To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 17, 2001


To be or not to be (chapter 11)

I do not know Nsync or Backstreetboys nor Rosie, Although I totally wished I knew Nsync at least Jc or Justin WHOOOHOOOOO to that one right. Well last time I left you with Nsync just coming onto the stage. Let's see what happends now..

Nsync has just taken the stage and the crowd has clamed down. The backstreet boys are sitting behind them on the stage. Rosie looks at Jc and Justin who are sitting next to each other with there hands entwined with each other.

"So, what do you guys think of all this happining. I know you guys wanted to come out to the public on your own and all, but now that it is all out in the open what are you going to do." Rosie asked of the young lovers.

"Well Rosie, we are just hoping that are fans will not judge are music on who we are, but rather on are talent. Justin and I are together, yes. But that doesn't change the fact that we make good music and write great songs, not to sound concieted or anything, I just fell that we try hard and bring forth a great product when we are finished." Jc answered her.

"How do you feel about what the backstreet boys said while you were back stage."

Justin and Jc both stood up and turned around. They then began to shake there rivals hands. When they turned around to sit back down the crowd started screaming. " KISS KISS KISS KISS" They just looked at each other and smiled.

Rosie looked at them and then joined in followed by the other members of Nsync and The members of the Backstreet boys. " KISS KISS KISS KISS" They all started to scream again. Jc leaned over taking Justins face into his hands and planted a small gentle kiss on his lips.

The crowd went wild when they saw this. They were loving it. They couldn't believe that there fans wanted to see this. It was great, It was almost to much to take in, to much to believe. It was like no one cared, but some did as we will soon see. Justin took Jc's hand back and let out a small sigh. Then Rosie continued the interview.

After the interview with Rosie, the guys all went back to the hotel. Justin went into his and Jc's room first, and to his surprise someone else was there and it wasn't Jc. It couldn't of been Jc because Jc was down stairs getting something to eat. So who was sitting on his bed. He walked over towards the bed and sat down.

"Hey Brit, how the hell did you get in here. You about scared the living hell out of me." Justin joked.

"The hotel manager let me in." Brittney said, in a not so happy tone.

"What's wrong Brit?" Justin asked of his ex girlfriend.

"Justin, we have a problem, well, I have a problem. I am being harrased by every reporter out there, I had to get away. I really hope you don't mind me coming here, I I jsut didn't know where else to go to." Brittney pleaded.

"It's okay Brit, you can stay here as long as you need to. What the hell are those reporters doing to you anyway.? Justin asked another question.

"They are asking questions about us, and about you being gay, and about you and JC. I don't know how to answer some of these questions yet, I don't know what you want out and what you don't want out. I don't know what to say when they ask if I still love you, because the truth is I will always love you. I am not in love with you anymore, but try and tell that to a hundred or so reporters that are on your ass. They don't understand it." Brittney said.

Justin took Brittney into a hug and just sat there for a while. Jc got off the elevator and walked down the hall. He saw that the door to is and Justin's room was still open. When he cam up on it he saw Justin and Brittney sitting on there bed holding each other. Brittney saying that she still loved him. He didn't stay to here her say she wasn't in love with Justin anymore, she loved him as a brother. He didn't here her say that she was happy for Justin and Jc and that she wished them all the luck in the world. No Jc didn't stay to here that, he was gone. He ran down to the front desk and asked for another room. The first time in a long time that he didn't want to be in the same room as Justin. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"Justin, all you had to do is say that you wanted to be with her. Why did you have to wait until now. Untill we told the world that we were together. That I loved you. You made out to be a fool" Jc cried as he shut the door to his own room.

He went to his bed and layed down and fell asleep to his own tears. Justin just got Brittney settled into her own room and then went to Lance's room. He knocked on the door and heard Lance tell him to come in.

"Hey Lance, have you seen Jc. He hasn't come back to the room yet." Justin asked of his blonde friend.

" No Justin I haven't seen him since he left the restraunt down stairs. He said he was coming up here.

That was a few hours ago. ' Lance said as he turned around to see Chris coming out of the bathroom.

" Hey baby, have you seen Jc since down stairs." Lance asked of his bf.

"I saw him run down the hall a few hours ago. He walked to your room and then ran. I just figured he was letting you and Britt have some time together." Chris said.

"O my god, I bet he thinks we are back together. Shit maybe he got another room. I am going down stairs to check. I will talk to you later." justin said

Jc was in his room alseep when he heard a knock at the door. He through his covers of and heard his stomach growl. He was so hungry. He had forgoten to grab the food from the front desk when he got his room. He started wlaking to the door wondering who the hell it was. No one knew the name he used when he didn't want to be found, except for...

"Justin!" Jc yelled. " What do you want. Where is Brit.?" He asked.

"That is what I thought. Baby she was just upset about all the reporters bugging her." Justin said as he walked into the room.

"I heard her say that she still loved you and you were holding her....." Jc started.

"She is not in love with me anymore, yeah she still loves me, but it's the same love I have for her. It's nothing like the love I have for you. You are my world, she is like a sister to me, my best friend. Baby, I did not go through with all this shit to leave you now. No way, you are stuck with me for life, sorry." justin said.

"Well that isn't so bad. I don't mind being stuck with you for the rest of my life. " JC said. Then he reached over and pulled Justin into him. Ruffly pressing his lips against Justin's. He wanted that man so bad, but his stomach started to growl again, but it was drownded out by Justin's.

"You hungry, baby" Justin asked.


They walked back to there room to order room service, but when they opened the door they found a note. It read...

Justin, Your mom is in the hospital, she was struck by a car. Call Paul's cell when you get this meassage.


Okay so what did you all think. Feed back please. Anyfeedback is good feedback. And yeah I know what a cliffhanger. lol

Next: Chapter 8

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