Tommy Loves His Sub

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jun 11, 2023


Chapter 17. Kinky supper

Tommy kisses him again. "Okay, dylan, let's go into the kitchen and get some supper for ourselves. You can stay naked, but please get me my robe and put it on me." dylan goes to get the robe while Tommy slips on a pair of boxer briefs. when dylan comes back, he helps Tommy into his robe. Tommy pats him affectionately on the ass and, taking him by his collar, leads him into the kitchen.

He looks into the fridge and sees that Mom has left them a tub of mac and cheese. He takes it out and puts it into the microwave. "This is what we'll have for supper."

"Yes, Sir. Would you like me to make a salad?" "That would be nice. Maybe just tomatoes and onions."

dylan gets out the stuff and quickly puts a salad together. They both like Italian dressing, so there is only one bottle of dressing in the fridge. Simple. Tommy gets out the plates and forks and napkins. In short time, they are sitting to have their first supper in their new home.

"You can eat your salad by yourself, but I want to feed you the mac and cheese, baby. Now that we can eat alone, I want to be the one to feed you most of the time."

dylan purrs. "You feed me dick. You feed me cum. You feed me food. You let me suck your saliva. All my nourishment comes from my Tommy."

"As it should, pup. As it should." Tommy got up from the table. "don't move, dylan," he ordered. dylan sit still, wondering what was coming next. Tommy came back into the kitchen with a d-clip (dylan still had his manacles on) and a pillow. He put the pillow on the floor next to his chair and told dylan to stand up. He clipped dylan's hands behind his back and told him to kneel on the pillow. He helped him get in place. "When I want to feed you, boy, you will kneel here facing my chair and you will eat whatever I decide to put into your mouth. Understand?"

`Yes, Master." dylan was thrilled at al this.

Tommy took his fork and took a mouthful of the mac and cheese. He chewed it and swallowed it. Then he reached his fingers into the food and took some up into his fingers. `Open up, boy," he ordered. Then he fed dylan the food from his fingers. dylan took the food and licked and sucked his fingers clean. "this is the way we eat when I want to feed you, dylan. When we're alone or maybe even when someone else is here if I decide to let them see how submissive you are and how much I care for you."

"Yes, Master," says dylan. "thank you for feeding your boy."

The meal continues this way until all the food is gone. Once they are finished eating, Tommy helps him stand, unclips his hands, and asks him to clean up the kitchen and then come back out to him. dylan, of course, does what Tommy told him to do. When at last he is finished, he goes into the living room. Tommy is relaxed on the sofa watching TV. "Ah, there's my slaveboy," he says, with a big smile. Tommy turns off the TV and sits up. "Come here, sweetheart. Lie on the couch and put your head in my lap. I want us to have a chat."

dylan eagerly takes his place. Tommy plays with his hair and runs his hands over his face. dylan sticks out his tongue and tries to lick Tommy's hand. Tommy sticks his finger in dylan's mouth and says, "Suck it so you can practice being a better cocksucker for me, boy." dylan gently bites his finger.

"I''m not good enough?"

"You're the best, baby. Best ever. Keep up the good work."

"So what do you want to chat about, Tommy?"

"I want to know how things are going for you, how you've reacted to the things that have happened since we got here today."

"It seems to me that you are being more . . .um . . . .masterful than ever now that we're in our own home."

"It that okay?"

"okay? It's awesome and has me trembling inside all the time. I loved the way you shaved me bare, and I love being bare for you, bare like a little boy. I like being your little boy. And I like being your cocksucker. And the way you were talking to me when I was sucking your cock? Damn, that was hot!"

"You know how much I love and cherish you, dylan, so when I talk to you like that you know I'm not trying to demean you or humiliate you or anything . . . it's all in play. But you're right, I am feeling a lot more masterful like you said, and I really think that we might end up becoming 24/7 Master/slave. How would that be for you?"

"Not sure. I mean, I'm already your slave, Tommy, and I know how you feel about me, so the talk that is all fantasy feeds my submissive needs very much. I think I would be upset if you talked to me like that when other people are around, except maybe Phil and Doug, but I'm really getting into the idea of total surrender to you even more deeply than ever before."

"that's probably the natural result of what we're doing now sexually."

"And when you spanked me? that's sexual too for me, Master." " that's the way it should be as long as you don't hesitate to use your safe words. It's going to take a long time before I'm able to read your body reactions accurately so you have to give me that feedback. But, I`ll tell you this, dylan . . . . I really enjoyed spanking you. I like having the right to do that. I enjoy doing it. And I loved the way you reacted and what a good blow job you gave me afterwards."

dylan takes his hands and kisses them. "And when you made me kneel by you and you fed me from your own fingers . . . please, baby, do that a lot, please. It makes me feel so good that you are taking care of me that way. It's the best!"

"And when we're in a restaurant, you know, I can still feed you from time to time."

"Sure, but not with our parents." Tommy chuckles. "But I must say that I like it when you call me sir' and Master' but don't do it all the time because you might slip when we're with others.'

"But it pleases you? Makes you feel good?" "Sure does, slaveboy." Tommy asks how about being caged. "How is that for you?"

"At first I was resisting it but I'm OK now and I even kind of like it just because you are in control. That's why I think it's important."

I need to take control of your dick, little boy, because I know that you always jerked off so often. By the way, what kind of things did you think about when doing it?"

"Okay this is really embarrassing, "

"I know, but if I am going to be sexually dominant with you it is important that you be naked most of the time, and that means inside as well as outside. And the more open you can be, the more you can reveal to me all of your sexual secrets, the more it will help me to take good care of you in ways that we never did before."

Tommy caresses him and kisses him and tells him to kneel on the floor between his legs and put his head in his lap. Dylan does so and Tommy puts his hand on his head and neck and moves in circles to help him relax. "So tell me just one simple thing or theme without a lot of detail. What did you used to think about when masturbating?

Dylan takes a deep breath and says "mostly I thought about you." Tommy continues. "I'm glad to hear that. What about me? What can you tell me? You're doing really well, baby. Keep going."

"A lot of time I thought about sucking your cock and making you feel good. Other times, I thought about things we did together in the past but this time they turned sexual. Like when we played games and you would tie me up. I would fantasize about you doing things to me while I was tied up. I also used to think a lot about you rescuing me and taking care of me and telling me you loved me and us kissing, and also sometimes you spanking me and sometimes I even thought about you fucking me."

"So, most of those things have come true or will be coming true. You're getting all your wishes. That's why you need to tell me everything all the time so I can use it. Don't forget something: I am dominant and you are submissive and that has always been the case even though we weren't able to put those names to it. Now we recognize it and it's going to become more true than ever before.

And remember this: you're being caged so I can have control over your cock and you can't touch it. I might never let you touch it again. But that doesn't mean you're not going to get to come and your cock is not going to have pleasure. It's just that I will be the one to decide when and where and how, and I will be the one to make you come in, just like you will be the one to make me come. And I have a confession to make."


"A lot of times, when girls were sucking my cock, I would actually be imagining it was you doing it right. So I admit that you have been in my mind a lot during sexual times. From now on, it is just you."

Dylan rubs his head over Tommy's boxers and feels him getting hard.

"If you get me started you're going to have to finish it."

"I know, Tommy. May I please suck your cock?"

"OK, sweetheart. But, I think I am going to make you come and then you can service me. It will be fun to see what your energy level will be like after you have an orgasm, whether or not you can show me what a good cocksucker you can be no matter what."

Dylan smiles up at him. "Please, Master, let me show you?"

"Okay, sweet boy. Go inside and lie on the bed on your back and close your eyes." He helps Dylan up off the floor so he can stand and Dylan goes into the bedroom and does what Tommy told him to do. Tommy follows him into the bedroom, bringing the d-clip and getting two warm wet cloths and a towel.

He clips dylan's hands together and then clips them to his collar. He unlocks dylan's cage and carefully takes it off. "ooofff! says dylan.

"Gotta clean you up first, boy." Tommy takes one of the cloths and carefully washes dylan's groin as dylan quickly gets hard. Once Tommy is finished, he puts that cloth aside, leans up over dylan and gives him a deep, long, wet kiss while encircling his crown with his fingers, playing with it but not touching anything else on his dick.

"How does that feel, boy?"

"Awesome, Sir."

Tommy reaches down and cups his balls and pulls them out a bit and plays with them. dylan starts to groan. "You are making me feel so good, Tommy," he pants.

"I'm glad. I want you to feel good." dylan tries to thrust into Tommy's hand.

"No, boy! None of that. Be passive. Don't try to jerk yourself off in my hand. I'll take care of it. I want you to cum without me stroking you." He keeps playing with dylan's tip and with his balls while kissing him. dylan groans and writhes. "Come one, boy, let me milk you. Think of how good it will feel when you finally spew your load into my hand. So good. So hot. come on, boy, surrender to my touch and give e your load." It takes a while and dylan is very frustrated, but finally he feels something brewing. "It's coming, Tommy."

"Good, baby. Cum for me, dylan!"

And with those words, dylan lets loose and spills all over Tommy's hand. Several shots, and dylan is amazed how pleasurable that was.

"Good boy. You can open your eyes now and look into your Master's eyes."

dylan does so and sees Tommy's eyes so full of love. "thank you, Master, for milking your slave."

"You can thank me by cleaning up my hand, boy." Tommy puts his hand to dylan's mouth and dylan tentative gives a few licks.

"that's not enough, boy. Eat yourself from my hand. Go at it like the slut you are. Eat your cum from my hand and clean me up. I know you're tired. No matter. You've got work to do. Go at it, boy."

It is really difficult for dylan to obey Tommy at this point because he is still languid from the effects of his orgasm, but he knows what his duty is, and he pushes himself to get into it and obey Tommy's commands.

"That's better, boy."' Now lay still for a bit, close your eyes again, and think about how good it will feel to have my cock in your mouth again. I'll be right back."

Tommy goes into the kitchen and gets a few ice cubes and wraps them in a towel. He comes back to the bedroom and uses the second wash cloth to clean dylan's dick. dylan gets hard again. No matter. That's why Tommy got the ice cubes.

"Let's shrink that hardon, boy, so I can lock you up again." He applies the cloth with the ice cubes to dylan's dick. dylan jumps from the cold. It doesn't take long until dylan is all shrunk up again, and once this happens, Tommy takes the cage and locks him in once again. "there. Who controls your dick, slave?"

"You do, Master. thank you for milking me."

"You're welcome. And now you're all neat and locked away again until I decide to set you free again. It might be in a couple days, it might be in an entire week. I will decide when you're set free again." "Yes, Master. You own it, not me."

"that's right, pup. Now, get yourself down on the floor between my legs and show me what a good cocksucker you can be after all that. Don't get lazy or you'll be punished, boy."

dylan slides down and lowers his eyes as he puts the tip of Tommy's dick in his mouth and runs his tongue around the crown.

"that's good, boy. Now start going down on me, slowly, each time a little deeper, until you have me completely buried in your throat. Easy does it. worship your Tommy's cock, boy."

dylan services Tommy, slowly, languidly, but so intensely that Tommy realizes even more about the quality of his submissiveness. "Such a good boy, dylan. I love how you love my dick, baby. I'm so lucky you are my boy, my cocksucker, my sweetheart. Go on, boy, each time a little deeper, slowly, until you hit your gag spot."

dylan moans as he makes love to Tommy. Tommy moans from how good it feels. Together they make a perfect duet. Tommy keeps his hand on top of dylan's head but without putting any pressure on it at all. Finally dylan gags a bit and backs off quickly.

"there you are, boy. right where you need work. Now do this for me, won't you dylan? Go down slowly, back to the gag spot, but before you actually gag, just hang out there for as long as you can. That will turn me on so damn much, boy."

dylan obeys. It is hard to stay there and not gag, but dylan concentrates as much as he can. Tommy tightens his grip on dylan's head. "Let me hear you choke on my cock, slaveboy. Let me hear your limit. Try to stay down there though." dylan actually has no choice at the moment because Tommy is keeping him down there. "Come on, boy, open that throat for me. don't hold anything back, cocksucker."

dylan tries his hardest to stay there and keep choking; he has no concern for his own discomfort All he is focused on is that this is what his Master wants him to do, so this is what he is going to do. Obedience to Tommy as his Master is the most important thing of all. Just as dylan is about to cave, Tommy wisely lets his hand loose and allows dylan to come up off him.

"You did good, boy. I'm so proud of you. But now, just keep the first couple inches in your mouth and jerk off the rest until I spill into your mouth and you drink me down. . . . . there, that's right . . . that's the way I want you to serve me now. Make love to me, dylan. Show me what I mean to you."

dylan obeys his instructions and after a short while, Tommy stiffens up and with a grand shout, spews himself into dylan's mouth and orders him to drink it all down then lick him clean.

dylan still is uncomfortable with the way it tastes, but it is coming from Tommy's body and that is all that matters to him. And, in his secret place in his perverted mind, he knows that the day will come when that will not be all he drinks from Tommy's cock. No rush. Tommy sets the pace. This takes all the pressure off dylan's psyche. All he has to do is relax and trust and obey. In fact, he makes this become a mantra of his: "Relax. Trust. Obey." And he repeats it to himself again and again while he licks his lover clean.

"It really turned me on, having you cum and then knowing that you were sexually empty and when you sucked my cock I knew it was out of love and obedience but not because it would turn you on sexually. Mike gave me that idea and it was really awesome. He also told me that most subs couldn't keep on serving after they shot their loads, so it means a lot to me that you were able to service me when your tanks were on empty. How was it for you?"

"Difficult at first, Tommy, but one I got into it all I kept thinking of was that I am a slave to your cock under any circumstances at all. Your cock, Tommy. I never knew before how awesome it would be to see you hard and ready to pour yourself down my throat."

Tommy unclips dylan's hands and they fall asleep in each other's arms.


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Next: Chapter 18

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