To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 7, 2001


Well I wasn't sure where to go with that ending but here we go. This is complete fiction there is nothing true here, aright. Well if someone could please help me out here I would appreciate it. I want to put this story on nifty but I don't know how. So please help me out with that if you could. Now on with the story and I hope you like it.

Chapter 6

Justin and Jc are in there room talking about Lance and Chris. Jc is lying on the bunk with Justin on top of him. Jc is stroking Justin's newly grown in curls.

He missed Justin's curls, when he shaved them he about lost it. There back now so it's all good. "Baby what are you thinking about", Justin asked, concerned. " About what you said, that Lance said if he went for it with Chris he would have nothing left. I wonder what the hell he meant by that." " I have no clue, I have been thinking about that myself." " Umm, Well I guess we will find out sooner or later. So what are so quit about tonight." " I was just thinking about us, about us getting married. I think we need to tell Johnny soon. We can't hide this from him forever. He is going to shit when he finds out all about this. He is still kinda ticked that I didn't tell him about me and Brit before he saw it on the news."

" He will get over it, he has no choice, cause there is no way I am letting you go anytime soon. I just got you, and I love you, and I want you, right now." " Well you always had me, I love you too, and not right now. I have a head ache." Justin laughed that last part out.

They both sat there looking at each other and laughing their Asses off when Justin's cell rang. It was Johnny calling about an upcoming event in the Bahamas with Tim McGraw. " Speaking of the devil, there is Johnny. Should we tell him now." Came out of Justin's mouth when he picked up the phone to answer it. " Go ahead, we have to tell him sometime anyway." Jc said. " Hey Johnny, what's up?"

" Well I was calling to see if you where on schedule for leaving for the Bahamas' after you take your day off tomorrow. You all are going to Orlando right. Tonight."

" Yeah that is where we are headed right now, we should get there in a few hours. Then we will rest and go into the studio for a few then we are going to relax for a bit. We will be on the plane tomorrow night at 8."

" Well I guess you have everything under control, well I guess Lance does. "

" Yeah, Johnny, there is something I have got to tell you. You may not like this, but you need to know. I know you are going to want to discuss this in length. But umm, well see. Josh and me are together now. That is why I broke it off with Brit. I am sorry we didn't tell you sooner man, we have been meaning to. We have been careful and all, no one has seen us together outside of Brit and the guys and are parents."

" Justin, Shut up! Lance told me a long time ago. It's cool, but your right we are going to have to discuss this. He also said that you to are getting married. Which means this is going to get out sooner or later so we are going to have to discuss on how you want that to go. We'll talk tonight when you get here."

" Aright Johnny, see ya in a few hours."

They hung up the phone and Justin turned to a sleepy Jc. He sat back down next to him and looked into his eyes. He leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead and then on his lips. He wondered how he got so lucky sometimes. He went to get up when Jc grabbed his arm. "What did Johnny have to say" Jc said smiling up at a startled Justin. " I am going to kick your ass. He said we need to talk to him when we get there. He thinks we should come out to our fans before we get married. He doesn't want the world to find out that one of us is getting married and try to crash the wedding or something I think." " O Okay, I was thinking about that anyway. I think we should come out to our fans. Let them no that they can't have you." "Enough of that. Shut up and kiss me." Justin said while snatching Jc up and putting his lips against Jc's roughly.

Chapter 7

It has been a week since they had agreed about coming out to there fans. Lance is at least talking to everyone now, and Chris is still a little gun shy about everything. He talks to Lance, but it is like there isn't anything there. He would probably have a better conversation with the wall. At least that is what he thought at times.

Jc looked over towards Justin who was getting ready to go out on stage with Michael Jackson. They had been looking forward to this for a long time now and they wanted every thing right. Who doesn't want to meet Michael, Jc thought to him self.

They heard there name come from Michael's mouth over the load speakers and new it was time. They ran off onto the stage and sang and danced there hearts out. Michael even told them he loved them. In front of everybody he said I love you Nsync, how great is that, he thought to himself one more time.

Now they are all back stage listening to all those people scream at Michael. They new the feeling, but they new that they would probably never be that big, but they wished for it. Who doesn't want to be as huge as Michael Jackson?

"Baby, where is your mind at tonight, you have been out there all night. Are you even listening to me" Justin tried talking to Jc.

"Umm yeah baby, I am listening to you. I was just wondering about things. "Jc said, kind of sadly.

"What are you worried about baby" Justin asked his lover as he placed his arm around his shoulders. "Will we still have that after they all find out, will we still be a group. What is going to happen Justin?" Jc asked Justin, and then put his head down.

Justin pulled Jc's face up to his and leaned in and kissed him. His tongue exploring Jc's mouth. Jc felt his manhood begin to grow and new that this had to stop. He loved Justin, but they haven't even discussed sex. He couldn't believe that they have never had sex yet. It didn't matter now though, his thought interrupted by Justin's hand slipping down the front of his pants. Jc gasped and pushed Justin back a little. "Whoa slow down baby. There are other people in the room" Jc said with a totally blushed face.

Justin leaned in to him and whispered in his ear. "First off, we will worry about the group after we tell them tomorrow night on Rosie. Second off we will continue this tonight." Jc just looked at him and put his arms around his young lover letting his hands explore his back as he leaned in for another kiss.

"Would you two get a damn room!" Chris screamed at them from across the room. "You're just jealous" Justin snapped back. "Well we know that already, but I could have what you have" Chris said as he looked towards Lance. "You know what, I can't do it. If I am with you then I lose my family Chris, trust me, I love you with all my heart I always have. I just can't be with you. I love my family to" Lance blurted out. "How do you know they will act that way" Justin asked of his friend. "They already no I am gay, well they think I changed to straight" Lance said sarcastically.

"Why would they think that?" Came out of Joey's mouth. "That is what I told them, then that is when they told me if they ever caught me with a guy I would be out of the family for good. NO son of there's will be one of those sissy fagots." Lance added.

They all looked at Chris who was walking towards Lance with lust in his eyes. Chris grabbed Lance's face slightly and went in for the kill. His lips met Lances like they have been wanting to for ever now. He pressed his tongue into Lance's mouth playfully, tasting him for the first time. Lance was in total shock, but soon fell into the kiss. He started massaging his tongue against Chris's, not wanting it to stop, but new it had to. He pushed him off.

"I can't, I just can't" Lance said out of breath.

"I know you want this Lance, we don't have to let them know, I just want you to be with me, I want to wake up next to you I want to just hold you. Please Lance, just give us a try. Lance start's to walk towards the door then turn around and looks at Chris. Justin and Jc are just looking at each other in total surprise of what just happened. Joey is just staying out of it and minding his business. Then Lance opens his mouth to speak.

Chapter 8

"Justin can you come with me for a minute, I need to talk to you?" Lance said then walked out the door.

The door shut and Justin looked at Chris and then at Jc. Joey looked every one over once then stood up.

"Someone should so talk to that boy's parents. They are putting way to much pressure on him to be something that he is not." Joey said with a hint of anger in his voice.

Justin stood up and started walking towards the door. "Why don't you do it Joe? As for you Chris don't worry I am going to go talk to him right now, maybe I can get to the bottom of this once and for all. Josh I love you." Justin said as he opened the door.

"I love you too baby, and be careful"

"Tell him I will wait for him as long as I have too Just; tell him that he is the only one for me. Just tell him I care." Chris said as he turned around and walked back to his seat.

"I am going to call them at the hotel; they can't keep doing this to the poor kid." Joey said as he walked towards the bathroom.

Later on that night at the hotel...

Justin and Lance are in Lance's room. Lance had requested his own room this time. Lance was sitting on his bed while Justin was across from him at the desk next to the miny bar.

"I know your family is all religious and shit Lance, but come on they can't be that dense. Everyone knows you can't turn someone gay. You're either gay or your not, simple as that. Why can't we all just be free to love who we want without having to worry about what other people think, with out having to worry about getting disowned or picked on."

"Justin, I think I am going to try this thing with Chris. I know the risk I am going to be taking, but why should I give up on love. My family will just have to get over it I guess. Of course I am not going to tell them anytime soon. I just wish that they where more supportive of me."

"Well at least you wised up a little" Justin said with kind of a smirk. Mean while Jc was sitting in his room trying out some new lyrics. He wanted to write a song about Justin, He wanted to sing it at one of there concerts at there wedding. He wanted everyone in the world to listen to his song and think wow, he loves that man. He started writing...

I lye awake watching you sleep I love to see your smile You light up my life Whenever you walk into the room You are my everything My eternal flame

I love the way you laugh, the way you sing, and the way you walk O and baby I love your sweet sweet talk You make me laugh, with every little thing that you do O baby, what I wouldn't give to make love to you...

As he finished the line he heard Justin sliding his key card so he hurried up and put the note book under the bed. Justin looked in the room and saw Jc on there bed, under the covers reading a book. He just smiled and walked towards him. He slipped out of his clothes and crawled up next to him. He took the book from his hands and kissed Jc's lips. He loved there sweetness, there fullness. He longed for it.

"Josh what are you thinking about right now".

"How much I love you baby, what else?"

"I wanna have sex, I mean we don't have to if you don't want to, but I want you to know that I want to, whenever you're ready"

TBC I hope you liked it...Mike, feed back welcome at

Next: Chapter 5

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