Tinkerer Tyler

By Enzo Matrice

Published on Sep 27, 2022


TINKERER: TYLER - VOLUME TWO by EnzoMatrix [enzomatrice@protonmail(dot)com] (M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay)

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Years ago, while looking for something to read on Nifty (to pleasure myself of course), I stumble upon an anthology series of short stories call "Smell This". It was written by someone called Zachyboy. It was listed as "M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay" which didn't really sound appealing, until I started reading them. I was hooked and probably what made me the naughty storyteller I am today.

Unfortunately, the stories disappeared from Nifty at some point, along with a bunch of his other stories. I was really bummed :(

Not sure what happened to the author, but I can't thank Zachyboy enough for the many, many enjoyable evenings.

Anyway, one of my favorite Smell This stories was called "THEATRICAL: HARRISON". This is inspired by that story (and some others in the series). This first part was originally meant to be a single short story, but I kinda fell in love with the character and occasionally add another chapter when I miss Tyler.

Everyone meet Tyler.



It had been a few days since I saw my little friend Tyler. I say little friend, who am I kidding. I'm a 30-year-old man lusting after an almost 11-year-old boy...what is wrong with me?

They say kindred spirits find each other despite all obstacles.

I was out in the workbench trying to fix my laptop. The display was acting flaky, and figured it was a loose connection. After removing the screws, I remove the bottom cover and start poking around.

I hear a boy's voice behind me, "Mr. Harris?"

Hearing that boy's voice again instantly turns me into a puddle of goo. The voice of an angel (do I hear harps?) "Hey Tyler! Come on in."

Tyler walks up to the bench. He sees the laptop in pieces and his eyes light up. "Cool! Is that your laptop Mr. Harris?"

I chuckle, "You can call me Jim remember, we are friends, right?"

Tyler smiles and nods, he shyly bumps his side into me affectionately. "Is that your laptop Jim?"

I explain, "Yeah, I am having a display issue and thought I would poke around. Probably a connection."

Tyler is clearly curious. He is not looking at me; his eyes fixated on the laptop and all the exposed components. Geek porn. "Mind if I watch? I have never seen inside a laptop before."

I tell him, "sure Tyler. You want me to explain what's going on in here?"

Tyler lights up and looks at me, "you know what all this stuff does? Really?"

I chuckle, "I'm a technician. It's been a while since I have been in a laptop. They are all a little different, but I basically know my way around. Why don't you pull up a stool and sit by me."

Tyler grabs a stool and drags it against to mine, to my left. He gets in the seat and leans against me eager to learn. His energy radiates off his little body, which turns me on immensely. I dig curious boys, and Tyler is super-curious.

I tell him, "we need to make sure we don't damage anything. The static in our body could damage components, so no fingers, OK?" Tyler nods, eyes transfixed to the laptop.

I grab a probe, "I will use this nylon probe to point stuff out." I continue, "This is the CPU, you know what that is right?" he nods. "This is the memory here, the solid-state drive here, and the GPU here. OK so far?" he nods.

I feel Tyler really leaning in to me now. I can feel his breath on my hands, and his body inhaling and exhaling against me. I can tell he is really digging this, and I am enjoying him hanging on me.

"These copper pipes are the heat spreaders. They spread the heat from the components out of the laptop through this hole. If they get really dusty, things can overheat causing issues and possibly damage." He nods. "Do they look a little dirty to you?"

Tyler leans in, he puts his hand on my leg and moves really close to inspect. His little hand is getting me aroused. My prick at full attention. I adjust myself with my left hand, accidentally bumping his hand on my leg. He looks down and sees me adjusting my stiffy.

He giggles, "me too." He grabs my hand and puts it on his package. His boner is stiff as a nail.

I give it a little wiggle and smile. "Better?" He nods yes.

I keep my hand on his package. He moves his hand back to my leg and goes back to inspecting. "It looks a little dusty" he says.

Just to get a rise and test his knowledge I say, "should we give it a blowjob Tyler?"

Tyler, whips his head around to look at me. I feel a little movement in his junk. Yup, he clearly knows what that word means.

I look at him with a serious face, "yaknow, canned air...what were you thinking?"

I `boop' his nose, "you naught boy." Tyler giggles and gives me a little side bump.

The canned air is closer to him, "can you grabbed the canned air." Tyler reaches for the can and hands it to me.

"OK, would you like me to give you a blowjob or would you like to give me a blowjob?" Tyler looks at me and giggles.

"What did I say? Seriously dude, this is delicate stuff."

I lift up the can, "have you ever given a blowjob? Or do you want me to show you how?"

I don't think Tyler has ever looked at me for that long a period of time. He has such a cute smile.

I say, "did I do it again?" Tyler nods and starts cracking up.

"OK, seriously. Canned air can be tricky. If you turn it too far it will freeze stuff."

I give him a demo, which produced a "Whoa, that's cool, it blew out snow!"

I say, "yes, very cool, like freezing." He giggles.

"So always give it a quick blow upright to clean the tip, then at the components, without tipping the can too far. Like this."

I give him a quick demo, "wanna try?" He nods his head.

He does a good job blowing out the dust.

"Wow, are you sure this is your first blowjob? You're a real natural." Tyler giggles then squeezed my leg a little.

I chuckle, "OK sometimes over heating can cause video issues. But let's check the connections too, while we have it apart." I point at the video connection. "OK, see this big connector?"

Tyler is really leaning on me now and it's getting me hot and bothered. I remove my hand from his package and put my arm around him to give him room. He looks at me and smiles, then back at the connector.

"Sometimes if you just re-seat it, that cleans the contacts and fixes the issue. I think your fingers are smaller, do you want to do it?" Tyler nods his head yes, very excited.

"OK, remember the static I told you about. We need to use some protection." Tyler nods. "We need to put on an ESD strap to prevent any static discharge. This mat the laptop is sitting on is grounded and you will need to wear a strap to be grounded too."

I take the ESD strap. "Give me your hand." Tyler gives me his hand. Like the rest of him it's small and cute. I take his hand and he looks at me and smiles from the touch. I put the strap on his wrist and adjust it for his small wrist. I wiggle the strap. "Tight enough Tyler?" he nods. I gently pull my hand across his palm, my fingers cause him to shiver a little.

I point at the connector. "OK, you need to lift this big connector up, very carefully and straight up. Just don't bend it or you might break the pins." I see Tyler start to gently lift the connector, and that cute little tongue pokes out. "God your cute," I blurt out, then realize it I said that out loud.

Tyler stops and looks at me, "Really, you think I'm cute."

I reply, "the cutest boy I've ever seen."

Tyler blushes, "can you...yaknow...uhm...maybe smell me again after this?" I nod.

My heart is pounding. I start to say, "OK" but it barely comes out, I clear my throat. "OK, now just push it back down slowly and evenly, give it a little push. Awesome, just like that."

Tyler looks at me, "that's it?"

I tell him, "Yup Tyler, sometimes you just need to re-seat the connector. Ready to try it?" Tyler nods.

I look for any loose stuff that could short out, then tell Tyler "OK, I like to do a quick test before putting it all together. We just need to be careful with everything exposed. I'll just flip it over and plug it in."

I look at Tyler, "You gave it a blowjob; you turn it on." Tyler giggles.

I instruct him, "OK, just push that power button and we wait for it to boot up."

Tyler pushes the button, then puts his hand back on my leg. I put my hand on his leg as we wait. He looks at me and smiles, then grabs my hand and moves it back to his package. He is still stiff as a nail. I put my hand over it and stroke my fingers where his nuts would be. He starts to purr.

He reaches between my legs and feels my manhood. "Wow, Jim it's really big and hard." I moan as he feels my junk.

I tell Tyler, "thanks for the compliment, but it's just average."

Tyler says, "well it feels really big compared to mine."

I chuckle, "it will start to grow soon enough – maybe bigger than mine." I give his package a little squeeze.

As we rub each other's junk we both moan.

When the login screen appears, I type in my password with my free hand and press enter. As I press the button, I suddenly realized what I was doing before I started this repair.

Up pops a 3D image of a boy around Tyler's age with similar looks and a guy around my age with similar looks. The boy is only dressed in underwear and the guy has his face in the boy's crotch. Busted.

"Uhm, let me..." Tyler stops me. "Cool! Is that a 3D image?"

Tyler is mesmerized, "It looks so real."

Tyler looks at me, "can you do that to me while I look at it?"

I gulp, "sure Tyler if..."

Tyler is already taking off his shirt, like the image.

I go and close the garage door. When I turn around, I see his shoes already off and his pants falling to the floor. He is staring at the screen with only a pair of cute boy undies and socks. He starts to rub his stiffy with his hand. I about died right there.

I walk to Tyler and fall to me knees. I lean in to sniff his stiff prick tenting his undies. I sniff the tip and get a full breath of all his boyhood, pure Tyler - "yeah" I moan.

Tyler looks down, "you really like my smell, don't you?" I nod, my nose rubbing up against his stiff prick. Tyler giggles.

I push my face into the side of his stiffy and sniff his sack. I take a deep breath. I start to moan from his boy scent, I just love Tyler's smell.

Tyler imitates the image, putting his hand on my head and gently rubbing his junk in my face. He starts moaning from the attention I am giving his boy parts.

I put my lips around his stiff nail, licking the head through the undies. He starts whimpering "that feels so good Jim. Can you sniff behind too?" Tyler turns a little to presents his cute butt; sticking it out for me. I put my face into his crack and start smelling his buried treasures. "Oh yeah Jim, I like to feel you smell my butt. You really like that too don't you." I just nod, my nose rubbing up and down his butt crack.

Tyler is rubbing his prick as I sniff his behind. He puts a hand on the workbench and starts to rub his little ass in my face, moaning and whimpering.

Tyler asks, "Are there more, yaknow, pictures like this Jim?" I blush, "uhm, lots Tyler. Just press the right arrow key." I hear a click, then "wow, the man is licking that boy's butt."

I look up, and yup, a beautiful rendering of a guy licking a boy's butt.

Tyler moans, "can you lick my butt, Jim? Like the picture?"

I need no further encouragement; I grab his undies and remove them. He is now standing in only his socks. God he's beautiful. I grab his undies and put them in my face for one last sniff before going in.

Tyler definitely wants this as he pushes his butt toward me. He stops rubbing his prick, and moves his hand toward his butt. He takes a finger and rubs it deep in his crack and then takes a sniff. "I love that butt smell too Jim."

Again, I almost die, my cock is about to burst.

He widens his stance, then I grab his cheeks and open him up. His starfish winks at me before I go in for a direct sniff. My mind nearly explodes at his aroma, pure unadulterated Tyler stank. I start to lick his little hole, hearing him whimper above. I can feel Tyler start to slowly jerk his prick. I stiffen my tongue and start to push at his hole. He starts to push back as well, moaning like crazy. "Lick it Jim, put your tongue inside me. It feels so good."

I push and open his tight ring a little with the tip of my tongue. Tyler lets out a little squeal. He is really tight and I can't get past the ring. I wet my finger and start to put pressure on his pucker. He pushes back and my finger slides past his ring, causing him to squeak loudly. "Oh, Jim, your finger is in me." He starts to squirm a little on my finger.

I slowly enter his hot little hole, and move around to his front. I stick my lips around his spike and he thrusts forward. Tyler starts to fuck my mouth as I finger his hole. He whimpers, "Yeah Jim, finger my butthole deeper and suck my dick."

Just hearing Tyler say that almost makes me blow. I unbutton my pants and stick Tyler's undies down them and start rub my aching cock with his undies. Feeling the soft fabric that was just touching Tyler's boy parts rubbing against my cock just does it for me.

I hear a click, "Jim, make me sparkle...but I want to do that to you. Please don't shoot yet, please." He whimpers and moans as he rides my finger. I release his cock from my mouth to look at the screen. It's an image of a boy blowing a man. Tyler looks down, "I wanna give you a blowjob, like that Jim...but make me sparkle first. I'm so close."

I put him back in my mouth and start blowing him like the world's about to end. Swiping his little sack with my tongue. I stick my finger deep inside his tight steaming hole. Tyler is now on his tippy-toes whimpering like a puppy. He lets out a loud squeal and pushes his dick as far as he can in my mouth. "I'm there Jim, I'm there."

I feel Tyler's hole around my finger spasm and his dick spamming on my tongue. His body is vibrating as he blows load after load of invisible spunk in my mouth. I pull my hand from my pants to steady him, while the other still has a finger up his ass.

"Oh my god Jim that was the best one ever!"

Tyler, very sensitive, pulls his dick from my mouth and I remove my finger. Like last time, he grabs my hand and sniffs my finger. "mmmm" he says.

As I start to get up he throws his arms around me and squeezes me tight. "That was awesome Jim, thanks." I squeeze him back.

Then he looks at me and points at the screen. "Jim, can I do that to you now?"

It's that same image of a boy blowing a man.

I tell Tyler, "are you sure Tyler?"

I almost fall over when he says, "You gave me a blowjob, I want to give you a blowjob." He giggles, I can tell he is mocking me a little from all the blowjob jokes earlier.

I drop my pants and kick them off. Tyler starts to giggle and points.

I realized Tyler's undies are still stuffed into my undies; all bunched up! Embarrassed, I pull them out.

Tyler blushes, "are those my undies?"

Then I blush, "sorry I got a little excited down there." Then pull his undies out.

Tyler takes them and gives them a big sniff. "I like your scent and my scent together like this."

What did he just say? He hands them back and looks down at my undies, "can I?" I just nod.

He starts to pull my undies off. When my boner pops into view I hear him gasp. He puts both hands around my cock, "wow it's really big and there are hairs around it." Then leans down and starts sniff my junk. From the tip of my cock to down around to my pubic hair, then to my balls. "mmmm" Then he pulls away and starts licking my cock like a popsicle. I moan, "Yeah, lick me Tyler, your tongue feels really good."

His little hands feel amazing, one on the shaft and one caressing my balls. He puts my cock head in his mouth and starts to tongue my piss slit. I shiver with excitement. His mouth is small, but he manages to get quite a bit of my cock into his mouth. It feels amazing as this adorable boy gives me a blowjob.

I realize I am still holding his undies, so I put them to my nose and take a big sniff. "Oh Tyler your undies smell so sweet. I love your scent."

I start to stroke his hair and face. "You're such a cute boy Tyler, and you're so good at sucking." I see Tyler look up at me, those puppy dog eyes just make me melt. I gentle start the thrust in and out of his mouth a little, going a little deeper, making us both moan. This boy is a natural cocksucker. I hear his whimpering as I gently fuck his beautiful mouth, both hands now working my balls.

"Lick my balls Tyler." He pulls his mouth off, "it's really big Jim, I like sucking your dick a lot." He starts to work my cock with his hand and licks my balls. "Oh yeah Tyler, your tongue feels amazing. Try to suck them too." Tyler starts to suck one of my balls in his mouth and uses his tongue – then moves to the other ball and sucks. He starts to jerk me harder as he sucks and licks my balls.

"Tyler, I'm almost there. I'm gonna shoot, get ready." Tyler starts to jerk harder and faster, capping the head and tonguing my slit. He removes his mouth with a `pop'. "Shoot for my Jim, I want see you shoot sperm." I start moaning loud, "Tyler I'm there, I'm gonna shoot for you." And at that my cock spits rope after rope of man juice at his face. "Oh wow Jim this is amazing, there so much." He continues to jerk, milking me for all it's worth. "Wow, so much. This is so cool." As I shoot my last round, I slow his hands down. I look down at the cutest boy in the world with my man seed running down his face.

I chuckle, "sorry, I really made a mess on you Tyler. You're still the cutest boy ever though." He jumps up and gives me a really tight hug. Our naked bodies squeezed together. He releases me from his hug and I can't resist giving him a kiss.

Tyler puts his arm around me, like he doesn't want to let me go.

I looks at his cute face, "I think I better clean you up." I give his little nose a boop

"I can't send you back home looking like this." We both chuckle and give each other a squeeze.

Tyler cuddles up to me and shyly says, "can I help you put the laptop back together...and...uhm...maybe we could look at more 3D images?"

I give him a little squeeze, "that sounds like a great idea Tyler."

Next: Chapter 3

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