To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 18, 2001


TO be or not to be (chapter 12)

We are going to go into sad mode now, I am sorry but someone is goig to die. I got his idea from Dawson's creek. I have another story out also it is called "the start of something Great" Read it, it goes a little differently than this one, ut it's good.

Disclaimer: I do not know Nsync or have anything against anyone of them or there family's. This is just fiction and I needed to kill someone off so this person got picked , sorry.

Justin run's into the room and calls Paul. Paul answers the phone histericaly. Justin finally calms him down to get the new that he really didn't want to here.

"Justin, your mother is dead. She was hit by a drunk driver on the highway last night. There was nothing the doctor's could do. I am so sorry son. I don't know what else to say, but I am sorry. We are setting up funeral arrangments right now. I think you should get here soon though." Paul said crying.

Justin dropped the phone and fell to his knees and just let out a loud scream. Jc had picked up the phone and talked to Paul before hanging it up. He walked over to a crying histerical Justin and held him. Brittney had heard the cry's and jumped up out of bed.

She ran to Justin's room and knocked on the door. Jc had let her in telling her what was going on. She then let out her own cry's of pain and fell to the groud next to him. Lynn had been like a second mother to her, and Justin was oe of her best friends. Jc had know I dead what to do now. So he walked back over to them and embraced them both, Justin a little more though.

Justin cried into Jc's shoulder all night long, and Brittney cried into Justin's. They were all on JUstin ad Jc's bed when the phone rang. It was the clerk down stairs saying that there car was there to take them to the Airport. Justin was happy that Jc and Brittney had both agreeded to go with him, he couldn't believe how great Jc was beig, how strong he was. He knew that Jc and his mother were really close, so he knew that this was killing him inside, but he wouldn't cry.

On the plane Jc and Justin were together, and Brittney was behind them, she had fallen asleep quickley. Justin on the other hand was woried about Jc.

Sniffling, Justin said," Baby, what is it, why are you trying to be so strong."

"You need me to be strong, you need me to be the one to make it all better, and I want to ."

" shhh. Baby, no. You and mom were so close. If you want to cry cry, I am not going to think any less of you. Let it out. You don't have to be strong for me.

Just as long as your here, that is all I need right now. That is all I want. I just want you to be here." Justin said behind his tears.

Justin looked into Jc's eyes which were starting to tear up for the first time since they had gotten the news. Then all at once they game.

"Why is she gone Justin, she should be here for the wedding. She needs to be here, so I can call her and tell her the stupid things you do. She needs to be here for you. Why?" Jc cried out.

The plane had landed and they had all went to Justin's house. Once they were inside Paul greeted them all with a hug. When he got to Justin he started to cry again. He brought Justin into an embrace. Justin looked into his eyes and lipped, it's okay, I will be okay. Then Paul looked at Jc and smiled.

"You know, she loved you Josh. She said that you were the best thing that happened to Justin, and you Brit. She always said you were the daughter she never had. She loved you all so much, and there was nothing more on this earth that she wanted than to see you and Josh get married, Justin. That is all she wanted, and grandkids of course. She looked forward to seeing that one day.

Justin looked at Paul, " She will get to see it from a better place now though. She knows I love her, and that I could not of made it this long with out her. I think when I do have kids, I want a girl and I will name her Lynn. What about that?"

" I think that is a graet idea baby. She would love it. No, she would really love it. " Jc said talking Justin into his arms.

"I think it is a great idea myself." Britney added.

They all went and put there stuff in there rooms and got ready to go the funeral home.

Later on at the funeral home, Justin was standing over that casket crying again. Wondering why on earth that God would take his mother away from him. Why his mother wasn't aloud to see him and Josh get married. He wanted to share all of that with his mother, and now there was no way he could. What was he going to do now? Who was he going to go to when he needed to talk about Josh and The other guy's. He always went to his mother with that stuff, and now she wasn't there anymore.

Justin is standing over the fresh grave, looking at his mothers headstone. He placed a sigle rose on top of it and let out a small cry as Jc walked up behind him taking him into his arms. Jc let out a small cry of his own and then spoke. " I am affraid we have to go baby, we have an interview in the morning. Johnny said he was going to make it go as fast as he could and then we will have the rest of the week off."

" I wanna get married on her birthday." Justin said.

"Baby, that is in like two weeks". Jc said concerned.

"I know, but we could do it. I know we could. I think that we should get married on her birthday. She would of liked that. Don't you think? Justin asked.

"We could do that? Just think about it for today and then if you still want to , we will start the planning for it okay. I love you so much baby. I don't like to see you like this, I don't know what to do." Jc said.

"Just hold me" Justin said.


WELL what did you think about this one folks. Did I do good or not. FEEDback PLEASE :(


Next: Chapter 9

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