Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 20, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening Ch 14

This is a fictional story of gay erotic nature involving teen boys and their sexual awakening. Please don't read if illegal or you don't like stories that involve gay male sex, incest, a little piss play and other gay themes. It is the property of the writer and may not be used in any way without permission.

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I want to thank readers who have stuck with the story in spite of some developments that dealt a little with male slavery. This was used to illustrate the need for our hero to come to grips with his own sexual nature as well as that of his boyfriend.

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Note: Chapter 13 and 14 got a little messed up. I apologize for those who got confused. I am adding it here as it may answer a few questions. Sorry I messed up. Again, my apologies and hope you didn't totally abandon me!obediently,


Chapter 14

Arriving at court, I parked where Mr. Evans told me to and found him getting out of his car. He greeted us and we walked together, Mr. Evans explaining what would take place. He also reminded me that he had checked things out for Matt, Cole and me regarding university and had found out that tuitions, books and expenses had been paid and the university said that the only persons who get get any money back if we didn't attend, were the three of us. I was pretty relieved at that. We went into the court house and found the court room. Only those involved in the legal proceedings were allowed in. I was stoked seeing my name on the list as if I were someone important. We sat down and the Judge entered the room. I saw for the first time, Dustin's father, a creepy longing guy sitting with his court appointed lawyer. The trial began with me sitting just behind Dustin . It was real interesting as the case was presented. I felt so bad for Dustin having to relive all of the horror of his molesting and beatings. I cringed thinking how a parent could do that to a kid from about age 6 on and how it got worse. I hoped it didn't leave a scar on Dustin's psyche. I wanted to go and hold him and hug him but that wouldn't be appropriate.

I was surprised when the police gave their evidence. They got reports and had investigated and found a bruised up Dustin. Dustin was asked to tell his tale which is pretty much what he told me. He said how he joined school sports just to not have to go home. His father sat limply in his chair and offered little in the way of defense.

After the testimony, the judge gave her ruling. She said that Dustin was to be permanently removed from the home and placed in the custody of the state. DCF would now control his future. I hated to see that happen. His father was sentenced to not less than twenty years in prison. As he had no other siblings, the court ordered Mr. Evan to take over the estate and to dispose of all the property a creating a trust for Dustin's care until he turned twenty one. I was happy for Dustin but also feared what would happen to him between age 15 and twenty one. Mr. Evans was appointed temporary guardian for him while proper shelter was found. If nothing from relatives, he would be placed in either foster care or in a home for abused boys. Sadly, he didn't know if there was a mother somewhere or any other family. Dustin had not seen his mother for a long time and had no communication with her leaving him to only his father. The court and juvenile people had not found any records of her.

Dustin cried a little fearing what would happen to him. I put my arm around him and told him it would be ok. The judge asked where he had stayed the night before and Mr. Evans said it was with a friend of his family and that the son of the family was present.. "Perhaps he could return there until suitable arrangements were made. " She asked me then if I thought that would be ok and I stammered out, feeling stupid, a yes I thought my parents would agree.

Mr. Evans smiled at me and said he would contact the court to make my parents Dustin's legal foster parents until a permanent solution could be found. I was kind of happy, especially for Dustin but wondered how I would handle sleepovers with Cole.

His father was taken into custody and led away. His look of contempt toward Dustin gave me the shivers. Dustin just glared at him. We left the court and Mr. Evans took us to lunch. While there, he made a few phone calls and told Dustin he was staying with us at least for a week. I was happy but wanted to sleep with my boyfriend more than Dustin.

My folks were cool with the social workers and even told them I was gay but that should present no problem for Dustin. Dustin told the caseworker, who my mother knew from her job, that he didn't care and thought maybe he was bi at least. I turned red as our mutual sexuality was shared with the court but we got over it. Mr. Evans said I should stay home with Dustin and help him get settled . Dustin was in his glory and smiled at all the developments. He seemed so happy.

Privately, I told I was having a little trouble getting Cole to agree to press charges and he said he would call and talk to Cole personally. I was glad for that.

I got home with Dustin who ragged on me all the way about our uncool car. He was joking but I knew it was true. "At least my bro and I have wheels!" I defended. Dustin laughed and said he just wanted to break my balls. We got home and the social worker called saying she was mailing my folks a check for Dustin's keep and to get him some clothes. I shared that with Dustin and he said he could go naked as long as Matt and I were around. I told him he needed to be less obvious.

We went out to get some rays and I texted Cole telling him I was home and that he should expect a call from Mr. Evans. He texted back saying he wished he was off work and could he come over after. I said sure without even checking. Then it was just Dustin and me for the rest of the afternoon. He had no swimsuit so I said I would lend him one of mine. He said that would be cool. Maybe I might even have left something in it for him. "Your cum, doofus." He said when I looked at him questioningly. I smacked him on his arm and he feigned pain and then suggested we go swimming and maybe get naked. I told him that Matt and I and now Cole, often went in the pool naked. He thought that was cool. He wanted to know more about Cole so we talked and I told him about falling for him so quickly. "Wish I could make you fall for me like that." He replied. I said he needed to cool it as I was now 18 and he being a minor, I could get arrested. He said he would never tell. "I'd even give you my pussy." He said. I said I thought that might hurt him and he said "don't you remember from the trial, my dad and his friends already busted his cherry. He could handle anything."

I don't know how Dustin had already determined he was gay but he seemed to have identified that trait at an early age.

As he talked, he grabbed my meat and played with it. It felt real good but I didn't want to fuck him. Maybe someday though I promised. He wanted to be real close and sat on my lounge chair with his butt close to my bare cock. It made me hard and he kidded me about it. "See, you really want it. Can't I at least suck you again?" I finally relented and said we could sixty nine if he wanted. He was willing to do anything so we laid on the lounge and I took his fairly big cock in my mouth and he took mine. "This thing is gigantic.!" He mumbled as he sucked. "You fuck your boyfriend?" I told him we did and he also fucked me." Our conversation was a little garbled as we each sucked and licked the other. Kind of funny really! For a kid of fifteen, he was well hung and he had big balls. His were hairy and mine totally smooth. He kidded me about being more of a man than me. I said I choose to keep them shaved as it felt good and Cole and I had shaved one another kind of as a showing of our mutual love. He asked when we both came, if I would do his and said I would later.

Cole eventually showed up. He told me privately he had talked to Mr. Evans who explained how everything would go down. The police would come and arrest his father once he filed a report and complaint. After investigation, he would have a court case against his father that could take some time. He knew Cole's father was wealthy and would have an army of lawyers who would fight the lawsuit. Also, Cole would be best to leave the home as it might get very uncomfortable for him there. He said he didn't know if he should go through with it or not as he had really no place to go. I told him he could stay at our house. I would need to share some of his tale with my folks but once learning what had all happened, they would certainly allow him to stay. He said he didn't want to be a burden to my folks and he had little money other than what he earned at the store, to pay them. It was almost funny in a sad way for this wealthy guy to suddenly have no money. I hugged him with Dustin watching.

Before all that , I introduced him to Dustin who thought Cole was real cool and told me later, almost made him cum with his good looks. Cole had reminded me that my folks took in Dustin now and they probably wouldn't agree to anymore poor soul guys moving in. I laughed and told him he would be the last. He smiled and stripped off his work clothes and dove in the pool. "You got one hot looking boyfriend, Todd. I'd fuck him in a minute." I told him to stop thinking as I wasn't letting him near my boyfriends ass. "He might fall for you too and then I'd have to kick your ass!"

"Not likely, but maybe he would agree to let us both fuck him!" Dustin said hopefully. "NO chance boy, Just enjoy the view but he's mine!"

Cole came out the water, moisture dripping from his body looking so hot. " Felt good after a tough day at the store. " he smiled. Dustin asked him why he didn't model or something. I poked him and said he wasn't going to model. Cole said he had done some modeling but didn't like it and was happier at the store even if it paid a lot less.

We sat around drinking sodas and sunning until I said we should get dressed as my mom would soon be home and I didn't want her to see us all naked. Dustin was a little reluctant but I told him he had to do it and like a typical pouty teenager, agreed. I gave Cole some of my stuff and he got dressed too. He did tell Dustin he was a hot looking dude and was really nice to him engaging him in some conversation about wrestling. I knew they hit it off well.

When mom came home, I told her I needed to talk with her and ad about Cole She seemed a little shocked when I only told her he was having problems at home with his father and needed to get out. She was not really ready to take on another guy living under her roof. I said I understood but that he would even pay if we let him stay there. When dad got home, I left Cole and Dustin and told them as much as I felt I could without of course, divulging how I was supposed to be his master. Dad seemed a little uncomfortable hearing what he heard not knowing anything about how Cole was abused. I said they could talk with Mr. Evans if they wanted but I was afraid for Cole. I said he could sleep in my room. Dad reminded me I already had Dustin there at least for now and I said maybe we could move him to Matt's room. Dad said he would call Mr. Evans after dinner. Cole was invited to stay and he was so much fun he made my mom laugh. I think he was really pouring on the charm. I was glad when he tried to act so normal around my folks. Inside, he was a wreck I knew. I had to be there to support him and be his `rock'. Yeah, me as someone's rock. I had barely been able to keep my own act together and now I was taking on other's issues.

Matt, Dustin , Cole and I hung out. I even offered to take them all out for a coffee or ice cream. We piled in Cole's convertible and went off. He later told me it might be the last time he would get the car as he figured his father would take it away from him. I was sad to see Cole so down. We had a good time though and came back to find that Mr. Evans was there and had confirmed what I said about Cole to be true. "There's a lot more I can't tell you without Cole's consent but he is a kid in need. I know he's 18 and can do as he wants but he really needs someone there for him. As he and Matt are apparently boyfriends, he seems to really need some support." My dad nodded understanding and said he really liked Cole. He wasn't sure what the sleeping arrangements would be but as I was now 18 and he trusted me, he would have to look the other way and merely let Cole stay until we went off to college. I realized both my folks knew we probably had sex although they would never pry. I was so proud of them and thankful that they trusted me too.

Cole was asked to talk with my folks and Mr. Evans. He told them more than I was willing to tell but glad he came about his sordid life. My mother came out of the den in tears and put her arms around Cole and hugged him He hugged her back and thanked them for understanding and not just kicking him out and not letting their son see him again. "Dad spoke up and told Cole with me nearby that he always trusted and respected me and knew I was always willing to help anyway I could. He was glad, that if I was gay, I had found such a person.

I got almost red hearing such nice things said. Mr. Evans suggested Cole get his personal things from his house and bring them here and to plan on staying as long as needed. Cole was so grateful he had tears in his eyes. He hugged my parents and said he would try to do anything they asked to help around the house. He said he would sleep wherever and I was shocked when my mom said he should sleep with me. "I know you boys are probably intimate now and if Todd is ok with that, then sleep in his room." I turned red as did Cole but my dad slapped him on the back and said welcome to the house. I think Cole was so shocked and yet happy. He asked me to go with him to get his things. He knew his father would probably be out and he would be quick.

Mr. Evans said the police would come in and see Cole tomorrow and he was to be honest about what had happened to him. Dustin watched all this with some amazement. Matt also saw it and said he was happy to have another bro in the house. "It'll be like a dorm!" he joked. My mother said she hoped not but smiled as she said it.

We got Cole's things. I was surprised he didn't take more but left his I pad and I phone after wiping out the numbers and contacts. He said he would get a cheap go phone and he no longer cared about many of the contacts he had on his other phone anyway. He also grabbed some weights he had in his room.

We came back home and Cole took his things to what was now `our' room. We moved to cot to Matt's room but Dustin asked if he could share my brother's bed. "He won't probably snore either and I really hated the cot!" he said . My dad said he would get another bed for Dustin from the guest room. No one ever even suggested that either Cole or Dustin sleep there which amazed me. Maybe mom didn't want any young guy smelling up her very tasteful guest room with sweaty jocks and stuff!

Cole came up to me that evening as we were all getting ready for bed, and pulled me close to him and kissed me and thanked me for being so cool and for just being who I was. "You really do take care of me and I owe you so much. You got me through school, now you're the one to help me even more. I want to do things with you. I owe you so much that even if you don't want to be my master, I will still be there to do anything you ask. " I knew his comments were heartfelt. He was just like Dustin in so many ways. Maybe all abused kids were when someone actually cared for them.

We all got naked and sat around and talked. Dustin was pretty taken with how casual we all were. Matt said Dustin could sleep in his bed but he better not try anything weird. We all laughed and then Matt added that Dustin was free to make him happy. He laughed and Dustin promised he would . I actually kissed him good night and told him he was there to sleep. He looked at me slyly . he then went over to Cole and said how lucky he was to get my big meat in his bed. Cole was a little embarrassed but said he too would take good care of that.

When it was just Cole and me in bed, I held him close and cuddled him some. He seemed to really like that. He hummed a little of the song he had sung to me. I complimented him on his voice and he said he wasn't that good but he meant all of it. He said he was lucky to have a friend and now lover like me! I was glad he didn't say master anymore.

We went to bed and it felt so good to have my lover sleep with me. We didn't fool around much but I did suck his cock to help him relax. At least that was my excuse. He did the same for me and promised me more in the morning. I couldn't wait!

I heard Dustin doing some stuff with my brother who seemed very willing. Maybe he would turn out to be a gay boy too! Wow!

I had to leave Dustin home alone the next day when I went to work. He said he would cut the lawn and do some other stuff for my dad. I knew he would and he probably would do better than me or Matt.

I called Max while I drove in and we chatted. I told him about the new arrangements at home. "Wow, you get to sleep with your boyfriend every night. How cool! Wish I could do that with Ricky!" We talked more and he was so much happier than he used to be. I guess that's what a boyfriend does for you I thought! Max did tell me that he and Ricky hung out almost every day when Ricky wasn't working. I suggested that he get a job and that would keep him mind off Ricky's big uncut cock. We both laughed. I was glad I had time to talk with Max!

Cole left his job early to speak with a detective and Mr. Evans He was nervous as could be and was almost afraid he would get arrested for what he had done. The detective said he would arrest his father but that Cole should expect big press as such a case was exactly what the media loved to deal with. Cole felt sick knowing what it would do to his superstar mystique. He would likely lose his friends, his family and he hoped not me. I held his hand and promised I was in it to the end as long as he was.

We didn't hear much until a few days later when the news on the tv in the office reported that Mr. Harvey rivers had been arrested for child abuse and molesting. I was all ears seeing Cole's father led from his office in handcuffs. He looked real pissed. I called Cole immediately to tell his what was going on. He was nervous . I promised to keep contact with the news. The story was big and I was glad we weren't in school I wanted to keep a low profile and wanted the same for Cole. The detective called Cole and asked him to meet him with Mr. Evans. I was invited to attend but worked away at the office anxious to hear what would happen.

Every night for the next few, Cole and I would watch the news with my parents . Even Dustin and Matt gave up stuff to watch. I often held Cole tightly. He was so sad and yet fearful of what was to come. I didn't fuck Cole for maybe a week. We just pressed our naked bodies together every night. He would wake early and try not to wake me but often would crawl down between my legs and suck me off or eat me out. I tried to tell him he didn't need to do that but he insisted. "If I can't pay your parents, at least I can give you what you like. I'm kid of good a that." He smiled.

I found Dustin and Matt usually in tight embraces on the few times I peered into my brother's room. I don't know if they fucked but all indications were Dustin was making my bro one happy boy and he didn't seem to mind. Cole and I enjoyed watching them wrestle naked when my parents weren't home or in just shorts, on the patio when they were. The folks were happy with how well we all got along. We all probably sprang boners and Dustin never missed chance to offer his cute mouth to take care of them . it was hot seeing this sweaty boy bury his face in our crotches. He always came up smiling.

Cole tried to give the parents money although he would have to sneak it to them as they refused his hard earned cash . They were proud of him and felt he was so responsible. My mom said it gave her such a good feeling when she saw all "her boys" working in the yard or helping my dad. It was damn sexy too as we all worked shirtless giving the neighbors a show of our manhood. I think Cole worked the hardest. He never shirked from a responsibility and sometimes showed Matt and I up!

My mom would often just take Cole's money and buy him something or slip it back in the drawer space I gave him for his things . He was embarrassed but she kept saying college was coming and he would need the money. He often was first to spring to pay if the family decided to have a pizza or something. He so wanted to be a part of a real family.

I often wondered what my mom thought of the fact that we rarely wore underwear so little was in the wash, or that there were cum stains on our sheets. I guess she just attributed it to having teen boys. She certainly knew teen guys jerked off but did she realize it was from fucking. We kept the butt plugs hidden and didn't use them much. Cole asked if he would wear it and I told him only if he wanted it in. It wasn't my call anymore and I wanted him to gain confidence and realize I wouldn't tell him what to do. At least my thinking was back to some kind of normal! I had some pretty exciting thoughts about being a master but knew it wasn't in me to do that. I wanted love and romance apparently just like Cole did.

In bed, we cuddled a lot and he always wanted to lick my nipples or my feet or anything I wanted. He was such a willing person who wanted my body! I could never believe it. I insisted a few times that I wanted to make love to him and he always said I shouldn't as he didn't deserve anymore than I already gave him.

I think Matt and I never would have guessed only a few months ago, how our sexual appetites would be so satisfied. At least I didn't!

Sadly or maybe happily, the social workers were having trouble finding a permanent place for Dustin. He went on a few home visits but the families all wanted little kids and a muscular teenage boy, no matter how loving he could be or how hard he worked to please, was what was wanted. My folks said it was ok and they were happy to have Dustin.

My brother admitted to me he and Dustin did blowjobs on one another almost twice a day. Matt still wouldn't let him fuck him. Shit, no one had but he did say he let Dustin ride his cock a few times and that it was great. I told him to be careful though. I was glad nobody fucked Matt. I wanted to do it when the time came if he would let me.

A few weeks later, the trial was scheduled. Mr. Rivers had been released on bond but his passport was taken and he had a monitor on him. I figured and guessed right, that he was mad as hell. He had tried to cancel our tuitions for fall but to no avail. The courts had taken over the management of his bank accounts to see what else he might have been doing illegally. Part of that included setting up a court administered program to support Cole. It seems that there were numerous illegal acts Mr. Rivers had committed including defrauding the IRS , mail fraud as he sent tapes and discs of porn through the mails. His other businesses had also some shady activities. All in all he was a crook it seemed and faced additional trials after Cole's for all his illegal activities. He was going to go to jail. Cole was nervous and I had to constantly comfort him. I was more than happy to do that. At first, Cole expected me to discipline him but I said that part of his life was history. No matter what, it would never happen again. I told him if he got disciplined, it would be from my parents and certainly not sexual.

His demeanor changed. He seemed happier when he was not worrying and often sang as we drove in the car - mostly love songs to me. It made me feel so special. I had to work very hard to get Cole to become more like the person everyone thought he was , a leader. No, I wasn't going to let him become like one of his former friends who was rich and who was an arrogant prick. I told Cole that and he laughed a little saying he didn't want that anyway. He would be content to just be normal, work hard and forget his whole former life. That made me happy.

End of Chapter 14

Next: Chapter 15

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