Time to See

By Pete McDonald

Published on Mar 31, 2012


"Jake, Craig here."

Jake replied rapidly: "Oh, shit, am I glad to hear from you. I've been getting emails from the boy's dad in Europe. He's frantic to know where his son is and whether he's safe."

"Jake. That's exactly what I need for you to do: Go to that email account that we are using to communicate with Max and tell him that Spirit is safe and in our hands. We will be attempting to bring him to the United States as my son, Dillon, where he'll be safe.

Craig went on: "But, tell him that we might have problems. The passport that I will be using is a little "iffy". The point being that IF MAX KNOWS ANYBODY AT THE US STATE DEPARTMENT, we might need him to help by having them notify Customs at LAX that we're trying to bring in a 13 year old who has a hit put out on him by an Irish Political Terrorist outfit. Please get them to pass us through customs without screwing with us for a fake passport. I have made a good facsimile, but it may not pass muster given today's technology. And we don't have time to screw around. These guys are still after the boy, and he's got to hide-- the best place for him would be with us back at home, if we can keep that move a complete secret."

"Okay, Craig," Jake said. "But are you sure you want to drag in the State Department? Wouldn't that just be increasing the chance for another leak-- like Interpol?"

"I know you're right, Jake. But what else am I going to do..?" Craig confessed anxiously.

Then Jake said: "Why don't you just try to pass with the documents as they are? Then if they hold you at LAX, only then will I tell MAX to call in the State Department... I really think that would be a better strategy... all things given..."

"Daddy, daddy. I hungry... Where is Craig-daddy?" a voice jabbered in the background of Jakes telephone.

"Tell that rascal, Dillon, that Craig-daddy is on the telephone, and that I'll be home in another day... and give him a big hug and a messy kiss and tell him it's from me, " Craig said.

"Sure thing, Hon," Jake said, "but what do you think of my suggestion?"

"I don't know, Jake... I'd feel better to have the US Government on my side... How about you write my request to Max but tell him NOT TO CONTACT ANYONE UNLESS AND UNTIL WE CONTACT HIM AGAIN. Tell him we are going to try to pass through customs on the documents that we have. BUT, ask MAX to get ready to contact anyone in the US Government that he knows personally and can trust implicitly; so he could read that person in on the situation, if need be. Emphasize that Max is NOT to intervene unless we are held up in Customs." Craig said.


"Tell him that We CANNOT risk that happening again. EMPHASIZE the leak-factor to Max, and implore him NOT to involve anyone that he doesn't know PERSONALLY."

"Okay, Hon. I'll put all that in an email and send it back to Max as soon as I hang up. Please be careful yourself, Hon. Those guys won't care if they kill an extra person or two, and I want you around to go to Dillon's university graduation with me..." Jake said.

"You bet, Jake. I gotta go. Sean is waiting, and I'm trying to keep him from getting up tight again. He's been through enough... Okay, telephone me after you email Max." Craig said.

"Done, Hon."

"Thanks, Jake. Love you... Bye." Craig hung up and walked back to the table where Sean sat waiting for him to go to the restroom.

"Your dad will know in just a few minutes that you're safe and with me. He'll know that we'll be taking you home with us... Just hang in there, Sean. We can relax when we're home..." Craig said, as he put his hand on Sean's shoulder and scratched him lovingly the way he might his own Dillon.

"But you may not borrow my hat!@" Craig added.

"Sean reached up and cocked the hat forward on Craig's head, "You look a wee bit better wearin it like that,... and I wonder whether I can get a GREEN one in San Diego?"

The Frankfurt bound Lufthansa flight carrying Kevin, Hugo, and the boys was less than an hour away from touchdown. Kevin pulled out his laptop and allowed it to connect with the aircraft Wifi system, and in moments he was scanning his email in-box, where he saw three messages from Jake with subject lines "Spirit".

The most recent message was only minutes old; so Kevin opened that one first:

"Hi, Kevin,



I hope you'll pick this message up shortly after it arrives, because Brandy and I have been frantic to know what is happening on that airplane. Interpol notified us that Irish Terrorists abducted and murdered the two agents that they had assigned to accompany you on this flight. And the objective of those interlopers was to eradicate Sean and anyone else who got in their way.

Then about an hour ago we were apprised of the SOS and In-Flight Emergency declared by your Lufthansa aircraft captain, but there were no details. We have been left for over an hour to speculate that the worst has happened. It's horrible...

It wasn't until we got an email from Jake in California-- that was probably a half hour ago-- saying that Sean was on the ground and safe and in the company of Craig, your friend, that we had ANY idea of what was going on. The two of them are due to take a flight to the US in the morning. But what's happened to everyone else???

My God! How did you do it, Kevin? How did you get that boy on the ground? I can never repay you for what you are doing. You saved Sean's life! I'm sure of it... and now you are keeping my other son and yourselves safe... PLEASE be careful... I don't care what it costs, just get everyone to Heidelberg safely.

Please write to me asap, because I am so desperate to know that all of you are safe and doing alright...

Love, Your Eternally Indebted Friends, Max & Brandy"

"He has really been suffering, poor guy," Hugo said as he read the message over Kevin's shoulder.

"I know. God, I wish we could have done something to dispel his fear before now. NOTHING could be worse for a father than to know that his son has been in certain danger, and not knowing what is going on-- exactly, and worse, being unable to do anything..." Kevin said shaking his head in true sympathy for Max and Brandy.

"You are going to reply immediately, right?" Hugo said

"Of course..." Kevin said.

The 'Reply-To' screen rolled up on Kevin's laptop, and he began typing out his message at that moment:




"Dear Max and Brandy,

You can stop worrying!

I am so happy to be sending this message to you, via Jake, because after reading your most recent email, I understand how you've been suffering not-knowing what has been happening or how things have turned out. It must have been truly awful for you.

First, let me speak about right here and now. We are less than an hour from touchdown at Frankfurt, I'm told.

Murph and Artie and Jilder and Nicky are all safe and even somewhat calmed down after our morning fights. Hugo is banged up a bit but not bleeding, and I'm okay.

The imposters are restrained with cord, stowed away in a corner, and guarded by a cadre of very vigilant and effective aircraft Stewards. Yet that positive state of affairs I am willing to attribute SOLELY to Hugo, who managed the strategy for dealing with these terrorists from beginning to end-- and to Sean himself, who has a sixth sense:

Unknown to anyone, Hugo facilitated Sean's escape just before the bulkhead door was closed and locked before take off; then he stalled the discovery that Sean was indeed not on the flight until well after take-off, and finally he counter-attacked the first of the terrorists who discovered Sean was missing and attacked him.

Fortunately, Hugo is physically a powerful man who is not timid about defending himself and his family; so Hugo bought time for us while he fought with Keil, the first terrorist, giving the Steward time to apprehend Hans, the second terrorist, by attacking by surprise from behind. Fortunately, none of the boys on board was ever involved in the fighting in the cabin.

I'm worried that Hugo may have sustained injuries which he is not aware of while his adrenalin is still pumping. I want to get him to a hospital for a thorough going-over asap.

Now, for Sean.

Max, Brandy, you have a psychic for a son! Or perhaps more realistically, a boy who is very, very, very perceptive: he learns from others around him—- particularly he learned about the ways of these terrorist sorts and knew how to recognize them for what there were-- and he knows how to be decisive and move when the time requires. For sure, Sean is ever 'present in the moment...'

Sean told Hugo in no uncertain terms that we were being fooled by these men, and that he was "outta here!" Of course, Sean kept his thinking and conclusions to himself, until Hugo spoke with him in the restroom just before take-off. Hugo said, after allowing his own mind to connect with God, that he gave Sean his cell phone, gave him some dollars cash, and showed Sean how to use the cell phone to contact our friends, Craig and Jake. Then Sean was gone... We had no idea where he was. I have been a wreck too, feeling I'd failed both you and Brandy.

The rest has been entirely Sean's creation and execution.

The boy has earned his survival today, and he deserves our support and love for his courage to listen to his higher self.

I realize that we have entered our glidepath for the Frankfurt Airport. Please find a way to communicate with me IMMEDIATELY. I need to know whether we are to continue to the lodging accommodations that were in the original envelope that the terrorists passed to us. I don't know anything about Germany, AND I am not in touch with Dr. Kavanaugh. Truly, I could use some help. (On second thought, I suppose I will go to those first accommodations unless I hear otherwise from you...)



Until We See You Very Soon,

Love, Kevin, Hugo & "The Gang"

Craig looked at his watch using just the shafts of light that squeezed through the venetian blinds at the windows of the motel room. It was 6am, and he and Sean needed to clear security and be ready to board Jet Blue Flight 123 by 8:30 a.m.

He looked over at Sean who was sleeping soundly. It seemed such a shame that Sean would have to be disturbed for perhaps another day of stressful travel. But, they both needed to get back to the U.S.

"Sean, Sean," Craig called softly, not too loud, lest he startle the boy unnecessarily.

Sean frowned, twisted over in bed, and burried his head face down in his pillow. The call registered with him but...

"Come on, Buddy... We have to get back to the terminal and get outselves on that flight... Sean....Sean... Can you hear me?" Craig asked.

And a few moments of silence ensued. Sean didn't move a muscle, but Craig heard: "Yeah! I hear you... "

"Good," Craig said, "Can you get up now? We really need to get over to the terminal... There isn't all that much time, and I'm thinking you'll want to grab something to eat along the way..."

Sean turned to face Craig. "Have you heard anything from Jake? Has he talked to my dads?"

"Not since early last night, Sean. Remember the time difference is 8 hours; so it's last night at 10pm where Jake is. I'll try him by cell phone as soon as we get moving..." Craig said.

Sean spun himself around and put his feet on the floor. "Oooooh! I'm so tired..." he said, then he spun back around and collapsed into the comfort of his warm bed.

"Oh, Hon. I know you must be... Don't worry. You'll be able to sleep while you're on the plane, and you can sleep for days when we get home... Just hang in there, Sean..." Craig said, trying to sound encouraging...

"Alright, everyone needs their sleeping assignments," Kevin announced.

"Our rooms are on the second floor, 210, 212, and 214. Jilder and Nicky, you're in 210... Murph and Artie, you'll be in room 212, and Hugo and I are in 214...We'll worry about unpacking tomorrow, just make sure everything shows up in your room tonight. Artie, I'll be down in just a little while to make sure you have everything you'll need for a comfortable night...Everybody else, let me know as soon as you're sure your bags are all there...You can come down to our room then," Kevin said.

"And Murph, we'll send out for some baby formula to use with Spirit. You know, I think that puppy is getting to an age where he might be interested in some solid food... Maybe we can go pet store shopping tomorrow. Right now, I just want to get everyone settled in for the night," Kevin concluded.

The telephone in room 214 rang. Hugo picked it up. "Hello."

"Hugo, this is Max."

"Oh! Great to hear from you, Max. Where are you?" Hugo asked.

"I'm still in Athens. Things here have cleared up entirely, but Brandy and I will be standing by for a day or two just to be sure everything is back to normal, Max replied.

Max went on: "Brandy and I will be flying to Heidelberg day after tomorrow. I wanted to be sure that you, Kevin, and the boys were settled in and okay tonight though."

"Oh, yeah. We're all here and happy to have a place to call home for a few days. Will you and Brandy be here in time for the seminar on Friday?" Hugo asked.

"Of course. We'll be there to help you with the family. I can't allow you to care for everyone indefinitely," Max said.

"Oh, and how is Spirit?" Max asked.

"Hummm? He's doing just fine... We'll speak with you in detail when we see you on Friday..." Hugo said.

"Thank God. Well, I won't keep you on the phone tonight. Is there anything that you want Brandy or me to do before we see you?"

"Nope. All's well," Hugo replied.

"Fine, then. See you all Friday." Max said.

"Good night."


Jet Blue flight 123 was loading smoothly. Craig and Sean made it through security easily, and then on past the ticket checker. Having only a single carry-on bag each helped things to move more quickly. The obstacle of clearing U.S. Customs did lie ahead of them still, but that would be after they arrived in the States...

Finally on the aircraft:

"Sean, you okay with the window seat?" Craig said.

"Yes, Sir."

"You've been quiet since we arrived at the terminal. Are you feeling alright?" Craig asked.

"Yes, Sir." Sean answered. He swung his body across Craig's seat and landed in the window seat.

Craig seated himself and turned to face Sean and asked once again, this time in a soft voice..."You sure you're alright?"

"Hummm? I guess so," Sean answered.

"What is it, Sean?"

"I feel alone and lost... Like everybody's left me, and I'm scared that another man might show up and try to kill me..." Sean said.

Craig replied, again speaking in a soft voice, and this time patting Sean on the arm: "What you're going through is difficult, Sean... You really HAVE been cut off from your dads and your friends: Murph and Nicky and Jilder are in Heidelberg, where they are feeling sad and missing you too, I'm sure."`

"But as for somebody being able to hurt you now: THAT, I think, is not a realistic possibility." Craig said.

"I'm sure that you and I are safe, because no one knows that we are together in this plane, on our way to Los Angeles-- no one except Jake. And, yes, he did tell your dad, Max, but only in code, by separate email, never referring to you by name or saying where you were or what you were doing."

"And when we're home, we'll really be safe, because no one will know where you have gone... You just disappeared!" Craig said.

"Yeah.... I think you're right."

Several hours passed with only the sounds of the engines to sooth Sean and Craig. Before long, Sean closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep...

It felt so good to relax, to be in Craig's care, and know that there was no reason to be fearful. Sean heard someone speak to him....

"King Boru! What are you doing here?" Sean exclaimed in surprise...

"I have been worried about you. But you remembered what I told you about allowing your mind to go blank and listen to what God is telling you. And that is what you did...and now, you are safe."

"I didn't do nothin... I was too scared to do anythin but run away." Sean said.

"... Which is what God told you to do; it was the right thing to do. Now you are in the loving protection of Craig, who will do everything to see that you remain safe, and that you are able to seek your peace." King Boru said.

"How did you know where I was, King Boru?"

"My son, there is only One Reality that we all occupy... You have learned only one possibility within the One Reality... I never went anywhere, but you did not realize until now that I am still with you. I told you that you could visit with me any time you wished. And, so you see now that THAT is true."

Sean seemed to drift off somewhere else.

"King, Boru! King Boru! Don't leave me..." Sean called out...

"I am not leaving you, my Son. You are merely discovering that there are other things that can be perceived by your mind. Other things but all in the One Reality we both inhabit."

King Boru continued speaking: "Sean, now that you will be in another part of the earth, I'd like you to know someone else who lived there for many years and who knows your friends, Kevin, Hugo, Nicky, and Jilder. Sean, this is Kevin's Grandfather."

And the image of a gentle, elderly man came into focus for Sean. The man was sitting in a rocking chair in front of a huge clock which had a pendulum that swung back and forth, back and forth, ver-ry slow-ly...

"Hello, Sean. I'm pleased to meet you." the man said.

"Sir, what is your name?" Sean asked.

"Everyone calls me Papa. So why don't you call me that too..."

"Yes, Sir," Sean replied watching the huge pendulum on the clock move slowly from side to side.

"Sean, I just spoke with your mum and dad from Ireland, and they asked me to tell you that they have been very concerned about you, and that they are very, very happy that you remembered the cautions that your father gave you when dealing with men from the old political world."

Sean began to wonder where all of these people were coming from... How did they all know one another? How did they all know about him and the men who were trying to kill him?

"Sir, I don't understand how you knew about me? And how did you know about me mum and dad? This is all very confusin to me...." Sean said...

"Well, my boy, I can certainly understand that, but as King Boru said, it really isn't all that complicated. There is only One Reality. It's the only place for us-- all of us-- to be, and since it's the only place for us to be, we are all here together," Papa replied with a smile.

"So... Now you understand that we all want you to be safe and in the company of people who love and care about you. Some men are lost-- like the two men who were after you on the plane-- Perhaps they will be lost for a very, very long time, too long for you to concern yourself about at the moment, but you can learn to avoid those people, by surrounding yourself with people like Kevin and Hugo and their friends."

"Your new dads, Max and Brandy, are going to follow you to this new country, and, Sean, I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin and Hugo ask them to live there with you for a while, until you feel safe again... You just watch and see if Papa doesn't turn out to be right." Papa said, still rocking in his chair, and smiling at Sean as he spoke to him.

"Yeah? You think???..." Sean asked.

"Indeed. Max and Brandy love you very much, and they want to help you to build a safe and happy life. What better place than among such good friends?" Papa said...

Sean didn't say a word. He was entirely overwhelmed with the idea that there is only One place-- One Reality-- and everybody is there-- always, even after they die! "How does that work?- exactly?" Sean thought...

"I'll be seein you, Son. Just don't worry. Things are beginning to work out pretty good for you... Remember, your mum and daddy love you, King Boru and I are always listening for you, and your good friends starting with Craig, and going on and on, all love you and want to be with you... That's all you have to know for now..." Papa said.

Sean said, "Thank you, Sir..." and he watched as Papa's image faded and images of his parents smiling and waving at him coalesced; then they too faded and King Boru's image, bowing and with open arms graciously smiled at Sean and then he too faded away and left Sean peacefully asleep...

"Sean, Sean...." another voice called.

Again, "Sean, Sean... I hate to wake you but Jet Blue Stewards are serving food, and I know you'll be hungry if you don't try to eat a little something now..."

Sean's eyes blinked open and he was staring at the airline seat in front of him....

Craig reached over and patted Sean on the arm once again and said, "Sean, do you want to eat something now? I'll flag down the steward and tell him we need another dinner here... What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, milk, orange juice?" Craig asked...

"I'd like me tea, if you please, Sir," Sean replied, not yet having moved a muscle from the position he was in when Craig woke him...

"Absolutely, Sean," We'll get you some right away...

Sean could hardly believe that he had flown for eleven hours... That's the longest trip he'd ever taken... ever.

Everyone shuffled and bumped along in a very long line, waiting to reach the two customs agents who looked through peoples' carry-on bags and leafed through passports.

Finally Craig and Sean (now known as Dillon) walked in front of the uniformed agents.

The agents looked very business like, no smiles, one simply held out his hand saying, "Passports"

"Yes, Sir..." Craig replied, and at that very moment tipped his absurd top hat and asked the agent: "May I interest you in purchasing a hat just like this marvelous sample? It's really quite reasonable..."

The agent was not amused. He looked directly at Craig and said, "I don't think so, Sir..." Then he turned back to the passports.

"You just left the United States two days ago. Did something interrupt your travel?" the agent asked.

"Oh, not-at-all, Agent Carrera. I simply went to pick up my son, Dillon, who was visiting with his grandmother in Galway; he is coming to Los Angeles for a little fun with me-- Disneyland, Universal Studios, you know, the usual...kid's stuff... Now, Sir, I don't want to be annoying... but I certainly think you are passing up a very, very good opportunity to acquire one of these outstanding chapeaus at a very reasonable price..."

"Hummm?" Agent Carrera said.

At that instant the lady carrying a baby standing right behind Sean and Craig in line yelled out, "Over here Casey. Hurry up, Hun. We're next in line to see the Customs people... And her baby let out a blood curdling scream as if it had been pinched...

Craig went on to fill up the air with distraction, "My son says that he wants a green hat exactly like mine... I think that would be attractive, but it will have to be custom made. Perhaps I could interest you in a hat of another color? That's it... You probably don't like the color black..."

The agent snapped both passports shut and with a measure of exasperation handed them both back to Craig, "No, Sir..."

Craig thought, "Thank God that kid is screaming. That'll give Sean and me better cover getting outta here..." And Craig grabbed Sean by the hand and pulled him ahead, rushing past the slow and ambling line of passengers four abreast, and down an escalator into the baggage claim area.

They rushed past the baggage carrousels and out the glass doors of the Bradley International Terminal at LAX...

"Taxi, Taxi!" Craig yelled loudly, waving his hand over his head.

A green and black taxi swooped over to the curb; and Craig opened the back door, shoved Sean inside, and then jumped in behind him.

"Where will it be, Sir," a mustached, middle-eastern driver asked, looking into the rearview mirror at Sean.

"Santa Monica: the Promenade and Pico Boulevard."

Thirty minutes later the cab stopped along Pico Boulevard at the Promenade, and Craig pushed Sean out onto the sidewalk. He paid the cabby, and the cab sped off toward the beach.

"Where are we going, Craig?" Sean asked.

"Somewhere we can meet up with Jake without being tracked easily..." I have already arranged with Jake to meet us here when I telephone him. We will not even need to indicate to him where we'll be... He knows.

"You thought of all of these things BEFORE you left?" Sean asked clearly impressed with Craig's thoroughness.

"I may look addled in this hat, but I assure you I am not..." Craig replied.

Then Craig took out his cell phone and pushed the call button. Moments later Jake answered... "Hello."

"I'm here." was all that Craig said.

"Give me thirty minutes." Jake answered.

"Good-by" Craig replied; then he disconnected the call.

"Now... Sean.... with business taken care of, how about we go to a little Mexican Burrito shop, Baja Bud's on the Promenade, and wait there until Jake and Dillon arrive. We can eat a little something, or at least get something to drink... Perhaps you'd like to try a Horchata?"

"A what?" Sean asked.

"That's a Mexican desert drink made of sweetened rice-"milk", vanilla, and cinnamon. The kids around here love the stuff...

"Hummm? I dont'know... Maybe a very small one, just to try it..." Sean replied cautiously.

"Okay. Suit yourself. As for me, I'm having a chicken, black bean, and rice burrito with an iced tea... Sure you don't want a burrito? You can get just beans and rice, or you can get fish, beef, or chicken too... Anything else?" Craig invited Sean to order whatever he wanted.

"Could I have a chicken burrito too, and a tea?" Sean asked.

"Sure." Craig said, and he placed their order.

The two of them sat out under a red and green umbrella, in front of the restaurant enjoying the sun and the throng of tourists strolling past. The middle of the day was a very busy time for this part of town, which Craig hoped would provide Sean with plenty of entertainment and take his mind off of weightier concerns.

They had only finished half of their food when a dark complexioned man, hair cropped close, quite handsome, leading a nearly four-year old by the hand, appeared on the promanade a few yards away.

Before the child and his father reached the table where Craig and Sean ate, the little boy broke away from the man and ran to Craig calling out, "Daddy-Craig, Daddy-Craig!" And he collided with Craig full force squealing out of excitement.

"Oh, there's my boy," Craig answered, scooping the boy up and throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes or a laundry bag.

That just tickled the boy even more, and he squealed so loud that everyone within ten feet looked in their direction at the noisy reunion...

Sean sat there enjoying the scene

At that point, with Dillon hanging up-side down over his shoulder, Craig turned to Sean and said, "Sean, I'd like you to meet the REAL Dillon... He's YOU!" and Craig turned around backward so that Sean could see the up-side down hanging Dillon squealing and flailing.

"Nice to meet you, Dillon," Sean said laughing, clearly not able to be heard over the commotion that Dillon was generating.

Jake walked up to Sean and extended his hand saying, "Well this must be Spirit. Boy have we been worried about you. Welcome to California!"

Sean took Jake's hand and shook it in a friendly manner. "Thank you, Sir. I am in your debt for all the help you and Craig have given to me. You are Jake, right?" Sean said.

"Oh, sure. Forgive my bad manners. Yep! I'm Jake, and that's Dillon, our one and only loud and occasionally obnoxious son. And do you go by any other name besides Spirit?" Jake asked.

"Oh, yes Sir." Sean answered smiling. "Actually Spirit is my dog. He's an Alaskan Malamute puppy. My name is Sean."

"Great names... When will we get to meet your dog?" Jake asked.

"I don't know. I have to ask my dad." Sean replied.

"Oh, well I'll just sit down here next to you gentlemen and send off an email to your dad right now. I'm sure he'll be happy to know that you are safe and in good hands here in wonderful sunny Southern California," Jake said.

Before Craig and Sean finished eating, Jake had set up his laptop, connected with a near-by Wifi terminal along the Promenade, and sent a cryptic message to Max: "We're all happy because the Spirit has arrived in extremely good condition. Will be peaceful at home in a few hours... We await further instructions from you. The Spirit wants to know whether the dog will arrive soon."

Jake put the laptop in front of Sean allowing him to read the message he just wrote to Max... When Sean finished reading it, Jake said, "Is that okay?"

Sean smiled and shook his head in the affirmative, "Yup!"

And Jake pushed the Send button.

"Your dad will be able to decide what he wants us to do, and then let us know... Right now, WE have to get our life back in order. Sean, "home" is way away from here in San Diego, that's about three hours drive south of here, almost on the border of Mexico and the United States."

"Oh, Sir, this is all very interesting to me. And you and Craig are so very kind. Whatever you think we ought to do, just let me know...."

Sean stopped and looked over at Dillon then back at Jake, "Do you think Dillon will mind talking to me?"

"Ohhhhhhh! You'll be ready to hide from him in very short order... He'll get your attention and then never want to give it up... Now if he climbs all over you to the point that it's annoying, just tell him he has to sit in his car seat. That'll give you a break..."

"Oh, Sir. I like children, and this one looks like a frisky one," Sean replied.

"Well, you're right about that. Yep! Frisky is the word for Dillon," Jake said.

Sean turned to Dillon who was still frolicking with Craig, crawling all over him while he tried to eat, "Dillon, do you want to come over here and visit with me while your dad eats?" Sean asked with his hands held out to take him...

With no warning, Dillon leapt from Craig's lap onto Sean, a leap of faith if ever one was to be seen, since he didn't give any warning to either Craig or Sean that he was about to jump.

"Oooffph!" Sean sputtered as Dillon landed on him with a scream and a laugh...

"Dillon, settle down! You can visit with Sean, but you may not hurt him!" Jake yelled.

"Oh, Jake, he's okay. He didn't hurt me..." Sean replied holding on to Dillon, doing his best to keep him from falling down on the concrete sidewalk beneath the table where they were eating lunch.

Craig said, "Now, first priority is taking Sean and Dillan home to San Diego..."

"When you're ready..." Jake answered.

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