
By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 24, 2004



Disclaimer: Absolutely true happening. Just a little encounter on May 23,2004 at my favorite bath house - the Clubhouse II in Fort Lauderdale.

TOM by RimPig 2004

Because I'm short (5'6") tall, I don't tend to get a lot of tall guys coming into my room (Room 6) at the baths. They tend to go after other tall guys. I have my own ideas of why that is. I think a lot of them are just big bottoms and don't want to bottom to a guy who's smaller than they are.

Tom, however was at least 6'1" or 2", dark hair, blue eyes and the "Map of Ireland" on his face, as they say - definitely Celtic heritage (my favorite!). He was, I would guess late 20's early 30's. Not a bad body but just starting to go, if you get my drift. Somewhat hairy but he'd shaved his balls and about 1/2 inch around his cock. Trimmed his pubes way down as well.

He had no wedding ring on, but I got the feeling he was married. I don't know why - you just get to know these things after going to the baths for so many years. He certainly was NOT used to male/male play. Also I get the feeling that, if he'd been in the bath before, it wasn't very many times. He was definitely nervous.

When he passed my room, I was in one of my two favorite positions (the other being on my knees on the floor beside the bed) - laying on the bed, naked, face down, my face toward the open door and my ass undulating to the disco beat of whatever was playing through the sound system. I was a great dancer in my youth and my hips and ass can still move!

Well, he was walking down the hall and he took one look at me and I thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head, he was staring so hard! He stopped and I smiled and slowly opened my mouth and rolled my tongue out in invitation. That caused him to do an actual double-take! I was so surprised, I nearly started laughing! He still hesitated though. I could see he wanted me but he was scared. I wasn't exactly sure of what. I motioned to him to come in my room and he slowly did. I closed and locked the door behind him and whipped off his towel. I then took his very soft cock into my mouth and started to work on it.

I soon had him groaning in pleasure as he rapidly hardened. I figured this for a simple blow job. Boy! Was I wrong!

It took him a while before he started to touch me. But when he did, his hands were all over me - running his hands through my hair, rubbing my shoulders and my ass. I didn't know where this was leading but I didn't care. He was gentle, affectionate and beautiful! What the fuck more could I ask for?!

Before too long, he was getting close so I decided to slow things down a bit. I moved down and started licking and sucking his hairless, shaved balls. This caused loud groaning and the first verbalization.

"Ahh! Fuck! Lick my nuts! Yeah! Suck on my nuts!" he groaned.

'Your wish is my command, Master!' I thought to myself but with a mouth full of smooth warm scrotum, I couldn't very well verbalize my thoughts!

I kept going back and forth between his nuts and his cock and he was definitely getting into it. I could tell by the way his hands were moving over my body and clutching me. All this time, I'm still lying on the bed face down and he's standing beside it. Suddenly he pulled his cock from my eagerly sucking mouth.

"Could...could I get on the bed?" he asked, hesitantly.

Now, I have to confess, this is not my favorite position to do a guy. Usually I like to either be on my knees (with my kneepads on. Hey! Those fucking floors are HARD!) or laying on the bed as I was then. Putting they guy on the bed, because the beds are so small and so is the room, makes him more difficult to 'service', actually. You see the bed is exactly the length of the room and « the width. So there's no room to move around his body much and the bed is too small for much maneuvering either. But with his boyish good looks and the sweet way he'd asked, I would have done literally ANYTHING for him at that point!

I got up from the bed and let him lay down, full out, on his back. The bed barely fit him he was so long! I then stood on the floor and bent over him, continuing to suck on his cock and balls. At one point, I quickly pulled on my kneepads and knelt down as he turned on the bed to present me with a better position to suck on his nuts. He really loved that! He finally voiced to me that he loved having his nuts sucked and pulled on at the same time so, eager to please him in anyway, I started doing that.

He was wearing one of those expandable rubber cock-rings that kept popping off because of all the ball-play. Finally I looked at him and just asked him to take it off entirely so I had better access to all his scrotum.

"After all, you don't really need it, you know! You're cock is staying nicely hard without it and it just gets in the way of me getting to all of your sack." I said.

He grinned at me and whipped the damned thing off. He seemed boyishly eager and yet hesitant about everything he asked me to do. Finally, I figured out (I can be dense at times - like when I'm busy sucking on a nice 6" but VERY thick cock!) that Tom was not used to anybody giving him pleasure. That's when I really figured him for married - to a female - because I didn't get the feeling at all that this guy was a bottom in any way! I figured like a lot of males, he wasn't getting what he really wanted at home, either because she wouldn't give him the oral sex he craved or didn't know how and I was betting on the former, from the way he was so hesitant to ask. Something tells me that she probably acted like he was some kind of pervert when he got up the nerve to ask her to suck on his balls for probably the first and ONLY time he ever asked!

He was sitting up at that point, watching me as I sucked on his cock and had his arm around me gently holding me while I did. I pulled off his cock and looked into his smiling face.

"Do you like that?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah!" he grinned and answered enthusiastically.

"What are you really into?" I asked. "What do you really like?"

I saw him hesitate and this look of fear come over his face like, if he told me, I'd scream and order him from the room. I knew I needed to put a stop to that kind of thinking quickly.

"Look...I want you to think of me as your 'Pleasure Slave'. Whatever you want, I'll do. Anything!" I promised him.

He looked at me funny for a moment as this soaked into his brain.

"Uhh...I don't that okay?" he asked hesitantly.

Well, at least he understood what part of my 'invitation' (the way I was laying on the bed when he first saw me) meant.

"I repeat, I'm YOUR 'Pleasure Slave'. If you don't want something, that's okay. Whatever you do want IS okay. Got it?" I asked.

He grinned.

"Yeah! Got it!"

Now, I have to tell you, this is NOT a statement or an offer that I make to very many men. Even I, pig that I am, have my limits of what I will do for somebody. But I didn't get the feeling that Tom was going to go anywhere near those limits and I was right. His next statement pretty well told me where he was at sexually and what he truly wanted.

"Uhh...I like to be...uhh...kissed...all over my body. Could you do that?" he asked hesitantly.

I grinned at him.

"I would LOVE to do that! Especially to such a beautiful body!" I said.

He looked at me in surprise. I guess nobody had ever told the boy he was beautiful before! Okay, he was not Adonis or gym-rat. He had a nice body for a normal guy. But he did have an incredibly beautiful face and certainly, he was obviously a very beautiful and nice guy 'inside' where it counted! I wasn't lying to him because he was VERY beautiful to me! That's why I made the offer that I did. I was more than willing to 'worship' his beautiful self, in any way that pleased him.

He lay back down and I started. Now, I figured he would not be comfortable with kissing so I started at his neck, licking and sucking before moving down to his hairy chest. I moved over to his nipple and began to suck on it and he groaned in appreciation. I moved up and was licking his shoulder and upper arm when I noticed some of his scent. Unfortunately, along with his natural scent of sweaty and rutting male which was heavenly, was also the scent of deodorant under his arm! Shit! No licking out his pit! But I still pushed his arm up and began snorting his scent there, just to give him the idea of what I would have done were it not for his deodorant. Maybe next time, he'll leave it off or shower it off before seeking out sex.

I moved down his arms, licking and sucking at his skin until I sucked all five of his fingers into my mouth one at a time and licked the palm of his hand as well. Because I couldn't get to the other side of the bed, I didn't do the other arm but did do the other side of the chest and nipple before moving down his chest to his abs and swabbing out his belly button. I licked through his sparse pubes but skipped his cock and balls entirely. I licked down the thigh of the leg closest to me, licking his knee and then down his shin until I reached his feet.

I don't think anyone had ever licked his feet or sucked on his toes from the groans and reaction I got from him. Unfortunately, because he was so tall, his feet were pressed right up against the wall so I couldn't lick at the soles of his feet from that position. I decided that I could get to them only if he was on his stomach.

"Okay, turn over, time for the other side!" I grinned at him.

He looked at me for a second, hesitantly, like he couldn't believe that I was going to do both sides of him! Shit! This boy needed a MUCH better lover than he had! I prayed that he WAS married to a woman! I'd fucking hate to think that this beautiful guy was hooked up with another guy who was THAT BAD at sex! Or that selfish! He quickly grinned like a kid at Christmas as he turned over.

I started licking at the back of his neck and his hair-line and got such contented groans from him I thought he was going to purr like a cat any minute!

Let me say something here. To someone giving someone else pleasure there is NOTHING more satisfying than hearing the groans and moans of the person they are pleasuring - unless it is the feeling of their hands stroking you while you do it and still hearing the groans. Some of you reading this might think that Tom was being 'selfish' by not 'doing' me. Well, yes, I guess in some ways he was. But don't we all want that sometimes. Somebody to just pleasure us? Those of you who've written me over the years know that my e-mail signature says: "The most exquisite pleasure is giving pleasure to others." I truly believe this and live by it! My pleasure comes from not only giving pleasure but hearing those moans and feeling those strokes on my head, shoulders, back or butt that tell me that the pleasure I'm giving is truly appreciated! Guys who don't do this, don't usually get to ever come back into my room. A few I've even told what selfish bastards they are by just standing there like 'God's gift', cumming and leaving without so much as a thank you!

But I digress! Sorry - I wanted to finally get that one off my chest!

I moved down Tom's back. I know I'm called 'RimPig' and, God knows, I do love guy's asses! But I also love backs - especially broad, strong backs and that's exactly what Tom had! It was a joy and a pleasure to lick and suck all over it on my way down to his beautiful buns.

His buns were lightly dusted with the same dark hair dusting his body and I licked all over them but avoided going down into the trench with my tongue. I would save that for the 'return' trip! I moved down his thigh, now licking the back of it (the more sensitive area) and then to the back of his knee - a VERY sensitive area on a man's body - that brought groans of pleasure from Tom.

Moving down the back of his lower legs, I pulled up his foot, bending his knee, so that I could finally lick up and down the sole of his foot. His groans of pleasure told me two things - one, that he really liked this and two, that he either had never had it done before or not very often. I was betting on never. I leaned further over him and pulled the other foot up and gave the sole of that foot the same treatment. I then moved up his other lower leg and thigh until I was back at his buns again.

I thoroughly soaked them with spit, licking all over them and taking little nibbles here and there while I worked my way towards his hairy cleft. As I pulled apart his cheeks and began to lick down into the trench, I could smell his scent. He was not 'dirty' in anyway but was sweaty and the scent of male ass and rut was nicely robust! I certainly was enjoying it! I licked down until I was swabbing out his butt-crack and he was moaning every time my tongue went across his hole. I tried getting my tongue in his hole but he was tight as the virgin I figured him to be. That, I realized would have to wait for another time and a better position.

I moved back up his back, licking and sucking more and then to the back of his neck again. I moved to the side of his head, where I licked behind his ear and finally took his earlobe into my mouth and nibbled lightly on it.

"Roll over and let me at that beautiful cock and balls of yours again." I whispered huskily into his ear.

He quickly did as I asked and I again began sucking his cock. I guess because he now believed that I truly meant that I would do anything he wanted, he finally let me know what it was that he REALLY wanted. What would really get him off!

"Would you...ahh...would you kinda chew on it?" he asked quietly.

OH! He was one of those! Those men are a rare breed. The ones who WANT you to use your teeth on their cocks - want to be bitten, nibbled and even have your teeth scrape their cock-shafts like the rankest virgin cocksucker! Because of all the years of training myself to keep my fucking teeth as far away from a guy's cock as possible, this required more concentration than is normal on my part. It also required a type of 'relaxation', of 'letting go' in order to do it. To do it right, you have to judge just how hard you can do it without causing pain while giving him pleasure. Luckily, there's another guy at the baths who is a "regular" of mine who loves this as well, so I was used to it.

I grabbed some lube and started jacking-off while I began chewing and biting his cock. I thought he was going to go through the ceiling! (Well...actually...there are no 'ceilings' on the rooms - but you get the idea.) His groans became louder and more frantic. He LOVED it! I kept moving from chewing his cock to chewing his ball-sack and sucking and pulling on his nuts. He was in heaven. But even in the midst of his pleasure, he was nice enough to think of mine.

"You've been on your knees a long time." he said. "Come on back up on the bed."

And with this, he stood up and let me lay down again, somewhat in the position we started in. I continued to chew and suck on his cock and he sort of bent over, his hands on the bed behind me, supporting himself on his stiff arms as he fucked my face. God! I love to have a guy do that! He finally reached the point of "no return" and pulled his cock from my mouth! I quickly moved my head forward and re-gobbled his cock.

"You want my cum?!" he grunted out.

I only moaned loudly around his cock and he began shooting! Not a gallon or anything, but a nice, healthy load of sweet man-cum. His cock stayed in my mouth for a few minutes and I nursed on it as it softened. He then asked if he could sit down. I quickly moved to make room for him.

It was then I asked him for his first name, because I wanted to remember him. I also told him how beautiful he was again, and he blushed. He told me that was the best sex he'd had in a very long time. I told him I was at the baths every Sunday and almost always in this room. I also told him that he was welcome back for a repeat 'performance' any time he wanted. I also let him know that was NOT an offer than I made lightly or often. He thanked me again and said it was time to get a shower and go home. He hugged me before he left.

I was exhausted after that! I didn't even have the energy to get off again myself so I lay there for a while and then showered and left myself. I don't know if Tom would ever read this, but, just in case he does - I want him to know how grateful I was for him allowing me to give him pleasure and truly hope that I will see him again sometime.


If you liked this true story and want to read more of my 'adventures' or my other fictional stories, please write me at

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Thank you.


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