Together Forever

By Kay Black

Published on Oct 8, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I don't know any members of *N Sync, or their sexual preference, therefore this story is purely FICTIONAL and not meant to imply anything about them. If you don't like m/m relationships, then LEAVE. If you're breaking any laws by reading this then LEAVE. I think that covers everything. Please don't sue me for writing this!!

=========================== Together Forever By: Kay B. Email is: ===========================

Chapter 1

"I love you, Lance" "I love you too, baby. I love you too.' As Lance held his love he knew he could never go back. he could no longer just be Lance Bass member of *N Sync. No, for now he couldn't even be Lance without the one man in the whole world that he loved more than life itself. JC, his JC. Lord only knows what JC meant to him. Those three little words couldn't even come close, but how he truly felt couldn't even be expressed in words. As the two lovers crept out of the bunk area of the bus, they were already sure something would happen that day. As the reporter stuck her head in the doorway, Justin dragged himself out of bed and into the 'living room'. They were all ready for what would happen in a few moments. Lance and JC had already told everyone about their relationship. Everyone, that is, except for the fans. Management decided it would be too shocking, so now JC had a girlfriend named 'Jamie' ( his pet name for Lance). -------------------------------------------------------- "So what you're saying, Mr. Bass, is that you're gay?!" "Yes" "Are you currently in a...relationship...?" She seemed almost afraid to say the last word. 'Damned reporters' thought Lance. "No, and I'm not looking at this point. I'd like to remain single for a while," he looked pointedly at JC, "a long while." Suddenly Chris started laughing, pointing and gigling at Joey. When no one could figure out what was wrong Chris tried explaining it. "joey's...ha ha....go-...go-...going.....bald!" He burst into a fit of laughteron this last word, as joey ran from the room screaming "My hair, my gorgeous hair!!" As soon as he left Chris turned serios, looked at Justin and said "score one for me. Beat THAT baby!" In all the commotion the reporter slipped off, as did JC and Lance. -------------------------------------------------------- "Alone at last. Now, Jamie my dear, it's time for the REAL fun to start." Lance didn't have a chance to answer because the next thing he knew JC's lips were pressed to his. As the kiss grew more passsionate JC felt his lips pry open and a soft, warm tongue enter his mouth. With their tonguessearching each other's mouth both forgot of the outside world. But the outside world had not forgotten them. As the curtain to the backroom creeped open a faced peered through, and a person with a Polaroid camera silently took a picture of the happy couple. 'What an impact this little snapshot will make tomorrow' they thought. --------------------------------------------------------

Ok, so what do you think? I know it's kinda slow but this is just the first chapter. It'll get better I promise. So, who took that picture? WHAT is going on betwen Chris and Justin? Find out soon. Email is: Best stories to check out: My Suprise Romance Mirror Mirror Tale Of Two Boybands Friends and Lovers Deceiving Secrets argh, there's too many too name, but those are some of the best. Peace & Love


Next: Chapter 2

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