anger, which I was feeling, can be drains on your energy.

"Wha..what is it?" I was mumbling. As I realized that I had fallen asleep and I looked over at the clock, it was around 6:30 p.m.

"Hermie, are you OK?" It was Josh trying to wake me up. Guess I fell asleep more soundly than I thought I would. I turned in my bed to see him standing there with Sam and Vinny. Neither one of them exactly had a big grin on their faces. Kind of unusual since they were always fun group of guys.

"What is it.....what do you want? Have you come back to the room for some more laughs?" and I just glared at them. Maybe I should not have been that harsh, but I was still pretty mad. I noticed that Josh just hung his head down and for one of the few times that I could remember he did not look me straight in the face. Sam and Vinny just stood there and their mouths made a downward movement on their faces.

"Look man....we were...aahhh....just kidding with you. We didn't know you would get so upset." Sam said kind of turning his head and looking from the side at me.

"Yeah Hermie, we think you are one way nice guy and we certainly don't want you mad at us." Vinny said next. He was looking at me also kind of shuffling his feet. "Can you at least let us say that we are sorry."

"Look guys, today was a totally embarrassing situation for me. Whether you meant to or not - IT WAS !! and I glared at all 3 of them again. "I am not in the mood to talk at all right now - GOT IT ! Besides, I have a lot to think about."

"What have you got to think so much about Hermie?" Josh asked. He raised his head a little but still not looking me quite square in the face.

"Well, if you gotta know Josh, I am wondering if I really do fit in. I mean was my reaction out of the ordinary. Just because you almost had me having cum dripping out of the end of my cock, I GUESS I SHOULD NOT BE REALLY MAD SHOULD I !!!!!!" I said shouting at him and meant it for Sam and Vinny also.

"That was not my thoughts, to make you cum. I just wanted to feel you up a little." and he did grin with that a little. I gave no security of a smile or any reaction to his statement.

"Josh..and I will say this with Sam and Vinny here, I find it difficult to breathe around you at times. Whether you realize it or not you have that kind of effect on me. And sometimes all you have to do is touch me and it SETS MY HORMONES OFF !" and I told him"Look at me ! Does it look like I am bullshitting you !"

Josh looks at me, not really grinning but not frowning with his mouth kinda wide open. But as I remember his eyes were penetrating mine and they were absolutely sparkling.

"Josh...you are one lucky assed fuck.....you know that don't ya?" Sam said and looked from me to Josh and back to me. Josh just kept staring at me with those sparkling eyes.

Vinny kind of coughed and said "This is getting intense, but you know what I am hungry and the dining halls are closed now. Anybody want to go to Town Hall for a pizza?" I guess he was just trying to slice through the tenseness that was in the air.

"What about it Hermie...do you want to go have a pizza?" asks Josh.

"Sorry guys.....but No. I have to think about whether I still want to continue on with this swim team or not. Maybe psychologically I am not cut out for it....OK."

"WHAT...WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Josh exclaims with his voice raised.

"You heard me ! I need time to think and I don't feel like going out to eat right now."

"Aahhh come on Hermie.......you can't be serious !!!" Vinny chimes in. "Everybody likes you and you are one of the best. We need you."

By now Josh has moved for the door and calls back "Come on guys, Hermie just not want me around or to look at me right now. Let's go on ...OK."

And with that Sam and Vinny follow Josh out the door; but not before looking back and just shaking their heads. Not one of the four of us in the room at that moment was a very happy camper - to say the least. Again a very emotionally draining moment, so I just layed back down and went back to sleep. Strange thing though, I did not have visions of Josh in my subconscious. What I had was clouds, rain. and it seemed like total darkness.

Usually when Sam and Vinny would come over to the room, they would knock on the door but then they would just automatically come on in. I guess I had awakened from the first knocking on the door but I did not answer. Then a 2nd series of knocks cam and I said "Come on in" not really knowing who it was. When the person cam around the end of our stacked bunk beds, I saw that it was Sam.

"Hermie...can I talk to you a bit?" Sam asked and stared up at me on the top bunk. Raising myself to a seated position, I looked back down at him. He didn't have the usual smiling face but he was not frowning either - just sort of a questioning look. After a few seconds, I slid off of the bunk and stood on the floor. For some reason, I glanced at Josh's bunk. I realized that what I really wanted was to see him there.

"Okay Sam, what is it? I thought you guys had gone out to eat." I said as I ambled over to sit in my chair. As I did so, Sam sat down in the chair at Josh's desk. A thought entered my head at that point; that's Josh's chair and you should not be sitting there. WOW was Josh ever taking over my thoughts; and if the truth be know I did not mind this at all. In fact I welcomed the feeling, at least in my mind, of belonging to someone. I wasn't really sure of exactly how Josh felt, not totally - Does anyone ever really know another person totally feels?

"OK Hermie I know that you are way pissed at the 3 of us right now; that you made quite clear to us earlier. But this thing of possibly not staying on the swim team; are you being real with that thought? I SURELY HOPE NOT !" and Sam said that very emphatically.

I started to speak but Sam said "Hermie I am not trying to be bossy here but please let me finish - PLEASE !"

"OK go ahead" and I did give him a bit of a smile. I mean after all he was here trying to communicate with me and I was curious as to what and how he was going to say it.

"Man the 3 of us, like you a lot. But I got to tell you that one of us has really changed since he met you. Vinny and I have know Josh for quite a long time and is one of our best friends. We have all depended on one another in good and bad times - as you might say thick and thin. Josh has always been a guy you could be around and you feel good just being in his presence. He has that kind of effect."

"I most certainly agree with you there Sam. As I said earlier, I sometimes have difficulty breathing around Josh."

"To continue on, Josh has always been able to make people feel comfortable in his presence, but tonight while we were at Town Hall it is the MOST DOWN I have ever seen him. Hermie if you have any brains in your head you have got to be able to see just how he feels about you. I mean, these past couple of weeks Josh has been the happiest that I have ever seen him - He positively glows ! Please, if you have any sense don't loose sight of what is possible I believe between you and Josh over what happened earlier today at the pool." and with that he stares at me with great intensity.

"I have a question for you Sam. Have you ever been with Josh....you know...aahhh.....sexually/" I asked and stared back at him.

"Now that is really coming out of left field? What makes you think that I would want to be with Josh in that way?" he asks me.

"Like you said Sam, I am not exactly a dummy. When we have all been together, don't think that I haven't noticed how you and Vinny react to him. To say that I have not checked out all of your reactions to Josh would be a total fucking lie." and this time I gave him a big grin and I think some of the tension started to melt away.

"You are certainly full of surprises Hermie." and he chuckles. "I I have been with Josh, would that really make a difference right now."

"No Sam, I can't say that it would. I was just curious - that's all."

"Ok since you asked, not that I have not tried but I have never had intercourse with Josh - now mind you it hasn't been because I haven't tried." and Sam smiles and breathes a couple of deep breaths.."But I guess I won't be betraying Josh by saying that we have traded off blowjobs with each other. Does that bother you Hermie?"

"To tell you the truth; I wouldn't think you had any hormones at all if you hadn't. I mean Josh to me is AMAZING !"

"Hermie you dolt, Josh thinks that you are amazing also - GOT IT !" and with that he stands up and says "Now I'm going back to Vinny's and my room. By the way Josh is there also -........hhmmm...is there anything that you want me to tell him?" and he grins big time.

"Yup, Sam just tell him to get back to our room just as fast as he can - I will be waiting for him."

"Okee..Dokee....glad to hear it and might I add that from what I can see that you are ANXIOUS to see him." and then Sam chuckles.

Then I walk over to Sam and give him a friendly but firm full 2 arm hug.

"Hermie...Josh is one my best friends but I hope that we will also become the best of friends." and with that he goes for the door and I thought I could hear him take off at a run. I grin and realize how foolish I have actually been today and DAMNED if I wasn't really looking forward to Josh getting back to our room as fast as possible.

About 20 minutes later, I could hear someone running on the gravel outside of the room. The door opens from the out side and then the door to our room opens and in comes Josh, a little out of breath and flushed from the run he had taken to get back to the room. I was sitting at my desk and he was standing just inside of the door looking at me trying to get his breathing back to a regular pace. Guess the both of us were feeling a little awkward for a few moments as to what to say right at that point. But we were both staring at one another with a strong intensity.

"Josh - and please let me finish before you say anything.....PLEASE !!" and I looked at him. I know that he could see that my eyes were filling up and that if he did not let me have my say; that I would be a hell of a state.....he knew me quite well.

"OK - Hermie" go ahead and he started a grin on his face. Maybe he knew some of what I was going to say.

"Josh - what happened at the pool was embarrassing for me - it really was. But I also know that I probably - no not probably - I overreacted. It's ...just well....aahhh....I WAS DARN CLOSE TO CUMING ... I know that you feel how much I like you, but I just don't think that you realize JUST HOW MUCH OF AN EFFECT that you do have on me. I mean you are AWESOME..and I mean that with all of my being. I was saying that stuff about quitting the team just so I could try to hurt you. I wanted to get back at you but in saying that I now realize that I could never really hurt you. You mean too much to me. I am asking you to PLEASE...PLEASE....to forgive me for overreacting the way that I did." and with that I just bowed my head and slumped my shoulders. Josh did not speak for what seemed like an eternity to me, although it was only a few moments. Then I heard his steps as he walked over to where I was seated. I could see his feet right in front of me as I still had my head bowed. Then I felt his hand run through my hair and then the other hand caressed my right cheek. Then he put a hand on each shoulder and motioned me to my feet. I lifted my head up and was looking right into those sexy green eyes of his. I saw them sparkling and a couple of tears on his cheek. We stood just drinking in each other's gaze for a couple of seconds.

Then Josh leans in to me and gently but also with an urgency with his mouth open and presses his lips to mine. The kiss was ever so tender at first, with electric tingles going all over me. In unison, our mouths opened, our tongues met and glided against one another. We were tasting and touching one another with tenderness and an urgency and depth that was not hurried but with a great strength to it. After a bit, Josh slowly moves his head back and grins while looking straight into my eyes.

"Do you think that I forgive you now?...and I could feel his chest against mine breathing deeply and the strong rhythmic beats of his heart.

"...ahh..Yes.....Josh......ahhh...Yes......" I breathed back as I felt so completely content knowing that things were again right between us. My but how life can throw you to what seems like the lowest of lows and then to the highest of highs.

Monday morning - on the way to my very first class of the semester :

Here I am walking to my first class of the semester - English 101. From what I had read of the course catalogue, this was required of all incoming freshman and transfer students, if the transfer students did not have satisfactory grades in English from their previous school. I really did not mind because I had a feeling that college level English was going to be way different from what I had know in high school. And I was to find out that was going to be true. In high school, your teachers many times had to coach your work out of you. Here it would be well discussed in class, you would be given an assignment and the due date. You might and then you might not be reminded of the due date. One thing for sure, you had better have done your best and have the assignment in on time. It was kind of a general policy, for each day that an assignment was late, then the possible grade for that assignment would be lowered one grade. So 2 or 3 days late and you might as well just hang it up !

I could see the building I needed off in the distance in the Languages Complex. But just at this moment my mind slipped off to Saturday night. Josh and I had come to a newer and a deeper understanding of what we meant to one another. For both of us it was a Time of Discovery. The rewards of such discovery to this point were becomimg....mmm...shall we say......GREAT !!!

On Saturday night, Josh reminded me that the coach had suggested that I shave my body hair. The coach doesn't require that all pubic hair be shaved but since all other body hair is shaved - just might as well to get the total feeling of smoothness. Since we had seen under their door that the lights were off in the room next to ours, Josh with a big grin on his face said he would be more than glad to help me - I JUST KNEW HE WOULD and I SURE DID NOT MIND ! We had met our next door neighbors Greg and Brad before and had spoken to them several times but they pretty much seemed to be in their own activities. That was fine with me since I was finding my time starting to be quite occupied with the swim team.

The shower when it is turned on doesn't really give off too much noise into the rooms. That was good as it was quite late when we got around to my body shave. We had both stripped in our room and Josh grabbed a couple of shavers and a can of shaving cream. After getting the water temperature warm enough, we both stepped in and got wet and soapy and YEAH we hugged and carressed.

Josh turned the shower head as close to the wall as possible so the spray would not be hitting me as hard. He shakes the can of shaving cream and puts some in his right hand. 1st he creams up my armpits and shaves them. 2nd - he kneels down in front of me and looks up with a grin. I told him that he looked good there - in fact that he looked good in any position and with that comment from me he kisses me on my knee. At just that moment, getting kissed on the knee was one of sexiest things I had ever experienced. Sure enough I sprang an instant boner. Josh chuckled and told me to be careful or I would put his eye out with that weapon. He puts shaving cream all over my legs and my crotch and balls. Oh my.....Oh my....this was getting to be about erotic as you can possible imagine. He shaves my legs first and then he holds on to my cock and carefully shaves it. Next cam my balls which by this time had started to pull up under and close to my body. He had to pull at them and stretch them out so that he could shave them. All the while he was breathing heavier and heavier. I asked him if we should stop and take care of a little something.

He said no that he wanted to get to shaving the backs of my legs and my butt. After finishing off my legs, Josh turned his attention to my butt. While actually kneading the muscles in my ass, he then shaves the butt cheeks and the area under them right next to my upper thighs. Then he told me to use my hands and pull my butt cheeks apart so that he could shave as close as possible. I didn't know how this was going to affect my swimming speed but Josh said to do it and I pulled my cheeks apart.

Very tenderly and carefully with firm strokes he shaves the hair in my crack and around my anus. Kinda of thought this isn't feeling so bad. He had me turn to the shower head to rinse it off and then turn back around to him. Then using his own hands he spreads my butt cheeks apart to make sure he had gotten all the hair he was telling me. Next I felt something warm right on my anus....and ...and...then I realized that Josh was using his tongue to lick me. I was in ectasy......my hips and legs starting to tensing and relaxing as he circled and then put his tongue dead center.....WOW...WOW...he pushed his tongue right on into me.......at that point my cum flew against the shower wall like a cannon ball !!!!!!...........

"Good Lord." I said to myself; I am already here at the building for my English Class. But I was standing still with my back on a tree. I did not have a clue as to just how long I had been standing there. Just reliving Saturday night had made me a bit weak in the knees. One thing for sure, after Josh had massaged me while the pictures were being taken; I thought that wearing a jockstrap might be order. At least that way maybe I wouldn't be walking around with a raging hardon showing in front. I looked at my watch and I still had a couple of minutes to get into the building to my class - thank goodness.

I held open the door to the building for a couple of girls who were entering the building. They thanked me and as they walked past, they turned and glanced back. I couldn't help but grin to myself as I felt their gaze. You know what gaze I mean - The Appraisal Gaze. From the smiles on their faces, you could say that I passed with their approval. Little did they know that I was Gay. I mean I like having some female friends but sexually there wasn't a chance. There would be snowballs thrown down under before that would ever happen with me. Guess looking so masculine sure "fooled" a lot of people. Well I am masculine and a well built guy. I like other men sexually and that goes with manhood. There is not a thing in my mind that desires to have feminine attributes in relation to other men. Not that it is wrong for some guys to want to imagine that their boyfriends are men and that they have a feminine roll - but that is certainly not my perspective. Just the way I am and with Josh in my life, I am extremely comfortable with that approach.

Room 307 it said above the door; yup this is where the class is going to be. Thank goodness the professor had not started his class yet but I think he was just about to. So I took a seat without really taking that much notice of who I was sitting next to. But just before the class started I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I came face to face with Vinny. He had a big smile and gave me a thumbs up. Guess he was happy about us having a class together. I gave him a quick smile and turned back around as the professor was starting to speak.

"Realizing that this is the first week and many of you are new to this campus; I am not going to get too upset with a couple of you being late. But after this week, I would appreciate it if you got here a little earlier than the last person who entered the room." and with that comment he looks straight at me. He didn't really have a frown on his face or a smile but just a pleasant look. I kinda drew the left side of my mouth down in a humble like sorry look.

"I don't know how many of you realize this but English 101 is a basic class. Though I will not be treating it as if it is a group of sniveling dolts that I am dealing with." Boy was that ever a descriptive term but I decided that he was not actually calling us that.

"My practice is, after the first couple of weeks, is to try and individualize my instruction as much as possible. If some of the members of this class show that they can move ahead a little faster, then the instruction for those students will be geared so that they can progress quicker. There will be certain "basics" which all students must meet in order to pass. But if you want to end up with an A or a B, then you must show me something that justifies those grades. Just meeting the basics certainly will not earn you an A or a B. Now enough of the info about grades." and he looked around at us to see if there were any questions. As he was looking, I really took a good look at him. I could take a good look from where I was seated. It is an "old rule" about when you get to class - The later you are to class, the closer you end up sitting to the front of the class'. And I was seated right in the front row. This of course gave me a chance to see him up close.

As he was continuing to talk, I was struck by how dark his black hair was. His eyes were so sky blue that clouds could have used them as a background. There was just a touch of gray at his temples. This was one good looking older guy. When I say older, I don't think he was much more than his late thirties. To me, that is certainly not ancient. I was hearing what he was saying but at the same time I was looking at him as a physical being. He was looking good though I certainly don't think I was fantasizing about his sexually at that point, HE WAS GOOD LOOKING !

"We are going to do an exercise in class today. Some of you might groan about it but I want to see what you can come up with. I have read you some short poems. I hope that you noticed that they were simple in form but yet quite charming in what they had to say. Another thing that I am pointing out to you now is that the words at the end of the 1st and 3rd lines rhymed and the words at the end of the 2nd and 4th lines also rhymed. For the rest of the class today I want you at least get 4 lines done, that is the bare minimum; but I would like to see more." and with that he took a step out of the room. Some of us kind of looked at one another with rather puzzled looks on our faces. You could almost hear people saying 'Duh?' all over the room.

I turned around to Vinny to see how he was reacting but he had already started writing. I turned back around and thought that I had better get something down on paper also. Really had not done this before; but as I was finding out - there were many things that had happened in just the couple of weeks I had been here so far. To myself I emphatically said 'Here goes" and I proceeded to write. What I was writing about and trying to find rhyming words for dealt with what was so significant to me so far. Not that I was going to try to sound really philosophical but that was were I was getting the most motivation in my thoughts. In the next 5 minutes I had the bare minimum 4 lines written down. I was finding that I could come up with some more so I proceeded to let my rhyming thoughts etch their way across the surface of my paper. Without fully realizing it, I was really getting into this and found that it was enjoyable.

"It's time to collect whatever you have written to this point. I will take a couple of minutes to glance over what has been passed in and maybe I will read one or 2 of them. Now don't worry, I won't read out the names of whoever has written these works; unless of course I ask if it is all right and they give me permission to." the professor said as the work was being passed in. I was thinking to myself that I didn't think that I would want mind to be read aloud. He sat on his stool looking over them and it looks like he stops at one and is reading over it more deliberately. Then he looks up at us.

"Now here is one that is not overburdened with overgrown word construction but is powerful in what it has to say. I want to get your reactions so I am going to read it to you now." as he proceeds to read, I realize that he has picked mine. I kinda gulped hard and looked straight ahead at him.

"Looking into the deep green

Of your eyes I try to see

What to you I mean

And I know that I see me

Standing next to you

I find it hard to breathe

To clearly get thoughts through

To know what to conceive

When I feel your touch

It charges totally through me

For you is it such

Can it be, Will it be

Have I found my other half

Will it become known

Or will you but laugh

And nothing there will be grown"

"Now class, I feel that this is a good and direct question. The question is one of emotion as to whether someone has found the person for them. It is well and truly stated and with clear and unfettered sensibility. What do you all think?" and he looks at the class. What comments were made were quite favorable and I was hopeing that my blush was not too totally obvious. But right at that moment I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Vinny looking at me.

"Hermie, ..aahhh....got to tell you that is damned good. One other thing thing.......Josh is one damned lucky dog...OK !!!" and with that I was thinking that I hoped that no once had heard what Vinny had just said. I don't believe that anyone had from what I could tell, at least no one was too obviously looking in our direction. The professor read a couple more of the papers which had been passed in and then dismissed us. Vince and I walked out and onto the grassy area which was in front of the building. Vinny motioned me towards a stone bench which was nearby and we sat down.

"Hermie, can I ask you something?" and he kind of looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He wasn't really smiling but then again he was looking at me with a look that was ..how ....do you say....was a penetrating type of look.

"Sure Vinny, fire away. What's up?" and I looked straight back at him.

"Well, you already know that Sam, Josh, and I have been friends for a long time. And we know each other pretty dag gone well. Maybe I shouldn't say too much but I don't think it is being too nosy of me to say that in the past several days that I have seen quite a change in Josh. This is to your credit I do believe." and Vinny gives me a great big grin. "Josh has been so relaxed. He has shown a contentment that I have never seen in him before. He has always before had an uptight aspect to him. I mean his father is a hard taskmaster with always expecting so much of him. he is always pushing Josh so hard. Guess he wants him to be his best but it just seems like his Dad is setting the goals and Josh isn't. I think in the last few days, Josh is being able to cope with things better. Now if I am out of place in saying this, just tell me and I will buzz off." and then Vinny looks at me with a smile and looks at me like he is waiting for me to say something - and I would venture to say that he is waiting for something to come from me. For a few moments I just look down at the grass and wonder just how and what I should say about how I feel about Josh to Vinny. I mean just how far should I go in what I say. Much of how I feel has been, to my way of thinking, pretty obvious to both Vinny and Sam.

"I am kind of wondering just what do you expect me to say. If you are expecting me to say that I really like Josh, that I do. That should be pretty obvious by now. If you expect me to make some kind of .....aahhh.....committal statement to you right now....I am not going to do that. That I don't think would be right. That is a matter between Josh and I, don't you think so?" and as I said that I looked at Vinny directly with a smile on my face. While I looked at Vinny, he slowly widened his mouth in a grin and nodded his head. I do believe I could see a sparkle in his eyes. I knew then that he understood what I meant. He slowly rose to his feet and said that he needed to be going to his next class. I stuck out my hand to shake his, and at that he took my hand and pulled my arm towards him.

"I don't think Josh will mind a small hug between friends....that is if you don't mind Hermie?" and he looks at me.

"Sure don't Vinny !!" and I put my right arm around his shoulder to hug him and pat him on his shoulder. At this point in time, I am comfortable enough with who I am to give a friend a hug - female or MALE ! A hug is a way of communicating that you value someone and you really do value them. Then we parted and nodded to one another as we walked away to our separate ways.

"See ya at swim practice this afternoon Hermie." Vinny called back to me.

"Yup see ya there." I called back to Vinny.

I had a couple of hours before my next class, which was my Life Drawing Class. It was fairly close to the front part of the campus so I decided to go back to my room for a while. This would give me a chance to go to the dining hall also. It was getting close to the end of the noon dining hours but if I hurried I would be able to grab a little something to eat. So I started jogging a good little clip and got to the dining hall just in time to get a few leftovers of food. I say leftovers but they weren't too bad. I did not stuff myself as I did not want to feel bloated when I got to swim practice. After I ate I decided to go to my room for a while, like I said the art class was fairly close to where our dorm room was located. And besides, I decided to take one of my sketchbooks to the art class. As I was walking to the room from the dining hall, I was thinking about my conversation with Vinny concerning Josh. Plus I was wondering what and where Josh was at that moment. When I got to the outside door, I heard the shower going in the bathroom. I walked on into the room and looked for my sketchbook. As I was opening the drawer to my desk, I heard the door to our room open. Turning around I saw that it was Josh coming in with a towel around his waist. I stood there for a moment just looking at him and felt my ability to breath starting to constrict. Then I just got a real big SHIT EATING GRIN on my face.

"Hey Bud I thought you probably had class but then again I see you are here and what a DELIGHFUL SIGHT you are......MMMM.....MMMMMHHHH.....!!!!!"and with that a big smile spreads across Josh's face. As he smiles at me, he backs towards the door to our room and locks the door. Then he walks towards me and stands in front of me.

"Well actually I do have a while until my ......aahhhh......art class begins." and I stare into those awesome green eyes of his." and I reach out and loosen his towel. But as I do so, he takes a step back away from me. I look at him with a slightly confused look on my face. He the walks around behind me and puts his arms around me and hugs me tight and licks on my right ear and then my left ear. Then he leans in and whispers something in my ear that to this day THAT I SHALL NEVER EVER EVER FORGET THE DATE AND THE WAY HE DID IT.

"Hermie......I have just 3 words for you.....just 3........OK." and he turns me around to face him.

"And what might those 3 words be?" I ask him. Now mind you, I have felt what he was about to tell me but I had not brought myself to say the exact words he was about to tell me. So to me this was definitely monumental, as Josh was the first to say them.

"Hermie......I .....LOVE.....YOU......!!!!!!!!!!" ......and with that statement I threw my arms around him, plastered my mouth on his and I do believe I well cleaned his tonsils with my tongue !!!!!!!!!!

Comments: Now as you all know the 1st time that you are told by the one that can make your head swim that he loves you, you remember it forever. This point in time will forever be etched in my memory. Now when did I tell him, you can bet it was that very same day - OH YEAH !!!!!!!!

I am grateful for the emails that have been sent - please do send more comments, it makes writing about my college experiences all the more fun and pleasureable.

Next: Chapter 4

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