Tinkerer Tyler

By Enzo Matrice

Published on Sep 27, 2022


TINKERER: TYLER - VOLUME ONE by EnzoMatrix [enzomatrice@protonmail(dot)com] (M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay)

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Years ago, while looking for something to read on Nifty (to pleasure myself of course), I stumble upon an anthology series of short stories call "Smell This". It was written by someone called Zachyboy. It was listed as "M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay" which didn't really sound appealing, until I started reading them. I was hooked and probably what made me the naughty storyteller I am today.

Unfortunately, the stories disappeared from Nifty at some point, along with a bunch of his other stories. I was really bummed :(

Not sure what happened to the author, but I can't thank Zachyboy enough for the many, many enjoyable evenings.

Anyway, one of my favorite Smell This stories was called "THEATRICAL: HARRISON". This is inspired by that story (and some others in the series). This first part was originally meant to be a single short story, but I kinda fell in love with the character and occasionally add another chapter when I miss Tyler.

Everyone meet Tyler.



There is a boy next door named Tyler. I think he might be the only kid on the street. He usually gets home from school around 2:30, and is alone until his mom returns from work. I really don't hear much from him, but if I'm in the garage tinkering and he walks by, he gives a cute little wave. Tyler looks to be somewhere in the 8 to10 range, but I suspect he might just be small for his age. He is neither skinny or fat, perfect boy proportions as far as I am concerned. I think he looks pretty cute – dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that seem to melt me when I look into them.

I had just got home from grocery shopping. As I got out of the car, I hear a boy's voice. "Hello?"

Looking around I caught those beautiful eyes, "oh, hi Tyler."

Tyler responds, "hi Mr. Harris."

He looked concerned, "What's up Tyler?"

Tyler has a bit of a worried look, "I forgot my key this morning and I'm locked out. My mom doesn't like me hanging outside alone."

I tell Tyler, "well you can stay here until your mom comes home if you want?"

Honestly, as an only child of a single parent and no other kids on the street, I don't think Tyler gets much attention – much less a male role model. He seems pretty excited to receive some from me.

"Really, I can stay with you Mr. Harris?" feeling relief, he gives me a little hug.

I feel his warmth and energy against me; this boy is gonna melt my heart. "You can call me Jim. We are both adults here."

I can see the pride and excitement in his eyes. Being called an adult, instead of always treated like a child. "OK mister...I mean Jim."

"I need to take these groceries in first." I say to Tyler.

Tyler responds, "I can help you."

I hand him one of the bags; he flashed me the cutest smile. I grab the other bag and we go into the house.

Tyler says, "wow you have a nice house Mist...Jim."

I respond, "thanks Tyler. It's not much, but it's home."

Before I start to put the groceries away, I can see Tyler is a little nervous. I break the ice a little. "So you want a beer while I put these groceries away?" I look into his shocked face. Without a beat, I reach into the refrigerator and pull out a couple bottles of root beer and hand him one. His eyes light up and he instantly cracks a big smile.

I look at those baby blues and say, "you didn't think?" and we both start to laugh. Seeing he is more relaxed now is comforting.

"This should only take a moment, then I am all yours." I give him a wink, he gives me a smile.

As I put away the groceries I ask, "we have never really talked, how old are you Tyler?"

Tyler says, "I am 10 and three quarters...well in two days!"

I chuckle to myself, "Sounds like you can't wait to be 11?"

Tyler responds, "I have been 10 for like forever, everyone still thinks I am a kid. I just want to be 11 so people won't treat me like a baby."

I say, "I hear you buddy, when I was your age I felt the same. But, if you ask me, you should enjoy being 10, when you get my age you'll miss being a kid."

Groceries finished, I turn to Tyler, "OK, so what do you want to do Tyler, until your mom comes home? I am all yours now."

Tyler, thinks hard. "I kinda like to build stuff – I know most kids like video games, but I would rather build things."

Why is this kid so damned perfect, another tinkerer like myself. "Well Tyler I just so happen to have a few projects in the garage. Grab your beer and let's go tinker."

Tyler's face lights up like a Christmas tree. "Cool!"

I have a bunch of boxes stored above a cabinet. This-es and that-s as tinkerers call it. I grab a step stool and place it in front of the cabinet. I tell Tyler, "I have a few boxes if you want to look around. Let me know if you find something that interests you. I will hold you steady."

Tyler gets up on the stool and I hold him by the waist. His body is warm and almost electric with energy. Like a little fish, he starts to wiggle his cute little ass, digging into the boxes. Trying to hold him my face is looking right at his cute little ass. This immediately flips two of my switched. A) for ass, the cutest I have ever seen and B) for boy, do I want to sniff his boy scent.

As he wiggles in my hands, with his ass practically in my face, I lean in to try and get a little whiff of this adorable boy. I can barely make out his boy scent through his pants, but it is there. Then on my second attempt, he reaches for something causing his ass to move toward me. His little ass meets my face, my nose practically embedded in his little boy crack – I take a huge sniff. Oh my god, heaven and earth collide – his boy scent is like nothing I have ever experienced. A little sweet, a little sour, a little nutty...my mind practically explodes, my cock wants to follow. I am instantly rock-hard from his boy scent.

Completely in a daze, loosing all sense of reality. I faintly hear an excited sounding boy call out, "Jim, I think I found something!" I sorta come back to my senses and look up. This angelic boy, I just got a whiff of, looks down and says, "You OK Jim?"

I snap out of it and reply, "sorry I was just thinking about something {yeah, your little boy crack}. Oh yeah, my old breadboard, that looks like fun. Let me grab that from you. There is a yellow box in there somewhere with electronic components."

I put the breadboard on the table and go back to spotting my little ass...I mean friend. As he is searching, I decide to try my luck again and lean in. Like before he reaches and his cute ass connects with my face. I take another big sniff at his crack. Like second breakfast, this boy's treasure box is a dream come true. I am getting all hot and bothered from his delicious aroma. And again, I hear, "Is this it Jim?" I look up at his excited adorable face, "that's it Tyler. You're a good hunter my boy!" I get another heart melting smile.

"OK, one last thing. We need the power supply. It's about this big..."

Tyler stops me, "Oh, I think I saw that."

Thinking this might be the last chance I ever get again, I go for a last big sniff. This time when I think there is a chance, it doesn't happen, but I go in anyway. I just can't get enough of this boy's treasure box. I take a big whiff. "Jim?" I look up to see Tyler holding a power supply, my face in his ass, and that look on his face, "uhm, is this it?" I hear hesitation in his voice, did I go too far? Oh, I think I let my nose lead and might have fucked up! "yeah, Tyler that's the one." Trying to turn the ship around I try to refocus. "Why don't you come down and we can start working on this." Or maybe I just imagined something?

Tyler starts to climb down. We set up the project on the workbench, a breadboard, box of components, and a power supply.

We both grab a stool and sit next to each other. I sit first then Tyler puts his chair really close to mind. He sits down next to me, our legs touching. I think Tyler is just dying for affection, and don't mind giving it to him. His warm electric little body touching mine.

Tyler starts digging through the components. I admire this boy and I can tell he is as smart as he is cute. As he searches for something in the yellow box, I can see his little tongue poke out of the side of his mouth. I almost die, he's so cute.

As he starts to push components into the breadboard, Tyler asks, "Jim, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Tyler, you can ask me anything."

I hear Tyler gulp, "well...uhm...it might be kind of embarrassing."

I look at Tyler and say, "dude, what happens in the garage stays in the garage." I chuckle and he gives me a cute smile.

"Seriously, you won't say anything to anyone? Promise?"

I give him the boy scout sign "Promise."

I can see he is having trouble asking me something. Like the typical tinkerer, he stares down at his project, and in a very soft voice says, "were you sniffing my butt?"

I was absolutely floored, unable to respond, like something just stopped the world from spinning. I suddenly found it hard to breath and my face turned red as I stare at the boy.

He is still focused on the project, but I feel like he is leaning closer to me, his leg shaking a little against mine. I could feel his heat rise. Was the boy in heat?

"It's OK Jim, if you were."

I am still unable to find a single word or sound to explain myself. I might have really fucked this up, letting my nose do the thinking. Am I imagining this, I can't understand where this is going?

"You looked like you enjoyed it is all. I'm OK if you did."

What is he saying? Did he just give permission to enjoy his scent? Well, here goes nothing. "Tyler, I'm really sorry, I like your smell and I got carried away. I'm so sorry, I won't do it again."

I suddenly realize his leg is not shaking anymore, it is gently rubbing against my leg, his body now really leaning into mine. Still looking down and focusing on the project, "I hope you do, I kinda liked it. And I know you liked it too." Tyler pauses and looks right down at my lap. "I could see you liked it."

Tyler looks back at the project and says, "so you really like my smell?"

Still at a loss for words, I just repeat him, "yes Tyler, I like your smell a lot. A real lot."

Tyler, still looking at the project, lights up, "cool." He puts his hand on my leg, "thanks for telling me Jim. I like when you sniff me."

I can hear, him gulp, "If you want to sniff me more, you can. I would really like that."

Either Tyler is just starved for attention or just wants to please me or...I just don't know what he wants right now?? But I think this boy just invited me for a sniff of his treasures.

"Tyler, I would love to smell you again, but I could get in real trouble if anyone found out."

Tyler responds, "you said what happens in the garage stays in the garage. I won't tell anyone if you won't."

I may be completely losing my mind. "If you are OK with it." {Tyler nods an excited YES} "Then let me close the garage door."

When I return, Tyler says, "can I work on the project still? I will stand if that's better, OK?" Tyler stands up from the stool and moves it out of the way. He goes back to the project.

"Are you sure you're OK with this Tyler? I don't want to do something you're not comfortable with."

Tyler replies, "I'm OK, please smell me anywhere you want."

OK, I have totally lost my mind. This cute boy wants me to sniff him. "OK, but if you want me to stop, just tell me."

I get behind Tyler and bend my knees until my nose reaches that fine ass of his. I lean in a little and sniff, Tyler pushed his butt toward my face. Buried in his crack I take a big sniff. I catch a whiff of his buried treasures. His aroma is breathtaking.

Tyler looks back at me, "good?" I quickly reply, "very good Tyler." There's that bright smile again.

"Can I smell your front Tyler?" Tyler is clearly excited with the attention. "You can smell wherever or whatever you want."

I move to his front and put my face into his little package. I immediately feel he has a boner. Is he enjoying this as much as I am? Unfortunately, there is not much smell in his front, his pants probably block it. Tyler looks down, "what's wrong Jim?" I just say it, "I think your pants are blocking the smell." Before I can say anything, Tyler says, "I can pull them down if you want?" Unable to speak I nod my head like I'm his dog and he is my master. Tyler, starts to undo his pants and let them drop.

Oh my fucking god, he has the cutest little briefs. They look a bit tight on him, maybe a couple sizes too small? "Tyler, you like Beast Boy too?" Tyler looks at me and his eyes brighten, "you like Beast Boy?" I reply, "I LOVE BB, he's the cutest." Tyler is clearly got a thing for Beast Boy, "I think so too, these are my favorite undies. Try now Jim."

I can clearly see his junk in his tight little briefs. His little noodle stiff as a nail; I go right for his noodle and take a big sniff. Boy cock, pure little unadulterated boy cock almost directly from the source. I can tell Tyler is really enjoying this - he pushes his junk forward into my face and moves around a little. I rub my nose in his junk and almost pass out from the aroma Tyler is giving off. I get some very slight notes of boy pee, but mostly pure Tyler. I lean down a bit to sniff his little boy nuts. Ah, yummy as well with some aromas from his little hot box mixing in. Tyler starts to gently grind his package in my face. He is really stiff, but his cute little undies strap it down. I am also getting a stiffy, I reach down to adjust myself kneading my cock a bit.

I want to try the back again, without the pants in the way. Tyler looks down and seems a little disappointed he can no longer rub his junk in my face. As I position myself at his backside, I reach around to feel his little boy cock. I gently stroke it with two fingers while I stick my nose in his backside. It's like someone whacked me upside the head. I get a direct hit of his boy stink in my nose. While my brain tries to process the amazing aroma he is giving off, my cock goes to full stiffness. This boy's little box is on fire. I dig in as Tyler pushes his little ass into my face. Not in my right mind, I realize Tyler is thrusting back and forth and whimpering. His little cock must be suffocating in his undersized little undies. His boy cock is hard as a spike.

"You OK Tyler?"

Tyler moans, "It feels so good Jim, keep smelling me and rubbing my dick."

I figure we have gone this far. I put my fingers in his tight undies and slowly pull his undies down to his knees. He gives no resistance. I grab his stiff little cock and start to stroke it. Tyler has his hands on the bench and his ass sticking out a little. I put my nose directly in his crack and start to sniff. Tyler's aroma, directly from the source fires receptors in my brain I have never felt before. I start kneading my hard cock as I jerk Tyler's little cock. I can hear Tyler whimpering like a little puppy.

I know Tyler is close, but I need to taste this boy. I stop jerking. He looks down and says, "why did you stop?" I just say, "one sec."

I move to his front. I am greeted with the most beautiful, hairless, little boy cock I have ever seen. I almost melt from its beauty. I want to immediately put his little boy cock in my mouth - which I do. I hear Tyler make a little "unk" sound at the feeling of my mouth on him. I look up to his face and he is clearly in heaven. I stop for a bit and tell him, "get my finger wet." I bring my finger to his mouth. He starts sucking it and getting it all wet. His finger suck turns me on, but I have a mission. I pull out with a `pop', dripping wet, and start to explore his backdoor. I find his little pucker and apply pressure. As my finger penetrates his tight hot boy cunt, he forced his pelvis into my face and starts to whimper loudly. "Jim, that feels so good, suck my dick. Your finger feels so good in my butthole."

I am in heaven, sucking his boy cock and fingering his tight hot box. I can feel him getting close, his anal ring pulsing on my finger as he is fucking harder into my mouth. I put my free hand down my pants and start jerking my cock. I hear Tyler whimpering, "almost there Jim, almost...ahhhhhhhhhhh" He pushed his little cock as deep as he can in my mouth. His tight little ball sack against my chin. Tyler's hole pulses wildly squeezing my finger, his boy cock throbs and spasms in my mouth, his little ball sack vibrates on my chin. He doesn't appear to shoot boy spunk yet, but it sure feels like his little body is trying. He grabs the table to keep himself from falling. I feel his whole body vibrating.

Tyler's intense orgasm, sets off my rocket Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I fire ropes of cum into my hand.

Tyler looks down, "that was awesome Jim! The best one ever!"

I slowly remove my finger from his hot little hole and take a sniff. His insides smell so yummy.

Tyler bends down and surprises me by grabbing my hand. He brings the finger that I was just poking his boy pussy with to his nose and gives a really big sniff. "Yeah" is all he says. Then he looks right into my eyes and says, "I like that smell too."

Everyone meet Tyler.

Next: Chapter 2

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