Tom and Tommy

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 7, 2008



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



G. Cutter

Introduction (or is it a Preface).

A Celebrity story is one that 'occurs', at least to me it does. It comes out of the blue but is always triggered Funnily enough this one came to me as I was watching a Clive Barker which I'd hired and then found out I'd seen before, hence the disinterest. I have my PC monitor on the same line of sight as my TV and my screensaver of young men paraded across the screen as I lounged back in my chair thinking deep thoughts. In fact, I was sitting there with a totally blank mind which happens more and more as I get older. The images moved across my monitor slowly, Tom Daley in a few diving poses, nice body - Shannon from Oz, nicer body if a lot more of a man - Thomas Sangster - childlike but rather sweet and incredibly good in a Dr Who I'd seem some time back. It was then that I thought about age or ages, another of my preoccupations and quite normal now in my own advancing years. Tom Daley, around fourteen, maybe fifteen now. Tommy Sangster who I'd seen recently in The Last Legion and now seventeen but possibly eighteen as I recalled. What a pair... and a shorty short was born. Ta ra ra ! (trumpet flourish there).


Tom stretched his legs in the minivan grateful to be out of the classroom and out and about for the day at least it was Friday and he had a weekend clear. There was still three months to go to the Olympics and he was on a relaxation period, which meant that his coaches had given him a two week spell free of diving, then it was back to the grindstone. His school had been offered a tour of the newly commissioned Plymouth Film Studios to the north of Plymouth , unfortunately the group was limited to one master with ten pupils but his name had come up in the draw and here he was. Of course, the regular whingers had claimed a foul but his name had been drawn by totally fair means and he was thick skinned enough by now to ignore them. He'd already carved his name into the world of sport and he wasn't finished yet. Most of them were headed for the dole queue. Maybe an arrogant and cruel thought but if they tried harder who knew where they might go... It was upto them and nothing was gained without sacrifice and a lot of hard work. He had very strong views for his age but not every fourteen year old was picked to attend the Olympics and in Bieijing - wow!.

'I hope this is worth it,' his companion also fourteen griped. 'It's taking hours.'

'It is a fair way out of town, Jim,' Tom answered. 'Worstways, it's a day out and a free lunch.'

'Suppose so,' Jim Robbins sniffed gazing from the rain flecked windows. 'We had to pick a day it decided to piss down.'

'Stop moaning for fuck's sake,' Tom snapped and that ended the conversation.

They rolled up at the newly built and freshly fenced enclosure right on the edge of the moors, the guard on the gate did a head count as if it was a top security gaol and they roolled through to the car park.

Smithers the master in charge got out as another man approached and they got into conversation whilst the party stood around like spare pricks at a wedding, little pricks at that, excluding the three girsls quite naturally who seemed to have developed a case of the giggles already.

The studio man was introduced as Charles Parker and promptly took them out of the drizzle and into a canteen where they were offered welcome fizzies and assorted munchies as well as a lecture to get the ball rolling.

The precis of the lecture was that Dartmoor Studios was built and operated in compeition with Elstree, because of it's location and local scenery it was far cheaper to operate and local government funds figured in the equasion. Sensing the kid's mounting boredom Parker pressed on. They would see the studios in action, the changing rooms and the makeup areas and have lunch. In the afternoon they would see some demonstrations carried out by stuntmen and be able to watch some works being filmed and/or rehearsed. They would leave around three in the afternoon getting them back shortly after the school had closed. Any questions? No.

A rather limpish start Tom thought but things did get better, they got to visit a section where props were being made up and the technicians went out of their way to show the kids how injuries and amputations are achieved on film. Then the wardrobe section, shoulder holsters for the boys and costume jewelry for the girls and finally a large open space which had assorted militaria scattered around.. Naturally the boys split for the German tanks and armoured cars whilst the girls wandered back to the wardrobe section fracturing the group but all were admonished to be in the main dining hall for lunch.

'You can get in the tank or the troop carrier if you want,' a young stagehand offered and was nearly knocked down in the rush. It was fun and Tom and the others spent a good hour leaping from one vehicle to the other with the stagehand watching points. Eventually he took them in for lunch.

The talk over the meal was general, not massively enthusiastic but not a thumbs down. The afternoon promised to be better. Tom looked around the cafeteria, it was quite busy and he wondered where everyone came from as the whole studio seemed quite deserted. He looked over at one table and did a double take. He recognised a face, possibly a celeb, maybe a star, or just someone who had appeared in an advertisement. The boy or youth certainly was familiar.

'Hey, it;'s that kid from Doctor Who some time back... remember the kid who finishes up in the trenches.' he nudged Jim who was sitting alongside eating like his life depended on it.

'You're more famous than he is,' Jim sniffed. 'He's a bit actor.'

'I don't think he is,' Tom stared across without trying to be obvious. 'He's been in other stuff.'

Just then the boy who wasn't the beauty you'e expect from a child star stared at the school party table for some time and seeing Tom returning his stare then lifted his hand in a small wave and grinned.

'Jeez, I've scored with a star,' Tom thought and buried his face in his lunch in sheer embarassment. Was the kid waving at him or at the table generally? He knew the damn name but couldn't place it. A little kid but so po faced but he was a damn good little actor in that Doctor Who thingy all the same and Tom had popped a crush on the spot.

In spite of trying to hang around after the meal they were al dragged away to watch various advertisements being filmed and some longer and more frivolous kids stuff being made. Tom was at the back of his little crowd when he felt a hand on his arm. He span around to see the boy he'd seen at lunch, the kid jerked his head and Tom followed into the gloom at the rear of the studio. 'I know you,' the boy grinned. 'You're that brill diver kid.'

'Tom Daley,' Tom introduced himself not quite believing his eyes. 'I saw you in Doctor Who.'

'Tommy Sangster,' the boy smiled again returning the handshake but retained Tom's hand. Tom looked at the kid, Tommy Sangster was clearly older than he was but no taller and definitely not as muscular.

'I thought you were great,' Tom reddened in a blush. He was supposed to chat up young ladies not young male stars who may or may not have an advanced case of dwarfism. Perhaps he's a late developer, Tom thought as the boy finally let go of his hand.

'You look great up on those boards posing in the skimpies,' Tommy grinned moving back into the dark. Tom bblushed even more, what the hell was the kid saying, was he being chatted up?

'Really?' He croaked.

'Really,' the young actor grinned perfectly at ease. 'Damn good body.'

'It's just a body,' Tom laughed nervously feeling things slipping from his grip. This kid was too much but then again he was hot, he had a cheeky grin on his normally sullen face and Tom felt he was being led feeds he couldn't afford to ignore.

'I suppose,' Tommy sniffed and then grinned again. 'I read up on you, you live in Plymouth.'

'Yeah, right,' Tom smiled back feeling on firmer ground. He had an overwhelming urge to crush the boy to his chest and slip his tongue through the sweety's lips but held back. In fact, he was frozen, he could hear the noise from the stage and could see that his little group were totally immersed in the action but Tommy had stepped back even further, Tom edged in.

'I''m booked into a hotel for a pair of weeks, The Grande... you know it.'

'Yeah posh place.'

'I'm not paying the tab,' Tommy laughed softly. 'Room 201 by the way. You should pop around, we could have a natter about things.'

'That'd be nice.'

'It would be,' Tommy suddenly pulled a card from his pocket and scribbled on it. 'That's my mobile.'


'You could pop up and visit sometime... like soon.' Tommy looked at Tom and smiled. We could have fun,' his eyes dropped and it was then that Tom Daley knew he'd been propositioned. No two ways about it, this sulky and strangely attractive boy had fed him all he was going to feed. As the old saying goes. The ball was very firmly in his court.

'Shall I bring my swimmers?' Tom risked it, surely he couldn't have got it wrong. If Sangster started to panic or flap about he could always claim that he was misunderstood. Quite the reverse happened. Tom felt a gentle touch on the front of his school trousers and then his soft mass was grasped. His turgid meat burst into life, blood rushed down his shaft and he felt an immediate thickening and hardening.

'Nice one,' Tommy whispered and moved in even closer. 'I prefer no swimmers,' he whispered and Tom felt warm breath on his face as the boy who was slightly shorter than he was kissed him on the cheek and then on the lips. Tom reached out grasping the boys soft bottom and pulling him in tighter 'Tonight?'

'Just after seven?'

'I'll be waiting.' Tommy chuckled and went as if to bend down and changed his mind. 'I daren't do anything here? Tonight?'

'Tonight,' Tom agreed.

'Ring me when you're on your way,' Tommy gave Tom's full blow erection a final squeeze and melted away into the darkness.

'Christ,' Tom staggered back into the light and tacked onto the edge of the crowd. Had he just imagined that or had it really happened? Unbelievable, Tommy Sangster, the Tommy Samgster had invited him back to his hotel room and it wasn't to play bloody canasta.

Tom was very much on the edge of his seat on the way back and even when he got indoors was nervous. He got quizzed as usual by his father and came straight out with it. He wanted to go out for two or three hours to visit a friend staying at The Grande. Naturally enough his dad made a big song and dance as he normally did but Tom got his own way in the end but only by promising to be home by ten, there was no school the following day so some leeway would be allowed but not much. His dad wasn't too happy about him being out that late at night although it was only a short bus ride from their house to the town centre and the hotel. Tom had to accept the old man was right, his face had been seen in many papers and on the TV, he'd be fair game if he ran into any drunken louts or even a bunch of hoodies out for a laugh.

Tom was showered, sprayed and arrayed in his best by the time came and after a last minute lecture from his dad he was on his way. He'd had to divulge the room number at The Grande to his dad but just hoped and prayed that he'd be left in peace for this one night at least. The problem with being a top athlete of his age and with an overprotective and sometime overbearing father was that he was under closer scrutiny than most. He could appreciate his dad's concerns but he felt his boyhood slipping away. At the end of the day there were other things than being the wonder diver, the best that Britain had to offer. There was a private life and boy things to do. He had wanked and shared wanks with close friends, of course he had. He was a red blooded boy but more and more he felt himself being isolated, he knew a few of the older swimmers in his Club would like to jump his bones but kept a good distance from them . He smiled as he walked down to the bus, he didn't have much option with a father like his.

The bus driver recognised him which was another penalty he had to pay even though he had a baseball cap on and a scarf up around his neck. As he got off the bus at town centre he dialled his mobile.

'Yes,' Tommy's boyish voice answered.

'Tom. Tom Daley,' he replied.

'Brill,' the other replied. 'Where are you?'

'Standing outside your hotel, be there in a few minutes.'

'Gawd, I've just wet my knickers,' Tommy laughed and switched off. Tom grinned, the young actor was so camp and so bold. Then again, this night was made for boldness, he had a healthy suspicion that Tommy didn't just want to kiss and canoodle, he wanted to go all the way and this suited Tom. He wanted to see the slighly built and undersized eighteen year old on his bed, naked and begging for it.

Tom entered the hotel reception and asked where Room 201 was situated. He was told to go to the second floor and that the room was just off the lift lobby. Heart in hand he wandered over to the bank of lifts trying to look the complete man about town, in fact, his nerves were shot to hell and his intestines felt like a knot in his stomach. 'Jeez, you're sweating, you pig,' he muttered to himself as the lift ascended. A clonk and a whir announced his arrival. Thankfully the lobby was empty and there was a glass covered map on the wall and he soon found 201. He rapped on the door and it was opened in a second by a beaming Tommy Sangster. Tommy was dressed down and most certainly informal, he was wearing faded blue cutoffs, a baggy t-shirt and he had a huge pair of Alvin the Chipmunk slippers on his feet. All tended to accentuate his skinny build and childlike body.

He beamed and totally at ease with himself grabbed Tom's arm and dragged the surprised young Olympian into the room. 'Get your coat off, cap, scarf...' he babbled dancing around like a manic pixy on drugs. 'Here you go,' he grabbed Tom's discarded clothing and began to hang it up. 'Important question... how long can you stay?'

'I gotta go at ten at the lastest,' Tom mumbled a trifle bewildered at Tommy jumping around like a loon.

'Ah,' Tommy paused. 'I thought so, never mind. I've got you for three hours.'

'I've got you for three hours,' Tom pushed the pace and grabbed the boy's slender waist pulling Tommy in close feeling the boy's trembling body through his scanty clothing. Tommy was as nervous as he was.

'So you have,' Tommy grinned and tilted his head up just that little bit needed for their lips to meet in their second kiss. This time it was less hurried and less furtive. They were in the security and safety of a hotel room and the door was locked. 'Oh, my Gawd. You're so strong,' Tommy groaned as he pressed against Tom feeling the fourteen year old's hardness through the smart tracksuit he was wearing. He was playing it right, playing the little queen was turning young Tom on with a vengeance.

Tom groaned as he felt Tommy's hands snake under his jumper and clasp and stroke his bare flesh, not to be outdone he reached around and grasped Tommy's firm apple like buttocks, a true bubble butt. The boy tensed under his hands and then relaxed.

'Let's have a drink,' Tommy broke free red faced and grinning. 'Tell me one thing, a very private thing.'

'First of all I'm not allowed to drink,' Tom stood there disappointed that Tommy had split. 'Ask the question.'

'Would you like to make love to me?' Tommy asked in a perfectly calm and everyday voice as if he was talking about the weather.

'Yeah,' Tom croaked caught offguard for a moment but feeling his erection straining inside his briefs. He was as hard as a rock, so hard it was beginning to feel painful.

'Good,' Tommy laughed and took two small bottles from the room's bar. 'Just one, it's a WKD, all the kids drink them.'

'OK,' Tom took the bottle. 'Just one.'

'Sit on the bed. lover,' Tommy maneuvered Tom around until he backed onto it and then gave him a gentle push. Tom subsided onto the soft bed and looked up as Tommy stood above him. As Tommy took a swig from his bottle so did Tom to have it immediately removed from his hand and placed on the bedside table. 'Just sit still,' Tommy ordered and knelt to remove Tom's trainers and socks. Tom looked at the ceiling and then held Tommy's head lightly ruffling the boy's fashionably unkept fair hair. 'Nice,' Tommy rubbed the side of his face against Tom's leg but concentrated on untying the tight laces. Once the footwear was off the rest came easy. He smiled up as he peeled Tom's socks off and gently held his bare feet. 'And now... for my party piece.'

'Go on,' Tom moaned, he could feel his overheated organ leaking and that was a first. He'd had wet dreams in the past but never a waking one. He felt discomfort but Tommy's hands were on his waistband trying to remove his tracksuit bottom's Tom lifted his bum off the bed and with a grin of triumph Tommy tugged the dark blue garment down his prey's legs. He smoothed the sparse hair on Tom's shins and grasped the bottom hem of Tom's briefs tugging the thin cotton skimpies down . He noted the dampness of the garment but he was more interested as Tom's five inches of boy cock popped free with it's foreskin full retracted and it's glans shiny with cum.

'Beautiful,' Tommy sighed and rested his arms looking at the sturdy staff facing him and moving slowly to point upto Tom's hip.

'Don't stare at it,' Tom giggled and tried to drag Tommy up onto the bed but Tommy was playing hard to get, he removed Tom's clothing off over his feet and then parted the boy's sturdy legs moving inside them grasping the stiff and fully fleshed out penis and held the hot flesh upright and giving it a swift liss.

'Jeeezus,' Tom moaned and grabbed Tommy's head.

'Slow down, Tiger,' Tommy laughed and then and only then crawled onto the bed but up and over Tom's reclining body so that he finished up laying on top of his young lover. 'Undress me. Tom,' he whispered and kissed again.

Tom felt Tommy's jean clad groin pressing against him and slid his hands intot he top of the baggy cutoffs feeling the ultra smooth flesh and then the delicate curve of Tommy's sweet bottom. With a wriggle he managed to unclip the top and they parted and started to slip down Tommy's writhing body. Tom gasped as he felt the heat and the stiffness of Tommy's flesh meet his. They were laying cock to cock and finally he had Tommy's glorious bottom in his hands. A bum like a ten year old sprang to mind but as this was Tom's first experience he upgraded to a twelve year old, tampering with a ten year old seemed a bit nasty somehow. He would never have imagined that the slender and slight body wriggling agains his was seventeen although before even seeing it Tommy's erection seemed healthy enough. They wriggled and writhed around on the bed like small dogs in heat and at last the t-shirt and Tom's sweat shirt went and they were naked. Just one thing remained and with a laugh the Alvin the Chipmunk slippers sailed acros the room.

'Alvin likes to watch,' Tommy smiled as he felt himself being rolled over so that he was splayed out under the bulkier and stronger body of his lover.

'He can watch the television,' Tom grunted finally getting belly to belly with Tommy and rubbing up and down, cock on cock.

'God, you're so strong,' Tommy whispered as he stroked Tom's finely muscled torso and then he slipped his hands down Tom's back cupping the taut, finely muscled bum cheeks as they slowly moved. He was in heaven, he had Tom's diving pictures all over his bedroom wall at home but here was the boy in the flesh. From his moves and passion it was hard to belive he was only fourteen and still a schoolboy. The point was would he take the ultimate step. Tommy parted his legs and felt Tom's hands under his knees lifting them so that his tiny pucker came into view. That was that question answered, Tom the young diver knew exactly what he wanted. 'Have you done this before?' Tommy's voice shook.

'No but we're going to aren't we?'

'Yep,' Tommy grinned and slipped his hand under his pillow recovering the small tube he had parked there earlier in the evening. He'd hoped and prayed that Tom Daley was going to go all the way and it seemed his hopes were being fulfilled. 'Kneel up between my legs...'

Tom knew what was going to happen although he was a bit vague about the mechanics. If it were left to him he would have just pushed little Tommy's legs back and thrust and rammed his way into the tiny puckered ring he's seen twice already. Suddenly he flinched as he felt Tommy Sangsters oiled hand grasp his cock and begin to massage it and thoroughly work the lube in. He nearly cum on the spot but held his breath. Tommy was breatjhing heavily now and his eyes were glazed as he continued his slippery wank and then casualy swiped his fingers across his hole and folded his knees back down onto his chest baring his all. 'Jeeeezus...' Tom looked at what was on offer and gulped. He nervously reached out and pressed against the soft muscle feeling it yield and then his finger was inside Tommy's hot little body. Tommy cried out and Tom felt the flesh constrict around him.

'Do it, do it,' Tommy sobbed. 'Don't hurt me.'

Tom Daley wasn't too sure how much of this was a big act, Tommy was an actor after all and he was seventeen, it wasn't as if he likely to be a virgin but all the same he leant in and guided his swollen, oil covered and now oozing flesh to it's target. 'ready?' He croaked.

'Slowly and kiss me when you do it,' Tommy demanded with his cheeky smile back on his face. 'Take it easy, Muscle Boy.' He rested his hands on Tom's flexed belly as the younger boy bent in further, kissed and then slowly pushed. 'Aaaaah...' Tommy's face screwed up as the pressure began, he'd only done this once before with a young stagehand but he'd forgotten the initial entry and how painful it had been. This time it was better, he'd lubed up properly and suddenly he felt his sphincter open and then the mass of Tommy's well lubricated glans opened him up and started to fill his hole. 'Whew...'

'Alright, alright?' Tom looked down anxiously as the slender Tommy inpaled on his stonkingly hard erection, he couldn't have stopped if he'd had wanted to. He was in the grip of flesh that seemed to be red hot and clamped on his organ like a vice and then Tommy Sangster smiled. Tom dropped his head and kissed Tommy's sweet lips and pushed in further feeling warm flesh surround him and then it was alright. He was firmly lodge din Tommy's body and there was no going back now.

'Jeez, that's bigger than it looks,' Tommy clamped and then eased on the youthful spike now filling his arse, the shock of penetration was something he'd have to get used to but the feeling of being filled with tough meat, strong and virile boy cock was worth a minor hurt. He clamped his legs on Tom's back as the young diver began to move in and out. Tom grinned, Tommy was so small and so slight but he was now inside the older boy and in a couple of moves he was really in, his small bush of pubics pressed up against Tommy's tight scrotum and his solid fiver was totally sunken into the kid's living flesh. Tom had trouble believing the waiflike kid under him and playing bottom to his top was three years older than he was but he was and he was quite happy with a schoolboy shag. Tommy wriggled on the fleshy invader now rubbing against his prostate and grinned up at his lover. 'Go for it, gimme babies,' he grinned pressing his legs on Tom's back as the younger boy started to slowly move in and out.

This was Tom's first fuck and he saw spots in front of his eyes, he thought he was going to black out with the pleasure of taking the smaller Tommy. He moved in and out of the tightness as Tommy moaned and whimpered and felt his dick seem to get harder and harder. He had Tommy's legs on his back and the boy's arms around his neck and really began to fuck. The gentleness was gone, he began to ram and thrust into Tommy's now well spread pucker . Tommy's own hardness jerked up and down on his belly as Tom moved and a clear thread of precum joined his oozing glans to his smooth tummy.

'OH, my Gawd, Tom,' Tommy sighed and clamped his bottom on hot cock as it ripped in and out of his ring. He'd looked at Tom's posters on his bedroom wall and imagined the young diver in the nude, he'd then imagined having sex with his naked hero and now it was all happening. He hadn't reallized from watching the television that Tom was so strong and the broad chest and muscular belly had caught him by surprise but he was small framed and childlike himself so Tom had to appear big. Big and good he hurriedly added as he felt Tom speed up and the movement within seemed to swell and get harder if that was possible.

'Tommy, Tommy,' Tom cried out and started to shunt and thwack into his partner's tautly stretched ring moving himself and his little lover up the bed and then he came. His first long and juddering surge splatted up into Tom's silken smooth gut like molten fire and then again, he stopped and looked down at Tommy as he felt his cock jerk sending a third and a fourth meaty splat into joint the rest and then he felt the easing and relaxation as his final surge lazily trickled free. Tommy clung to him in a death grip and he slowly lay on the boy belly to belly again feeling Tommy's hardness poking him in the belly. Tom gazed into Tommy's eyes and the boy stared back an expression of complete satisfaction on his face but Tom felt he had to reward somehow and in a way he'd never ever envisaged. He kissed Tommy on the lips and started to withdraw downwards kissing the boy's throat, his bony collar bones and his almost invisible nipples and all the while he went lower his cum smothered penis slowly slid free until if oozed from Tommy's battered ring.

'Tom,' Tommy wailed a protest but now Tom had the boy's straining stiffness in his hand and peeling the foreskin back he made sure the gleaming glans was totally free before sinking his mouth over the succulent morsel. 'Tom,' the smaller boy made a final moan as he felt his aching cock being engulfed by wet lips and a warm gently sucking mouth. 'Ooooh, Tom,' he shuddered as he felt Tom reach under as his legs came down to clasp his slippery buttocks and then start to duck and dive in his hot cock.

Tommy fell silent at last as he lay back, Tom was moulding and grasping his firm little buttocks, the buns he'd just pentrated but now he was sinking his mouth over Tommy's rampant cock. The kid might have been small of stature and skinny but his penis was normal for a seventeeny and on a par with Tom's own. It was paler skinned but he had heavy balls which were drawn up tightly into his scrotum and Tom knew that his little pal wasn't going to last and he didn't.

'Tom, Tom, Tom...' Tommy cried out and thrust himself deep into Tom's throat as he blasted a pent up climax of thick creamy teeny spunk deep down into Tom's throat. If Tom had been inclined to spit it out he couldn't, he gagged and swallowed and then took deep sucks on Tommy's wilting popsicle. The kid was done and even after all this Tom thought of Tommy as a kid... his kid.

'Wow, that was fantastic,' Tommy lay there as Tom crawled up alongide and gently kissed. 'Yeauchy, I can taste my own cum.'

'Tastes alright to me,' Tom laughed. 'I gotta make a move.' They say time flies when you're having fun.

'I was thinking...' Tommy spoke hesitantly. 'Saturday tomorrow.'

'Yeah,' Tom laid back and looked at the ceiling, He had a good idea what was coming.

'I was wondering...'

'Get on with it,' Tom laughed.

'Do you want to come around tomorrow, we could have lunch in the hotel restaurant and you could stay through. We could have all afternoon and the evening together.'

'Mmm...' Tom lifted Tommy's flaccis penis and kissed the tip now covered with it's wrinkled little foreskin. Come to think of it it wasn't that tiny and he peeled it back exposing the shiny coral pink head again and licked it. 'Sounds good,' he glanced up at Tommy. 'I'll give you a bell tomorrow morning... one thing though.'

'What's that?' Tommy asked as Tom started to suck again.

'You fuck me for starters.'


I was going to continue this but I don't want to overextend it. Tom Daley and Tommy Sangster will guest in one of my upcoming 'The Sarah Jane Boys', probably #4 or #5

You can catch up on both boys with You Tube. Both seem reasonably stable, well spoken and mannered in their little films. I would very much doubt they would get up to such antics that I've portrayed but I do clearly state FICTION in my regular warning/header. Then again, who knows.

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