To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Sep 1, 2007


This above all: To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not be false to any man." Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Each relationship, unique unto itself, must find its way and become what it will. We all make the journey. Enjoy this story of Steve and Alejandro (sounds like a-lah-handro -- Spanish). Though the theme of wrestling will be a key component in the early chapters and a continuing theme, the story is about relationships and being true to oneself.

Please do not distribute to other sites without permission of the author. Comments can be sent to

From the previous chapter:

Alejandro said, "The only time the lights are in unison is when there is complete darkness. I find that this heightens my senses and causes me to be more intuitive in my grappling. Of course it is a sensory game, but I enjoy it. If you would like the lights to remain on simply dial the dimmer control until it switches all the lights on."

Steve replied, "No I like the effect. Alejandro, I've never said this to anyone; but, in my early teens I imagined being in a fight in a darkened warehouse, not knowing the person I was fighting. That image gave me some of my best orgasms for several months in a row. What setting do you use?"

"It depends on the person with whom I am wrestling. Sometimes if I am in a contest with someone I know well, we will turn off the lights altogether and add interest to our match in that way. Most usually the lights are dim and static when there is an exhibition contest staged for me and my friends."

"An exhibition contest?" queried Steve.

"More about that later and I promise I will tell you all. I will be glad to answer your questions. Now, if I remember you want to wrestle. Correct?"

"Yes. Is it alright to dim the lights and put the random program on? That would be so cool."

"Of course my friend."

Steve adjusted the light until it created maximum shadow and then pressed the switch that caused the random patterns. He saw Alejandro cross to the center of the mat, turn and stand and face him, gesturing with his hands that Steve should join him.

To Thine Own Self Be True Chapter 4

Mesmerized, Steve watched the lights and shadow's play across Alejandro's muscular, hairy body. His cock, though flaccid was filling and stirring in anticipation. Steve walked slowly across the mats. Closing in on Alejandro, their eyes met and held. Steve recognized his deep desire was not to win another match by Alejandro's submission. Instead he wanted them to grapple, to hold, to rub, to feel muscle crushing muscle as they melded into each other.

Saying nothing, Steve reached out one arm with a finger extended. He began to trace the outline of Alejandro's pecs, his finger trailing through the thick hair. Using both hands he gently pinched Alejandro's nipples and palmed the furry slabs of muscle. Lost in the moment, he forgot about wrestling and released himself in the fascination with and desire for this body.

Now in deep shadow at the center of the mat, Steve raised his hands and rested them on Alejandro's shoulders, looking deep into his eyes. Letting them slide up to the base of Alejandro's neck he gently massaged the corded muscle there. Lowering his hands and stepping closer, Steve pulled their bodies together. He felt a shudder pass through his body, his cheek rested against Alejandro's. Steve let his hand feel the latent power of the muscles on either side of Alejandro's spine ending at the dimpled glutes.

Their cocks were hard. Their precum slick cock heads nestled and slid against the others balls. Their muscles were caught and pressing against each other in an effort to rise.

Alejandro whispered, his words coming in a rush, "Stephen, what is it? Is it that you don't want to wrestle me? What are you thinking? Please share your thoughts with me."

His face hidden from Alejandro, Steve opened his mouth but found he could say nothing. He lowered his forehead against Alejandro's shoulder. Still resting one hand on his glutes, Steve brought his other hand up and firmly caressed Alejandro's abs. His fingers luxuriated in the thick hair and moved up to his pecs. He pulled their bodies closer and wrapped the arm around Alejandro's back. With a sound that was part sigh, part groan, he held Alejandro as Alejandro firmly stroked Steve's back with his strong warm hands.

"Tell me Stephen. What is it?"

Loosening his grasp on Alejandro only slightly, Steve began, "Since early childhood, I've been fascinated by men like you Alejandro. The combination of a man's muscle, hair, confidence, the whole aura of strength and power captures me. I've fantasized about wrestling men since I was just a kid. Watching our coaches' wrestle occasionally would make me hard. Seeing them sweat, their muscles flexed, the popping veins in their neck as they moved from hold to hold; I just wanted to be like them, wanted to wrestle with them."

"I don't know where it comes from. My Dad did normal stuff. We horsed around when I was little but he never seemed interested in wrestling me as I got older^Åeven when I asked."

Alejandro put his hand between them, beneath their turgid muscles and pulled them up so that raised, they rested more comfortably as their bodies pressed together.

Steve continued, "When I saw you this afternoon, I caught my breath. Darn, this sounds so sentimental and foolish; but, I couldn't wait to undress you, to see you naked, to be with the embodiment of a life-long image I've desired. I may be really screwing this up for both of us; but, I just couldn't begin wrestling with you again without saying something.

"You see, this afternoon, I wanted you to win. I wanted you to overpower me, make me submit to your strength, skill, to feel your body pressing into mine as you crushed me into the mat. I imagined how it would finally feel to fight as hard as I might and be beaten, to be subjugated to the power and muscle of a man like you.

"I couldn't do it, even though I wanted to. The unerring drive to win is a lodestone imbedded deep in my psyche from years of being coached and then in my own coaching. How do I let go of the one, so that the other can be satisfied?

"This is all about me, I know. I'm sorry. You haven't said anything. Have I blown it?!" Steve asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"No, Stephen. Your candor and transparency is a refreshing, if rare, commodity these days. I would like to explore this with you more, but not at this moment. We are both men who thrive on challenge, the contest of will and body that wrestling provides. We will talk more later; but, now, let me wrestle with you. Let your mind be free of all save the joy of the contest. We will fight as men struggling for victory and will neither ask nor give any quarter. Agreed?" Alejandro said, breaking their embrace and stepping back.

As the lights briefly illuminated Alejandro's face, Steve could see the fire in his eyes. He imagined it was a reflection of his own. They stood apart watching each other, arms loose to their sides. Slowly Alejandro lifting his arm spread his fingers in invitation to a test of strength. Steve responded with both his hands. They closed and locked their grasp.

The ensuing struggle moved them all over the mat. Shoving, grunting with strain, their quads trembled at the exertion. As their pecs and abs flexed, their hands seemed bent on destruction of the other's. Their bodies slowly moved toward each other as their hands dropped and sought leverage. Their chests touching, their dicks occasionally bumping they stood, forehead to forehead with sweat running in their eyes. Alejandro began to hatch his plan for a take down.

He let Steve bend his hands back at the wrists and at the same time started to raise his arms. Steve fought it knowing his was the strongest position. He pressed his body against Alejandro feeling the sweat of their chests and the mat of hair under the tight, flexed pecs. He leaned his head forward and said softly "Dude, you're going down." Alejandro forced their arms up. To bait the trap he began to let his knees bend slightly.

Steve, sensing an opportunity stepped back and leaped trying to gain more leverage. Alejandro let himself be pushed down a bit more. He could see Steve smiling; his teeth clinched with sweat dripping off his nose. Lower and lower Alejandro let himself be pushed. When he judged the point of leverage to be best, Alejandro quickly dropped to his back and lifted his feet planting them close together against Steve's abs. He continued his roll back pulling Steve with his hands and lifting him with his feet.

Steve neatly flipped over Alejandro and landed hard on his back. Alejandro spun and grabbing Steve's arm captured it and his neck in a rear figure four head scissors. The look of surprise on Steve's face was met with a grin from Alejandro as he began to pull Steve's neck into his groin as he applied pressure to the lock.

Steve flailed against Alejandro's leg with his free hand, pulling at his knee trying to dislodge the ankle. Alejandro increased the pressure, capturing the free arm and twisting it. With the hand caught in the scissors, Steve hammered with the back of his fist against Alejandro's chest with little affect. The hold began to take its toll on Steve. Alejandro increased the pressure and began cutting off air. He watched for his next opportunity.

As Steve began to fade, Alejandro slipped into a neck scissors and grabbed Steve's leg, pulling it into a modified crotch stretch. Reaching over with his free hand he gently cupped Steve's ball sack and cock.

"Where's all that steel and heat now Stephen? Part of you seems to have lost it's enthusiasm to fight" Alejandro chuckled.

Lifting Steve's leg slightly, Alejandro was able to snag Steve's other ankle. He pulled Steve's legs into the air shifting his neck scissors and rested his glutes just over Steve's face. Alejandro pulled Steve's legs higher in the air in the jack knife, increasing the pressure on his chest making it hard to breathe. Alejandro released the legs and slid back capturing Steve's wrists and pulled him into a leg nelson. Twisting the wrists for greater control and placing his heels together against Steve's trapezoids, Alejandro continued to punish Steve's body.

The sweat made the wrists hard to hold. With a fierce jerk Steve was able to free an arm and quickly spin out of Alejandro's control. Turning, he leaped on Alejandro's chest. They rolled as their arms and legs twisted and grasped for each other looking for a hold. Steve's legs wound round Alejandro's till they were locked tight, though neither had an advantage over the other.

Sweat covering their legs made them slick and the muscled limbs writhed in their fight for control. The combatants, their arms each captured by the other, grunted and strained with little motion as they fought for a hold. Their bulging quads and knotted calves were in constant motion - a Medusa like knot of glistening flesh. The smooth skin in contrast with the dark, muscular hairy thighs could, in that light, have been mistaken for a sepia toned porn movie.

Steve's wrist slipped free of Alejandro's grasp and he managed to headlock his partner. With their legs still tied, Steve could only pull Alejandro's head toward his chest as Alejandro pulled back against Steve's head. It was a near stalemate but was costing each man dearly. Their gasping breath was ragged, their abs heaving to get more air.

Their cocks and balls were mashed as if in their own combat but there was no sign of erotic desire now. They were fighting -- each fueled by his own need. Steve shifted his hold and began to cut off Alejandro's breath. It was only a moment later that he felt Alejandro's torsion hold on his head begin to weaken. As it did, Steve quickly grabbed Alejandro's arms and pulled them behind his head locking them tight. With his legs he managed to get Alejandro into a front grape vine and violently thrust their legs apart.

Alejandro thrashed from side to side finally loosening Steve's tight control. With a final violent twist, Alejandro broke free from the grapevine and twisted his body, rolled on top of Steve and broke the arm lock. Grabbing Steve's neck with both his arms, Alejandro pulled Steve's head and face into his sweaty, hairy, hard pecs. Flexing them, he could feel Steve's face buried against him. Steve's arms flailed and grabbed at Alejandro's arms accomplishing nothing.

With his breath restricted, Steve quickly began to loose consciousness. Alejandro broke the hold and stood, pulling Steve up with him. Grabbing him behind the neck and sticking an arm through his legs, Alejandro lifted Steve and slammed him to the mat. Alejandro followed through, throwing himself on the mat and slamming Steve's upper abs with an elbow drop. Steve jackknifed as the air exploded from the hit to his solar plexus.

He reflex curl to the fetal position was hampered as Alejandro caught his thighs in a scissor and pulled his neck back in a head lock. Alejandro, releasing the scissors flipped Steve and pulling his chin up, put him in a camel hold. Alejandro could feel the heaving as Steve's body tried to regain some air and recover from the spasms.

Releasing the camel hold, Alejandro knelt over Steve's lower back and grabbing his elbows pulled him up to his knees, then to his feet. With no chance for recovery, Steve found himself in a reverse bear hug. His hands and fingers dug against Alejandro's tight grasp. Alejandro tossed Steve's weight up and let it fall forcing more air out of him. It wasn't long before Steve began to fall forward. As he did, Alejandro fell with him, catching Steve's chest to break the fall.

Steve was sprawled out, nearly unconscious on the mat. Alejandro watched his breathing closely with concern. Slowly Steve regained his breath and lifting his head, looked at Alejandro and said, "You're one tough son of a bitch, if you don't mind me saying so!"

A smile played at the corners of Alejandro's mouth as he replied, "On your feet Stephen. You've got more fight in you than that. When we're done there'll be no question who won." Alejandro then stood and walked to get towels and some water.

After toweling off and sucking down the water they stood facing each other and circled midst the shadows looking for an opening. The lighting made it tricky for both men.

Steve made the first move and as they locked up. He slipped his leg through and took Alejandro down. Pulling Alejandro into himself he slapped a scissors across his lower abs and pulled him in close. Alejandro bridged fiercely but Steve managed to get his head locked up tight.

With his free hand Alejandro reached over and grabbed Steve's pec and pinched the nipple between his knuckles. As Steve reflexively tried to push the hand away, Alejandro was able to gain enough leverage to get his head free. He slipped to the side and with double fists hit Steve in the abs. It was a little but it was enough to make Steve loosen the scissors so that Alejandro could pry himself free.

Both men rolled away and got to their feet. Arms up, they rushed each other. Steve came in low and again caught Alejandro around his hips. Using Alejandro's momentum flipped him with his back to the mat. Steve spun and launched himself bring an elbow down hard, "How you like that, sucker?" Steve shouted as he got to his knees.

Alejandro's back came off the mat reflexively and when it did, Steve moved in for a full nelson. He lifted Alejandro up to his feet and off the mat cranking his neck hard with bulging biceps. Steve could feel the sweaty back muscles flexing across his chest as he threw Alejandro back and forth.

Without any warning, Steve cinched his hold, bent his knees and jumped taking them both into the air. Loosening the nelson he dove under Alejandro's back catching him on his muscular shoulder, holding him tight. Steve bounced him a couple of times in the back breaker then bending forward took Alejandro to the mat. Spinning, Steve grabbed Alejandro's ankles, put them under his sweaty pits and stood. He looked back and could see the pressure of the Boston crab on Alejandro's back as the muscles bunched and flexed involuntarily. Steve smiled as Alejandro yelled and slammed his palms against the mat. In the nearly dark room the sound echoed and Steve reveled in his power.

Steve let the pressure build as he lifted Alejandro's body further back. He then dropped the legs and fell on Alejandro's back with an elbow to the mid back. Alejandro reached his arm toward the pain. Steve caught it and pulled Alejandro to his back. Lying on the right arm, Steve looped his arm under Alejandro's neck and captured his right leg. The sudden cradle reversed the muscle tension in his back and Alejandro groaned. Steve increased the pressure watching Alejandro's features register the pain as shadows played across the wrestlers.

Finally Steve released his hold on the neck and moved behind Alejandro lifting both his legs and rolled forward to Alejandro's chest. He slipped his arms down Alejandro's hairy thighs and pushed up forcing his sweaty, muscled, hairy chest against Alejandro's chin. He held Alejandro then released the legs and fell across Alejandro's chest.

Gulping breath, Steve sat atop Alejandro. There they rested until their breathing became more regular. Looking into his eyes and seeing the same fire that burned in him, Steve grabbed Alejandro under his shoulder, rolling him he pulled Alejandro on top and said, "Take me."

With Steve's face mostly in shadow, Alejandro grabbed both of Steve's pecs and roughly squeezed them, trapping the hard nipples between the knuckles of his fingers. He twisted the flesh and felt Steve tense with the pain and pleasure. Continuing to work the muscled mounds he lowered his face until he could feel Steve's breath.

"I can not begin to tell you how much I want you Stephen. I want to wring from you every pleasure you desire until you are limp on this mat and then take you to my bed and ravage you.

"There, I have said it. It's been in my mind the entire time today. It is what I think as I look at you. Not as a slave to my desire but one with whom I can share the fire within. As you shared your secrets, so I share mine." Alejandro whispered hoarsely into Steve's ear.

Steve, still on his back, linked his ankles behind Alejandro and slid his body down so that their cocks were aligned. With his shoulders on the mat, he lifted his body until the gap closed and began to press and slide against Alejandro's stiffening meat. They remained in that position until Steve felt Alejandro's cock fully distended. Releasing his ankles Steve intended to slide down and take Alejandro into his mouth.

Alejandro had other plans. He grabbed the loosened ankles and sitting on Steve's upper abs pulled him into a forward roll. Leaning forward, his thick, veined muscle resting against Steve's nose and forehead, he let his heavy ball sack envelop Steve's mouth.

"Suck them, Stephen" Alejandro softly growled.

Steve opened his mouth and sucked in one and then the other swirling each with his tongue before he released it. He licked the base of the hairy scrotum and reached back with his tongue toward the ring. Alejandro sighed his pleasure. He pulled Steve's legs back from the roll up and batted Steve's face with his hard prick. Swinging the heavy meat back and forth the smacking sound was noticeable.

"It is large, my friend. You said you liked muscular, large men. Yes?" Alejandro said softly.

"Yeah, now feed me some of it." Steve demanded.

Resting his palms and knees on the mat, Alejandro raised his body slightly and let the head of his muscle enter Steve's eager mouth. He held it until Steve, lifting his head, took in more. Steve looked up into Alejandro's eyes as he sucked. In the shadows, he was only able to see a bit of the white surrounding the black orbs. Steve wanted never to break their stare. He wanted to fall into those deep penetrating pools.

Finally, letting his gaze fall across the rigid pecs and bulging arms, Steve wondered if he were dreaming. Slowly Alejandro began push his body up and lower it gently, fucking Steve's mouth with his thick meat.

Steve watched the flexing biceps, tight abs and pecs as he tasted the precum and stretched his throat as wide as possible. Putting his hands on Alejandro's sides he gently pulled the body lower. Alejandro slowed his movements allowing Steve to become accustomed to the size. Gradually Steve was able to take half of the shaft into his mouth.

Alejandro stopped and resting on his knee, lowered himself to Steve's hard cock. He licked and fully wet Steve's skin next to his cock and balls with his spittle. Then grasping Steve behind his knees, he lifted and rolled him forward exposing his sac and pink pucker. Spitting in his hand he further lubricated his meat and began to push against the tender skin between the pucker and ball sac while fucking Steve's thighs. Grunting he kept thrusting, never breaking Steve's stare.

Alejandro's facial expression demanded satisfaction -- more a grimace than a smile, Steve could see the clenched jaw and teeth. The soft grunting that echoed in Alejandro's chest with each thrust caused Steve's breath to shorten and his cock to pulse. Alejandro slowed his movements and rested. Steve tightened his quads and squeezed the invading muscle.

"Pardon my language, but you are so fucking hot!!" Steve said, breathing heavily.

"As are you, my friend. As are you." responded Alejandro, his breathing labored from both desire and pleasure.

Spreading Steve's legs, he roughly slid up Steve's body and began to tongue and bite Steve's pecs. Alejandro let his tongue invade the rims of the armpits, bathe the muscled slabs and captured the nipples, sucking them in and alternately biting and licking them.

Rising to his knees Alejandro growled "On your feet. I'm not ready for this to end."

Steve grinned and standing, said to himself `yeah, this is definitely more like it!'

Alejandro reached across and grabbing Steve's elbow spun him around and slid his arms into a full nelson.

Alejandro asked "We are giving into our fantasies, yes? This is a man game we play. We go no further than agreed but for the sake of our play we are free. Are you comfortable with that?" Alejandro tightened the nelson. Feeling the steely bulge of Alejandro's biceps under his arms Steve's lust surged.

"Yeah, bring it, fucker. Bring it!" shouted Steve.

Immediately Alejandro tightened the nelson and lifted Steve off the mat. Swinging him right and left, he whispered loudly in Steve's ear, "Be careful what you wish for, my friend."

Without releasing any tension in the nelson, Alejandro let Steve drop and then lifted him off the floor suddenly stretching Steve's spine while pushing his chin toward his chest. He arched back, pulling Steve into himself. Shoving his muscle repeatedly between Steve's thighs he growled with each thrust letting Steve's body feel the heat and hardness.

Loosening the nelson, he let Steve's feet slide toward the floor. Locking one of Steve's legs and looping his arm around Steve's neck, capturing the other arm, Alejandro began to pull Steve into an abdominal stretch. Alejandro could feel Steve's lats fighting against the pain. Cinching the hold tight, he reached between Steve's legs with his free hand and groped Steve's balls and cock.

"You wanted to feel the power of a real man? I could break you in half if I chose. But do not worry, I'm not finished playing with you yet!" Alejandro snarled.

Releasing the stretch, Alejandro grabbed Steve and locking in a tight grip around his waist, Alejandro lifted him into a bear hug. Grinding his knuckles into Steve's lower back he pressed Steve tight into him. Bending his knees he pushed off, holding Steve he slammed both of their bodies to the mat.

He reached for Steve's neck and leg and pulled him into a cradle. Both men were gasping for air thought still fully engaged in the fantasy. Pulling Steve's leg up, Alejandro twisted their bodies until his rigid meat was pushing against Steve's pink ring.

Alejandro continued the hold, rubbing his cock against Steve. Finally, breaking the hold he dropped Steve's leg and mounted him, cock to cock, face to face. The men held each other in a desperate grasp as they let their cocks fight the remainder of the battle. With a sudden violent tightening of his quads, abs and arms, Alejandro's eruption came with a growl that filled the room. He kept pounding Steve's now cum slick cock and seconds later felt the body beneath him bridge in its own release.

Steve yelled "Oh FUCK! Yes!!!" He continued to thrust and writhe under Alejandro's assault. Their grasp on each other tightened as they continued to pound their cocks together. Steve's legs locked around Alejandro's back and sealed their struggle as their muscles continued to spasm and tighten. Their fevered humping continued till their cocks stopped spasming.

Steve loosened his legs and Alejandro, resting on his knees and elbows, let his fingers trace through Steve's wet hair. Rubbing his thumbs softly across Steve's face, he let his finger trace through Steve's hair till he lifted Steve's mouth to his own.

As the urgency of their passion ebbed, their embrace and tonguing was gentle. Alejandro, kissed Steve's cheeks, the end of his nose and pulled away so to look at his friend. He was met with a broad smile midst the glistening sweat that covered Steve's handsome face. Steve shut his eyes and let rolled his head back slightly.

"Alejandro." He gulped air in as his abs shuddered slightly. "Alejandro^Å^Åcan't talk, please^Å." he gasped. "Please don't get up. Stay here for a moment, at least."

"Stephen, I will stay here and sleep if that is your wish." Alejandro replied.

"No, but just hold me a moment more."

The moments passed and the men rested against each other. They felt their breath slowly return to normal as the nuzzled against each other's necks and cheeks. Mostly they were still and quiet letting the experience find its place in their minds and in the quiet of the room.

"Its time for a shower my friend." Alejandro said quietly, as he rose to his knees and pulled Steve up. Together, they walked to the shower. Midst the ever changing shadows they bathed and toweled each other carefully and completely. When finished, Alejandro rested his hand on Steve's shoulder and led him from the room.

It was twilight. Fire flies flashed across the night sky. The evening breeze off the water was warm for June. Finding their chairs near the pool, Alejandro said,

"Stephen, rest for a moment and keep this towel handy, the breeze can be fickle.

"I think a gin and tonic would hit the spot right now. What may I bring you?" Alejandro asked Steve.

"That sounds great, actually. Thanks"

Leaning back in the lounge, Steve let eh memories of the day was over him. He smiled to himself at the thought he was `in a different place' within himself. Gone were the hidden lusts. Oh, they'd return and probably with a vengeance when this weekend was over. Would he see Alejandro again he wondered? If not, today would be more than enough. He had no regrets. But where would he find someone with whom he could be so free, to express himself so fully, to share with so intimately? In the deepening twilight he shook his head wondering at all that lay ahead.

Alejandro returned, resumed his chair, and they enjoyed their drinks in companionable silence. A breeze blew in that had some chill in it and as Alejandro reached for his towel he asked, "I believe I've worked up an appetite for a snack, how about you?"

"Workouts with you seem to have that effect on me. Lead the way." Steve said, throwing his legs off the side of the lounge.

"I'm going to don a robe and I have a spare for you if you like. The house will be quite chilly after our exercise and the humid evening air." Alejandro offered.

"Like I said, lead the way. I'm up for most anything."

Alejandro turned and walked toward the house. Steve followed and watched Alejandro slip into a room just off the hall and return with two pressed lightly starched cotton robes. It felt like nothing he'd ever put on his body. Alejandro had headed for the kitchen to prepare a snack.

Steve remembered the general mess they had left after their dinner preparation and saw now that everything was neat and clean. Sanchez, he thought correctly. Alejandro opened the fridge and pulled out several covered trays.

"Ah, Sanchez has worked his magic and we are in for a treat. Stephen, please collect a couple of wine glasses from the buffet and a bottle of white from the fridge." Steve returned with the glasses and opened the fridge to retrieve the wine.

"Any particular one?" he said looking at several different labels.

"Yes, the Cote de Rhone, there near the back. That will go well with the salmon." Alejandro replied. "You'll find a cork screw in the drawer to your left."

As Alejandro uncovered the trays and took them to a small table with side chairs, Steve prepared the bottle and took it and the glasses to the table. Sitting in a small corner area in upholstered chairs on either side of the round table, Steve appreciated the comfort that the large dining table could not afford. The trays held salmon with sour cream, chive and a dollop of caviar, fruit and cheese, and some crackers. Alejandro invited Steve to sit as he gathered plates and cutlery.

"Is that caviar?" asked Steve, a bit uncertain due to lack of experience.

"Yes, it seems that Sanchez is trying to spoil me before I leave for some extended travel. Here, let me show you how I enjoy this treat." Using a fork, Alejandro slid a piece of the salmon onto a cracker and handed it to Steve.

Then fixing one for himself he said, "They are intentionally small to be consumed in one bite. Enjoy."

Steve savored the taste of the salmon blended with the garnishes. Tasting food reminded him he was hungry. Sipping the wine, he found it was a great compliment to the flavors he'd enjoyed. They chatted easily as they enjoyed their snack.

As Alejandro reached to pour Steve another glass of wine, Steve relaxed, settled into his chair discovered he was completely at ease. Alejandro had that effect on him. It was more than just hospitality though he couldn't put his finger on it. Their conversation moved at an easy pace, Alejandro expressing interest in Steve's family, childhood, and college years.

Alejandro, with few specifics, answered Steve's questions about his early life, "Though born, raised and educated in Chicago, I was in constant contact with the circle of friends my family maintained, from which incidentally, came a portion of my work. I knew that I needed to find a place where I would not always be Alejandro, son of Salvador Algara.

"When one of the holding companies bought First Trust Savings Bank it was my responsibility to come and oversee the transition. I opened an office there and discovered during my months in Norfolk that it suited my needs as a home base.

"With my family gone and no direct ties to hold me, I moved here and have enjoyed my life. Here I've been able to direct my interests and resources in ways of my own. I maintain close contact with business associates both in Chicago and numerous other cities which, in some cases tie me to my father's life and work. Without the independence that my home here offers me, that might be confining. As it is, I look forward to renewing acquaintances.

"That's probably more of my story than you wanted, but does serve to answer some of your questions."

Steve sat quietly for a moment, enjoying a piece of fruit and some wine before he asked, "Alejandro, this is an abrupt change of subject but you did say you would explain about^Å^Å" Steve paused not knowing if this was the right time.

"Yes?" Alejandro asked.

"Well, I'm not sure where to start. You mentioned that people wrestle for you. You know, exhibition wrestling you called it. Do you have a wrestling ring, like for pro wresting? Do you hire people to come in and wrestle for your entertainment? Do you wrestle for people to watch?"

Alejandro answered, "Before the wresting room was built I was enjoying occasional matches here in the house or on the lawn beside the pool using mats. It became cumbersome and one day a while entertaining some of those same friends we began to talk about a space dedicated to our wrestling pleasures. The idea grew into what you saw today.

"One particular acquaintance wrestled with a younger man who had several friends who also wrestled. My acquaintance brought this young man to my home on occasion and we had all enjoyed time on the mats in a round robin tag match.

"It was he who suggested the exhibition' area. The young men who have come to wrestle do not seem to mind grappling while we watch. To the contrary, they seem to enjoy displaying their prowess as well as their bodies. The matches range from what one might call legitimate' matches for a pin, to nude oil wrestling with multiple submissions. Though I am clear in my request that anything beyond wrestling be done in private, I am sure that it is a component that fuels the excitement of the match. I believe it is referred to as a `stakes match'.

"I have in earlier years taken the challenge to engage one of the younger men while others watch. With those matches I've enjoyed a variety of styles and experiences, though never for `stakes'.

"For me, as well as my friends, it has been an extension of our wrestling pleasure. Does that begin to answer your questions?" Alejandro said.

"Yeah, for the most part. One more questing if I may?"

"Certainly," replied Alejandro.

"OK this is a bit awkward and I really don't mean to offend, but do you ever pay men to wrestle so you can watch?" Steve asked.

"Over the years, I've had several friends offer to pay to provide entertainment of that nature for me and other guests. I have declined politely but firmly. It cheapens the moment and we become voyeurs when the men wrestling are not also guests. Does that make sense to you?"

"Yeah it does. It would be a turn off for me to imagine guys being paid to perform, especially if it were^Å^Å well, like a nude match. It seems like I'm being contradictory. What we did was great, but paying to watch something like that wouldn't be so good" replied Steve.

Steve suddenly yawned. "I'm SO sorry. I guess since last night I am suffering from lack of sleep. What with the wrestling, great food and time by the pool, suddenly I'm whipped. Hope you aren't offended, Alejandro."

"Not at all Stephen. I hate to see the night end and though I promised you your privacy and the hospitality of the hotel, may I extend the invitation to stay here? I have a comfortable guest suite with a private bath stocked with necessary toiletries. We could go by the hotel in the morning for some fresh clothes.

"Oh listen to me. I suddenly sound to myself like a desperate old man. Don't let me try to influence you. What you decide will be fine with me." Alejandro said.

Steve smiled at the old man' comment and said, "Alejandro I would be glad to spend the evening here. I'm just too comfortable at the moment to think of dealing with dressing, driving back and spending the night in a sterile hotel room. That sounded bad -- it's a great place; but, I really don't want to go. As far as desperate old man', give me a break. You are anything but. Just one request, can we arrange for me to get back in time to change so I could go to church?"

Alejandro, sat back in his chair, smiled broadly. "Of course, where would you like to go?"

"The old St. Paul's is near the hotel. I was thinking I'd go there for the early service."

"If you have a particular interest in St. Paul's I would be glad to take you or to go with you. However, if you've no strong preference, may I suggest Christ and St. Luke's Episcopal? It is near the house and would allow us a bit of leisure time for coffee and a roll. They have a Rite I at nine-thirty and then if I can twist your arm, I'd like you to be my guest at Sterling's for their buffet. It is a marvelous and comfortable time to sit, be served and enjoy company. The mimosas aren't bad either!" Alejandro smiled.

"That sounds just great. Thanks, I'll take you up on all of it."

They gathered their dishes and took them to the kitchen. Alejandro showed him the guest room and they said goodnight. In turn each man took off their robe and wished the other was with him.

The sun streaming in Steve's window awakened him. He stretched and lay there enjoying the comfort of the bed and the softest cotton sheets he'd ever slept under. Tempted to reach for his swollen meat he resisted, wanting to enjoy the slight tension of sexual desire. It was six o'clock. There was time for a swim since he didn't have running clothes with him. Washing his face and cleaning his teeth, he pulled on his robe from the night before, wondering, for the first time where his clothing was.

Opening the door, he smelled coffee. Walking toward the kitchen he was greeted by Sanchez. "Good morning, I hope you slept well."

"Thank you, Sanchez. It was a great night's sleep. By the way, do you know what happened to my clothes?"

"They are laundered and folded, in the dresser in your room. Not being sure of the plans, I took the liberty last night while you and Alejandro exercised. I hope it was not presumptuous."

Steve smiled his thanks, "Not at all, I appreciate it. Um^Å^Åthat coffee smells great. Mind if I get a cup?"

"I have one laid out for you, there, with cream and sugar."

Steve turned, and as he poured the mug full of steaming coffee he asked, "I didn't bring a suit and I'd like to swim some laps this morning. Is there a suit I could borrow?"

"I'll get what you need." Sanchez replied.

Steve saw him go to a wicker bin near the pool. He returned in a moment with a Speedo, jock and towel.

"We are very private here and if you choose not to dress that would be fine. But please, be comfortable."

"Thank you Sanchez. Oh, when does Alejandro usually wake up?" Steve asked.

"He has been up for some time. An early riser, we share a cup of coffee and he returns to his suite to read and attend to business from his desk there. He asked me to tell you that we will have a bite to eat at seven forty-five. Now enjoy your swim and I will bring you another cup of coffee to enjoy afterward."

Taking the gear with him, Steve went to the pool area, dropped his robe and slipped on the Speedo. After forty quick laps, ten each of side, back, crawl and breast, he slipped from the water and sat for a moment catching his breath and enjoying the thermos cup of coffee. He dove back in and repeated the sequence.

Afterward, feeling refreshed from the exercise he dried off, donned his robe and went to shower and shave. A bit before seven forty-five he opened his door and was greeted by Alejandro's smile. Gesturing for Steve to join them, Alejandro waved his hand. "I hear you've bested me again this morning with your swimming. I hope you enjoyed it."

"Yes, thanks. It's a real treat to start the day swimming laps instead of running like I usually do." Steve said as he took his seat. Sanchez, seated at the table with them, poured coffee and passed it, then passed the rolls. A tray with a dish of butter and some jams were available.

Conversation was easy as Alejandro told Sanchez briefly their plans for the morning and items needing attention in the coming week. He apologized and said, "I'm leaving early morning for several weeks combining a bit of vacation with business. I hope we can find time to spend together toward the end of June. Would you like that?"

"Yes. I was wondering just how rude it would be for me to invite myself again." Steve smiled. "Thank you both. You've made me feel far more comfortable than I could have hoped to imagine."

They left for the hotel soon after. Steve gathered his belongings, signed out at the desk. He and Alejandro headed for church. On the way, Steve complained slightly about the drudgery brought by the end of school, exams and grades. When Alejandro asked about summer plans Steve said he would probably help a friend on construction jobs. "It helps me stay in shape. He's a brick mason and I get plenty of opportunity to lift and carry, mix and stir. All of it is hot, heavy, sweaty work that keeps me in shape and helps me appreciate, all the more, a cold beer at the end of the day and my opportunity to coach and teach."

During the homily, Steve found his mind wandering back over the past twenty-four hours. Instead of feeling any need for confession as he would have earlier anticipated, he was filled with the joy of thanksgiving. He was as authentic in this moment as he had been wrestling Alejandro. At the peace', he turned to Alejandro and beamed his joy and greeting saying the peace of the Lord be with you'. Alejandro grasped his hand, returning the greeting and smiled deeply into Steve's eyes.

Brunch was as delicious as Alejandro had promised and was over far too soon for either of them. Knowing he couldn't postpone any further his departure, he and Alejandro went back to the hotel and Steve's car.

"I will not say good-by, Stephen. For us it will be `until next time' and promise me now that there will be another time and sooner rather than later. Please call and Sanchez will keep you informed of my return home. We will look forward to that, yes?"

"Yes." Steve took Alejandro's offered hand in both of his and met Alejandro's stare wanting to say more, ask more, and somehow give more. Both hoped they would meet again.

Next: Chapter 5

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