To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Nov 28, 2007


"This above all: To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not be false to any man." Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Though the theme of wrestling will be a key component in the early chapters and a continuing theme, the story is about relationships and being true to oneself. Thanks to Bill M and TalonRider for assistance proofing the story.

Please do not distribute to other sites without permission of the author. Comments can be sent to

From the previous chapter:

Frederick leaned down, giving their cocks' more friction. Without any let up on Alejandro's chest Frederick attacked his mouth, biting, tonguing and licking. Alejandro's chest and hips lifted off the mattress as he thrust against Frederick. With a growl, he grabbed Frederick's arm and twisted him to his back. Spitting in his hand he roughly lubed Frederick's ass and began to push against the ring.

Frederick's eyes were bright with desire. They were both gasping, covered with a sheen of sweat. Both wanted what was coming.

Afterward they lay quietly. Their bodies were entwined. Their chests slick with cum and sweat. Alejandro said, "You are one hot fuck. Do you know that?"

They lay entangled for a while longer. "You know what we forgot?" Frederick said quietly. "We forgot to stretch. Bet we're going to pay dearly for that tomorrow."

Chapter 17

They set their alarm for 7 a.m. They both woke before and talked about the upcoming day. A moment or two later they both smelled coffee being made. "Before we can go down we've got to get cleaned up." Frederick instructed.

They hurriedly showered. After drying off quickly, Frederick put on briefs and a T and went for coffee. As he went down stairs he could see the lifts operating. "What time do they start?" he said to no one in particular.

Jim answered from behind the corner of the kitchen, "6:30. There are a lot of folks who like to ski early in the morning."

"So that means Jules is up and ready to go?" asked Frederick.

Jim responded, "You know he is. He was serious and for that matter, he's getting paid so you can count on him being ready on a moment's notice."

"Call him and see if he's had breakfast. If not, tell him to come on over. By the way, somehow I got the impression that you to guys know each other. Do you ski together or what?" Frederick asked.

Jim, busy with some breakfast preparation didn't look up, "Yeah this is our second season here. Most of the staff is acquainted. Yeah I know him." Frederick thought that there was a bit more that Jim might say but didn't push it. Getting two cups of coffee he went upstairs to join Alejandro who was checking in at home.

A few minutes later, both guys came downstairs dressed in their long johns. As they refilled their coffee mugs there was a knock on the door. Jim offered but Frederick got up and answered. He opened it and invited Jules inside. Jules quickly gave Frederick a once over and caught himself "Best way to start the day, dressed, or at least partially dressed for skiing." He laughed.

Taking the proffered cup of coffee, he smiled at both guys. "Did you take my suggestion? You know a soak and stretching?"

Without thinking, Alejandro said, "Well we got busy talking in the tub. Jim joined us and after a couple of beers it was time for dinner and," he realized what he had potentially done with what he had shared. He cursed himself and watched for reactions.

Jules and Jim's eyes met for a few seconds. Jim segued gracefully, "Jules we lucked out, bud. These guys are some of the easiest to get along with I've ever worked for."

"Well I was thinking that yesterday. By the way, do you guys mind if I lose the turtleneck. You've got it warm and have the right idea. None of us need to start the day with a sweat." Jules responded. He grabbed the hem of the shirt and pealed it off his body. Alejandro and Frederick watched, enjoying the movement of his muscles as he lifted the garment.

He tossed the shirt aside on the back of a chair. "Something smells good. I thought we'd just have some Danish and coffee. You guys must have worked up an appetite here in Vail."

"Breakfast will be a little longer. You guys want to set the table?" Jim asked.

"Sure." They all said and laughed. A few moments later, four places were set. Juice was poured as well as water. The guys went to the windows and looked at the slopes. "Going to be a busy day, guys. Be prepared to wait for the lifts." Jules offered.

Soon they were called to breakfast. The camaraderie among the men was easy from the start. Jules kept harassing Jim in a good natured manner. Frederick was picking up signals fast and finally said to Jules, "Obviously, you guys know each other well." He said leaving the comment open ended.

"Yeah, when Jim here isn't living it up in the lap of luxury like now, he's my room mate in staff housing. Aside from being a slow moving `target rich' source of amusement, he's not a bad guy." Jules commented.

Alejandro jumped in, "Seems to me like you were getting your due, Jules. I don't see Jim sitting there with egg on his face." He laughed. Conversation continued easily and the banter between Jules and Jim increased to everyone's amusement.

"Guys, have you decided what you want to do for your big meal today? Eat in or dine at the lodge?" Jim asked as they were finishing their meal.

Frederick nodded toward Alejandro for his answer. "Jim you made the lodge sound appealing." Looking back at Frederick for confirmation he said, "We can eat there and all enjoy it." He included Jules in a look of invitation.

"Uh, we'll get a meal in the staff commissary." Jim answered hesitating, not knowing how to proceed.

Frederick sensed the conflict and jumped in saying, "Wait a minute you guys. I was counting on you to provide some break in the monotony of another dinner with ole Alex." Alejandro looked up questioning. Frederick, smiling, pushed forward. "Is it a policy or something that staff can't eat with guests in the lodge?"

"This is awkward Frederick." Jim answered. "Yes, we can eat in the lodge. But you see our meals are part of our pay. If we eat in the lodge, we pay full price just like you do. It's nice, but when the same cooks are preparing our food, it doesn't make sense."

"My intent was that you'd be our guests at dinner, that's not a problem. You're not wanting to eat with us is a big problem. And if that's what you're saying I'll demand satisfaction on the field of battle, my weapon of choice being snowballs." Frederick grinned and looked at Alejandro for confirmation.

"They've got you there Jimmy. Better make the call and see when we can eat." Jules said, accepting for both of them.

Jim called the lodge and found the only choices left were 5 p.m. or 9:30 p.m. "Those are not times you were looking for I'll bet. Look, I can put a meal on the table when you say and you can relax and eat when you want."

Alejandro entered the fray. "Look, why don't we plan to go to the early seating. The slopes will stay open like usual won't they Jules?" Seeing him nod a yes, Alejandro continued, "We can ski this morning and into early afternoon after a light lunch here. After cleaning up a bit, go to dinner and then come back, put on ski gear and work off some of those calories. When we've had all we can take of the snow, we can hit the hot tub and kick back and relax. How does that sound for a plan?"

Frederick saw a quick look pass between Jules and Jim. Jules didn't wait, "That sounds great. You agree Jimmy?" Without waiting he added, "Let's get dressed guys. The slopes are getting more crowded by the minute."

Jim pulled Alejandro aside as the others dressed. "You don't have to do this. We can eat in the commissary like I said." He said quietly.

"This is going to be fun. Don't worry. Like we promised yesterday we're not going to do or say anything to jeopardize your job." Alejandro said and he saw a look of relief wash across Jim's face.

The morning skiing was great. Flurries dusted them with snow until they went in for lunch. Jim had a soup, salad and sandwich spread ready for them. The skiers were ravenous but Jim held back a bit saying he was saving appetite for dinner.

After another two hours of skiing Jules suggested they might want to rest a while before dinner. At their suggestion, he went by the dorms, picked up clothes appropriate for dinner and they retreated to the villa.

At the lodge, the meal was all Jim had promised and more. They enjoyed champagne with appetizers and wine with their main courses. Both Jules and Jim were great conversationalists and the talk just kept shifting from one interesting topic to another. They regaled Alejandro and Frederick with stories of scenes that would put Famous Funny Home Videos to shame. The time sped by and soon they were astride their snowmobiles heading for the villa.

The men dressed for skiing and as they departed, Jim promised hot drinks when they returned. It was nearly 9 p.m. when they all three agreed it had been enough for one day. Strapping their gear to Jules snowmobile, they headed back after Jules made a call to alert Jim.

They were welcomed by a blazing fire, a pot of cocoa and fresh coffee. Appropriate liquors were lined up alongside so each could mix their own poison.

"Guys, I'm sweaty and am going to be steamed if I don't get out of these clothes." Frederick said as he began to strip. As he got to the straps crossing his shoulders he looked around and said, "Guys, it ain't like you haven't seen it before. Get over it and get comfortable." Soon he was in his briefs and T, wiggling his toes toward the licking flames. "Ahhhhh, that's so much better."

The others followed suit. Finally it was Jim standing, still fully dressed. "Don't you feel a bit overdressed at the moment, Jimmy?" teased Jules.

"Come on Jim, get comfortable. At least you don't stink like we do, if that's any comfort." laughed Alejandro. Soon all four guys were in briefs and Ts enjoying the fire, the lighted curving trails in the distance and the warmth of a strong drink in hand.

After warming up, Alejandro suggested going to the hot tub. As Jim removed the cover and set the timer and temperature control, the other men quickly showered. Alejandro and Frederick finally got to check out Jules. Just under 6' his body was perfectly proportioned. Obviously an athlete, his muscled contour was more than a bit delicious to peruse. Alejandro looked at his legs and held his breath for a moment imagining what power they could deliver with a well placed scissors hold. His dick was moderately sized and about 4" hanging over a nice sized set of balls. He was nearly hairless save for pits and pubes. Soon all four were stretched out, legs tangled, relaxing in the swirling warm water.

Jules commented, "I remember how much I enjoyed this after a grueling match in high school."

"What sports did you play, Jules?" asked Alejandro.

"I came from a small school and those of us who were jocks just followed the seasons, football, wrestling, basketball and track. I did `em all. I was referring to getting the muscles unknotted after some rough wrestling practices and matches."

"I know what you mean." offered Alejandro. Talking about some of his training sessions with Jase and how good the tub felt afterward. The conversation continued around sports, staying in shape and the fun of it all.

"It's been too long since I had an opportunity for a match. There's something uncomplicated about facing off with a man and knowing before it's over one of you will win, one will lose. You know what I mean, don't you Alex?" Jules asked as he gently rubbed his leg along side Alejandro's. It was just a light enough touch to be mistaken for nothing but shifting weight.

Alejandro decided to test the motives in play. "Yeah, taking the measure of a man when you're looking at him is one thing. When you tie up and begin to test each other, that's when the real game begins." As he finished he shifted his legs to make his ankle cross over Jules' and push it back against the tub wall, asserting a bit of symbolic dominance.

Jules' eyes flashed with recognition as he began to push back against Alejandro's pressure. "You got it man! My favorite matches were in practice when we could just go at each other trying different moves and holds. It was always best when we were equally matched and the outcome was a toss up." Jules shifted his body so that his other leg crossed Alejandro's. Jules hooked his ankles and looked at Alejandro with a blend of a smirk and a smile. They just looked at each other for a moment.

Frederick and Jim had been listening and messing with each other having fun beneath the water's surface. He knew Alejandro well enough to know he was getting a bit worked up.

Deciding to stir that fire, he said, "Let me guess. You guys are sitting there wondering who could pin whom. Am I too far off? You jocks are all the same, gotta prove who's `the man'. Well what's stopping you?" Frederick laughed.

"Nothing's stopping me." Jules said looking at Alejandro. "Like you said, just jock talk, just posturing. Right Alex?" Jules said rubbing his calf up Alejandro's hairy leg. "Just having some fun with each other, right?" Jules asked as he winked at Alejandro to see if he wanted to carry this further.

"Yeah, that's it. And just let me know when you'd like a match." Alejandro smiled without hesitation as he met Jules' silent challenge.

"Ok guys on the deck and let's cool off." Frederick lifted himself to the deck, his erection sticking out proudly for all to see. "Jim, do we have anymore beer?" Jim nodded and stood to get out of the pool, his 8" of thick cock meat standing proud. As he got out of the pool he grinned at Frederick. Jules whistled and said "Looking good there Jimmy!" Jim flipped him off and they all laughed as Jim went for the beer.

"You guys still playing with each other? Bet you're boned and want to tangle. I can tell from the way you've been looking at each other. Now hoist your asses out of the water."

Alejandro and Jules got out of the water at the same time and chuckled as Jules said "Busted!"

They were both fully erect and made no effort to hide it. Stretching his arms back, Jules placed his palms flat against the deck and spread his legs slightly, acting as if it were the most normal posture in the world.

Jim stopped when he walked through the doorway. "Did I miss anything?" Jim asked laughing as he looked across at the two men with their obvious erections.

"Nothing much." Alejandro said. "Jules and I are wondering just how much we want to beat up on each other." Alejandro said with a grin toward Jules.

"Jim I keep getting the feeling that you and Jules are more than friends. Am I right?" Seeing Jim nod and Jules smile Alejandro continued. "Wrestling carries over into the sex Frederick and I share. We enjoy lots of give and take with our rough housing. It seems to fire us both of us." Pausing for a moment he watched Jules and Jim. "Do you guys ever play like that?"

"Yeah," Jim said and paused looking at Alejandro wondering how much he should say. Shrugging, he continued. "Yeah, I'd never done anything like that before I met Jules. When we started rooming together we pretty quickly figured that we were both gay and we did the normal stuff, you know, blow jobs and 69. One night we started horsing around. We'd showered and he popped me with his towel. Soon we were tied up on the bed, me locked up tight. My cock was throbbing. Jules asked if I was Ok and enjoying it.

"I was lovin' it. I hadn't had sex with many guys. Being man handled, wrestled down by a guy so much stronger flipped a switch in me. He loosened the hold and asked me if I wanted some more. He could see it. He grinned and backed off and we went at it again. We took the mattresses off the bunks and wrestled on the floor. When we woke up, I had a sore ass and we were both covered in cum. It was the best sex I'd ever had.

Turning to Jules, Alejandro smiled and reached and began to rub Jules' nipple. Glancing toward Jim, he said "I'd like to take on your room mate in a wrestling match. We can all play as tag teams or the two of you can watch us go after each other. You said Jules plays a little rough with you. Maybe you'd like to see someone bring some fight back to him, make him sweat, make him struggle. I don't know if I'm the man to do it but I'm sure I'm man enough to try. What do say Jim? Would you like to see something like that?" Alejandro flicked Jules hard numb with his thumb nail as he looked at Jim.

Jules groaned at the pleasure then said in a husky voice, "Yeah, Jimmy what do you think about that?"

Jim grinned, and laughed "I know I'm gonna pay for this, but Alex I wanna see you pound his ass! He's got it coming from all the times he's taken me down." Jules grinned, his eyebrow raised in mock surprise and, wagged his finger with the understood message that indeed Jim would pay.

"Woof" Frederick nearly yelled. "Let's go guys. Jim and I'll get the mattresses, you two move furniture. And I've got a request if that's Ok." Jules and Alejandro nodded watching him. "This isn't going to be some candy assed match for a fall. You guys have started this and you damned well better keep wrestling till Jim and I decide who's won. Got that, boys!?"

Jules offered Alejandro a hand up then turned his body toward him. Bumping his chest he said half in jest as he met Alejandro's eyes, "Like the man said, this ain't gonna be a candy assed match. I'm taking you down." With that he bumped Alejandro again. Alejandro stepped up and pushed Jules' chest with his own. The guys stood there, their noses nearly touching, staring, their dicks rising.

"You guys want it bad don't you?" Jim laughed. "Let's get the room set up."

Jules and Alejandro moved furniture and lamps into the corners. The room was cast in shadows with the fire's licking flames creating a focal point. The mattresses were tied together and put in the large open space. Sofa and chair cushions were piled against the stone hearth. In only a few moments they were ready.

"You want to put something on or wrestle like you are?" Jules asked.

"As long as you don't try to stick that monster in me, I'm happy the way I am." Laughed Alejandro. "Ditto that!" Jules echoed.

They stood looking at each other from opposite ends of the mats. "I am so fucking ready for this." Jules said as he stroked his cock. Slowly he began to affect a stretch. It was a simple guise to flex his muscles. Alejandro began to mirror his actions. Pecs and abs in tight definition were framed by knotted arms as their fists curled inward to tighten their flex. Hunching shoulders forward their lats popped and added to the testosterone driven display of young muscles. Their rampant cocks were rock hard and bounced with each move. They were both pumping precum. Their throbbing dick heads were covered with the stuff.

"So you think you can bring some fight to me, eh?" Jules said softly, with a little menace in his voice as he took a step forward. "You plan to make me sweat. Make me struggle. Is that what you have in mind, Alex?" Jules voiced his quiet challenge as he walked toward Alex.

Alejandro matched Jules step for step never breaking his stare. The sight of the man's body had intrigued him since morning. His mounded pecs were crowned with large coppery areolas. The nubs were hard with his anticipation. His torso had a thick build, but Alejandro could see it was packed with muscle. Other than his pits and pubes Jules was smooth. His six-pack was flat and defined. Jules' pubes, dark and curled like Frederick's just surrounded his shaft. His balls held close to his body were large and round with little hair on them.

Soon they were standing within arms reach. They both stared at the other. Finally Jules took another step forward and said with more than a hint of menace in his voice, "We didn't discuss any rules. You think we need some?" Another step and their dicks were touching. Jules pushed his chest forward and pushed Alejandro back a few inches. Alejandro responded, pushing their chests together.

"I made clear what I want and what I plan to do. I don't need any rules. It's just us Jules. Now are you going to talk or are we going to fight?" Their noses were nearly touching.

Jules stepped back half a pace and offered his hands, fingers spread for a test of strength. Alejandro accepted and they locked their grips and began a slow dance for control. Their shoulder muscles bulged, their biceps and triceps strained. Their precum slick dicks bounced as their posture changed. They never broke their stare at each other.

Alejandro forced their arms up. His lats flared as his pecs bunched beneath his furry mat of hair. With a slight height advantage he hoped to push Jules down. Slowly he muscled him down, steadily pushing. His pecs and flexing ceps quivered with the strain.

Slowly, Jules continued to sink. His quads bulged. His pecs bunched and shook from the pressure on them. Taking half a step back he tried to gain leverage. His calves were taut pushing up against Alejandro's unremitting pressure. Suddenly he dropped to his extended knee and wrapped their locked fingers behind Alejandro's back at the same time driving his shoulder hard into Alejandro's plexus. Jules followed through, lifting Alejandro up and back. Both men hit the floor.

Wrenching his hands free, Alejandro maneuvered Jules into a head lock as he felt Jules' cock press against his side as a tight scissors clamped across his upper abs. Alejandro had been right. The power of those huge quads would likely do some damage. Jules loosened the hold only enough to slam his knees in quick succession against Alejandro's exposed chest, trying to continue damage to his plexus and weaken him.

It was working. With each contraction of his knotted quads, Jules was limiting the air intake. He could hear it in Alejandro's gasps. His efforts to break the head lock were working. Finally he broke the lock and pushed Alejandro's arms above his head. With increased leverage he brought more pressure to his scissors as Alejandro began to bridge with violent lifts trying to dislodge Jules.

At the apex of one of the bridges, Jules released Alejandro's arm and grabbing his own fist drove an elbow into Alejandro's plexus. It caught him at the most exposed point and air exploded out of him.

Jules released his scissors and rolled Alejandro to his stomach. As Alejandro's body naturally tried to curl forward, Jules grabbed his arms. Planting a knee in the center of Alejandro's back, Jules pulled his arms straight back. "Surfs up, Alex, enjoying this?" Jules balanced himself, adding his other knee and all his weight to Alejandro's back.

He kept stretching Alejandro's arm, twisting them as he pulled. He stood, pulling Alejandro's back into a bow. Finally he dropped Alejandro's arms and fell, driving his elbow into Alejandro's back.

Jules grabbed Alejandro's shoulder and rolled him over, straddled him and pinned his shoulders with his knees. He looked down with a expression that was both smile and sneer. Grabbing his partially erect cock, he slapped Alejandro's face with it a couple of times. "So when you gonna start, Alex? I'm waiting." He chuckled as he somersaulted forward and turned to watch Alejandro recover.

Slowly Alejandro got to his knees, then to his feet. Twisting gently he tried to work out the kinks from his back. Jules grinned and sprang to his feet. "Hope I wasn't too rough on you."

Alejandro smiled and motioned with his hands that he was ready. They tied up collar and elbow. Alejandro managed to slide his muscled leg between Jules' and they fell to the mat, the heat of their bodies made their sweaty skin glow in the firelight. Quickly, Alejandro slid up Jules' back hooked an arm under his shoulder, flipped him over and locked his arms into a full nelson. Jules brought his strong arms down forcefully, pressing his big guns against Alejandro's hold. Rolling to his back, Alejandro pulled Jules on top of him and grabbed him with a reverse scissors. His quads swelled and muscles popped as he increased the pressure.

Pushing Jules' neck forward as hard as he could, he stretched Jules' back. With a smooth roll, Alejandro reversed their positions letting his weight rest on Jules' back. He began to lift Jules, returning the favor he'd just experienced. After working the nelson and back, Alejandro got to his knees and began to peal Jules' pecs off the mattress. Jules continued to press down with his bulging biceps trying to loosen the hold. Alejandro continued lifting and when both were standing, Alejandro leaned back lifting Jules off the floor. Feeling the sweaty muscles ripple along Jules' spine made Alejandro's cock lurch.

He swung him right and left and then fell back pushing Jules' to land hard on his ass. Alejandro loosened one arm and grabbed Jules' leg and planted his foot securely in his arm pit. Leaning forward Alejandro pushed Jules' body forward and down on the mat. He punished Jules' lower back while continuing the half nelson. Shifting his weight forward, Alejandro released the nelson and spinning grabbed both Jules' ankles and pulled him into a crab.

Looping his arm around one foot and holding the other, Alejandro rose up and dropped an elbow on Jules' back. Throwing his legs across Jules, Alejandro grabbed an arm and twisted it pulling it across himself in an arm bar.

"You mind if we take a break, Jules?" Alejandro asked between gasps.

"Not at all, as long as it's not my arm being broken." He answered in an attempt at humor.

Alejandro released the arm and rolled away. Looking at Jules, he said, "We've proven we can hurt each other. If that's the kind of match you're looking for, I'm not stepping away from it, but I do have another suggestion for you to consider."

"I'm all ears, Alex. I have to use this body to make a living and a cast for the rest of the season won't help a bit." Jules said with a wry smile.

Alejandro waited. Jules looked up. "I want to wrestle with you until we grind each other down, till there's no doubt who the winner is. My suggestion is an extended submission match. We can tap and start over as often as we wish. We'll finish with one of us atop the other, there being no doubt about the winner. How does that sound?"

Jules, leaning on an elbow, smiled, the mischief back in his eyes. "Sounds great, but I'm warning you, I'm gonna work you hard before I let you go, buck-o." he said with a small laugh.

"Good, because I intend to do the same, Jules." Alejandro said.

"Fuck yeah!" Jim said sotto voce as he slowly pulled at his cock, looking at the sweaty muscled combatants. He looked across to Frederick and saw the lust of combat and sex burning in his expression. Frederick motioned to Jim with a `you and me?' gesture. Jim felt the heat surge in his chest and shoved his chin out with an affirmative. Frederick smiled a crooked smile and held up a finger indicating they would get their turn eventually.

They stood and faced each other. Jules reigned in his bravado and alpha posturing. Capturing collar and elbow they struggled for a moment. Breaking the grasp and diving low, Alejandro locked his hands behind Jules and lifted him in a bear hug. Jules pushed his hand against Alejandro's chin and clawed at the tight grip. Alejandro bounced him, letting him slip a few inches and tightened the hold again, digging his knuckles into Jules spine.

Bouncing Jules again, Alejandro tightened his grasp and began to limit Jules' air. Jules was gasping for relief as he pushed with both hands against Alejandro's chin. Jules continued to fight against his increasing need to tap for release. He realized a few seconds later it would have been the smart move.

Alejandro let him slide to the floor and quickly stepped behind him and looped his arm around Jules' neck. Swinging a leg in front and stepping between Jules' legs, Alejandro began to stretch Jules across his bulging quads. Jules' lats swelled as he fought against the sideways stretching of his ribcage. The abdominal stretch left Jules' arms ineffective. As he tried to gain purchase with his hands on Alejandro's body, Alejandro bent the hapless Jules further against his knotted thigh.

Alejandro could feel the power of Jules' back and lats as he strained against the hold. It accomplished nothing. Alejandro reached between Jules' legs and gently grasped his ball sac. Rolling his fleshy orbs within their sac, made Jules groan. Careful not to put pressure on them, Alejandro reached further and captured the flaccid member that hung down over them. Bouncing Jules one last time, Alejandro released his hold and let Jules fall to the floor.

Falling on top of Jules, Alejandro secured a full nelson and captured Jules' legs in a grapevine. He luxuriated in the sweaty masculine contact as he inhaled deeply the smell of sweat. Alejandro ground his semi-erect muscle along Jules' crack. "No way out of this one Jules. Take your time but you are going to tap sooner or later." Alejandro said huskily in Jules' ear.

Finally Jules tapped. Jim had brought a pitcher of water and glasses. Frederick had gathered some towels. Both men wiped down. Alejandro reached out and touching Jules' shoulder spun him around so he would wipe down his back. The gesture was appreciated and returned.

Frederick asked, "You studs mind if Jim and I play while you catch your breath?"

"Go for it Jimbo!" Jules said with a big encouraging smile.

"Frederick, I've got no clue what I'm doing but I'm gonna give it a shot! So bring it on big boy." Jim said as he put up his arms. He and Frederick tied up. Frederick mainly played with him. They rolled all over the mattresses locked and tied up. Frederick gave Jim lots of `outs' so he could continue to fight.

Both guys were in good shape so stamina wasn't an issue. With Jules and Alejandro cheering them on they grappled, gasped, laughed and heaved against each other. Frederick finally tied up Jim and said, "Let's not hog the mat."

They traded back and forth everyone hard, hot and sweaty. One could almost smell the testosterone in the air. For an hour or more they continued to wrestle.

"Ok, you guys finish this up, I want to fuck somebody!" Frederick laughed.

Alejandro and Jules faced off knowing they'd fight to the end now. Alejandro's training with Jase paid rich dividends. He was methodical as well as strong. It was evident early on that Jules would not win but he fought on doggedly till he was flat on his back. Alejandro was holding Jules legs over his face, resting his weight on the backs of Jules thighs.

"You win." he gasped. His face was bright read from the compression of his body. Immediately Alejandro rolled to the side as Jules slowly unfolded his bent body.

"You could have torn me apart lots of times while we were wrestling." Jules said with a note of question in his voice, implying that he was surprised Alejandro hadn't been rougher.

"Perhaps, but it wouldn't have served either of us well. Did you enjoy the fight?" Alejandro asked.

"Actually, yes, even if I did get my ass thoroughly whipped." Jules answered with a good natured chuckle.

Alejandro reached for a towel and began to wipe down Jules' body, admiring it as he did. It was intended simply as a friendly gesture. However, Alejandro found himself getting hard as he knelt over his defeated opponent. As he wiped the sweat, he let their dicks touch and rub against each other. With the towel he put both his hands on Jules' heavy pecs and began to massage them roughly.

Jules met his gaze. The lust he felt was unmistakable. Alejandro worked down Jules abs, letting his fingers explore the distinct rolls of muscle. Spreading Jules' legs, Alejandro lifted first one then the other to dry them. The feel of the tight muscled flesh, the smell of man sweat and the musk that rose from Jules' groin made Alejandro's cock throb and leak more precum.

From opposite sides of the mattress Frederick and Jim watched this subtle display of dominance while stroking their cocks slowly.

Gently Alejandro lowered Jules' legs. Laying down on Jules, he put his hands on Jules wrists, stretching them back over his head. Resting on his elbows, Alejandro lowered his face inches from Jules' and said quietly, "That was good." Pausing a few seconds as their eyes searched each other, he continued, "You're good. But I won." He stayed there for a moment rocking their hard cocks against each other then rolled off Jules' body.

Jules took a towel and began to wipe Alejandro off. He knelt beside him and took care of him efficiently, not making eye contact. He knew Alejandro had, with a simple toweling, established his dominance. He understood it and was incredibly turned on by it.

"Hey Jim. How `bout it? You and me?" Alejandro asked. Seeing confusion in Jim's face he added, "One fall, winner takes all. I'm feeling like Frederick. I wanna fuck somebody. You willing to try your chances with me?"

Jim grinned and stood. "Bring it! I'll take you one way or the other."

Jules snorted a quick laugh. "You GO Jimmy!" He then looked over at Frederick. "You want a piece of me?"

Frederick stood saying, "Same deal, bud?" Jules smiled and nodded.

The four men wrestled, their bodies colliding often as they rolled on the mattresses. Their need to get each other off prompted lots of grinding holds.

Jim finally groaned, "I'm about to lose it. Let me go get some lube." Back on the mattress in a few seconds he handed a tube to Alejandro who slicked his pole then inserted three wet fingers into Jim's ass. The desire on Alejandro's face was palpable.

"Toss it here." Jules said. He quickly prepped himself then Frederick.

Moments later the sounds of grunting, and slapping flesh filled the room as the musk of sex and sweat filled the air. The cries of relief and release from all four soon followed. Jules and Alejandro fell on the chests of their partners gasping. They glanced over toward each other.

Jules grinned and asked, "Wanna trade?" Frederick's `go for it guys' was all any of them needed to hear. Soon cocks were back in familiar territory and they all began humping in earnest looking to drain themselves.

When they'd all shot their second load they trooped up to the master bath and piled in the shower together. Laughing, soaping, playing grab ass they finally finished cleaning up. Dry but still naked, they went back to the fire for a last beer.

After they'd said their good nights, Alejandro and Frederick lay in bed comfortably sprawled across each other. Frederick turned his head and licked Alejandro's ear and said, "What a night! I've never had my ass fucked so hard for so long. Damn what a hot pair of fuckers those guys turned out to be!"

Jules spent the balance of their vacation with them. The skiing weather remained perfect and time at the villa was casual and relaxed. As Alejandro and Frederick flew home, Alejandro found himself smiling time and again remembering just how much fun they'd all had.

A writer's peculiar food and drink are the comments of his reader. Feel free to share your thoughts with me.

Next: Chapter 18

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