To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Sep 9, 2007


This above all: To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not be false to any man." Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Each relationship, unique unto itself, must find its way and become what it will. We all make the journey. Enjoy this story of Steve and Alejandro (sounds like a-lah-handro -- Spanish). Though the theme of wrestling will be a key component in the early chapters and a continuing theme, the story is about relationships and being true to oneself. Thanks to Bill M for his assistance proofing the story.

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From the previous chapter:

Salvador Jr. matured into the hoped for promise of his childhood. With his father and grandfather he learned and began to manage portions of the family business. Excelling in academics and gentlemanly sport, he followed in his father's footsteps and became one of the more eligible bachelors in Chicago.

Finally in 1940, his imagination and heart captured by one of the `worthies' of an old Chicago family, he began his courtship as the clouds of war gathered over Europe. Though his fiancée pushed for marriage, Salvador insisted that he would not leave a war widow behind and promised marriage on his return from the war.

Heedless of the plea by her mother to wait for a `proper' wedding, the Archbishop performed and blessed the union and amid all the celebrations in late September 1945, Salvador and Anna were married. As snow flakes fell late in the fall of 1946 Alejandro Davila Bojorques Algara was born. He was never to taste the milk of his mother's breast or know its comfort. Anna Algara died in childbirth.

Chapter 6

Alejandro flourished during childhood, under the careful supervision of a nurse and his grandmother Isabella. His father, ragged with grief at the loss of his wife, invested more of himself in his work. Salvador Sr. watched with concern, yet wisdom told him his son would work through his grief in his own way.

Isabella doted on Alejandro as she had her own son. Her delight was ever-present on her face and gave lightness to her step. She had tried to model herself on the other young mothers when Salvador was born and envied the play time that the nurse enjoyed as she watched her son grow. With this second opportunity, albeit tragic, she determined to put the mark of his families deep in his psyche as she played with him on the nursery floor.

Watching the child grow and recalling her own precious memories of childhood, she steeled her determination to make the nursery a learning place without peer for her precious Alejandro.

One afternoon late, while dressing for a `demand' social engagement she thought of her grandmamma's pearls. Taking them from their velvet purse, she let them fall across her fingers. Her eyes closed, she could see her grandmamma's reflection in the long mirror when they had played dressup. Remembering her grandmamma's promise that these pearls would bring a smile to her face midst the dreary court life, she laughed out loud as she modeled in front of her vanity thinking about the evening ahead. They became a signature piece of jewelry for her for the remainder of her life.

Though he would never have occasion to bear the burden or royal obligation, Isabella knew to her core that the lessons she learned from her mother and Anna would still serve this child well. Her place was first at her husband's side, next she was mistress of the house but most of her attention and devotion centered in her care and love for Alejandro. Certain the nurse shared this tidbit of gossip with others; she ignored the veiled questions asked of her as others inquired of him and his development. She kept her inherent promise to her mother and grandmamma as she instilled in him the discipline, courtesy and bearing of a gentleman.

When he was going to sleep for naps or at night she would rock him and tell wondrous tales of her childhood, the beauty of Vienna and the rugged country of Spain. He delighted in his toy horse and lasso. She had the cook make simple recipes from her childhood for his lunch to expand his palate. As he became confident with his speech, she introduced him to Spanish and he delighted in the secret words he could share with his grandmamma. This child would be a child of the world.

The nursery days sped all too quickly and Alejandro waxed strong in his youth. When he was able to sit astride a pony, Salvador began his riding lessons. Following in quick succession as the years progressed there was instruction in hunting, fishing, and fencing. As he gained height and some weight with puberty, boxing was added. Alejandro excelled in school and in athletics. At the insistence of Isabella he continued in his studies of Spanish and Austrian/German.

Seeing that his wife was not to be moved with the language instruction, Salvador schooled him in Mexican history and the variant speech modifications between Mexican Spanish and Castellan. Alejandro's father had been drawn back into the life and rearing of his son in his early years and delighted in Alejandro's progress.

At twelve years old, he entered Ignatius Prep School. Tied closely with the Cathedral School, it was a natural transition and he was met by many friendly faces. Along with this addition of academic challenge came the challenges all boys face as they begin puberty.

As he matured he didn't mind awfully that he was generously endowed (as were his father and grandfather), nor did the appearance of hair on his chest bother him. He got more than a few admiring looks along with a bit of good natured kidding by his classmates. The genetic traits of both sides of the family blessed him. With a physique that seemed to take muscle naturally with regular exercise, his square shoulders, dark eyes and hair gave him a unique look among the great variety of nationalities represented by his peers. He wore it naturally and well.

Looked up to by classmates, and well-regarded by his teachers for both his academic prowess as well as his natural leadership skills, life seemed golden for Alejandro. By the time he was sixteen he was reasonably sure he was gay but didn't know what to do.

His masturbation fantasies were consistently about the boys in his gym class and those with whom he boxed. Some of his peers were in love, obviously enamored and hungry for the company of girls. Some were even beginning to brag about their secret assignations and conquests.

In effort to compensate, he redoubled his effort in school and sport. He began to pester his father and grandfather to let him become involved in the family businesses. This, to their great pleasure and surprise, was met with hearty agreement. It was Isabella who watched quietly from the dinner table and from on horseback during their weekend afternoon rides. He had always confided in her. She was his rock. On this subject, save for light conversation of who he must ask to some social occasion, he was strangely and completely silent. She waited and observed.

With age came increased social obligation separate from his parents. School social activities, society and Country Club balls required attendance, and with a lady on his arm. Not that there was any difficulty in finding escorts to these events (and he heard from various sources that his was the invitation most sought) he took only cursory pleasure in the company -- the pleasure one might enjoy with a casual friend.

He executed his role with grace and maturity. With each passing season' he became more comfortable and deft in maintaining the bonhomie of the eligible scion of one of the first families of Chicago. Finding it much easier to play the field' he kept the interest of numerous young ladies (and their mother's) on point, waiting to see where his interest would land. As these years passed he became more certain that there would be no interest in any of them.

After graduation from Ignatius Prep, hoping to gain some distance from the daily observation and silent questions from his family and friends, he enrolled as a residential student at U Chicago. His work with the family businesses had increased in scope and responsibility appropriate with his age. It seemed obvious that a major in business administration would be a logical extension of his continuing involvement. What he had not anticipated was the amount of freedom and self direction that was now his.

Once course work had been determined and classes selected, he looked at the myriad of college activities available. Wanting to maintain a program of fitness he considered the various clubs that would enable him to continue to hone the skills he had developed. He rejected fencing out of hand and determined that he could maintain his skills at horsemanship and tennis at an adequate level with family and friends during summers and weekends.

He knew what he wanted -- male camaraderie and opportunities to have physical contact with men. The Wrestling Club seemed a perfect venue though he had no experience whatever. He read club activities would resume in late September and noting the meeting date, time and location, he determined to join.

Wrestling season finally started. Practice sessions were in the late afternoon. He found his anticipation and eagerness amusing. Horny, that's what it was, he admitted to himself after the first practice as they all showered.

The team captain and his assistant were respectively a senior and junior, both built and toned. Mike, the captain, sported a curly head of red hair and a chest full of chestnut curls that trailed to an ample cock and low hanging balls. Frederick, the assistant, was almost Grecian in his looks. With a smooth sculpted body, dark curly hair both on top and surrounding his meat, he reminded Alejandro of Da Vinci's David in Florence.

Alejandro soaked in the masculine camaraderie and managed to maintain his control during practices. It was Wednesday, after the second week when he was about to leave that Frederick caught him and asked him to stay behind after practice.

"Hey dude, I hope you don't mind if I call you Alex. That other name is a mouthful." Frederick said. Alejandro had dismissed the logical diminutive of his name all his life but when Frederick asked, suddenly it seemed Ok.

"My lab schedule had to change and that's messed up my weight training schedule. I'm trying to find someone who wants to work out so we can spot each other. I'm asking you first and hope your schedule will work with a night session." Frederick said.

"What time do you have in mind?" Alejandro asked.

"Sorry man, but I can't start till 9 p.m. It's a bitch but that's the way it is. I sure hope you can help me out here."

Alejandro thought for a second and said "sure, I can rearrange some stuff and work out with you. But how are we going to get in a full workout, the weight room closes at ten."

"No problem dude." Frederick beamed, "Mike, you know the club captain, has a work study program and closes the gym during the week. He can let us stay till he's ready to go. Its better that way cause the crowd thins out by then and we won't have to wait for anyone else. We'll have the place to ourselves after ten."

"Cool, when do you want to start?" Alejandro asked. "I can rearrange my stuff anytime."

"Will tonight be too soon? I mean, I don't want to make you feel like I'm rushing you."

Alejandro shook his head, "that won't be a problem at all. See you at nine!"

Almost skipping back to the dorm, Alejandro couldn't believe his luck. Work out sessions with the clubs assistant captain would be GREAT! He'd be able to meet lots of other guys with this kind of `in'. At nine he was finishing changing in the locker room when Frederick came in.

"Hey man, thanks for making this work. Ya know, Mike and I have been watchin' you this week and are really glad you're in the club. I remember your application said you had no wrestling experience. You mean you've never done any wrestling?" Frederick asked.

"Only in gym class at the Cathedral School. It was years ago and we just had a few weeks of it. I'm a complete novice." replied Alejandro.

Grinning, Frederick responded playfully punching Alejandro's shoulder, "well if you don't mind me saying so it shows'." Frederic burst into a chuckle and watched Alejandro's forehead wrinkle in response. "Don't let it worry you dude. First, you don't have a lot of bad habits to break and relearn; second, Mike and I agree that you've got the best attitude of anybody in the club. Sides somebody's gotta be the least experienced. And let me tell you, you are setting a real high bar for everybody with that `can do' attitude of yours. No shit, I really mean it!" Tossing a towel to Alejandro and grabbing one for himself, Frederick said, "now let's go push some metal around and work up a serious sweat!"

Grinning, Alejandro followed Frederick into the weight room. They discussed Frederick's workout sequence and when asked, Alejandro had to admit he'd never done any structured work with weights.

"Well I'll be damned!" exclaimed Frederick. "You've got one hellava body not to be putting in hours in the gym."

"Seriously, I don't, but thanks. I have been involved in sports and physically active all my life -- I mean my grand dad had me on horse back when I was five. It just comes naturally. Both my dad and grand dad are in great shape -- not lots of heavy muscle, mind you, but they can take their shirt off with no shame anytime they want." Alejandro said and grinned thinking that he couldn't imagine many occasions when that might happen.

"Ok, Spill It! What are you grinning about?" demanded Frederick in a joking way.

"You'd have to know them. They are suit and tie guys and I mean white starched, French cuffed shirt and tie businessmen. Probably the only time they are undressed is when they bathe and at the club after 18 holes of golf. Beats me how they do it, but they stay in shape." Alejandro answered.

"Lucky bastard!" Frederick grinned. "Well you're sure gonna get a workout with me. Since you don't have a set routine we'll follow mine adjusting the weight accordingly and don't be a pussy trying to suck up and make me look good. We're both gonna push. You got it!?"

"Yeah, I got it." Alejandro said as Frederick began to stretch. When they quit at ten-thirty Alejandro knew he'd been through one of the toughest workouts in his life. He'd be sore but it was worth it.

Frederick seemed to know the drill. He cut off all the lights after doing a quick walk through and wiping down some of the equipment. Meeting Alejandro's questioning look he said, "It's my agreement with Mike. If I use it after hours, I tidy up and secure the space. Now let's hit the showers. You stink!" he laughed.

Alejandro was on top of the world. This was great -- the workout, the easygoing nature of their banter. It was just what he'd hoped he'd find by being a dorm student. They stripped dropping their clothes in a pile. Grabbing fresh towels Frederick tossed him one and headed for the shower with his stuff.

They continued their banter as they lathered up. Alejandro couldn't help but smile. This was so perfect.

"You know that leg take down we were practicing today? You nearly had it. I mean you took your guy down half the time I was watching. But you weren't doing the ankle hook right." Frederick said.

Frederick went into some detail trying to explain how to hook the heel properly and it's placement for greatest advantage. "Hey, like lots of things, it's gonna be easier for me to show you than try to tell you. I'm not going to drop you here of course. I'm just going to show you the position." He reached for Alejandro's shoulder turning him so that they were facing each other. "Now, like I was saying,"

Alejandro noticed a slight change in Frederick's eyes as he looked at him. Suddenly Alejandro began to panic. He recalled in a flash every movement required in the takedown. It was a collar and elbow tie up with the aggressor pulling the bodies together to secure a heel hook behind the opponent's leg while continuing to follow through with the momentum. He was sure Frederick wouldn't go to the tile with him. What he feared was the intimate contact that would be required to demonstrate it.

Before he could do or say anything, Frederick had locked them up and was beginning to pull their bodies together. Alejandro could feel the panic rise in him like a cold heat. His fear that his cock would respond made him freeze. He felt Frederick's body pressing against him, chest, abs and cocks. He couldn't make himself move. He couldn't hear anything but the rushing sound in his ears.

Quickly Frederick released him and gently shook Alejandro's shoulder. "Where the hell did you go? What's going on?"

Alejandro met his gaze briefly then simply looked at the tile floor. "Sorry Frederick. I kind of lost it."

Frederick touched the cleft of Alejandro's chin and lifted his face and met his gaze. "Did I do something wrong, Dude? Man, if I did I'm sorry!"

"No, it's not you. It's me."

"Well you gotta tell me cause I'm kinda lost here." Frederick gently demanded.

Alejandro dropped his head again. Gesturing slightly toward his cock and balls, he said in a softer voice, "It's been a while since I jerked off and I was afraid I'd bone up and you'd think I was weird or something." he said rushing the last words together.

"Dude, relax. Sorry I didn't mean for you to freak or anything. I was just trying to give you a bit of advice. That's all." He added with a softer voice, "Dude, it happens to all of us, really. At one time or another, and sooner probably than later you are gonna bone during a practice session or a meet. You gotta know how to handle that. Gheese, you really are new. I gotta remember that." Frederick said as he looked earnestly at Alejandro who had finally raised his head.

Alejandro met Frederick's eyes and smiled. "Sorry. I don't know what else to say."

"Well, Dude, no need to say you're sorry. Now it's your call. We can just finish here and go, or I can show you what I was talking about. Whadda ya say?" Frederick gently offered.

Alejandro paused. He didn't want to blow this opportunity, as he saw it. Instead he parried with a question, "Are you serious about guys, I mean nearly all of them getting boners from time to time in practice or in meets?"

"Hell yeah. It's happened to me more than a few times. In fact I learned an important lesson my first year in the club. One of the guys boned during a practice session. Now he could have done a lot of things to deflect my attention away from it. Instead the bastard used it. I was so self conscious. I had the advantage but with that prick pokin' me I just lost it and he reversed me and pinned me. After the count, he rolled off, grabbed the front on his shorts and jock to get himself together and then offered me a hand up.

"Hell, he was grinnin' at me like I don't know what. He reached over, slapped me on the shoulder and motioned with his head for me to follow him. When we were just out of earshot he told me how to take a situation like that and make it work to my advantage. As he explained it, it made perfect sense. Now I haven't had the opportunity to apply the lesson, but I can assure I've not forgotten it. It happens to all of us Alex. Now what do you wanna do?" Frederick looked at him and waited.

Alejandro looked at him and grinned, "Just don't say you weren't warned!" he laughed trying to lighten the situation.

"Ooooo now I'm worried!" laughed Frederick. "Ok, but first let's step out of the shower spray. It's slippery enough elsewhere. Now, let's tie up." Alejandro looked at Fredrick and noticed the same vague expression pass over his face but let it go. He was more concerned about his cock's reaction.

"Ready Alex?" Frederick asked. Alejandro nodding his assent and tied up with Frederick. Again he felt the wave of uneasiness but pushed it down and concentrated on the wrestling move. Again he felt Frederick pull him in, their hard pecs and abs mashed together. As Frederick pulled his ankle tight he said, "Careful now or we'll both hit the floor." As their feet maneuvered to maintain balance they squeaked against the tile.

Alejandro didn't respond. His breath had started becoming shallow gasps as the hold tightened. He could hear Frederick saying something but in his current state didn't catch it all.

"I said it's your turn dude." Frederick repeated as he pulled away from Alejandro. "Now remember Alex, keep your balance and just pull the ankle and leg in tight. We'll go over this again tomorrow, `k?" Alejandro nodded and before they locked up Frederick noticed Alejandro's cock swelling. "Well dude, glad you warned me" laughed Frederick, "you got a monster there!" he continued his chuckle as they tightened their grip.

Alejandro pulled him in and executed a perfect heel hook. As they tightened up their grasp, he could feel his cock begin to harden. Suddenly he noticed Frederick's meat pushing against his as their cocks lay side by side pushed down and caught in the hold.

Frederick tapped Alejandro's shoulder signaling release, "You got it perfect that time, Dude! Now once more for good measure." Before Alejandro could object, Frederick caught him in the collar and elbow like a lamb being led to the slaughter. Alejandro hooked his heel behind Frederick's leg and pulled their bodies together. Their cocks were both full and beginning to rise. As Alejandro locked the hold, he felt his cock surge and knew it would be at full mast in a matter of seconds.

Again Frederick tapped as he said "Great job, man you learn fast!" He kept up the banter as he smiled at Alejandro and returned to the spray of the water. Alejandro glanced down. Yes, Frederick's cock was full and hard just not standing at the moment. Frederick saw Alejandro's glance and grinned. "Like I said Dude, it happens. How big does that monster get when he's angry?" Frederick laughed as he looked at Alejandro's throbbing muscle that continued to rise.

Alejandro didn't know whether to answer or die from blushing.

Frederick laughed again, "Dude, I can sure tell you've not spent much time in locker rooms have you? Relax, really. You don't have to try to cop a glance at me. Look all you want. I mean it is just us here."

Alejandro looked over at Frederick again only this time Frederick turned in his direction. Alejandro's eyes seemed to involuntarily rake over Frederick's wet glistening body, taking in the hardening prick, the dark curly pubes and perfectly proportioned balls. His eyes followed the trail up Frederick's six pack abs and paused to take in the curve of his firm pecs crowned with generous nipples. His gaze took in the tapered wedge of the neck muscles. Suddenly he realized what he was doing and with a `deer in the headlights' look met Fredericks stare.

A smile played at the corners of Frederick's mouth. His eyes had a look Alejandro couldn't quite understand but they met and held his. Then, it seemed, with deliberate slowness Frederick let his eyes trace the same path Alejandro's had taken. Alejandro could feel his chest tighten, he breath was still shallow and quick, and he could feel his cock standing at full mast, throbbing. He was beyond worry as he looked back down at Fredericks chiseled body. His lust was at full tide.

He looked up when Frederick laid a hand on his shoulder and in a voice husky with desire asked, "You alright, Alex?"

With a slight nod of his head, Alejandro answered as he fell into Frederick's gaze. Slowly Frederick raised his other hand to Alejandro's shoulder and took a slight step forward making their cocks touch. They both lurched at the contact, their cocks oozing precum.

Watching for any negative reaction and seeing none, Frederick wrapped his arms around Alejandro's upper back. He pushed his abs, cock and balls against Alejandro. Alejandro's abs spasmed once. His breath began to come in short little gasps. With his head slightly back and his eyes tightly closed he could feel the waves of desire quickly building in him. He began to gently thrust his muscle against Frederick and felt him match thrust for thrust. The water filled the canyon of their pressed flesh and splashed to the floor with the other spray from the shower.

Alejandro was beyond conscious thought now. Here was what he had subconsciously dreamed about, wanted. It was the locus of his desire that he had tried to imagine as he jerked off over the past years. Frederick, fully engaged but not overcome with his feelings, watched Alejandro and smiled. Yeah, he'd read this one right and had played it perfectly. `Damn I'm good' he thought.

Alejandro began to quietly sigh and grunt with his thrusting. The pressure built. Unggg, unggg, ungggg came as each thrust deepened against Frederick. Aghh, Aghh became a steady sound as the wave began to crest.

Their arm flexed as they drove their passion against each other. Their feet collided from time to time as they continued their quest for balance as their legs and bodies ground against each other. Driven by his lust, Alejandro's grunts became punctuated growls. The crest of the wave began to fall on him and without thinking Alejandro slid his arms down and grabbed Frederick's buttocks pulling him in as the eruption began. Slamming their cocks together Alejandro's orgasm came with a punctuated unghh, unghh of his release.

Frederick lustfully gave himself over to the moment and grabbing Alejandro's waist met him thrust for thrust. Their orgasms came nearly simultaneously and a geyser of cum shot up between them. For Alejandro it seemed as if it would never end; but, finally his with cock still spasming he slowly dropped his head against Frederick's shoulder.

They stood there, the shower water hitting them. Slowly Alejandro's breath began to return to normal with the occasional shudder of sated desire. He felt Frederick's hand gently push his chin up. With their noses nearly touching they looked intensely in each other's eyes.

"That was fuckin' hot dude! I hope to hell you're ok with what happened cause I sure as hell am" Frederick said in a low throaty voice. Alejandro could feel their breath mixed with the steam. He could only nod with a brief "yeah".

Frederick stepped back and placed his hands on Alejandro's shoulders again. Looking at him with a little concern he asked, "You're sure you're ok?" Again Alejandro nodded. "Ok then, let's get you cleaned up."

Without saying more, Frederick reached for the soap and began to lather Alejandro's chest. "Are you really sensitive afterward or can I wash down there too" indicating his cock and balls.

"Yeah, it's ok" Alejandro all but whispered.

With care, Frederick soaped the tender area and directing him under the shower, rinsed him thoroughly. Then taking the soap again, Frederick made a quick job of himself and reached over and turned off both showers. "Come on, let's get dried off and get out of here. Mike's gonna be looking for me soon." That seemed to be the impetus that brought Alejandro out of his reverie.

Soon they were dried and dressed. Neither had spoken. Frederick knew he had to handle the next moments cautiously. In a gentle voice he said "hey" then waited as he looked at Alejandro who was unsure if he wanted to meet Frederick's eyes. Again, "Hey, come on. Look at me. It's ok. Got an idea, lets go to the student union and get a drink." Hesitatingly he added "I think we need to talk about this a little. I know I do. Come on." he gently urged as he grabbed Alejandro's elbow and steered him to the locker room door.

Next: Chapter 7

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