To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 29, 2001


To be or not to be (chapter 15)

Disclaimer: I do not know Nsync or Backstreet boys. I don't claim to know them but I would like to know them whooohooooooo to that one. This is fiction fiction fiction . If you haven't guessed what I am trying to say this is FICTION.

AJ ran to where he new Brian would be. He new what was going on with Brian and Jc a long time ago but ne never said anything. He new he should of. He knew he should of said something when Brian hit him the first time. He knew it all along. So why did he let it go this far, why did he.

He walked up to the apartment and found the key under the mat. He put it in the door and opened it up. He saw Jc tied up to a chair in the middle of the floor. The blood dried up on his face. He started to cry and ran over to him.

" I should of stopped this, I should of turned him in a long time ago. I am so sorry." Aj cried out.

"You don't have the balls to do anything. You know that no one else would even want your ass after you went and fucked ever one in the world. You are lucky I wanted you after all that shit." Brian said from behind.

Aj turned around to be face to face with the gun Brian was holding. He backed up and started to beg him. "Please don't do this. Please. Just let him go. Justin is in love with him like I am in love with you.

Just leave him go." Aj begged of him.

"You see Aj, I don't love you, I never did. I don't want you I could never want you. why don't you just leave. Jc is not going anywhere. He is even more worthless than you are. He is a pussy. He needs to be taught a lessen. He will be taght a lessen." Brian said.

All of the sudden jc woke up screaming. Brian turned as fast as he could to look at him which gave Aj the time to hit him over the head. Brian fell to the floor and Aj began to kick him in all over. Jc screamed at him to stop and to untie him. Once Jc was untied they both left in a hurry and took the gun with them. OPnce they got back to the house and saw everyone there. Justin ran up to Jc crying and took him into his arms. Aj just dropped to his knees crying. Jc dropped down next to him and took him into his arms.

"Thank you. I know that that was hard for you to do. I just hope you now know not to let men treat you like shit. He never needed to hit you. He shouldn't of hit me. We aloud it to happen, and we didn't say anything. It's okay though. We are both okay now though. Brian will be punished for what he has done. He needs help." Jc said to Aj.

"I know I know. I just wish I would of said something sooner, mayber this wouldn't of happened. YOu wouldn't of had the wedding from hell." Aj said.

"Speaking of weddings, where is the priest." jc said.

"I am right here, I thought I should come for moral support." The priest said.

"Then marry us right now." jc said strongly.

"Okay." Said the priest.

Justin and Jc walked in front og the priest and the priest performed the cerimony. They all clapped and screamed when they both said I do. Aj sat down on a chair and Joey walked over to him. He sat down and took the still crying Aj into his arms.

"Calm down man. It is going to be okay. You need a friend right now and that can be me if you want it to be." Joey said.

"Sure" Is all Aj could say.

Joey looked into his eyes and then leaned in and Kissed him. He let his tounge explore Aj's mouth for the first time. Aj gave in quickly and leaned into the kiss. Aj let his hands explore Joey's back. His hands going up and down softly. When the kiss finally ended Joey and Aj jsut looked at each other and smiled. Justin saw them from across the room and smiled also. He saw the love in Joey's eyes and new all would be okay. Lance and Chris were to caught up in kissing each other to notice and Jc had already started to walk over to them.

"I see you guys are getting to know each other alot better." Jc joked.

"Your partner here has nice lips." Aj said with a smile.

"Do you wanna go some where else. Where we can talk." JOey asked.

"Sure" Aj said.

They both got up and left. Justin walked over to Jc and smiled. He put his arms around him and they walked over to Lance and Chris.

A few years later.....

Brian was arestted and senteced to 2 and a half years of therapy and weekend jail time. Jc and Justin are about to celibrate there 2 year anniversary, and Lance and Chris are married. Joey and Aj are still seeing each other although it is hard with the seperation of the two group all the time. They still manage to keep a strong relationship going. Brian is okay with it though. He is starting to realize his mistake and he started up a relationship with Nick. They are planning a wedding of there own soon also. So the question has been answered to it all. To be or not be is not the question. They are to be and no one can say anything different about taht one.

THE END.......................Or is it.

Well what did you all think of that. I have another story going on right now and I needed to end this one somwhere. I may do a sequall it is all up to you though. do you want me to or not. well we will see about it.

Next: Chapter 12: The Child 1

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