To Sir With Love

By Juilian James (JuilianJ, Julien, Julian)

Published on Dec 30, 2002



This story is 100% fictional and is by no means depictive of the life of any person, place or thing. It contains sexual activities between males and should only be read if it is legal to do so in your area. Read at your own risk and enjoy. Comments are welcomed and would be very much appreciated. ENJOY!

As I sat on the edge of the bed staring out unto the ocean, I allowed myself to think about anything and everything except what had just transpired. It seemed as if I were doing a lot of that lately, staring, it was almost becoming a pastime of sorts for me after incidents like this. And even after everything, I would want his arms holding me, assuring me, promising me that this would be the last time. Deep down I knew that if I tried hard enough, if I worked twice as hard, if I were more conscious of his needs, things wouldn't need to get physical. I'm not trying to condone what he was doing but I understood that there was enough blame to go around. I mean, didn't one of the great physicist of all time say that every action begets an equal if not opposite reaction - In simple terms, cause and effect. And I knew that if I didn't provoke him, he would have had no need to do what he had done. I deserved it this time and the last time and the time before that. And as expected, he climbed up on the bed behind me and held me in his muscular arms and caressed my wounds with his gentle kisses and as before, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to break down and cry in his embrace.

"What's with the sunglasses? It's seven at fucking night! What, you allergic to light or something?" "Can it Chris! Can't you see I'm trying to make a fashion statement." "And what statement might that be, that you have none." And with that smart remark he managed to get a laugh out of me. "I'm so happy to see you smiling again Stefan. You should do it more often." And with that, we both enjoyed the silence that this hidden paradise offered. Once a month I would meet my brother out here in the middle of Hicksville USA and he would take me to this quiet spot somewhere north where we would enjoy the scenery, the good food and each other's company. "What are you talking about?" "Like you don't know!" "I don't." "Well I'll spell it out for you. When it's just the two of us or a group of the guys from the neighborhood you're all smiles but when he's here with you, it's like you have no life." "That's not true Chris!" "It is. Ask anyone who knows you. For once I wish you would just come out and tell me what the matter is." "Nothing's the matter. I just don't see why you bring me out here to grill me about my relationship. I don't antagonize you about Charlene." "Well Charlene is not using me for a punching bag!" And it was as if the wind was knocked out of me. I had never brought my problems with Mason out of our house so I was floored that Chris so adamantly picked up on it. "Fuck you Chris. It's really none of your business and you have no right to even make such allegations." "I have every right Stefan. I'm your brother and I'm worried about you. Ever since you moved to New York with him I've seen the changes you've gone through. The withdrawal from your family, your friends and me. We used to be so close, what the hell happened to that?" First off, I was never close to any of my family except Chris. My mother was long ago deceased and my stepmother would never be able to fill her shoes. My father was an habitual drunkard that had no desire to have a homosexual son and my other two brothers were too busy with their play boy lives to give a damn about anyone but themselves. As for my so-called friends, apart from the one or two that I had in high school, they were non-existent. "Nothing happened to it, you're just trying to make something out of nothing." And while I hoped that would satisfy him and make him back off, it only served to add fire to the flames. "Then where did that come from?" "What?" "That!" he said pulling off my sunglasses before I could stop him. And even though I tried to hide my face, I only managed to let the obvious show more. "It's nothing ok. I fell." "Into what, his fist. When are you gonna wake up and realize that this is not love Stefan? If he loved you as much as you claim, you wouldn't have to be explaining away these bruises as if they were paper cuts." "It's not what you think Chris. Things happen and couples argue. That's all it was, an argument that got out of hand." "And I suppose you're going to tell me that he's adorning a matching black eye." He knew me too well. "A matter of a fact yes! Why must you always try and over analyze every fucking thing." "Because you won't. He hits you and it's like it's no big deal, what's next then?" "Just drop it please. Can't we for once have a pleasant dinner?" And even though he didn't mention anything else about my state, dinner was ruined and we both knew it.

"How was dinner with your brother?" He asked as soon as I stepped through the door. I was so glad to be away from Chris and his criticizing that I just relaxed into Masons' arms. "How do you think?" The despair in my voice must have prompted a reaction for he held me tighter and began to plant small kisses on the side of my neck. And even though sex was the last thing on my mind right now, I wanted to please him. "You feel so good baby." He murmured as he stopped his caressing long enough to remove my sweater. He threw it on the ground and went for my pants, struggling with the belt buckle as he went along. "I can do that Mace." "No! I can do it." And he pushed me hard on the bed narrowly missing hitting my head against the dresser. His frustration became more apparent but I was afraid to say anything. Suddenly he started swearing at me for something I had no control over, "This damn thing is double knotted. Why the fuck do you keep doing shit like this with your belt when you know how fucking hard it is to get off. What the fuck are you trying to confine. Who the fuck are you getting a hard on for?" "Come on Mace, it' nothing, just let me do..." and before I could even finish my sentence he backhanded me. "Did I ask for your fucking help?" "Mace..." he slapped me again, this time harder and with more pressure, something I'm sure would result in another nasty bruise tomorrow. "Did I?" "No." and I tried my hardest to not cry. He hated to see me cry. He said it made his heart break to see me cry. Finally the belt unhitched itself and came loose. He pulled it out of my pants and continued to remove my clothes as if nothing had happened. He then proceeded to put my dick in his mouth and to give me a blowjob that I should have enjoyed. But all that was on my mind was the pain that I felt in my face and the realities of what would become of it tomorrow. I had a staff meeting to attend and I couldn't show up with my face a mass of black and blue bruises, I just couldn't. But Mason was obviously oblivious to any of this as he continued to suck my dick like there was no tomorrow and within a few minutes I was cumming in his mouth. When he was satisfied that he hadn't missed a drop he made his way up to me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you, you know that and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You know that don't you?" I couldn't answer for if I did, the dams would open and the tears would come so I just nodded. "Good. Now close your eyes and go to sleep." And like a child being ordered to bed, I complied.

The dream that I was having was not much of a dream. It was my life before Mason, my life before this one. I was walking down the halls of my high school, books upon books in tow, my glasses constantly falling down my nose trying not to bounce into anyone or anything when suddenly BAM! I managed to run into the senior school body president and his two friends. "What the fuck do you think you're doing ass wipe?" "I uh, I'm sorry sir, I didn't look where I was going." "Well since it was a harmless accident, I'll let you go." And for a moment I thought I was free, "Not! You fuck with me, you get burned." He slapped the books out of my hand and dragged me by my t-shirt across the quad and into some nearby bushes. "You two look out for anybody, me and faggot boy are gonna have some fun." And while his friends played look out, he pulled down my shorts and underwear and bent me over. "Please don't do this, please." I remembered crying out as he opened up my bag pack and riffled through my lunch taking my hot dog out of its bread. "I wonder if this could fit up there." He whispered into my ear as he covered my mouth and forced my lunch into my ass. I remember how hard I cried that day as he was sodomizing me and how hard I cried when he called his friends over to look at what he had done. They had laughed as if it were some big joke and had taken turns taking it out and reinserting it. That had been one of many humiliating times for me at school. Days that had long passed but which still haunted my mind today as I slept. Days that I thought and hoped would be my last, days that could have been my last if it weren't for Mason. He saved me from all of that and had punished all those that had hurt me and I owed him for all of that. I owed him my life; no more, no less as without him, I would have long ago ended it.


Next: Chapter 2

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