
By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 5, 2002




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Finally, the last week in July arrived. I had been waiting for this week for-fucking-ever! The city was hotter than hell, the traffic was miserable, and everybody had turned more than a little mean, from the heat which sapped strength even with the air-conditioner going full-blast.

But the last week of July was my vacation. I had held off for a simple reason; I had bought a time-share cabin high in the Rockies in Southern Idaho, a little place to get away from it all. I got four weeks a year at that cabin, small, rustic, by a lake brim-full of fish and plenty of solitude.

Primitive, but not too much so. Electricity was supplied by a generator, and a small cooking stove which had a butane tank. For heat, I had to build a fire in the fireplace. No telephone, but a two-way radio I could work without too much trouble, and which was meant for emergencies only. The caretaker came by once a week on Sundays (the changeover time) to bring more wood, rake leaves and such. The rest of the time, my nearest neighbor would be two miles away, and the roads between were barely more than ruts through cleared forest-land.

Solitude. Privacy. The chance to think and recover and get to know myself. That was the real call. And my first week's use was coming up.

I made it through that final killer week of meetings and preparations for my absence. Shit, you'd think the corporation was going to go into shock without me around to hold things. I briefed Carson and Whitfield on everything, and my secretary, a wonderful girl who had been with me for five years and with the firm for fifteen, would be able to deal with everything. I got out of that office late Friday night, spent Saturday on the road. As I left the coasts and climbed in altitude, I felt the heat lessen and the trees drinking up all the sunlight, shielding the land beneath them, cooling the air. Ten degrees, and it makes all the difference in the world. My air conditioner did the rest, and I made great time, ending up at the Cedars Fork General Store on Sunday in the early afternoon. Three more hours to travel, and I would be at the cabin.

"Howdy, Abner!" I said to the old geezer behind the counter. "I'm Franklin DeBerge, and I need my supplies for the week." I said. I'd been told that he was used to visits from people like myself, for the entire area was covered with similar timeshares and I'd called in my order on Friday.

"Selah, pull out the order of Franklin DeBerge." Abner called to a young girl in the back. "So, where you staying?" Abner asked while we waited.

"Hawk's Crest Number Eighteen." I said.

Abner frowned. "Number Eighteen? I thought that place had been taken already this week."

"It is, by me." I said.

The girl was wheeling out a small grocery cart already loaded. The metal of it steamed gently, for it had been put into the cold locker. Kept the meat and such fresh and didn't hurt cans any.

"Selah, pull me the slip on that Harper fellow who was here a half hour ago. Which place was his?"

Selah, a teenaged girl, of the "faded beauty" type, the kind you knew would soon be pregnant by some married man or other, nodded as she chewed her gum--don't they all?--and said, "Harper, Efram. Hawk's Crest Number Eighteen." she read off.

"Yep. Son, I hate to spoil your vacation, but you been double-booked. Got your papers on you?"

"Yeah." I said. "And I know I don't have the wrong date. He must have the wrong date."

"He has the papers himself. Pulled them out to tell me his address. So you two can straighten it out when you get there." Abner said. He shook his head. "Happens all the damned time. Double-booking. Always a mess. Vacations get spoiled, and the cabin sits empty for a week one of them should'a had it."

"Well, not my vacation." I said firmly. The heat of the city suddenly surrounded me again, a palpable presence. "I know I have the right date, I've been staring it at it for the last month, counting the days until I could get up here. He's the one who messed up."

"Well, now, as I was saying, maybe it's the home office. So don't go up with guns blazing. He could be an innocent victim. Or you could. 'Not though the soldier knew, someone had blundered.'" he quoted. "You might share the cabin this one time."

I laughed. "You seen those cabins? One room, fifteen by ten feet. If it had wheels, it'd be a trailer house. And a small one. No, he'll have to leave."

"Whatever you say, son. Use the radio and call for the sheriff if you get into trouble." Abner said. "Selah, wheel that cart out to his car for him, dear."

"Sure." Selah listlessly pushed the cart out the front door. I went with her. No, damn it, I was NOT going back.

Abner came out with a sleeping bag. "This is a loaner." he said, throwing it into my car. "If you do end up sharing the cabin, you can trade off who sleeps in it. Just bring it back clean when you're done."

"Thanks." I said and drove away, steeling myself for one more, final battle before I could relax.

I made it up to my cabin and grimaced at the battered, beat-up pickup truck sitting in the driveway, its paint faded by years and neglect. Utah license plates. I parked to one side and behind his pickup, where he could maneuver it out when he left, and got out.

"Hello!" I called out as I stood up by my car door, the door still open. I'd been briefed on country behavior; you don't just walk up to the front door and knock. You could be met with a shotgun blast. In which case you get back into your car and get out of there and talk to the sheriff about it.

But the man came out and he had no gun. He stood on the small porch, one hand on the porch roof, one leg slightly bent.

He was no city dude like myself. Black tousled hair and a thick mustache and a shadow where his beard was growing in fast. His nose was a rounded bulb, his cheeks were oval orbs below his eyes, his chin was a double-bulbed cleft. His strong body was heavy with hair, covered with an unbuttoned red-plaid shirt, faded blue-jeans and cowboy boots. I felt suddenly like a complete trespasser, in my sweat pants and sweatshirt cut off at the shoulders, and sneakers. I was dressed for the gym, not the wilderness. My Mercedes looked out of place, his old pickup truck fit right in.

"Can I help you?" he asked. His face was neutral, his eyes opaque though steel-gray in color.

"I'm Frank DeBerge." I said, nearly stammering. "And there's been some mistake. I'm supposed to have this cabin for the week." My confrontational plan of attack evaporated like mist, I was an interloper in his world.

He frowned at that. "This is my cabin."

"Abner at the store said the company makes mistakes like this all the time." I nattered. "I got my papers here. If you'll bring yours out, we'll see if the company messed up."

"I know I have the right week." he said. "But I'll fetch them." He started to walk in, stopped. Without looking at me, he said, "Come on in." and I watched that arrogantly male body fade into the interior of the cabin.

Clutching my papers in one hand like a flimsy sword to wield against a dragon, I went in to the fray.

He was at the fireplace, picking up similar papers to mine. He opened them and looked at the date. "Yep, July 24-30." he read off to me.

"That's what mine says."

"Let me see it." He said. I looked at him, and he handed me his set.

They were a duplicate, all right. Right down to the signatures on the pages from the company president. And the dates, he was to come back in early November the same week as me, too. Ditto February and May of next year. We'd even bought the shares the same damned day!

"It was the company that screwed up." I said with some relief. "So what do we do?"

"I'm not giving up the cabin." He said. "I already took off work this week to be here."

"Same for me."

"So what do we do?" he asked me. Like he was willing to listen, but not willing to give.

"Abner gave me a sleeping bag and suggested we share this week while we straighten it all out." I clung to Abner's solution like a charm.

"Well if you don't mind using a sleeping bag and sleeping outside, then you'll do just fine that way." he said cautiously. Not giving an inch.

"The idea is to share the cabin. And trade off on the bag." I said.

He looked at me, and I glared back defiantly.

Then he broke and grinned, chuckled. "Good. Never could abide weak-willed people. Okay, we'll trade off."

I grinned back. We were going to get along just fine. "I'll go get my stuff."

"I'll come help you." he said. And he whistled at the food I had brought when he saw it. "Lot here." He said. "I was planning to fish every day and eat fish."

"Sounds good." I said. "You bring in the fish, I'll give in the rest. I just want to rest, do some reading and writing, hike around, and relax. Fishing was not in my plans, well, not much." He had just brought out my fishing reel and tackle box.

"I can see that, with this fancy stuff. You're a sport fisherman. Fish laugh when they see the kinds of fancy lures you probably have inside this box. I'll bring in the real fish. You fish for sport all you want. I'll use the minnows you catch for bait."

My smile slipped a little at that reaction from him. I wasn't home free with this guy yet.

Just what I didn't want, to fight all week. I'd come here to get away from fighting!

He went down to the docks and came back with three fish. He'd set up lines off the dock and they'd all brought in a good-sized fish. "Nice catch." I said. "How'd you get the big fish?"

"I baited my hook with little fish." He said. "Besides, the biggest fish always live under the dock. Easiest to catch so long as you don't hang around and yammer and let them know they're in danger. You any good at gutting fish?" He cocked an insolent eyebrow at me.

"Fish are your area of expertise." I said. "You provide the fish and I provide the rest. So gut your own damned fish."

Instead of getting mad, he grinned again and laughed. "Frank, you and me will get along just fine."

He cleaned the fish and I prepared the rest of the meal while he fried the fish for us. I would have preferred to broil them, but this cabin wasn't set up for such niceties.

Over dinner, he was almost genial. "You came up here to relax, huh?"

"Sure." I said. "Didn't you, Efram?"

"Yeah, but mostly I came up to fish." he said. "Then next time, hunting season. I'll get me a six-point buck or you can cut off my shirttail."

"Cut off your shirttail?" I asked.

"Penalty for a hunter who misses a deer." he clarified.

"Oh." I said. Then, disingenuously. "So, you have a lot of shirts with no tails on them, huh?"

He goggled at me, then laughed and so did I. One point for me.

After dinner, he went out to set some trotlines, whatever those are, and I read from one of the books I had brought. Investment theory; I had some money to invest and was determined not to buy based on what my stockbroker said alone. I wanted to know my options before I even spoke to him.

He was gone a long time. I was yawning at the dull book, and looking at the bed. It was a nice bed, and the floor was hardwood. Looked hard, too. Maybe the outdoors while I had the bag wasn't such a bad idea. Then a wolf howled and I changed my mind. Floor wouldn't be too bad. Only every other night, after all. Shame he wouldn't share the bed with me, it was big enough for two. Mostly. It would be crowded. Maybe if I got to know him a little better, he'd say what the hell?

He was still gone and I was groggy and exhausted from the long trip. The motel the night before had been a nightmare, a place that catered to whores and their tricks. I wouldn't stay there ever again, but it had been a rotten night's sleep.

He was gone, so I would take the bed and he could deal with it when he staggered in, whenever that was. He'd taken a full six-pack of beer with him, so maybe he was sleeping it off somewhere out there. With the wolves.

I undressed and got into bed. I habitually slept nude and saw no reason to change that, especially since it wasn't that damned cool in the mountains. The ten degree difference helped a lot, but from the mid-hundreds down into the high eighties is still too much for a person used to an air-conditioned seventy-two degrees. Besides, he was a fisherman, they always get up early and check their lines or go fishing. I'd have time to get up and dressed before he came back in.

I lay in that bed, cool and comfortable, and the darkness wasn't even ominous anymore. That single wolf howl was all I'd heard, and it hadn't been very loud. Off in the distance, maybe across the lake, even.

I heard the tromp of boots on the porch and froze. I hadn't locked the door, I....I looked over and recognized the outline as he walked in. It was Efram coming home. I wondered what that name was short for. Wouldn't blame him for not using all of anything I could think of.

I waited for him to turn on the lights, but he didn't. I heard the sounds of him moving about, running water in the sink and putting in the fish (I found out the next day about this stuff, he had the fish alive and on strings to keep them from getting away, and put a cover over the sink so they wouldn't flop out. That night, at the time it happened, it was just noises he was making, unidentifiable but not threatening). Then the sounds of the rocking chair, the clomps of his boots on the floor. The slight whisper of his shirt. A rasp of a zipper, the rustle of denim, whop-whop-whop, being forcibly kicked off. Then the sound of an elastic band snapping and he was walking over.

He was getting into the bed with me! I scooted over to the wall and started to talk. But what to say? Hey, wait a minute? We hadn't decided which one of us got the bed yet. I stalled on my words and so said nothing at all, and by then, he was under the covers and up against me!

"What the hell?" he said, and the odor of beer on his breath was strong. "Hey, you're supposed to take the bag for the first night." He reached over and turned the nightstand light on. It had a miniature bulb in it, about fifteen watts. It gave us only a dim, yellow light. I could see him, his chiseled frame decorated with waves of hair, the massive clog of black hair at his armpits, the wide eyes that he turned onto my own body, for the sheets had shifted in his movements until we were both uncovered to the waist.

"What?" I said. "We didn't agree on anything and you were gone."

"You brought the bag, so...what the hell? Are you naked?" I felt his cock pressing against my bare thigh.

"Yeah. So are you!" I said belligerently. "I can feel your dick on my leg."

"Hmph." He said. His hand landed on my stomach, and then down my abdomen and...Good God! He had hold of my cock! The sheets were pushed back as he moved and it revealed itself, my cock, my pride and glory, eleven inches of thick manhood my friends had jocularly named "The Terminator."

"You got a hard-on." he observed as he skinned back the foreskin and to grip me firmly at the base, jiggled my prick.

I could feel his cock firming up, turning from soft warm flesh to hot, hard prod. "Yeah, so do you." I retorted softly. He was smaller than me, but not by much. Nine to ten inches of heavy schlong, and he was far thicker than I was.

"Yeah, it is. You got a problem with that?" he asked me cunningly.

"No." I said slowly.

He jacked my cock. "How about this? You have a problem with me doing this?"

"No-o-o-o." I said. It was nearly a groan.

I had kept my arm nearest him pulled over and my hand lying on my chest. Out of the way. Now I reached down with it and found his pud, fished it free of its imprisonment between our bodies.

"M-m-m-mh! Ye-a-a-a-ah!" He sighed as I gave him the same pull down and then shucked it back up. As I did, my thigh smeared with the heavy precome his prick oozed out.

He turned onto his back and shuffled over and now we were side-by-side, and our hands were busy on each other's cocks. He was breathing heavy, in time with my strokes almost for I was pumping him slowly. Huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Unkh! Huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

"Ah, yeah!" I sighed. "This is the way to share a cabin."

He showed that big grin of his again, and said, "Works for me. Except that this is enough of this."

"Huh?" I asked as he let go of me. He hawked spit into his palm and reached for his cock and I realized then what he planned.

"Hey, wait a minute?"

"S'matter? Can't take it?"

"Not that." I admitted. "But if we're agreeing to share, then we got to share this, too." I insisted.

"Okay, but I get to go first." He said and spat into his palm again. "You bring any lube with you?"

"Just some Vaseline. I put it in the nightstand drawer." I said. "I didn't come prepared, if that's what you meant."

"That's prepared enough for me." he conceded. "Get it out." He rose up to kneel on the bed, his feet hanging off the foot.

I was surprised he didn't fetch it himself, but didn't argue. I rolled over onto my stomach to squirm over to reach the nightstand.

And that's when he moved to kneel between my legs and I felt his hands grab my tush and lift me into a kneeling position.

"Hey, give me a moment!" I protested.

"Fuck that shit!" He said. "Spit's good enough."

"Hey! Umph! Hey!" I argued inarticulately. I didn't have much time, for he was all over me. He was already slicked up with his spit and in the right position, my "Umph!" was the first contact of that cockhead at my ass, and after my second "Hey!" I was past words, for that heavy prong was pushing into me!

"Uh! Guh! Gah!" I yelled.

"Yell all you want." he observed. "We got all the privacy in the world here. Just like the agent said." And he shoved that cock into me harder and deeper. Now over half the thick length was inside me, and he didn't let up!

"Oh! Ah! Stop it! Ah! Agh!" I groaned.

"Ah, shut up!" he snarled. "I ain't breaking you open none. You're smooth as butter. You been fucked by bigger things than my prick, that's for sure!"

He was right, but... "That doesn't give you any right to plow into me like a fragging plow!" I complained.

"Best way to get a big one in." He returned. "Once it's in, we hold still while you get used to it, and then the ass-fucking begins!"

"You son of a bitch!" I groaned. "You rotten bastard."

"You aren't trying to get away." he pointed out.

"Fuck you!" I said.

"No, fuck you!" He said, and he began to! No warm-up, no gentle first strokes, it was wham-wham-wham!

"Gahh!" I yelled.

"Yeah, good ass!" he said. "It gets nice and tight when I hump it fast! Yeah!"

"Ah, you bastard! I moaned, while I clutched at the sheets. "You rotten, shit-faced bastard!"

"Oh, yeah!" He grunted while he humped my butt. "Damn, you're a good fuck! Roll over so I can see your face while I fuck you."

"Ah, jeez!" I groaned as I rolled over. Efram held my legs up high and I swivelled with his cock in my bum like a pig on a spit.

Efram grinned at my hard cock pointing up at him. "See, you're enjoying this." he said as he thrust into me again, holding my lower body in the air while he plunge-fucked me.

"Bastard." I muttered up at him.

He leaned over to match our faces and said, "I bet you're loving every minute of it."

"Shithead." I said and I kissed him.

His arms went around my back. "Damn, you're a muscled hunk." he whispered in my ear. "I'm going to love having you get your payback, for sure. You like it rough, don't you?"

"Yeah." I groaned.

"Me, too." He murmured huskily.

"Shut up and fuck me."

He did, he humped my butt with gusto while I wrapped my legs around him and rode his whanger, looking up into his eyes half-shut in lust, sweat dripping off of him onto my body. My ass was aflame with the hot prod plunging in and out of me. I was wrapped up in sheer male animal and I didn't ever want it to end.

He began to heave and his breaths turned into heavy, wracking gasps and he groaned, and I felt his cock, now white-hot, pouring scalding jizz into my ravaged butt. Salty, stinging lashes from his bullwhip of manhood, he groaned and blasted into me and finally fell on top of me, exhausted.

I rolled the two of us over and, his cock still buried in my ass, I gave my neglected prick a hard flogging and burst over his hairy chest, still heaving from his spent desire, and I yelled in sheer bestial joy as I creamed all over this big man.

Done, I dropped onto him and rose his gentle waves of hair as his chest still pumped air in and out, tasted the sweat on his hair as I laid my chin on his left shoulder and pressed my face against the side of his head, to find the ear and bite it, hard!

"Agh." he said, still too depleted to react to anything.

"You better get some sleep." I said. "I'm expecting some fish for breakfast."

"Fucker." he said sleepily. "I set the alarm for five thirty a.m."

I pulled the sheet up over us and we slept like that, intertwined.

The wolves came nearer and I awoke when they came near our cabin, sounding very much like dogs, but dogs at war with each other, yapping and snarling. I think they found the fish guts in the trash, for they quarreled and then went away again. I turned on that peanut light, then looked at the clock, five a.m. Then down at the face, looking almost boyishly gentle in repose.

Reached for the Vaseline in the nightstand. Slathered my cock and wormed my legs in between his. His face was undisturbed and I got his legs up around my shoulders and my cock positioned at his asshole before his eyelids fluttered.

Found that hairy tucker in the crevice and pushed. His eyes flew open wide. "Agh!" he said.

"Shut up." I snarled at him. "Payback time, and payback's hell!"

"Fuck you!" he said.

"No, fuck you!" I said and I shoved into him. "Smooth as butter."

He smiled on one side of his face, it would have been a snarl with a lowered position of his eyebrows. "Let's see if you can follow through, city slicker."

I pushed his legs down onto his chest and I gave him the hardest fucking I've ever given anyone. I'd tried this before with other men, but always they protested, begged off, stopped me. Efram just grunted and threw his head back as my cock dove into him to rest completely inside of him.

"Yeah." he grunted. "Give it to me. Shit, that's a long shaft you got on you."

"I fuck it long, too." I said and gave him hard, long strokes. I couldn't move fast in that position, but he didn't mind, and the chance to give it to a man like this, pumping him in and out over ten inches of length every time, made up for the speed I had to give up, I felt the cool air on my dong all moist with the Vaseline and his juices, and then I buried it to lie totally warm within in, and out again into the coolness of pre-dawn. He just lay there while I fucked at him, his face peaceful as a child, loving every inch of my hard pud pumping in and out of him, his cock rising up like a flaming brand. I could feel that heat on my stomach as I fucked him, and it got hotter by the moment. I was deep within my lust, feeling the tingling sensation all through my brain as my orgasm approached, when suddenly he roared and his come splattered both of us, flying wildly around, his hands still not touching it, but lying at his sides, clutching the wrinkled bedsheets.

Those hot splatters burned my stomach and ignited my passion, I groaned and buried my shaft deep inside of him and squirted my wad like that, while he groaned, his face turning bright red from his overburdened heart.

I rested against him and then I said to him. "Great fuck. Now go get us some damned fish."


"Buttface." I retorted.

"I'm going." he got out of the bed and I lounged there, watching those blue jeans slide over those taut buns I'd been fucking. He winced as he pulled the jeans tight. "I'm going to be sore for a week."

"Especially as often as I'm going to fuck you." I agreed.

He grinned and went to get the fish.

I could tell you about the rest of that week, but you already got the idea. Efram was a superb fisherman, and I ate my fill of catfish, trout and perch. It was a hell of a great week.

I hugged him good-bye at noon on Sunday. "I'm going to hate going back to the city."

"You coming back next fall?" He asked me.

I grinned. "I am if you'll be here."

"I'll be here." he promised.

I whistled as I drove back. I saw my gas was a bit low and I stopped in at Abner's store to gas up and pick up some munchies for the road.

Selah was outside, putting some trash in a bin they had there not far from the gas pumps, while I was filling up. I didn't think they had garbage pickup, but it beat storing it indoors, was my guess. She turned to me, her straggly hair obscuring her face in the light wind. "Hello." she said.

"Howdy." I returned.

"You met Efram?" she asked me.

"Yeah. We stayed together that entire week. Got along fine."

"That's good." she said to me. "He needs a place to stay. You didn't mind sharing the cabin with him? He's my brother."

"No, he was great." I repeated, thinking, Efram needs a place to stay? I should go back and offer to put him up with me in the city. Plenty of jobs around there and he and I could room together. I sure wouldn't mind a full-time ride on that huge prong of his.

Finished, I went inside. The Cokes were in a bin to the left of the front door, and so I headed directly there. Abner was with a customer anyway. I was looking over the selection, trying to decide between Pepsi and Dr. Pepper when I heard their conversation.

"Which cabin you have?" Abner was saying to the blond-haired young man.

"Hawk's Crest, Number Eighteen." the man said.

Abner grunted. "But that's the same as a young fellow who was in here a half hour ago. Sounds like the company messed up."

"Hey, I know I got the right week." the man protested. "I'm not giving up my week's vacation."

"Now, don't blame him. Not his fault the company messes up like they do. Why don't you go up and talk with him? I got a sleeping bag I can loan you and you and he can trade off if you need to." Abner saw Selah come back in. "Daughter, get this man's order from the back."

"Okay." Selah walked on in.

The young man turned to me and checked out my body, licked his lips slightly, saw me watching him and turned away. Yep, he and Efram would get along just fine.

I pretended I hadn't heard a thing as I paid and got out of there.

On the trip back, I pondered it. I didn't know who owned the company I had bought the timeshare from. But if I assumed it was Abner...no wonder Efram's and my contracts were identical! Just white-out my name on the copy and type in Efram's and....

"Shit!" I said out loud all of a sudden. "I've been screwed!" Then I burst out laughing.

This cabin was my kind of time-share!


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-Mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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