Tinkerer Tyler

By Enzo Matrice

Published on Oct 1, 2022


TINKERER: TYLER - VOLUME FOUR by EnzoMatrix [enzomatrice@protonmail(dot)com] (M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay)

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Years ago, while looking for something to read on Nifty (to pleasure myself of course), I stumble upon an anthology series of short stories call "Smell This". It was written by someone called Zachyboy. It was listed as "M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay" which didn't really sound appealing, until I started reading them. I was hooked and probably what made me the naughty storyteller I am today.

Unfortunately, the stories disappeared from Nifty at some point, along with a bunch of his other stories. I was really bummed :(

Not sure what happened to the author, but I can't thank Zachyboy enough for the many, many enjoyable evenings.

Anyway, one of my favorite Smell This stories was called "THEATRICAL: HARRISON". This is inspired by that story (and some others in the series). This first part was originally meant to be a single short story, but I kinda fell in love with the character and occasionally add another chapter when I miss Tyler.

Everyone meet Tyler.



As I drive up my street, I see Tyler. He is sitting on the front steps of his house, head in hands, moping. As I pull up the driveway, I see him smile and wave at me. When I get out of the car he greets me, "Hi Mr...Jim!"

"Hey Tyler, everything all right?" I respond.

"I – AM – SO – BORED!" He sighs, long and drawn out. It makes my heart flutter at both how adorable he is and sounds, but also a bit sad that he's bored and lonely. I have never really seen him with friends. I guess I shouldn't talk, I don't have many either.

I tell him, "well my friend, I think that is about to change." I am not sure if it was calling him a friend, which in my heart I hoped was the case, or that his boredom was about to end. "I need some help if you're not busy?" I don't think I have seen an almost 11-year-old boy so happy! His face lit up and a smile appeared so wide my heart about melted.

No sooner had I finished my last sentence, he was up and by my side. As Tyler and I spend more time together, we have become much closer and more...well, intimate. So, when I say by my side, I mean leaning into me. I can feel his warmth, his breathing, his energy, his excitement. And his excitement has gotten me a little excited. I need to reveal my surprise before this little boy explodes and I explode with him. I pop the truck and see the most precious look I have ever seen on Tyler's face.

Tyler lets out a, "Woah, is that a..."

I answer, "yup, a 3D printer."

Tyler looks at me, "you're gonna build a 3D printer?"

I smile, "well I was hoping a cute little tinkerer friend of mine would maybe help?"

Tyler side bumps me and smiles, "really? You want me to help you?"

I say, "you like to build stuff, right?" He nods very excitedly. "Well then yeah, I guess we are building a 3D printer." He turns and gives me a hug, "thanks for letting me help you build it!"

"I wouldn't want it any other way my friend." His hug tightens, making me feel so lucky to be the target of his affection. His touch begins to do its magic, making my wand starts to grow. But before my wand grow into a tree, I say, "maybe we should take this inside?" He nods.

I lift the box and ask Tyler to close the trunk. As I walk to the door, I realize I forgot my keys in my pants pocket. This might get awkward, "uhm, Tyler. Could you reach into my pants pocket and get my door key?"

I feel his little hand enter my pocket, then rub against my stiffening prick. He giggles, "you got a stiffy too?" I look down, and yup, the little horndog is tenting too.

I chuckle, "OK, we really need to get inside now before we poke an eye out with these things." He giggles, then playfully grabs my boner, "is this the key?"

I reply, "no, that is the key to my heart, the one for the door is next to it." He giggles again, "I hope I can use that key later..."

I quickly respond, "Oh, that key is all yours." I wink and get a smile out of him. He reaches deeper and pulls out the door key. He unlocks the door and opens it.

I put the box on a rolling cart that I placed next to the door earlier that day. "We might as well lock the door now, just in case you get all handsy again with my key." He smiles, then adjusts his little stiffy. I shake my head, "you're such a little horndog." We both laugh.

I roll the cart to the side of the bench. Using a box cutter, I open the box and open the flaps. Tyler is immediately by my side, leaning on me. I look at his adorable face and smile, he smiles back. I grab the parts bag and instructions.

The book is as suspected, minimal and super small print. "Well, it looks like it's written for an 11-year-old. Where am I gonna find one of those." I feel a side bump, then look at an adorable boy. "Oh, yeah. I already got one." I get a giggle out of him, as I hand him the manual.

"OK, there are a lot of pieces and parts here my friend. Before we put this bad boy together, maybe take inventory?" He nods. As he reads each part, I find it and say "check". With all the parts accounted for, we begin the assembly.

Tyler says, "Hey Jim, it says here there is an assembly video on the website."

I thank Tyler, "That will help! Why don't we go in and get a couple beers and I can get the laptop." I always get a smile when I call root beer `a beer'. We go into the house together and I pop a couple cold ones. I give his bottle a little tap, and a "cheers."

I grab my laptop from the coffee table, then we go back to the workshop. I place my laptop on the counter, open it, and turn it on. Unlike last time, I am not too worried about what pops up. The little horndog next to me would like nothing better than to see a 3D image pop up. The image that does appear is one of my favorites, by one of my favorite artists. On the one hand I want Tyler to see it, but on the other hand think he might not be ready for it. I make a weak attempt to hide it, "oops."

Tyler says, "woah, that looks so real!" I see him adjust again. He clearly likes it a lot.

I say, "yeah that artist is a silly kitty. But we really need to focus on the 3D printer. Then we can look at naughty stuff later, OK?"

Tyler is practically salivating over the image, "is he gonna..."

I say, "yes...but maybe let's drool after we build the printer."

Tyler gives a bit of an attitude. "You said that last time...promise this time we can check it out when we are done?"

I chuckle, "OK, OK, I did say that last time and forgot. I promise. After we assemble, we can look at naughty pics. Now, what is the web address?" Tyler giggles, then reads the address. I type it in the browser, then click on the video to start it and we watch it from start to finish. "That doesn't look too bad."

"OK, like you, this has a hot end." I grab his hot little butt. He giggles and says, "hey, after we finish, remember." I chuckle, "OK, OK." Then smile.

"We need to put this on...the gantry, here. You have smaller hands; I will let you do the assembly. OK?" He nods as I hand him the nozzle assembly. He puts it in place and I hand him the screws one-by-one.

"OK, that's done. Now we need to attach the gantry to the bottom. How about I hold it in place, then you screw it in from the bottom?" He nods. As I hold the part in place, there goes that cute little tongue of his poking out. He is so freekin' adorable to watch when he is working. I see him bent over with his hot end sticking out...he looks up. "OK, the other side now."

I move and he repeats the same adorable act on the other side. "OK, all done." He says cheerfully.

He proceeds to attach the other pieces as I hand them to him. "OK, now just the connectors." I tell him.

He replies, "I remember how you taught me with the laptop."

I say, "good. I will point them out and just connect them like I taught you." He has a bright smile knowing I trust him.

After he gets everything connected, I say, "OK, just one thing I like to do after years of experience; a quick double check. We have a saying in electronics, `the goal is not to let the smoke out of the box'. So double check everything before plugging anything in and turning it on."

We go through the list, then Tyler says, "what's this warning here Jim?"

I look closely, "well now that would have let some smoke out. You just saved a lot of time and money my friend!" Tyler smiles proudly.

"In the US, we use 110 volts to power most devices. In other parts of the world, they use 220 volts. This switch is set to 230V. While it probably wouldn't damage the device, it would not have turned on. So good catch!" I look in the parts bag and find a small screwdriver. "OK, just flip the switch to 115V."

Tyler flips the switch and smiles. "That's it?"

I say "yup, that's it!"

With a quizzical look on his face, Tyler asks, "so, how does a 3D printer actually work?"

"Oh, let me explain. It will all make sense when it starts printing." I tell him.

I put my hand on his shoulders and get behind him. He pushes his back into my body, then looks up and smiles. I smile back, knowing he loves attention and I am there to give it to him.

"OK, so this part is the hot end. Much hotter than your hot end, but definitely not as cute." I push into him playfully; he pushes back and giggles. And that begins the ritual of the boner dance. "So, this gets hot, like really, really, really hot. As in 200 degrees Celsius or 392 degrees Fahrenheit. Like an oven hot."

"Wow, that is really hot!" He says.

Tyler's hot end is getting me pretty heated at this point as well. He must be feel my stiffy against him.

"Yup, so be carefully." I say, then grab the filament. "This is the filament; it is a special plastic called Polylactic Acid or PLA. It is derived from corn."

"Really, it's made out of corn?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, believe it or not. Some brands actually smell a little like popcorn when they print." I tell him.

"This part is called the extruder. It pushes this filament into the hot nozzle right here. You can see the nozzle hole is pretty small, so the extruder really needs to jam it in there." Tyler nods, I can feel his extruder gently pushing back a little into my nozzle.

I continue, a bit distracted, "OK, uhm...so as the material comes out, that's where the 3D part comes in. This plate goes forward and backward. The nozzle unit goes left to right. And the crossbar the nozzle unit is on goes up and down. Think of this area as a 3-dimensional space. As the material comes out it, the motors move the plate and nozzle in the 3-dimensional space. The software instructs the motors to move so that the material is layered onto this plate. So, you see the item being built from the ground up."

Tyler is amazed, "that sounds so cool, can we print something now?"

I chuckle, "we just need to calibrate it first. This plate must be perfectly level so the layers go down evenly."

We plug the unit in, turn it on, and go through the leveling procedure. Now I would need to be either dead or have no feeling in my body not to realize what Tyler was doing. His hot end was totally calibrating my nozzle. I was so stiff at this point; and he knew just what he was doing. He turned around with a little smirk and giggled. "Is it calibrated now?"

"Oh, it's calibrated all right." I chuckled. "Let's load the filament and give it a test run."

I fiddle with the controls and go through the loading procedure. When I see some material ooze out of the nozzle, I know we are ready to print. I say, "OK, they usually have a test print on the memory card. We got bunny, cat, or coin."

I can tell where Tyler's head is at, the little horndog. "The silly kitty. I want to see the silly kitty." He says giggling.

"Yeah I figured...silly kitty it is!" I say, then select the model to print.

Tyler's eyes light up and he backs into me getting into position to watch to show. While a 3D printer is something I could watch for hours, the show Tyler is giving me is much more arousing. He is clearly focused on the tech as much as I am focused on him. And without taking an eye off the printer, Tyler says "Jim if you want to...yaknow..."

And you know I do! As he grinds his butt into me, I put my hands on his waist. I reach forward with one hand and undo the button on his shorts. His shorts drop to the floor revealing those cute Beast Boy undies he wore the first time. I lean in and whisper in his ear, "Beast Boy again, my favorite." He giggles, "mine too."

I reach my hand down and feel his pencil stiff prong. He moans, pushing into my hand and then back into my stiff prick. He widens his stance and presents his butt. I slide down and kissing his back and then his Beast Boy covered butt cheeks. Then take my initial sniff and like always it is indescribable. "Your smell is like nothing else Tyler." He moans at the attention I am giving him. My god, I still can't believe this is real, that he enjoys me sniffing his little treasure box as much as I like sniffing it. "yeahhhhhh..." I hear him sigh as breathe his boy smells in. Yes, he most certainly loves this as much as I do. I get my sniff on and he gets the attention he deserves. I am still cupping his peen and balls, which start to dance in my hand. The boy is definitely in heat and wants more.

I move to his front, seeing that pretty little stiffy of his tenting his undies. I start my sniffing at the tip and then along his shaft. His boy smells are intoxicating. He whimpers at my motions against his stiff peen. I go downward, then nuzzle his little nut sack, sniffing and making him whimper more. He finally looks down and whines, "suck me Jim, please, I want you to suck it for me."

I can't refuse my boy and want it just as bad. I pull his undies down and remove them, then fully engulf his stiff little prick. He lets out a little whimper, then puts his hand on my head. "I love it when you suck me, it feels so good."

I just love sucking this boy's prick. The smell, the taste, the feeling of his pre-teen peen being thrust into my mouth...it's all just amazing. That youthful feeling of being so damn stiff, yet baby soft skin. I reach up to finger his balls and taint, causing him to go into over drive. He holds my head with both hands and starts his boy thrusts, fucking my mouth. "ohhhhh yeahhhhhh" he moans "ohhhhh yeahhhhhh"

I put my hands on his butt and feel his thrusts into me. He is completely driven by the need to reach his climax. I feel his body start to tremble as he finally lets out his boy squeak. I feel his body start to shake and his nuts trying their best to pump the boy seed that he will start producing soon enough. As his prick is spamming on my tongue, he lets out a sigh, "ahhhhhhhhhh." I hold him up in my hands as he enjoys his state of bliss.

I look up at Tyler and he looks down with a big smile. "I love when you suck my dick, it feels so amazing. It is so much better than jerking myself."

I respond, "well I love sucking you, so anytime my friend." He smiles widely.

"Jim? Can we maybe..." he nods forward.

Is the print done already? I think. I get up and it is barely a couple centimeters off the plate. Then he says, "I mean that." He points at the laptop. That little horndog popped up the image while I was servicing him. No wonder he climaxed so quickly. I look back at him and he has a cute little nervous grin. "I wanna know what that feels like..."

I'm a little stunned by his request, but about as excited and nervous as Tyler is. Just so you understand, the image is called Vincent Ride and Guide. The model is a boy around Tyler's age. He is hovering over a man that is laying down. The boy is holding the man's cock at his hole, guiding it so he can take the plunge and ride it. It is absolutely beautiful and an absolute climax inducer.

"Are your sure Tyler?" he gives me a super cute nod. "I think I'm ready Jim. I wanna try."

I put my hand on his cute face. "I don't want to hurt you Tyler. You need to tell me to stop if it hurts too much. OK?" He nods yes. "OK, I will be right back."

I go to the bedroom to get some lube and then a towel from the bathroom. When I get back, Tyler is completely naked. He has one foot on the stool footrest and fingering his backdoor. I wish I had a camera; it was the most amazing scene. He looked at me and smiled nervously. I put the lube on the bench and practically ripped my clothes off. My cock was so stiff at this point I wasn't sure how long I would last. He is just so beautiful, and wants me to take his virginity...

"I just want to be sure, this is a huge step Tyler, you are sure?" I ask.

Tyler confirms, "yes, I...I really want this." I smile.

I grab the lube and squirt some in my hand. I lube up my cock. Tyler slips his finger out and put it to his nose and takes a big sniff, closing his eyes. "mmmm" he moans. Jeeshus dogs, this boy is just amazing. I put my hand in his little trench and lube him up. After he is satisfied with his sniff, he offers his fingers to me. I can't refuse, getting a big sniff of his stink finger. The aroma gives me a little shiver and fuels me for what comes next.

I grab my achingly stiff cock and rub it in his little trench, as he moans. I find his tiny passage and apply a little pressure. "This may sting a little Tyler." He nods.

As I apply more pressure, I start to stretch his incredibly tight ring. And then pop I'm inside. We both let out a grunt, he from the first penetration of a mancock, and me from his unbelievably tight sphincter. "Oh man Tyler, you're so tight. Tell me when it's OK to move."

I can tell he is wincing in pain, I can't see his face but can just feel it, he just nods. His breathing is slightly erratic and he is holding the bench tight. I reach for his little pecker and start to play with it, hoping to relax him. As his pencil starts to stiffens, I feel his sphincter start to relax. "Keep jerking me. It feels better now."

Given the go ahead, I slowly start entering his tight hot hole. I play with his stiffy as I slowly but surely go deep inside him. He whimpers like a boy in heat, feeding him my cock, as it reaches it's destination. "I'm in Tyler."

Tyler moans, "It's so big, but it feels good. Just hold there a bit, OK?"

I respond, "just tell me when it feels really good Tyler." I jerk him gently, feeling this tight hot hole clenching, throbbing. When he finally relaxes, he whispers, "OK."

I slowly start to pull out, causing us both to shiver from the feeling, then slowly plunge back in. I know I am not gonna last long in this boy. He is just so amazingly tight and hot; he's like a furnace inside. As I start to pick up speed, Tyler starts to meet my slow thrusts.

"Tyler it feels so good inside you, I don't think I am gonna last long."

"Jim this feels so amazing, your inside me and it feels so amazing."

We start a nice fucking rhythm as we both moan low. Tyler starts to seesaw on my cock, meeting my thrust as I jerk his stiff spike. I feel him coming close "Jim" he moans "Jim...I..."

As I feel his anal muscles start to clench. I position my hand to cup and stroke his balls, as his stiff peen rubs against my palm. He lets out a boy squeak as I feel him just start his climax. This kicks me over the edge like a mule and I bury my cock in his hot box and unload my man seed deep inside him. This causes a second, even louder boy squeal as I feel his throbbing boy cock suddenly feel wet in my hand. Did he just?

My eyes start to tear up from the intensity of the experience and all the emotions. I realize I just took this boy's virginity and witnessed his thorarche. Some boys miss their first ejaculation during sleep, I may witnessed Tyler's with him! The intense feeling of his first anal penetration must have caused it...fuck, I'm so happy right now I'm in tears!

As soon as our bliss starts to fade, Tyler pulls off me. He whips around to hug me tight. "I felt you spurt inside my Jim! It was awesome!"

I respond, "I felt you spurt in my hand..."

He backs away, looking directly in my eyes, "what?"

I present my hand, a little drop of boy juice on it. "This is yours Tyler, you first spurt. I guess you're not a little boy anymore."

Tyler goes back in and hugs me tighter than he has ever. "I...I love you Jim."

My eyes, now even more teared up, "I love you too Tyler."

Next: Chapter 5

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