Tommy Loves His Sub

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 31, 2023


Chapter 5. The Safe Word.

They get up and head back to the room. When they get to the door, before Tommy opens it, he turns and says to dylan, "Take those clothes off here and go take a shower. I'll put this stuff in the room and get towels for us." dylan slowly strips himself, but before he takes off his boxers, Tommy notices how slowly he is moving and he says, "You doin' okay, pup. . . . No, you're not. Forget what I just told you. Come in here with me, dylan."

dylan breathes a sigh of relief and goes into the room ahead of Tommy. His head is down and his shoulders are hunched over. Tommy comes in and takes him by the hand and leads him over to the bed. He sits down and dylan immediately falls to the floor and puts his head in Tommy's lap, like before.

Tommy massages his scalp, knowing that dylan likes this, and asks him, "baby, do you know what a safe word is?"

"Kind of. It's a word a sub uses when he wants the action to stop because it's getting to be too much for him."

"It's more than that, dylan. You can use a safe word any time, private or public, not just for actions but also for words, like if a conversation is getting to be too much for you. And I have a sneaking suspicion that if you had had a safe word, you would have used it at breakfast because you were getting upset about the way we were joking around. Is that so?" "I guess, kind of. But I don't want to disappoint you. And I don't want to seem like a wimp. I don't want to have to be the one to set any limits or try to control what you want to do."

"But you have to do that, baby, especially because I don't want to see you hurt in any way whatsoever, either by action or by word. One thing I've discovered in my own reading about this stuff is that the sub is the one who sets the scene, who sets the limits. You have to understand this, sweet heart: I only want to make you happy, and to give you whatever kinky thrills you might be in the mood for. But that's a big responsibility and it's important that you help ME out by keeping the channels of communication open. I'm sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable at breakfast, pup. And that's why I'm giving you a safe word to use. And your safe word is going to be "bubblegum." "Bubblegum?" dylan giggles a little. "Yes. Bubblegum." Because it will make you feel good just to say it, so that will immediately help relieve any stress you're feeling."

"you're so smart, Tommy. You've always been smart in ways that I'm not. I admire you. So very, very much."

"Stand up, baby." dylan stands up and Tommy pulls down his boxers and then fondles his balls. "Up on the bed, boy, with your head in my lap." dylan quickly scampers to obey. "You like this position, don't you?"

"I sure do!. Especially when you play with my head. I can feel how much you care about me. And I can't believe that we actually got to this point. Beyond my imaginings. Me naked with my head in your lap any you touching me and talking sweet to me."

"I'm glad. So now, tell me what was going in your mind during breakfast, especially anything that made you feel uncomfortable."

dylan struggles to talk. "Deep breaths, boy." dylan breathes for a while, then manages to get words to come out. You were talking about something when I got back to the table but you wouldn't tell me what it was. I felt like you were keeping secrets from me. My brothers used to do that all the time, and it was always something bad. I started feeling the same way I used to do around them because you three guys had a secret now and wouldn't let me know what it was."

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you told me that it made you flash back to bad times. I'm sorry it made you feel that way. We weren't keeping any secrets from you, baby. We were talking about Adrian, about getting even with him for what he had been doing to you. That's all it was. And I wasn't telling them anything about you that they didn't already know. it seems that Adrian told them in great detail about all the things he had been making you do."

dylan starts to cry. "They know? He said he was turning me into a slut BDSM slave and a pig. Some of it would have been a turn-on if I didn't hate him so much, but some of it was off the charts, and that's why I finally refused to obey him and got dressed and walked out of the room while he was yelling at me and threatening me. Tommy, he wanted me to . . .

"Say no more, pup. You don't have to tell me. I'm just sorry that he seems to have taken your virginity about a whole bunch of stuff that I'm not even sure I would want to do with you. I wish I could take it all away from you, especially the memories of it all. it's just horrible." He lifts up the bottom of his t-shirt and wipes dylan's eyes and face with it.

"Tommy, everybody's going to know!"

"Not if we have anything to do with it. We have insurance against him. Doug recorded everything he told them. they'll make sure he keeps his yap shut now. don't you worry about it. And they didn't tell me any of it. I told them I didn't want to know."

"Tommy, I would do anything for you. Anything at all. Nothing off the table, baby."

"Well, little buddy (Tommy's been calling him that since elementary school!), let's take our sweet time. We'll explore together. We'll explore what you might want and what I might want, and we'll do it all together. Bit by bit. SLOWLY. Not everything all at once. And no labels, dylan. No Master or slave or Dom or Top or bottom or Sub, unless you find there's something or some words that really titillate you."

"Tiillate? what are you going to do to my tits, dude?!!!!" dylan giggles.

Tommy laughs. "You know what I mean, baby. Things that push your buttons, that thrill you, that you want to be part of our way of doing things." "You mean, like when you let me know that you like me being naked a lot?"

"Yes. Like that. But only because you like it, right." dylan nods his head. "I looked it up. it's called CMNM"

"CMNM? What's that?"

"Clothed man, naked man. A lot of guys are into that. I used to love it when you'd be all dressed and I would just be in a robe."

"And sometimes, you would let the robe fall open. I noticed, dude! And also how you always seemed to be the last boy to get dressed in the locker room when you were on the team. And besides, speaking of you naked . . . why don't you go to the showers now? I'll get undressed and meet you there with towels."

"Okay, Sir."

"You like using that word?"

"Only when it's in response to something you told me to do. then it feels almost natural."

"Good to know. Well, boy, off you go!" "Yes, Sir!" dylan rushes out of the room.

A couple minutes later, Tommy is there alongside him and standing under the water with him.

"Let me wash your back," he says to dylan. dylan turns his back to him without even thinking about it and lets Tommy rub soap over him and even reach down to his ass and soaps that up as well since no one else is in the shower. "Okay, pup. Rinse off." Meanwhile, Tommy washes himself down. Then he turns around to face dylan. "dylan, tell me something. Has anyone ever been up your ass?"

"One guy tried once but he hurt me and I wouldn't let him continue. But that's all, Tommy."

"You're saving it for me?"

"If you want it, Tommy. Everything is yours, just like you told the guys downstairs. Just please make sure you know how to do it right."

"dylan, you know I'd never hurt you. I'll do a lot of research before the time comes when I will take you that way." And having said that, Tommy soaps up a finger and reaches down to touch dylan's hole with it and to encircle it without penetrating him. dylan gasps and pushes back into his finger. "Yours, Tommy, all yours." Someone else enters the shower area so the guys separate and finish themselves off separately. But once they're out of the shower, after looking around, dylan takes his towel and begins to use it to dry Tommy off, starting with his front. When he gets down to Tommy's junk, Tommy has to back away for fear of getting hard.

Then they're not alone, so they act "normally," and head back to their room.

"Stay naked," Tommy says. dylan smiles at him. "Tommy, can I call you Daddy sometimes?"

Tommy thinks about it for a while. "Really?" He starts getting dressed and dylan likes the sight.

"Would it bother you? I'm just thinking of names I can use for you that are different than the ones you've been using for me."

"Well, let's say you can when you want, but if it starts to make me feel funny I'll tell you and then you won't be able to do it any longer. Does that sound fair?"

"Very fair, Daddy."

"Does that make you feel good, little buddy?"

"Yes, Sir."

Tommy giggles and hugs dylan. "My favorite boy. My favorite person. My sweetheart."

"You like saying that, don't you?"

"Yes, I guess I do. And it makes me feel good, so I can understand how it might make you feel good to use certain names for me too."

"Cool. I'm happy you understand. Now I want to ask one more thing."

"You can ask anything anytime, baby. What is it that you want to ask?"

"It's something you might think is piggy."

"Let me be the judge of that. What do you want, dylan?"

"I want to suck your arm pits. Your arm pit hair has always turned me on, Tommy."

Tommy puts his hands behind his head. "Have at it, pup. My little piggy pup."

dylan goes to town and while he is doing it Tommy says, "You know, boy, that my body is yours just like your body is mine. You can touch, lick, suck, anywhere anytime you want. Especially right after a shower." dylan stops for a minute. "Well, one day I want to suck your armpits when you're good and smelly."

"Piggy!" Tommy winks at him and takes his arms and wraps dylan in a hug.

"I love you, Daddy." Tommy lightly whacks him on the ass. "Some day Daddy is going to give you a real good spanking. Then we'll see how much you love me."

"That might make me love you even more."

"Really? That surprises me."


"Because you used to get hit all the time at the house."

"That was different. And I'd never let you do to me the things they did to me. There's such a thing as good pain too, you know."

"No, I didn't know. I guess I'm going to have to read some more kinky web sites."

"I've been collecting stories that I like so you can read them and learn my secret wishes."

"Maybe I'll just sit back and have you read them to me."

"That would be hot, too!"

"Okay, baby. Time to get dressed. I want to go shopping with you."

"Shopping? for what?"

"For something for you to wear around your neck so you know you belong to me."

dylan kisses Tommy on the cheek and goes to put on some clothes. "Wear underpants and jeans and an open collared shirt. The blue one. I like you in blue."

"Flip flops?"

"Yeah. So I can see your feet."

dylan finishes getting dressed and they get ready to leave.


If you want to read a sexier story of mine, check out "the Alex Chronicles."

If you'd like to see a "Picture" of Tommy and dylan, just write me:

I'd love to hear from you.

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Next: Chapter 6

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