To Nut or Not to Nut

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 5, 2023



This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned.

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This story is set in Los Angeles, California, November 2022.

"Hey guys, welcome, welcome! Come in!" Matt Bomer swung the door open, greeting Tom Daley and his husband, Dustin, with big hugs. The couples had been good friends ever since Matt had performed in a play that Dustin wrote. Daley smirked as one of Bomer's hands squeezed his rear - their usual hug.

"Happy Friendsgiving - most everyone is here, just waiting on a few more people. But hey, it's casual, so help yourselves to something to eat and make yourselves at home." Matt's blue eyes were lit up - the annual gathering of friends that he and his husband hosted the weekend after Thanksgiving was a personal highlight every year. Closing the door, he took in a deep satisfied breath and smiled broadly, surveying their home and finding everyone relaxing and having a good time.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh man, they did you all wrong. I was all 'no way!' when you showed up at the end, been waiting on them to make another one."

"Really?" Joe Manganiello grinned, amused by Daley's bouncy exuberance. Nearby, his wife Sofia hid a smile - it was obvious that Daley was a big fan of her husband. Then again, the tall stud exuded sex appeal, so it was rare to find someone that didn't look like their mouth was watering when speaking to him. Winking at Joe, she headed off to chat with a couple of friends.

Tom was oblivious to the exchange, his attention riveted on Joe and their conversation about the 'Justice League' movie.

"What about you - getting ready for 2024?" Joe leaned back, his arms stretched out along the back of the couch. He noticed Tom's eyes quickly dart down and back up It was becoming harder to keep a straight face...and Joe wasn't sure that he wanted to. Instead, he grinned a bit as he spread his legs a little, relaxing...and earning another quick glance from the British diver. This time, Daley's eyes widened a little before coming back up. Since he didn't wear underwear, Joe guessed that Tom noticed something he liked down there.

"Ehh...not really sure yet. Still thinking about it."

"Time's ticking."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Been keeping up with training, just in case. It's just a lot of work though, you know?"

"Ugh, yes." Joe held the 's' sound, hissing a little, his head rolling along with his eyes. "Most of these roles - back into the gym. Don't get much of a chance to relax."

"Exactly!" Tom nodded, pleased that someone understood the rigorous demands. "Although, gotta say mate, you're in great shape. Probably doesn't take much to get back into working shape, I'd bet."

"Thanks." Joe's grin grew as he flexed his arm playfully. "It's just more about getting that cut look, watching what you eat and all that bullshit."

"Yeah. I've also been - ." Daley cut himself off abruptly. "You're right, the diet sucks. Can't eat whatever you want."

"Exactly." Joe began to mirror Tom's enthusiasm...both naturally from Daley's infectiously good-humored nature...and feeling a little bit flirty. He leaned forward, his voice lowering. "What's your guilty pleasure?" He suppressed a chuckle as Tom's cheeks blushed, the inuendo landing as planned.

"Ice cream. And bangers and mash."

"Oh fuuuuck, I love ice cream." Joe leaned back again, licking his lips and rubbing his stomach. He watched as Tom's eyes followed the movement, full of a growing hunger...but not for food. "What's...bangers? And mash?"

"Oh - you all call it sausage," That blush came back. "and mashed potatoes.

"Sausage is awesome." Joe's hands fell to his legs, near his knees. He wanted to keep bringing Tom's attention down south. He could feel the blood slowly flowing into his crotch, so he figured the bulge down there was becoming more prominent. "Love grilling. Sausage. Hamburgers. Chicken. All kinds of meat, man." His grin grew some more, eyes locked onto Tom. Hell, was the kid starting to sweat a little.

"So what's the thing you've been trying in the gym - the training thing you were going to mention?"

"Huh? Oh - nothing. It's stupid." Tom laughed, a little nervous.

"Hey, I'm always game for hearing new ideas. Gotta keep up with the young studs, you know?"

"It's, uh..." Daley swallowed, reluctantly getting the words out, afraid to embarrass himself in front of this dashing hunk of man. His voice lowered a little, so that the other guests nearby wouldn't overhear. "It's...I've been doing the no-nut November thing."


" You know, like..." Daley made a fist and shook it a little in the air.

"Oh. Ohhh! Really - why???" Joe blinked - he LOVED getting off. If it wasn't sex with his wife, or the pool boy, or someone he was working with (sometimes suprising his wife by bringing them home for a threesome)...he was fine with rubbing one out, taking his time and enjoying his own dick.

"It, uh, it builds up testosterone? So it's supposed to help with working out? I dunno - it might be dumb. Saw it online and figured, why not."

"Eh - it makes sense. Yeah, the testosterone build-up. Plus, you're probably all antsy and shit, so driving that energy into a more intense workout."

"Yeah, that too." Tom nodded enthusiastically - anything that made this challenge sound like it wasn't silly. In truth, Dustin had jokingly dared him into the challenge, teasing his young husband about his high sex drive. If Tom made it through the entire month without jerking off, he'd get to pick out all the vacations for the next year. And with his competitive nature, he intended to finish the month, just about one more week to go.

"Hmm - sorry?" He realized he'd missed Joe's question.

"So how's it work?" Joe leaned back again, noticing that Tom's eyes lingered downward this time, definitely getting an eyeful.

"It, err...sorry, I get really distracted, all the, um, 'energy', you know?"

"Oh, I can imagine." That devilish wink sent a happy shiver down Tom's back.

"So, I just can' know." He made the hand motion again.

"Jerk off?"

"Yeah - no wanking at all."

"Holy fuck - so you've almost a month's build-up? You must be ready to bust. Dude..." Joe let out a big laugh. "...your balls must be SO swollen."

"Actually, um, no...not really."

Joe cocked his head, curious. Leaning in, he squinted. "Today's the 26th. You're telling me that with twenty-six days of jizz filling up in there..." He pointed at Tom's crotch. "...your boys aren't swelling."

"Well..." Tom's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. "I mean, occasionally I wake up from a really hot dream and there's, you know..."

"Uh huh. Been awhile, but get ya."

"So that helps. And I'm doing the version where I just can't wank. Or get wanked. Well, or sucked off. But, um..." Tom looked at the ceiling, trying to choose his words. "...if there's other stuff going on and it happens, it happens...but it's not breaking the rules, you know?"

Joe leaned forward again, his face near Tom's, their voices having dropped down to conspiratorial whispers. "If someone gets you off, you mean?" That wink again.

"Yeah. But they just can't touch it." Tom glanced down, making his point.

"So, a hands-free kinda thing. I get ya." He watched as Daley blinked and swallowed - the kind of thoughts the Olympian was imagining were extremely clear, even if he was doing his best to maintain a straight face.

"You two planning a heist or something?" Matt leaned against the wall nearby, amused by the way Daley and Manganiello were leaned in and speaking at a low volume. He'd guess that they were flirting, especially with that glint in Joe's eyes. Tom, however, was usually much more forward...and currently looked kinda bashful.

"Just talking about the different ways people celebrate the holidays."

"Ah, okay. Speaking of celebrating - can I get your help with something? It's heavy - I think you two might do."

~ ~ ~ ~

"This is heavy?" Joe pulled another box from the shelf and carried it over to the fridge.

"You're right - I'll ask Sofia next time."

"Hell no - I handle the manual labor around the house." Joe put the box down, flexing his arm. "You leave my pretty wife alone."

Bomer rolled his eyes. "Your wife is safe."

"I know." Winking, Joe swatted Matt on the butt as he passed by on his way back to the shelves.

Matt laughed laughed as he turned to see Tom taking down a box as well. "You good?"

"Yeah - these aren't heavy at all. Just bulky. Kinda like Joe."

"Oooh." Matt laughed as he started unloading beers from the boxes, restocking the fridge.

"Hey - I'm bulky and heavy. Go ahead and try picking me up, short stuff."

Matt bit his lip as he focused on the beer cans, finding irony in Joe's words as the 'True Blood' star was obviously working on picking Tom up, figuratively if not literally (yet).

"Yeah right - how fucking tall are you?"

"6-foot five."

"6...5...damn. Yeah, you've got seven inches on me. I'm not about to pick you up."

'More like eight and a half inches,' Matt thought, stifling another chuckle.

"Hey, honey - need your help with the sound system. Sorry." Matt's husband, Simon, ducked his head into the garage.

"Go ahead, we got this." Joe nodded towards the boxes.

"Thanks guys." Bomer got up and made his way back into the house.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Damn - didn't realize there were so many different types of beer." Tom looked between the empty boxes and the fridge. They'd finished the restocking chore.

"Oh yeah, it's a whole thing. Kinda like wine."

"Mmm. Wine tastes better though."

Joe rolled his eyes, laughing. "Depends. Just like wine, there's something to meet everyone's taste. Here, this one..."

Joe stood behind Tom, pointing out the different types of beer, explaining the ingredients and little bit of history behind each one. Tom listened, impressed - he hadn't expected the impromptu lesson and Joe was obviously interested in the subject.

His interest in something else was becoming apparent as well. Slowly, the space between the pair had closed, until Joe was pressed lightly against Tom's backside - seemingly the innocent result of his movements to point out various cans. Swallowing, Tom pushed backward every so slightly...and noticed when the lump against his butt nudged forward again at the same time that Joe brought Tom's attention to another shelf, providing another explanation.

"And that one's a stout." Joe shifted as he pointed elsewhere, to a larger can up on the top shelf. His body was now pressed fully against Tom's, his bulge wedged against the shorter man's firm round rear.

"What, uh...what are those like?" Tom leaned back a little - he could feel that the mound between Joe's legs was firmer than before. And larger.

"Thick." Joe nudged forward, enough that Tom rocked on his heels just a bit. Between the motion and the word, Daley let out a small involuntary moan, catching it early...but it was still noticeable. "They've got a lot of flavor - a little malty, a little chocolate, but creamy and really thick."

There was that nudge again. Taking a breath, Daley leaned back more firmly this time. "Not everyone can handle a stout. It takes a certain taste."

"Hmmm. Sounds interesting."

"Yeah? Want to try a stout?" Another bump from behind.

"Uh huh." Daley's mouth was dry, the result of raging hormones from his over-filled balls. His mouth went even drier when Manganiello took Tom's hand and brought it back, placing it onto the rock hard lump.

"Just gotta open it up first."

~ ~ ~ ~

Tom's shirt went flying through the air. They'd left the garage and made a beeline for a spare bedroom towards the back of the house.

"So what's the rules on this no-nut thing again? I don't want to fuck it up for you."

"Oh my god..." Tom moaned as large hands roamed his chest, Joe's goatee tickling his neck. "I just can' dick."

"Everything else is fair game?"

"Uh huh." Tom swallowed as he saw Joe's shirt land on a chair nearby, followed by the feel of skin-on-skin contact along his back. "It's like a loophole."

"Mmm. I love holes." Manganiello growled as he yanked Tom's pants open and then tugged them down.

Daley turned around, his mouth exploring the muscles of the tall beefy stud's body as he slowly dropped down to his knees. The lump in Joe's pants looked huge. "I can't stroke my own cock, but..." Grinning, Daley looked up as he unzipped the actor, not surprised to find no underwear based on the way he could nearly read the other man's dick through the fabric. "...I can stroke the fuck out of yours." He pulled Joe's meat free, wrapping his fingers around the ample shaft and began lightly tugging on it. He licked his lips as Manganiello reached full mast - over eight inches of thick veiny cock, hanging in the air. Opening his mouth, he devoured the stud, all the way down to the base.

"Fuuuuck - thought you were going to stroke it." Joe chuckled, his fingers curling in Tom's hair.

"Couldn't..." Tom pulled off long enough to get one word out before diving back down, giving a suck between words. "...resist...hormones...and...all...ya know?" He moaned as the big paw held the back of his head, the meaty hips thrusting forward, Joe's entire length buried down his throat. The big man let out a growl of pleasure as he finally released his grip. Tom held on for awhile before finally pulling away.

"Damn - how long can you hold your breath?"

Now it was Tom's turn to look mischievous. "I'm in the pool all day." Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the giant cock again. Time passed...and passed...and passed. Joe's pulse was ringing in his ears, along with the sounds of his own groaning, his pulse throbbing all the way down his body and into his dick, which Daley was moaning around, still stuffed to the gills. After what seemed like an impossible amount of time, Tom finally broke free, gasping for air. Joe looked down at the flushed handsome face, the line of saliva trailing from the diver's lips to his cock...and the thick coating of spit shining on his shaft. With another growl, he picked Daley up, carrying him over to the bed and dropping him down onto it.

He spat on his fingers and worked them against Tom's hole, working his way inside. Pursing his lips, he spat on the tight knot of flesh, holding Daley's legs apart as he pressed his member at the tight entrance, shoving forward until it gave way, allowing an inch or so of his dick to slide inside. Both men let out a howl of pleasure as Manganiello pulled back and reared forward again, spitting on his cock with every other out-stroke. Daley's muscled legs flexed in Joe's grip as the Olympian panted with pleasure, eager to have his hole destroyed by the 'Magic Mike' actor.

"Do you want lube?"

"Just fucking fuck me. Fuuuuuuuuuck..." Tom's eyes rolled back in his head as Joe shoved another couple of inches inside - his guts were burning with pleasure as the stud opened him up, slowly but surely.

~ ~ ~ ~

Joe Manganiello panted with heavy breath, his brow dripping with sweat. Tom Daley's eyes were rolling back in his head, his throat working as it kept making loud moaning sounds...which were muffled by the swimmer's own briefs shoved into his mouth. They were making enough noise as it was - the bed was rocking back and forth on its side with each thrust and even then, Daley was clawing at Joe's hips to get more of that thick cock, harder and faster. They'd been going at it non-stop for about twenty minutes, a result of Tom's hormones going haywire after nearly a month of not jerking off...and Joe enjoying the deliciously tight confines of the British lad's guts.

Daley's moan turned into a high-pitched squeal. The head of his cock had turned into a dark pink color, flush with lust and shiny with pre-cum that was flowing in abundance, flying through the air with each thrust, leaving drops all over his torso, Joe's stomach, and the sheets. The sound went up even higher as his entire body went rigid, his legs quaking in Joe's grip as his dick exploded. Manganiello had used the term before but this was the first time that he'd seen something that looked literal - Daley's rod was like a volcano erupting cum everywhere, in huge amounts. It was on the sheets, in his hair...hell, Joe guessed that if he looked on the floor on the other side of the bed, he'd probably find some there. The already-tight ring squeezed his shaft with such a strong grip that it bordered between pleasure and pain...and still he kept thrusting.

Slowly, Tom returned to normal...mostly. His face was flushed red, every bit of his skin was wet with sweat or cum, and his nostrils flared as he sought to catch his breath. Tearing the briefs out of his mouth, he let out a long breathy groan. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that was brilliant!"

"Want me to stop?"

Tom's eyes went wide. "Hell no!" Grinning, Joe began pumping his hips again, earning happy little moans from the Olympian. However, the sounds of pleasure became mixed with discomfort after a few minutes. Having gotten off...and from such a vigorous pounding...Daley's guts were aching for a rest. Biting his lip, he grunted as he gently nudged his fingertips against Manganiello's stomach, sighing with relief and disappointment as the thick lengthy slab pulled out.

He yelped with surprise as Joe drug him across the bed, pulling the mattress cover with him, both winding up on the floor. Tom was on his knees, presented with over eight inches of throbbing man meat...and his mouth instantly watered.

"Did you get enough to eat earlier?"

He looked up into those dark brown eyes which sparkled with devilish glee. "Uh uh."

"Still hungry?" Joe wiggled his hips, causing his cock to wave in front of Tom's face.

"Uh HUH!"

"Good." It was Joe's turn to groan as the little stud devoured his cock, all the way to the root in one gulp. Tom looked up, staring into Joe's eyes as he slurped wildly, his face bobbing up and down the pole of flesh, savoring the heat and weight of it in his mouth. Occasionally he pulled away, lapping his tongue along the thick veins that traced down the girthy shaft, before going back to sucking with a vengeance. His efforts were soon rewarded as a large load of cream shot into his mouth, every drop eagerly swallowed until nothing was left. Tom still suckled at the large dick, even when it began to soften, until Joe had to pull away as the flesh became tender. Chuckling, he pulled the smaller man to his feet, squeezing that muscular perky ass as they met for a kiss. Slowly, they got dressed and then left the room, returning to the party.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Fuuuuuuck meeeeee..."

"I am fucking you." Joe growled against Tom's shoulder. He could feel the Brit's legs bouncing in the air along his hips. They'd mingled at the party for a good long while before Tom had whispered something about getting dessert early. Returning to the room, Tom had gotten Joe worked up by sucking on his furry nuts. He'd wound up plucking Daley into the air, planting him down on Joe's cock, and then pinning the smaller man against the wall, proceeding to rail his hole. Fingertips dragged down his backside - he was sure Sofia would tease him later about the marks that Tom was surely leaving behind.

"You know, if you two keep leaving the party, people are going to notice at some point." Joe looked over his shoulder to see Matt Bomer entering the room. "Also, locking the door is usually a good idea." Winking, he turned the small latch.

"No one's going to notice that the host is missing too?" He returned the wink...after Matt's eyes came back up from gazing at the muscles of Joe's ass working as he did his best to pound Daley through the plaster. He heard the soft sound of clothing hitting the floor as Matt disrobed, making his way across the room.

"Are we sharing your new toy?"

Joe responded by making a growling noise. Lips met his ear, a tongue running along the edge. "You know, if you're going to make a sound like a dog, you might as well fuck him like one."

Grinning, Joe turned, carrying Tom through the air, still thrusting as he walked. He dropped Tom onto the bed and pulled out just long enough to turn Daley over before slamming his cock back inside.

Bomer climbed up onto the bed and crawled across it, settling on his knees at the other end of the swimmer, lining up his cock with Tom's mouth, moaning as it disappeared down the eager throat.

"You know, the turkey's the thing that's supposed to get stuffed today, right?"

"Complaining?" Joe cocked an eyebrow - he was used to Matt's little quips during sex, especially if it was a group activity.

"Not at all. But next time, if you two are so eager to stuff something, you can show up early and help out."

"Lend a hand?"

"Mmmm..." Bomer ran his fingers through Tom's hair. "A hand. A mouth. Whatever's useful." He looked up, his bold blue eyes meeting Joe's. "How're you liking that tight butt?"

"Ahh - should've known you two have played around before. It's good. Reallllly good." He growled again, this time with pleasure, as Daley ground his hips back to meet Joe's thrusts. Taking the hint, he dropped the conversation and focused on drilling this hot piece of ass.

On the other side of the bed, Matt laced his fingers around the back of Daley's head and began thrusting into the tight throat. "Yeah, you're a hungry little whore today, aren't you?" Joe lifted his eyebrow again - he was used to Matt dirty talking but this was a little stronger than usual. "Such a hungry little whore, yeah. Two cocks at once. Although you've had more, haven't you?"

Bomer looked up, his eyes twinkling as he glanced at Joe before turning his attention back to the Brit. "Did you tell Joe about the fun you had at the Olympics?" Tom shook his head, his mouth still stuffed with dick. "No? How pretty much the entire British diving team was involved in a 'team building' exercise?"

Daley groaned at the memory. Well, 'memories' of day after day of the squad fucking around. With almost everyone on the entire squad being vers, they'd all fucked each other in nearly every position that was known to man...and some new ones that they might have invented that summer.

"Ohhh...why don't you show him that move that the gymnastics team taught you?"

Joe cocked an eyebrow as Tom shifted his hips, spreading his legs out on the bed. Soon, both eyebrows were raised when Tom's legs were straight out along the edge of the mattress, forming a perfect split. The move allowed Manganiello to drive in even deeper, resulting in louder growls from the True Blood star and bigger whimpers of pleasure from the horny Olympian.

"Yeah, that's the one. It's fucking hot. Can really get into that hole now, huh Joe?"

Joe took a deep breath as he savored the feeling of getting further inside, the way that Daley was spread open wide for him, no legs or anything in the way...just pure unfettered access to that tight hole.

"I've got to get back to the party soon. Ready?"

Tom nodded, his mouth still stuffed full of cock. Licking his lips, Matt began bucking his hips, pounding his friend's throat. Tom did his best to suck on the hot piece of meat as it slid in and out of his mouth, the shaved balls slapping against his chin. A couple of minutes later, Bomer pulled back, grabbing his dick and jerking it, the pointy head aimed for Tom's open mouth. Shot after shot of hot cum painted the inside of Daley's mouth, covering his tongue and the inside of his cheeks. Smirking, Bomer made sure that a little bit landed on Tom's chin - a treat for Joe to find later.

"Your turn, cutie." Placing his hands at Tom's shoulders, Matt lifted the diver upright, onto his knees, so that his back was resting against Joe's beefy torso.

His fingers roamed down, finding Daley's nipples, caressing and tugging lightly at them. "What's the rule again? I can't touch your dick, right?"

"Uh huh." Tom moaned, too overwhelmed to be able to make real words.

"But I can touch everything else?"

"Uh HUH!" The sweat-mopped brow nodded energetically.

"Alrighty then." Matt's fingers turned, giving one of Daley's nipples a nice twist. The other hand massaged the swimmer's chest for a bit and then moved up, taking hold of Tom's chin and pushing him back until he was face to face with Joe. The scruffy mouth came down to meet Daley's smooth face, a thick tongue pushing its way into Tom's mouth as he continued pounding his cock into the smaller man's guts. The familiar taste of Matt's seed drove him to thrust harder, causing Tom to squeal with pleasure as he was pinned between the two studs.

Moments later, the squeals turned into whimpers again as he began shooting his load, all over Matt's stomach and thighs. Grinning, Matt scooped up the cream with his fingers, pushing them in between Joe's lips. The actor growled again, sucking on the digits. Daley was gasping at the intensity of Joe's drilling, especially once he was pushed back onto his hands and knees, one hand on his shoulder and the other gripping his hips. The big thick cock was threatening to tear him up.

"AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Manganiello threw his head back, howling with pleasure as he began emptying his balls deep inside Tom's ass. His hips kept bucking, trying to drive in the last inch even further as he pulled Daley's hips back against him.

When he finally opened his eyes, Bomer was already half dressed, a satisfied grin stretching his chiseled features. "That gets you every time."

"As if you didn't swallow Rodriguez like it was your favorite treat."

Matt chuckled. "Hey, told ya - I ran out of protein powder that week. Had to find another source."

"Dude - there was a store down the road." Joe laughed as he pulled out of Daley's hole and took a towel from Matt. He began wiping off both himself and Tom, cleaning up so they could get back to the main part of the house.

"And Adam was right next door. More convenient."

"And tastier."


"Who's Adam Rodriguez?" Matt and Joe both looked at Tom.

"You saw 'Magic Mike'?" Joe ruffled Tom's hair.


"He played Tito."

"Oh. Ohhhhh!" Tom's eyes widened a little, a look that Matt recognized. Those blue eyes twinkled as he stroked Daley's jaw.

"You know, we could have another little Magic Mike reunion get-together. Been awhile."

"It has." Joe nodded, grinning, already guessing what Bomer had in mind as he pulled his pants up.

"Simon might not be able to make it. Guess Tom could be my plus-one..." He laughed as Tom's eyes went really wide. "What do you say - want to see more of the 'Magic Mike' crew?"

"Hell yeah!"

"A LOT more." Joe tugged his shirt on, shaking his head...and looking forward to the idea. "Hey kid, how long are you in town before heading back to England?"

"About a week, why?"

"We didn't finish our lesson on beer. Want to meet up, learn a little bit more?" Reaching down, Joe grabbed his crotch. Tom glanced down, licking his lips.

"Sure!" Tom cleared his throat, dialing down the enthusiasm just a little before speaking again. "I mean...yeah. That sounds like fun."

"Good. There's, uh, some flavors we didn't cover yet."

Tom gripped Joe's package, nibbling on the stubbled chin for a moment. "Yeah, but I think the stout is still my favorite."

"A week, huh?" Both men looked over at Bomer's question. "Good timing. Your little no-nut experiment is over in..." Matt looked up as he counted days in his head. "...three days."

"Thank goodness!" Tom sighed, looking forward to touching his cock all the time again.

"Mmmm." Joe took Daley by the hips and pulled him back, grinding his crotch against the tightly-muscled butt. "End it with a bang." Tom moaned at both the idea and the feeling of Joe's bulge.

"Watch it - you'll get him started again."

"Who?" Manganiello and Daley both spoke at the same time.

Bomer laughed as he slid on his shoes and headed for the door, undoing the lock. "Both of you." Winking, he slid out of the room.

"See you in three days?" He ruffled Tom's hair again, handing over his new friend's underwear and reaching over to grab the discarded pair of pants.

"Yeah. Three days?"

Joe chuckled at the look on Daley's face. "Or tomorrow?" Those eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Tomorrow. And I'll see if any of the guys are in town. Get you a head-start on collecting Magic Mike guys."

"You make them sound like Pokemon." Tom grinned as he finished getting his clothes on. Checking the mirror, he was satisfied that he didn't look disheveled or freshly fucked, ready to return to the gathering.

"Mmmm." Joe wrapped his arms around Tom, grinding against his rear again, earning a soft little moan. "Gotta catch 'em all." Laughing, the pair exited the room.

The End. :)


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