To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 21, 2001


To be or not to be (chapter 13)

O Chapter 13 I think we are running into some problems here. I don't know what I am going to do I am writing this on the spur o fthe moment here yall. So here i go after all the leagal stuff.

Disclaimer: Don't know nsync or BSB, would like to but i don't. This is all fiction. Arighty

Chapter 13

A week later....

"Baby do you got the book with the flowers in it!" Jc yelled down the hall.

"It's in the den hun. I will grab it on my way down stairs. " Justin yelled back.

They were both trying to plan this wedding, and with a week left they still had at least a month worth of shit to do. They had no idea what they where going to do, but they new they would get it done. This was there wedding there was no way in hell they were going to fuck this up. They had most of the hard shit down.

"Who is your best man, baby." Jc said once they got down stairs.

"I don't know, who is yours?" Justin asked.

"I don't know either. Whoever we pick there is going to be one left." JC said concerened.

"I know that was my problem, unless you pick Ty and one of the guys. Then I will take the other two guys, that would work. We can each have two." Justin added.

"Hey, that would so work. I am going to call Tyler and tell him the good news." Jc said.

"Arighty baby. While you do that, I am going to run to the store to get some grub. I am like totally starving." Justin joked.

"Okay hun". Jc said as he kissed Justin goodbye.

Justin drove to a near by Grocery and walked in. He was in the back getting some things to make pasta. It was one of the few things he could make, that he could stand to eat. A light haired man noticed Justin and walked up to him.

"Hey Justin, how are you and Jc doing?" The stranger asked.

Justin reconized the voice, but didn't realize who it was until he turned around.

"Brian! What the hell? You scared the living hell out of me. I kinda liked it when you all didn't talk to us. At least then I wouldn't have had you scare the fuck out of me in the store. Any way we are fine.

The wedding is in a week." Justin said.

" That's kewl, I really didn't think you two would last. I am sorry to say that, it is just that with all the publicity you all are getting. It is usually hard on the relationship. Justin?" Brian said and asked.

"What is it Brian.?" Justin asked.

"If I tell you something would you promise to keep it between us." Brian asked

" Sure man, you were nice enough about me and Jc coming out, so Yeah I promise." Justin said.

"Well Jusitn, Lieghanne is just a cover up marriage. I am really more like you and Jc." Brian added.

"Holy shit, your gay to! Jusitn said almost loud.

" SHHH, calm down man. I not to much like you. I am not ready for the world to know yet. But yeah I am gay. One more thing though." Brian said lowly.

"What else is there? What you have a crush on me or something?" Justin joked.

"Well, Not you. Jc." Brian said.

"What! You like my fiancee. That is why you are so concerened on how we are doing. You want my man. I can't believe this shit." Justin argued.

"Justin, man. I am sorry, but I thought I should tell you. I know nothing will ever happen there, but I thought I should tell you." Brian said as he ran off.

Justin watched him go and then to himself said. " I can't fucking believe that shit, who the hell does he think he is". Then he walked up to the check out.

Once he got home he looked at Jc, then he put the food on the counter. He walked over to were Jc was sitting on the couch and leaned down to his lips, kissing them gently. He then begins to remove his shirt......"Hold up Justin, I can't do this now." jc said.

"Then when, I want you baby." Jusitn said with his pouty lips.

"Aww you look so damn sexy like that and all baby, but it's not going to work. The wedding is abouta week away. You can wait." Jc said.

" I know I can, It's Brian I am worried about" Justin said under his breath.

" What was that baby?" Jc asked.

"Nothing hun, I am just going to go cook us something to eat. You stay here and just work on what your working on here." Justin said.

Justin walked into the kitchen and Jc just watched him. Jc was watching him and thinking to himself. I wish I would of told him the truth at the get go. Now he is going to just get pissed. If I would of told him that I had sex with Brian Littrell, that Brian was my first love. I can't tell him. Not now, after the wedding. He started to cry, he couldn't believe all this was going on. He was going to marry Justin, He loved Jusitn. He couldn't think of anything else but Justin. SO why was he scared as hell of Justin. Why was Justin always pressuring him into wanting sex, not that he would mind having sex with Justin. He just didn't want to sleep with anyone before marriage anymore. He slept with Brian and Brian brooke his heart. Brian Destroyed him.

The day before the wedding......

Justin was up already. He was down stairs making some breakfast. There was a message blinking on the answerig machine. Justin hit the play button and went back to making something to eat. Just as he went to grab the eggs he heard that voice.

"Jc, this is Brian. I think we need to talk. I think you should tell Justin. I told Justin that I had a crush on you and all, but you have to tell him the truth."

Justin dropped the eggs onto the ground andgrabbed his car keys. He ran out of the house in only his boxer shorts and took off.

The fridge door was wide open, with eggs all over the ground when Jc came down the stairs. Jc looked around the house and began to get scared. He screamed for Justin up and Down the house with out an answer. He looked out side to see that Justin's car was gone. He looked at the machine. There was a one on it. Jc played it and then ran out of the house to go find Justin ans finally tell him the truth. Then he was finding Brian and beating the living hell out of him.

"If he ruined me and Justin's relationship, I am going to kick his fucking ass" Jc yelled as he took off on down the road.

Justin was at Lance's, if anyone could help him it was Lance. Lance was sitting on the couch consuling the crying Justin when the phone rang. Lance answered it to hear a frantic Jc on the other end. Jc explained to Lance what was going on, and Lance told him to get over there and tell Justin.

When Jc got to Lance's, Justin wouldn't even look at him.

"What did you do, did you fuck him, is that why you won't sleep with me, is that it!" Justin screamed at Jc.

Crying Jc answered him. " No baby, I am not sleeping with him. I did however used to have a relationship with him before i was with you."

"So you fucking lied to me. You said I was you first." Justin yelled again.

"I love you so much baby, I wanted ot tell you. I really did." Jc begged.

Justin through the ring at Jc. "The wedding is off, this relationship is over. I don't trust you, and I cna't be with you without trust. Go find Brian he still wants you." Justin cried out.

"I don't want him, I want you. I only want you Just. Please don't do this to me baby." Jc begged of him.

" Just go Jc. Please just go." Just pleaded with him.

Jc grabbed his keys and left. He went to fine Brian. Brian was going to pay for this. He ruined his life for the last time. He was going down the street when a car was coming around the corner on his side of the road. Jc swurved to miss the car, causing him to go over the hill and hit a tree. Jc flew through the windshield and landed on the ground. The other car had dialed 911 and Jc was life flighted to the hosiptal. Lance and Justin were still talking and Lance told Justin the rest of the story the Jc had told him. This made Justin realize why Jc wouldn't tell him. He was getting ready to go out and find him when they got a call from Karen.

Justin was looking at Lance, and knew something was wrong. " What is it LAnce, what's wrong?"

"It's Jc, we need to get to the hospital." Lance said in a low voice.

Justin just fell to his knees and started to ball, then they went to the hospital. Lance practically carrying Justin. Justin walked to Jc's room and looked in to find Jc. Lieying on the bed with tubes in his noes and a Iv in his arm. He knew how much Jc hated needles and he wasn't here to get him through it. Then he saw him, Brian. Brian was there. Why the hell was brian there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lance said to Brian.

" I was the one who ran him off the road. I didn't mean to, I was going to find him. He didn't call me back, and I thought that maybe he would need help in telling Justin the story." Brian said.

"Get the hell out of this room, before I have you removed. If I so much as here of you being in here I will kill you myself." Justin said as he walked to the bed.

Jc looked up at Justin and just smiled.

"Baby, If you wanted to get me back, you didn't have to try to kill your self" Justin tryied to lighten the moment.

"I see your ring is back on, does that mean." Jc started.

" It means, Lance finished your story and I understand. I can't believe you got put through that shit. I won't do it again. I promise I will never hurt you like he did. I swear to you baby." Justin said.

"Well you are going to make me the happiest man on earth tommorow when you say I do. so I guess this is all worth it." Jc said.

"Are you going to be able to make it to the wedding. I don't want you passing out up there or nothing." Justin said as he kissed Jc's hand.

"O I will make it." Jc said with a smile and then kissed Justin's soft lips.

Brian was in the hallway. "You think we are through Jc, I rally don't think so. To be or not to be is no longer the question. You will be with me. "

TBC Feedback plaese I want to know what you all

Next: Chapter 10

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