Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 11, 2013


This a gay erotic, fiction story about how Todd begins a new chapter in his life. It is pure fiction. It contains some graphic sex is is meant for those who are over 18 and only where legal. It contains teen male sex, some urination, some elements of slavery , some incest and other gay sex ideas. Please do not read if you find it offensive.

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I stretched out in my bed waking up to a new day. Thank God it was a Saturday. I laid there awhile just listening to the sounds that came through from outside and enjoying the sun. Actually, it was pretty hot. It would be another scorching day. I played with my boner a little and looked at it. Not a bad cock for a kid my age, I thought. I always woke up horny and jerked off thinking about my desires. See, I'm a little torn. Being in high school, it isn't real cool to have sex thoughts about another guy. I tried to think about the girls I dated recently, Sarah in particular. She was a hot girl and she had allowed me to fuck her. My problem is that I didn't really enjoy it once I made my conquest. She seemed to like it more than me. My thoughts kept coming back to a few of the guys I had seen in the locker room and lately they made me get hard. Kind of embarrassing trying to get a look and yet not really look. My thoughts ranged from several of the guys I had seen in the shower. Of course, the hottest being Cole Rivers. Man is he hot and he's the best athlete we have . I don't know him well. He smiles at me sometimes and we have bumped fists a few times but he is out of my league. I mean I'm a good runner as my legs and thighs would prove, but I'm no match for Cole. He's to say it in a word, beautiful, at least for a guy. Great pecs, a well defined body and he's got nice six pack abs. I wished my chest was like his. I'm ok but basically, flat. Yeah, I have some definition to my pecs, most recently after staring to work out. My nips are slightly almond shaped which I think is cool. But his chest, wow! Plus, he hangs with the really cool guys and girls. I mainly hang with the average people and sometimes, I hate to admit, with the nerds. I only see Cole in one class and at basketball. See, I joined and actually made the team. I did it because my cooler than me brother pushed me into it when I decided against wrestling, the sport he excels at. I don't play much though as I'm not in the top players group. Mainly, I get to work out, which helps but spend more time on the bench playing only a few minutes per game if we are winning. Cole is a starter. He excels at all the sports he participates in. I mainly do pretty well in track. Track gives me more time to just to work out and improve my stamina.

I actually love my cock but like my feet, I think they are too big. I used to get called "donkey cock" beginning in junior high. It started to grow and man, it just kept getting bigger. Just like my feet which are size 12. I have long toes. Actually, it might be kind of sexy but it made me self conscious. Even my brother wasn't as big as me. But then, he is my adopted brother. See my parents planned on adopting him and then my mom got pregnant with me. So, my brother and I are actually only a month a part. Kind of weird I guess, but as they say, it is what it is! Anyway, my cock is now easily 8.5 inches and thick. Sarah, once she saw it was very afraid and I had to work hard to get her to take it. She seemed to like it but some reason, afterwards, it wasn't nearly what I thought it might be and she was then reluctant to do more.

I went back to my boner and it felt really good. I shot off a nice little load and decided I needed to pee so I got up to go use the bathroom. Fortunately, I didn't have to go into the hall. I shared a bathroom between my room and my brothers. We had seen one another naked a lot. Well we are brothers. Lately even his cock looked good and made my have little twinges I couldn't figure out.

I got up and made my way over to the bathroom in our `en suite' arrangement. We usually left the doors open between our rooms as we didn't care much about if the other saw us naked or not. The doors only got closed if one of us wanted privacy. At our age, that didn't phase us too much. I discovered we both slept naked which I found unique. See, my brother was adopted when my parents wanted kids and couldn't conceive. I guess I told you that though . Anyway, they were really surprised and now had two teenage boys who were 1 7going on 18 in a few months. We looked different though. He was always more athletic and his body showed it. He had the usual blond spiked hair and great build. He had a six pack and great, defined chest with good sized nipples. No body hair to speak of other than the usual pubes, leg and pit hair which I loved to see for some reason. His pit went from no hair to a nice big bush in about 8 months. Maybe I am gay, I wondered as my piss splashed in the bowl. Oh god, I don't know what is with me lately!

I, on the other hand, was about as tall, (5' 10") but was much thinner. I had good legs with some hair but lacked his pit hair and to some degree, pubes as well. I was thin, not like a stick or anything, but didn't have the definition he had. I had flat abs that were starting to develop into a maybe four pack. He was blond and I had dark longer hair. As I mentioned, I had good legs and had developed my running abilities. .My bigger feet than my brother which sometimes embarrassed me , but lately made me notice other guys feet in flip flops or at the beach or anywhere guys feet were exposed. I never thought much about them but now found they turned me on kinda.

By the way, I'm Todd Richardson and my brother is Matt. We live in an upper middle class neighborhood with my parents in Sarasota, Florida. It's a nice area and although we aren't rich, we live in a decent house that has a pool and just about anything a kid my age wants. My dad is a CPA and mom works as a social worker. We are all pretty liberal politically which is different living in such a backward political state as Florida is. I mean I think our bald headed governor would put back slavery if he could!

I get pretty good grades. Actually, I get better grades than my brother. He refers to me as the genius and some rather other not so nice terms. He is a jock. I said I ran track but unlike him who is wrestling, I got pushed in playing basketball this winter. I'm only ok and spending a lot of time on the bench as I said. I'm a guard. My brother wrestles in the 140 lb weight class so he watches his diet carefully. I eat healthy too but not as much as him.

I went in the bathroom and looked out into Matt's room and saw he was sprawled out on his bed naked as the day he was born. I think I noticed some drool running from his mouth. As I shot my piss in the toilet, I just watched him. Fuck. It started to get my dick hard again! I could see his nice firm butt and his legs sprawled out wide. Even his feet looked sexy to me! I saw the nice tufts of hair in his pits as he had his arms over his head. I almost wanted to go in and get a closer look but decided I wasn't going to risk that. He sure would call me a queer if I looked at his body too much.

I brushed my teeth and looked for some shorts to throw on for now. I seemed to like to wear as few clothes as possible lately. I heard some stirring in my brother's room and glanced in to see him roll over and stretch. "Mornin'" I said . He looked over at me in the bath and mumbled something. I decided I should shower first before putting on my shorts. By that time, Matt was up and staggering to the bath. I decided to shave off the little hair I had and started to do so as Matt came in and just began pissing. His cock was somewhat hard and I noticed the big head. I also realized mine was getting hard again so I quickly jumped in the shower and let the hot water run all over me. Matt finished a very long piss and glanced over toward me and told me not to use all the hot water. "Sure, Matt.:' I replied. "Want me to leave it on?"

"That's ok, got to take care of something first ." he kind of laughed as he strolled back to his room. I rinsed, shut off the shower and got out and started to dry myself. Looking into his room, I saw him jerking off.

"hey you perv!" You like watching big brother do his thing?' he laughed.

I quickly looked away and replied that I already took care of business and he was probably more needy than I was. He laughed and said don't you wish. I got a little bold and stood in the entrance to his door and watched him. he didn't care as we both had done it even together a few times. He laughed a little and I told him I got some the night before. (Ok. I lied. She only played with it and I played with her twat. Nice though)

"You, little fucker!" Man, I didn't get so lucky.

"Pays to have a big cock!" I laughed as he stroked.

"Damn, you ain't got nothin' on me.." he said with sarcasm.

"Want me to prove it?" I said dropping my towel. I actually did have a bigger dick than he had. Mine was almost 7 inches and thick. His was more like 6 and not as thick but he had a better bush than I did. I walked into his room and took hold of my dick and shook it at him.

Just then he shot a nice load that seemed to go all over him. "Nice!" I said but I got my big brother beat in size and load." I smirked.

Seeing him there, I felt my dick start to grow. Couldn't let his see that. He might guess what a perv I was.

"Wanna compare?" he joked. "Bet you don't have me beat by much."

"No thanks", I replied. Don't want to touch your slimy junk. "You can blow me later though!" I laughed and exited the room. I really wanted to touch his cock but I knew it might make me hard and I would sure take some heat for that.

I slipped on my running shorts and exited my room. I liked being bare as much as possible when it was warm. It was unusually warm for January. Sometimes it was freezing cold and here it was feeling like a summer day.

I went down to the kitchen as my folks were just heading toward the garage.

"Where are you guys off too?" I asked.

"Going to do some shopping at the mall and then lunch and grocery shopping." Mom replied. "You guys are on your own. Don't do anything dangerous." She laughed. She sent a pretend kiss across the room and I responded in kind. "Have fun. See ya later." I said taking the o.j. out of the frig and pouring a glass. While I drank it, I got my protein drink out and mixed a batch. I was supposed to help build muscle and I wanted a more defined body. I usually had that at breakfast and ate good food choices later. It tasted like shit though so I followed with the rest of my oj and grabbed a mug of coffee. I was already a coffee addict I guess. I took my coffee and picked up the paper and headed outside to sit and read by the pool and maybe add to my tan.

I sat there with my legs up and I guess spread a little. The warm sun on my body felt good as I read the sports section. A few minutes later, Matt came strolling out. "Mom and Dad gone?" he asked.

"Went shopping and to lunch." I replied. I looked in his direction and he was wearing just a towel.

I felt my dick stir a little and not wanting his to see, I moved my leg. Fuck he was hot looking I decided. Why the heck was I perving on my brother. I mean I hadn't done that ever. He asked if he could borrow my board shorts as his were in the wash. I thought he had more pairs than I did but I said to go ahead but to not wreck them.

He disappeared into the house again and my dick was still getting hard. Matt yelled that he was going to play beach volleyball with some buds of his. Of course he didn't invite me to go. I figured I had all day. Matt also yelled he was getting picked up so the car we shared was home. We both got our licenses around the same time and Dad had given us his old Honda to drive. It wasn't the coolest car but then again, it was a car.

I yelled ok and he left. I finished the coffee and paper and thought about what I would do with myself. I immediately thought about surfing the web for porn which seemed to occupy some of my spare time lately. More than it had before. I got up, went in and put my cup in the dishwasher. I was after all, a neat kind of person unlike my brother. I think I took after my Mom.

I grabbed my cell and called my friend Max who lived nearby to see if he wanted to hang out. He told me he would come over after he showered. I didn't bother to get any more dressed and surfed the computer I had in my room. The rents never looked at either of our computers as we were both trusted to use them appropriates- whatever that meant. I decided an occasional view of porn was appropriate. I came across a web page of gay porn and was checking it out when Max came in my room. He always just came in. We had been friends since birth I think or at least as long as I can remember. I quickly shut the lid so he wouldn't see.

"Looking at porn?" he laughed. Fuck, did he see it? I guess not and hoped not.

"Just some stuff for a new D & D game maybe." I replied calmly.

Max and I were always thought of as nerds I guess. I mean we played these card and video games with a couple of other guys. I had decided I needed to get in better shape and always liked to run so I joined track. Only Max supported it and joined too. The other guys all chose not to do anything physical. Max didn't go out for basketball though. He said it was too much for him. I looked at Max and decided he was still kind of cute. He was very thin but had long legs and I know I had seen him in the locker room, that he had a decent cock. He had joked about mine being so big . I had been embarrassed about it before when we first started puberty. Some of the guys in middle school had called me donkey kong and such embarrassing names which got me upset. It was Max who got them to stop. I really liked him for that and was no longer embarrassed.

I had no idea if Max was into guys. Damn, until the last few days, I certainly wasn't. Max and I have been friends forever. Sometimes I think we even knew what one another thought. He jumped on my bed and sprawled out with his hands behind his head. He had on shorts, flip flops and a sleevelss tee. Being thin, the shirt didn't cling to his body but did reveal his hairy pits. For a kid that thin and certainly not as tall as me, maybe 5'7'', he had a nice pile of pit hair that was all black. I wondered how much his pubes were. Fuck. There I go again wondering about a guys body. I must be going through some kind of phase.

He looked over to me at the computer chair and asked why I was looking into D and D. "We haven't played in quite a while" was his comment. "Surprised you were checking that out. I bet you were checking out sex stuff. Not getting any from the girlfriend, huh?" he laughed.

I was embarrassed but tried to recover quickly saying, no I just was seeing if anything was new.

He kept smiling. I knew he knew I was lying. I changed the subject and asked what he wanted to do. He said he was ok with anything. I suggested maybe we could go to the mall and see if anything was cool there. He shrugged and said as long as I drove. I told him I could as Matt had not taken the car. He asked me if I was going to change. I realized I was wearing just my short running shorts. I looked down and saw my boner kind of sticking out of the leg. Fuck. Another screw up to give me away. He laughed and threw me a pair of cargo shorts laying on my bed.

"Don't want you to stick out when you got a boner." He laughed pointing at mine. "Oh, shit. Sorry about that." I replied as I quickly turned away. I grabbed the shorts and was going to run in the bathroom to change.

"Where you going?" he questioned. "You can change in here. I won't look but shit, I've seen your junk like a million times so don't worry."

I looked at him smiling. He really looked kind of hot to me all of a sudden. I smiled and whipped off the shorts and started to put on the cargo shorts. "My aren't we modest today." He laughed.

To make light of it I turned and shook my ass at him. "I got to say, you got a good ass." He laughed. Maybe it's the B Ball or maybe it is the track. I got to get mine looking like yours. You used to be skinny like me but lately you seem to be filling out."

"Thanks, man," I said. Didn't know you checked me out!" I laughed.

""Fuck, all guys check one another out. You know, just to see how they compare. Maybe I should work out with you and Matt some. I guess I could use it."

"Feel free to join us whenever. Or, at least join me. Matt usually does his own thing without me."

I put on some deodorant and grabbed my flip flops as I grabbed tee shirt and then went over to slap Max on the arm to signal we were going. Max commented as we left the room, that he thought Cole Rivers was probably the hottest guy in our grade and maybe in school. "I mean he's got every girl checking him out and from what I saw in the locker room, he's hung like a mother fucker. I want his body!" Max complained.

As we got in the car, I reminded Max, without discussing his body which I also found hot and frankly gave me material to jerk off to at night lately, that Cole wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. "I think he is failing in a couple of classes. I heard the coach warning him about his grades." Max was shocked at first but then said he wasn't too surprised. Cole never was a brain trust. "Hope they don't kick him off the team though." He added.

As we drove out of the subdivision, I kidded Max about checking other guys out. Yeah, me, laughing at him for being a perv when in fact, I was too! I was surprised when he didn't laugh it off or make some nasty comment to me. He actually looked away out the window. Suddenly he turned to me and asked if he could tell me something. I looked at him with an expression of like come on now. We tell each other everything.

"Todd, I don't know what is wrong with me but I find myself checking out a lot of guys lately. I mean, I even checked you out back at your house. I looked over and smiled at him. "You checked me out? Damn. That's a surprise and a compliment! Thanks, Bud! I never figured anyone would want to do that!"

"Oh come on. Since we stopped being just geeks and you talked me into track, and we started to get some exercise, I think you got pretty hot. I mean, you even got a girlfriend!"

"Yeah, I do have a few girls who notice me. That never happened before!" I laughed.

"Todd, don't think I'm some kind of, of ... gay pervert or something. I just had to say something to you being best buds and all. I don't know what to make of it. I mean, I don't get how I'm feeling. Please don't laugh at me or tell any of the guys or anything."

"Oh shit, Max. I would never tell and thanks for the compliment. Maybe we should just feel free about it and agree to check one another out sometime. Maybe it's just that we're curious or something."

"Yeah, but shouldn't we be wanting to just check out girls?"

"Max, who the hell knows. I think it may be just hormones or something but I understand how you feel and we'll just keep it between us like we always do. Nobody needs to know anything." I offered.

Max just shook his head but he looked a little more relieved. We went to the mall and looked around. We got some food and then headed home. Our chatter on the way home was pretty much normal and we even talked about video games!

The rest of the weekend went pretty quiet. I did think about our conversation a lot and found myself jerking off about Max. Max wasn't hot or a stud by any means. He was thin, weighed only about a 130 pounds, had a nice flat chest and body but little definition. He did have what I thought was a cute ass and kind of nice legs. They were more hairy then mine and his ass had some hair too. He developed more with body hair than I did but he only had a little hair on his upper lip and he didn't shave it yet. His smile was nice though and he had good teeth since the braces came off. I was lucky and didn't need them. For some reason, I really found his pit hair sexy. There was a lot of it and I felt I was I lacking in that area. He said it was no big deal. I was surprised once in the locker room when I kidded him about it when he asked if I wanted him to shave some off. I mean, what a devoted guy. He would shave his pits for me? Wow. I had told him I thought it might make him look more mature and wouldn't touch it. He nodded and agreed.

I finished my homework and actually went with Matt to the gym. I told him I had invited Max as well and he frowned and said Max was a wimp. I was offended and told him Max was interested but he wanted to not take him along. I went with Matt anyway. We worked on machines and I was proud of my workout. Matt said I still need to do more and he suggested lifting weights. I really didn't enjoy that much but agreed it would help. He told me he would be my spotter as I lay on the bench lifting. I was shocked when I looked up and could see up his gym shorts and saw he had no jock on. His junk was just hanging there over my face. I almost dropped the weight. The was my brother with his nice cock just hanging there. After a few minutes, I knew it was making me hard and I wanted to stop to avoid having him see my bulge. He asked why and I finally turned red and said looking up his pant leg was bothering me. He smirked his usual cool smile and laughed. "Guess my baby brother likes to check me out, huh?"

I told him I just found it distracting and I was tired anyway. He looked at me and I knew he had seen my bulge as he said "it looks like it got you more than distracted." I must have been as red as an apple. I turned away from his gaze. As I got up, he smacked me on my ass and said not to worry about it.

We showered and dressed. On the way home, him driving this time, he looked over to me and said he didn't mind that I checked him out. I looked away and couldn't think of any come back. He looked over again and said "you know I've checked you out too trying to figure how my little brother got more than I did.' He laughed and it made me laugh. "Maybe we should jerk off together again like we used too." He suggested. "Plus since you stopped all that nerd stuff and started to get to sports and working out, you may get to be hotter than me!" he laughed. I reached over and punched him lightly in the side. He pretended it really hurt and then smiled and said we should maybe mess around some. I looked at him and smiled back.

After homework was done on Sunday night and after our work out, and shower, I fooled around on the computer. My brother was in his room doing homework and the doors were open so I had to be careful, but I checked out some more gay porn sites to see if I could figure out my feelings. Hell, I actually just found I liked seeing the hot studs and was very aroused to see what all they were doing and what a new world of excitement it offered. I finished and called my girlfriend thinking I could jerk off thinking about her. It didn't do it. As a matter of fact, I found myself totally unaroused! After hanging up, I tossed my cell phone on the bed and thought about what I saw on computer and thought about Max!. All of a sudden, I was aroused again. Knowing I had a need to jerk off before sleeping, I went in brushed my teeth, pissed and threw my clothes in the hamper. Matt looked up seeing me naked and yell over " hey stud boy! You done with homework?"

"Yeah, a while ago. Just getting ready for bed. If you weren't so slow, you'd be done too!" He jumped off his chair and came charging in and grabbed me in a wrestling hold which I could get out of. His hands on me, made me start to bone up and I was embarrassed. I fought my way free as Matt said if I was on a mat, he would have been able to pin me. I just said in your dreams, boy.' And laughed. I noticed his shorts were tented some and I playfully grabbed it and said something like I'm glad you're happy to see me and started to walk away laughing when he grabbed me again and dragged me to his room and threw me on his bed. "I'll show you who's glad to see you and began rolling on top of me. His hot breah and warm skin against mine made me got even harder. He tickled me until I criedgive' letting him know he could stop and I gave up.

We lay there laughing. We were both on our backs and could clearly see one another's boners. I looked over at him and we were both a little embarrassed I think. I finally said something about needing relief. He nodded and put his hand on his cock and started to rub. I laid there horny as fuck and watched him . "Need a little help, baby bro?' he asked. He just reached over and started to grab my dick. I was going to respond as I thought he would start to wrestle but his hand was gentle and he just stroked my dick. I looked over to him and he smiled. I smiled back and reached for his cock. We both tenderly stroked one another. In an instant we were both moaning some , trying to be quiet as my folks were still downstairs in the family room. Fuck it was nice to actually touch him . Our butts were close together and I felt how smooth he was. I didn't want to say anything- just enjoy the moment of touching my brother as I never touched another boy. It didn't take long before we both shot massive loads . Mine went higher than his and landed on both of us. Soon we were both covered in our own and one another's cum. I looked at him. We both smiled and quickly the moment was over. He reached under his bed and we shared the cum rag he kept there.

"That was nice, little bro". he said. I nodded and smiled and said good night. We both said our good nights to our parents and then went to our own rooms. I don't know about him, but I was awake for awhile just thinking how hot jerking off with my brother was. I loved his warm touch on my dick. I hoped he had liked it as well.

The next morning, we both showered and dressed for school. For some reason, we both acted a little nicer to the other. I even let him borrow a shirt of mine . He asked if I was going to wear underwear. I looked at him a little surprised when he said he wasn't. I shrugged and dropped mine and just put on my cargo shorts, shirt and flip flops. We went down and joined our parents for breakfast and talked about our upcoming day. I told everyone I had practice after school. Matt said his was Tuesday and actually asked if I wanted him to wait for me. I said it was ok. I could find a ride. He said if not to call or text him. My parents seemed a little surprised at how civil we were to one another as that wasn't always the case.

Matt drove us to school and we picked up Max and one of Matt's friends. In school, nothing too important happened other than when the basket ball coach stopped by during lunch in the cafeteria and asked me to see him after practice. I didn't get much attention as I was not the greatest player and certainly not one of the starters. I was lucky to play at all and knew every part of the bench. I was a little worried thinking maybe he was cutting me or something. Max was surprised too and we talked about what it meant, after coach left. As we ate and talked with our friends, I noticed at the next table was Cole. We didn't spend much time together as he ate with the first string guys and a few other jocks. I was surprised when he got up and walked past us that he looked my way and actually said hi. I almost choked but managed to get out a hi in reply to him. It looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it.

The rest of the day went pretty normal. I scored well on a history test and got an A on my English American Lit paper. I said my good byes to my little posse of friends as they razzed me about gohing off to jock world to practice. I laughed and went to the locker room with my stuff. I came in as the other guys were dressing for practice and remembered I was supposed to see the coach.

"Coach, you wanted to see me?" I said politely as he was looking over some papers.

"Oh, yeah, come in Richardson" I went in and he told me to sit down and pointed to a chair. "After you get suited up, I wanted you and Cole Rivers to talk a bit. I talked to the counselor and he tells me you're getting top grades. Congratulations on that."

Thanks was all I could say feeling some dryness in my throat.

"See, Rivers isn't doing so hot right now and we may have to bench him. I was wondering if you would consider giving him a hand with his studies. Maybe after practice or whatever you guys can work out. He said he would be really appreciative if he could get some help."

He looked at me and I was kind of surprised. I mean we don't chill together or anything and never really hung out. "Yeah, I I guess." I stammered out. I didn't know he needed anyone's help." I thought that didn't sound too good but decided to smile back and not say anything more. He smiled back. "Good. Then I can count on you. I'll have him see you and you guys can make your own arrangements if that's ok."

"Sure." I replied I was stunned a little but just glad I wasn't getting a lecture or getting kicked off for being such a non essential player.

I dressed and practice began. I watched Cole more than usual as he was so smooth. I noticed he wasn't too much bigger than I was but his physique was magnificent. As I was on the bench, I thought how gorgeous he was and knew why he was such a super athlete. His ball handling was great and seemed to just exude confidence.

After we were done, he went in the locker room to shower. I went in too but wasn't nearly as sweaty as he was. I didn't get to even practice that much. I took my shower seeing him in there. He was one hot stud dude as he laughed and talked with the other guys, mostly those on first string. He was nice tough, as he talked to others. I knew why he was captain of the team.

I finished showering and was drying off and starting to dress when I heard someone come up behind me. I was a little startled when I turned to see Cole there in just his towel. His hair was wet and so was his body. I looked down and saw his studly looking feet and his smooth muscular body. I was a little embarrassed at my thoughts and my cock started to firm a bit. I was glad I slipped on my shorts and regretted not wearing underwear to further conceal me.

"Hey, Richardson, coach told me he asked you if you could give me a little help." He started. He smiled at me and I finally managed to smile back.

"Yeah, sure, no prob ", I replied. "What do you need help in?"

He laughed and said just about everything." I mean, history in particular but I'm really not too good at any class.." he looked down a little sheepishly.

"Yeah, I don't mind. Just glad to help the team." I laughed.

"Hey, I really appreciate it. Maybe we could get together and you could , meet me someplace or maybe you could come over to my house or whatever." He said.

"Sure, when do you want to get started?"

"Ah, um, tonight if you can. I got a history paper due like Friday and if I don't get it in, I'm fucked for this weeks game."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I think I can make it."

"Oh thanks, man. I really am glad you will do it. Here, I'll give me my cell and address. Can you come over around 7?"

"Yeah, I think so. Just got to check with the rents and make sure my brother isn't using the car we share."

"If he is, I can pick you up or come over to your place." He offered.

"I'll call you as soon as I know. I just need to get home after practice so that may take a bit of time."

"I can drive you home. No problem if you want to go with me." I just gotta get changed and we can go."

"Yeah, that's great." I said.

Wow. Now I get to hang with the captain and he is driving me home! Fantastic!"

I watched his hot body turn and leave after we fist bumped. I finished dressing and grabbed my stuff. I met him near his locker where a few of his friends were. They had never gave me much attention but he introduced me to them and they all responded well. I felt like I was one of the main players at school.

We went to his car and got in. Damn. He must have money as it was a new Camaro convertible. We threw our stuff in back and got in. I loved the new car smell and he told me it had been a gift from his folks. Certainly better than the 6 year old Honda I shared. As we drove, I got to noticed his strong legs and feet. His whole body looked hot and he smelled so good too. Must remember to buy whatever he was wearing. I felt kind of horny again and kept my legs together to hide my bulge.

We talked as he drove. He was really a lot nicer than I thought. He didn't seem to have that superior, super jock attitude at all. He smiled at me several times. We got to my house and I asked if he wanted to come in. He said sure and followed me inside where I dropped off my stuff. Matt was there and I introduced them. Matt actually knew Cole and they kind of renewed old aquaintances. My parents met him and he was super polite. I told them about our arrangement and they were happy and seemed to like Cole a lot. They even offered him dinner. I was shocked when he agreed and we all sat down. He did call his dad and said he would be home in awhile. I sensed his dad was not happy but Cole concealed it well. I did notice that he spoke to his dad like a private in the army might have talked to his commanding officer. I didn't say anything and we all ate dinner together.

When we finished. He looked at me and said we should go . He said he would be happy to drop me back so there was no need to take my car if Matt wanted to use it. I agreed, said our good byes and he shock both of my parents hands and thanked them.

We got in the car and he said how nice my parents were to him. I thanked him and made light of it. He said he wished his home was as friendly as mine. I didn't know what to say to that but thanked him.

We got to his home which was a spectacular mansion more than a house. I told him how impressive it was I saw a pool, tennis courts, a boat slip and that was just the outside. Inside was huge. The furnishings all looked very expensive. A man came up dressed in a suit. Cole told me he was the butler and told Cole his father wanted to see him.

We went into a library. It was beautiful and loaded with books. A somewhat stern looking man looked up from his desk and acknowledged Cole.

"Hi dad.. I heard you wanted to see me."

The man didn't smile or anything and merely said "you're late."

"Sorry. Oh by the way, this is Todd. He is going to help me with my school work. We're on the team together." I stuck out my hand to shake his and was about to say, glad to meet you when he kind of cut me off and just nodded toward me. I pulled my hand back and just stood quietly.

"You missed dinner. You know that Frank worked hard to prepare it. It will be a demerit for the week." His dad said.

"But dad, Todd's parents offered me dinner and I thought it might just save time for study!" Cole replied in a kind of hurt voice.

"You should plan these things. I am going out. I want you to get your homework done and then get to bed. I will talk with you later.'

"Yes dad," was all he said somewhat dejectedly. "I do need to take Todd home though. He doesn't have a car."

His dad acknowledged that and said it was ok but to be home by 11.

His dad got up and mumbled something about good of me to help his son and left.

I looked at Cole and he shrugged and told me we should go to his room. I said ok and followed him up a very elaborate stairway . We got to his room and it was huge. It had all the latest stuff in it like video games, a huge flat panel t.v, stereo and all kinds of sports stuff.

I expressed my surprise and said how lucky he was to have this place.

He looked at me and kind of shrugged and said something about he'd be glad to trade places. I felt bad and quickly changed the subject.

Cole went over and turned on his computer. He told me to get comfortable. I still had on the same stuff as I wore before. I was surprised when he stripped off his shirt revealing his handsome smooth, muscular body. "I always get comfortable when I'm in here. Hope you don't mind but I find it easier to work with most of my clothes off. Just something I have been doing for awhile.

"Oh, no, I don't mind. I sometimes do the same thing. It just is more of a free feeling." I replied. He pulled off his shorts and was wearing some boxer briefs. That's all he had on. I was embarrassed seeing his hot body . I decided to take off my shirt too. My chest was nothing like his and I wasn't sure he wouldn't laugh.

"You're pretty buff," he remarked. " You must work out a lot too.."

"Yeah, my brother and I work out a bit. I started for track and just kept it up. Makes me feel better too." You can take off your shorts too, if you want." He said looking at me.

"Ah, well, didn't wear underwear today. I kind of like to free ball, " I said laughing a little.

"OK. No problem but I really don't care. Man, you are hung though." he said. "Saw you in the shower and I was amazed. How big are you anyway?"

Now I was embarrassed! "I'm like about 7 I guess." I replied. "

"Wow. You got me beat. Only around 6 here" he said massaging his crotch.

"That's respectable. My bro's about the same as you then." I offered.

"I imagine by the time you're done, you'll be over 8!" he replied.

I had nohting to say. Fuck that would be some donkey dick on me I thought. I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. I mean, I hardly know Cole and were talking about our junk!

Better get started he said . and I nodded. He pulled out his work and showed me what he was doing. The paper was on American History and he was supposed to defend an argument why the south should retain slavery..

I had done a similar paper only a week before but taking the opposite opinion.

I told him some things I had learned and that I had a lot of stuff I could give him to help him. I suggested for now, we should clearly write down his argument and the main supporting points. I knew right away that we wasn't much of a writer so we worked on sentence structure and I went over how paragraphs should be constructed. He watched me and listened to me. I didn't want to sound like a know it all so I purposely didn't make too make criticisms.

Cole worked at the computer but I noticed he got close to the screen. I asked him about it and he said he forgot to put on his glasses. He looked at me sheepishly. I looked back as if to say what? He said he had to wear glasses to read and he hated them so he rarely read. I told him to put them on as if he was embarrassed, I wouldn't tell anyone. He got his glasses and he looked smoking hot in them I mean here he was in just his briefs wearing a pair of what looked like Harry Potter glasses. I was impressed and told him how good he looked. He thanked me and laughed and said he never wore them as big time jocks were not supposed to wear glasses. I told him that was dumb and he should wear them anyway.

He suggested that I sit at the computer and he should tell me this thoughts. We changed places and it was so hot with his stud body rubbing mine at times as I typed and he told me what to write.

He finally asked if I got horny. I was shocked and said laughingly, don't all guys get horny? He laughed and said yeah he was sure they did. He said he had to go to the john to take care of something and pointed at the wet spot on his briefs I just laughed and said go ahead.

He came back a few minutes later and said we should probably wrap up. I noticed on the clock it was 10:30 and we agreed. He still had on his wet spot briefs and for some reason, I wanted to stick out my tongue and lick them but I refrained.

We both got dressed and he took me home. He thanked me several times for the help and said for the first time, he kind of got what he was supposed to be doing. I was glad to help I told him and said I would bring the stuff he needed to school. He actually put his hand on my bare leg and kind of slapped it saying how great that was. He told me if he could do anything for me, just to let him know. I joked that maybe he could give me some of the hot girls who hung around him. We both laughed and he said he doubted he could help with any of them. I didn't know what he meant but stayed silent. I said maybe he could help me with my game and he said anytime was great for him.

When I got home, I thought about the whole night, his stripping almost naked in front of someone he really didn't know, his occasional touches and his weird dad. Cole seemed to have it all yet he didn't seem too happy. I lay in bed and jerked off thinking about his hot body and wondered why I was so taken with him and for that matter, all guys lately.

End of Chapter 1

Next: Chapter 2

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