Tinkerer Tyler

By Enzo Matrice

Published on Apr 8, 2023


TINKERER: TYLER - VOLUME SIX by EnzoMatrix [enzomatrice@protonmail(dot)com] (M/b, oral, anal, sniffing, buttplay, pissplay)

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As my idol Zachyboy once said. "Give a little something today, you frisky little cheapskate."

Enjoy, enzo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Introduction (Update)

I've recently received more great feedback from readers who loved the story and want more. I can't thank you all enough for the kinds words and suggestions.

This one is for a "big fan" (you know who you are {wink}) I hope this one sets off that hair trigger down there for ya...

Everyone meet Tyler.



Like my father and probably my father's father, I am swearing up a storm. The only difference is he swore in French, I am swearing in English.

Frustration has set in and I am almost ready to start throwing shit. This POS (and I am not talking point-of-sale) gadget with a horribly translated manual is plucking my last nerve. Clearly, this thing was made in China and the manual was haphazardly Google-translated. Damn kids and their YouTube generation of crappily-made videos instead of a well-written manual...shit, I'm turning into my dad. Next, I'm going to be yelling at the kids to get off my lawn...

Wait, the only kid in this neighborhood is Tyler. I WANT him on my lawn! Especially the little patch of lawn above my cock, sniffing my grass before giving me the finest blowjob that little mouth can give...Jim, you're drifting! Focus man!

Speaking of the boy...

I have seen Tyler coming and going, and we chatted a few times, but we hadn't been intimate since the last time we were here in the garage. Nothing wrong with that, he has school and I have my job. I do kind of miss him and his boyish aromas though. Fortunately, I have our son Dickasaurus to comfort me.

One thing is certain, we sure have chemistry between us. There is no doubt in my mind. When he does pop over to see me, I always get a tight hug and he always wants a kiss too. The kiss usually leads to boners poking into each other. I know it's crazy to think of a 30-year-old and an almost 12-year-old having a thing together, but I am not sure what else to call it. There is love between us and it is palpable, but there is also the reality of needing to keep things secret between us. We are in love, but others might think differently, I am sure of that. So, we just try to enjoy what we have whenever we can.

"Jim? Are you in there?"

As I huff and puff with this device from hell, I hear my little angel sing. "Yup, over here."

When I look at his face, he looks sad and about to burst into tears. "Something wrong Tyler?"

"My aunt..."

Tyler runs to me, hugs me tight, and begins crying. I put my arm around him and rub his back trying to comfort him. "It's OK Tyler. Let it out, I'm here for you."

My attention shifts 100% to Tyler. After a few minutes, he starts to talk slowly, his face still hidden. "My aunt is in the hospital. She is very sick. My mom needs to go..."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Tyler. Whatever you need, I'm always here for you. Always." I say, rubbing his back and trying to comfort him. It's times like these when you realize how close you have become to someone. I would truly do anything for this boy.

"She is in intensive care...so..." I can tell he is ready to burst into tears again, "...so they won't let me visit her..."

He becomes very quiet.

"You can stay with me while your mom visits your aunt in the hospital. I mean, if your mom is OK with it. She can call anytime with updates."

Without showing his face, he quietly asks, "really, Jim? I can stay with you?"

"I told you you're always welcome here and I meant it."

I certainly didn't want to see my beautiful boy with such a sad face, but he finally pulled away. "I love you, Jim...I...I will ask my mom if it's OK."

My heart almost explodes with love, "I love you too, Tyler. I am always here if either of you needs me. Always."

Without a word, Tyler turns and runs home.

I know I can't concentrate on this blasted 3D scanner right now. I'm frustrated and now concerned about Tyler. His normally joyful spirit seems so crushed. I would do anything to make him happy again.

I pick up a broom and start sweeping. A mindless, menial task to take my mind off the heaviness of the situation. It always works and my mood gets a little better as I sweep.

A little while later, I hear someone call my name from outside the garage.


"Yeah, Tyler?"

"My mom wants to talk to you."

I put down the broom and walk toward the door. Tyler and his mom are standing there. His mom looks like she has been crying for a while.

"Tyler told me about his aunt. I'm really sorry. If there is anything I can do, anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"You're such a good neighbor Jim, thanks. My sister is very sick..." The arm around her son tightens. I could tell the waterworks were about to start for both of them.

"Tyler said you told him he could stay with you...I..."

"He can stay as long as he wants. Take as long as you need."

"I appreciate that...but...I...might..."

I stop her. "Just take as long as you need. Call us anytime you need to talk to Tyler or me. I can bring him to the hospital as soon as they will let him visit her."

I can tell she needs a shoulder. I walk to them and try to comfort her and Tyler for a while as they both cry. When things calm a little, she says, "I'm going to pack. I don't know how long...I might be a few days."

"No problem. I will take care of Tyler. Go take care of your sister."

"Thanks, Jim..." She turns, leaving Tyler in my care. We both walk to my front steps. I put my arm over his shoulder and sit in silence. I just want to be there for him.

A little while later, Tyler's mom comes out with a bag. Tyler hugs his mom, we say goodbye, and she drives off.

I suddenly have a rush of feelings and emotions. Tyler is now in my care and I am responsible for his well-being. I'm a single man and it has always been that way. Now I am responsible for this boy whom I care for greatly. Whatever we had together up until now would certainly change. I put my arm over his shoulder and we walk to my garage. The tinkerer's sanctuary.

As we walk into the garage, I realize I have left all the 3D scanner stuff on. Lights, camera, action. Tyler looks over at the light and setup. Tinkerers, no matter what mood they're in, are tinkerers through and through.

"What's all that Jim?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I bought this blasted 3D scanner but can't figure it out." I could feel my frustration start to create tension in my body. I think it emanated and Tyler felt my stress levels rise. He leans into me and looks at me with his cute smile. The boy is an absolute angel, "maybe we could figure it out together? Maybe it will help me not think of my aunt. That's really a 3D scanner? Cool."

How old is this boy again? He continues to just blow my mind.

"That's a great idea...but I will warn you, I'm a cranky old man and this 3D scanner has got me flustered. The manual is horribly translated and I just...I'm so flustered." Yeah, flustered wasn't the F word I was thinking, but didn't want to go off spouting obscenities in front of Tyler.

Tyler giggles at my frustration. "Sounds like you need a hug?"

Now it was me giggling, "I suppose I do..."

Tyler gives me a tight hug and insists on a kiss. A nice long wet one at that. I feel his prong come to my attention, causing mine to do the same. When we finally separate from our embrace, Tyler asks, "Better?"

My word. Is he just the most amazing boy, or what? I nod. "Much better. You are my cure."

Tyler immediately digs in. "So, what do you think is the issue?"

"Well, the manual or lack thereof is a piece of..." Tyler giggles.

I breathe, "...not written very well. The software can't seem to find the scanner."

Tyler skims through the manual. Without looking up he says. "Did you check this YouTube video here?" He points at a QR code.

Look, I love this boy more than anything in the world. I mean anything! But that is a trigger.

He looks up at me and can see it on my face. "I guess that's a no...let me check, OK?"

"OK, Dad," I say a bit snippy under my breath.

He giggles. "Don't get sassy with me young man," he says trying to make his voice deep. He looks up from the screen and we both crack up. "I will spank you if you don't lose that attitude, mister."

I am not sure if it's the authority of his voice or the spanking threat, but I have to admit I am a little turned on. I now have this image of me laying on his lap, naked, my stiff dick wedged between his legs, and him slapping my bare ass. Oh boy, that makes my cock pulse just thinking about it!

I snap out of it when I hear Tyler giggle. "Oh, you would like that, wouldn't you?" I look down at what he has his eyes on, the pulsing tent in my pants. I give him a grin.

He giggles, "I think I found something." He plays the video.

"The scanner requires USB 3. If you don't see the power light, check your port." Tyler pauses the video.

"Is the port USB 3?"

I scratch my head, "I don't know. Let me check."

I look at the back of my laptop and there are two USB ports. The scanner is plugged into one of them. I notice the empty one is just a standard-looking USB port. I unplug the scanner and it is also a standard-looking USB port. There are keyboard and mouse icons next to the ports. I look at the left side and there is another USB near the power. This one is blue and clearly marked 3.0!

"Doh!" I squawk. Tyler giggles.

I plug the scanner into the USB 3 port.

"Jim, I see a red light! It's blinking. It just turned green!"


"Look, the computer is recognizing the device. The device is ready! Jim, that worked!"

While I am happy the scanner is now working, I am even happier to see him beaming and that adorable smile. He just looks so happy. A true tinkerer! The world around you has just been destroyed, but who cares you finally got that 3D scanner to work! After a really tough day, he certainly needs cheering up.

"Well, you are now officially the 3D master Tyler! You saved the 3D printer and now the 3D scanner! I need to marry you before you are snatched up by someone else."

An ear-to-ear smile appears on Tyler's face. "So would I be your husband or wife?"

I am a little caught off guard by that. "Uhm you're a boy, the husband I guess?"

Tyler has a grin, the boy is smart as a whip, "so that means I get to put it in you then, right?"

Figuring he is just kidding; I go along with it. "Yeah, I guess so, if you are the husband you get to put it in me."

Then that naughty smirk of his appears. He puts his hand on his crotch. He definitely has a stiffy. "You want me to put this in you, don't you? And make babies in you?"

Now...I generally fancy myself as a top, but I would do anything for this boy. If he wants me to sniff his boy stank, I will hunt for butt truffles. If he wants me to suck his boy cock, I will gladly lick my lips for his stick. If he wants me to lick and suck his balls, I'm gonna cherish his nuts like a squirrel in the fall. If he wants me to eat from his treasure box, my tongue is ready at the rim. If he wants my big cock in his little boy pussy, I'm gonna lube up and stick it in him. And if he wants to pound his little pecker and fill my man cunt with that sweet, sweet boy juice, well I'm gonna bend over and grab my ankles.

In other words...

"Anytime, Tyler...anytime you want to put your pecker in me and make babies, I'm all yours."

He smiles, knowing I called his bluff. "Cool...but later...OK? I wanna scan something first, OK? But I really wanna do that later. You'll really let me put it in, right?"

Yup, spoke like a true boy geek. I wanna fuck the shit out of you more than anything, except I have to play with this cool device first.

I kiss the top of his head. "Yes, really. You can put it in me anytime, Tyler." Anything, for my angel.

"Cool. I definitely wanna try that later; put it in you. But what are we gonna scan first?"

"You got us to this point, Tyler. It's only fair you pick the first scan."

"So, this can scan anything?"

"It has minimums and maximums, but yeah, pretty much anything."

The grin says everything and subsequently makes me grin. Again, I revert to my inner boy from his enthusiasm. "OUR DICKS!" we both say before cracking up. Of course, what else would two boys (one at heart) want to scan with a 3D scanner?

"So, how do we do it?"

"I have no idea Tyler, but we will find out. Together."

I put my hand on his back, and he leans into me affectionately. He continues the YouTube video. Thank God I have an 11-year-old to set the blinking clock on my VCR! We watch the video to get some pointers and we are ready to go.

We decide it will be more comfortable laying on something other than the concrete floor in the garage. Also, we need a black backdrop, so the couch seems the obvious choice. We grab all the equipment and move it to the living room. I close the blinds and grab some black sheets and lay them on the couch to cover the fabric. We set up the light, then put the laptop on the coffee table. We check everything and we are ready to go.

"OK, I guess you first," I tell Tyler.

Tyler is super excited. He immediately removes all his clothes and throws them all over the floor. Yup, he's all boy alright. He lays down on the couch. He's 11, newly into puberty, and always stiff. No fluffer needed, at all, nada. His flagpole is erect all on its own.

"Well, I guess no use in asking if it's ready?" Tyler giggles and shakes his prick. "It's ready!"

If you have never used a 3D scanner, it's pretty cool. But when the subject is an 11-year-old boy with a stiff boner, well it's even cooler.

"Maybe spread a little and see if we can get those cute balls in there. OK, hold as still as possible and keep that boner up."

Tyler giggles, "Boner is up!"

I position the laptop screen so we can both see it, then start the scan. I move the scanner around his dick to try and capture Tyler's boner from all angles. Tyler's boner starts to build in 3D on the screen.

"That's sooooooo cool! It's totally my dick! It's like my dick is just magically appearing."

When it looks pretty complete, I stop the scan.

As I look at the screen, I tell Tyler, "OK, the next part is for the software to render all the data to make the model. Hopefully, it doesn't take as long as the 3D printer."


I turn around. Tyler has that look and that little horndog smirk.

"Maybe while we wait?" then looks at his stiff prick, ready and waiting.

I need no further instructions. I am on the beautiful boy's cock like nobody's business.

"I guess the star of the show deserves a little attention."

I slide his spike in my mouth and start making my boy happy.

"Yeah, suck my dick. So good..." he moans with pleasure.

I reach down to play with his sack, `mmmm' he moans. Then slide my finger down to rub his taint.


I look up and know just what he wants by the look on his face. I give his crack a little rub, touching his hole with my finger, then bring the finger to my nose. Tyler stank...pure Tyler stank. Fuck that gets me hard as a rock sniffing his bunghole aroma. It always lights my brain up like a pinball game.

I let him have a sniff too, and feel his boy cock throb while I suck it. He likes his stank as much as I do. But I know what he likes more. After a little sniff, he takes a little taste and gets my finger wet. Sucking my finger like I am sucking his cock. When he opens his mouth, I know he is ready and what he wants. I take my dripping finger and go for his boy hole.

"Yeah..." Tyler moans as I slowly stick a finger inside him. Once in, I know he is ready for a little ride. I finger his tight, warm boy hole while he fucks my mouth.

"Yeah, feels so good..."

He puts his hands on my head and starts to fuck my mouth while I finger his tight little hot box. When he starts to whimper, I know I am about to get a little treat.

"Oh...yeah..." He thrust into my mouth as deep as he can. His hole spasms as I feel spurt after spurt of Tyler's sweet nectar hit the back of my throat. Like fucking candy! Boybutterscotch candy!

I pull off and out, and get another sniff of his insides. Hot and juicy Tyler funk. I love this boy inside and out. I go in for a sweet juicy kiss as he is in his bliss state.

When I pull off, he giggles, "I can taste my spurts in your mouth."

I boop his cute nose, "I think the scan should be done by now spurts boy, let's check it out."

And so it was, a 3D image of the perfect boy's dick!

"Well, I guess I don't need you anymore, I got your dick right here."

Tyler says, "Nah, that's just for decoration..." He grabs my hand and puts it on his junk. "You have the real thing right here!" Tyler giggles, "And you get to smell my...ya know."

"OK, you got me Tyler. I definitely want the real thing and to smell your...I know."

That gets me a tight hug. "I definitely want the real thing too! But I do want to scan your dick also."

"OK, just as long as you still want the real thing afterward!" I chuckle.

I walk to the couch and lay down. Unlike my young, horny, almost eternally stiff little friend - I need a fluffer to get my semi into fully and keep it that way.

"Tyler, when they make naughty movies there is a person on set called a fluffer. Their job is to get the male actors hard and keep them hard. Will you be my fluffer?"

Tyler has that grin again; he is cooking something up in that brilliant young brain. "I know what makes you get a boner."

Not knowing what to expect, I watch as he gets everything ready to record. Fortunately, there is a start button on the camera. He jumps up on my chest and scoots his beautiful ass toward my face. I prop my head up with a pillow as his aroma comes closer, and my cock stands at attention.

Tyler giggles, "I knew that would work!"

I open his ass cheeks and go in for a sniff of his treasure box. I hear Tyler moan as he moves around. I have no idea if he is scanning or not, I am too busy sniffing. I need more, so I open him wider and stick my nose right at his hole. His starfish winks and his butt stink blows my fucking mind and almost makes me blow my load. This boy's steamy trench is like no other.

He pushes back more, whimpering. "Lick it...lick my butthole...get me wet..."

I do ask he asks, licking at his hole. I feel him move, assuming he is putting the scanner down. As I jab at his hole he bends in and starts to lick at my cockhead.

He moans low. "Inside...put it inside..."

I jab more, feeling his prong pushing against me. He pushes back against my tongue, trying to get it inside. I feel his juicy mouth drooling on my cock, his saliva coating in and running down my cock to my balls. He's getting me dripping wet and ready to ride - my boy angel.

When my cock is dripping wet with his saliva, he gets up and hovers over me. It's like the silly kitty 3D image come to life, guide it and ride it, my angel. We look into each other's eyes as he slowly very slowly impales himself on my man-cock. Slowly very slowly my cock enters his tight boy furnace. I can tell it's painful, but he knows the incredible pleasure after the pain. He sucks air through his teeth, moving down, down, until his skin touches mine. His eyes are practically floating. He sits still until I feel his hole begin to relax. Then the ride begins.

He slowly pulls up, causing us both to moan. He is so fucking tight and hot inside, my balls are about to burst. After a few ups and downs, his cock goes stiff again and I know the pleasure has taken over. He rides my cock like a boy in heat.

We look into each other's eyes, into our souls, and that sets me off like wildfire. I start to unload my seed into the boy's hot furnace. He starts to practically whine with pleasure feeling me shoot deep inside him. I feel his hole begin to contract as his stiff prong shoots one, two, then three strong spurts at my face. The last one goes right into my mouth as I open it. Another taste of that sweet Tyler nectar...his boy candy.

Tyler slowly pulls off my cock and lays on top of me. He kisses me deeply, then lays his head on me. Our hearts beat in rhythm. He must be tuckered out; I hear him nod off and I join him.

I wake to the sound of gentle boy snores. I kiss my angel to wake him up.

"Sorry, I fell asleep."

"It's OK, I took a nap as well. You drained the life force out of me, Tyler."

He giggles. "The 3D scanner gave me the idea. When you sniffed my butthole, it felt so good. I just did it like the 3D picture, you know the kitty one. It felt so awesome!"

"I was thinking the same thing when I saw you get into position. That was so amazingly good Tyler."


"Yeah, Tyler?"

He gave me that grin of his again. "Can we go to the shower? I really need to pee now and I wanna do the pee thing again."

I chuckle. "You mean the pee fountain?"

He nods and smiles.

"OK, pee fountain it is."

Once again, I follow him with my hand near his ass to catch my cum if it dribbles out his ass.

"Don't let any little swimmers dribble on my carpet." Tyler giggles at my comment.

We get into the shower. Boy does he have a serious pee hard-on. Does this boy's spike ever go down?

I don't have to go as bad as him, but I want to feel his warm boy piss against my skin again. I grab hold of his prick in my hand and he grabs mine. He looks at me with a slightly goofy expression, you know, the `I'm gonna pee now' look. He lets out a sigh of relief as his strong piss stream sprays at me. I release my bladder on him as well.

We aim each other's pee streams at our bodies covering our midsections in the warm golden liquid. I finish quickly, but he still has more in him. I squat down to get a face full. Tyler giggles taking control of his hose and spraying my face. I open my mouth for a little taste as he finishes. I suck on his spike for a bit, like I'm suckling his little hose to drain it before I get up.

"I like peeing in the shower with you. I kinda thought I was just weird. I like the feeling of releasing on myself, but it's much more fun doing it on each other." Tyler flashes me that beautiful smile of his.

"I really like peeing with you in the shower too, Tyler. Even if you are kinda weird."

"Hey!" He barks back, giving me a funny look.

I chuckle. "But you're my kinda weird and that's what I love most about you."

That gets me the patented Tyler squeeze. "You're my kinda weird too!"

After enjoying Tyler's hug, I ask him, "How about we take a quick rinse and check out the scans?"


Tyler and I rinse off the pee and gently rub each other's bodies. I just love sliding my hands all over his smooth boy body. My god, he is beautiful. He seems to like to examine my man body as well. It's like he is scoping out a preview of what's to come as he gets older. While I wish that day would never come and that I could capture his boyhood in amber...that's life.

Fortunately, I now have a 3D image of that boyhood in the perfect stage of development. I hope he and I can do more scans, like maybe of this fine ass I am rubbing right now.

Before we get too pruned up, we get out and dry each other with towels. I take out a couple robes, trying to find the smallest one for him.

We go back to the living room and sit side-by-side on the couch so we can both see the screen. He leans into me and I put my arm over his shoulder and let him drive. He can be such a cuddler.

We check out the scans and they are very good. I have spent quite a bit of time examining and servicing Tyler's pre-teen prick and the scan is almost flawless. We use the editing software to clean some rough areas around the edges.

"So, you want to try and print them now?"

"That would be sooooo cool!" Tyler says with an excited boyish expression.

We slice the dick in the slicer software, then go to the garage where the printer is. We put the file on the SD card and load it into the printer. I let Tyler have the honor of printing his own dick. While it prints, we order pizza.

It is really nice to finally be able to just hang with Tyler. We usually only have a few hours at most, and it's usually spent tinkering or satisfying his insatiable pre-teen horniness. I'm totally OK servicing his desires, but it's nice to not feel rushed and to just relax. Just hang with him.

When the pizza arrives, we wolf down a few pieces with a couple beers. He has the root type of course and me a craft pilsner. Sorry kid, I must have a real beer with my pizza. Of course, being the curious boy he is, I let him have a taste of pilsner when he asks.

"Ewe, it's sooooooooooooo bitter...I will stick to this beer." He says with a smile.

I chuckle. "Yeah, it's an acquired taste."

OK, I need to pause the story. There is something I need to explain before I continue.

Some of you might have a son or know someone Tyler's age. I am a single man in my 30's. Despite being considered a man-child, the last time I was truly hanging out' with a boy Tyler's age was probably when I was Tyler's age. I mean, Tyler visits and we have fun together, but this was really the first time we hung out' like this.

So, I was not really prepared for what was about to happen. It was certainly not unexpected, but let's just say, pizza and beer (regardless of the kind) do something to you. And to a boy Tyler's age, that something is quite possibly the most hilarious thing ever! Burps and farts...and as a man-child, I am not immune to the hilarity.

So, heads up, it's gonna get silly right quick.

After filling up on pizza and beer, we go to the garage to check on Tyler's dick print. It is beautiful and Tyler is just amazed. I stand behind him as we watch layer after layer of PLA being applied and building up his shaft.

While we are both just watching in wonder, Tyler bends in for a closer look. His bottom gently pushes into me. Then that horny little pre-teen starts pushing and grinding into my cock. He didn't look away from the print, but his giggle gave him away. Frisky little shit, I know exactly what he is inviting me to do.

I squat down, even with that fine ass, and move his rope to the side. There it is, the ass from heaven. I go in for a sniff. Oh, that fine Tyler scent, "mmmm."

Then it happens, the inevitable. Pizza and carbonated root beer have combined to create something new and explosive. Tyler rips a fart right in my face.

Now before you pass judgment about Tyler's passing gas, you need to understand the next three things that happen almost simultaneously. 1. the very silly boy giggle which clearly slips out. 2. the sweet, but silly boypology - "Sorry, it just happened." - followed by another, but this time uncontrollable giggle. 3. the hottest fucking thing ever! And I mean ever!

Tyler reaches back to capture the invisible gas in his hand. Then quickly brings it to his nose. "Mmm, that was a good one."

He immediately freezes when he realizes what he just did. He looks back and his face is bright red. "I...it..."

I smile. "Yes, it was a good one."

He smiles and we just start cracking up.

"You like smelling your farts too?"

"No, that's just weird..."

I try to keep a straight face but crack up. "Yes, but yours smell a lot better."

Tyler gives me a sorta goofy smile as we bonded over another weird secret we both have. "Want another?"

I just nod.

He puts his hand over his ass crack to capture some for himself and I get close. My boy angel has the goofiest look on his face.

"Here it comes..."

He rips another juicy one and quickly moves his hand to his face as I go in for a close sniff. I will add one more thing that is amazing and gets me rock-hard about this angel of a boy. His farts smell like the gas of the gods. I don't know if it's the combination of pizza and root beer or just because it was produced by this boy – they smell like a marshmallow and cotton candy had a baby and made a Tyler fart. My cock is absolutely stiff as steel!

I hear Tyler moan his boyish moan as he takes in his fart. I reach around and he is also stiff as steel.

"From the feel of this, you really like that smell, don't you?"

He smiles and nods. "You think it's weird, don't you?"

I stand up, open my robe, and reveal my throbbing cock. I grab his hand and put it against my stiff cock.

"Then I guess I'm weird too..." I make it throb in Tyler's hand. His stiffy pulses in my hand, in response.

I let my robe drop to the floor, and he follows. We look into each other's eyes and jerk each other's cocks. He widens his stance and lets out a real ripper. As soon as that delicious-smelling boy fart hits our noses, I fire ropes of cum at the boy and he spurts his pubescent boy seed at me. It's boy fart heaven.

With our ejaculations over, he goes in for a hug. "Thanks for being weird with me, Jim."

That was the most profound thing Tyler has ever, or could ever say to me.

"Thanks for feeling comfortable enough with me to be weird, Tyler."

As he hugs me tight. "What are yours like?"

"Not like yours Tyler. Men's farts are strong and smelly, especially after pizza and beer."

I feel his small hand go over my ass crack. "I wanna know if mine are better like you said."

I let out a squeaker for him. He brings it to his nose and I see a little cringe. "Yours are bitter smelling. Maybe next time drink root beer with me instead."

We both bust out laughing. I give him some tickles. "Wise guy!" He lets out a giggle before I go in for a big sloppy kiss. We both stop when we hear a weird sound.

The printer is finishing up printing the tip of his dick. It sounds cool, like it's singing a song, the penis song, and looks cool as well. A couple minutes later the printer beeps, the print head moves to the side, and the platform moves toward us to present Tyler's amazing 3D-printed dick.

"Woah, it's my dick."

"That it is! And the most beautiful dick I have ever seen."

I reach over and grasp it between my thumb and index finger, just like I grasp Tyler's dick. I start jerking it off. "Spurt for me Tyler's 3D-printed dick, spurt for me." That gets us both laughing uncontrollably. Like two little boys laughing at cartoons.

Just then the phone rings and I pick it up. It's Tyler's mom. She tells me her sister is doing better but they want to keep her in intensive care overnight to monitor her closely. She said she wants to stay overnight and be by her side, then asks to talk to Tyler. I hand him the phone. They talk for a while before he hands the phone back to me.

"Call us tomorrow when she is out of intensive care and I can bring Tyler to the hospital for a visit. OK, goodnight."

I see Tyler try to hold off a yawn.

"You look tired, maybe we should get some sleep. It's been a long day..."

Tyler...I really like being with you, just hanging out."

Tyler doesn't answer with words, a tight hug says it all.

We wipe the cum off each other and put our robes on.

"I'm gonna let you decide. I can set up the couch with sheets and a blanket if you want to sleep alone or..."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"I was hoping you would want option two."

He smiles. "We're married right?" Tyler says with a giggle.

"I suppose you want to consummate the marriage then?"

"What does that mean?"

"It's what they call the first time a newly married couple has intercourse. You're the husband, you're supposed to put it in me, right? Remember?"

Tyler has an ear-to-ear grin. "Really? You're really gonna let me put it in you?"

"You're my husband and it's customary for the husband to consummate the marriage. So, yeah."

"Cool..." he says with a wide smile.

I take his hand and walk. "Pit stop first."

We walk to the bathroom to brush our teeth. I get a new toothbrush for him. We look in the mirror at each other as we brush. My god, he's a beautiful boy.

After our pit stop, we got to the bedroom, then both stand at the side of the bed. I look into Tyler's eyes and drop my robe. He looks super nervous. He drops his robe; his spike is ready and waiting. A new chapter in our relationship is about to begin.

I grab the lube from the nightstand drawer and hand it to him. "Here you go, tiger. I'm all yours tonight. Remember how I did it the first time?"

Tyler nods yes.

I want to see that adorable face while he fucks me for the first time and loses his virginity. I want to see his beautiful face when he spurts his boy juice deep inside me.

I get on the bed, lay on my back, and spread my legs for him.

Tyler gets on the bed and positions himself between my legs. He lubes up his beautiful pre-teen cock. Then he gets more lube in his hand and lubes my crack; his small finger easily penetrates my hole. I watch him nervously prepare. It's the boy's first time, and it is hot a fuck to watch.

He scoots up to me, his stiff cock lubed and ready for his first plunge into a manhole. I feel his cockhead against my hole. He barely squeaks out, "Ready?"

"I'm ready for you husband..."

The look on his face as he slowly penetrates me is priceless. His tongue pokes out just a little, like when he is seriously tinkering. It's cute as fuck! The boy's first moment of penetrating someone is just priceless.

"Oh..." he quietly squeaks.

He is not particularly big down there, he's only 11, so he is balls deep into me pretty easily. But what he lacks in size he totally makes up for with intention. It just makes me smile; that look on his face. The feeling of him inside me just connects us closer than ever. His natural instincts kick in pretty quickly. He pulls back and then plunges back in.

"Oh...it feels so good...it just feels so good inside you..."

"Kiss me, Tyler. Kiss me and fuck me, husband. Make babies in me." I smile.

That sets something off inside us both. He leans in. Being shorter, he has to reach, but we manage to kiss. It's a magical feeling. He pounds his pecker into me as we kiss. He is moaning as much as am I now.

His enthusiasm and knowing I am bringing him joy is just such a turn-on. He really pounds his pecker into me like a little bunny, bringing me right to the edge. I feel him throbbing and he begins whimpering. I can feel the boy almost ready to fill me up.

"I'm gonna spurt..."

"Cum inside me Tyler...I want to feel you cum inside me!"

That is the spark that sets him off. His pecker starts to send his pre-teen boy seed inside me, more than I think he has ever spurt before. I feel every spurt ping my insides. The feeling sets me off and I unload between us. We kiss wildly as we cum together, feeling like one.

When he finishes unloading inside me, he collapses onto me. He lays his head on my shoulder in exhaustion.

I kiss his forehead. "How did you like your first time putting it inside someone? Being the husband."

"It felt awesome..." he whispers.


"Yeah, Tyler?"

"Thanks for letting me put it in you...but...I think I like it more when you are the husband."

I gently reposition us into a spooning position.

"I prefer being the husband as well, Tyler. But I am glad you got to try it. I love you. Sleep well."

I kiss his head.

He pulls my arms tight around him. "I love you too."

I hold him while he falls asleep. I fall right after him.

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