Tims Senior Year

By The Edyter

Published on Aug 26, 2017


WARNING: The following story is purely fiction and fantasy and has neither relevance nor connection to real world activities. Any similarity perceived in real life is purely coincidental. Due to the sexual content, do not continue to read this story if you are under the legal age of your state or country and/or you find male-to-male sexual material offensive.

Tim's Senior Year—Chapter 5 By: The Edyter

Tim's backpack was stuffed in his locker when he got to school the next day. Randy scribbled a note. `Waited for you for 20 minutes, but you never showed. Here's your backpack.'

Tim pulled his backpack out of his locker and went to class. Sol and he still avoided each other at school the whole week, not wanting to talk about the incident that had occurred last Friday nor their "feelings" about each other. It was at the end of the school day on Thursday afternoon when Randy met Tim outside his last hour English class.

"Hey Curry," Randy shouted. "I need to talk to you."

Tim wanted to run, but knew it would be useless because Randy would just hunt him down.

"Curry," Randy said when he'd caught up with him. "My girlfriend is having a party Saturday night and she wants you to come."

Puzzled, Tim looked at Randy and said, "Why would she want me to come? I don't really know her."

Tim knew Randy was dating Alisha, only because she was a cheerleader for the football team. He had never spoken to the girl, so he was really baffled why she wanted him at her party.

"She thinks you're cute and she wants you there, so you're going to be there. Got it?" Randy dictated. "I'll pick you up around 8:30."

Having no other option, Tim reluctantly agreed and the two left.

On Saturday morning Randy texted Tim.

`See ya' tonight at 8:30', was all it said and along with it was a video. He tapped on the video; it was him sucking off Lonnie and Phillip. He quickly shut it down and deleted both the text and video.

Early that evening, he showered and put on a pair of cargo pants and a nice polo shirt. He slipped into his Nikes and was ready when Randy pulled up into the driveway.

"Hey, Curry, glad you could make it." Randy snickered when Tim got into the car.

Tim sat down in the passenger seat and glanced over at the car's dash cam. Randy had his cell phone connected to it and the video of him and Sol sucking each other's dicks was playing on the dash cam's monitor. He looked over at Randy disgustedly, but chose to say nothing, knowing it would do no good. Randy snickered again as he put the car into reverse and pulled out of the driveway and onto the street.

A few blocks down the road, Randy told Tim to remove his clothes, reminding him that he was to be naked whenever he was in Randy's presence. Tim was still pissed, but resigning to his fate, he unfastened his seat belt and pulled off his Polo and t-shirt. He kicked off his sneakers and pulled off his socks and then unsnapped his pants and pulled down his fly. He raised his butt up off the seat, pulled his pants down and slipped them off over his bare feet. He grabbed his CK boxer briefs and slipped them off also. He was now totally naked and his dick was flaccid.

Randy momentarily looked over at the nude senior and told him to give him his underwear. Tim looked at him quizzically, but stooped down, picked up his briefs and gave them to him anyway. Randy grabbed them, opened his window and threw them out into the street.

"WHAT THE. . ." Tim started to shout, but Randy quickly interrupted him.

"You won't be needing those tonight," he said emphatically as he slapped Tim across the chest. "Now start jacking off and get your dick hard."

Tim unwillingly grabbed his cock and started to masturbate. Thankfully, it was dark outside and no one could see him in the car jacking off. His dick got hard in a short time and he continued to stroke it as Randy drove down the highway. When they were about two miles from Alisha's house, Randy told him to reach around and get the bag sitting on the floor of the back seat.

Tim grabbed the bag, opened it up and took out the package. It was black see-through g-string. He looked at Randy in disbelief.

"Open it up and put it on," Randy directed.

"I can't wear. . ." Tim began to protest, but once again Randy interrupted.

"You're going to wear it, so just shut up and put it on," he said sternly.

Tim opened the package, pulled it out and examined it. The g-string consisted of a black 6 inch wide see-through pouch that wrapped around a half inch waistband with a simple half inch elastic strap that ran from the waistband to the base of the pouch.

He slipped his legs through the straps and pulled it up around his waist. The elastic strap went up his buttcrack and almost disappeared up his ass. He shoved his balls into the pouch and had to rearrange his hard cock several times, before it was completely inside the pouch. Randy snickered as he watched Tim fiddle with his cock and balls to get them fully concealed inside the g-string. When he was done, Tim's prick and dickhead were visible through the sheer nylon fabric. His face was red from embarrassment once he finally got the garment in place.

"Get dressed," Randy ordered.

Tim put on the rest of his clothes and sat there, infrequently glancing at the video on the dash cam monitor, which was now showing him sucking Randy's dick. Randy informed him that Alisha's parents were out of town and she was having a few friends over and he was going to be the entertainment for the night. He looked over at Tim with a glaring and demanding look on his face.

"You do whatever my girlfriend wants or those videos you've been watching tonight will be sent to your folks and a few select people at school." He threatened as he punched Tim in the arm. "You understand?"

Tim momentarily rubbed his arm and once again resigning to his fate, just nodded his head in agreement; those videos could not be released, especially to his dad.

It was about 9:00PM when Randy pulled up into his girlfriend's driveway.

They both got out of the car and went up to the front porch. Randy rang the doorbell and his girlfriend opened the door and invited them in.

"Tim, you know my girlfriend, Alisha, don't you?" He asked.

Tim stuck out his hand to shake the girl's hand, but she just laughed and winked at Randy.

"He'll know us real well by the end of the night," she giggled.

Now embarrassed, Tim withdrew his hand and followed his hostess into the living room.

"Entertainment's here!" Randy yelled when they walked into the room. Five other girls were all seated on the sofa and chairs. Tim recognized three of them, but not the other two.

"This is Bonnie, Cathy, Lori, Sally and Brenda." Randy said as he pointed to each girl.

"Girls," he said, "this is your entertainment." He said as he pointed to Tim.

He looked over at Tim one more time with another threatening look on his face; Tim clearly got the message that he was to do whatever Alisha asked of him. He nodded his head slightly as Randy walked into the foyer.

"I'll see ya' around 11:00." He yelled and quickly exited the house.

Alisha walked into the foyer and ushered Tim back into the living room. He was embarrassed to be the only guy there and she did nothing to ease his humiliation nor welcome him. She motioned for her friends to gather around her.

"Let's begin tonight's activities." She said to her friends. "The first thing on the agenda is a little game of poker."

She looked over at Tim.

"Strip poker," she added, "boys against girls."

She winked her eye and snickered when she said that.

"Wait a minute," Tim said. "I don't think that's fair. I'm the only guy here."

"Oh, it's fair," Alisha said, "because Randy will be very upset if you're not willing to play the game with us." She said with a threat in her voice.

"OK," she started. "Here are the rules. They're very simple. A team member pulls off one card from the top of the deck and looks at it. The opposing team gets one chance to guess if it is a low card, high card or Royalty; 2 through 5 is low, 6 through 10 is high and the jack, queen, king is royalty. The ace is either low or Royalty. The joker is a free card, which means you get to put something back on."

She giggled when she said that.

"Every time you guess wrong, a team member takes something off."

She looked at her five girlfriends.

"Understand?" She asked.

All the girls giggled and nodded their heads.

"Ok, since Tim is the only guy here, he can cut the cards and we'll begin. Do you want to go first, or do you want us too?" She asked him.

"You can go first," he said as he cut the cards and gave them back to Alisha.

"Ok, pull off a card from the top of the deck, Tim."

Tim pulled the top card. It was the 4 of hearts.

"Bonnie, you go first." Alisha said. "Guess the card category."

"High." Bonnie guessed.

Tim turned the card outward exposing the card's face value.

"Wrong," he said.

"Whoa," Bonnie said. "Not a very good start for the girls, huh?"

"Take something off," Alisha said to her.

Bonnie pulled off her shoe and threw it behind her.

"Ok, Tim, it's your turn." Alisha said as she pulled a card off the top of the deck.

"High." Tim said.

Alisha turned the card outward. It was the 7 of hearts.

"Good guess," she said.

Tim breathed a sigh of relief.

The game continued as the girls rotated every round, with one girl guessing each card for the "girl's" round and Tim guessing every time for the "boy's" round. At the end of ten rounds, Bonnie had both shoes off, Alisha, Cathy, Lori, Brenda and Sally had one shoe off. Tim was barefoot and bare-chested. He only had his pants and g-string on. It was Brenda's turn.

"High" she said.

Tim had pulled the 8 of clubs. He turned the card around.

"Very Good!" Alisha said. Alisha pulled a card off the top of the deck.

Tim studied the back of it intently as if hoping to find a clue as to what it was.

"Low" he said.

Alisha turned the card around. It was the King of spades.

"Aaaaaaaahhh," all the girls moaned mockingly. "Too bad."

They snickered as they intensely looked at him. He had a pleading look on his face, hoping to end the game here, but none of the girls were willing to concede.

"Looks like you loose the pants," Alisha said with a broad smile on her face.

Tim undid his cargo pants, raised his butt off the floor high enough to slide his pants down his legs and then pulled them off. Alisha grabbed them and threw them on the other side of the room.

Suddenly all the girls started to whoop and holler, realizing what Tim was now wearing. Alisha smiled wickedly as she told Tim to stand up and put his hands behind his back.

Tim stood up, turning 20 shades of red and put his hands behind him. His cock was flaccid, but his dick head was visible through the near transparent pouch. Alisha stood up and walked over to him. She looked him directly in the face as she reached down and stroked his limp penis with her soft hands. Again, Tim's face turned red as Alisha toyed with his cock.

By this time, the other five girls had circled around him; some reached over and stroked his bare butt while one grabbed the elastic straps, pulled them away from his body and let them go, snapping them against his bare skin. All of the girls then took turns rubbing his dick through the pouch and soon his cock was chubbing up and getting hard.

"It's Lorie's turn," Alisha announced after all the girls had a chance at Tim's body.

Tim grabbed a card from the stack.

"High," Lori quickly said.

He turned the card around. It was the 4 of diamonds.

Lori quickly pulled off her other sandal and threw it over by the couch. Meanwhile Alisha had already pulled a card for Tim. He was very nervous and tried to stall as long as possible.

"Hurry up, Curry," Alisha finally said. "We don't have all night."

"High" Tim blurted out.

Alisha smiled a wicked grin. She turned the card around. It was the 2 of hearts. Little did Tim know that Alisha had in fact stacked the deck and was pulling three cards at a time for every one of his turns. So regardless of what he called out, she'd show something other than what he'd said.

"Come on, girls," Tim started to plead. "Can't we call it quits for now?"

"Randy will be very disappointed if you don't play the game with us through its entirety," Alisha reminded him.

She walked over to Tim, grabbed the waistband of the g-string and yanked it down to his feet. His hard 6.5 inch cock immediately popped straight up, a bubble of precum oozed from his piss slit. She wrapped her supple fingers around his cock and started to pump it as she reached down and fondled his balls. Tim's face was still red, but he soon started to moan as she jacked his dick and massaged his balls.

By this time, the other five girls had circled around him and were now toying with his naked body. His tits were being tweaked and pinched and his butt cheeks were being massaged. One girl was rubbing his hard, tight abs while another nibbled on his ears. Tim was at maximum stimulation and was about to cum.

Alisha sensed Tim's imminent orgasm and she abruptly stopped, telling the others to do likewise. He groaned as the stimulation ceased and his impending orgasm was denied. When the urge to cum had diminished, the girls once again stimulated his body, bringing him close to climax and then all stopping abruptly, just before he was about to cum. For an extended period of time, these six girls kept him on edge and never allowed him to ejaculate and blow his load.

When he had been denied to climax for the 7th or 8th time, Alisha stood up and boldly announced, "Randy said that you like to stick your finger up your butt and play with your asshole."

Tim looked over at her and gasped; she looked over at him and snickered. His face once again blushed 10 shades of red as he stood there mortified and had no idea what to say. Alisha went over to the end table, opened the drawer and threw out a bottle of lube.

"Get your finger up your butt and start playing with yourself." She said coldly with no compassion.

Tim was petrified and stood there motionless for several minutes. His whole body now seemed to blush as he reluctantly grabbed the bottle of lube and greased up his finger. Alisha told him to lie down on the floor, throw his legs up over his head and "get to it".

He reluctantly got into the prescribed position, spread his legs wide apart and exposed his cock, balls and asshole to everyone in the room. He was thoroughly humiliated as he inserted his finger up his butt and commenced jacking off. He found his little love button and started rubbing it profusely as he jacked off. He was moaning in ecstasy and quickly had the urge to cum when Alisha suddenly hollered, "Stop!"

He jolted back to reality and groaned loudly as once again he was denied to orgasm. He let go of his prick and promptly pulled his hand out of his butt. His hard cock stood straight up and twitched as precum oozed out of his piss slit onto his stomach. She walked over to him, grabbed his balls and pulled them out for everyone to see.

"Ok, big boy," she said sarcastically, "time to see what these baby makers are full of."

She rubbed the hairless orbs as Tim embarrassingly sat there, his naked body fully exosed before these five girls.

"Jack off and shoot that load." She said and went over to one of her girlfriends and sat down beside her.

Tim looked at her disgustedly, the urge to cum had ceased. If she'd just kept quiet, he would have already blown his load, but Alisha wanted to show everyone that she was in charge, so she stopped the "show" just to give him permission to cum.

He looked at her and then at the other girls now all seated in front of him. Once again, he was humiliated being stark naked in front of six fully clothed females and expected to jack off in front of them. He sat there a moment, glaring at them and then grabbed his prick and started to pump it. The girls watched intently as he closed his eyes and started to earnestly jack off and finger his asshole. Soon he was moaning as he palmed his dickhead several times and rubbed his love nut. He ran his hand down his hard pole all the way down to its root, slid it back up slowly and circled his dick head. He did it one more time, which quickly took him over the edge and he shot his load all over the floor. As he was in the throes of orgasm, Randy came barging into the room.

The girls started to cheer and Tim opened his eyes. The realism of his situation once again became evident as six long spurts of cum blasted from his cock.

"Looks like you girls got quite the show," Randy said with a smile on his face as he watched Tim ejaculate. He still had a finger up his butt.

"I told you he loves to have something up his butt," Randy said. "He'll shoot every time."

The girls all nodded their heads in agreement and watched Tim as he laid on the floor, recuperating from his intense orgasm. Finally Randy grabbed him by the arm.

"Come on, Curry, the show's over."

He pulled Tim toward the door.

"But my clothes," Tim protested. "I need my clothes."

"Not right now, Curry," Randy said. "You need to take care of me."

Randy pulled the naked senior out the door and pushed him into the front seat of his car. Alisha came running out the door with Tim's clothes. She threw them in the back seat and then quickly kissed her boyfriend good bye.

"Thanks for lending Tim to us," she cooed. "We all had a really good time."

She threw Tim a kiss and quickly ran into the house.

Randy started the car and peeled out of the driveway. Still naked, Tim cringed in the front seat.

"Reach around the back seat and pull that butt plug out of the bag in the back." Randy instructed when they got to the highway. "There's lube in there also."

"Come on, Randy," Tim started to protest.

"Curry, you'd better do as you're told or I'll have Phillip forward those videos you watched earlier to all your school mates and parents."

"YOU GOT THAT!" He shouted.

Tim nodded his head, reached around and grabbed the bag, pulling it in the front seat with him. He fumbled through its contents until he found the butt plug, still wrapped in its package and the bottle of lube.

"Grease it up good, Curry," Randy instructed, "and stick it up your butt."

Tim groaned as he took the plug out of the package and ran his greasy fingers up and down the plug. When it was slick enough, he reached around, greased up his asshole and slowly slid it in. He cringed as the plug entered his tight hole. This one was bigger than the one he'd had before, but as soon as it was all the way in, he relaxed a little. Randy handed Tim his phone and told him what app to bring up.

"Set it on 'medium'," Randy ordered once the app was activated.

Tim tapped the screen a few times and the plug began to vibrate. It tickled his hard little nut.

"Now, get over here and pull my dick out of my pants," Randy ordered. "And give me a blow job."

Tim scooted his naked butt across the seat beside Randy and popped the button on Randy's pants. He opened the bully's jeans, reached into Randy's underwear and pulled the hoodlum's dick out. He leaned over and stuck the hard cock into his mouth.

"Don't make me cum; just keep me nice and horny," Randy ordered.

During the whole trip, Tim sucked Randy's cock while the butt plug in his ass vibrated. By the time Randy stopped the car, Tim's dick was hard and leaking precum.

Thinking Randy was taking him home, Tim was greatly disappointed when he sat up. They were at Randy's house.

"You're coming with me, Curry," Randy said to him.

"I can't go out there like this." Tim protested. "I don't have any clothes on."

"Then you better run," Randy said.

Randy grabbed his phone and got out of the vehicle. Tim stayed in the car until Randy had the door open. When the coast was clear, Tim opened the car door and dashed toward the house. Randy switched the butt plug on high as Tim was running toward the house. He nearly tripped when the plug changed speed. Randy just laughed as he watched the stunned teenager's hard dick twitch as he ran.

When Tim was on the porch, Randy quickly closed the door and locked it. He locked the car doors also with the remote control, leaving Tim stranded on the front porch, naked.

"Come, on, Randy," Tim pleaded. "Please let me in."

Tim's dick was still hard and leaking precum. Randy flipped the plug down to low.

"Turn around and start jacking off," Randy told him.

"What?" Tim said in amazement.

"You heard me, Curry. Turn around and start jacking off."

"But someone will see me." Tim objected

"Then you better hurry up," Randy said and he started to flip the porch light on and off

Tim was embarrassed, but he also was aroused. The butt plug in his ass was really turning him on. He grabbed his hard cock and started to jack off. Randy kept flipping the porch light on and off to draw attention to him.

Since it was late at night, no one was outside and there were very few cars that drove by. Tim didn't have to stroke long before he shot his second load, sending four long spurts of cum out onto the porch floor.

"Lick it up, Curry," Randy ordered after the senior had shot his load. "It better be all cleaned up or you're not coming inside."

Tim got down on his hands and knees and started to scoop up the cum and lick it up. Randy flipped the butt plug back on 'high'. Tim's ass involuntarily rotated in a circle as he responded to the vibrations in his ass hole, sometimes almost missing his mouth as he tried to eat his own cum.

Randy was laughing hysterically. Finally Tim had cleaned up the porch and Randy unlocked the door. Tim quickly dashed inside the house.

"This way," Randy instructed as he continued to laugh at the senior's actions earlier.

Randy led him into the family room at the rear of the house. Lonnie and Phillip were sitting on the sofa watching the videos they had recorded of him and his sexual romps. The one of him in the stadium jacking off was currently playing on the TV. Both Lonnie and Phillip were rubbig their dicks through their pants as they watched the video.

"Hey, Curry," Lonnie said as he looked over at the senior, "having a "hard" night?"

He laughed at his feigned attempt at humor and then went back to watching the video and rubbing his cock.

Tim's dick was hardening again, but it was not yet fully stiff, despite the butt plug constantly vibrating against his prostrate. Randy walked to the middle of the room and started to remove his clothes. When he was naked, he sat down in a big overstuffed chair, his hard dick sticking straight up.

"All right, Curry," he said as he switched the butt plug down to low. "It's time you started worshipping my fine body. Get your ass over here."

Tim walked over to the big chair and knelt down in front of it.

"You can start with my feet." Randy said. "Start licking `em."

Tim crinkled his nose as he picked up Randy's foot. He licked the in-step, then stuck Randy's toes into his mouth. He sucked on each toe as Randy wiggled the others, slipping his tongue between each digit and thoroughly washing them with his mouth. Randy giggled as Tim sucked on his feet. Tim alternated back and forth between his two feet, licking the bottoms, tops, soles, arches and sucking on his toes.

"All right, Curry, time to move north." Randy snickered after awhile. "I want you to suck my tits and rub my chest."

Tim dropped Randy's foot and started gently nipping Randy's tit, taking the little nub into his mouth and running his tongue around the areole. He massaged the teenager's smooth chest and pecs and gently tweaked Randy's nipples.

"Oh, Gawd, Curry," Randy moaned as Tim sucked his nipple, "that feels really good."

Lonnie and Phillip were still watching the videos and Tim could see the images of either him, Sol, or him and Sol appear on the TV as he massaged Randy's upper torso. His face would occasionally flush with embarrassment as he briefly observed some of the disgusting videos displayed on screen. All the while, Randy loved every humiliating moment of it.

"All right, Curry, time to suck my dick." Randy finally said.

Tim parted Randy's legs, grabbed his cock, stuck it in his mouth and leisurely started to suck him off, curling his tongue around the spongy dickhead and licking up and down Randy's hard shaft.

"Oh, Curry, you're really a great cocksucker," he moaned. "Lick my balls."

Tim slathered his tongue down Randy's ball sack and licked each of Randy's balls as he jacked Randy's cock.

"Gawd, Curry, that feels great," Randy said as he opened his legs a little further.

Soon he was close to cumming and he pulled Tim's head off his dick.

"Eat my asshole." He ordered.

"You're fucking crazy if you think I'm getting my face anywhere close to your asshole." Tim said defiantly.

Lonnie and Phillip looked over at Randy, their eyes were as big as saucers. Randy kicked out his leg, catching Tim on the chest, knocking him on his back on the floor. In a flash, Tim got up and lunged at Randy, knocking him down and punched him in the gut. Lonnie and Phillip promptly got up and grabbed him by the arms, pulling him off their friend.

"Oh, Curry, that was really a stupid move." Randy sneered. Lonnie and Phillip each had a firm hold on Tim's body, making him immobile. Randy came up and grabbed Tim's cock and started to stroke it. Then all of a sudden, he punched him square in the balls.

Tim yelled as he doubled over onto the chair, clutching his nuts. Lonnie and Phillip quickly grabbed him again, pinning him facedown on his knees in the chair, exposing his butt. Randy picked up his pants and pulled out his leather belt, doubling it up. He smacked the belt on Tim's backside, a large red mark formed on Tim's butt cheek.

"I'm going to continue to whip your butt until you beg me to let you lick my ass." Randy said vehemently.

He smacked Tim's ass again. This time Tim groaned. Randy laid 42 more lashes on Tim's ass before he spoke up.

"All right, I'll do it." He finally said, sobbing as he said it.

Randy hit him one more time.

"You've got to beg me," he said.

"Please, may I please eat your ass?" Tim now begged. Randy hit him again.

"That's not good enough. You address me as sir." He demanded. He struck Tim again.

"Please, sir, please, may I eat your ass, sir?" Tim now spat out in between sobs.

Randy hit him two more times, then motioned for Phillip and Lonnie to let him go. Tim fell to the floor, curled up in a fetal position, sobbing. His ass was red and welts were forming on his very sore buttcheeks. Randy's dick was rock hard. He looked at his two buddies. Their dicks were clearly hard, tenting their pants. He sat down on the sofa, pulled his legs up, exposing his asshole.

"Get your ass over here and start eating," he ordered.

Tim crawled over to the sofa, got between Randy's legs, gingerly stuck his tongue out and licked Randy's crack. He tasted a salty tang. He licked Randy's hole again and smelled a slight musk, but thankfully, Randy's asshole was not dirty, just sweaty. He licked it again, this time a little harder.

"Oooooooooo, that feels really good," Randy moaned.

At Randy's insistance, Tim licked his hole between sobs, causing him to moan again. He coached Tim as he continued to lick his hole and stick his tongue up his butt. Lonnie and Phillip were now naked also. Their dicks were hard. As Tim licked and sucked Randy's hole, Lonnie and Phillip came over and put their dicks in Tim's hand. He began to masturbate them. He worked Randy's hole and jacked off the other two sophomores. Randy's dick remained hard the whole time Tim serviced him. Finally Randy pulled his butt away and rolled over on his back, his hard dick sticking straight up. He grabbed his cock and started to slowly jack off.

"Come here, Curry," he ordered.

Tim dropped the other two sophomores' dicks and crawled over to Randy.

"Turn around and get on your hands and knees," he commanded.

Tim did as he was told, his asshole facing Randy. Randy sat up, grabbed the butt plug and pulled it out.

"Ooomph!" Tim groaned as the plug quickly exited his asshole.

He looked around behind him. Randy was aligning his cock with his asshole.

"What are you going to do?" He asked anxiously.

"Time to get a piece of that ass," Randy sneered.

"Please, no, please don't fuck me," Tim begged. "Please, sir, please don't fuck me."

Randy loved hearing the senior beg, but he paid no attention to Tim's pleas, grabbed some lubricant and liberally smeared it on his cock. Tim plopped down on the floor on his belly.

"Please, please don't fuck me. I'm not ready to be fucked." He pleaded again. "Please don't fuck me. You'll tear me apart."

Randy slapped Tim's already sore ass.

"Get back up on your hands and knees, Curry," he ordered, "or we can have another session with my belt. It makes no difference to me, because I'm going to fuck you whether we beat your ass with the belt or not."

Tim sobbed as he got back up on his hands and knees. He knew it would do no good to protest any longer. Randy was right, he was going to get fucked regardless if they beat his already sore ass again or not, so why suffer through the additional pain. He felt Randy's cock at the entrance of his hole as the sophomore globbed more lube up his ass. With one mighty push, Randy shoved his whole cock up Tim's butt.

"YEOOWWW!" Tim yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks again. His ass felt like it was torn in two as his hole stretched to the maximum around Randy's big cock. He felt a burning sensation.

Randy didn't move after hearing Tim scream. Mercifully, he waited a few moments for Tim to adjust to the large dick in his ass. Finally, Tim wiggled his butt slightly in an attempt to accommodate the large pole up his hole and relieve some of the burning sensation. Randy interpreted that as a sign to begin and started to slowly fuck the senior with short thrusts.

Tim whimpered as the sophomore shoved his large cock in and out of his outstretched hole. Gradually, Randy increased the tempo of his thrusts, his greased cock pistoning Tim's once virgin hole.

"Oh, Gawd, Curry, you've got a nice tight ass," Randy moaned as he continued to increase the tempo. "You're butt feels so good around my dick."

He progressively initiated a steady fuck rhythm and moaned in pleasure as he fucked the senior's asshole. Eventually the burning sensation in Tim's butt began to subside and a more pleasurable sensation intensified as Randy steadily increased the tempo. Frequently, his dick would rub Tim's prostrate, causing Tim's cock to jump.

"Oh, Curry, I'm going to fuck this tight little ass frequently." Randy cooed. "This feels fantastic!"

Tim's dick was now responding to his rapist's thrusts and soon he was meeting every thrust of Randy's steady fuck.

"I'm gonna cum, Curry," Randy started to chant. "I'm gonna cum."

He thrust his hard dick deeper into Tim's hole, constantly rubbing the teenager's prostrate. Tim's dick was now hard and began leaking precum.

"Oh, Gawd, Curry, you've got a great, tight little hole," Randy repeated. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!"

He thrust harder, his stiff dick constantly stimulating Tim's prostrate, causing the senior's cock to continuously leak precum.

"Oh Gawd, I'm cumming!" Randy howled, "I'M CUMMING!"

He arched his back and began shooting jizz in Tim's tight hole, triggering Tim's orgasm also. Both guys shot their loads simultaneously, Randy's baby batter shot into Tim's ass and Tim's jizz sprayed all over the floor. Randy kept pumping his dick into Tim's asshole, shooting at least five good volleys of cum up the senior's butt, while several puddles of jizz collected on the floor as Tim shot his load. They fell apart when their climaxes subsided, both guys breathing heavily as they lay in a heap on the floor.

Lonnie and Phillip stroked their hard dicks as they watched the two guys recuperate from their fuck session. When Tim's breathing returned to normal, Lonnie and Phillip grabbed the senior's arms, pulled him up and "walked" him over to the coffee table. They quickly cleared the table's surface and laid him down on his back. Lonnie got between Tim's legs, pointing his hard dick at his asshole.

"Please not again," Tim pleaded. "I can't get fucked again."

But Lonnie ignored him and watched the senior's face grimace in pain as he shoved his hard cock in Tim's sore sloppy asshole. "YEOOWW!" Tim screamed again. But as soon as he let out a howl, Phillip shoved his hard dick into his mouth.

Lonnie fucked him while he sucked Phillip's cock and then the two switched places, spit roasting him back and forth. Both sophomores were so horny that they didn't last long and soon were shooting cum up Tim's shit chute and down his throat.

The rest of the night, Tim serviced Lonnie, Phillip and Randy, eating out the sophomores' assholes, sucking their dicks, feet, balls and tits, while each one fucked him one more time. Around 3:00 AM, the three sophomores went to bed. Satiated, Tim just curled up on the floor and fell asleep.

To be continued

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