Tom D Goes For Gold

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Sep 4, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


4 - Wolfy and the Sunday boys.


Taylor Datton

Hi Taylor again letting Tom continue with the story.

Hi, my turn. Sam has told you about his night of love on the oily water bed and I'll take it up from there, maybe even overlap a bit. We had a good night and did each other twice and that was the full sex with side salad. Poor ol' Sammy was worn out and I wasn't much better. I was awake first and slipped from the disgusting bed and crept out for a shower. The house was quiet and I checked with my watch, hardly surprising as it was barely seven and Tay and Luc had said they weren't getting up early. I went into the lounge and sucked on a fruit juice and idly watched the early morning TV with the volume down low. God, early TV is so boring, I returned to the bedroom to find that Sammy was up and about, at least he was in the bathroom. The phrase 'hat trick' surfaced from somewhere and I felt myself, specifically I felt my cock and it was healthily turgid and that's schooly chat for not aroused but on the verge. A short hand on flesh episode and I felt it harden. Fuck it, I'd go and pester Sam. I entered the bathroom silently to find him in the shower singing his little head off and I quickly dropped my shorts and briefs, my dick popped out well on it's way to being a full hardon. He continued to sing as I slid the shower door open and slipped in with him. Jeez, he gave a shrill squeal like a girl but then got the giggles as I moved in and started with the soapy tickles, of course, one thing led to another and we were soon in the throes of a love struggle.

'Two last night,' I reminded him.

'Two each,' he grinned looking very pleased with himself. 'I reckon we're married now.'

'Boyfriends at least,' I smiled back. 'We can get married when we're sixteen.'

'Great,' he snuggled in and it was hands on bottoms, that's each other's not our own by the way. I felt his soapy cock slip between my legs and clamped on it as he did a gentle fuck. I dunno if he was in the mood or not but I was. I manhandled him out of the shower, he protested and played hard to get but I forced him down onto the carpet which wasn't hard to do and positioned him doggy style. He was ripe again. He looked over his shoulder and have me a smirk and wriggled his sweet fanny. It was so easy, I pressed up against him and felt my knob part his pucker and enter his delicious heat and tightness as he clamped on me and we were away once more. This time it was prettty animal, we were both soapy and slippery and it was hard work ramming in and out of his slick hole but it came in the end. We were rutting like a pair of dogs or I was when I managed to ram it in hard and deep and squirt a decent load up into his gut. Maybe not my best cum but we had gone through a pretty busy night and as he subsided onto the carpet on his belly I stayed in him slowly stirring myself in his squishy bottom.

'Thanks, Sam. Just what I needed.' I gave his ear a gentle nip and kissed his wet hair.

'What about what I need?' He wriggled beneath me as I slipped free from his soft bottom.

'All yours,' I fell back onto the carpet laying spread out offering myself to his loving provided he had the energy... and he had.'

He promptly spread my legs kneeling between then and hoisting my knees upto my chest exposing my honey pot. One swift grin, one swift swipe across my pucker and his fat juicy fourteen year old cock was in deep and hard. As he leant in and went lip to lip he started to shag fast and furious. I hate to say this but I was getting used to his moves now and they were all good, he went from side to side, he did a little corkscrew and then he went for the prize. He held me tightly as my legs slipped onto his back and he hammered away in short jabs until I begged him to cum.

When he did it was a surge, he was one virile young man and he did better than I did (to my shame), he came in a hot burst that I felt as his erection throbbed and jerked inside me coating me with his love juice, his white stuff... his babies to stretch a point. He lay on me and still in me lazily kissing until we managed to get up and crawled into he shower again. The day was off to a fine start.

After that we were a bit knackered and went into the kitchen (after getting dressed of course) to raid the cupboards for Frosties and more juice. We were sitting there when Luc appeared and after wishing us a good morning started on a fry up. Just what two healthy and trim youngsters want, a fried breakfast but he was a good chef and everything was pretty fat free by the time he finished so we sat there and scoffed the lot. Somewhere along the line Tay also appeared and sat with us. A few pointed questions on how had 'we'd done' sorta thing but that was it. They knew perfectly well that Sam and I were an item and they accepted that as long as they got their slice.

Naturally enough when we got to the coffee for them stage Sam had managed to get the conversation around to Maxxie who he really had a love job on, he was such a tart but then again I'd always had a serious lust on the dishy David on Corrie... he was so bad. I hoped that he wasn't as nutty in real life . The good thing was that he was only twenty and I'd thought he was older than that.

'We'll leave about ten, we can lunch up there as they have a decent restaurant by the boathouse.' Tay looked at us both. 'No skinny dipping this time, take your speedos and a couple of towels each.'

'Yes, Mummy,' Sammy giggled.

Once we'd finished our breakfasts we went back to our room to try and sort it out a bit. Tay wandered in a little later and informed us that he'd managed to phone around with a load of blarney and tell his little Swimming Club that the Sunday was off excepting for four. These four were the ones he reckoned he was 'sure of', he and Luc had played with them all and the two older boys had actually stayed over a weekend some time back. They were fifteen and brothers, Kevin and Sean. Both were dark haired skinheads and as he said, both were as sweet as pie and twice as tasty. Coming from Tay I guess that was a recommendation. The others were Jim or Jimmy of Hong Kong descent and Olly a rather well developed West Indian and both were fourteen. They sounded a bit like a United Nations peacekeeping force but never mind, variety is the spice of whatsit or so they say.

Tay did mention that maybe on a future visit he'd allow his full list of ten to attend and maybe we could convert a couple. Reading between the lines it was pretty obvious he was happy fronting up four goers but in some distant future we'd be expected to repay his goodwill. I smirked at Sammy, he was on my wavelength, he could read Tay just as easily as I could. Everything had it's small price. Sam and I had a safe and secure nest to do what we wanted and Tay and Luc got to skim the cream from the milk if that isn't getting a bit complicated and confused. At the end of it all Tay didn't do anything for free, it all boiled down to the famous: 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'. I suppose Sammy and I were happy enough, looking long term we could milk this for a couple of years, we were only fourteen after all and I doubt very much that my mum and dad would allow me the options I was getting in this place.

The sun was blazing down again so we made sure we had sun block and loaded up the car, they even had a rubber dhingy and pump so it looked like we could be in for fun. Luc stashed loads of munchies in the motor and a chiller full of still drinks... we were on our way.

The drive out was easy enough and once through the Saturday shoppers we had a clear run upto Yelverton which basically was on the edge of Plymouth but after that we were on Dartmoor and things began to thin out a bit. We drove by Burrator Resevoir which was the only decent lump of water on the moors and went onto Princetown to have a look at the old prison. This is a must for anyone who visits Dartmore believe it or not, I nearly bought a grey t-shirt with Prisoner So and So stamped on it but Sam put me off. After that we doubled back and took the spur off for Sheepstor which was very touristy but also pretty quiet. Some cars and some kids but nothing like it would be on Sunday or so Tay assured me. We had a good wander around a bit lugging everything and eventually found a pretty quiet place waterside and protected by trees to the rear. After all the carrying Tay found that he could drive right upto the spot we'd selected and recovered the car. We settled in the shade as it was baking hot, we could hear the sound of kids in the distance and just chilled out, fortunately there was the faintest of breezes which just about made it comfortable.

It was nice there and a few kids drifted by but we paid them no heed. A couple of the older ones lingered and gave us sidelong glances without approaching but I reckon they recognised Tay from his TV stuff. The kid who was interesting was one who turned up a around the lunchtime mark on a bike with panniers and he hauled out everything towels, a little tent cum windbreak thingy and a radio which thankfully he kept down low. Naturally enough I and Sam oggled him and he was a dish. He was older than we were but not by much, maybe sixteen. He had really messy hair, it was all over the place and it framed the cutest baby face. He wasn't a plodge but he was well built and trim again a bit like us. He finally finished up in droopy beach shorts which reached his knees and just about hung from his youthful hips. I was going to say 'childbearing' hips but remarks like that are out of place in a nice story like this, Sam had the childbearing hips. I felt a stirring and glanced at Sam, he grinned back at me, he was reading me like a dirty book.

'Dinghy?' I looked at him and nodded. Our guardians were dozing protected by our own wind breaker so we unpacked the rubber monster and set to with the footpump. That aroused an interest, the youth sat and watched us and finally sauntered across for a chat.

'That's a big one.' He really led with his jaw there and Sam wasn't slow.

'You've been peeping,' he laughed.

The boy smiled slightly but basically ignored him. 'I know you,' he spoke to me.

'Geez, I'm famous,' I smirked feeling a little pleased as you do but then again not, I was supposed to be incognito. I didn't want complete strangers saying that they'd seen Tom Daley acting funny. That wouldn't do, the tabloid press would be all over it.

'Your secret is safe with me,' the boy grinned. 'Cost you an autograph later on.'

'Fair do, what's your name?'

'Wolf Muller, Wolfy.'

'Pleased to meetcha, Wolfy, meet my cousin Sam.'

'Hi,' Sam the soul of tact piped up. 'You a Kraut?'

'A Plymouth boy born and bred,' Wolfy grinned. 'My dad's German and yeah! Hi, Sam.' That was it. He gave us a hand with the pump and when we had the thing inflated and ready to go we invited him to cram in with us. He had a certain manner or a way about him. I've read all this crap about gaydar and suchlike but I wondered how true it was. I just had a feeling about this scruffy haired oik, then again I could be wrong but he was nice and clearly Sam thought so too. As we paddled out a bit I saw Tay and Luc look across at us but they lay down again, they must have been on the shag all night. Well, so had I and Sam but we were younger... we had more energy. The water was shallow to quite some way out and we managed to tip the dinghy over a couple of times, cue for lots of laughs and a bit of a grope fight, that's the one where you wrestle about with the emphasis on bodily contact. Cop a feel by accident sort of thing. Wolfy certainly wasn't backwards, a felt my bum get the hand a couple of time but in the end Sam and I got him in a sandwich and it happened. Sam must have fonded him properly and Wolfy let out a screech. The next thing I knew was that they were fighting in the water but it was an all giggle fight and Wolfy must have won in spite of me hovering. He bobbed up and down with Sam securely in his arms and Sam had gone into soppy mode. He had this vacant grin he gets and he was rubbing himself up and down in the stranger's arms.

I got around the back of Wolfy again and wrapped my arms around him pretending to rescue Sam but the war was over. Wolfy's long shorts had found their way down to his knees and I could feel his bare bottom against me as I held him.

'I think he's trying to rape me,' Sam grunted.

'You don't seem to mind too much,' Wolfy pressed into Sam and I quickly shoved my shorts down under water and let my own hardness press in against his soft bottom. 'Ooooh.... that'll cost you two autographs.' He wriggled his arse back against me and I knew my feeling was right. This kid was game, I got my hand between him and Sam, Wolfy's nice, hard and rather large stiffy was nestling against Sam's bum which was also sans shorts.

''You boys want to go to lunch or play?' Tay called over as he and Luc stood and tugged on their longies.

'Play.' Sam and I called back.

'OK,' Tay must have sussed out the scene pretty quickly. 'We'll have lunch and a wander around and catch you in a couple of hours.' They both gave us a wave and they were away.

'That's Taylor Whatsit, the swimming guy who got smashed up in a car crash,' Wolfy wriggled excitedly between us. 'Another autograph.'

'He might charge you the same as me,' I wriggled against him and felt my stiffness trapped between the top of his legs.

'And what's that?' He pushed up a little into Sam and Sam gave a satisfied moan. I knew that Wolfy wasn't in Sam but he was pretty close and Sam didn't seem to mind one little bit.

'This...' I repositioned my hardness and this time it pushed between his cheeks narrowly missing pronging him on the spot. He gave a yelp and then let me slip in so it was right up in his fork slipping under his balls, I was an inch away from paradise. Yeah, I know, a bit of purple prose there but he was tasty and I did want him. I munched the side of his neck and he moaned as Sam managed to free himself and turn so that they were face to face and cock to cock. I saw Sam kiss him and Wolfy didn't mind one little bit. We were just about standing now and the dinghy hid us from any nosey kids but we were going nowhere as we were.

'Wanna lay down in the shade?' I suggested. Slightly red faced which is silly but you know what I mean we tugged the dinghy across to the windbreak and parked it so that it boxed us in and then the three of us removed our wet shorts and draped them over the thing to dry off. Wolfy had a dark pubic nest which wasn't all that big which I reckoned put him level pegging with myself and Sam. In fact we found out in our brief chat that he was sixteen, he'd left school and was looking for a job and was as randy as a hampster. Once we were inside our little fort sheltered by the windbreaker and the dinghy I got the sun tan lotion out and started on Sam's back silently handing the stuff to Wolfy after a few moments. I knew Sam wanted the scruffy sod and that Wolfy wanted my Sam no problems there. I knew what I wanted and so did Wolfy. It was back to giggle time as the sun tan stuff got everywhere but mainly on the sticky out bits and I don't mean noses.

Wolfy was circumcised which made a change and he was big, I mean he was bigger than both Sam and myself and he was bloody hard. No joke, this kid was steaming and he looked at the sun tan lotion and smiled. 'You guys for real?'

'All the way,' Sam grunted and parted his legs. If Wolfy didn't know what was going on by now he had to be an idiot and I don't think he was. He knelt between Sam's legs and rubbed the lotion into my pal's back working his way down to Sam's tail.

'Jeez...' Wolfy ran his lotion covered fingers between Sam's cheeks and I heard him sigh happily as he located Sam's button. One thing struck me and that was that this wasn't Wolfy's first outing. He hadn't just come up the road and got involved in a boy sex scene, he knew exactly what he was doing... and so did I. On reflection he might even have come up here looking for stray boys or young men, there were enough hidey holes and he did have his little tent, perhaps he's been cruising. As he knelt between Sam's legs I ran my own hand complete with lotion between Wolfy's cheeks and coated his pucker. He just flinched and then opened his legs a little accordingly I got between them as he slowly lowered himself and speared into Sam's eager hole. I waited until they'd stopped moaning and groaning and eased myself in, the briefest of resistances and I felt Wolfy's sweet arse clamp around my cock as I pushed into his smooth tightness.

'Aaaah...' I clasped him around the belly and worked my way into his hot bottom as he started to move in and out of Sam The noise had finished apart from the sighs and grunts. There was no need for chat, this was just rough and ready coupling. We all wanted sex and we were getting it. The sound of the kids down the way seemed to fade as we got into a three way shag. Poor ol' Sam had two of us on him but he didn't seem to mind and from the little gasps coming from Wolfy he was happy enough as well. When the time came is was sweaty and frantic, as soon as I felt Wolfy's arse clamp on me and he sounded like he was cuming, I shot my bolt inside him and then lay on his sweat covered body. We slowly untangled with more embarassed looks at each other and then cuddled happy in our mess and funk. The bathroom was only ten paces away although skinny dipping was out we could always dispose of our shorts once we were covered by water.

'Well, that was something else,' Wolfy lay back in the centre of our little nest and grinned.

'We gonna see you again?' Sam looked at our new friend.

'What, you ready for more?' Wolfy laughed and waggled his limp, cum and lotion stained cock.

'I want what Tom had,' Sam leapt up and straddled Wolfy's chest with his knees.

'Aaaah,' Wolfy smirked. No more embarassment. He handled Sam's half hardon worked the loose skin to and for for a bit and then grabbed Sam's thighs bringing Sam closer. Opening his mouth he took a gulp and absorbed Sam's stiffness and lay there quite happily as Sam slowly face fucked.

Unbelievable, here we were in the middle of nowhere and we'd found ourselves a fuck partner right out of the blue. Sam was on his knees straddling Wolfy and fucking his mouth like there was no tomorrow. Wolfy just looked at me and grinned around Sam's slippery cock as I lay there watching. At last it ended, I saw Sam's bum clench and his abs tighten as he cum and Wolfy seemed to get it all apart from a small trickle from the corner of his mouth.

Later on we pushed the boat out of the way after donning our shorts or in Wolfy's case his longs and we just buggered around in and out of the water until Tay and Luc reappeared. They had a bagload of pre-packed sandwiches which we got stuck into as now Wolfy had joined the team.

Taylor took me aside for a quick question and once I assured him that Wolfy was a 'goer' he had a word with Luc and the invitation came which I knew it would.

'I have a few lads come around on a Sunday for a swim...' he started looking at Wolfy as we sat on the upturned dhinghy. 'You're always welcome to drop by.'

'If I knew where, I would,' Wolfy smirked back quite confidently.

'No probs,' Tay dug out a card and handed it across.

'Just up the road from my place,' Wolfy smiled. 'How many?'

'We two,' Tay nodded to Luc. 'Tom and Sam with four others... a bit of a swimfest... well, swimfest and muck around. Not all swimming.'

'I bet,' Wolfy laughed. 'What's the entry fee?'

'Me,' I got in before someone could get in first.

'You could stay overnight,' Tay suggested. 'Keep Tom company as we have plans for Sam.' He and Luc looked at Sam like a pair of hungry wolves. Amazingly Sam glanced at them both and did his little giggle. So much for the marriage. Still, we'd have time for ourselves during the week, the weekend was for spreading our wings or maybe legs.

'I can stay overnight,' Wolfy grinned. 'Just have to pop home and tell mum and dad, maybe come around later.'

'Fixed,' Tay laughed. and grabbed Sam. Before Sam could react Taylor and Luc had him back into the shelter of the windbreak and Wolfy and I still sitting on the boat watched as they got onto a struggle which could have got us nicked if any police had been around. Don't get me wrong, no blatant sex but it was clear that Luc had designs on Sam's body and by the time Sam had gotten a grip on what Luc had to offer he was converted.

'Let's go,' I spoke to Wolfy and we pushed the dinghy back into the water.

'That Taylor looks like he fancies me,' Wolfy commented as we paddled out a bit.

'He does,' I agreed. 'But you and me tonight.'

'Now that sounds good. Tom. A nice romantic night...'

'Romantic with sex?'

'Most certainly,' he grinned. 'Has anyone told you that you're dishy as hell.'


'Big Head.'

'Big Dick,' I countered. One of those conversations you understand.

'So, who are these other kids tomorrow?'

'Dunno but Tay says they're all. er... you know.'

'No, I don't,' he laughed.

'All ready for a fuck, top line for sex,' I looked at him and grinned. 'A sexfest as well as a swimfest.'

'Wow.' That was it, he was speechless.

'There's only one thing I've got to warn you about.'

'They want their share,' he laughed. 'I worked that one out. I don't mind, they're both pretty tasty and they ain't wrinklies.'

'A done deal,' I dragged him into the bottom of the dinghy as we floated out of range of our pals on the beach. Out of sight of anyone else for that matter. We shared a tender kiss and I felt his hand slip inside the back of my loose swimmers and he cupped my buttocks in his strong hands pulling me into his embrace. I think I might even have got ravished there and then but Tay's shouting disturbed us. They say time flies when you're having fun and it certainly had, the sun was dipping and the air had a chill in it. The day was over but the night was yet to come. I could see Tay shoving stuff into the car, Luc and Sam were still a tangle of arms and legs in the shelter of the windbreak but we had paddling to do. I had Wolfy all to myself for the night and that was enough to bring a smile to any young pervos face.

We got ourselves sorted out in the end and I can tell you something, it's a damn sight harder deflating a rubber dinghy than it is pumping it up. We got it in the bag in the end and Wolfy left us promising to look us up a bit later on in the evening, probably around nine. Wolfy did say it would take him an hour cycling back but it was downhill all the way and before he left he gave me a private promise to see me later and look after me, whatever that meant but it sounded good. By the time we got everything crammed in the beamer we were just about knackered out and the drive back was a pleasant relaxation and we did pass Wolfy on the way just as we hit the built up before leading into St Budeax. We hooted, he waved, things were looking good.

Once home Luc phoned through for fish and chip suppers, a bit greasy and a bit smelly but great stuff and a decent bit of rock salmon certainly fills a hole and not the one you lot are thinking about. We got treated to a can of lager apiece which was all Tay was willing to give us but I didn't like the stuff anyway... I was only going through the motions. We were set up for a night of DVDs and chilling out. Both Sam and I had caught the sun a bit and needed time to catch up on things by just sitting there watching the box and doing nothing.

'You think he'll come?' I asked Sam.

'Yeah, he fancies your arse,' Sam snorted a bit uncouthly I thought.

'Well, he's had yours,' I laughed being a bit bitchy I suppose thinking about it.

'Mmmmm...' Sam wriggled on the sofa. 'Nice.' The bastard was winding me up and silence fell as it does. Tay and Luc got us going again after a while and things thawed a little. I know I was acting like a prat but that's every teenager's perogative now and then. I liked Sam just short of love but I had the hots for this Wolfy kid. I was in a bit of a quandry. Then again Wolfy lived here and I only saw Sam twice a year, on reflection it was a bit silly promising love and passion to someone you only saw once every six months. Sam would return to Pompey and with his recent knowledge would find himself a slut or even a lover, sometimes the two are the same.

To my relief and delight the door bell rang and Tay nodded at me to open up. I think he sussed out what I was upto, he knew enough boys, he should know how our tiny minds worked.

I've got to admit I had mixed emotions regarding Wolfy. Firstly I knew perfectly well that it was odd to have feelings for another boy let alone love. I'd really gone for weird in a big way, I'd fallen in love twice over one weekend, firstly for my cousin Sam and now for the deliciously scruffy Wolfy. I loved his messy hair, his chunky young body and what he had down below was a dream. I had to have him. The point that he was two years older than I was and a working boy was another matter for concern. The thought that Sam had gracefully bowed out so quickly put my brain in a right shambles, I didn't know if I was coming or going.

'Hi, Sweet Nuts,' Wolfy stood on the doorstep this time in bloody awful baggy jeans hanging from his hips with a big grin on his face. This kid had the dress sense of a clothes horse but that smile... ooh. I felt weak at the knees and wet around the bits, he was a fuckin' vision and I really do mean that. I felt my sexy bit perking away like a perky thing.

'Hi you,' I smiled feeling the heat of a blush on my face. 'You got here then,' I added lamely.

'Wouldn't miss bedding the famous Tom Daley for the world,' he boldly took me in his arms and smashed a kiss onto my lips. Jeez... I was in love. I nearly fell to the floor but we were brought down by Tay calling out.

'Bring him in or shag in the bushes, there's a draught.' he called from the lounge and we guiltily parted.

'Later...' Wolfy murmured and gently slapped my bottom as I led back into he company. 'Yummy,' he whispered.

'Ditto,' I giggled and reached back catching him right in the crotch and feeling his soft mass.

We shared the small sofa as Sam had shot over and perched between Tay and Luc. After mumbled hellos we setled down to watch the box and carried out a half hearted conversation. Tay explained that there were two brothers coming on the Sunday for the swim party and they would or should be acompanied by two others. One a West Indian kid and another a local Chinese boy which he'd told us all before but there was more.

Tay explained that he and Luc would share the brothers for ther afternoon and it was down to us three and that was, Wolfy, Sam and myself to deal with the other two.

'Just say: Come in and let's fuck?' Sam asked.

'More or less,' Tay grinned. 'Nothing they haven't done before... that's why I picked them. I was thankful he didn't mention the following weekend with Mitch Hewer and Jack Shepherd, I needed to find out where I stood with Wolfy first. I think Wolfy had enough to occupy his mind with the thought of a Sooty kid and a Chink boy on the morrow. Eventually the DVDs wound to a close and it wasn't exactly late, probably around eleven thirty but Luc provided nightcaps which seemed to be chocolate drinks with something added. I don't know what was in the drinks but something alcoholic that was for sure as I felt a tingling at the back of my nose and a bit of a burn as it went down, just something to relax I suppose.

The first to split was Luc who dragged a rather giggly Sam away and then Tay saw to locking the place down. At the end of it he left Wolfy and I sitting there like a pair of lemons and bade us good night. 'Breakfast around ten... boys due around eleven,' he gave us a wink and a smirk and he was on his way doubtless to share in Sam's charms.

'We sitting here all night or going to bed?' Wolfy stretched his legs out in front of him but it was impossible to see if he was hard, soft or what the hell in those diabolical jeans of his.

'Bed upstairs,' I stood and held out my hand which he grabbed. I pulled him to his feet and he had his arms around me in a nano second. It semed one of his favourite poses and he kissed me softly taking the opportunity to clasp my buns and give them a little squeeze. I struggled free and led him up the stairs. I'd been allocated a spare bedroom as the Bridal Suite or Rumpus Room had been cleared out for the Sunday. Anyway, you can have too much of water beds, I wanted sex not acrobatics and sea sickness.

'Nice arse,' he commented as he trailed me up the stairs.

'Flattery'll get you nowhere,' I laughed as he made a grab for me and missed. Any love struggles would be in private and not on the staircase. I couldn't wait. I've got to admit that I was a bit jealous with Sam scoring first but I had him for the night, Sam could handle the big dicks two rooms down.

The room was a new one to me but as with the others it had it's own bathroom and toilet so it was self contained, en suite I think they called it... whatever, it was just right for us.

'Which side do you prefer?' Wolfy sat on the bed and started to take his trainers off.

'The top.'

'Hoho,' he grinned. 'Me first then you.'

'OK,' I quickly gave in catching him off guard.

'Right,' he looked a little unsure of himself but what he didn't realise I wanted him all the way and that was both ways. What he also missed was that it was a long night ahead and I was a great believer in the swings and roundabouts they're always on about. Once you've done it with someone it get easier and easier as I'd found with Sam. The thing was I don't think Wolfy would be as placid (to pick a word) as my Sam, Wolfy was a bit more of a live wire and by the way he was performing I had it right. The monster was trying to bite me or nip me through my shorts and his teeth were sharp. I fought back and that was it, the clothes went first and once we got to rolling aorund naked I was in my element. Down by the lake was a shorty, this time I had the chance to examine him an inch at a time and once he calmed down a bit it was fun. He didn't mess around either he got me onto my belly and then hoiked my arse up in the air and was at it like a bloody great vampire only without the pointy teeth, this was very much a sucky sucky vampire if that's not too complicated. He spread my cheeks and his tongue was in there lapping and probing until I thought he was actually in my innards. Still in a crouch I felt him move up on me and his big lump nudged againd my dripping hole. One push and his fat cock was in me, no pain, no effort just a gradual filling and the satisfaction of my Wolfy filling my gut with his super hard spike.

'Aaaaah... nice,' I moaned. I felt like a right slut but why have secrets? If you like someone, tell 'em. I pushed back slowly as he pushed in and then I felt his belly on my back and the softness of his pubics againt my bum. I'd worked this all out by now with Sam and the others, the first one was a quicky to get rid of the lust and then you could get down to the slow and lazy loving bit. More effort involved but you'd proved your point.

'You are a brilliant fuck,' he muttered settling in and then taking a couple of experimental moves. Hardly Shakespeare but I smiled all the same, he was a brilliant fucker as he set out to prove. He reached under me so that his arms were on my chest and his hands clamped on the front of my shoulders pulling me in tightly. He fucked in a series of rapid jabs and I guessed he was bubbling under. Too bloody true. When he cum in after a very short fuck he sprayed me and filled me with his juicy slime until I felt the stuff between my cheeks as is trickled from my flooded bum. He'd cum like a donkey and as soon as he'd slipped from me I hoisted his legs up and drove into his sweaty hole like a lunatic. He laughed and tried to fight me off but his heart wasn't in it and as soon as I got inside him and started he stroked my sweaty body and kissed me hugging me tightly until I returned his passion.

'Can I say it?' I looked at him with my drooping dick still in it's spunky nest. 'Can I?'

'Go on,' he grinned.

'You are a brilliant fuck,' I laughed and slipped free in a gush of cum.


'Your parrot...' Then it got soppy. In the end we managed to get to the bathroom and finished up in the shower . We had a little natter and I found he was in a Swimming Club and I don't mean Tay's Sunday one. I thought at the lake he was a good swimmer but hadn't taken much notice. Sam was good in the water and you got to expect people to be reasonably good, I suppose I'd be a bit surprised if I met someone whould couldn't actually swim although I belive there are a lot around. Anyway, we were in the water now, warm and soapy water and we both got excited again. He was bigger than I was which I might have said but not by much, his penis was the exception, he certainly outranked me there but he was two years older than I was. I just couldn't get enough of his soapy caresses and when he turned me around and just slipped into me again I just put my hands on the tiled wall and let him enjoy... well, I did as well but that's sorta secret.

I did him again in bed and then we slept.

I was awake at dawn and we did it again, our personal hat trick, this one complete with toothpasty snog after a quick visit to the bathroom. It was nice as I always like early morning sex, one of my fave times, in fact and Wolfy had eased off a bit. This one was conmplete with stacks of kissy kissy and stroking. All I could think of was how the hell was I going to tell Sam I had a new boyfriend especially after all the love chat we'd been through.

'I want to see a lot more of you after this,' he whispered as we lay there in the afterglow.

'I don't want to upset Sam.'

'Seems he's pretty well occupied,' he sniggered. 'I'll look after him as well.'

'Yeah,' I smiled. Today would be a good tester, if Sam came running back to me I had problems, if not then no problems. OK, pretty simplistic but that's the way I thought and it's not as if I was dumping Sam... well I was but only as an official boyfriend. We could still have sex but Wolfy was my number one boy from now on.

We managed yet another shower and were out in the pool when the others got up. The sun was up and it looked to be another scorcher, in fact, we rigged the awning up that was down the end of the pool which gave more shade and went in for breakfast when called.

Sam had changed. He was clinging to Luc like a koala, he wouldn't leave him alone and even Luc seemed embarassed by the attention. I didn't say anything but I was relieved, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander to drag up another of those sayings. The thing was he didn't need to get too attached to Luc, the guy was a player and Sam could get hurt. Anyway, it gave me the chance to stick with Wolfy although he'd have to pay his 'dues' sooner or later. I'd briefed him up and he was happy enough although declaring his undying love to me at the same time... right.

The boys arrived around at roughly the same time, the two brothers first followed by the black kid with the young Chinese who was a much younger Luc variant.

The brothers Kevin and Sean were fifteen and in spite of their names weren't Irish, they were both slender or rangy would be a better word. Very short buzzcut dark hair and rought toughy faces but full of laughs. They were very touchy feely with each other and obviously familiar with the scene. The West Indian was stockier but probably younger and Sam had eyes for him, in fact his eyes were out on stalks, I never realised my Sam liked his meat dark. The one that caught my eye was the Chinese boy, he was probably around the same age as I was, he wasn't short and skinny as many of his countrykids but pretty well built. He was the keenest swimmer by far. As soon as the introductions were done he had his long shorts off and was in the water in a crisp dive and Wolfy and I were hot on his tail, the others were just standing around drinking OJ and watching. We three in the water charged up and down the small pool working off some energy and I managed to catch Wolfy on his own for a quick chat.

'Love the Chines kid,' I murmured in his ear.

'I guessed,' he grabbed at my crotch under water. 'So do I, we gonna claim him.'

'Let's make friends first,' I laughed and struch out for the centre of the pool 'accidently' managing to collide with Jim (that was the Chinese kid believe it or not). It was a good accident our heads collided and we both sank on the spot to be helped up by a near hysterical Wolfy. The others took not a blind bit of notice but retired to the lounge, it looked like we had a clear field.

'Sorry, sorry,' I gabbled as I suppored Jim and got him to the shallow end.

'You've got a hard head,' he rubbed his own ruefully. His eyes fixed on me and he smiled. 'No harm done.'

'Shit, we were going to give you the kiss of life,' Wolfy spoke.

'Both of you,' Jim giggled.

'Different places,' I ducked under the water and reached around him grabbing his trim buttocks and nuzzled at his crotch. I felt Wolfy move in and guessed he'd gone for the lips. I just prayed that Tay had been telling the truth about these boys but it seemed so as Jim melted under out joint assault and as I surfaced transferred his lips from Wolfy's to mine. We moved on as if we were a team. I fronted up Jim, still kissing his sweet lips and slipped my hand onto his rapidly hardening penis and Wolfy went around the back.

'Ooooh...' Jim warbled and clung to me. My fingers met Wolfy's as we both grabbed Jim's speedos and slipped them down allowing his jerking dick to pop free. He was fine, he was as hard as a chocky frog and submitted to my hand massaging him as Wolfy rubbed up against his smooth boyish bottom. 'Randy pair,' Jim panted and pushed back onto Wolfy and did the same as I had. His hand slid down my belly and inside my swimmers grasping my hard flesh. We struggled and splashed around in the water until Kevin and Sean appeared both naked and jumped in with us. After that it was a mad scramble and grope, Wolfy tended towards the brothers but I concentrated on Jim. He was beautiful, slightly girly but his stiff boyhood gave the lie to that impression. He had a tight little arse like a ten year old not that I've studied boys that age. I did notice that every time we got into a watery struggle he managed to turn around so that his tight little cheeks were pressed against my erection, he was asking for it... belay that, he was begging for it. If it hadn't been nearly lunchtine I'd have shagged him poolside there and then.

Kevin and Sean were worth a mention as well, they were as fit as Wolfy was and just as well built down below, they went into my book for further investigation. The thought of an all nighter sandwiched by those two got the juices bubbling and that was for sure.

Tay, Luc and Sam had disappeared and I wondered if they were having sex but then again thought probably not. They'd had all night together after all and when I heard laughter from he kitchen I guessed lunch was on it's way. This was confirmed when Sam appeared still in his shorts and started setting up two tables side by side on the patio. Nine places and an odd number for the afternoon's sex but it all seemed cut and dried. Tay and Luc were taking the brothers, Sam was shacking up with the black kid who was called Olly, well, it was Olagi in fact but he settled for and preferred Olly. Naturally enough Wolfy and I would be sharing young Jim and I for one was looking forward to exploring his slender boy's body. We all dried off and donned shorts for the meal just to prove there was some modesty and Luc and his helpers had done us proud. Salad again but it was salad weather, it was too hot to cook and they must have had a chicken factory in that house somewhere. The main meat was chicken and ham with enough greenery to hedge the building. All good, healthy tuck which was completed by a huge tray of oven chips followed by ice cream and fruit salad. Nothing fancy and probably easy enough to fix but hey! No body had come for the food.

Tay explained whilst we all noshed away like a pack of hungry wolves that the afternoon was dedicated to 'rest and recreation', that they were mounting a barbeque around eightish and the boys would probably leave between nine and ten which was normal for them as far as I could make out. All a bit organised but at least we all knew what we were doing and that suited me fine. I saw Wolfy keep on giving me looks and then glancing across Jim. He had his priorities right and after some sun, some swimming and more than enough to eat we were ready to rock and roll.

We fed well, Tay and Luc seemed to have a salad fetish but then again with the heatwave that was no bad thing. If Sam and I had been at home for the weekend we'd have been eating similar only having mum doing the washing up, here we got roped in for the cleanup. I noticed Sam had bonded with the black kid, Olly, he clearly had another love job going. I didn't mind, I had my Wolfy now and I was beginning to think of him as mine, I just hoped that he felt the same.

'OK, Sweety?' He whispered as we milled around after the cleanup. Tay, Luc and the brothers had a brief chat and had then disappeared, I didn't think we'd see much of them for the rest of the afternoon. Sam and Olly were hovering and Jim was running around like a housemaid or something straightening cushions and generally keeping himself busy.

'Well...' Sam looked uncomfortable for a moment. and then grunted something to Olly who grinned back at him.

'Well... let's go,' Wolfy smirked. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and called over to Jim. 'Coming with us?'

'With or without you,' Jim giggled and outlined himself in his shorts. Bold, but it needed something to lighten the mood and that was good enough. We split into our pair and our threesome and mounted the stairs to our respective bedrooms. This was the moment of truth as they say in all the books. Once in the bedroom Wolfy and I moved in on Jim who stood there quite passively with a smirk on his face. This time I took the front and Wolfy took the rear. We undressed the wriggling Jim and fully naked and in clear view rather than in the water he really was boyish, even I was well developed alongside him. I'm not saying he was a winp of a runt but he was slighter than myself and a child compared to Wolfy who was a young man. The one thing that stood out (hoho) was a nicely formed five incher with it's foreskin full retracted and topped by a sparse black pubic bush. He moaned and wriggled as Wolfy did his party piece and knelt parting the Chinese boy's cheeks and attacking his little ring. I did the same to the front but my target was the juicy spike wobbling about as Jim swayed under Wolfy's assault.

'Mmm... munchy,' Wolfy spluttered between Jim's tight cheeks and Jim wriggled and pumped into my mouth as I got down to a good suck. Somewhere along the line we got him onto the bed and got ourselves undressed. He seemed happy enough with Wolfy clearly intent on making the major move, Jim gave me a grin and maneuvered around on the bed to that he took me into his mouth and we were in a sixty niner just having fun. I didn't want to cum, I wanted Jim's tight little boy arse but I knew Wolfy would get there first. For the time being I kept Jim on the boil, playing around with his stumpy cock, moving his foreskin up and down with my lips and now and then ducking onto sucking his tight little balls. I think Jim knew exactly what was happening or what we intended but he seemed quite happy being used and in the end as I went onto my back he crouched over me with his knees either side of my head. His bottom was still under 'slobber attack' from Wolfy so he must of been aware of what came next.

I had a worm's eye view of what was going on with my head being parked right under Jim's middle. I saw Wolfy's gleaming penis with it's oiled glans approach Jim, a slight pause with an accompanying groan from Jim and the slippery lump of meat began tto disappear. As both of them gasped and sighed with satisfaction it became apparent that Jim was a well used boy so any misgivings about his size went out of the window. I concentrated back on his now twitching cock as Wolfy grabbed the boy's hips and began to shag for real. He was in and out like a rabbit on speed slamming into Jim's soft little bottom. Just before Wolfy came to climax Jim moaned and jerked into my mouth spraying his milky boy offering deep into my throat which I swallowed without too much effort. He spunked quite a lot and was clearly drained but it was a lot thinner than Wolfy's or even mine. At least, it seemed he was getting something out of it.

As Wolfy's semen stained cock withdrew from Jim, the Chinese boy scuttled around on the bed still offering his bottom as I got up onto my knees.

'You alright, Jim?'

'Yes, yes,' he answered impatiently. 'You cum now?'

'In a bit,' I laughed and grasping his narrow hips guided my erection in by muscle control alone. With me already slick from saliva and his little ring slippery and oozing Wolfy's spunk I went right in and our Jim loved it. He pushed back as I shagged and showed every signs of being a mini Quantity Queen if not a raving nymphomaniac. Having knocked the boy I've got to say in spite of my Wolfy's mess Jim was still a good fuck and another name and address to add to my collection. After it was all over we did our toilet calls, had a splash in the pool and returned to bed. This time we let Jim shag me first which he did and whilst he was frantically plugging away at me Wolfy nailed him again. He didn't seem to mind.

Well, that just about called a close to the weekend and it finished up with me having two boyfriends. Wolfy was BF Prime, Sam realised that just as much as I did. Once Sam had a taste for fuckery he had no more chance of remaining faithful that Casanova but then again who was I to speak. The next thing to look forward to was the coming Saturday and Sunday where Wolfy promised to pay his dues to Tay and Luc and Sam and I would sample our TV Heroes.

To be continued.

Just a final Part of this rather messy story to go. I have some pictures of 'Wolfy' In a Zip File (SUS 05). This is a kid I've used before in one of my stories and all pictures are speedo and totally decent.

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