Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 10, 2013


Todd's Senior year Awakening- Part 2 The Start of College Ch 6

This is a fictional story of young guys who now enter college. They need some cash and are seeking ways to earn money. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this type of story, please stop now. If you have comments, send to

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Chapter 6

I awoke to my lover eating and licking my boi hole. Damn it felt so good! I had forgotten that our friend Ricky was in bed with us. I had invited him to sleep with us after my new younger brother, Dustin had arrived. Dustin had taken the extra bed in my brother's room so it was either join us or sleep on the couch. Ricky slept with us. He was in awe as he watched my lover, Cole lick my ass and probably any juices in it. I looked over once realizing he was there and saw him stroking his cock . He saw me and smiled and quietly asked if Cole did that for me daily. I nodded yes as Cole took my cock in his hands and rubbed it.

"Can I do that for you?" Ricky said.

I looked at him surprised. He wasn't that much into sex with guys until I had introduced him to his now boyfriend and my best friend since kindergarten, Max. His family was very devout and had recently kicked him out of their home when they discovered some gay things on his phone.

"Ah, yeah , I guess so but do you really want to?" I asked. "You don't have to but then neither does Cole. He just likes to do it for me everyday. I do it for him too. I guess that what happens when you're lovers."

"No, I want to do it. I want to do it for Cole too. You guys have saved me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't let me come to stay with you. Damn, I'm such a piece of shit. I don't know why you care but I sure appreciate all you have done for me. I just want to do something for you guys to show my respect and love." Ricky said.

"Well, what about Max? you really are his boyfriend and I promised him I would look out for you and include you in stuff but I didn't mean sex or anything. I mean you got fucked I think, by Matt yesterday and that wasn't supposed to happen. I promised Max I wouldn't do any stuff with you."

"I know but with Max hurt and all and well, I just want to do it. I don't know if I'll be any good at it. I only did it for Max once and he did it to me but damn, I need to show you guys, well some thanks. I promise I won't tell Max we did it. Can I?"

You can do anything you want. Nobody owns anyone here, `ya know."

Ricky quickly scrambled down to the end of the bed. His cute Hispanic face and tight thin body in full view. I could see he had a boner on his nice uncut 9 inch cock.

By now, Cole had heard everything. He smiled at Max, kissed him lightly and let him move in to my body with my legs spread wide and my ass in ful view.

"go for it. "ya want me to show you what I do?" Cole said

Ricky nodded and Cole resumed his licking. "Get your tongue in as deep as possible. My babe loves that!"

Ricky moved in and began to lick. I wasn't sure he liked it but he gave it his best. "Move your tongue around all the sides and then in and out. Go as deep as you can. Todd keeps his hole clean so it tastes really good to me." Cole said.

He watched as Ricky pushed his nice tongue into my hole. I moaned with pleasure. Cole played with his dick and freshly shaved balls too. Ricky moaned as he licked and nibbled on my anus.

"Do Cole now.' I said. Cole laid on the bed next to me, extended his hairy legs wide so our bare feet touched. He looked at me and I kissed him giving lots of tongue. Ricky moved over and began to eat my lover's hole too.

"You want us to do you too?" I asked.

"No, I mean I would love to be eaten but right now, I want you guys to use me like a bitch." Ricky slurred as he ate and spoke at once.

Cole was now moaning in happiness as I explored his taught body and licked his nipples.

" You better stop before he cums." I warned.

After a few minutes, Ricky stopped and looked up smiling, saliva all over his mouth.

"would you guys fuck me too?" Ricky asked.

We pulled him back up and kissed and tasted his mouth tasting our asses as we went.

Cole got behind him and began to lube his hairy hole, an area we didn't shave. He then pushed his hard cock inside of Ricky who moaned in happiness as Cole slowly and gently, fucked him. I bent over and kissed and caressed his hot tan body. Once Cole shot his load in him, he looked up and smilingly, as me to fuck him too. I nodded and got down and shoved my dick in his cum filled hole. He didn't seem to mind my fucking him. The size and girth of my dick was bigger than Cole's but he took it like a trooper only wincing a few times as I slid in. Cole's cum must have helped a lot.

Being aroused, it didn't take me long before I shot a nice load in his hole to join Cole's. Cole ate my ass again as I fucked him. It was so hot. I didn't feel I had abused any trust as Ricky had asked for it and Cole was present and participating.

Exhausted, Ricky got up, cum running out of him and smiled at both of us. "Thanks. I really wanted that. I will let you guys do it anytime you want. I'd do anything for you guys." He said kissing us both on the cheek. We all hugged as my little brother Dustin, stuck his head in the door and said it looked like we fags had a nice morning. He was sporting wood and Cole grabbed him and wrestled him to the bed. Cole was stronger than 16 year old Dustin but Dustin didn't protest anyway and we were all laughing.

"Damn, I missed you guys so much. I mean life with Mom and Dad is good. They take such good care of me and school has been fun." Dustin remarked. " See how I'm bulking up? Got a few girls and even a guy or two who seems to really be hot for me." Dustin spoke with confidence as he showed off his guns.

"You getting any?' Matt said as he joined us.

"Yeah, a little. Mostly just feels but this girl gives me blow jobs sometimes. I got like three!"

"I bet none are as good as you got from us." I said.

"Yeah, you guys are awesome and I really miss sleeping with you. This weekend will be so cool hanging out naked with my bros." Dustin was truly a happy boy.

I flipped his cock around and he moaned. "Oh, man, I missed that big thing. Cole, I don't know how you take it though. But, I'm working on getting one just as big as Matt's"

"It's in the genes, boy. You may never get as big but here's to `ya. Hope you do and learn how to use it." Cole said. "I love Todd's meat in me. I really don't know of anyone who could compare." Cole said.

I was tired of the banter and said we needed to shower and clean up to meet Mom and Dad. Reluctantly, we all headed to the showers. I took the meek Ricky by the hand and led him and Cole to our shower while Matt and Dustin went to their.

We cleaned up and dressed for meeting the folks for breakfast and the campus tour. The meal was good with dad paying for all of us. Ricky felt bad as he wasn't in the family but Dad said he was glad we were helping him out. He actually got hugged by Mom just like the rest of us.

We chatted about school, Max and things at home. Dad said he was proud of Dustin and his school work and his working out to be on wrestling. "Just like my bro, Matt." He said smiling.

I was happy with our ever growing family. Dad took Cole aside and spoke to him like his son. "Mr. Evans called me and said things were going slower than he hoped on getting the government to settle with him. He even asked if he needed some money to survive. Cole was so happy but said we were all looking for jobs and he would be ok. "Well, son, just tell me if I can help. You know we love you too just like the other boys. I don't want you suffering."

I was so happy with my folks. They had done so much for me and Matt but also my lover Cole and now adopting Dustin and now even supporting having Ricky around. "Hope this apartment is big enough for all of you. It must be getting a little crowded." I told Dad it was ok and we all made accommodations for the others. He didn't ask about sleeping arrangements but I guessed he might know and was too considerate to say anyting. He knew Cole and I slept together all the time and that we likely had sex. He didn't know about the others but maybe he guessed.

We had a little campus tour and then went to the game in the stadium We all sat together and cheered for our team who won a decided victory over a not too well know school.

The game over, we went to dinner. Mom and dad went back to their hotel saying they would pick up Dustin in the morning. They didn't ask about what we would do and we just said we would hang out and enjoy one another. I knew what that meant but was sue Mom and Dad assumed maybe video games and such.

He all hugged. Cole and Ricky hugged my folks thanking them for everything. Cole even kissed my mom good night. She kissed him back and said what a wonderful son he was to her.

We were all happy and went our own ways . Back in the apartment, we were all naked pretty quick. Dustin didn't ask but simply plopped himself almost on top of me for attention. He kiddingly asked how Cole liked my hairless dick and ass. Cole told him he liked me anyway I was and especially shaved clean. He said if I let him, he would do it too. I said I loved his hairy pubes and played with him as Dustin soon was doing to me.

"Damn, you guys are hardly home and getting butt fucking orgy bound." Matt was almost overwhelmed. He came over and I told him I loved him anyway even if he was such a prude. I pulled him in and kissed him and then took his fat dick in my mouth. He loved the boy on boy stuff even though he professed to being straight or maybe a little bi. By the end of the night, he had fucked Cole and Dustin and I let Dustin fuck me. Ricky hung back a little still missing Max but had a raging boner the whole time. I finally took him in my arms for a hug and he asked if I would fuck him. I did with Cole watching and then joining in to suck his cock. He seemed to like it and I was happy to oblige.

By the time, we went to bed, the place smelled like boy cum and wild sex. I opened the patio door to let in new air. Jim, chip and Andy came over and we all chatted and enjoyed meeting Dustin. I think Dustin was overwhelmed with the hot guys he had to look at as they stripped off too as we did at home. We didn't drink or anything but Jim and Andy both went out on the balcony naked to smoke. It was so cool we thought that they didn't care who saw them. I guess nobody did as our patio was concealed some with shrubs and stuff but I thought it cool anyway.

The good thing was that the neighbor guys discovered that Ricky was so good at computers. He volunteered to help them set up their site for male escorting. We didn't let Dustin in on any of it. Ricky said he would be glad to help and would come over the next day after Dustin left. The guys were thrilled and said we could be part of it too if we wanted.

Neither Cole nor I nor especially Ricky, wanted to be escorts. We knew it meant a lot more than to show someone around town! It would involve sex by the hour and I knew Cole would hate that. He had been too abused by his own dad and was just now seeming to get over it.

Dustin was one happy and sexually satisfied boy. I knew he wanted to be with us full time but that wasn't going to happen. He would still have to go home and we back to class on Monday. That is, after a Sunday night that would be something maybe wild and certainly not something I would have ever thought of doing only a few months ago.

Dustin slept in Matt's room and we kept Ricky in ours. We were all pretty tired so we all just slept but wrapped up in one another's bodies by morning. I got up first, that is right after Cole did his usual stuff with me. We all showered and went to have coffee. Dustin thought it so cool that we walked around naked and he loved it. He did confess that he thought my shaved pubes looked pretty hot. He asked Cole if he was going to do it too but Cole told him that was my decision. Dustin, for once, didn't have a comeback. He just nodded and said he thought he might try it sometime.

We had breakfast and got Dustin packed up to go home. He hated the thought of it but he did realize what he got to do and few 16 year olds, he realized, ever got that opportunity.

He dressed casually as he had seen us do so often. By 11, my folks came and we all greeted them with hugs and kisses. Even Ricky and now Cole did too. Mom said she was so happy that all her sons, looking at all of us, were doing so well. She hoped Ricky was able to work things out for himself but that he was welcome to come to our house if he needed anything. He seemed so happy and relieved.

Cold helped Dustin put his stuff in my folks car and gave him a really good hug. More like a brother than a friend. Dustin liked that and joked back to me that he hoped I would give my boy permission to play again. I smirked back at him and hugged Cole and said he was mine and nobody elses.

They left for the drive back home with Dad reminding Dustin he had lawn work and homework to do when he got there. He laughed and said he would be the dutiful slave.

After they left, Ricky went over to the guys next door and began working with them on the computer. I went over for a while. Joining them, I stripped off and we sat around with Jim telling Ricky what they wanted. Cole and Matt eventually joined us and we had a kind of party as we talked about Sunday night at the club and the guys showed us some dances and let us borrow more of their stuff. Ricky stayed in his boxer briefs most of the time until Chip made him practice his dances and pulled the briefs down and off of him. Ricky was a little uncomfortable but he did as he was asked. He eventually went back to working on the computer but stayed naked as we all were.

Eventually, lunch time rolled around and Cole and I offered to go get pizza for everyone. Jimmy went with us. We knew of a drive in place where you could order and then pick up. By doing that, we didn't need to wear a lot of clothes so we went wearing just our shorts and Cole drove in his hot convertible.

We got the pizzas with a few stares from other customers as we waited in the drive in lane. With pizzas and lots of drinks, we went back to help Ricky with the website and chat more. I knew the guys were keeping us busy so as not to worry about tonight's events at the club.

Around 4, Ricky had a pretty good looking website. He had uploaded pictures of the guys in somewhat provocative poses. Man did they look hot! Jimmy asked if there was room for more guys and Ricky said we could have about a dozen more.

He was pleased with his work never having done a website quite like it before. I gave him a big hug and Jimmy said they would pay him $200.00 for now but if he wanted to stick around to keep the site maintained, he might make more. They also offered him a cut in all the business they did. He was thrilled never having much money to spend. He proudly said he was going to get his car fixed.

By 6 pm, Jimmy said we needed to get ready. He gave us good direction in cleaning out our bodies, making sure all the unnecessary hair was trimmed off of us, nails clean and filed and in general extra good hygiene. We went to our place and I helped with all the guys and they helped me. By seven, we had on our skimpy jocks, a pair of briefs over them and then some jeans and a tight tee shirt of A shirt completed our outfits. Ricky looked especially hot as a hot Latino guy. Skinny yes but he could have passed for a young thug type guy and definitely, sexy as hell. Our jeans were skinny type and our packages were nicely showing off.

Jim came and got us and we all headed out in two cars. I had my stomach in knots actually, as I wondered how it would go. We got to the club and went in. Andy took us back to where the guys got ready and changed. A few others were there as well all looking hot. We were all introduced. There was probably a dozen guys who would dance that night.

Being Sunday, the night started off a little earlier. I peeked out and saw a decent crowd. Most tables and the bar had quite a few people, both girls and guys. Thankfully, I didn't recognize anyone as I knew seeing someone I knew, maybe from high school or even local, would intimidate me to no end.

The first guys to go up were Jimmy and a guy I just met. There were two small stages. The rest of us were supposed to mingle with guests and encourage more drink buying and maybe a private dance in the back cubicles.

I was very nervous but it didn't take long before I just followed Chip and Andy's lead as we all did. Each of our neighbors started out introducing us to guests that were in some cases, regulars. They just showed us how to do it. Eventually we were on our own. We had to make sure we kept an eye of the dance rotation list that one of the guys made up. He was the head dancer and told us what our order would be.

The first few dances were just taking off our shirts and maybe opening up our tight jeans to reveal our sexy underwear. The second, we had to take off the jeans and dance in just our skimpy briefs. I was shocked when first some girls then some guys began slipping dollar bills in our pants. It was more intimidating when they stuck the bills down our tight underwear, coping a feel as they went. I almost lost it when girls even stuck their hands down the back and felt our asses. It was hot though. As we mingled before our sets, some girls and many of the guys, felt us up and certainly made no bones about touching us anywhere they wanted. I had one guy who liked my big bare feet and asked if he could touch them. We couldn't say no unless they went too far and wanted us totally naked. They could touch and stroke making us hard but couldn't let us cum. WE had to work extra hard to avoid that!

By 11:00, we were on to our third performance of the night. Jim had said we needed to make this show, our last for the day, extra sexy. We were to wear just a thong . The manager came in and gave me and ricky a really small thong that looked like the cock covering was just a tube . it definitely shoed everything. We were both totally embarrassed by it but we did it anyway. During the dance, some guys and girls slipped in bills and a couple even put in scraps of paper with their phone numbers on them. We danced and worked up some sweat reacting to the pulsing music that seemed to play all night.

We were offered drinks but the hot bartender we met the other day made sure they contained no alcohol. They just looked like they did.

I had two private dances where one with a girl and one with an older guy, resulted in me losing my underwear. I was totally naked . I was so afraid if we got caught, I would be fired and maybe arrested. I did my routine, lots of lap dancing and getting felt up. No pictures were allowed of us but the girl and her friend managed to get a picture with the ones phone. She said she would pay extra for it. I guess it was her birthday and the two girls, not bad looking but not terribly hot, decided they wanted the fun of a male stripper. When it was over, I told them the cost was $25.00 per song. They had gone through 3 songs so I expected $75.00. The friend of the girl smiled and said I was great and she slipped two fifties and a twenty into my jock, getting a good feel too. I felt kind of used and like an object but the money was nice and I smiled as best I could through it all. I even kissed them both when we were done and they kissed me and felt me all over for one last time.

By the time the night was over, we were very tired. I knew I had class the next day and dreaded having to get up. We all showered in the dressing room. I wanted to wash off all the stranger touches I had received.

Jim told us we had done well but needed to work more on the socializing to make even more.

As the pros, Alex, Jim and Chip made about $500. Cole made about $475, me and Matt about $450 and Ricky about $375. It was good money and we were thrilled. Ricky seemed the most down about it but didn't deny he liked what he got. Having him wear the sock like thong had made him the most as the patrons discovered he was hung like a horse, just like me. His skinny body didn't reveal that at first but I knew once word travelled, he would make a lot letting everyone play with his dick.

We all went home happy or somewhat happy. I still wasn't sure I liked having all these people touch me all over but Cole just shrugged and said he had done it before and we should just get used to it. "Welcome to my old world." he said sounding a little unhappy.

I wasn't sure he was happy or just thinking about all the abuse he had received when younger. I worried about him some as we went to our apartment and went to bed saying good night to our neighbor guys. We didn't have sex at all that night. I just held my lover tightly and wondered if we had done the right thing.

End of Chapter 6

Next: Chapter 26: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 7

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