To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Aug 27, 2007


This above all: To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not be false to any man." Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Each relationship, unique unto itself, must find its way and become what it will. We all make the journey. Enjoy this story of Steve and Alejandro (sounds like a-lah-handro -- Spanish). Though the theme of wrestling will be a key component in the early chapters and a continuing theme, the story is about relationships and being true to oneself.

Please do not distribute to other sites without permission of the author. Thanks to Bill for his suggestions. Comments can be sent to

From the previous chapter:

"Just in case you didn't notice, I won." Steve said, changing the mood. Looking into Alejandro's eyes trying to discern his thoughts, he felt conflict and regret. The logic was unavoidable. He was younger, had been in training for ten years or more without missing a season, he was half the age of Alejandro. Still^Åhe had hoped. He had wanted to be spent on the mat, his chest heaving gasping for breath as Alejandro lay across him, the victor. His comment was met with silence. Alejandro let the silence grow and held Steve's eyes with his own.

Slowly Steve lowered himself till he was lying atop Alejandro, their bodies, sweat slick, pressing against each other. Resting on his elbows, Steve let his face drop until their breath mingled. Their lips grazed each other. Steve began to tongue the surface of Alejandro's lips only to be met with Alejandro's tongue.

They let their tongues slip in and out of one another's mouth with a gentle penetration. There was no desperate passion demanding immediate release, though that would surely come.

To Thine Own Self Be True Chapter three

Steve lay there, sealed in sweat against Alejandro's body, gently rocking. The soaked nylon created a friction making their dicks tingle in anticipation.

Steve probed deeper into Alejandro's mouth, pulling his head into a tight embrace. A groan escaped from Alejandro's throat.

Steve broke the kiss and let his head lower to Alejandro's neck. He licked his ear and rivulets of sweat on his neck.

"Thank you. Thank you, Alejandro." Steve breathed into his ear. He kept up the gentle rocking, feeling himself and Alejandro's thick muscles grow hard. Lying still for a moment, he slipped his legs between Alejandro's, spreading his legs slightly. Resting on his knees, Steve began to let only the urethras of their hard muscles touch. It was gentle but it sent signals deep into the psyches of both men.

He elongated the light stroking till the base of his cock rested against the protruding muscle captured in Alejandro's Speedos. He continued the long strokes letting the pressure and desire build in both of them.

Sliding his body down Alejandro's, Steve began to lick at the base of Alejandro's neck. He let his tongue trace the outlines of Alejandro's pecs savoring the smell and taste of sweaty flesh. He found the nipples, now hard from the stimulation. He took them into his mouth and gently tongued them. He let his tongue take its pleasure, pulling them deep into his mouth, holding them there and flicking them back and forth.

Steve felt Alejandro sliding his cock against his sweat coated abs that pressed against Alejandro. He felt him began to pulse gently against his hard abs. Alejandro's breath shuddered and again he let out a low groan.

"For someone who says they have little experience, you have a master's touch." Alejandro said softly. "Don't stop."

Steve began to bite gently into the brown, protruding, salty flesh and was rewarded with another shudder in Alejandro's body. Slipping his arms up further, Steve let his hands slide under Alejandro's lats and began to run his fingers and thumbs up toward Alejandro's sweaty armpits. With his thumbs he squeezed the muscles, letting his fingers explore the sweat soaked pits and the body he lusted for.

Sliding his hands behind Alejandro's shoulders he pulled himself again toward Alejandro's mouth. Licking a line from his Adam's apple to Alejandro's chin, Steve gently bit the muscled cleft he found there. Alejandro reached for his mouth and Steve lifted his head and smiled teasingly.

Being denied, Alejandro growled and rolled on top of Steve forcing his tongue into Steve's mouth. Their bodies ground against each other as Steve pulled them into a fierce bear hug and knotted their legs in a sweaty, bulging muscled tangle. The humping, not that quick stabbing thrust that comes before orgasm, was long, hard and intentional. It was the hot center of the passion that smoldered, ready at any second to burst into consuming flame.

Alejandro broke the kiss and looked into Steve's eyes holding him in his stare. Steve smiled and said "Are you that hungry, dude?" and with that he raised his mouth, forcefully invading Alejandro's. So intent was Steve in his passion he pulled his knees up gently scissored Alejandro allowing each to maintain the long demanding thrusts.

Their lips pressed hard against their teeth. Their tongues battled. Alejandro straddled Steve and pulled him into a nearly seated position. Steve's cock ground against Alejandro's swollen ball sack.

Alejandro pulled his head back and looked at Steve. "You are magnificent, Stephen. Magnificent!" Leaning his head back, Alejandro signed deeply. He lowered Steve back onto the mat, spreading Steve's legs this time and covered Steve's body with his own. Steve, his eyes closed, reveled in the moment, feeling the coarse hair against his chest.

Alejandro began to rock against Steve, their cocks demanding attention. After building to a point of release or relief, Alejandro rolled off. He lowered himself between Steve's legs and began to lick the crevasses at Steve's crotch. He licked the sweaty nylon and gently bit at the engorged tube of flesh. His tongue's attention moved to the inside of Steve's thighs as he licked and occasionally bit the tissue adjacent to Steve's balls. Steve's verbal groaning was unintelligible but all the more satisfying to Alejandro.

Alejandro stopped and let his body slide across Steve's till they were face-to-face again.

"I've got to get you out of that suit!" Alejandro growled. He lifted himself and taking the band of Steve's Speedo quickly slid it off his body. Alejandro knelt between Steve's legs and for a moment drank in the site.

Steve's curly pubes were a nest for his throbbing piece. It was dripping precum and with each heartbeat pulsed, the blood trapped in the organ, ready to enable a seminal eruption at any time, it seemed. Steve's size, to Alejandro, was perfect. Not too thick and a good length. Alejandro knew he would bottom for Steve if he were uncomfortable taking Alejandro. He harbored the hope that they could share in that pleasure. He knew it would take time, encouragement and stimulation.

He knelt forward bracing himself on his knees and hands and blew gently on the muscle. It responded with a spasm and lurched up as if inviting, no urging Alejandro to take it into his mouth. Alejandro smiled and licked the underside from the base of shaft to the slit in the glans. He then moved to the deep crevices on either side. They were ripe with man sweat and the smell of musk. He tongued the base of Steve's ball sack, lifting each orb with his tongue.

Leaning back on his toes and knees, he took his hands and lifted Steve's legs and began to bathe the area under the sack. Slowly he let the hard tip of his tongue trace an outline of assault. He moved with deliberation and intent. Laving the area he then returned with the hard point of his tongue moving all around the area of the rosy sphincter.

With the hard tip he drew increasingly smaller circles till he grazed the wrinkled rosy skin with the tip. Steve shuddered. His body seemed to quake as he reacted to the sensation.

Continuing to circle, Alejandro was rewarded with something he had not hoped for. Steve's pucker bloomed with the pink skin beneath. It was a start, it held promise for Alejandro. He continued his assault on the rosy wrinkled muscle and probed deep with his tongue -- another shudder from Steve.

Leaving the muscled ring with some regret, Alejandro knew that to press the issue might create tension, he feared. His tongue retraced the ever widening circles away from the point of pleasure until Alejandro was once again at the ball sack. He took the orbs into his mouth one at a time and rolled them with his tongue. Steve rocked his torso gently with the pleasure. Finally Alejandro moved his tongue to the base of the shaft and with one swift movement licked the urethra and then consumed the whole organ.

He let his throat massage the head until he was dizzy from lack of oxygen. Slowly he withdrew and atop Steve, slid his body to Steve's face.

"You taste wonderful, my friend" Alejandro said.

"Alejandro, why have I missed all of this for so long?"

"You have missed nothing Stephen. You are now only ready for this and other pleasures we can share." Alejandro said and then let their mouth's join for more tongue wrestling. Finally he broke the kiss, lifted his body and knelt between Steve's legs and said,

"Remove my suit!"

Steve scooted back and hooking his fingers in the top lowered the black Speedo. Alejandro's cock was caught in the fabric momentarily and when freed bounced and swung heavily. Steve didn't wait to let Alejandro remove the suit but roughly grabbed his glutes and pulled the muscle toward him. He hungrily took as much of the shaft into his mouth as he could till he gagged.

"You can learn that skill in time my friend." Alejandro said gently.

Steve slowly let his mouth taste the sweaty glans. He ran his tongue around the corona and felt a silent shudder pass through Alejandro. Burying his nose in the sweaty crevasse he inhaled the maleness of his wrestling partner. Licking deeply into the folds of skin, he tasted the sweat and smelled the musk. His cock throbbed with the lust that surged through him as he reveled in the scent.

Helping Alejandro roll back, Steve pulled the suit off and threw it aside. Lifting Alejandro's legs Steve slid to the mat resting on his elbows. He began to tongue Alejandro as he had been tongued. Unconsciously feeling the sweat slick mat still warmed by their bodies, Steve began to slide his throbbing meat against the mat. He imagined his cock fucking something, anything, as his tongue explored

Urged on by his throbbing dick's friction against the slick mat Steve ventured into unknown territory. As he lifted and spread Alejandro's legs he saw the pink wrinkled muscle ring. Shutting his eyes he mimicked Alejandro's movements and laved the area on either side of the hole. Finally with a desire he did not question he let his tongue caress the wrinkled area. Again and again he let his tongue press across the flesh. Finally he steeled himself and with the firm point of his tongue entered the fleshy area.

Salty, that was it. The taste of sweat and the same musk he had enjoyed only centimeters away. Steve continued to explore. Impelled by his passion he wanted to know more and more still. Alejandro felt his own desire increase and an odd sense of pride in his young friend. For someone, and he and known many, who reviled anything to do with submitting to or giving pleasure in such an intimate way, Steve was proving to be quite versatile in his ability to receive and give pleasure.

Steve pulled at the edges of the wrinkled ring with the tip of his tongue alternately as he pushed it in as deep as it would go. Alejandro pushed out to give him greater access. Again he shuddered with deep burning, animal passion and desire for his young friend. Finally Steve slowed his assault on this new place of pleasure and retraced his steps.

Letting his tongue bathe Alejandro's shaft, Steve languorously stretched his body across that of his friend. They kissed again, exploring but without the urgency of before. Slowly Steve began to rock his body against Alejandro. Their spit slick cocks slid cross one another.

With an almost agonizing slowness, Steve kept the pace letting it build for each of them. As if the exploration Steve had enjoyed had given him time to catch his breath he felt the animal heat begin to rise in him as he tightened his hold on Alejandro. Alejandro felt it also, in both of them. Their tongues again asserted themselves reflecting the growing need both felt.

Alejandro grunted and rolled atop Steve never breaking their tongues' embrace. He wrapped his arms aside Steve's head, his bulging biceps pressing, his shoulder knotted and shadowing Steve's face. His penis drove harder against Steve's abs.

He gasped "Fuck, I'm so close Stephen, so fucking close!"

Steve accelerated the pounding, Alejandro matching him thrust for thrust. Steve felt his male animal heat peak with an almost painful abdominal contraction. He yelled out his release. Alejandro wrapped his legs around Steve's thrashing pumping body as he growled out his own orgasm. They continued to grind against each other till slowly the passion ebbed and they collapsed in exhaustion. Satisfied, they just wanted to hold each other in the moment. They both lay quietly for several moments, gasping from the exertion and the pleasure.

Alejandro rolled off Steve, looked at him and quietly laughed, "Just who made this mess!"

Rising to an elbow, Alejandro reached over and caught Steve's nipple between his fingers and giving it a twist he said "we'll take care of it in the shower."

They lay still recovering from the combat, looked at each other. Steve just had to grin.

"What do you find amusing, my young friend? Do I perhaps have cum on my face?"

"There and everywhere else, Alejandro! I'm smiling because I've never imagined I could have so much fun wrestling, being so sexually stimulated and so drained."

"Normally I would say the pleasure is all mine, Stephen; but, in truth we have shared equally in the joy and pleasure."

Steve reached over to Alejandro's chest and took a nipple between his thumb and finger. Slick with cum, he rolled it and pinched it gently never taking his eyes from Alejandro's. Slowly he rose to his knees and gently pushed Alejandro back on the mat. He lay atop Alejandro. Taking Alejandro's head in his hands he looked into the dark pools and thought of so many things he wanted to say, things that had lain dormant in his mind for years. Intertwining their legs, he locked their bodies together, gently rocking their groins and chests together. They lay there contented for a short time.

Finally Alejandro said "there is more time. Let us shower and enjoy the thought that we will wrestle again. Are you hungry? I'm getting quite an appetite"

"Once I come down from this high, get cleaned up and cooled off, I'm sure I'll be ravenous."

"Come, let us enjoy our shower and plan for the rest of our day, shall we?"

While Alejandro adjusted the water, Steve grabbed a towel and wiped at the smeared cum as best he could and joined Alejandro in the shower. Multiple and adjustable shower heads filled the space with soothing jets of tepid water. They rinsed off and then turned toward each other.

Alejandro took scented herbal shampoo and lathering his hands, massaged Steve's scalp as he washed his hair. After rinsing his hair, he took the soap and began to slowly, with strong circular movements, wash Steve's body. As he turned his attention to Steve's back he continued the pattern and thoroughly cleaned the cleft of his buttocks. Slowly he let his fingers move toward the rosy sphincter. Steve moaned with pleasure as the finger slipped inside to the second knuckle.

With slow circular pulsing probes, Alejandro kept massaging the inside of Steve's hole watching carefully for his reaction. Steve leaned back against Alejandro's chest and reveled in the new pleasure. Withdrawing slowly, Alejandro continued with circular motions and then added another finger. Steve looked over his shoulder and met Alejandro's questioning eyes. Steve simply smiled and shut his eyes.

With greater gentleness Alejandro circled and probed deeper into the space only withdrawing to stretch the sphincter gently. After a short while, Steve looked at him again and stepped away from the gentle invaders.

"Alejandro, I do not mean to mislead you, but really, no one has ever done that for me before" he said as his eyes conveyed his trust. "It's not so bad actually. Now it's my turn with you."

Following Alejandro's actions, Steve shampooed and washed Alejandro's body. As he circled his fingers toward the sphincter he inserted two and probed more deeply with an aggressive touch. Alejandro looked back and said, smiling "use three." With deep contentment Alejandro let Steve explore his body. He felt Steve's tongue on his neck and gentle biting across his shoulder as Steven pinched a nipple with his free hand.

Alejandro gently stepped forward, tuned and took Steve by the shoulders.

"Are we moving too fast for you, Stephen?"

"Yes and no. I am beginning to imagine all the things we may be able to share and want them all, now. Yet, I know it's better to wait and savor them. Does that make sense to you?"

Alejandro chuckled deeply in his chest "You are wise beyond your years. Let's finish here and enjoy some time by the pool while our appetites grow."

Turning the water off, Alejandro grabbed a towel and cursorily dried himself. Tossing the towel in a basket for dirty laundry, he turned to Steve.

"I don't plan to dress unless you'd be more comfortable covering yourself."

"Don't worry about me; I'm fine like I am." Following Alejandro, they returned to the pool area. Steve pulled up a lounge chair next to the pool and enjoying the afternoon sun in dappled shade. He drifted off to sleep. Alejandro looked at him wondering where their friendship might lead.

Nearly an hour later Steve awakened. With a sharp intake of air sat up and saw Alejandro smiling.

"I must have dozed. Sorry for being such a boring guest."

"You should feel refreshed with your short nap. Are you ready to think of food?"

"I'm starving!" replied Steve, enthusiastically.

"Come; let's see what Sanchez has provided for us."

After a leisurely dinner they rested by the pool enjoying the waning sun and warmth of the day.

"And how would you like to spend our evening, Steven?"

"If you are up for another match I'd enjoy tying up with you again. This afternoon was awesome." Steve grinned, remembering their tangle of bodies, struggling for mastery.

"It will be my pleasure. Let's go to the mats?"

"Lead the way to your destruction, big boy," Steve taunted. His comfort with the somewhat austere Alejandro was increasing. Steve knew he had to be himself and let Alejandro think what he would.

Alejandro chuckled and turned; met Steve's smile with his own and walked, naked, toward the wrestling room.

"Wait here a moment if you will," Alejandro instructed "I want to prepare the room.

Steve waited, the warm humid air of early evening bathing his body. Wondering what Alejandro would do to prepare the room increased both his anticipation and excitement. He felt his dick swell slightly. Alejandro called and Steve entered the space.

It was dark. Steve said, "Turn on the lights^Å..what happened to the windows^Åwhere are you?"

"Its just a few steps walk slowly. Follow my voice."

Steve reached out, one hand in front and one to the wall he remembered. Following Alejandro's voice he felt his heat before he touched him. Steve's cock was responding as if it had a mind of its own and knew what was in store.

Alejandro felt his arm and guided Steve's hands to his waist the put his hands on Steve's shoulders.

"Sometimes the element of the unknown will heighten all senses within a person. You will find ways to control the light and darkness in the space in a moment. It will be your choice -- your comfort is my greatest concern. Now let me take your hand for a moment."

Taking Steve's offered had, Alejandro moved it to a dimmer switch on the wall nearby.

"Turn it."

Steve did as he was asked. The darkness of the room melted into complex shadows on the mat. Steve looked up. He could see that the light from the windows had been blocked, probably by shades between the panes of glass, thus explaining how the late afternoon sun had been erased. The illumination came from various lights fixed to walls, floor and poles, pointed so that their beam was directed away from the mat.

"Adjust the light and see the variations that emerge on the mat." Alejandro ordered.

Steve turned the knob and saw that he could fill the space with overlapping pools of light with the dimmer. Adjusting the dimmer he could deepen the shadows until there were pockets of nearly impenetrable darkness on the mat.

"Push that button." requested Alejandro.

Steve immediately saw the lights begin to darken and relight in a random order. He adjusted the power of the lumens with the dimmer knob realizing the infinite patterns would not repeat. The program operating the lighting created a continually changing kaleidoscope of dim light and shadow on the mat.

Alejandro said, "The only time the lights are in unison is when there is complete darkness. I find that this heightens my senses and causes me to be more intuitive in my grappling. Of course it is a sensory game, but I enjoy it. If you would like the lights to remain on simply dial the dimmer control until it switches all the lights on."

Steve replied, "No, I like the effect. Alejandro, I've never said this to anyone; but, in my early teens I imagined being in a fight in a darkened warehouse, not knowing the person I was fighting. That image gave me some of my best jerk-off sessions for several months in a row. What setting do you use?"

"It depends on the person with whom I'm wrestling. Sometimes if I'm in a contest with someone I know well, we will turn off the lights altogether and add interest to our match in that way. Most usually the lights are dim and static when there is an exhibition contest staged for me and my friends."

"An exhibition contest?" queried Steve.

"More about that later and I promise I will tell you all. I will be glad to answer your questions. Now, if I remember you want to wrestle. Correct?"

"Yes. Is it alright to dim the lights and put the random program on? That would be so cool."

"Of course, my friend."

Steve adjusted the light until it created maximum shadow and then pressed the switch that caused the random patterns. He saw Alejandro cross to the center of the mat, turn and stand and face him, gesturing with his hands that Steve should join him.

Writers' food and drink are the comments of their readers. Your mail is appreciated.

Next: Chapter 4

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