To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Sep 20, 2023


This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Thanks to Chael for assistance in editing and proofing the story. This is wholly fictional with no reference intended to persons alive or dead.

Please do not distribute to other sites without permission of the author. Comments can be sent to

From the previous chapter:

Dinner was comfortable with good food and easy conversation that at times felt to Alejandro like they were both avoiding something. Their table looked out over the lighted slopes. It was a beautiful sight. Occasionally Alejandro would catch Ben staring at him with the same look he'd seen when they'd first started riding. It was a hungry look.

Chapter 53

Ben kept up the banter easily at the dining table in the resort's restaurant. Alejandro relaxed a bit more with each course. Their conversation centered on skiing, getting suits and skis and what time the trainer was expecting them. They discussed what to do about Thanksgiving dinner and agreed to avoid the crush in the dining room and eat at the condo. Alejandro said he'd take care of it.

They enjoyed a leisurely walk back to the condo, checking out the lift area and watching some of the evening skiing.

"You think the fire will still have enough coals to start up again? A brandy by the fire would be great," Alejandro said.

"Great idea. I'm going to get rid of these pants though, suddenly they're a little tight," Ben said continuing their banter begun at the table about overeating. "You did say briefs and a T were acceptable running around clothes?"

Alejandro waited two beats and realized he had to respond, "Yeah that does sound more comfortable." He felt a flicker of panic but pushed it back remembering he was in charge of this situation and had been since early June.

Ben was all business as they got to the porch and wood box.

"I'll get some wood. You go stir up the ashes. Yell if we need kindling; there's plenty here."

Alejandro saw the fire had disintegrated to a moldering pile of coals. They'd flare up with fresh fuel easily. He went to the door and told Ben. Soon wood was stacked on the enlarged hearth and flames were licking at the sides of the logs.

"Can't wait to get comfortable. That fire is one nice sight for an apartment dweller - got to tell you," Ben said as he took off up the stairs.

Alejandro knew he was stalling when he went in to get the brandy and some glasses down. `Good,' he thought; they'd included some snifters. Class act. He climbed the steps, reminding himself that all was going to be fine.

"The brandy and glasses are on the counter. Help yourself and pour me one, okay," he called out to Ben as he went into his room.

Instead of boxers with a fly, Alejandro put on some well worn, cotton twill gym shorts. Slipping on an over-sized T he felt comfortable and not exposed. Yeah, it was going to be fine.

He saw Ben's head sitting on the couch in front of the fire. There were two snifters on the table and Ben was in a white T. As Alejandro stepped to the table to get his brandy he saw out of the corner of his eye that Ben was wearing a pair of white Jockey briefs, framing his ample cock and balls.

Alejandro sat and stared at the fire commenting that he was sorry he hadn't put one in when he built the condo. Ben asked questions about the stables, their history and the horses Alejandro owned. Alejandro relaxed enjoying the brandy and company.

Ben shifted his position so he could more easily look at Alejandro. His leg was bent under him and the other extended partially down the couch cushion. As they continued their conversation Ben stretched his leg `til his foot was nearly touching Alejandro's thigh. Casually he began to rub his big toe back and forth. It was the smallest gesture, but it was enough.

"Ben," Alejandro's voice was a bit firm.

"Alex, I'm sorry. I thought after this afternoon in the bathroom...oh, forget what I thought." There was real anguish in his voice. "I'm sorry." Ben had recoiled, pulling in his legs under him and attempted to casually cover his crotch with his arms.

"Ben it's okay. I just need to say something that probably should have been said much earlier, months earlier. It's not fair to spring this on you now but its best, I believe.

"I'm gay, homosexual, whatever it is people are comfortable with these days. I think you are a handsome man with a physique that da Vinci would have immortalized. I've tried to keep some distance between us for several reasons. Forgive me for being so blatant with my staring tonight."

"Alex, I've known you were gay since we started riding. I thought I was getting clear signals, then you totally shut me out. I was sure you were interested in me and I was flattered."

"Oh Yeah! Interested is a polite way to put that. You seemed attracted too," Alejandro added.

"Given the slightest signal I'd have jumped you and we'd have had a good old time. If you were attracted, why did you shut me out?"

"There's the age difference. Propriety entered into it as did the university connection," Alejandro answered.

"Age difference?! What are you late twenties at the most? You said you were gay. Okay, welcome to the club – I'm bi and have enjoyed relationships with both men and women during the last four years.

"As for difference in ages, I've had three relationships with men, faculty and staff, who were ten years older than you, maybe more. Don't get the impression I was some boy-toy, either. It was fully reciprocal. I was seen as a man, not a boy or even student. We both made that clear in the beginning.

"Your being on the university board is a family thing I'm guessing. That and you give generously to support the school. But why would that prohibit you from doing what you want. I saw your erection in the bathroom – at least a damn good start on one.

Ben shook his head and muttered, `Fuck' softly under his breath as he shifted slightly.

"I wanted to step over and grab you, shut the door and take you right there."

Again a shift and `fuck'. Finally he said, "I'm sorry Alex, I'm getting real hard."

Alejandro's shorts were tented. He'd seen Ben looking and not being shy about it.

"Ben, I just feel I'm taking advantage of you. I mean the President and Dean arranged for us to meet. I've encouraged you, introduced you to Matt and Paul. It just doesn't seem right."

"Alex, if you'd tried to take advantage of me don't you think I'm man enough to have decked you and then dared you to get up off the floor? I'm man enough to know what I want and go after it. But when someone clearly shuts you out, you have to respect that. I've been confused for months. It's in your eyes when you look at me. Even after the towel and tee shirt thing, the look didn't go away.

Alejandro looked away. His dick was rock-hard pushing obscenely against the cotton twill, staining it.

"Alex, look at me." Alejandro kept his eyes focused on the carpet. "Damn it, look at me," Ben said with a bit more force.

"I've watched you, talked to you for months. I dare say you're familiar with the stalling technique of needing to think about it. You need to think about two things," Ben's voice was stern.

"One, are you going to allow other's perceptions of propriety determine what you will or won't do and, two, are you going to have balls enough to go after what you and I both know you want. Your call but damn it, make up your mind once and for all!"

Ben wasn't shouting, but the steely confidence in what Ben said fell heavily on him. He knew Ben was right.

Alejandro's eyes could have burned the carpet he stared so intently. His dick wasn't lying. It knew what he wanted. The thought made him shake his head imperceptibly and smile. Screw `em all. Ben was right.

"Uh, ah, Ben..." Alejandro's false start was unnerving for Ben.

"Um, ahh, how the heck do we do this?"

"Do what?" The exasperation in Ben's voice was thick.

"I like to think of myself as the one in control. Right now, I'm anything but." Alejandro finally looked Ben directly in the eye and they held their gaze.

"Come here," Alejandro said. It was anything but a command but Ben knew the decision had been made.

Ben got up to his knees. His cock strained against the knit fabric as it pushed across his upper thigh. The stain, barely visible, was large. He pulled off his T, dropping it behind the sofa, and crawled across to Alejandro. He lifted Alejandro's T off and tossed it across the room. Taking Alejandro's face in his large hands Ben began to kiss him all over with feather-light kisses.

Alejandro's hands moved to the rippled abs and pressed firmly against them. He slid them up `til his hands cupped Ben's hard pecs. Ben lifted his knee and straddled Alejandro. He pulled Alejandro's face to his chest while he rubbed his throbbing, encased cock against Alejandro's chest.

"Oh God, oh my God," whispered Ben as he gently writhed against Alejandro. He reached down and pulled his cock free from the fly of his briefs. Alejandro looked at it from his close vantage point. It was huge. The large flared head was a purple pink. The piss slit leaked a nearly continuous stream of precum.

It was all the time he had to look. Ben forcefully redirected Alejandro's mouth to his nip while he shoved his dick against Alejandro's wiry chest hair. Ben's breathing grew faster and shallower as he grunted. His whisper was nearly strangled in his throat, "oh fuck, oh, oh, uh, uh, fuck, fuck."

Alejandro felt the shudder begin as Ben's cum shot all over Alejandro's chest and chin. If possible Ben's muscle definition tightened. Alejandro ran his tongue under the contour of the pec he'd been chewing on. The muscles beneath the skin quivered with the strain of the orgasm.

Finally the moment passed. Ben slowly lowered himself `til he was sitting on Alejandro's knees. Without a word, he took Alejandro's face, lifted it and began to kiss him deeply. Their tongues lashed with new-found freedom.

As Ben's prolonged surge of passion began to subside he pulled away from Alejandro's face, still holding it firmly between his hands.

Looking into Alejandro's eyes, their noses touching, Ben said, "You are so damned, fucking hot. Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you." He leaned forward `til their foreheads touched and they rested there for a moment.

"Stay here," Ben said as he stood up and stripped off his briefs and tossed them to join the other discarded clothes. "I'm going to clean you up."

Seeing Alejandro's growing confusion, Ben chuckled, "Don't worry, Alex. You're going to cum so many times tonight you won't be able to get it up." The smile was almost a sneer in its confidence.

Alejandro fucked Ben in the shower the first time. The next two, they explored numerous positions. Toward the end Alejandro rode Ben hard and fast battering his prostate. Finally Ben cried out loudly as his muscles clinched and his dick spewed another heavy load of cum. Alejandro felt his balls draw up to his chin as he dumped his third load in Ben's ass.

He collapsed on top of Ben as their lungs gasped breath and they slowly recovered.

"You're better than I possibly imagined and I've got a vivid imagination," Ben said through his gasps. He pulled Alejandro tight against him. "Oh fuck," he whispered into Alejandro's ear.

"Done all of that I can do, Stud. Damned if you didn't deliver on your promise!" Alejandro chuckled.

After they lay quietly for a few more minutes enjoying, no savoring the touch and smells of each other and their sex, Ben pushed Alejandro's shoulder and rolled him off.

They showered together, joking briefly that they didn't want to risk the carwash in the other bathroom. Oddly the sheets weren't wet with cum. Ben killed the lights all over the condo while Alejandro straightened the linen. They climbed in together. Sleep came quickly.

The next morning, Alejandro woke early as usual. He eased out of bed to a grumbling but sleeping Ben. He saw his gym shorts on the floor and could see the large outline of the dried stain. He smiled.

Pulling on some boxers and a T he headed downstairs for coffee. Nearly thirty minutes later, Ben appeared wearing a clean pair of Jockeys and nothing else. Alejandro stared openly, wantonly at the fluid, animal grace of Ben's movements.

"Keep lookin' at me like that and we'll end up fuckin' on the sofa."

Without another word, Alejandro stood up, walked slowly over to Ben never breaking eye contact. He cupped Ben's cock and balls in one hand as he pulled his neck down `til he could reach Ben's mouth. They pushed their faces together as their tongues wrestled each other. Ben groaned deeply in his chest as a wave of lust washed over him. He bent down wrapping one arm around Alejandro's shoulders and under his arm, the other he wrapped around his waist as he carried Alejandro to the couch.

He laid Alejandro down, and pulled off his boxers in one swift motion. He yanked off his own briefs and slid atop Alejandro. He pushed Alejandro's T up until the bottom hem was behind Alejandro's neck. Ben began to chew and lick Alejandro's pecs and nips. With both teeth and lips he massaged, twisted and kissed them.

He pushed himself up until his cockhead was lodged in Alejandro's crack. He began pushing gently.

"Ben you can't. You're too big. Get some lube first, please." The urgency in Alejandro's voice broke through Ben's lust.

Ben readjusted until their cocks were nestled alongside each other. Ben attacked Alejandro's face with his lips and tongue as he began humping against Alejandro's hard, leaking muscle.

There was no grace or gentleness in either of them, just raw animal passion and need. Ben increased his pressure and pace. Alejandro matched him thrust for thrust. Their bodies slammed into each other. Their grunting was deep, their breath ragged. Ben's grunt became almost continuous as his humping became more unrelenting.

Alejandro heard the sound change as he felt the flood of seed across his abs and chest. Ben just kept humping and a moment later Alejandro's cum mixed with Ben's. They lay there gasping for a moment.

Ben then shifted his body lower and lapped at the mixture of semen on Alejandro's chest. Three times he let his broad tongue rake through the hair. He moved up and kissed Alejandro deeply letting them both taste the salty sweetness.

The couch was small for two men their size. Ben rolled carefully to the floor barely fitting between the couch and table. He lay there still catching his breath. When Alejandro leaned over and looked at him Ben had a stupid grin on his face.

"G' morning, any coffee left?" He managed between deep breaths.

"Let me put on a fresh pot while you get the water running."

Ben pushed the table aside and rolled easily to his feet. Grabbing the discarded clothing along the way he took the stairs two at a time.

Alejandro shook his head slightly in wonder at the change in the last twelve hours. He smiled as he poured out the pot and started a fresh one.

After a breakfast of fruit and cereal they headed off to the ski shop. They both selected ski pants and tops. Alejandro insisted that they buy skis. His treat.

"Don't argue with me, Ben. We're going to come skiing lots of times, I'm sure. Let's both get good skis. You're going to need them if you are going to live up to your threat of making me eat your powder."

By midday the trainer had released them, satisfied that they were ready. They'd paid careful attention to him as he'd explained the vagaries of the various slopes. He'd given them landmarks for the ones he hadn't pointed out during their runs.

After another hour or so of skiing, they agreed that some food was definitely in order and headed for the condo. After leaving their boots and skis on the porch, they stripped down to tee-shirts in the foyer leaving on their pants in anticipation for more skiing. They fixed a couple of sandwiches each and heated some soup. They felt better with food in their bellies.

Feeling mischievous Alejandro said, "You stink!" and laughed at Ben's expression. "It's not me, I checked." Alejandro grinned as he made a show of giving his pit a swift sniff.

"Now don't get me started or I'll wrestle you down, Wrestle Boy, and let you get a nose full of man pit. You think I'm ripe from where you sit; wait til I make you lick em." There was humor along with a glint of challenge in Ben's eyes. Alejandro felt his cock lurch then begin to swell.

"I'm discovering for all your intellect and education, you've got a real trash mouth on you," Alejandro said notching up the bravado. "`Course we all know how cheap talk is."

Some of the humor left Ben's eyes. The glint remained. "You sure you want to go there, Alex? I will take you down, Wrestle Boy. And you will lick `em."

Alejandro's cock surged to full hardness. He continued to stare at Ben. Suddenly he thought of Liam and the presence of controlled violence he felt when he was with the man. This was different but not by much. His heart was pounding. Ben's question from the night before echoed in his memory. `Do you have balls enough'?

"Upstairs, fucker. Let's find out who's going down." With that, Alejandro pushed his chair back and headed for the stairs. Behind him he heard a soft, "Holy shit!"

In the bedroom, Alejandro yanked down the bed covers, pulled off his T and stripped off his long johns and boxers. He knelt on the corner of the bed. Ben eyed him warily as he stripped. They were both rigid and leaking precum. Before this was over Alejandro was sure that one of them was going to get a face full of smelly man pit and likely an ass full of dick. `Win or lose I'm still going to love it,' he thought.

Ben crawled onto the bed and they tied up quickly. Pound for pound they were equally strong but Ben had Alejandro by forty pounds of solid muscle not to mention the difference in height. They both wanted this. The pent up desire fired by months of denial drove them.

Alejandro fought like a tiger. Given the situation's limitations, however, they soon knew that Ben had the advantage. He played it well. Time after time, he'd let Alejandro slip out of a hold. They both understood the game and relished it. Their dicks occasionally clashed like swords. Sometimes they were bent uncomfortably but never for long.

Ben enjoyed using his extended reach and weight to overpower Alejandro time and again. As their struggle went on the need to cum grew `til both felt their balls aching. Ben made his move and locked Alejandro's head with his arm. He shifted his weight and Alejandro's face was buried in Ben's sweaty pit.

"Lick it, Wrestle Boy, lick it. Tell me how much you like being with a man who can take you down. I don't feel it. Lick, Wrestle Boy," Ben shouted as he pressed his pit harder into Alejandro's face.

Normally the acrid smell of perspiration would have been almost nauseating. This was somehow different. The pheromones in the sweat were driving Alejandro to distraction. He laved the dense hair and sweaty pit with his tongue, pushing the muscled tip into Ben's soft tissue.

"Yeah, lick it, Wrestle Boy." Ben's cock was pushing against Alejandro's lats, now slicked with precum. With a low growl, Ben released Alejandro's head and leaned over to grab the lube left on the table the night before.

Grabbing Alejandro's leg he pulled him into a semi-split as he squeezed an ample portion of lube on the exposed hole. Tossing the tube to the floor, Ben began to push his fingers into Alejandro stretching and preparing him.

"Oh, fuck. Yeah!" Alejandro muttered and groaned in anticipation of the pleasure.

Finally after three fingers were buried to the second knuckle, Ben swiped his hand through the remaining lube smeared across Alejandro's crack and lubed himself.

Positioning his cockhead against the ring, he looked at Alejandro questioningly. Alejandro understood the message and nodded.

"Fuck me, Big Boy. Fuck me."

"Let me know if it hurts too much. I'll stop or do whatever. K?"

Alejandro felt the pressure and pushed out as hard as he could. He felt the head stretching the ring and fiery pain shot through him. Ben stopped.

"Don't stop," Alejandro gasped. "Keep pushing, slowly."

Alejandro had never felt the burning so intensely, not even with Liam or Nicco. He knew his face was a tight grimace of pain.

"Don't stop," he gasped.

Finally he felt the head pop through. Ben froze letting Alejandro become accustomed to his size. Slowly he began to rock, gently pushing millimeters of his thick, veined muscle deeper into Alejandro's tight, hot canal.

Sweat dripped off Ben as he labored. It seemed forever but finally Alejandro felt Ben's large balls rest against his own. He let out a small gasp.

"Are you sure you're alright?" The genuine concern in Ben's voice spoke volumes to Alejandro.

"Yeah, just give me a minute more." Alejandro began to flex and contract his muscles against the impossibly big invader. Ben began to rock gently with the contractions.

Slowly Ben started to thrust with short motions but maintained a steady action lengthening his thrust each time. Alejandro felt the pain ebb and the deep seated pleasure begin to flood him. He began to meet Ben's movements with counter thrusts.

"Oh fuck, yeah, fuck, oh fuck, fuck..." Ben began a litany of expletives as he increased the depth and pressure of each stroke.

Alejandro kept trying to shift his body to an angle to keep Ben from hitting his prostate. He knew when that happened it would soon be over. The trip had been too painful to end soon. He kept meeting Ben's thrust `til Ben began to show sighs of not being able to contain his passion.

Alejandro subtly shifted his body and felt the flared, engorged corona rake his prostate. He pressed his head back and groaned. Ben kept pumping harder and faster hitting the same spot over and over. It happened suddenly. Alejandro cried out as his cock spasmed and cum sprayed him, hitting his face, chin and chest. The pain as the ring clamped shut was enough to make him see stars. Ben groaned above him, pulled back just slightly then drove in hard and deep again and again.

When it was over, Ben fell heavily atop Alejandro. Alejandro reached around him pulling him into a tight embrace. They remained still for a long moment. Ben's penis finally slipped from the grasp of Alejandro's ass.

Ben rolled to his side and looked with concern but said nothing, waiting.

"Yes, it hurt like bloody hell but I wouldn't trade a minute of it, Ben."

Ben reached over and dragged his finger through the cum strands on Alejandro's chest hair. He licked his finger and went back for more. He offered the finger to Alejandro who took it eagerly.

"Why did we wait so long?" Ben said and sighed. Lowering his face to Alejandro's cock he licked it clean being especially gentle with the over sensitive skin.

They showered, put on some clean clothes, donned their ski apparel and took off for the slopes. By late afternoon Ben was satisfied at Alejandro's progress that he suggested a slow run down one of the advanced slopes.

"Slow run, yeah, I'll bet," Alejandro retorted.

"Alex, I'd have to haul your sorry self to an aid station. Fear not, I've got my own interests in mind." Both laughed.

"By slow, I mean a serpentine path down the slope. We can easily control our speed and give you a chance to eyeball the terrain. Plus, you'll likely see folks blazing past us and it will give you a feel for how to take the slope next time."

Midway down Alejandro called out, "So when does the eating powder thing start?"

"Oh, you do know how to vex one's soul. You'll be eating something else before we get to powder. Mark my words!"

With each successive run, Alejandro's comfort increased as did their speed. The last run was nearly full out.

"Way to go! Alex, that was great!" Ben said as he turned his skis to the side and slid to a stop, showering Alejandro with a wave of white powder.

"Got me. I deserved that. But you really think I was okay?" Alejandro asked.

"Form was great, body angle was balanced and weight correctly distributed. Yeah, it was a very good run," Ben said somewhat analytically.

"Let's head back to the top for a few more rides. What do you think, Alex?"

The line was long for the lift so when they were back on top they decided to call it a day. They skied to the condo, dumping skis and boots on the porch for the time being. They stripped, grabbed a beer and a quick snack to assuage their hunger pangs. After a lengthy, sensuous, shower they pulled on boxers and briefs respectively and headed down to start a fire and enjoy a drink.

Alejandro decided turnabout was fair play. As he sipped his Scotch, he stretched his legs out on the couch and gently rubbed his toe against Ben's thigh. Ben took the foot and massaged it, hitting vital pressure points and sending sensations all over Alejandro's body.

"How did you learn to do that? It wasn't just trial and error. I could tell," Alejandro said with some wonder in his voice.

"One of my female friends was a massage therapist. She used to drive me crazy with both foot massages and stimulation of erogenous spots that no one has ever been able to replicate. But you probably don't want to hear about all of that."

"Sure I would. I'm curious about heterosexual relationships and you of all the people I know would be able to explain it without sounding like gays were less than complete men."

"Well if you're sure." Ben waited for a few seconds. "Sometimes our sex play would last for hours, literally. No slam bam thank you ma'am for her. We were always nude, the room was arranged for beauty and comfort – candles, water falling, soft music, low lights.

"We would lie on a water proof flannel and wash each other thoroughly. It was both for cleanliness as well as pleasure. That was followed by a gentle body massage with warmed oils that were pleasant to the skin and tongue. No spot was off limits. We touched and caressed each other thoroughly. She would often shudder with small orgasms as I gently touched her nipples or vaginal area.

"By then I knew she was wet and ready for me but that act was still a long time coming. She'd begin her assault on my body, exploring my muscles with strong, deep probing fingers. She kept me finely balanced between pain and pleasure. Sometimes the initial thrust into, say, my thigh would be like a hot poker. Then, as she manipulated the muscles, tugging them, rolling them, the intense pleasure would make my cock swell and throb.

"Every muscle group was thoroughly attacked and pleasured. Sometimes the intensity would make me writhe and groan. She smiled wickedly when that happened. She was a complex, beautiful woman who enjoyed the control she could exert with her hands.

"My feet were always last. She told me once that when I was thoroughly relaxed she could touch every nerve in my body through my feet to some extent. As she worked on my feet it was like she was reading a map of pleasure and pressure points. As hard as I tried not to respond, she could make my dick lurch and throb by touching certain places. That made her laugh. She took delight in manipulating my body.

"Now, you know I produce a prodigious amount of natural lubrication. She was continually running her thumb around my cockhead and shaft, coating me with my own fluids. Always a light erotic, touch and it helped keep me balanced on the edge of orgasm so long I almost became desensitized. That too, was part of her control.

"Next she would lie down and I would be instructed how and where to touch her. It was in minute detail and rendered wonderful results. Knowing her body as well as she did, she could help me stimulate her to the same degree to which she'd taken me.

"It was usually a time of multiple orgasms for her. The slightest touch with finger or tongue tip would bring her to silent shudders all the way to moaning, muscle-clenching orgasms.

"Usually, not too long after that, she would reach down and begin to stroke my cock which had long been flaccid. Usually with a combination of her moisture and mine she'd stroke me to full erection and guide me in.

"I had to control my speed, no matter how powerfully I felt the urge to split her open with my pounding. Her legs would grip me around my waist and position her clitoris for maximum stimulation and as she approached her peak I was released from my enforce restraint. We usually reached a mind-blowing orgasm together that seemed endless."

Ben's telling had them both hard and leaking when he was done. Alejandro saw that familiar fire in Ben's eyes. Ben reached for Alejandro's boxers and pulled them off. Raising one of Alejandro's legs to the top of the couch to give himself room Ben began a delicious slow assault on Alejandro's cock and balls.

He kept up his ministrations until Alejandro was begging for Ben to let him cum. Smoothly and effortlessly Ben took Alejandro's cock deep in his throat and began to flex and suction the throbbing cock.

Alejandro's orgasm came in unnumbered volleys of jetting sperm. Ben swallowed until he couldn't take anymore and the overflow spilled down the sides of Alejandro's muscle.

Ben rested his head on Alejandro's thigh as he watched the turgid organ subside until it lay near Ben's face. He reached over and gently licked the last droplet from the head.

While Alejandro recovered, Ben took their watered-down drinks and made fresh ones and stoked the fire adding one log.

"I really don't feel like dressing and trudging to the lodge. Do you mind if we try and scrape something together here?" Ben's tone was a touch apologetic.

"Beef or fish?" Alejandro asked.

"What?" Ben said.

"Room service. If you will let me plan the menu I'll have a sumptuous feast delivered and set on the table in front of the fire. How does that sound?" Alejandro said with a bit of triumph.

An hour later there was a knock at the door. A server followed by an assistant chef entered the condo. As the server arranged the table the chef put the finishing touches on a Beef Wellington with fingerling potatoes and asparagus with hollandaise.

As they were finishing the main courses, the server caramelized the crème brulee. After bringing them coffee and brandy the server cleared the table. They enjoyed feeling surfeited but decided they needed to walk off some of the decadent excess.

They bundled up against the near 0° winds and walked for nearly an hour talking midst their vapor clouds about various and sundry things. Afterward they returned to the condo and headed for bed.

Ben slid between Alejandro's legs and sucked him to an erection. As he gently manhandled the organ he reached for the lube and asked Alejandro to make him cum. Their sex was slow and deliberate.

Alejandro kept the pace steady making sure he crossed Ben's prostate occasionally until he saw Ben's desire to cum increase. Then with calculated, speed, angle and pressure, Alejandro did his best to bring Ben the most pleasure possible.

They snuggled ignoring the cum that was smeared between their bodies. Sleep came quickly with the exertions of the day.

The remaining days seemed to fly. Ben's prediction was correct. Alejandro didn't think he could even bend his legs on their second full day but Ben forced him to stretch and warm up. They were soon on the slopes and enjoying better and faster rides on the advanced hills.

On Sunday morning they lay in bed. Ben fed Alejandro fingers of the generous amounts of sperm he'd spilled as Ben had drilled him. Their shower was leisurely. Two hours later they were airborne. Ben seemed quiet and Alejandro didn't press but waited, enjoying some coffee that had been provided.

"At times I felt like Davie was watching us. I never said, but Davie knew about my sexual leanings. I don't know why but I was more at peace about losing him this week than I've ever been." Ben said apropos of nothing. "This has been, at times, certifiably unbelievable for me. Thank you." Ben reached over and gave Alejandro a quick kiss on the cheek.

They both napped during the smooth flight. As the car approached Ben's apartment Alejandro fought down the urge to have him come to the condo. Ben seemed to have the same separation anxiety. As the apartment came into view he reached over and grasped Alejandro's thigh.

Getting out, Ben merely mouthed, `Thank you' and seemed to be blinking back tears. Alejandro lowered the window and waited until Ben disappeared before telling the drive to head for home.

Alejandro needed to talk about his feelings and trusted Charles more than anyone but Charles had absolutely no background knowledge about the situation. Matt and Paul, the Dynamic Duo, could also be intuitive and caring. He'd give it a few days to settle and sort out then see what he wanted to do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The peculiar food and drink of writers is the comment from the reader. Please feel free to drop me a note at

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