Tims Senior Year

By The Edyter

Published on Aug 21, 2017


WARNING: The following story is purely fiction and fantasy and has neither relevance nor connection to real world activities. Any similarity perceived in real life is purely coincidental. Due to the sexual content, do not continue to read this story if you are under the legal age of your state or country and/or you find male-to-male sexual material offensive.

Tim's Senior Year—Chapter 1 By: The Edyter (tedyter@gmail.com)

Eighteen-year-old Tim Curry, a senior in high school, was running late for school and had the urgent need to pee. He opted to take a short cut to use the rest room in the football stadium, expecting to save time and get to his first hour class before the 2nd bell rang.

He slipped through the stadium gates, which were chained together and locked with a padlock, but his 5'7", 160-pound muscular body easily fit through the large gap between the two gates, since the chain was not pulled tightly together.

He opened the bathroom door, walked up to the urinal, hauled out his dick and started to piss. He smelled something funny and thought he heard noises on the other side of the wall. His curiosity being aroused, he peeked his head around the corner to take a look after he'd finished pissing.

As his head appeared around the wall, someone grabbed him by the neck and got him in a headlock, smashing the side of his face firmly against his captor's lower chest.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The guy holding his head inquired.

Somewhat strangled and with his hands attempting to pull the captor's arms away, "J..j..jus . . just taking a leak. That's all." Tim choked out.

He saw two more pair of legs and feet appear in front of him, but with his head down and pressed tightly against his captor's chest he could see no faces.

"Come on," he gasped, "let me go!"

Half bent over and his head still in a headlock, Tim was dragged into the middle of the room. As he got closer to the handicap stall, the smell became much stronger. Weed—the three guys were smoking dope in the school's stadium restroom.

"What the hell we going to do with him?" One of the others asked. "We can't let him go and rat on us."

"You're right," the other replied.

"Let me go." Tim pleaded. "I promise I won't tell anyone. Promise!"

The guy restraining him pulled his head closer into his chest, making Tim's face turn red. His captor stood motionless a few minutes, contemplating his next move.

"Slip off your shoes, Curry," he decisively told Tim as he jerked Tim's head a little harder around the neck to emphasize his point.

Whoever his captor was, they knew who he was. Tim did nothing and the guy tightened his hold around his neck.

"Aaaugh!" Tim gasped as he desperately tried to pull his captor's arms free. "Ya' ...You're choking me."

"Then take off your shoes," the guy insisted.

Tim slipped off his sneakers and kicked them aside.

"Turn him around," one of the guys said.

His captor pulled Tim's head around until he was facing outward and had his arm firmly around his throat. Tim could now see the two other guys. Lonnie Sadler and Phillip Howell smirked at him as he looked up into their faces.

"Oh shit," he thought to himself, "two of the biggest bullies and trouble-makers in the school."

Tim knew if these two were around, their best friend, Randy Shaw, was with them and Randy was probably the one with the iron grip around his neck. All three sophomores had a notorious reputation and were always generating trouble. Every kid in school knew these three ruffians and stayed away from them as much as possible. The three were always rowdy in school and teachers just got tired of dealing with their shenanigans. All three of these students' parents were predominant citizens within the community, with lots of money and people just overlooked the three miscreant's behavior.

"Ok," Randy said, "Sadler, grab his belt and unbuckle it."

"Nooo!" Tim screamed as he grabbed his jeans and tried to double over to avoid Lonnie from unbuckling his belt.

Randy pulled Tim's head back sharply, straightening his captive up and tightened his grip around his throat, choking him. Instinctively, Tim put his hands on Randy's arm attempting to loosen the chokehold Randy had on him.

Lonnie quickly grabbed Tim's belt, unbuckled it and pulled it out of the senior boy's belt loops, letting it drop on the floor. Lonnie looked up at Randy. Randy nodded and motioned down at Tim's pants. Lonnie reached over and unbuttoned Tim's slacks. Tim tried to kick him as Lonnie tugged down the zipper and pulled his jeans down to his ankles.

"Step out of them," Randy snarled and really squeezed his arms tight as he leaned back, stretching out Tim's body, which raised him slightly off the ground.

Tim was getting light headed as Lonnie grabbed his pant legs and pulled his pants off; then grabbed his feet and removed his white socks. Randy released him and he slumped to the floor, gasping for air.

The three bullies circled him as he sat on the cement, recovering from his ordeal. Once his breathing got somewhat normal, Randy told him to stand up.

Still a little unstable on his feet, Phillip grabbed Tim's backpack and pulled it off his shoulders. Now in his white skivvies and t-shirt, Tim stood before his captors. He looked at the three sophomores. He felt he could probably take any one of them, but there's no way he'd be a match for all three. They'd make mince meat out of him.

"Give me my pants back and let me go." He demanded, once he was able to talk. "You've had your fun. I won't tell anyone, so let's just forget this happened and be on our way."

The three sophomores snickered as they looked at Tim in his underwear. They circled him like vultures on a dead animal.

"You ever been fucked?" Randy asked.

"What? No way!" Tim responded, totally shocked and caught by surprise.

All three laughed.

"Unless you do as we say, we're all going to fuck you," Randy scoffed.

All three guys snickered again while they looked at Tim's horror-struck face as he gradually backed away. The three guys stalked him until he was pinned up against the wall.

"Give me your t-shirt," Randy ordered.

Tim didn't move. Randy grabbed Tim's balls through his briefs and began to squeeze.

"Take off your shirt," he reiterated as he squeezed harder and gave a sharp yank on Tim's ballsack.

"Aaaaagh!" Tim yelled and doubled over.

Lonnie and Randy grabbed the senior's T-shirt and pulled it off. Now in just his white skivvies, Tim stood before them nearly naked. His chest was totally hairless and deeply tanned from being a lifeguard all summer long. The tops of his legs were white, where his swim trunks covered his mid-torso, but the rest of his body was golden brown. His chest was chiseled and his dime size nipples stood out on his well-developed pecs. His washboard stomach was taught, from the numerous workouts he did weekly and a small lump was evident in his Calvin Klein briefs.

Lonnie put his arm around Tim's shoulders while he grabbed Tim's nipple with his other hand. He started to gently pinch and pull the boy's tit.

"Timmy," Lonnie snickered, "You're a pretty good looking kid."

Tim doubled up his fist in preparation to punch the guy out, but Phillip promptly grabbed his arm and pinned it against the wall while Randy stepped up closer.

"I wouldn't do that, Curry, if I were you." Randy said.

Tim cringed as Lonnie played with his nipple while Phillip pinned his arm against the wall. Phillip put his hand firmly on the senior's 6-pack stomach and started rubbing it.

Both guys played with Tim's upper torso a few moments before Lonnie removed his arm and started to feel up the senior's butt-cheeks. He slipped his hand down the back of Tim's underwear and started rubbing his finger up and down the boy's butt-crack.

Tim looked with contempt at Randy as Lonnie rubbed his ass. Phillip grabbed one of his nipples and pulled on it. Just as Lonnie was about to finger his asshole, Randy piped up, "It's time to see the whole package."

Reluctantly, Lonnie let go and Phillip stepped back a little.

"Loose the shorts, Curry," Randy ordered.

"Fuck you, Shaw!" Tim spat.

Randy nodded to his two friends who quickly grabbed Tim's arms and pinned him up against the wall again. Randy doubled up his fists and punched Tim square in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Tim doubled over in pain. The guys pulled him back up and this time Randy laid a double punch right into his abs.

He fell to the floor, doubled over, trying to catch his breath.

"Curry," Randy said, "you just don't get it, do you?"

Tim lay on the floor, panting and clutching his stomach. The three sophomores circled around him, watching him closely. He lay there several minutes and when his breathing was somewhat normal, Lonnie and Phillip grabbed his arms and pulled him to his feet.

"Too bad you had to go through all that pain," Randy said as he grabbed Tim's briefs, "just for little bit of cotton fabric."

The guys snickered.

"Because these are coming off any way." Randy said as he pulled Tim's underwear down and off his feet.

Now totally naked, Tim stood before his captors, his head lowered in embarrassment. His flaccid dick was about 4.5 inches long. His pubes were short around the top of his cock and his hairless balls rested snuggly in his scrotum. Randy grabbed the senior's dick and started to stroke it.

"Tim," he hissed, "you've got a nice little body here."

Randy smiled maliciously while his other two companions shook their heads in agreement.

"Now let me explain the plan to you," he said. "Otherwise, we're going to have to fuck you up a little bit more and that could get really ugly."

Tim looked up at the sophomore, the look of defeat and total humiliation on his face. Randy kept stroking Tim's dick as he started to lay out the plan.

"Now let me explain the day's proceedings to you here, Timmy my boy." He continued to say. "Lonnie here is going to record a video of you in some compromising positions to ensure you're not too likely to tell anyone what you suspect you saw us doing. Should you decide to tell anyone, that video will be sent to all your classmates, your parents as well as put up on the web."

Randy toyed with Tim's cock while Phillip collected all of Tim's clothes and piled them in the corner.

"Then, you'll be free to go." He grinned.

The other two guys snickered as Lonnie pulled his cell phone from his school book-bag. Randy quickly stepped back and dropped Tim's dick.

"Go stand over there against the wall," Lonnie instructed.

Tim slowly walked over to the bathroom wall.

"Now start stroking and get that dick hard," Lonnie ordered.

Tim's face turned red as he grabbed his cock and started jacking off. Lonnie recorded him stroking his dick and eventually, after a good bit of wanking, his cock got to its full 6.5 inch length. For the next 30 minutes, Lonnie put Tim in various humiliating positions, fully exposing his asshole, balls, hard dick, taint and tits as he recorded him stimulating his body. All the while, his cock was to remain hard or he was threatened they'd rough him up again and then all three would fuck his ass. Just as he thought the video session was about over, Lonnie had him stand up.

"Ok," Lonnie said, "jack off and shoot a load for the camera."

Unwillingly, Tim grabbed his dick and started jacking off. His face burned with embarrassment as he shut out all activity around him, worked his fingers up and down his hard pole and massaged his cock head. Precum started seeping from his piss slit as he collected it and swiped it across the head and shaft to further stimulate himself so this horrendous scene could come to an end.

Lonnie was recording from all angles to ensure he clearly captured the whole session. Tim pumped his cock furiously and started to feel his cum work up from his balls. He ran his slickened palm over his cock head while his fingers stroked his shaft. He closed his eyes to concentrate solely on the feelings in his dick as his fingers played with his balls, cock and dickhead. He moaned softly. He slightly increased the tempo of his strokes, jacking his hard cock.

"Oh Gawd!" He said under his breath. He began to pant a little. He stroked his dick a little faster.

"Oh Gawd!" He said a little louder. "I'm going to cum!"

He arched his back then shot a long rope of cum onto the concrete floor. He pumped his dick again and another long rope shot from his cock. He continued to stroke his dick until he'd shot four good volleys of cum. He opened his eyes as he continued to rub his prick until it was fully soft; his hand was coated with cum.

"Looks like you really enjoyed that," Lonnie said. The other two guys just looked at the naked senior on the ground, recovering from his orgasm.

"Lick it off," Randy commanded, referring to the cum on Tim's hand.

Tim had never tasted his own cum before, but he said nothing, knowing it would do no good, as he licked the jizz off his fingers.

"Ok, you're free to go." Randy finally spoke up.

Embarrassed once again, Tim turned around to get dressed. All three boys snickered as they observed their naked captive's shocked look on his face.

"Where are my clothes?" Tim gasped when he found his clothes were nowhere in sight.

"Out there," Phillip said knowingly as he pointed to the bleachers.

"What are they doing out there?" Tim gasped as he scoured the bleachers for his clothes. He couldn't see any of them.

"We have a little game we call "Cum For Your Clothes"," Randy snickered. "Here's how it works. It's really simple. For every load of cum, you get back one article of clothing."

Tim couldn't believe what he was hearing. He'd cooperated with these assholes and now they were adding this little game of humiliation. Randy resumed his explanation.

"You'll get back your clothes in the order you took them off. So you're first load will be for a shoe; your 2nd load for the other shoe, etc."

Tim just stood there with his mouth agape.

"But we're not totally unreasonable," Phillip added. "Since you've already cum once, you've already earned one of your shoes back."

All three boys snickered at Phillip's remark.

"You've just got to go and get it." He added as he pointed outside at the stadium stands.

Tim took several minutes scrutinizing the bleachers through the rest room door, looking for his clothes.

"I don't see any of my clothes out there." He said dejectedly.

"Well, that's because Phillip has done a very good job of dispensing them," Randy said as he turned to Phillip.

"Where did you put Tim's shoe?"

Phillip pushed Tim closer to the door so he could look out at the bleachers.

"Count down 9 rows from the top row. It's on the seat."

Tim counted down and sure enough saw his shoe on the bleacher footrest.

"I can't go up there to get my shoe with no clothes on," he objected again, "someone will see me."

"Suit yourself," Randy said and then chuckled.

Tim looked pleadingly at all three of his tormentors, but none volunteered to help him out. Resigning to his fate, Tim dashed out the door and quickly ascended the bleacher stand. He hastily grabbed his shoe and started his descent when he spotted his other shoe and underwear on the bleacher seat a few rows over. He promptly dashed over to that bleacher, picked up his other shoe and underwear then looked over at the gate where he gained entrance to the stadium. With no hesitation, he raced toward the exit in an attempt to escape. Keeping his eye on the gate, he sprinted toward his freedom. When he was about 20 feet from the exit, Lonnie and Phillip stepped out from behind the concession stand, blocking his escape.

"Going somewhere?" Lonnie asked as they both lunged toward him and grabbed his arms.

Struggling as hard as he could, but unable to break free, Tim was dragged back into the men's room and positioned in front of Randy.

"Oooh, Timmy," Randy grabbed Tim's tit and started to lecture. "That was not a smart move."

He roughly pulled on Tim's nipples, pinching and squeezing them while Lonnie and Phillip held him out-stretched in place. Tim yelled and grimaced in pain as his nips were being brutalized.

"You'll have to be punished for that."

Randy walked behind Tim and grabbed the boy's bare butt-cheek.

"We'll have to make this a nice cherry red." Randy said as he pinched Tim's butt. "Now bend him over."

Lonnie and Phillip bent him over, exposing his ass and held him in place. Randy walked over and picked up Tim's belt. Doubling it over, he walked up behind him and swung the belt with a mighty blow.

Tim yelped as the belt bit into his tender ass; a red welt quickly appeared.

"You'll get 14 more of those," Randy said, "as punishment for attempting to run away."

"Noooooooooo!" Tim yelled as he struggled against his captors once again to escape.

Randy walked around and picked up Tim's underwear he had dropped when he entered the bathroom. He wadded it up and thrust it down the captured senior's mouth. He walked back behind him and picked up the belt. He swung the belt again and laid another stripe on Tim's butt.

Tim yelled, but the underwear stuffed into his mouth muffled his screams.

Randy laid fourteen more stripes across the teenager's backside before Lonnie and Phillip let him go. He fell to the floor, curled up into a ball and lay there sobbing while rubbing his burning backside. Lonnie walked over to his backpack and pulled out another joint.

"Might as well pass the time," he said as he lit the joint. He offered it to Tim, but he just lay there and didn't move. Finally Lonnie handed the weed to Phillip who took a hit, then passed it on to Randy. All three sophomores sat in a circle around their captive, smoking the joint as they watched the naked senior sob despairingly.

Twenty minutes passed and finally Tim uncurled himself and lay on his side. Randy pulled the underwear from Tim's mouth. He started shredding the cotton briefs to pieces. Tim started to say something, but quickly refrained.

"That's for picking up your clothes without earning them," Randy said. "Any time you gather clothes you've not earned, they'll be shredded."

Randy handed Tim his shredded underwear, then picked up one of the teenager's sneakers and started ripping it to shreds also. Tim choked back another sob as he watched his sneaker being torn apart.

"Now, Timmy boy," Randy said as grabbed the teenager's flaccid dick, "you've got a few more loads to pump out if you want any of your clothes back."

Tim pushed Randy's hand away from his cock and started pumping his limp dick. It took twenty minutes, but he finally shot another load. Phillip showed him where he'd put one of his socks and in a flash, he streaked out to the stadium to retrieve one sock.

Many minutes passed before Tim was able to pump out another load. He quickly retrieved his 2nd sock and returned to pump out another load for his t-shirt, but try as hard as he could, he just couldn't cum. He pleaded with his captors to give him his t-shirt and pants as he'd already pumped out three loads in less than 90 minutes, but they wouldn't relent. Finally Randy spoke up as Tim furiously pumped his limp dick.

"If you can't deliver another load," he started to negotiate, "you can get a load from each one of us in exchange for your pants and t-shirt."

All three boys began to laugh. Randy unbuttoned his pants and walked toward Tim.

"I'll go first," he said as he pushed his trousers to his ankles and stood before the senior in his white boxer briefs. His cock was tenting the front obscenely.

"Now, Timmy boy," Randy said, "you just wrap those sweet lips around this meat and soon you'll have another load worthy of those trousers and t-shirt you so desperately want."

Randy pulled his underwear down. His 7-inch uncut dick sprang up at half-mast.

"I'm not sucking your dick," Tim said defiantly. "I'm not queer."

"Suit yourself," Randy said. "You're free to leave any time you want."

Tim just stood there. He looked at Randy's cock. He didn't move. He didn't want to suck Randy's dick, but yet he couldn't go out naked. He pondered his options, contemplating wrapping his socks around his genitals, but that would accomplish nothing, his bare ass would still be exposed.

Getting impatient, Randy started to pull up his underwear.

"I've never sucked dick before," Tim finally said defensively.

"Now's the best time to learn," Randy snickered.

Tim slowly knelt down on his knees. Randy walked over to the teenager and flopped his dick in the senior's face.

Not knowing what to do, but fearing the worst, Tim opened his mouth and lowered his head to Randy's dick. He stuck out his tongue and licked the sophomore's cock. Closing his lips around the shaft, he swirled his tongue around the head as the thug's dick got harder. He bobbed his head up and down, trying to suck Randy's whole penis. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lonnie recording the whole event.

Randy moaned as Tim engulfed his hard prick. Once the thug's cock was fully erect, Tim struggled getting it all in his mouth, but kept sucking and lathering the sophomore's dick with his saliva.

"Keep sucking," Randy hissed. "I'm going to fill your mouth with a load of hot cum."

Hearing this, Tim tried to pull away; he didn't want to eat Randy's cum, but the sophomore slapped him across the face, forcing him to continue. All the while, Lonnie was recording him sucking Randy's cock.

Within moments, Randy began to tense up. His cock grew even bigger and he started to thrust his dick deeply into Tim's mouth. As cum started to shoot into his captive's mouth, Randy yelled out, "Oh, Gawd, suck that dick! Swallow my cum! Eat that shit!"

Tim gagged, but took each glob of Randy's load into his mouth and swallowed it as he continued to suck the thug's dick. The two other boys began laughing and clapping at the eighteen-year-old's humiliation while the sophomore kept ramming his dick into his mouth, not letting him pull away until his spasms subsided.

"Pretty good blow job," Randy sneered. "You must do this a lot."

When Tim didn't answer nor look at him, Randy just grunted.

"Now clean off my cock and balls." He ordered while Lonnie continued to record.

Tim sucked the remaining cum from Randy's dick and licked his balls clean. As the limp dick fell from his mouth, Tim lowered his head in shame as the others continued to laugh at him. Finally he stood up. Lonnie and Phillip had their pants and underwear down around their ankles and their hard cocks were standing straight up. Reluctantly, he knelt down in front of them and took each cock into his mouth. He alternated between the two dicks, sucking, slurping and licking their hard prongs and licking their balls until eventually, they both shot loads down his mouth while Randy caught the whole scene on his cell phone. When they both were done ejaculating, Tim stood up.

"Where are my jeans and t-shirt?" He asked emphatically.

Lonnie pointed to the announcer's box.

"They're in there," he said.

Tim put on his socks and his one tennis shoe and picked up his backpack. He dashed out to the bleachers one last time to scurry up the steps to the announcer's box. He opened the door and found his pants and t-shirt thrown up into the open rafters of the room. He grabbed the announcer's chair and stood on it to retrieve his pants. His naked body was now on display and could be clearly seen through the windows of the announcer's box. He pulled his pants out of the rafters, but his t-shirt was too high and he couldn't reach it. He quickly pulled on his pants and then scampered back down the steps, ran directly to the gate and sprinted home shirtless.

To be continued. . .

Please feel free to email me at tedyter@gmail.com with comments.

Next: Chapter 2

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