Tommy Loves His Sub

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 30, 2023


Chapter 4. The next morning

dylan wakes up first, curled up alongside Tommy. Tommy is lying facing him with his arm across dylan and curled around his side, possessively. dylan doesn't want to move for fear of waking Tommy up. He just wants to lie there alongside his hero who has now become his lover. Can anything be better?

He slept so well, feeling so safe and cherished. Now he doesn't have to be afraid of touching Tommy, or of staring at him with love in his eyes. Now he no longer has to hide that love. As he lies there, he recalls how Tommy told him how much he loved him too. Still hard to believe, but now there are memories of love-making. Now he knows how Tommy tastes. Now they are sharing secrets with one another and that is good, because he has so many secrets to share, secrets from years of fantasizing about what he never thought could become a reality. Now IT's so good.

Tommy stirs. His arm moves. His hand caresses dylan's side and then moves up to hold dylan's cheek in his hand. He kisses his forehead. dylan opens his eyes and the two of them lie there, staring eyes to eyes. Staring freely now with no shame or embarrassment or need to hide anything. No need to speak.

Finally, Tommy decides it's time to get up. "Ready to get up, pup?" he asks. dylan stretches and as he does, Tommy tweaks one of his nipples. "Mine," he says. dylan moans and offers the other one to Tommy's fingers. "You're making me get hard, Tommy."

"Well, we can't have that. We have to go brush our teeth. I don't want you walking down the hallway with a hardon. But then again, what does it matter? If any guys see you hard because you're walking with me, that's fine. It will make me proud that I turn you on so much." "Harder now, dude."

Tommy giggles. "Up, boy. Out of bed. Get our toothbrushes." Tommy smacks his ass. dylan coos. "You gonna spank me if I don't get up?" "No. I suspect that would be a reward, not a punishment." dylan blushes. "The time will come soon enough, baby."

They get up and dylan gets the toothbrushes. Tommy adjusts himself in his boxer briefs because he too has started to get an erection. Shrugging his shoulders, he takes dylan by the hand and leads him out of the room and together, hand in hand, they walk to the bathroom and brush their teeth. It turns out that dylan isn't the only naked boy in the room—some are getting into the showers or leaving them. Not much modesty in this wing anyway, since most of these guys are on the swim team.

Brushing finished, they head back to the room. Tommy hands dylan a pair of black boxer briefs, the kind they have both been wearing since high school. "Here, put these on, but nothing else." Tommy gets dressed. "I like seeing you bare, dyl." dylan blushes but smiles at him. "And I have a secret to tell you." "What is that, Tommy?"

"Ever since we were young, I've always loved to look at your feet. Like little boys' feet. Bare. Small toes. Looking just perfect. I've always been tempted to touch them and play with them."

"Wow. You were hot for my feet. So sweet, Tommy. And they're all for you now."

"So come here and lay on the bed and put your feet in my lap, baby." "Okay, Tommy. But please don't tickle me." "No tickle. Just fondle."

dylan puts his feet in Tommy's lap. Tommy caresses them, careful not to tickle him, but rubs his hands all over and gives him a foot massage. dylan moans "Oh my, that feels so good."

"They say that certain parts of the feet are connected to inner organs, and foot massages are very healthy things to do. I love your toes, too, baby." Tommy handles each of dylan's toes and even rubs between them. "Oh, man. I love what you're doing to me, Tommy."

Tommy picks up one of dylan's feet and nibbles a bit on his toes. dylan giggles and wiggles his toes. "That's it, baby. Wiggle those piggies for me."

There's a knock on the door. "Go answer, pup." dylan gets up and opens the door slowly to see who's there. It's Doug. dylan bids him enter the room.

"Just wanted to check in and see how you guys are doing."

Tommy tells dylan, "Come here, baby and kneel on the floor between my legs and put your head in my lap." dylan doesn't even hesitate. Doug watches and says "So I guess a lot of things are out in the open now, eh?"

"You can say that, Doug. And I have you and Phil to thank for getting my head out of my ass and helping me see reality. dylan and I had a good chat last night and we've come to some understandings at least." Tommy plays with dylan's hair and massages his scalp as he is talking. dylan buries his face in Tommy's lap. "And Doug, we've admitted that we love each other, and we had a real good time last night, if you know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I want to know any more details than that, dude. I'm just happy you two are being open with each other now. And it also seems to me that there is some kind of pecking order going on between you."

"Nothing any more than the usual, Doug, except things are a lot more open and we're exploring different ways to love one another. It's going to be a nice voyage of discovery. dylan, get up and sit next to me, baby."

dylan gets off the floor, sits next to Tommy and lies his head on Tommy's shoulder.


doug says, "I'm meeting Phil for breakfast. You guys want to come along?" "Sounds good," says Tommy. dylan, go put on gym shorts and one of my t-shirts and flip flops and we'll head out."

dylan does as he's been told. "It looks like you've already got this guy trained," remarks Doug.

"It goes both ways. I love him by managing things."

"And I love Tommy by obeying him. Perfect dynamic between the two of us."

Once dressed, the three of them head out of the room and down to the dining hall. Phil is waiting for them at their usual table. Tommy tells dylan what he wants for breakfast and that he should get blueberry pancakes for himself. While he's doing that, Tommy goes to get their coffees.

Phil overhears what Tommy was telling dylan. When Tommy gets back to the table, Phil pats him on the back.

"What's that for?"

"You've obviously been successful last night."

"What makes you say that?"

"First, dylan is underdressed and I've never seen him wearing flip flops outside before. Second, you just told dylan to get your breakfast and third, you told him what he could have for breakfast. Interesting. I mean, I know you're a take-charge kind of guy, but this is a new level of take-charge-itis, it seems to me."

"We have an agreement."

"Based on what?"

"Based on the fact that he wants my dick." At that very moment, dylan gets to the table with their breakfast tray. He hears what Tommy says to Phil and blushes as he sits down, keeping his eyes on the pancakes. "You're cute when you blush, baby," Tommy says to dylan.

"I can't believe you said that!" dylan mumbles.

"That you want my dick?" TOMMY, ssshhh!

"Why? It's only Doug and Phil. No problem if they know you're my cocksucker. At least mine is the only cock you'll be sucking from now on."

Doug guffaws. "Good for you, making an honest man out of him!" Phil adds, "the Dillinger Hall crowd is going to be very disappointed not to find you there." dylan looks up. "PHIL!!!! ssshhh!"

Doug rubs it in. "Maybe you should take out an ad in the student paper announcing your retirement."

"you guys are awful!" laments dylan.

Tommy looks into dylan's eyes. "dyl, you don't fool me. You like being teased this way. And you like me calling you my cocksucker. Admit it, boy."

dylan shyly nods his head. "But nobody else. Okay?"

Tommy leans over and kisses his cheek. "Don't worry, dylan. I'm still taking care of you."

Phil notes, "Apparently. So tell me more about this agreement."

Tommy explains, "Well, according to the conversation we had this morning, my role is to manage and his role is to obey. And I have all rights over his body."

dylan takes a deep breath. "Turned on, dyl?" "Oh wow! What you just said!"

"Well isn't it true?"

"Yes, Tommy, but . . . "

"But what, dylan?" asks Phil. "Admit it. You've wanted it this way for a long time. And so has Tommy. We just needed to get you two to realize you were on the same page."

dylan smile. "Well thank you for doing that. I wish you'd been around when we were in high school."

"It goes back that far?" asks Doug.

"Middle school at least," admits Tommy. "Maybe even grade school." "Sure, grade school, but not in a sexy way. Yuck. That would have been sick."

"so tell me what was going on in grade school," asks Phil. "We met in third grade, on the school playground," begins Tommy. "I saw dylan sitting on a bench in the corner. And he looked very very sad. And my heart when out to him."

dylan continues, "He was walking over to me and I got scared. I'd been bullied by my brothers before school and I was afraid this good-looking guy was coming over to do more to me. But then he smiled at me. And when he smiled, there were rays coming out of his eyes, it seemed to me. Warm rays that were making me feel good. I'll never forget it. The very first time Tommy was anywhere near me, his presence just helped me start to feel good. And it's always been that way."

"Meanwhile," says Tommy, "I looked at him seeming so sad and I said to myself, `Tommy, you need to take care of this cute little tyke.' And so I sat next to him and put my arm around him, and it made me feel so very good. Subconsciously, I guess, I realize that he was already mine. And he leaned his head and put it on my shoulder."

"Our teacher, Mrs. Smits, came over to us and saw us sitting like that and she said, "My goodness, boys, it seems that you have become friends. Isn't that nice? And I'll tell you what: If you promise to behave, I'll let you sit right next to each other in class. Would you like that?" "I promise," dylan said. "thank you, Mrs. Smits," said Tommy.

Phil is moved. "What a wonderful story. thanks for telling us. It helps things happening now make more sense, how you are with each other."

"Especially since last night," remarks Doug with a sly smile.

Tommy looks at Doug. "don't even think of it, dude. I am not telling you anything more about what happened last night. You already know too much." dylan gets up from the table and takes his coffee cup and Tommy's over to get refills.

Phil watches. "You know, buddy, he would do anything for you. Anything at all."

"It's a big responsibility," muses Tommy. "Have to be careful about what I ask for."

Doug agrees. "It's good that you realize that because this kid could so easily get hurt because his nature is so submissive. He even acts like that with us, too, but not as much as he does towards you."

"I know," says Tommy. "I can't believe all the stuff that that shithead was making him do. You know who I mean, right?"

"Adrian?" asks Phil. "Tommy, he told us far too much about what he was making dylan do. And he claims that dylan was actually getting into it. But we have an ace up our sleeves."

"What's that?"

Doug answers. "I walked in on Adrian talking to Phil and as soon as I realized what he was talking about, I set my phone to record it all. And I made him repeat what he told Phil. So we have a full-fledged confession right from the bastard's mouth. Every sleazy detail."

"Well, In addition to everything else, dylan really does have a kinky side of himself as well. But still, I wouldn't make him . . . Damn! just wait until I get my hands on that fuck."

"Well, you always have the option to take it to the Dean, or maybe even the police. We'll get him expelled."

dylan is back at the table. "Who are you talking about?"

"Nobody you need to be concerned about, baby. Just promise me that if anybody starts to bother you, especially about sex, that you contact me immediately, and if you can't get me, then contact either of these guys. There's a lot of stuff going around about you, dylan, so I'm concerned someone may try to pull some shit."

dylan now looks downcast. "I'm sorry, guys. I'm really sorry. I was out of control."

"And that is why you need to be controlled," says Tommy, not in jest.

"But you should know that there will probably be some consequences along the way. But don't worry, we'll take care of it. Meanwhile, let's go back to the room. Phil, Doug, an interesting chat as usual. We'll see you around."

Phil nods. "Sure thing, guys, and we'll keep an eye out, Tommy, don't worry."


If you want to read a sexier story of mine, check out "the Alex Chronicles."

If you'd like to see a "Picture" of Tommy and dylan, just write me:

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Next: Chapter 5

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